Curriculum Vitae: Amrita Yashon
Curriculum Vitae: Amrita Yashon
Curriculum Vitae: Amrita Yashon
ADD. 886 , R BLOCK JJ Colony, raghubeer nagar rajouri garden
New Delhi in Code !!"""!
CON#$C# NO. % "8&'6(6'68', "'6"')*'!8&
E-mail:- ,
CAR$$R OBJ$C#+,$
#O obtain challenging and responsible position in an organization wherein I contribute to
the successful growth of an organization using my abilities and knowledge. !here is always
a better way of doing things is the common belief..
K$- A##R+B.#$/ 0
Confident,temperament health to take all the challenging assignment.
Courteous and industrious with untiring efforts of team management.
Integrity as an individual an smart time management skill are my forte.
1ORK+N2 $3$$R+$NC$0
Caruna Bal ,i4a5 6"ompassion International# $llahabad %ttar &radesh as C7+LD
D$,$LO8$N# A//OC+A#$ from '
(ecember. .)**+ !o ,*
-ctober )*''.
Interaction with children.
.anage acti/ities for sponsorship.
0esponsible for proper allocation of work to the team members .
0esponsible for organizing awareness of campaign in school and industrial areas
1-rganized day, &opulation day, .edical health checkup, En/ironment campaigns and self
started a program for pre/ention of healthy society.#
"onduct the parents meeting.
"hildren 2ouse /isit, counseling and encourage the education and social acti/ities.
2andle the programs orientation and coordinate the acti/ities for successful implementation.
$nnual cultural program, and sports acti/ities with another &ro3ect, -nes in a year culture
camp program.
4pecial health and acti/ity program5s for girls.
4end the .onthly $cti/ity 0eport with finance e6pense report and with photograph.
&ro/ide the special English and computer classes .
Encourage the students for 7(& programs.1leadership de/elopment programs#.
%pdate information 1taken current picture, collect the new information about child and their
home also#.
(iploma in computer application. 1("$#
8!! 1one year diploma from ".& degree college $llahabad#
8- /#R$N2#7/0
4trong leadership skills with an ability to moti/ate teams in achie/ing targets and goals
!eam work.
.y hard work and sincerity towards my study and my work.
ACAD$8+C :.AL+9+CA#+ON0
2igh school passed with ++
(I9I4I-8 :0-. 1%.&.;-$0( )**)#
Intermediate passed with ++
(I9I4I-8 :0-. 1%.&.;-$0( )**<#
=raduation passed with ++
(I9I4I-8 :0-. 1>$8&%0 %8I9E04I!? )**@ )
&ost =raduation passed with +
(I9I4I-8 :0-. 1$77$2$;$( %8I9E04I!? )*')#
B.ed from1 >$8&%0 %8I9E04I!? )*'<#. 1Aaiting for result#.
$R/ONAL RO9+L$ 0
Na<e 0 A<ri;a -a5hon
9a;her=5 Na<e 0 La;e Jyo;i 5waroo>
Da;e o? Bir;h 0 "6@!A@!(8'
8ari;al 5;a;u5 0 /ingle
Language 4nown 0 7indi, $ngli5h
I hereby declare that all the above mention information is correct up to my knowledge and I
bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above mentioned particulars.
D A#$BB.. 6A<ri;a -a5honC