Shankar Thirumalaisamy Kavara: Career Objective
Shankar Thirumalaisamy Kavara: Career Objective
Shankar Thirumalaisamy Kavara: Career Objective
B/4, Pooja Park Society, New V.I.P Ring Road, Vadodara - 390019. !"#- $1%$%0%&'0. ()ai* id# - recr+it4jo,
Career Objective:
I want to work in an organization where I can show my talent, skills, hard work, and honesty with Contribute to overall success & growth of the organization. And also expect good learning opportunities.
Value Profile:
Can be a good team member, can take initiative, work under pressure and can do multi tasks. Can good representative. !I had managed and representative of whole class by class representative "C#$ % monitor for & years.'
!ucatio"al #ualificatio"$: %a&i"atio" (.(.C. *.(.C. 'oar! or U"iver$it( ).(.*.+.,. ).(.*.+.,. )67. "8arul Institute of +ngineering And technology$ Me!iu& +nglish +nglish Pa$$i") (ear -arch &../ -arch &..3 Cla$$
0istinction "/1.1&2$ (econd "4...52$ CPI : 6.69 CGPA : 9une&.:; 7.31 (0istinction $
Subject I"for&atio":*
*.(.C. < science (tream 0egree.< +lectronics And Communication
Co&+uter S,ill$:
C =anguage, >perating system ?@indows 5, @indows /,@indows A8, Bisual ,asic 1.., -( >ffice.
Able to do the assigned work in given time with perfection "Completed all proCect work in time successfully$. *aving good Duality for >rganizational skills *aving better presentation skills. 6echnical problem solving abilities and good convincing power. Ability to work independently as well as team.
*ave secured .AA /ra!e i" Project*I0 and .A' /ra!e i" Project 1II0 in /TU examination2 *ave secured .A' /ra!e i" lectro"ic$ 3or,$-o+0 in /TU examination.
%tra Curricular Activitie$: 8articipated in .I$e"$obot4 Le%0 workshop in association with Projectio"566, 8arul Institute of +ngineering & 6echnology.
8articipated in .I"ter Sc-ool 7ebate Co&+etitio"0 organized by school "9ai Ambe Bidyalaya$ held in EovemberF.4and (ecuring 6$t Place in (chool =evel. 8articipated in . le&e"tar( 7ra8i") /ra!e %a&i"atio"0 held in (eptemberF.; and (ecuring ' /ra!e in (tate =evel.
Trai"i"): &1 days of 6raining in G,harat (anchar Eigam =imited G",.(.E.=$, Badodara.
Aca!e&ic Project$:
Major Project: /0S! B1S(2 2I0I314 2ISP415 6I37 IN28S3RI14 1839!13I9N:. 7e$cri+tio": 6he 8ast many years , we are seeing the notices of the colleges , companies , offices is usually displayed on the normal board having of notices written on the same board. (o, we came to conclusion to design a notice board such that it can fulfill the reHuirements. And here we are providing a security code which authorized person only been used to display .6he proCect is being pursued at .ARIS AUTOMATION PVT2 LT720 ).I.0.C, -akarpura, Badodara. Mi"i Project: .CLAP S3ITCH CIRCUIT USIN/ 999 TIM R IC .2
2e;cri<tion# *ereFs a clap switch free from false triggering. 6o turn on%off any
appliances, you Cust have to clap twice. 6he circuit changes its output state only when you clap twice within the set time period.
=istening songs. 0riving. (ports. Internet surfing
: : : : : : Shankar Th rumala Sam! "a#ara Gu%ara$ Ind an 19$h No#em)er 1991 ++ !ears Male : S n*le
Personal Memoranda: Full Name S$a$e Na$ onal $! &a$e o' ( r$h A*e Se, Mar $al S$a$us
: 3M4 :
7eclaratio": I do here by declare that the above information furnished by me is true to the best of my knowledge and conviction.