Wireless Communications (CMME 400) Text Book: Wireless Communications Andreas Molisch

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Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 1 Sami Muhaidat

Week 1: Appl i c at i ons and r equi r ement s of

w i r el ess c ommuni c at i on syst ems
Wi r el ess Communi c at i ons (CMME 400)
Tex t Book :
Wi r el ess Communi c at i ons
Andr eas Mol i sc h
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 2 Sami Muhaidat
Cour se I nf or mat i on
Course Title:
Wireless Communications
Course Code :
CMME 400
Sami Muhaidat
Room No
Office Hours
Mondays and Wednesdays
8:00 9:30 AM
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Mid-Semester Examination : 30 %
Course work(Quizzes, projects, assignment, etc) : 30%
Final Examination :40 %
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 3 Sami Muhaidat
Lear ni ng Out c omes/ Goal s
To provide a sound understanding of the fundamentals of modern
wireless communicationsystems and the factors influencing the
design and performance of their systems and networks.
1.Understandtherequirementsof wirelessservices.
2.Understandthemainconceptsof cellular design.
3.Understandwirelesschannel modelingandevaluation.
4.Solvetypical dimensioningandsystemdesign problems.
5.Analyzeandevaluatetheperformanceof radiolink accessschemes.
6.Have a good knowledge of present standards with a special emphasis
7.Beawareof thefundamentalsof next generationwirelesssystems.
8.Demonstrate basic skills related to cellular planning and channel
assignment protocols.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 4 Sami Muhaidat
Tex t Book
Wireless Communications,
Second edition, Andreas F.
Molisch, Wiley, 2011
Wireless Communications
Principles and Practice, Second
edition, T. S. Rappaport, Prentice
Hall, 2002
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 5 Sami Muhaidat
Cont ent
History of Wireless
Cellular Mobile Basics
Basic Terminology
Evolution of Wireless Systems
Types of services
Requirement of Services
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 6 Sami Muhaidat
Hi st or y of Wi r el ess
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 7 Sami Muhaidat
Hi st or y of Wi r el ess (1)
Ancient Systems: Smoke Signals, Carrier Pigeon, etc.
Maxwell (theory) and Hertz (fundamental experiments confirming
Maxwells theory) founded wireless communications .
In 1898, Marconi made his first public demonstration of a wireless
communications system.
In 1948, Shannon showed that it is possible for error-free data
transmission under restrictions for the data rate and the Signal-to-
Noise Ratio (SNR).
In 1940s, citizens Band (CB) radios (communicating between cars
on the road) became popular:
It lacked an interface to the public telephone system
The range was limited to some 100 km, depending on the power of the
(mobile) transmitters
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 8 Sami Muhaidat
Hi st or y of Wi r el ess (2)
1946, the first mobile telephone system was
installed (St. Louis, USA) with an interface to
A total of six speech channels for the whole city
This motivated investigations of how the number of
users could be increased: the cellular principle,
where geographical area is divided into cells;
different cells might use the same frequencies.
To this day, this principle forms the basis for the
majority of wireless communications.
*Public Switched Telephone Network
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 9 Sami Muhaidat
Hi st or y of Wi r el ess (3)
Analog Cellular Systems: Radio transmission technology is analog:
Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) in Europe
Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) in USA
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Analog phones have a bad spectral efficiency
Due to the rapid growth of the cellular market, wireless service
providers had a high interest in making room for more
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) group
developed a digital cellular standard: Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM).
GSM deployment started in the early 1990s. It provided better
speech quality, and secure communications
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 10 Sami Muhaidat
Hi st or y of Wi r el ess (4)
The advances of wireless systems lead to the development of
standards (Devices have to be compatible to communicate with
each other).
A common standard was established in Europe.
In U.S.A., a variety of standards were implemented: when
frequencies for digital cellular communications were auctioned off in
the 1990s, wireless providers could choose the system standard
they prefer. For this reason, three different standards are being
used in the U.S.A.
In U.S.A., the networks based on different standards work in the
same geographical regions, allowing consumers to choose between
different technical standards.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 11 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c s of Cel l ul ar Mobi l e
Tel ephony
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 12 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c s of Cel l ul ar Mobi l e Tel ephony(1)
AT&T Bell Labs introduced cellular concept.
A radio cell is a geographical area served
by a single base station.
Each cell is allocated a group of k channels.
N cells form a cluster where all C=kN
channels are used.
M clusters (each of which includes N cells)
cover the entire geographic area,
Each channel is re-used M times.
Each channel is re-used once every N cells.
Channels can be re-used when there is
sufficient distance between the transmitters to
prevent interference. Requires careful
Cellular concept allows efficient use of scarce
frequency spectrum.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 13 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c s of Cel l ul ar Mobi l e Tel ephony(2)
Before Cellular Mobile Telephony After Cellular Mobile Telephony
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 14 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c s of Cel l ul ar Mobi l e Tel ephony(3)
A cellular system consists of mobile stations (MS), base
stations (BS) and a mobile switching center (MSC). MSC is
connected to wireline network
Public switched telephone
network (PSTN), Internet
The only wireless communication link in the above configuration is the
communication between the MS and BS, but it is also the weakest link of
the whole system. The communication system designer should make sure
that it is able to provide a reliable link over the wireless channel, which
introduces its own challenges compared to wireline communications
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 15 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c s of Cel l ul ar Mobi l e Tel ephony (4)
A number of channels are assigned as control channels for
communication between MS and BS to carry non-user data.
When a MS is turned on (not yet engaged in a call), it first
scans control channels to determine the BS with the strongest
signal and monitors that control channel until it drops below a
useable level.
When a phone call is placed to a MS, the MSC sends the
request to all BSs. The subscriber identification number is
broadcast as a paging message over all of the control
channels throughout the cellular system.
The MS receives the paging message sent by the BS it
monitors and responds by identifying itself over the control
The BS relays the acknowledgment sent by the MS and
informs the MSC of the handshake.
The BS assigns an unused voice channel within the cell for
that particular MS and instructs the MS change its frequency to
assigned voice channel.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 16 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c s of Cel l ul ar Mobi l e Tel ephony (5)
Once a call is in progress, the MSC adjusts the transmitted
power of the mobile if required in order to maintain the call
If the MS moves from one cell to another, a handoff (handover)
process (i.e. switching to another BS) enables the call to
proceed uninterrupted.
When a mobile originates a call, a call initiation request is sent
on the control channel to the BS.
The BS receives the request and sends it to the MSC.
The MSC validates the request and makes the connection to
the called party through the PSTN. At the same time, it
instructs the BS and MS to move to an unused voice channel
to allow the conversation to begin.
Roaming allows subscribers to operate in service areas other
than the one from which service is subscribed.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 17 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c s of Cel l ul ar Mobi l e Tel ephony (6)
Timing diagram illustrating how a call to a mobile user
initiated by a landline subscriber is established.
Forward control channel
Reverse Voice channel
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 18 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c s of Cel l ul ar Mobi l e Tel ephony (7)
Timing diagram illustrating how a call from a mobile user is established
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 19 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c Ter mi nol ogy
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 20 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c Ter mi nol ogy (1)
Downlink (Forward) channel: Base station to Mobile
Uplink (Reverse) channel: Mobile station to Base
Simplex (SX) transmission: One way communication
from one point to another, e.g. radio/TV
broadcasting stations, paging systems.
Half-duplex (HDX) transmission: Information can
flow in both directions, but the flow is only one-way
at any given time, e.g. dispatch radio systems
(push-to-talk), walkie-talkie.
Full-duplex (FDX) transmission: Simultaneous
communication in both directions, e.g. phone.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 21 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c Ter mi nol ogy (2)
There are two ways to implement FDX transmission:
Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) uses two
simultaneous, but separate channels.
At the base station, separate transmit and receive
antennas are used to accommodate two separate
At the mobile station, a single antenna (through the use
of a duplexer) is used for both transmission to and
reception from the base station.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 22 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c Ter mi nol ogy (3)
Time Division Duplex (TDD)
TDD is only possible with digital transmission
If the data transmission rate in the channel is much
higher than the end users data rate, it is possible to
store information bursts and provide the
appearance of full duplex operation to a user,
although there are not two simultaneous radio
transmissions at any instant.
Guard times must be used to prevent the effect of
propagation delays.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 23 Sami Muhaidat
Basi c Ter mi nol ogy (5)
Multiple Access Methods: Enable many mobile users
to share simultaneously radio spectrum
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA): Each
user is allocated a portion of the system bandwidth
to be used at all times.
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA): Each user is
allowed to use the entire system bandwidth for a
portion of the time.
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA): Each user is
allowed to use the entire system bandwidth all of
the time. Each users signal is distinguished from
others through the use of unique signature codes.
More details to come
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 24 Sami Muhaidat
Evol ut i on of Wi r el ess
Syst ems
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 25 Sami Muhaidat
Evol ut i on of Wi r el ess Syst ems
1980s - First generation (1G): Analog
modulation (FM), FDD/FDMA
1990s - Second generation (2G): Digital
modulation, FDD/TDMA or CDMA
For voice communication
You can
carry it
you go!
For voice and low-rate
data communication
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 26 Sami Muhaidat
Sec ond Gener at i on (2G) Cel l ul ar Syst ems
IS-95/cdmaOne GSM, DCS-1900 IS-54, IS-136, PDC
UL frequencies
824-849 MHz (US)
1850-1910 MHz (US)
890-915 MHz (EU)
1850-1910 MHz (US)
800 MHz, 1500
MHz (J apan)
1850-1910 MHz
DL frequencies
869-894 MHz (US)
1930-1990 MHz (US)
935-960 MHz (EU)
1930-1990 MHz (US)
869-894 MHz (US)
800, 1500 MHz
(J apan)
Multiple access tech.
BPSK with Quad. GMSK with BT=0.3 DQPSK
Carrier bandwidth
1.25 MHz 200 KHz 30 KHz
Data rate
1.2288 MChips/s 270.833 kbps 48.6 kbps
Channels / carrier
64 8 3
Speech Coding
13kbps and 8 kbps 13 kbps 7.95 kbps
PDC: Pacific Digital Cellular (J apan) IS-95: Interim Standard 95 (USA) DCS: Digital Cellular System
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 27 Sami Muhaidat
Evol ut i on t o 2.5G
2G systems were originally designed for voice
communication and low-rate data communication.
They use circuit-switched data modems that limit
users to data rate of a single voice channel (~10
In an effort to upgrade 2G standards to make it
compatible for the increased data rates to support
Internet applications and multimedia services, 2.5G
standards were introduced.
2.5G allows existing 2G equipment to be used with
some hardware/ software add-ons at the base
station and software upgrades on the mobile
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 28 Sami Muhaidat
Evol ut i on t o 2.5G (2)
Three different upgrade paths developed for GSM
and two of these supports IS-136
High speed circuit switched data (HSCSD)
General packet radio service (GPRS)
Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
GPRS and EDGE supports IS-136
IS-95B is upgrade for IS-95
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 29 Sami Muhaidat
Wi r el ess Net w or k s Upgr ade Pat hs
IS-136 &
* Time Division Synchronous
Code Division Multiple Access
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 30 Sami Muhaidat
The Thi r d Gener at i on (3G) Syst ems
Two standards were established:
Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)
(supported by Europe, J apan, and some
American companies)
3GPP2 (supported by another faction of
American companies).
The new standards required a new spectrum allocation.
The introduction of 3GPP, and the earlier introduction of
the IS-95 CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) system
in the U.S.A., attracted research interests/activities in
CDMA and other spread spectrum techniques
By 2007, data transmission speed (5 Mbit/s) was
possible. This development has, in turn, spurred the
proliferation of devices that allow Internet browsing and
multimedia (streaming audio and video), e.g., iPhone
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 31 Sami Muhaidat
The Four t h Gener at i on (4G)
It is a successor of 3G.
Two 4G candidate systems have been commercially
Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX)
Advanced Long term evolution (A-LTE)
It offers both cellular and broadband multimedia
services everywhere
Theoretically, 4G is set to deliver 100Mbps to mobile
users, and up to 1Gbps to stationary users.
It facilitated high quality video conferencing,
streaming video and audio.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 32 Sami Muhaidat
Evol ut i on of Cel l ul ar Syst ems (Gener al Pi c t ur e)
IMT-2000: International Mobile Telecommunication
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 33 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 34 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es
Broadcast: Radio/TV
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 35 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es (2)
paging system are unidirectional wireless
communication system.
The amount of transmitted information is very small
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 36 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es (3)
Cellular Telephony
ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 37 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es (4)
Cordless Phones (CPs)
A CP describes a wireless connection between a handset and a
BS that is directly connected to the public telephone system.
CP is directly connected only to a single BS, so there is no need
for a mobile switching center as in cellular systems
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 38 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es (5)
CP have evolved into wireless Private Automatic Branch
eXchanges (PABXs)
A PABX has a single BS that can serve several handsets
simultaneously either connecting them to the PSTN or
establishing a connection between them (for calls within
the same company or house).
In Europe, the Digital Enhanced Cordless
Telecommunications (DECT) system is the dominant
Personal Handy-phone System (PHS) is used in Japan
Both systems operate in the 1,800-MHz band, using a
spectrum specifically dedicated to cordless applications
In the U.S.A., digital cordless phones mainly operate in
the 2.45-GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 39 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es (6)
Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)
WLAN connects a single mobile (a laptop computer) user
device to a public landline system (Internet).
A major difference between wireless LANs and cordless
phones is the required data rate.
Speed of WLANs is between 700 kbit/s (the speed of
DSLs in the U.S.A.) and 35 Mbit/s (speed of cable
providers in the U.S.A. and Europe) to 20 Mbit/s (speed
of DSLs in Japan).
64 kbit/s for CPs
In order to satisfy the need for these high data rates,
number of standards have been developed based on
IEEE 802.11.
The 802.11b standard (also known WiFi) allows up to 11
Mbit/s and the 802.11a standard extends that to 55 Mbit/s
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 40 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es (7)
Personal Area Networks
Personal Area Networks (PANs) are used for smaller
coverage areas, e.g., Bluetooth.
Recently, a number of standards for PANs have
been developed by the IEEE 802.15 group. For
applications such as entertainment systems, data
rates in excess of 100 Mbit/s are used.
Networks for smaller distances are called Body Area
Networks (BANs).
BANs play an important role in health systems.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 41 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es (8)
Fixed wireless Systems
Fixed wireless access systems can also be considered as a
derivative of cordless phones or WLANs.
Differences from cordless systems:
No mobility of the user devices
The BS serves multiple users.
The distances bridged by fixed wireless access devices are much larger (between
100m and several tens of kilometers) than those bridged by cordless telephones.
The purpose of fixed wireless access is to provide users
with telephone and data connections without the need for
copper cables from a central switching office to the user
The IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) standard allows for some limited
mobility in the system.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 42 Sami Muhaidat
Types of Ser vi c es (9)
Satellite systems
Satellite cellular communications mostly have the same
operating principles as land-based cellular
The distance between the BS (i.e., the satellite) and the MS is much larger:
36,000 kmfor geostationary and several hundred kilometers for LowEarth Orbit
(LEO) satellites.
Transmit powers are much larger, high-gain antennas are required on the
satellite and on the MS.
Communications from within buildings is almost impossible.
Large cell size.
The INMARSAT system is the leading provider for such
In the late 1990s, the IRIDIUM project attempted to
provide lower priced satellite communications services
using 60 LEO satellites, but ended in bankruptcy.
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 43 Sami Muhaidat
Requi r ement s f or t he
Ser vi c es
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 44 Sami Muhaidat
Requi r ement s f or t he Ser vi c es
Data Rate
Data rates for wireless services depends on
the application
Sensor networks: nodes needs <1kbit/s but central nodes need up
to 10 Mbit/s
Speech communications: 5-64 kbit/s, depending on speech coder
Elementary data services: 10-100 kbit/s
Communications between computer peripherals: 1 Mbit/s
Wireless LANs: broadband internet speeds, 1-100 Mbit/s
Personal Area Networks: >100 Mbit/s
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 45 Sami Muhaidat
Requi r ement s f or t he Ser vi c es(2)
Tradeoff range vs. data rate
Figure below demonstrates that higher data rates are easier to
achieve if the required range is smaller. One exception is fixed
wireless access, which demands a high data rate at rather large
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 46 Sami Muhaidat
Requi r ement s f or t he Ser vi c es(3)
Fig. shows the relationship between mobility and
data rate
Wireless Communications, Fall 2014 47 Sami Muhaidat
Spec t r um Usage
Spectrum dedicated to service and operator: in this case,
a certain part of the electromagnetic spectrum is
assigned, on an exclusive basis, to a service provider.
Spectrum allowing multiple operators:
Spectrum dedicated to a service: in this case, the
spectrum can be used only for a certain service (e.g.,
cordless telephones in Europe and J apan), but is not
assigned to a specific operator. Rather, users can set
up qualified equipment without a license.
Free spectrum: is assigned for different services as
well as for different operators. The ISM (The industrial,
scientific and medical) band at 2.45 GHz is the best
known example it is allowed to operate microwave
ovens, WiFi LANs, and Bluetooth wireless links,
among others, in this band.
What is the condition in using this shared spectrum?

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