Translation Training Package - 2
Translation Training Package - 2
Translation Training Package - 2
Department of English
English as a Second Language
Translation Material
(Lessons and Practice)
First ear
Lesson #
Translating Multiple &ord Structures
'( Ad)ecti*e + ,oun
''( ,oun + ,oun
&hat is the part of speech of the each of the follo-ing -ords
Yellow Fat
Man Stairs
Take kitchen
Try to translate the follo-ing structure
Happy family Party members
Common market United Nations
Multiple -ord structures are epression incl!din" more than one word#
Blue sky Red Car
Blackboard star wars
Computer user English tea
Race horse family car
Fresh tasty pasta dish washer
$n all these eamples% there is a head# The H&'( is what we are speakin" abo!t#
In "red car", we are speaking about "car" not "red". e are speaking
about a car that is red.
In "computer user", we are speaking about the "user" not the "computer".
e are speaking about a user of a computer.
The H&'( !s!ally comes in the last position in the str!ct!re and on o!r ri"ht hand
In "family car", "car" comes in the last position and on our right hand
*hate+er comes before the H&'( modifies,describes it#
In "red car", "red" is an ad"ecti#e that describes "car".
In "family car", "family" is a noun that describes who uses the "car".
0o- to translate multiple -ord structures into Ara1ic2
$n translatin" m!ltiple word str!ct!res% we start from the head# The steps are as
./ $dentify the head#
)/ Understand the meanin" of the whole str!ct!re in &n"lish
0/ Translate what yo! !nderstand
$ranslate "race horse"
%. "horse" is the head.
&. the meaning' a horse that runs races.
$ranslate "horse race"
%. "race" is the head.
&. the meaning' a race in which horses run.
E.ercise #/
3nderline the head in the follo-ing structures/
*ashin" machine facebook &n"lish teacher
&mail address rainy day website
E.ercise !/
Translate the follo-ing structures into Ara1ic applying the steps identified
.# 1aser printer#
)# internet !ser
0# car race
2# aircraft carrier
3# distant learnin"
4# wealthy people
5# home/"rown food
6# a"ric!lt!ral co!ntry
7# Christmas dinner
.8# winter mornin"
..# rectan"!lar table
.)# health warnin"
.0# detecti+e stories
.2# $ndian resta!rant
0o- to use multiple -ord structure in translation into English2
M!ltiple word str!ct!res are !sef!l in &n"lish beca!se they epress bi" ideas !sin"
+ery few words# This is !sef!l in 'rabic/&n"lish translation# *hen translatin" from
'rabic into &n"lish% re+ise yo! str!ct!re and try !sin" the shorter m!ltiple word
)ttempt %' pro"ect for water.
)ttempt &' water pro"ect.
E.ercise 4/
Translate the follo-ing e.pressions into English in the shortest form possi1le/
. # 9:;< =>?@
) # AB@ =C;D
0 # 9>@EF GHEI
4 # WEXYZ[ \?]@
5 # ^E:BHL TLY;_`
6 # WLaZHL baC`
7 # \;@acd \efg@
.8 # Mh]VBHL TEijaHL
.. # Mh]VBHL =@SL
.) # \;XY>HL klhHL
.0 # =HE>HL mn[
.2 # ohp MY[ MLNER@
.3 # \;CdEf \:ih@
Lesson !
Translating Ad*er1s
3nderline the ad*er1 in the follo-ing sentences then try to translate the sentence
.# He sadly read the newspaper#
)# The Palestinians are ri"htly demandin" their ri"hts#
0# They immediately ran towards the b!s#
2# Her dri+in" skills ha+e impro+ed si"nificantly
.# 'd+erbs modify +erbs# They tell yo! How somethin" is done# E.ample/ How
does he she sing? - She sings beautifully.
)# 'd+erbs can also modify an adqecti+e# $n this case% the ad+erb is placed before the
adqecti+e# E.ample/ She is extremely happy. They are absolutely sure.
0# 'd+erbs can modify ad+erbs another ad+erb# E.ample/ She moved quite slowly
down the aisle.
2# 'd+erbs of frer!ency salways% ne+er% sometimes% often% etc#t !s!ally come before
the main +erb E.ample/ He is often late for class. Do you always eat in a
restaurant? They dont usually travel on !ridays.
3# 'd+erbs are often formed by addin" /ly to an adqecti+e E.ample/ 1eautiful -
1eautifully5 careful - carefully
ue Caref!lv
Some adqecti+es donwt chan"e in the ad+erb form# The most important of these
are- fast / fast% hard / hard
xood is probably the most important eception# The ad+erb form of w"oodw is
wwellw# Unfort!nately% this is a common mistake that many 'mericans makev
Some words end in yly b!t are not ad+erbs seample- zfriendly{t
Complete the followin" table with the ri"ht ad+erb-
Ad)ecti*e Ad*er1
0o- do -e translate ad*er1s from English into Ara1ic2
There are m!ltiple ways as in the followin" eamples-
The "o+ernment is mo+in" slowly towards stability#
sNlYU@l NEFt NLY|VfjL a]P W}RX \@ac]HL ~Y]V`
Participation in political life is becomin" increasin"ly important
sA>Dt \;fE;eHL ME;]HL 9D \[NEKBHL \;B hiLV`
He intensely lo+ed his new nei"hbor#
#sC?@ ka>@t L
hih E
]Ll E
#\;BiE[SL hE>BHL l TE;CcHL @ h CBl #9HE>HL =;C>VHL C
MNa h>X )0 a;Hai .73) @ \;iNE` NlF EZH \iYBHL TE>@EUHL WEBf Qac` Q YVpL
9D Lc #RHL ). YiLYRD .732 JP 9D Y;_` H h>Xl JCXa;C HL \>@EUHL =fL Y;_`
#-iNEVHL 9D \>@EF
Passage !
3nderline multiple -ord structures in the follo-ing te.t and then
attempt to translate it/
iPhone 7 release date5 ne-s and features
'pple has officially anno!nced the iPhone 4 / the ei"hth "eneration of
iPhone# The competition has ne+er been to!"her for a new iPhone% with
0T8 % Samsung % L9 and Sony de+ices s!rpassin" the iPhone %S in
terms of sie% power and performance# The iPhone 4 and iPhone 4 Pl!s
are 1oth out no- and a+ailable both online and in store directly from
'pple and other maqor retailers#
The iPhone 4 desi"n is one of the maqor re+isions for the new iPhone
fla"ship# 'pple has renewed the sr!ared off desi"n which has been
familiar since the iPhone $% with the iPhone 4 displayin" a more ro!nded%
slimmer body# $n fact% it is q!st 4#7 mm thin% makin" it one of the
slimmest smartphones on the market howe+er% it is sli"htly hea+ier than
the 3S#
Passage 3
"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" is a book written
by 'merican a!thor% and relationship co!nselor% ohn xray# The book has
sold more than 5 million copies and accordin" to CNN it was the hi"hest
ranked work of nonfiction of the .778% and spent .). weeks on the
bestseller list# The book asserts that most of common relationship
problems between men and women are a res!lt of f!ndamental
differences between the "enders% which the a!thor eemplifies by means
of the bookws famo!s metaphor- that men and women are from distinct
planets y men from Mars and women from en!s y and that each "ender
belon"s to its own planetws society and c!stoms% b!t not those of the other#
" ! ""# $ %& '() $ *+
,- ./ .0+ 1+ 2+# ,34- 5 6(7
1 8 9.9.6 &: )! ;2< 1= > ! 5" < ?=@ .
*1A B C ;,&- 6D "63 EF 2)G3 6D @1
6D 2-G ,4) 2> ?=@ H!I( .- J!7
K$&L $M 2("1L ,D4NO ?9 P+ ) + $M 234-
!1! $ + Q 6D RI) QST1( 6 6"
C "# $ %& '() $ *+D UNV !1! $ )
.NW X&L P)L) X YH/ !1! P)L) X&+ ! 6)&(
Passage $
Translate the follo-ing te.t into English using multiple -ord
structures -hene*er possi1le
!"# $%&
'(!) *+" , - ./ 01#+ 2 -%&34
(!5 67# * 8/ 9: ;< !/ => 8?@ 8:A BCD 6/
(&E ! ;F GH 5 =<4 I8#+" 2A (G (J? K 5
'5(!) *+" - ./ (!
(8 (@& (L )+)M + I8 &E &N O& #&7+ PQF HRH
"J+H 2 + I8 F S %&3T @ I&E" " BU+3C
'*+" ,@ 8"L+@
Passage %
Addressing the uni*ersities
President 'bdel/Fattah 'l/Sisi hi"hli"hted the role of the yo!th in
b!ildin" the f!t!re at Cairo Uni+ersity this week#
President 'bdel/Fattah 'l/Sisi hono!red )5 of the co!ntry{s o!tstandin"
!ni+ersity "rad!ates in a ceremony cond!cted at Cairo Uni+ersity on )6
September# The st!dents incl!ded "rad!ates of )8 state !ni+ersities% and
Prime Minister $brahim Mehleb% Minister of Yo!th haled 'bdel/'i%
Minister of Hi"her &d!cation 'hmed 'bdel/haler% and President of
Cairo Uni+ersity xaber Nassar attended the ceremony% to"ether with an
a!dience of !ni+ersity st!dents#
$n his speech% the president stressed the role of yo!n" people in b!ildin"
the co!ntry{s f!t!re# He also paid trib!te to the late president xamal
'bdel/Nasser on the anni+ersary of his death and said that the ceremony
wo!ld now be cond!cted on an ann!al basis# He added that &"ypt{s
!ni+ersities co!ld n!rt!re the co!ntry{s renaissance and ad+ancement#
'l/Sisi emphasied the co!ntry{s interest in implementin" meas!res to
allow the !ni+ersities to f!lfill their role in disseminatin" the messa"e of
science and enli"htenment as well as raisin" the le+el of awareness and
acti+e participation of &"yptian !ni+ersity st!dents in all walks of life# He
pointed to the importance of impro+in" the academic life of st!dents and
increasin" their participation in enhancin" the academic performance of
their !ni+ersities to brin" them into line with international standards#
Passage 7
(r# Stephen # Co+ey is an internationally respected leader% teacher%
a!thor% and co/fo!nder and +ice chairman of Franklin Co+ey Co# He is
the a!thor of The 5 Habits of Hi"hly &ffecti+e People% which Chief
&ec!ti+e ma"aine has called the most infl!ential b!siness book of the
last .88 years# The book has sold nearly )8 million copies% and after )8
years% still holds a place on most best/seller lists# (r# Co+ey earned an
Mu' from Har+ard and a doctorate from uYU% where he was a professor
of or"aniational beha+ior#
P EB[ E;Hl iNh|BHL ;HgBHLl ;BC>BHLl ME|HL YX @ 9Da[ #N ;Vf NaV[ h>i
al #MNLL JCU@ J;N GEP G:@ EZX A_Ki 9VHLl 9Da[ ;CcPLYD \[Y 9D =Ee@ YD
J;YHLt \CU@ V<l HL EVcHL al \;HE>D Y[SL mE:CH ReHL TLE>HL EV[ Hg@ Ei
EVcHL |d hpl #\;EBHL oE \BHL NLh@ C kEBSL kEU@ 9D LY;n` Y[SL EVcHEX s;:VHL
@ Y|` TE>;R@ )8 9@ @ =YHL Cl \eP Qa;C@ )8 EOV]@ kL E@ P j ;C E@E
MNL 9D Y;VeFEBHL \FN C Ad hp 9Da[ NaV[ QE[ #E>;R@ Y[SL GVcHL \BEp 9D PEcBX
#9B;O:VHL ~aCeCH
Passage :
Translate the follo-ing te.ts into English ma6ing sure that the
underlined -ords are translated using ad*er1s/
h|D \;PEIYeHL Y;l \:@BHL \YHL LY@ H g ` 9VHL ERfSL = hd a ;hVHL
;h` h>X nK:` hp \:@BHL \YHL LY@ Q TEfLNhHL VR 3 / .8 l oE MhBH oa;HL 9D YEUf
hih E
@EBVL Na?V` =
C G>i \@h|VBHL TjE]HL 9Dl MNYcVBHL \iNhHL Tj:HLl J:HL ; H \C>eHL
#heF hZF nX oE;|HL iYBHL
Y;K` ;d hBHL A@E>HL hH \;FEVPL >l AB>HL TEXE< HL ;hVHL gi
A;]VHL aVe@ YnVi H[ ;:hBHL Y;_X \PNE|@ ;:hBHL h: ;[YVHL > HL TEfLNhHL
RCf ohCH 9EB;cHL QLaVHL hei QaXYcHL h;e[L klL Q Hl ;:hBHL ;|LYBHL h:
-BHL Ei C Yg;D #
Passage ;
(3! W )H&M X8#+ Q YZEA (8G ; (?M +[ &\
(!T 2)H8/ K #+ QF &7+1 C S(@L4 I7@ 2) 1 +H &G &"
]& ]&R@ (@>T &^RH K4 !_ "<4 S`# '&"Fa
,@ 2) K 6*A I8/ HRH &E_" 2F 4 (38 &b ([ F?
([ 8Z+3 c+ F S([ , B?"@ K" F I81 dH (#
B?e 6L 2)81H f8 81< G '0" S&G+ Sg!A S2?+
("M W< b4 &1 3 H K4 $"^ &" 6*A 6R< Se([ ,
'eK? b &N GH 8/ )< 2N& K S
#< (U*^ (##>
`?7 8/ 'eB<A K c+ "e hF
&\ (38 =+8Z+3 Q 6\"
K " C c+ 4 1 < 81 i
#< (##> ("L 4 1 6*A K
X8#+ Q 6*A <8M 'B<A +[@ 'e6L" QF -J
Passage < /
S!mo is a competiti+e wrestlin" sport where a wrestler attempts to
force another wrestler o!t of a circ!lar rin" or to to!ch the "ro!nd with
anythin" other than the soles of the feet# The sport ori"inated in apan%
the only co!ntry where it is practiced professionally# Many ancient
traditions ha+e been preser+ed in s!mo% and e+en today the sport incl!des
many rit!al elements% s!ch as the !se of salt p!rification% from the days
when s!mo was !sed in the Shinto reli"ion# 1ife as a ri"ishi swrestlert is
hi"hly re"imented% with r!les laid down by the S!mo 'ssociation# Most
s!mo wrestlers are rer!ired to li+e in comm!nal s!mo trainin" stables
known in apanese as heya where all aspects of their daily li+esfrom
meals to their manner of dressare dictated by strict tradition#
QD *S( 6 2D& 2/ ,T( $ 6" 11 2T(5
Z57 X)=( =-L( 2(GH 2/=S [5N NW 5) PD\ 5)
2H 6" MM 2T( ]= ,^< .H3 $AM H@ %6_ 0^M
`a H3 .6D M 11 - QD b( 6 H1
H(H- 2-= $)c C d1 ? 2)(H/ ,\- $ H(H-M 11
`31 ?9 ]e P+( f=)M Qg \@ J 2(H=/ h1/g $
5 $@ .1& 2<(\ $ %#+ 11 D `<! 6
K11 \S H@13 Q)S 2(i= 2)a& 6QD j6(k 11
(5H ,/k RG1A 6D l- 11 6@5 ba- $ =gD
bM 2<M 6D m- j11 6@5 <1+ ! Pc C
.25: H/ bQ 2/(A ? bQ-A $ %HM 21 bQ
Passage #"
'ndia A1sent as 'ran5 Pa6istan =esume 9as Tal6s
$ran and Pakistan on Monday started a new ro!nd of talks o+er
finaliin" a "as pipeline proqect with $ndia% b!t in the absence of $ndian
officials .
fficials said $ndiaws absence was linked to its lack of a"reement on
pricin" terms with Pakistan for the so/called Peace Pipeline% which
aims to !sher in a new era of cooperation between the three co!ntries .
$ranian and Pakistani eperts are "oin" to finalie the terms of the
a"reement which will then be si"ned by the presidents of the two
co!ntries .
Passage ##
oE lE?Z?
;B[ MYEOHL hih]VX oEp @ .674 PnX NEVEX NLY]HL mERVdjL iY>` cBil #
EZ;D gi 9VHL MYEOHL EV@L NLh<l WLYB]HL ]` \>SL NSL ?f ;e` H