The document summarizes initiatives by the Victorian Government to improve language education in primary schools. It discusses how beginning in Prep, students will learn a language in addition to English until at least Year 10. To support this, Prep students will receive a passport booklet to record their language learning milestones and achievements. The passport is intended to engage students and boost cultural understanding. Launching Place Primary School is one of many schools offering language programs, with Italian being the most common language taught.
The document summarizes initiatives by the Victorian Government to improve language education in primary schools. It discusses how beginning in Prep, students will learn a language in addition to English until at least Year 10. To support this, Prep students will receive a passport booklet to record their language learning milestones and achievements. The passport is intended to engage students and boost cultural understanding. Launching Place Primary School is one of many schools offering language programs, with Italian being the most common language taught.
The document summarizes initiatives by the Victorian Government to improve language education in primary schools. It discusses how beginning in Prep, students will learn a language in addition to English until at least Year 10. To support this, Prep students will receive a passport booklet to record their language learning milestones and achievements. The passport is intended to engage students and boost cultural understanding. Launching Place Primary School is one of many schools offering language programs, with Italian being the most common language taught.
The document summarizes initiatives by the Victorian Government to improve language education in primary schools. It discusses how beginning in Prep, students will learn a language in addition to English until at least Year 10. To support this, Prep students will receive a passport booklet to record their language learning milestones and achievements. The passport is intended to engage students and boost cultural understanding. Launching Place Primary School is one of many schools offering language programs, with Italian being the most common language taught.
year will learn a language in addition to English until at least Year 10 as part of the implementation of The Victorian Governments Vision for Languages Education. To support their languages journey to get off to a flying start, Preps will receive a special passport-style achievement booklet from the Department for the language they will learn at school. The My Passport to activities and progress through their first years of school. Students will be encouraged to take their passports home and share their achievements with their parents. Launching Place Primary is one of the many government primary schools offering languages in 2014. Italian remains the most taught language in government primary schools, followed by Japanese, Indonesian, Chinese and French. My Passport to Languages Thursday Thoughts L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l Issue 35 Newsletter Date 30th October 2014 Important Dates: October 31st Pyjama Day Gold Coin donation November 4th Melbourne Cup Day (Student Free Day) 6th Launch Cup Day 7th Grades Prep-2 Junior Sports 11th School Council 7pm 13th Prep Transition 2.30pm-3.15pm 17th-21st Grade 5/6 Camp 25th-28th Life Ed Van 26th Prep Information Night 7.00pm-8.30pm 29th State Election Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783 Languages initiative was launched this week. Passports will be used by students and teachers to record students language learning milestones from Prep to Grade 3. The passports have been designed to engage young children in languages learning and boost their cultural understanding with activities on a range of age-appropriate themes including places, food, emotions, family and friends. Teachers use the passports as a transition tool, stamping the pages as children complete Keeping children safe is at the centre of all that we do. One great strategy you can do with your child/ren is to identify their Safety Network I CAN GET HELP List your Safety Network, one on each finger Colour In and cut out your hand. Take it home and show the adults on your list Talk to one or more of your safety helpers on your network, if things dont feel right. Keep trying until you get the help you need. the home 5 People from outside the family Suggestions: Nana, Mum, Dad, Aunty, Teacher, Principal, Friend of Mum or Dad, Police, Sports Coach, School Chaplain Safety Rules: 1 Person must be an adult 2 Include both males and females 3 Some who lives at home 4 People from outside Page 2 Thursday Thoughts Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email ABN 96 199 518 803 How to help your children successfully face challenges Q&A with Building Resilience creator Associate Professor Helen Cahill, Deputy Director Youth Research Centre, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne Why is it important to be resilient? Its important to be resilient so that you can build a capacity to cope and to persist when faced with challenge. Persistence is the key to learning. If children dont understand something and quickly give up, they will learn less effectively, so persistence and resilience are key. What can parents do at home to help children be resilient? The number one thing is to be a role model, and then to share with their children the techniques they use to help them face a challenge. Parents can talk to their children about techniques they use to cheer themselves up or to calm down. For example, it can be something as simple as helping a child to make a plan when they are feeling overwhelmed. Or it can be talking with them about counting to 10 when they are angry with their siblings. What does a resilient student look like in primary school? A student who is able to identify when they can successfully problem- solve and when they can successfully identify the need to seek help. A child in the playground may be disagreeing with a friend about what to play together and they problem-solve by deciding to take turns playing different games. Help-seeking is about asking a teacher, parent or an older child to assist them when they are unsure. If I'm a parent and I don't think my child copes very well with challenges and change, what should I do? You can provide positive experiences for your child, something as easy as involving them in conversations between you and your friends and Childrens Challenges neighbours, or encouraging them to participate in group activities such as sport to build connectedness with society. Its important to remind children of times they succeeded at something. For example, a time they used courage or were patient. This encourages a child to build on prior, similar successes. What is the school's role in building resilience among children? The school has a number of key roles to play, and the first is about providing a positive environment where students feel safe. Then there is the more explicit curriculum, where teachers teach problem- solving, communication, help- seeking skills and emotional literacy. Then there is the teachers role in modelling resilience and problem solving skills themselves. What is the best advice anyone ever gave you about being resilient? Rather than being explicitly stated, it was more role modelled. In my family, it was very much have a go of it. That was a very strong family message. Learn more https://education.edugate- department/Pages/ resilienceframework.aspx Page 3 Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early Childhood Development endorsement. Pet Educators Needed Student Awards looking at multiplication and division. We revised all problem solving strategies. We enjoyed the experiments on heating up different items and seeing how they changed. We all had fun at orienteering on Friday. Grade 5/6: We have had a very positive week learning all about integers. We have been writing some wonderful things for our class magazines. Fantastic effort at orienteering! Principal: In exciting week Roxy and Madison from School Aerobics made Tuesday a special day for the aerobics kids, running workshops Miss Nyman and Mrs Kemp listened in and picked up some great coaching and fitness tips. The Grade 3-6 students enjoyed the orienteering day on Friday. We had some very excited but tired students return to school.
School Captains Report Prep: Preps have been focusing on becoming independent readers, they are doing excellent partner reading. They have been visualising the story and drawing what they see. They wrote lovely recounts about their excursion to Casey Safety Village. In Maths preps have been working on making doubles and measurement. Grade 1/2: In 1/2 this week we have looked at cross-checking and using word parts to determine to meaning. In Writing we used food to create characters and put them in a setting. We will be looking at speech with these next week. In Maths weve started division and perimeter. In I.S. we made clouds using cotton wool. Grade 3/4: In Caf we enjoyed looking for interesting words in the Hakuyna Matata clip. We introduced the word doctor into our writers notebook authors circle. In Maths groups we started Grade Prep F/A Braydan S Maddison D
Grade Prep K Zac G Jayla D
Grade 1/2 B Ella T
Grade 3/4 F Bailee L Luke C
Grade 3/4 M Trak B Ashley K
Grade 3/4 N Bridie S
Grade 5/6 G Teagan H Hana H
Grade 5/6 L Will R Mason B
Grade 5/6 R Tadhg McL Amy F
Do you enjoy talking to children? Do you own a happy, healthy, well socialised dog aged between 1-8 years? Are you committed to responsible pet ownership? The Responsible Pet Ownership Program requires pet educators throughout Victoria to ensure that the program can reach kindergartens and schools across the state. Educators are trained and remunerated for their work in developing the Program's key safety messages. The Department of Primary Industries has vacancies in the Western Metropolitan Suburbs of Melbourne and Regional Victoria for people like you. These positions are casual and you need to be available at least two days per week during the school term. Uniform and training is provided. If you would like to enquire about becoming a pet educator contact the Responsible Pet Ownership on 9217 4321 or
Regards, Narelle Messerle Ryan I Aussie of the Month for October Liam I(Junior) Page 4 Thursday Thoughts Canteen If you send your child/rens lunch order on an envelope, please include 10 in the order for the cost of a paper bag. Roster November 6th Kylie K, Sue C, Janine K 13th Jodie D, Jaimie C, Paul T 20th Maryann E, Peta R, Fiona T 27th Paul T, Jodie D, Gill S
December 4th Jo R, Kelly W, Barb F 11th Janine K, Maryann E,
Public Notices Services Kristys Cleaning for all your domestic cleaning needs for a cleaner home, experienced with an eye for detail. Please call Kristy on 0417 597 356 YARRA JUNCTION JUNIOR CRICKET CLUB
Our club would like to invite your child/children to attend our Milo In2 Cricket program. Registration Days are as follows.
Venue: The Yarra Junction Cricket Ground Time: 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm Friday 31 ST October 2014 Cost: $ 65.00 Milo In 2 cricket program starts Friday 7th November 2014 4.00pm to 5.00pm for 10 weeks where you can also sign up. Aussie of the Month is a citizenship award where children are nominated and voted for by the staff. It is designed to recognize students who consistently display a positive attitude to their work and who relate to staff, fellow students and the wider community in a respectful, caring and co-operative way. Visual Art News Page 5 Its great to be back in our bright fresh Art room after the renovations! Lorraine and I sincerely thank Hayley T, Zali B, Zoe K, Mitchel H, Mason H & Daylan H for their dedicated effort, their muscle power & their willingness to work hard for their school even through rain, to move all the furniture and supplies from the POD back to the Art & Music rooms. We were all exhausted by the end of the day, but we couldnt have done it without them! Some of the wonderful hand art our artistic grade 5/6 children created in Visual Art this week. Well done everyone, the quality of your art is inspiring. Heather Taylor (Visual Art teacher) Page 6 Thursday Thoughts Public Notices Page 7