The Muscular System 2 Functions Moves bones and substances (blood, waste, nutrients) (The Skeleton CANNOT Move Itself.) Maintains posture Stabilizes & strengthens joints Generates heat 3 Functional Characteristics 1. Contractility: capacity to contract or shorten 2. Excitability: capacity to respond to stimulation 3. Extensibility: capacity to stretch 4. Elasticity: capacity to recoil 4 Types of Muscle Tissue Striated: regularly spaced bands (striae): a. skeletal muscle (voluntary, multinucleate) b. cardiac muscle (heart wall, fine striations, one nucleus, branched cells with intercalated disc) Smooth (visceral): lacks striae, involuntary, one elongated nucleus, found in the walls of organs of the digestive tract, uterus, urinary bladder, glands, skin INCLUDES MUSCLES TISSUE, BLOOD VESSELS, NERVES, AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE A. Skeletal Muscle Cells are long, cylindrical, striated, and multinucleate B. Smooth Muscle Cells are short, spindle-shaped, and non-striated, with a single, central nucleus 8 Figure 7.10b B. Smooth Muscle C. Cardiac Muscle Cells are short, branched, and striated, usually with a single nucleus. Cells are interconnected by intercalated disc (gap junctions). 10 Figure 7.10a C. Cardiac Muscle 11 A. SKELETAL MUSCLE Organ with 2 main components: 1. muscle tissue 2. connective tissue Skeletal Muscle is Responsible for moving parts of the body, such as the limbs, trunk, and face. SKELETAL MUSCLES ARE GENERALLY ATTACHED TO BONES AND ARE AT WORK EVERY TIME WE MAKE A MOVE. SKELETAL MUSCLES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY (CONSCIOUS) MOVEMENT. A Skeletal Muscle is made of Elongated Cells called MUSCLE FIBERS. Varying movements require Contraction of variable numbers of Muscles Fibers in a Muscle. 12 Muscle Structure Actin/Myosin 13 Skeletal Muscle fibers are grouped into dense bundles called FASCICLES. A group of Fascicles are bound together by Connective Tissue to form a MUSCLE. Because they are so long and slender, they are often called MUSCLE FIBERS rather than Muscle Cells. 14 (on and between muscle fibers) (surrounds each fascicle) (covers all fascicles) Deep fascia: over epimysium; covers all muscle Superficial fascia: hypodermis between muscle and skin Structure of Skeletal Muscle Myofibril - composed of bundles of myofilaments (Actin and Myosin). Endomysium- areolar CT covering each muscle fiber and binding it to its neighbors. Perimysium- dense irregular CT covering muscle fascicles. Fascicles- bundles of muscle fibers surrounded by perimysium. Epimysium- covering of dense irregular CT surrounding the entire muscle. 16 Muscle Attachment to Bones 3 different ways: a. directly to periosteum (ex. Origin of brachialis- --anterior part of humerous; insertion has a small tendon) b. by means of tendon ( ex. Triceps branchii) c. with an aponeurosis (linea alba---connects rectus abdominis muscles) 17 Muscle Fiber Muscle --- fascicles (fasciculus) --- muscle fiber (cell) --- myofibril --- myofilament Skeletal Muscle Whole Muscle Single Muscle Fiber 19 The contractile elements of muscle fibers are myofibrils. Myofibrils have organized units (sarcomeres) composed of the myofilaments actin (thin) and myosin (thick). smallest contractile unit of muscle fiber: the functional unit (holds actin filaments) 20 Myofibrils Muscle Fiber Components Ultrastructure of skeletal muscle Each muscle fiber composed of myofilaments: 1. Contractile proteins: Actin and Myosin. 2. Regulatory proteins: Troponin and Tropomyosin. 3. Elastic proteins: Titin (connectin) spring-like proteins, aid in relaxation after contraction. 4. Structural proteins: Nebulin keeps contractile proteins (actin) aligned. Sarcomere is contractile unit of skeletal muscle; defined as the distance between 2 Z discs. Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Anatomy Summary: Skeletal Muscles (Ultrastructure of Muscle) (c) (d) Myofibril A band Z disk Z disk (f) Z disk I band M line H zone Z disk Sarcomere Thin filaments Tropomyosin Troponin Actin chain G-actin molecule Myosin tail Myosin heads Myosin molecule Thick filaments Hinge region (e) Titin Nebulin Titin M line Myosin crossbridges M line Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Anatomy Summary: Skeletal Muscles (Ultrastructure of Muscle) (f) Thin filaments Tropomyosin Troponin Actin chain G-actin molecule Titin Nebulin 24 Actin only, light bands Actin and myosin The Sarcomere The dark bands are the A and the light ones are the I bands. The I band shows a thin darker Z-line within it; this actually is the demarcation of the limit of the contractile unit of skeletal muscle, the sarcomere. An A band contains both actin and myosin filaments; an I band contains only actin filaments. The Sarcomere The Sarcomere Bands and Zones A band (Anisotropic band) composed of overlapping actin and myosin filaments. H zone composed of myosin filaments only. M line bisects A band and H zone. I band (Isotropic band) composed of actin filaments only. Z disc bisects I band. Sarcomere = distance between 2 Z discs = 31 Contractile Proteins: Major Components of Myofibrils Thick filament Myosin Aggregate Thin filament G-Actin Polymer (Globular -Actin) Myosin head Actin filament 32 Complete Myosin Molecule Tail is a helical coiled coil with 7 residue, non-polar pseudo-repeats (at a & d : a b c d e f g) 33 Single Myosin Head Structure 3 Chains: Heavy, ELC, RLC 34 5 G-actin monomers 1/2 Myosin Molecule Actin/Myosin Complex proteins contain all forms of 2 structure 35 G-Actin Bilobal, globular, binds adenosine nucleotide 36 ATP hydrolysis necessary for polymerization of G-Actin 37 38 Muscle Contraction/Relaxation Sliding filament theory explains the interaction of Actin & Myosin in muscle fiber contraction ; ATP is necessary for the Myosin/Actin reaction Thin actin filaments slide over the thick myosin filaments but do not shorten. 39 4 Steps in Movement single ATP hydrolysis = single movement binding - weak interactions ATP hydrolysis - conformational change 40 4 Steps in Movement 41 Power Stroke Contractile and Regulatory Proteins Actin, Myosin, Troponin, Tropomyosin 43 Regulation of Contraction of Skeletal Muscle Fibers oContraction triggered by release of Ca++ into sarcomere ofrom sarcoplasmic reticulum oTwo proteins [TroponinCa++ binding protein, oTropomyosin--- binds to actin] interact with Ca++ to allow omyosin to bond to actin 44 Other Components of Myofibrils Troponin Complex & Tropomyosin 45 Contraction Triggered by Ca + Influx in a Muscle Cell 48 Walk-Along mechanism for muscle contraction 49 50 Many small movement create 1 large movement Skeletal Muscle Structure/ Organization 54 Neuromuscular Junction 55 A scanning electron microscope picture of a nerve ending. It has been broken open to reveal vesicles (orange and blue) containing chemicals used to pass messages in the nervous system. 56 Sarcoplasmic reticulum (ER): functions to store Ca ++ in the lumen T-tubule: invaginations of sarcolemma: take action potentials (signals) from surface of cell into interior and cause release of Ca ++ from SR. 57 Every muscle contraction is preceded by a nerve impulse from the CNS. Motor nerve Muscle fibers innervated by single motor neuron Neuromuscular junctions Motor unit 59 Motor Units muscle fibers in a skeletal muscle innervated by a single neuron (all-or none response) Muscles are composed of many motor units with different number of muscle fibers Muscle fibers contract in all-or-none fashion. Muscles respond in graded fashion: different motor units activated; the higher the stimulus, the more motor units are activated and the higher the force of contraction 61 Neuromuscular Junction Neuromuscular Junction Neuromuscular Transmission When a nerve impulse reaches the neuromuscular junction: 1. 1.Voltage-regulated calcium channels in the axon membrane open and allow Ca 2+ to enter the terminal knob. 2. Ca 2+ inside the axon terminal causes some of the synaptic vesicles to fuse with the axon membrane and release ACh into the synaptic cleft (exocytosis). 3. ACh diffuses across the synaptic cleft and attaches to ACh receptors on the sarcolemma. 4. Binding of ACh to receptors on the sarcolemma initiates an action potential in the muscle. 5. ACh is quickly destroyed by acetylcholinesterase (Ach-ase) 67 Neuromuscular Junction 68 Neuromuscular Junction Excitation-contraction coupling 70 Events at Neuromuscular Junction Presynaptic terminal Ach: acetylcholine 72 Events at Neuromuscular Junction Calcium Release in Excitation- Contraction Coupling Steps of Muscle Contraction 75 Acetylcholine Receptors Neuromuscular Junction Histology Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types Skeletal muscle is composed of 3 different fiber types: The fiber type is based on the biochemical process for making ATP and how fast the fibers contract. Red or slow oxidative fibers [dark staining (R)] Intermediate or Fast oxidative fibers [lighter (I) staining) Fast glycolytic fibers [white (W) or non staining] Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types Fiber type characteristics Slow oxidative (R): Dark staining red in color = abundant myoglobin Manufactures ATP by aerobic glycolysis Contract slowly and are more resistant to fatigue. Ex. back muscles and support muscles Intermediate Fast oxidative (I): Stains less darkly than Red but slightly larger Produce ATP via aerobic metabolism like slow Contract faster and more powerfully than slow Abundant in lower limbs = contract for long periods White of Fast glycolytic fibers (W): Stain a pale color due to little myoglobin. Larger in diameter than other 2 types Depend on anaerobic glycogenolysis to make ATP. Contract rapidly and fatigue easier. More prominent in upper limbs for large work loads. Majority of fibers in body are white. Fiber type characteristics Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types Functional Groups of Muscles 1. prime mover or agonist muscle whose contraction is responsible for a particular movement 2. synergists muscles that assist the movement of the prime mover or agonist 3. antagonist muscle whose action opposes that of the prime mover or agonist Origin - point of attachment where least movement occurs. Insertion point of attachment with greatest movement. 83 MUSCULAR MOVEMENT OF BONES Skeleton Muscles generate Force and produce Movement only by CONTRACTING or PULLING on Body Parts. Individual Muscles can only PULL; they CANNOT PUSH. Skeleton Muscles are joined to bone by TOUGH CONNECTIVE TISSUE CALLED TENDONS. TENDONS ATTACH MUSCLE TO BONE; THE ORIGIN IS THE MORE STATIONARY BONE, THE INSERTION IS THE MORE MOVABLE BONE. Tendons are attached in such a way that they PULL on the Bones and make them work like LEVERS. The movements of the Muscles and Joints enable the Bones to act as LEVERS. The Joint functions as a FULCRUM(The fixed point around which the lever moves) and the Muscles provide the FORCE to move the Lever. 84 MOST SKELETAL MUSCLES WORK IN PAIRS. When one Muscle or set of Muscles CONTRACTS, the other RELAXES. 1. ANTAGONISTIC MUSCLES. FLEXOR, A MUSCLE THAT BENDS A JOINT. EXTENSOR, A MUSCLE THAT STRAIGHTENS A JOINT. A. When the BICEPS Muscle (on the front of the upper arm, FLEXOR) CONTRACTS, it BENDS OR FLEXES THE ELBOW JOINT. B. When the TRICEPS Muscle (on the back of the upper arm, EXTENSOR) CONTRACTS, it opens, or extends, the elbow joint. C. A controlled movement requires contraction by both muscles. ANTAGONISTIC MUSCLES ARE OPPONENTS, MUSCLES WHICH HAVE OPPOSING OR OPPOSITE FUNCTIONS. A muscle pulls when it contracts, but exerts no force when it relaxes and CANNOT PUSH. When one muscle Pulls a bone in one direction, another muscle is needed to PULL the bone in the other direction. 85 2. SYNERGISTIC MUSCLES ARE THOSE WITH THE SAME FUNCTION, OR THOSE THAT WORK TOGETHER TO PERFORM A PARTICULAR FUNCTION. They also stabilize a joint to make a more precise movement possible. MOST SKELETAL MUSCLES WORK IN PAIRS. Examples: Synergists in flexion of elbow: biceps branchii : flexion of elbow brachialis : flexion of elbow Synergists in closing the jaw: masseter: closes jaw temporalis:closes jaw 86 MUSCLE TONE. A normal characteristic of all Skeleton Muscles is that they remain in a state of PARTIAL CONTRACTION. At any given time, some Muscles are being Stimulated while other are not. This causes a TIGHTENED, or FIRMED Muscle and is known as MUSCLE TONE (some motor units contract out of phase). Muscle Tone is responsible for keeping the back and legs straight and the head upright even when you are relaxed. 87 Muscle Performance, Training, & Fiber Recruitment Disuse of a muscle, as in space travel (weightlessness), or a couch potato can shrink a muscle by 20% in 2 weeks. Weight Training can increase muscle mass to 150% of normal size. How do muscles get bigger and better? ---By making more muscle proteins... nuclei of muscle control translation, thus one needs more nuclei, but muscle cell nuclei don't divide. ----New nuclei come from independent adjacent cells (satellite stem cells). ---when muscles under rigorous exercise they "tear", and the damaged area attracts satellite cells into the tears, depositing more nuclei. ---weight training leads to heterotrophy of muscles...... more nuclei equals muscle enlargement due to more protein synthesis. 88 Increase in size of trained muscle due to : - greater ability of N.S. to recruit more motor units - better neuromuscular coordination - less fat (restricts movement - more enzymes: increased capacity for nutrient uptake; increased ATP production Muscle Performance, Training, & Fiber Recruitment 89 Increase in endurance due to : - better metabolism - increased blood supply - better heart pumping Anabolic Steroids: modified testosterone increase in body weight and total skeletal muscle mass - side effects: irritability, testicular atrophy + sterility, heart attack, stroke, abnormal liver function Muscle Performance, Training, & Fiber Recruitment 90 Muscle Twitch Muscles can not push, they may only CONTRACT (pull) A muscle contraction is called a muscle TWITCH: contraction of a muscle in response to a stimulus that causes an action potential in one or more muscle fibers. 4 parts of a Muscle twitch [ Contraction cycle) 1) latent period - 5 msec time before the initiation of contraction 2) contraction - 40 msec muscle shortens & does its work 3) relaxation - 50 msec muscle elongates & returns to original position 4) refractory period - 2 msec time of recovery between stimulations of muscle 91 Figure 7.6 92 Definitions related to muscle contraction... Summation - a 2nd contraction before 1st subsides Tetany - sustained contractions (requires energy - ATP) Fatigue - under repeat stimulation, contractions get feebler, lactate accumulates, pH changes lead to stoppage of contractions that warms body MUSCLE FATIGUE is a Physiological Inability of a muscle to contract. Muscle fatigue is a result of a relative depletion of ATP. When ATP is absent, a state of continuous contraction occurs. This causes severe muscle cramps. Rigor mortis: rigid muscles after death due to low ATP levels 93 Figure 7.7b 94 Figure 7.7c 95 MUSCLE FATIGUE 1. Psychological Fatigue (CNS): most common 2. Muscular Fatigue (muscle fiber): depletion of ATP 3. Synaptic Fatigue (neuromuscular junction): increase action potential frequency---more Ach released than synthesized 4. Physiological Contracture: muscle unable to contract or relax; caused by depletion of ATP due to exercise 96 OXYGEN DEBT Temporary Lack of Oxygen. When this occurs Muscles will switch from the normal Aerobic Respiration to a form of Anaerobic Respiration called Lactic Acid Fermentation. As the oxygen becomes Depleted, the muscle cells begin to switch. Oxygen debt leads to the accumulation of Metabolic Waste (Lactic Acid) in the muscle fibers, resulting in muscle fatigue, pain, and even cramps. Eventually, the lactic acid diffuses into the blood and is transported to the Liver. Soreness after prolong exercise may be caused by Oxygen Debt The body could not provide the Muscles the Oxygen they needed to function properly. 97 Muscle Energy Sources Main source: ATP Three ways to obtain ATP: 1. Creatine Phosphate: stored in the muscle 2. Aerobic Respiration (O 2 ) 3. Anaerobic Respiration (No O 2 ) 98 1. Creatine Phosphate ADP + CP creatine + ATP ATP + CP : 10-15 seconds Muscle Energy Sources 2. Aerobic Respiration (O2) C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 + 38 ADP +38P 6CO 2 +6H 2 O + ~ 38 ATP 99 Muscle Energy Sources 3. Anaerobic Respiration ---during short intense exercise Pyruvic Acid Lactic Acid + 2 ATP LDH enzyme --- Lactic acid diffuses out of muscle into blood steam---liver: converts lactic acid to Pyruvic acid ---Glucose 100 Figure 7.9 Muscle Energy Sources Skeletal Muscle Fascicle Arrangements fusiform thick in the middle and taper at the ends (biceps brachii) parallel muscle fibers are all parallel (rectus abdominis). pennate fascicles are short and attach obliquely to a central tendon (feather shaped) (deltoid, rectus femoris). convergent spread out as a fan or converge to a point (pectoralis major) circular muscle fibers arranged concentrically (orbicularis oris and orbicularis occuli) Parallel and Pennate Circular and Convergent Intrinsic and Extrinsic Muscles Muscles are at times grouped as to the regions where they are found and function. Intrinsic muscles are localized to a specific area (i.e. hand, tongue, etc.). They function and are contained only within that area. Extrinsic muscles extend into other areas and are responsible for movements of areas other than where they are attached (iliopsoas, pectoralis, etc.)