Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Serial Communication
There are many different serial communication standards, each one using a
different signaling method. There are three important serial communication
standards affecting LAN to WAN connections.
RS-232 - Most serial ports on personal computers conform to the RS-232C or
Time-Division Multiplexing
TDM was invented to maximize the amount of voice traffic carried over a
medium. Before multiplexing, each telephone call required its own physical link.
This was an expensive and unscalable solution. TDM divides the bandwidth of a
single link into separate time slots. TDM transmits two or more channels over the
same link by allocating a different time slot for the transmission of each channel.
In effect, the channels take turns using the link.
On the figure above, SONET/SDH takes bit streams, multiplexes them, and
optically modulates the signals. It then sends the signals out using a light emitting
device over fiber with a bit rate equal to (incoming bit rate) Thus, traffic arriving at
the SONET multiplexer from four places at 2.5 Gbps goes out as a single stream
at 4 2.5 Gbps, or 10 Gbps. This shows an increase in the bit rate by a factor of
four in time slot T.
Demarcation Point
The demarcation point marks the point where your network interfaces with a
network that is owned by another organization. In telephone terminology, this is
the interface between customer premises equipment (CPE) and network service
provider equipment.
From the point of view of connecting to the WAN, a serial connection has a data
terminal equipment (DTE) device at one end of the connection and a data circuitterminating equipment or data communications equipment (DCE) device at the
other end. The CPE, which is generally a router, is the DTE. The DTE could also
be a terminal, computer, printer, or fax machine if they connect directly to the
service provider network. The DCE, commonly a modem or CSU/DSU, is the
device used to convert the user data from the DTE into a form acceptable to the
WAN service provider transmission link. This signal is received at the remote
DCE, which decodes the signal back into a sequence of bits. The remote DCE
then signals this sequence to the remote DTE.
Serial Cables
The concept of DCEs and DTEs was based on two types of equipment: terminal
equipment that generated or received data, and the communication equipment
that only relayed data. In the development of the RS-232 standard, there were
reasons why 25-pin RS-232 connectors on these two types of equipment must
be wired differently. These reasons are no longer significant, but there are two
different types of cables remaining: one for connecting a DTE to a DCE, and
another for connecting two DTEs directly to each other.
The DTE/DCE interface for a particular standard defines the following
Mechanical/physical: Number of pins and connector type
Electrical: Defines voltage levels for 0 and 1
Functional: Specifies the functions that are performed by assigning
meanings to each of the signaling lines in the interface
Procedural: Specifies the sequence of events for transmitting data
Serial Bandwidth
Bandwidth refers to the rate at which data is transferred over the communication
link. The underlying carrier technology depends on the bandwidth available.
There is a difference in bandwidth points between the North American (T-carrier)
specification and the European (E-carrier) system. Optical networks also use a
different bandwidth hierarchy, which again differs between North America and
Europe. In the United States, Optical Carrier (OC) defines the bandwidth points.
Line Type Bit Rate Capacity
56 Kbps
64 Kbps
1.544 Mbps
2.048 Mbps
2.048 Mbps
34.064 Mbps
44.736 Mbps
51.84 Mbps
155.54 Mbps
466.56 Mbps
622.08 Mbps
933.12 Mbps
1.244 Gbps
1.866 Gbps
2.488 Gbps
4.976 Gbps
OC-192 9.954 Gbps
OC-768 39.813 Gbps
HDLC Encapsulation
HDLC is a synchronous data link layer protocol developed by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO). HDLC uses synchronous serial
transmission to provide error-free communication between two points. HDLC
defines a Layer 2 framing structure that allows for flow control and error control
through the use of acknowledgments. Each frame has the same format, whether
it is a data frame or a control frame.
PPP encapsulation has been carefully designed to retain compatibility with most
commonly used supporting hardware. PPP encapsulates data frames for
transmission over Layer 2 physical links. PPP establishes a direct connection
using serial cables, phone lines, trunk lines, cellular telephones, specialized radio
links, or fiber-optic links.
Advantages of PPP
The link quality management feature, If too many errors are detected, PPP
takes the link down.
PPP supports PAP and CHAP authentication.
PPP Sessions
Understanding PPP session establishment, LCP and NCP are important parts of
implementing and troubleshooting PPP.
LCP Operation
LCP operation uses three classes of LCP frames to accomplish the work of each
of the LCP phases.
- Link-establishment frames establish and configure a link (Configure-Request,
Configure-Ack, Configure-Nak, and Configure-Reject).
- Link-maintenance frames manage and debug a link (Code-Reject, ProtocolReject, Echo-Request, Echo-Reply, and Discard-Request).
- Link-termination frames terminate a link (Terminate-Request and TerminateAck).
LCP Packet
Each LCP packet is a single LCP message consisting of an LCP Code field
identifying the type of LCP packet, an identifier field so that requests and replies
can be matched, and a Length field indicating the size of the LCP packet and
LCP packet type-specific data.
NCP Explained
There are NCPs for IPv4, IPv6, IPX, AppleTalk, and many others. NCPs use the
same packet format as the LCPs. After the LCP has configured and
authenticated the basic link, the appropriate NCP is invoked to complete the
specific configuration of the network layer protocol being used. When the NCP
has successfully configured the network layer protocol, the network protocol is in
the open state on the established LCP link. At this point, PPP can carry the
corresponding network layer protocol packets.
Configuring PPP
PPP Configuration Options
Step 2. Assign interfaces to the multilink bundle. Each interface that is part of the
multilink group:
show interfaces
show interfaces
show ppp multilink
Troubleshoot PPP
Similar to other protocols implemented on a router, troubleshooting PPP involves
a combination of debug and show commands.
Displays PPP packets being sent and received. (This command
displays low-level packet dumps.)
Displays PPP packets transmitted during PPP startup, where PPP
options are negotiated.
Displays protocol errors and error statistics associated connection
negotiation and operation.
authentication Displays authentication protocol messages, including Challenge
Authentication Protocol (CHAP) packet exchanges and Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) exchanges.
compression Displays information specific to the exchange of PPP connections using
MPPC. This command is useful for obtaining incorrect packet sequence
number information where MPPC compression is enabled.
Displays protocol errors and statistics associated with PPP connection
negotiations using MSCB.
Debug PPP
In addition to the debug ppp command, there are other commands that are
available for troubleshooting a PPP connection.