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J. Agric. Food Chem.

2003, 51, 56715676


Effect of Diets Based on Foods from Conventional versus

Organic Production on Intake and Excretion of Flavonoids and
Markers of Antioxidative Defense in Humans
Department of Human Nutrition and Centre for Advanced Food Studies, The Royal Veterinary and
Agricultural University, Rolighedsvej 30, DK-1958 Frederiksberg, Denmark; Institute of Food Safety
and Nutrition, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Sborg, Denmark; and
Plant Research Department, Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark

Different food production methods may result in differences in the content of secondary metabolites
such as polyphenolic compounds. The present study compared conventionally (CPD) and organically
produced (OPD) diets in a human crossover intervention study (n ) 16) with respect to the intake
and excretion of five selected flavonoids and effect on markers of oxidative defense. The urinary
excretion of quercetin and kaempferol was higher after 22 days of intake of the OPD when compared
to the CPD (P < 0.05). The excretions of flavonoids in urine as a percentage of intake (0.6-4%)
were similar after both interventions. Most markers of antioxidative defense did not differ between
the diets, but intake of OPD resulted in an increased protein oxidation and a decreased total plasma
antioxidant capacity compared to baseline (P < 0.05). Some varietal difference was seen in the study,
and because selection of more resistant varieties is of central importance to organic farming, it cannot
be excluded that the observed effects originate from these differences. The food production method
affected the content of the major flavonoid, quercetin, in foods and also affected urinary flavonoids
and markers of oxidation in humans.
KEYWORDS: Flavonoids; humans; organic food production; conventional food production; urinary
excretion; antioxidative defense


Flavonoids are a group of polyphenolic secondary metabolites

that occur ubiquitously in all plants and are an integral part of
the human diet. They are found in large amounts in vegetables,
fruits, tea, and wine (1-3). Many isolated polyphenolic
compounds show strong antioxidative properties in vitro (46), which is suggested to be one of the potential beneficial
actions of these compounds in humans.
Polyphenolic compounds are a part of the plant defense
system and have a variety of functions (7). The content in plants
is influenced by cultivation and harvesting conditions such as
growing conditions, degree of ripeness, size of the fruit, and
variety of the plants (8). Organic food production is characterized by the absence or limited use of synthetic herbicides,
pesticides, and insecticides and a lower use of fertilizers.
Depending on the chemical substance, these chemicals may both
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed (telephone
+45 35 28 24 90; fax +45 35 28 24 69; e-mail
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University.
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
Ris National Laboratory.
# Deceased.

decrease and increase the production of polyphenolic compounds

in plants (9, 10). In addition, organically produced plants have
a longer ripening period compared to conventional plants
because of a slower release of the supplied nutrients (11), and
as flavonoids are formed in the ripening period, one could expect
a higher content of these compounds in organically grown plants.
Only a limited number of studies have investigated the effect
of cultivation technique on the content of flavonoids, and the
results are inconsistent. In a study of three different strawberry
cultivars no difference between the organic and conventional
systems was seen (12), whereas a study of marionberries showed
a significantly higher content of total phenols in fruit varieties
that were organically produced compared to conventionally
produced fruits (13). It is also possible that cultivation conditions
affect the absorption and availability of polyphenolic substances
through effects on cell wall structure.
To date, flavonoid studies have mainly concentrated on the
effect of single flavonoids given in large doses, either as pure
compounds or from specific food sources eaten in large amounts
(14). The present study focuses on the excretion of a number
of flavonoids at a realistic dietary intake and derived from a
variety of flavonoid sources.

10.1021/jf030217n CCC: $25.00 2003 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 08/07/2003


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 51, No. 19, 2003

Grinder-Pedersen et al.

Table 1. Composition of the Intervention Diet (Grams per Day) at an

Table 2. Varietal and Race Characteristics of CPD and OPD

Energy Intake of 10 MJ


breakfast bread with carrot

strawberry jam
semiskimmed milk
rye bread
semiskimmed milk
meat pate
carrot, raisins, and apple juice
meat sausage
liver pate
green cabbage
ham fricassee
mashed potatoes
meat sausage
roasted vegetablesa
meat sauce
apple cake
carrot cake
bread with carrot
strawberry jam
apple juice

menu 1 menu 2 menu 3 menu 4











Roasted vegetables: potato, 190 g; cabbage, 100 g; leek, 50 g; onion, 40 g.

Differences between the contents of many different antioxidants and other compounds affecting health could result from
the differences in organic and conventional farming and the
flavonoids may serve as markers for such differences in content
and intake. In the present study we have therefore investigated
the effect of conventionally (CPD) and organically produced
diets (OPD) on the intake and excretion of five selected
flavonoids and on markers of the antioxidative defense in
humans. This is the first fully controlled intervention study to
investigate the antioxidative effects of a complete OPD.
Study Design. The study was a double-blinded randomized,
crossover design with two intervention periods, each lasting 22 days
with a strict control of dietary intake. The intervention periods were
separated by a washout period of 3 weeks with habitual diet. Before
each intervention period there was a 1 week run-in when the subjects
were instructed to exclude flavonoid-containing foods from their diet.
Blood samples were collected in the morning on days -1, 0, 22, and
23 in each intervention period; that is, on the two days before, on the
last day, and the following day in each intervention period. The subjects
were instructed to abstain from heavy physical exercise for 36 h, not
to consume alcohol for 24 h, and to be fasting (0.5 L of water was
allowed) for 12 h before blood sampling. Twenty-four hour urine
samples were collected on days 0 and 22 in each intervention period,
that is, on the day before and on the last day in each intervention period.
On each urine collection day, the subjects were given 3 80 mg of
p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA, Pharmacy of The Royal Veterinary and
Agricultural University, Denmark), that is, one for each main meal to
validate the completeness of the urine collection (15).
Diet. The intervention diets included four different menus consumed
each week on days 1 and 5, 2 and 6, 3, and 4 and 7, respectively. The
menus and the food quantities used in the two diets were identical.
The composition of the menus is shown in Table 1. The calculated



Premino F1
Bolero F1
Impala F1
Golden Delicious
Lohman Brun

Napoli F1
Golden Delicius
Isam Brown



daily intakes of fat, carbohydrate, and protein at an energy intake of

10 MJ were 92 g (35E%), 297 g (51E%), and 84 g (14E%), respectively
[calculated from Dankost, a computer program, which is based on the
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration food composition database
(16)]. Individual portions of the meals were weighed according to
estimated energy requirement (17). No foods or drinks other than those
provided from the department were allowed. All intake of water was
bottled water, and the subjects were allowed to drink coffee prepared
from freeze-dried organic or conventional coffee powder. On weekdays,
the lunch meal was eaten at the department, whereas breakfasts, snacks,
and dinners were handed out and eaten at home. Friday afternoon, all
foods for the weekend days were handed out with instructions and
suggestions for preparation and consumption. The dinner meal and the
water for coffee were heated in a microwave oven, which was supplied
by the department.
Intervention Foods. Pork was the only meat used in the study, and
the pigs were bred on the same location in Jutland on the Danish
Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Research Centre Foulum, Tjele,
Denmark). The pigs originated from the same litter and were divided
into two groups at weaning, that is, either conventional or organic
breeding. The race characteristics are shown in Table 2. The sow and
the boar were both conventionally bred. All of the manufacturing of
the meat, that is, minced meat, meat sausage, and liver pate, was
conducted at The Danish Meat Research Institute (Roskilde, Denmark).
Identical recipes omitting additives were used for both the organic and
conventional meat products. The conventionally produced dairy
products, that is, butter and semiskimmed milk, were supplied by a
small dairy (Borup Andelsmejeri, Grlse, Denmark) where farmers
were known to farm conventionally. The organic dairy products were
delivered from an organic dairy (Thiese Mejeri, Thiese, Denmark). Eggs
were collected directly from organic or conventional farmers by a
consultant employed by the Department of Agricultural Systems (Danish
Institute of Agricultural Science, Research Center Foulum, Tjele,
Denmark). The collection was managed by the Department of Agricultural Systems in cooperation with the Department of Plant Research
(Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark). One distributor (Frugt
og Grnt radgivning, Odense, Denmark) collected organically as well
as conventionally grown vegetables from fields within a similar
geographic location. The aim was to collect vegetables from fields
located (1) >3 km from cities with >10000 inhabitants, (2) >3 km
from major roads, (3) >10 km from industries with extensive omission,
and (4) >15 km from highways. The organically and conventionally
grown vegetables used in each intervention period were sowed and
harvested within the same week. The organically grown apples were
bought from a small shop specializing in organically grown foods. The
remaining fruits and groceries, sugar, salt, etc., were bought in a local
supermarket. The varietal differences between the organically and
conventionally produced foods are shown in Table 2. The different
varieties used in the study reflected the fruits and vegetables available
on the market. Conventionally and organically produced wheat and
rye seeds were purchased directly from the farmers by one bakery

Effects of Diet on Excretion of Flavonoids

(Bageriet Aurion, Hjrring, Denmark), specializing in organic bread
production. The seeds were ground into flour, and identical recipes
were used for the organic and conventional breads. The breads were
produced in large batches and frozen until use.
Subjects. Six males and 10 females, 21-35 years of age with a
mean body mass index (BMI) of 23.4 kg/m2, volunteered for the study.
All subjects were apparently healthy, none of the subjects were pregnant,
lactating, or took medicine regularly, and all were nonsmokers. The
subjects were instructed not to take dietary supplements or to give blood
for 2 months before and during the study. Subjects received oral and
written information about the study and gave their written consent. The
study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Copenhagen
and Frederiksberg (J. no. KF01-221/98).
Food Analysis. Duplicate portions of each of the four menus were
collected on days 1-4 in the first week of both intervention periods
and prepared for analysis as described by Knudsen et al. (18). Each
sample was frozen at -20 C until analysis. For analysis of polyphenols,
10 g of freeze-dried material was extracted twice with 50 mL of
methanol and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min. The collected
methanol fraction was washed with 75 mL of heptane three times, and
the heptane fractions were discarded. The methanol was evaporated to
dryness under reduced pressure. Further cleanup by solid phase
extraction proceeded as follows: A 5 g reversed phase C18 Mega Bond
Elut cartridge (Varian, Harbor City, CA) was conditioned by passing
10 mL of methanol followed by 20 mL of water. The sample was
resuspended in 30 mL of aqueous solution and applied to the cartridge.
After passing, the cartridge was rinsed with 20 mL of water. The rest
of the sample was dissolved in 10 mL of methanol, which was applied
to the cartridge and then washed with 40 mL of methanol. The collected
methanol fractions were evaporated to dryness, and 5 mL of 1.2 M
HCl (50% MeOH) was added. The mixture was refluxed for 2 h while
hydrolyzed at 90 C on a steam bath and subsequently allowed to cool
in a refrigerator. The round-bottom flask used for hydrolysis was washed
with 5 mL of methanol, and the final extract was filtered through a
0.45 M filter (Sartorius AG, Gottingen, Germany).
The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system consisted of a Waters (Milford, MA) 717 autoinjector, a Waters 616 pump,
and a Waters 996 PDA detector. The column was a Phenomenex
Prodigy (Torrance, CA) RP C18 column (250 4.6 mm, 5 m)
protected by a Phenomenex Securityguard guard column. The mobile
phase consisted of 30% methanol/70% water (A) and 100% methanol
(B). The gradient was 25-86% B in 50 min at a flow rate of 1 mL/
min (isocratic 25% B for 1 min and then a linear gradient changing
from 25 to 40% B between 1 and 10 min and from 40 to 43% B between
10 and 24 min, and from 43 to 86% B between 24 and 30 min). For
the last 20 min the column was eluted isocratically with 86% B. Each
sample was injected three times (20, 50, and 100 L), and calculations
were based on detection at 289 or 368 nm.
Blood Sampling and Analysis. Blood samples were collected with
minimal stasis from an antecubital vein in the morning from resting
individuals (15-20 min of recumbent rest) with 20 G needles into
evacuated EDTA-coated tubes (Becton Dickinson Vacutainer Systems,
Becton Dickinson, Plymouth, U.K.). Plasma samples were stored at
-80 C until analysis (maximum 12 months). Erythrocytes were washed
three times with 0.9% NaCl, hemolyzed, and stored at -80 C until
analysis (maximum 6 months).
The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase
(GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR), and catalase (CAT) in erythrocytes, the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), and the
ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) were measured by automated
assays on a Cobas Mira Plus analyzer (Roche, Diagnostic Systems,
Basel, Switzerland). The activities of the enzymes were expressed as
per milligram of hemoglobin in the blood samples. SOD, GSH-Px, and
TEAC were determined using commercially available kits (SD125,
RS506, and NX2332, respectively; Randox, Crumlin, U.K.), whereas
GR and CAT activities were determined according to methods described
by Wheeler et al. (19). FRAP was determined as described by Benzie
and Strain (20). Hemoglobin was determined on a Cobas Minos analyzer
(Roche, Diagnostic Systems). Glutathione, flavin adenine dinucleotide,
purpald, and potassium periodate were purchased from Sigma Chemical
Co. (St. Louis, MO). An internal erythrocyte pool was used as standard

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 51, No. 19, 2003


for the analysis of antioxidative enzymes and analyzed in duplicate

with every person-series. The accepted interval was the established
mean ( 2 standard deviations (SD) for each of the four enzyme
activities; otherwise, the person-series was reanalyzed. The withinrun coefficient of variation (CV) for a standard sample was e7% (n )
24), and the between-run was e11% for all four enzyme activities
(n ) 16). A standard plasma sample analyzed together with the test
samples from the current study had a CV for TEAC of 5.7% (n ) 15)
and a CV for FRAP of 0.85% (n ) 14).
Malondialdehyde (MDA) was determined in plasma by using a
thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) HPLC method as
previously described in Young et al. (21). All analyses were performed
on the same day, and the mean intraday variation between double
determinations was 5.8%. Determination of 2-aminoadipic semialdehyde
(2-AAS) in plasma was performed as previously described by Daneshvar et al. (22). Mean intraday variation for a standard plasma sample
analyzed together with the samples from the current study was <7%
(n ) 4).
Urine Sampling and Analysis. Twenty-four hour urine samples
were collected on days 0 and 22 in acid-washed plastic bottles
containing 50 mL of 1 M HCl and 10 mL of 10% (w/v) ascorbic acid.
Urine samples were weighed, density was measured, and pH was
adjusted to 3-4 with 1 M HCl. Aliquots of 250 mL were stored at
-20 C until analysis. The following flavonoids were quantified in
the urine samples by LC-MS as described by Nielsen et al. (23):
quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin. The flavanones naringenin
and hesperetin were also quantified. In brief, 250 ng of 5,7,8trihydroxyflavone was added to 2 mL of urine sample as internal
standard and enzymatically hydrolyzed as described elsewhere (23).
After hydrolysis, 2 mL of ice-cold methanol was added to stop the
reaction, and the samples were evaporated to dryness under vacuum.
The hydrolyzed samples were redissolved in 10% aqueous methanol,
and 250 ng of morin was added as an additional internal standard to
assess the performance of the mass spectrometer, giving a final volume
of 250 L. The sample was then centrifuged at 10000g for 5 min at
4 C, and the entire amount of the supernatant was injected onto the
LC-MS system. Prior to and after each series of analysis the
performance of the entire LC-MS assay was controlled by injections
of aliquots containing all employed flavonoid standards, including the
internal standards. Determinations were carried out singly. Two control
urine samples spiked with 250 ng of all flavonoids included in the
assay were included in each series of analyses. The recovery was
248.2 ( 18 ng (mean ( SD, n ) 13) with an intraday CV% of
11.3% ( 4.2.
Statistical Analysis. Biomarker analyses were performed on duplicate blood samples (taken on two successive days) before and after
each intervention period. Flavonoid analysis on urine samples was
performed on single samples (before and after each intervention period).
Food analyses were performed on duplicate portions. The means of
duplicates were used in the statistical analyses. All of the measured
erythrocyte and plasma biomarkers showed a normal distribution,
whereas the content of investigated flavonoids in the diet and excretion
of flavonoids in urine did not. The effect of period and the presence of
carry-over with respect to biomarkers and excretion of the investigated
flavonoids in urine were determined according to the methods of Woods
et al. (24) and Armitage and Berry (25). TEAC showed clear evidence
of carry-over into the second period, and the effect of intervention was
consequently determined by comparing the two groups by unpaired t
test in the first period only. Paired and unpaired comparisons, using
the Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Mann-Whitney test, respectively,
were performed for the flavonoids in diet and urine. The SPSS statistical
package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) was used to perform all analyses.

The body weights of the subjects were 71.8 ( 12.9 kg (mean

( SD), and no significant changes during the study were
observed. The average daily energy intake was 12.0 ( 2.7 MJ.
Recovery of PABA in urine was 99.6 ( 6.9% (mean ( SD).
The contents of the examined flavonoids in the CPD and OPD
are shown in Table 3. The OPD was found to contain


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 51, No. 19, 2003

Grinder-Pedersen et al.

Table 3. Content of Flavonoids in the Organically and Conventionally

Table 5. Effect of Dietary Treatment on Biomarkers of Antioxidative

Produced Intervention Diets (Micrograms per 10 MJ)


intervention perioda

intervention periodb




blood parameter



2632 774b
333 328
31 330
0 133
496 93

4198 1370b
608 352
0 547
0 603
0 327

CuZn-SOD (units/g of Hb)

CAT (units/g of Hb)
GSH-Px (units/g of Hb)
GR (units/g of Hb)
FRAP (nmol/L)
TEAC (mmol/L)
2-AAS (pmol/mg of protein)
MDA (pmol/mg of protein)

1321 135
19.76 2.11
46.32 10.27
10.21 1.43
857 195
0.996 0.119
17.86 1.95
32.60 6.51

a Median SD determined in dietary samples based on 7 days of dietary intake

in each intervention period. b Contents of flavonoids in the two dietary treatments
were significantly different (MannWhitney U test): P < 0.01.

Table 4. Excretion of Flavonoids in Urine

intervention periodb

g/24 h
% of intake
g/24 h
% of intake
g/24 h
% of intake
g/24 h
% of intake
g/24 h
% of intake





19 2d,g
0.57 0.07

27 3e,g
0.48 0.08

0.0 0.3

2 1d,g
0.6 0.2

5 4f,g
0.7 0.6


4 43
0.9 9.8

10 31
0.8 3.1

29 7

29 24
4.1 3.1

32 50
1.9 2.9

0.0 0.3

0.0 0.4
0.0 0.05

0.0 0.9
0.0 0.1

a Median SEM; n ) 16. Determined in 24-h urine samples from 16 subjects.

Values determined in urine samples from the last day in intervention (day 22).
c Baseline values determined in urine samples from day 0; i.e., on subjects habitual
diet without tea, wine, spices, vegetables, and fruit. d-f Significantly different on
last day in intervention from baseline (Wilcoxon rank scores): d, P < 0.05; e, P <
0.01; f, P E 0.01. g The effects of the dietary treatments are significantly different
(Wilcoxon rank scores): P < 0.05.



1297 134
20.32 3.08
44.94 10.26d
11.49 1.92f
823 160
1.029 0.074h
18.99 2.15
32.93 5.99

1294 157
20.06 2.86
45.10 9.79e
11.30 1.47g
829 127
0.951 0.056h
19.33 2.17e
33.31 5.84

a Mean SD; n ) 16. b Values are determined as mean values of blood samples
from days 22 and 23. c Baseline values determined in blood samples from days
1 and 0, i.e., on subjects habitual diet without tea, wine, spices, vegetables, and
fruit. d TEAC values are based on results from the first intervention period.
e-g Significantly different on the two last days in intervention from baseline (paired
samples t test): e, P < 0.05; g, P < 0.01; f, P < 0.001. h The effects of the dietary
treatments are significantly different (independent samples t test): P < 0.05.

significantly higher amounts of quercetin (P < 0.01) compared

to the CPD, and there was a trend toward a higher content of
isorhamnetin in the CPD (P ) 0.07) and a higher content of
kaempferol in the OPD (P ) 0.10). The contents of the five
selected flavonoids in the two intervention periods were similar
for both diets.
The urinary excretion (micrograms per 24 h) of quercetin
and kaempferol was significantly higher after intake of the OPD
compared to the CPD (P < 0.05) (Table 4), whereas no
differences were seen between the two intervention periods with
respect to the other measured flavonoids. The production method
did not affect the average urinary excretion of the measured
flavonoids as a percentage of intake (Table 4). Furthermore, a
high interindividual variation was observed. Especially one
individual excreted a high amount of the investigated flavonoids
compared to the other subjects (data not shown).
The effects of the two intervention diets on biomarkers of
antioxidative status are shown in Table 5. For the majority of
the markers there was no difference between diets. However, a
significant carry-over effect was observed for TEAC. Consequently, the values are based on results from the first period
only, which showed that TEAC was significantly higher after
intake of the CPD (P < 0.05) compared to the OPD.
The excretion (micrograms per 24 h) of quercetin and
kaempferol increased significantly after both diets when com-

Figure 1. Percentage change in the activity of GR at baseline and at

weeks 3, 7, and 10 in the experiment in eight subjects from group A (b)

(given the OPD in the first 22-day period) and eight subjects from group
B (O) (given the CPD in the first 22-day period). There was a wash-out
period between weeks 3 and 7. Values are means with standard deviation
represented by vertical bars.

pared to baseline, whereas no significant change was seen for

the remaining flavonoids (Table 4).
There was a significant increase in the activity of GR (P <
0.001 and P < 0.01 CPD and OPD, respectively) and a
significant decrease in the activity of GSH-Px (P < 0.01 and
P < 0.05 CPD and OPD, respectively) for both intervention
diets compared to the baseline values, that is, activities at
flavonoid-reduced diet. There was an increase in 2-AAS (P <
0.05) after intake of the OPD but not after the CPD. However,
when the mean of both interventions was compared with
baseline (data not shown), there was a significant increase in
2-AAS (P < 0.05). No statistically significant effects of dietary
treatments when compared to baseline were observed for SOD,
During the whole experiment, a significantly increased
activity of GR was observed when week 10 was compared with
baseline (P < 0.001) (Figure 1).

The present study is the first to investigate the influence of

growth conditions (conventional vs organic) on the levels of
selected flavonoids in the diet and on urinary excretion of
flavonoids. The present study showed a higher content of
quercetin in the OPD than in the CPD, which was also reflected

Effects of Diet on Excretion of Flavonoids

in the urinary levels of quercetin with a higher excretion after
the OPD. Similarly, the excretion of kaempferol in urine was
significantly higher after intake of OPD than CPD, although
there was only a nonsignificant trend for a higher content of
kaempferol in the OPD. It cannot be excluded that the difference
in quercetin content could be due to varietal differences because
the flavonoid contents in different varieties of fruits and
vegetables may show a large variation (2, 26, 27). Hence, any
differences between the two types of diet could originate from
varietal differences. The different varieties used in the present
study reflect the organic and conventional varieties of fruits and
vegetables available on the market and thus reflect a realistic
composition of the diet seen from a consumers perspective.
Thus, it can be concluded that the growth conditions and varietal
differences between conventional and organic fruits and vegetables significantly affect the content of the investigated
flavonoids and may result in differences in the urinary excretion
of flavonoids.
The decrease in TEAC with OPD and the increase with CPD
seem to contradict the observations of a higher level of
flavonoids in the OPD. A previous study with flavonoid-rich
diets did not affect TEAC (21, 28), indicating that other factors
in the OPD may have affected this marker.
In the present study, the proportions of the excreted flavonoids
were similar in both interventions. Only a small fraction of the
flavonoid intake was excreted in urine (0.0-4.1%). This is in
agreement with other studies that have found an excretion of
the flavonol quercetin between 0.3 and 1.4% after intake of
onions, apples, and fruit juice (21, 29-31). The flavanones
hesperetin and naringenin may be excreted in high amounts (up
to 30% of intake) when ingested as large doses of grapefruit
juice (1250 mL) and excreted as smaller quantities (up to 7%
of intake) when ingested as orange juice (1250 mL) (32). If the
urinary level of flavonoids is presumed to reflect the exposure
dose, then, for example, the flavonol quercetin is apparently of
minor quantitative importance, at a realistic dietary intake of
fruits and vegetables. Other flavonoids, such as the citrus
flavanones, may be more important to humans, because the
urinary excretion is higher, even when they are present in limited
amounts in the diet (33-35).
In the present study, an increased activity of GR was seen
during the total experimental period (Figure 1), and it is in
accordance with other studies, which included intervention diets
with a high level of antioxidants (21, 28). A decreased activity
of GR has previously been observed after depletion of fruits
and vegetables during an intervention trial (33), indicating that
the high intake of these food items in the present study rather
than the intervention per se was responsible for the effect (28).
In this study glutathione peroxidase activity decreased with the
dietary change, which is not in accordance with previous
observations after diets rich in secondary plant metabolites for
which we have observed either no effect (21, 28) or an increase
The increase in 2-AAS with the OPD when compared to
baseline values indicates an increased oxidative damage to
proteins after intake of organically produced foods. However,
in this study no differences between the two types of intervention
at the end of intervention were seen, and there was a significant
mean increase in 2-AAS when CPD and OPD were combined.
This suggests that the observed increase is a general effect of
the intake of fruits and vegetables. We have earlier observed
increases in 2-AAS after intake of fruits and vegetables (21)
and decreases in 2-AAS after intake of a diet low in flavonoids
(36). 2-AAS has been observed to correlate positively with

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 51, No. 19, 2003


plasma ascorbate (28) and thus seems to paradoxically reflect

a good status in water-soluble redox-active substances, including
flavonoids and ascorbate.
A large interindividual variation in the urinary excretion of
all of the investigated flavonoids was observed, which is in
accordance with other studies on flavonoids (32, 33, 37).
Seemingly the bioavailability of flavonoids is high in some
individuals probably due to variations in intestinal physiology
or microflora. However, when larger groups of subjects are
studied, urinary flavonoid excretion is closely correlated to
intake of fruits and vegetables (38).
In conclusion, the growing conditions of fruits and vegetables
(conventional vs organic) affected the content of five selected
flavonoids and resulted in differences in the urinary excretion
of major dietary flavonoids. Also, markers of antioxidative
defense were affected by the food production method. Because
selection of more resistant varieties is of central importance to
organic farming, it cannot be excluded that the observed effects
originate from the varietal differences between the OPD and
CPD rather than from the differences in handling procedures,
including pesticide use.

2-AAS, 2-aminoadipic semialdehyde; CAT, catalase; CPD,

conventionally produced diet; FRAP, ferric reducing ability of
plasma; GR, glutathione reductase; GSH-Px, glutathione peroxidase; MDA, malondialdehyde; OPD, organically produced
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Received for review March 25, 2003. Revised manuscript received July
3, 2003. Accepted July 6, 2003. This project was supported by the
Ministry for Foods under the Food Technology and Development
Programme (FOETEK 2).


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