NDG Linux Essentials FAQs
NDG Linux Essentials FAQs
NDG Linux Essentials FAQs
NDG has developed the Linux Essentials course for institutions participating in the Cisco Networking Academy
program. NDG is offering this course to Cisco Networking Academies for Instructor Led Training (ILT) at no
cost*. To learn more about NDG visit http://www.netdevgroup.com.
*Exception: Participants of the ACC and Networking Academy licensing will need to pay a fee.
How to use help commands and navigate help systems when using Linux
Query vital network settings for a Linux computer on a Local Area Network
Types of users on a Linux system
Creating users and groups on a Linux system
Managing Linux file permissions and ownership
Special Linux directories and files
1 Introduction to Linux
3 Using Linux
5 Getting Help
9 Basic Scripting
12 Network Configuration
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Curriculum Requirements
For more information, please visit the NetSpace FAQs and Tutorials web page:
We also encourage new instructors to complete the Academy Orientation course located in the Cisco NetSpace
section in the Global Instructor Resources page:
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Safari 6.1+
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7. For each exam, you will be presented with options to indicate when you would like to have the exams
available, how long a student has to take the exam once initiated, and lastly, how many times the exam can
be taken.
8. Once the fields are marked accordingly, click on "Create Advanced Options" to activate.
9. For additional assistance visit the following URL:
Additional Information
17. Where do I get Linux Essentials curriculum help?
Learners should direct all content-related questions to the course instructor. Learners and instructors can also
use an online tool to submit feedback to NDG for content typos or clarification edits, bugs, or problem instances.
When viewing the Linux Essentials content, lab exercises, or quizzes, click the Help link in the top right corner to
submit a question or report a bug or typo. After submitting a request, the online system will search the frequently
asked questions (FAQ) database for an answer. If an answer is not available, the learner will be able to route the
submission to NDG for review.
Note: The Linux Essentials course is provided by NDG. All questions, comments, and feedback should be
directed to NDG. Learners and instructors can submit comments and feedback to NDG using the Help link
located inthe top-right corner of the Linux Essentials content, as highlighted in the screen capture below.
18. Who should I contact if I have questions about this course that are not explained in this document?
All Linux Essentials course questions should be directed to Network Development Group at
info@netdevgroup.com. Please take a few minutes to review the NDG website (www.netdevgroup.com), the
course materials and this FAQ document before emailing the NDG staff.
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