This prayer is so powerful that you will get your wishes, request no matter how difficult it is .
Jesus help me, In every need let me come to You with humble trust saying , Jesus help me.
In all my doubts , perplexities and temptations
Jesus help me.
In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials ,
Jesus help me.
In the failures of my plans and hopes, in disappointments ,troubles and sorrows , Jesus help
When I throw myself on your tender love as a Father and Savior,
Jesus help me.
When my heart is cast down by failures as seeing no good comes out of my efforts,
Jesus help me.
When my heart is cast down by failures, faults and shortcomings of every kind , Jesus help
me and never forsake me.
Almighty Arms of Jesus before You I come with all my faith begging You for comfort in my
difficulties . Do not forsake me. Good Jesus, open your doors, in my way that Your Almighty
Arms will open and close as You design to give me the tranquility that I so desire ( mention
requests )
Oh my God, please receive that supplication from a wounded heart that is always fighting for
me with Your Divine power never let me scramble for want of help. AlmighTy Jesus assist me
to find a shelter in your celestial country ever. Amen
This novena starts on a Friday and must continue for 15 days. Make 4 copies of this prayer
and send it or give it to those who believe .
Each day light a candle while praying and then put it out. After 15 days , let the candle burn
right out. Only one candle is to be lit for the 15 days .
O Infant Jesus, I have recourse to You and ask You through the intercession of Your Holy Mother
to help me in my need, ( mention it here) for I firmly believe that Your Divinity can help me.
I hope, in complete trust, to obtain Your holy grace. I love You with all my heart and with all the
strength of my soul. I am truly sorry for all my sins, and beg You, O good Jesus, to give me
strength to conquer them. I shall never offend You and I am ready to suffer rather than to cause
You pain.
From now on I want to serve with complete faithfulness and for love of You, O Divine Child, I will
love my neighbour as well as myself. Omnipotent Child, Lord Jesus, again I implore You, help
me in this need of mine (mention it).
Grant me the grace of possessing You eternally, with Mary and Joseph and of adoring You with
the holy angels in Your heavenly court. Amen