Seminary Questionnaire
Seminary Questionnaire
Seminary Questionnaire
---If by standard format you mean one in which the students are all bound by the
same guidelines as to 1.) class participation 2.) format of required assignments,
then yes I agree. However, concerning the curriculum the professor should have the
freedom of delivery.
2.) What instructional methods should we use for our classes?
Lecture notes
---Once again, I think the professor should have the freedom of delivery, but having
said that, I think we must consider the fact that we want a consistent curriculum
that can be presented and re-presented to multiple students over time, and I think
the only way to accomplish this is through recorded lectures that can be used
repeatedly along with printed lecture notes.
3.) What elements should be included in each course? Select all that you would use.
---All of the above in my opinion. Each of these only further serve to familiarize a
student with the subject being studied. After all we want intelligent students that
are well versed in their Theology.
4.) Should we use public domain books and other resources to keep down cost for
students /teachers?
---This should be evaluated on a course by course basis simply because some of the
best teaching resources cannot be found for free online.
5.) What percentage weight should be given to the different course elements? For
example: tests, mid-term/final exam, papers, etc.? Please provide your thoughts
---In think this would be acceptable 1.) Tests 20% of final grade 2.) Mid Terms/Final
Exam 50% of Final Grade and 3.) Writing Assignments [papers] 30% of final grade.
However I am open to discussion.
6.) What should the grading scale be? For example: 60-69 =D, 70-79 =C, 80-89 =B,
90-100 =A.
---This sounds fair enough to me.
7.) What courses that we currently offer do you feel need to be eliminated or
combined with other courses?
---I'm not sure I understand the Religious Philosophy course or Cooperative
Education, but I think they could probably be eliminated. Moral Theology might
need a bit of tweaking or possibly could be replaced by an Ethics course.
8.) What courses do you think we need to offer at the seminary that we currently do
not offer? Would you be willing to help create these courses?
---I think we should offer courses on Biblical Languages such as Hebrew, Greek
some Aramaic and definitely a introduction to Liturgical Latin. I think we should also
offer courses for our Deaconate as well as Sunday school teachers and maybe a
short practicum for our Alter Servers/Accolytes. I will help create whatever courses I
am qualified for.
10.) Should the seminary use a Term system and standardize course lengths?
11.) How many weeks and how many terms should an academic year contain?
12.) When should professors be available to students? For example: only by e-mail
with a 24-48 response time for non-urgent questions or by phone in case of
something urgent?
---By email with a 24-48 hr. Response time.
13.) Should we allow other jurisdictions to attend the seminary? Please answer yes
or no and explain your reasoning.
---Of course. Christ didn't hinder anyone from being exposed to his teachings and if
we are to teach His truths, we shouldn't either.
14.) What degree programs should we offer? Also should those applying for a
Bachelors degree be required to at least have an Associates degree?
---How about Associates Degree for the Deaconate, Bachelor 's and Master's
Degrees for the Vocation of Priest. But I'm open to discussion.
15.) What should our admission standards be? For example: high school diploma, a
minimum GPA, have to speak English, etc.
---At least a high school diploma or GED. Must Understand English or at least have
the means to secure a qualified interpreter.
17.) How should we communicate our progressive with each other? For example:
monthly conference call, e-mail reports, etc.?
---Monthly Conference calls as well as reports. Also a yearly meeting (synod) would
be nice.
18.) Should we charge tuition? How much tuition do you think we should charge per
---Maybe a small registration fee, but I wouldn't charge tuition unless it was on a
free-will basis. I would hate to see anyone swayed from their calling simply because
they couldn't afford proper instruction.
19.) If the seminary starts charging tuition how would you like to be compensated
for your time and effort?
---I would rather see any personal compensation donated to the furtherance of the
Church, the Seminary and Her outreach.
20.) Please use the space below to ask any other questions you have or provide
additional feedback.
---Video lectures, practicums can be posted to YouTube for free. Furthermore a
students practical exam could be videoed and posted as well with a written critique
and phone call follow-up by the professor.