Converse 1974
Converse 1974
Converse 1974
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of Religions.
History of Religions
India during the Vedic period that my own studies have been
undertaken. The archaeological model of strata has been used in
reexamining the Rgveda, the Rgveda Brahmanas, the Taittiriya
Samihita, the Satapatha Brahmana, and the Brhad5ranayaka
and Chandogya Upanisads. The study of the Agnicayana rite is
part of this longer study.
The Agnicayana rite is found most fully developed in the
Satapatha Brahmana (SB), Kandas vi-ix, with Kanda x providing
further interpretation. In this section of the Brahmana, Sandilya
is the authority cited, rather than Yajfiavalkya, and the language
also distinguishes it from the rest of the Brahmana. The immediate
practical purpose of the Agnicayana rite is to build up for the
sacrificer an immortal body that is permanently beyond the reach
of the transitoriness, suffering, and death that, according to this
rite, characterize man's mortal existence. The purpose is to be
achieved by ritual analogy in the rebuilding of the "unstrung"
body of the god Prajapati. The rite includes a year's preparation
and then the placing of a minimum of 10,800 kiln-fired bricks (a
sizable brick-making operation) in minutely prescribed sequence
and position, in five layers, with the sacrificial fire placed on top.3
At every point, with every brick, special mantras are to be recited,
special actions carried out, and the religious meanings of each part
of the rite carefully explained.
The question of bricks is of major importance. The Harappa
civilization, whose last, flood-damaged strongholds in the north
were overthrown by the invading Aryans in battles commemorated
in the Rg-Veda, was a brick-using culture. The Harappans used
millions of kiln-fired bricks as well as countless sun-baked ones.
In the Kathiawar peninsula, after the devastating flood of between
1700 and 1500 B.C., the Harappan people rebuilt their cities,
continuing their brick-making and pottery traditions, but with a
slow deterioration of the ancient skills. The bricks of the Harappa
civilization in its mature phase were beautifully made, well fired,
and standardized in size. The basic size for the bricks was 111
inches long, 53 inches wide, and two or three inches thick. There
were also double bricks 11 inches square, and special bricks for
well copings, drain covers, corners, etc.
Now, in the whole of the Rg-Veda there is no word for brick,
nor any descriptive phrase for bricks. So far no ruins of brick
dwellings have been found that can be attributed to the Aryans
3 J.
Eggeling, trans. The Satapathabrdhmana, pt. 4, in Sacred Books of the East
(hereafter cited as SBE) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882 ff.), 43:22, n. 1.
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meaning of the approximate transliteration of the indigenous
word that was emphasized, and this Sanskrit word, istakd, in no
way reflects the building function of bricks but only their ritual
The question of the fire pan is as significant as the bricks themselves. The first brick, three other special bricks, and the fire pan,
which was a sort of squarish pot, were to be prepared and fired a
year in advance of the actual building of the fire altar. The fire
lighted in the fire pan was then to be carried about by the sacrificer for part of each day during that year of preparation. The
four special bricks and the fire pan were to be fired in a pit kiln
and special instructions are given for this firing. And it is here
that an important detail comes to light. The fire pan was to be
fired with the bottom turned up (8B vi,5,4,4). This may seem like
an insignificant detail. But it was specifically this inverted firing
technique by which the Black-and-Red Ware, the distinctive
trait of the indigenous non-Vedic culture, was made black and red!
The technique was not used in the making of the Gray Ware,
except very sparsely at very late levels.6 Inverting the pot during
firing limits the oxidation in the interior of the pot, and this
partial reduction leaves the interior black, while the outside fires
to a red color because of the full reduction of the clays and washes
The inverted firing technique is again required to be used in the
making of the Mahavira pot for the Pravargya or Gharma rite
(~B xiv,1,2,21), and it is explained there that the firing technique
is the same as in the Agnicayana for the fire pan. This special
reference to the inverted firing technique, linking it with the Agnicayana, implies that this technique differed from that ordinarily
followed, and I have found no other references to it. The Asvalayana Srauta Sutra, as Eggeling's note on this passage points out,
further explains that a substance, a wash, is to be rubbed onto
the pot before firing so as to make the outside of the pot red.
It is clearly a Black-and-Red Ware pot. The legendary explanation
of the Pravargya also suggests indigenous connections. It is stated
that Indra overcame this sacrifice and forbade the telling of the
secret by which the "head could be restored to it," the secret
that would make it effective. But, in spite of Indra, the Asvins
(through whom other indigenous practices and Dasa groups such
6 See the discussion
by B. B. Lal, "Excavations at Rangpur and Other Explorations," Ancient India, nos. 18-19 (New Delhi: Director General of Archaeology,
1963), pp. 17, 193-99.
as the Tugryas of book viii of the Rg-Veda had been brought into
the Vedic community) got hold of the secret and told it to men.
The secret to which Indra was opposed was thus a rite which involves the making of the pot by the Black-and-Red Ware inverted
firing technique.
In the Agnicayana there is further evidence that the fire pan
and the technique for making it were taken over from the alien
indigenous culture. In the course of the ritual, the fire pan is
addressed as follows: "An Asura contrivance thou art, made in the
wonted manner" (SB vi,6,2,7); in the Satapatha Brahmana (and
in the Brahmana period generally) the Asuras were represented
as the divine beings of the enemy indigenous peoples. The reference
to the pot as an "Asura contrivance" and to the inverted firing
technique as the Asuras' wonted or habitual manner of making
pots acknowledges that the making of the pot has been taken over
from the enemy indigenous tradition. Thus the text independently
corroborates the archaeological evidence that the Black-and-Red
Ware technique was identified with the non-Vedic indigenous
culture. And this in turn underlines the close connection of the
Agnicayana rite with that culture.
If the Agnicayana was taken over from some form of indigenous
ritual, then one would expect to find in the Brahmanas both
opposition to it and explanations of the ways in which the Vedic
adaptation was superior to other ways of doing it. Passages of
both kinds do appear. A passage decisively denying the need for
performing the Agnicayana rite at all is found in the more
traditionally Vedic Yajiavalkya section of the Satapatha Brahmana (SB ii,3,3,17-18). Here it is stated that placing a stick on the
Agnihotra fire corresponds to placing a brick on the Agnicayana,
the same Yajus verses being chanted for both: "Whoever knows
this, just by offering the Agnihotra year by year, offers the equivalent of the Agnicayana." In another passage (SB ix,5,2,15) the
Vedic gods are represented as doubting the efficacy of the building
of an Agnicitya by Tura Kavaseya, who was one of the earliest
in the accounts to build a fire altar according to this rite. "The
gods asked him, 'Sage, seeing that they declare the building
of the fire altar not to be conducive to heaven, why then has thou
built one?"' The answer is vague and inconclusive.
The text notes over and again that only the correct Sandilya
form of the Agnicayana rite can be either effective or safe. At
Satapatha Brahmana viii,4,4,2-3 the Asuras are represented as
having their own rules for the building of a fire altar, but it is
History of Religions
pointed out that their efforts are bound to end in disaster because
they do not use the Sandilya form of the rite. In another passage
(8B x,5,5,8) some priests who were traveling about came upon
a fire altar whose shape was different from that of the Sandilya
fire altar: this one had "the head pulled out"; that is, it had a head
built out in front of the altar. The first of the five layers of the
8andilya fire altar does, indeed, have this shape: the altar is often
spoken of as being in the shape of a bird, with body, two wings, a
tail, and a head; these are represented by slight oblong projections
of the brick pattern on the north, south, and west; to the east on
the first layer a special series of bricks gives the appearance of a
neck and head. By the time the altar is built up to the fifth layer it
no longer has the appearance of having a neck and head on the
eastward side as in the first layer, and this is intentional, as the
fire itself, standing on the top of the altar, is to be the head. The
"pulled out head" is still present even in the fourth layer, being
obscured only in the fifth, and it is possible that the construction
with the "pulled out head" represents an original indigenous form.7
To build the fire altar in this way with the head pulled out, states
the text, results in the early death of the one who builds it.
This in turn is connected with another late Vedic use of the
same Agnicitya construction-its
use as a tomb or relic mound
head is to be built on the east
(SB xiii,8,1,1-4,12).
wings and tail, thus making it
xiii,8,1,5 appears a most important comparative
statement: "The people who are godly8 make their burial places
four-cornered, whilst those who are of the Asura nature, the
Easterners and others, (make them) round." The same sort of
comparison occurs again at xiii,8,2,1: "Whence those who are
godly people make their sepulchres so as not to be separate (from
the earth), whilst those (people) who are of the Asura nature, the
Easterners and others, (make their selpulchral mounds) so as to be
separated (from the earth), either on a camu or some such thing."
It should be recalled that the archaeological evidence shows the
presence of Black-and-Red Ware cities in the eastern Gangetic
plain during the late Brahmana period. The "people of the Asura
nature, those Easterners and others" were evidently non-Vedic
people in the Black-and-Red territory, who were already at this
early date in the habit of building round, solid, relic mounds raised
Eggeling, Satapathabrcihmana, pt. 4, in SBE, vol. 43. See diagramnsin the notes
on pp. 17, 24, 48, 71, 98.
I.e., the Vedic people.
History of Religions
the 8atapatha Brahmana.9 It is possible that the peculiar theology
of the Agnicayana may also represent indigenous influences.
In the Satapatha Brahmana the Agnicayana with its special
religious views (which will be referred to as the Prajapati theology)
appears to have been a distinct and developed tradition, added
to the Vedic Soma sacrifices. But the Prajapati legends and the
conceptions they conveyed had already been known before the two
lines were brought together. Eggeling points out that this accounts
for the occasional presence of Prajapati legends in the Rg-Veda
Brahmanas, where, however, they are bodily inserted and often
conflict with the context, and in the Yjniiavalkya section of the
satapatha Brahmana, where the references are often perfunctory.10
The purpose of the Agnicayana rite is to build up for the sacrificer an immortal self that is permanently beyond the reach of the
transitoriness, suffering, and death that are held to characterize
his mortal existence. This is done through the placing of the bricks
in the fire altar and an interwoven series of sacramental identifications, providing a ritual analogy to the rebuilding of the
"unstrung" body of the god Prajapati. This is explained through
repetitive and sometimes conflicting legends about Prajapati,
who symbolizes the creative-destructive process continually
occurring in nature. Frequently the sacrifice itself is seen in this
Prajapati theology as death-and-new-life, rather than in the older
Vedic terms of "gift" and strengthening food.
The primary deity in all of this is Prajapati. Prajapati first
appears in the Vedic literature in the small group of "philosophical" hymns in the final stratum (bk. i, 50-191; bk. x) of the
Rg-Veda. The language of these hymns connects them with the
small number of yatu or black sorcery hymns, also found for the
first time in the last stratum of the Rg-Veda, the philosophical
hymns and the curse hymns form a single tradition that differs
from the main body of book x.11 Furthermore, the yatu verses
contain practices and beliefs which in stratum 1 of the Rg-Veda
had been condemned as enemy alien ways, contrary to belief in
Eggeling, Satapathabrdhmana, pt. 1, in SBE, 12:xxxi, xlvi; A. B. Keith, The
Veda of the Black Yajus School Entitled Taittiriya Sanhita (Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1914), pp. cxxvi ff. Both Eggeling and Keith discuss the
views of other scholars, as well as their own views, at these references.
10 Eggeling, Satapathabrahmana, pt. 4, in SBE, 43: xiii ff.; Keith, The Veda of the
Black Yajus School, p. cxxx; A. B. Keith, The Religion and Philosophy of the Vedas
and Upanishads (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1925), p. 440.
11 Edward V. Arnold, "The Rig Veda and the Atharva Veda," Journal of the
American Oriental Society 22 (1901): 309-20.
This has all been set forth in an earlier, as yet unpublished study of mine.
instance, in the foundation of the altar, over which it is built up, is
placed first a lotus leaf; on that is laid a golden plate, and on that a golden image
of a man. At ~B vii,4,1,7-15 is one of the explanations which the text gives
(and they differ); it is said that the lotus leaf is the womb from which Agni (and
so the sacrificer also, who is identified with Agni) is to be born. The gold plate is
round, with twenty-one knobs; it is the sun. By placing it on the lotus leaf, the
sacrificer places Agni in the womb and impregnates it, and a verse is quoted:
"The womb of the existent and the nonexistent did he overspread"; the text then
goes on to quote more from Rg-Veda (RV) x, 121 about Hiranyagarbha. Then, on
the gold plate the gold man is laid: "He is Prajapati, he is Agni, he is the Sacrificer.
He is Purusa for Prajapati is Purusa." In other places Visvakarman and the
Self-existent are honored also (SB viii,2,1,10; ix,4,1,12).
14 See, for instance, RV vi,12,6; vi,70,3; x,63,13.
13 For
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completely restored or renewed by the building of the fire altar,
"and is now equal to injuring (destroying) whomsoever he might
wish to injure" (my italics).
Prajapati's role as destroyer is most clearly marked when he is
identified with the sun, with Agni, or with the year-that machine
of impermanence, glutting itself on the transient, mortal existence
of all that lies this side of the sun but also, with the same indifference, proliferating new life. Both the sun and Agni are frequently
identified with death (as well as with generative power), and
Prajapati is identified with them and also directly with death.
In SB x,1,3,1, for instance, it is stated: "Prajapati created living
beings. From the out- (and in-) breathings he created the gods,
and from the downward breathings the mortal beings; and above
the mortal beings he created Death as their consumer." In the
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad (1,2,4-5), in another creation legend,
he is pictured as attempting to eat his own offspring as soon as it
was born.
One cannot look for consistency in these legends, but only for
the general conceptions which emerge. And there is evidence of
the hostility that appears to have existed between the tradition
represented by the Agnicayana and the older Vedic rites. In SB
x,4,3,1 ff., we find, "the Year is the same as Death," and "the
gods were afraid of this Prajapati, the Year, Death, the Ender,
lest he by day and night should reach the end of their life." They
tried all of the established Vedic rites (the Agnihotra, the new
moon and full moon sacrifices, etc.), and they were ineffective.
Then they tried out a fire altar, but it too did not work, until
Prajapati showed them just how to build it.
The strong emphasis on death, as well as fecundity, in the primal
divine being, Prajapati, who represents the cosmic process, tends
to produce or to reflect a particular religious attitude toward the
world; the believer regards the world, if not as suffering and evil
at least as ambiguous, as a condition from which he seeks to
escape. The world, the human situation, bears a negative valuation,
and religion is regarded as assisting man to extricate himself from
it. An important passage in this regard is 8B x,4,4,1 ff.: "When
Prajapati was creating living beings, Death, that evil, overpowered him. He practiced austerities for a thousand years, striving to leave evil behind him." The phenomenal world, the world
of created living beings, is the world of evil15 where death
See also, for instance, SB x,5,1,1 ff. where it is stated that this world is death.
overpowers, or is part of, even the divine and immortal being who
is lord of this world, "lord of creatures." The passage further emphasizes that the way to free oneself from evil is through the
practice of asceticism, over a long period of time, in fact the
equivalent of many lifetimes. This is made more explicit in paragraph 3 of the same passage: "In the one-thousandth year, he
cleansed himself all through; and he that cleansed all through is
this wind which here cleanses by blowing; and that evil which he
cleansed all through is this body." A dualism here opposes the
body, regarded as evil, to the spirit (with affinities to wind and
breath), regarded as pure. How antithetical this is to the early
Vedic hope, reiterated again and again, that the gods will make
available all bodily experienced delights and preserve from harm
"our own dear bodies"!16 The Satapatha Brahmana passage goes
on to state that through "knowledge," meditation on the mystic
identifications, one can appropriate for himself the equivalent
of Prajapati's 1,000 years of asceticism. But the sacrificer should
himself also practice asceticism: "Wherefore let him who knows
this by all means practice austerities: for indeed, when he who
knows this practices austerities, even to abstention from sexual
intercourse, every part of him will share in the world of heaven."
It is significant that the section ends with a quotation from the
Rg-Veda (i,179,3), a banal generality: "Not in vain is the labor
which the gods favor," whose only purpose here must be to
provide the ancient sanction of the Rg-Veda for a religious view
not characteristically Rg-Vedic.
In SB x.4 and 5 death is exalted to the position of the highest
deity, who himself does not die, who is the eye of the sun, bathed
in luminosity. It is through the sacrificer's identification with this
death-of-all-that-is-phenomenal that the sacrificer attains identity
of atman with that Ultimate which negates phenomenality and
brings men an immortality that is conceived very differently
from the older Vedic view of heaven as a place where all desires
are fulfilled. In this new view which exalts death, a new sort of
heaven is indicated in a cited verse for which no Vedic source has
been found: "They ascend to that state where desires have
vanished; sacrificial gifts go not thither, nor the fervid practicers
of rites without knowledge"; the Brahmana goes on: "For indeed,
he who does not know this, does not attain to that world either by
sacrificial gifts or by devout practices, but only to those who know
History of Religions
does that world belong" (SB x,5,4,16). At the end of the sixth
Adhyaya (Kanda x) Sandilya is quoted in reference to this
knowledge. He states that it is an omniscience, that the object
of knowledge is the atman which is intelligent spirit, the form of
light, speechless, and indifferent (my italics), and the same as the
person's own self. Thus in the section where death is stressed as
both the character of and the master over all phenomenal existence, the ultimate state includes all knowledge and indifference.
Nothing is said of the Vedic aim of gaining this world as well as
yonder world. The similarity to Jain types of doctrines is obvious:
life is suffering, the domain of death; the body is evil, an entrapment; the state of the released self, like that of the released jiva,
is omniscience and indifference; asceticism is a means to release.17
If Parsva is accepted as having been a historical person, as he now
generally is, then some sort of proto-Jainism was undoubtedly
being practiced near its original holy places in the Black-and-Red
Ware territory to the east and south of the Aryavarta at the time
the an.ldilya and Yajniavalkya traditions were brought together
in the Satapatha Brahmana.
There are a great many Prajapati passages in the Sandilya
section of the Satapatha Brahmana which interpret the world in
the sense of the passages above, as the domain of death, release
from which is to be sought through asceticism and meditation:
asceticism and meditation assist the devotee to "mount above"
the sun or the year or Agni as symbols of death and of the phenomenal world. But the anndilya tradition represents something
more. It represents the thorough adaptation of these conceptions
to the Vedic tradition, the result being an accommodation in which
both the world-affirming Vedic conceptions and the world-negating
non-Vedic conceptions are retained. How? The World negating
17 The alternatives of
complete release from phenomenal impermanence after
death, or of remaining somehow within its hold, are expressed but not clearly
resolved. Yet the emphasis is placed on attaining the good things of life in both
worlds through the ritual. The key doctrines of karma and transmigration do not
occur in the Agnicayana, although they appear to be known-and rejected by
Yajfiavalkya in the earlier parts of the Satapatha Brahmana. The Agnicayana
does contain a heavy concentration of punarmrtyu passages, a related doctrine
regarding the possible sufferings of the fathers, which may represent attempts to
neutralize the transmigration doctrine by adaptation and incorporation without
relinquishing the importance of this life and this world. The way of knowledge is
suggestive of yogic techniques of meditation in the passage cited, SB x,5,4,16: the
"person" in the right eye and the one in the left eye descend to the heart, they join
in maithuna, and the man becomes insensible. The man in the right eye and death
and Agni are all the same, and this state of insensibility to the outside world, of
indifference, is a foretaste of the ultimate state of the delivered soul, the highest
bliss (BB x,5,2,11).
History of Religions
I have outlined some of the reasons why I am convinced that the
Prajapati theology, found most intensively in Vedic literature
in the Agnicayana rite, represents a separate strand of tradition
with an original indigenous origin, although as incorporated into
the Vedic materials, it had been adapted to Vedic ends. This is
in keeping with the available archaeological, literary, and linguistic evidence dealt with briefly in Section I of this study. I am
further convinced that the archaeological evidence for two separate
and relatively isolated cultures existing in north India during
the Vedic period and beginning to interact extensively about 500
B.C. provides a fruitful and illuminating interpretive structure
with which to pursue further studies. The two-culture situation
not only throws new light on the texts of the Brahmanas and
Upanisads. It also points to the rise of Buddhism in the Blackand-Red Ware territory as primarily a non-Vedic movement.l8
The concept of cultural encounter is immensely useful also in
clarifying the formative period of Hinduism and the amalgamative
process which was occurring then. Thus the study of the Agnicayana rite in this new archaeological context, while significant for
itself, is of importance also in sharpening the implications of the
new archaeological evidence, supported by linguistic and literary
findings, for a whole range of further studies.
School of Humanistic Studies, Oklahoma State University
18 It has been
noted that all of the original holy places of both Jainism and
Buddhism are to be found in the Black-and-Red Ware territory, none of them in
the Gray Ware territory. Thus the archaeological evidence supports those interpretations of the rise of Buddhism and the formative developments in early
Hinduism as involving a situation of cultural encounter of two peoples with wholly
different religious outlooks, the world-affirming Vedic view and the world-negating
Jain-Buddhist view. The rise of Buddhism can thus no longer be interpreted as a
class revolt of eastern Ksatriyas against Brahmin domination, for it is exactly
in the period of the rise of Buddhism that archaeological evidence shows the first
significant interaction between the two cultures began.