Vedas - General Aspects
Vedas - General Aspects
Vedas - General Aspects
The Vedas are called anaadi i.e. without a beginning in terms of time. That is to say,
anything previous to it or older than it does not exist. This means it has existed at all the times. A
theory has been put forward that evolved persons called rishis or sages wrote the Vedas it is
stated that Vedas contain many sutras or words of wisdom, wise saying, attributed to several
Before reciting the Veda mantras, it is customary to mention the name of the rishi or sage
concerned with that particular portion, the chandas or meter in which the mantra appears or is
composed and the devata or the presiding deity of that mantra. By definition, the Vedas are
apourusheya or of non human origin.pourusheya is the work of man. Since it is not the work of
man the rishis who work for human beings could not have written them. If they had written
them, they (rishis) would have been called the mantra kartas or the composers of mantras. But in
actual fact, they are called mantra dristars or the seers of mantras. This means that rishis found or
discovered the Vedas and did not compose or created them.
What does it mean when one says that Columbus discovered America? Did he create
America?No,he helped to bring America which was already in existence to the notice of the
world.Newton,Einstein and other famous scientists did not create the laws for which they are
“Ananthavai vedhaah” –endless are Vedas, but the rishis have been able to capture for us only
some mantras out of the vast limitless Vedas. These are sufficient for our happiness here and
salvation here in after as well as for universal welfare.
Rig-Veda itself contains references to yajus and samaveda in many places. Purusha sookta
,which appears in the tenth mandala,90th hymn of rig Veda ,refers to the other Vedas as well.
Does this not show that there can be no question of some Vedas being “earlier or later”?
The whole of the rig Veda samhita is in the form of verses. What in the later age came to be
called slokas (stanzas) was earlier known as rik are hymn in praise. The whole of the rig Veda
samhita is only in rig or hymn form extolling different devatas. Each rik is a mantra .A number
of riks constitute a sookta.
Rig-Veda that is the samhita portion of it, contains more than 10,000 riks (10,170 to be
precise).the samhita of all the four Vedas contain 20,500 mantras.Rigveda which contains 1028
sooktas or collection of hymns has been divided in to two containing 10 mandalas and 8
ashtakas. It begins with a sookta and also ends with it.
Amongst the Vedas, the Rig-Veda is wholly in the form of hymns in praise of devatas. Since in
the beginning (upakrama) and end (upasamhara) it talks of Agni some think that the purport of
the Veda is fire worship. It would be more correct if Agni is the taken to mean the light of the
souls consciousness (atmachaitanya)-the glow of the souls awakening.
Although the last sookta of the Rig-Veda pertains to Agni, it contains verses of universal appeal.
Let all men meet and think as with one mind. Let all hearts unite in love. Let the goal be
common. May all live in happiness with a common purpose”, so ends the Rig-Veda.
The pride of Rig Veda is that it contains hymns in praise of all Devatas. Wise men honor it, for
it describes the ways of social living better than others. For e.g. the marriage rites have been
created on the pattern of marriage of surya’s daughter which it details dramatic situations like the
dialogue between puruooravas and urvasi also find a place in Rig-Veda. In later years poets like
kalidasa have explained on these.
Discerning man (cognoscente) extol the portions in Rig-Veda like those dealing with Ushas the
goddess of dawn as master piece of poetic composition. There must be some reason indeed why
Rig-Veda has been assigned the first place amongst Vedas. The actions which Rig-Veda
predicates and the musical recitation which samaveda dictates emerge from the basic riks from
The word “yajus“ is derived from the root ‘yaj” which means worship. The word yajna
(sacrificial worship) is also derived from it .just as the word rig itself means a hymn in praise so
also the word yajus connote spelling out the ritualistic procedure of the yajna. True to its name
the purpose of Yajurveda is to give the mantras in Rig-Veda appearing in the form of hymns a
practical shape in the form of yajna or worship. Yajurveda also refers to many mantras in hymn
form from the Rig-Veda. In addition it describes in prose the procedural details for the
performance of different yajnas. Rig-Veda helps in chanting the praise by hymn. Yajurveda
helps in actual performance of yajnas using these hymns and mantras.
In addition to having many branches as in the other Vedas Yajurveda has two main branches
with many recensions in each branch.
The main branches are called sukla Yajurveda and Krishna yajur veda. Sukla means white and
Krishna means black. The sukla yajurveda samhita is also known as vaajasaneyi samhita.
Vaajasani is the Sun. as rishi yajnavalkya is believed to have brought this samhita to the
knowledge of the world after learning it from the sun god it is called vajasaneeyi samhita.
There is an interesting story as to how yanjavalkya learnt the vajasaneeyi samhita from the Sun.
when the Vedas were classified by the sage vedavyasa, into four ; yajurveda had only one
version or branch. This was entrusted by sage vedavyasa to sage vaisampaayana for preservation
and propogation through disciples.Yajnavalkya learnt this from vaisampaayana.Due to a
misunderstanding between them the teacher asked the pupil to return what he had taught him.
Yajnavalkya saw the justice of this and complied accordingly. He then prayed to the god Surya
to accept him as a pupil. Surya taught him Yajurveda in a different version. Thus it gained the
name of vaajasaneyi or suklayajurveda. Since this was called sukla the earlier one taught by
vaisampaayana came to be called the Krishna Yajurveda. Krishna yajur Veda is not wholly
divided in to samhita and braahmana portions. The braahmana portions are at times conjoined
with the samhita mantras in their respective places.
The glory of yajur Veda lies in its good presentations of Vedic karma or rituals.Yajnas like
Dasapoornamasa ,somayaga,vaajapeya,rajasooya,asvamedha and many others are made known
to us in all their procedural detail by the Taittareeya samhita in Krishna yayur veda .In
addition,some mantras which are hymns of praise and which are not contained in Rig veda are
also found in the yajur veda.For example,the Sri Rudram now in vague is from the Yajur
veda.Although five sooktas called “pancha Rudram”,find a place in Rig veda,today Sri Rudram
refers only to that which is contained in Yajur veda. sukla yajur veda is the prevalent school in
south India.The purusha Sookta which appears in Rig Veda alo appears in Rig veda and with
certain changes appears in yajur veda.
“Saama” means to bring “shanti” or peace to the minds.In other words to make mind find
happiness in peace.Of the four methods of tackling an enemy,viz saama,daama,bheda and danda
,the first is saama or conquering an enemy by love and conciliatory words.Many of the Riks or
mantras in Rig veda are set to music in melodious hymns in saama veda.The mantras are the
same as in Rig Veda.But.instead of Udaatha(upward Swara) anudaatha(downward swara) etc for
chanting the Rig veda mantra,the saama has set the mantras to music with lengthened
notes.Saama Gaana can be said to be the basis and source of the seven swaraas or notes
fundamental to Indian music systems.Saama gaana or singing of hymns as per rules of saama
veda propitiates all devatas.In Yajnas ,in addition to offering libations there is a priest called
“udgaata” who chants saama veda in order to ensure the grace of the Gods.
In the Bhagavad Gita ,Lord Krishna declares, “amongst Vedas ,i am saama veda”.In Lalita
sahasranaama,which gives thousand extooling attributes of Goddess Lalita’the divine mother,one
of the epithets mentioned is “saamagaanapriya”-meaning one who is pleased by the recital of
Atharva means a purohit.There was a Rishi by that name.the mantras in the Athharva veda were
brought to light by this rishi,called Atharvan.The veda contains many types of mantras designed
to ward off evil and hardships and to destroy enemies.The Atharva veda are in prose as well as in
verse.In atharva veda are found mantras which pertain to devatas not maintained in the other
Atharva veda also contains many hymns dealing with creation.he hymn which extols the wonder
of creation called the “prithvi sooktam” appears in this veda.
The pride of this veda is that Brahma who supervises the conduct of yajnas is representative of
Atharva veda.Amongst the ten major Upanishads, the three viz Prasna,Mundaka,and Maandukya
are part of this veda.There is a saying that for a mumukshu or seeker mandukhya Upanishad
alone can ensure moksha or liberation.The importance of Atharva veda can be judged from this.
The Gaayatri to which boys are initiated during upanayana is called Tripaada Gayatri ,ie three
legged.It is so called since it has three limbs.each pada or limb,is the essence of one
veda.Atharva veda however has a gayatri of its own.Hence the necessity to get initiated into
atharva gayatri and then learn the other three Vedas and who wishes to learn the other two
among the three need not get a second upanayana performed for himself. That is because there is
a common gayatri for all the three Vedas,rig,yajus, and saama.
The work portion of the Vedas divided in to three-the samhitas,brahmanas,aranyakas. The main
text of a veda is its samhita portion. In addition each veda has a part called braahmana and
another called aranyaka. The portion called braahman lists what the vedic karmas(rituals to be
performed) and explains how they should be performed. When the mantras ontained in a veda
samhita are converted in to action called yajna,the braahmanas serve the purpose of a guide
book or handy manual explaining how each word should be understood, or what construction
should be placed on each word used in other words the proper use of the mantra.
Aaranyaka is derived from the word Aranya meaning forest. However neither the samhita nor the
brahmana advocates that a person should leave the town or village and seek the solitude of the
forest. Yajna and other rituals are prescribed only for those who live in homes and lead the life of
house-holders. But it has to be understood that vedic rituals are intended to confer not only
material benefits,but also mental purity by constant discipline. Having obtained mental purity
,one must seek the solitude of forests for further concentration and meditation. Chanting of
Vedas ,performance of yajnas and rules of discipline are all meant as preliminaries for the
ultimate meditation on the true nature of the self and true nature of reality. The aaranyaka
portions of the Upanishads come towards the end of the aaranyakas. If the samhita is likened to
a tree, the Brahmanas are its followers and the aaranyakas are its fruit in an unripened state,
upanishads are the right fruits. The direct method of realizing through the path of
knowledge(njana marga) the non duality (abheda) of the supreme being and the soul are
explained in the upanishads. Also Upanishads contain reference to various disciplines of
learning(vidyas) , yajnas ad worship of devatas etc. essentially the main theme is a philosophical
enquiry and dealing with that state of the mind with shacklers destroyed. On this basis Vedas are
generally considered to have two portions, viz karmakanda and njanakanda.
1) rigveda
Work -samhitas , brahmanas , aaranyakas.
Knowledge –upanishads
2) Samaveda
Work – samhitas, brahmanas, aaranyakas
Knowledge –upanishads
3) yajurveda
Work – samhitas, brahmanas, aaranyakas
Knowledge –upanishads
4) Adharvaveda
Work – samhitas, brahmanas, aaranyakas
Knowledge –upanishads
The sanskrit word vedanga literally means the limb of the Vedas. Eventhough the vedanga
literature does not form part of the Vedas, these disciplines are complementary for the proper
understanding of the vedic text. The six vedandas are sisksa, phonetics, vyakarana(grammar),
chandas , prosody or meter:nirukta,etymology:jyotisha,astronomy and astrology:kalpa,know how
of rituals.
Looking at the Vedas metaphorically as a purusha, person these 6 vedangas can be seen as his
angas, limbs. Siksa phonetics is considered to be the breath and nostrils of the veda- purusha
without which no chanting of the Vedas is possible. Vyakarana, grammar is considered as his
mouth, the organ of speech instrumental in expressing words. Chandas , prosody is perceived as
his feet, as the body of the Vedas is said to rest on prosody. Chandas also represent rhythm or
movement like that of the feet. Nirukta, vedic etymology form the ears of the vedapurusha. Ears
are meaningful only when one understands the meaning of what is heard. Nirulta reveals the
meaning of the vedic mantras and thereby is aptly described as the ears of the vedapurusha.
Jyotisha astronomy and astrology form the eyes of the vedapurusha because it s the means for
discerning the proper time for performance of the vedapurusha, since it gives 1 of the methods of
performing vedic rituals .
Siksa is defined as ‘siksyate Anaya iti ‘ that by which one is taught-Siksa refers to the text
dealing with instruction on phonetics. These text explains the rules of proper pronunciation and
accentuation of the vedic mantras. Since the Vedas employ words as a means of knowledge the
words must reveal the meaning as inteneded by the Vedas. Any alteration in the pronunciation
of a word or its accent ,swara; changes the meaning of the word, which can alter the message
communicated by the sentence. Therefore great care was taken to evolve a system of phonetics
that would protect the meaning of the word as intended by the Vedas. There are numerous
scholarly siksa text containing rules of pronunciation. The paniniya siksa and yajnavalkya siksa
are among the most comprehensive compilations. Other siksa works include the samana siksa ,
which catalogues elisions of visarga(:) in the rigv eda. The bharadwaja siksa which
alphabetically list the words of the yajurveda; the narada siksa which deals with accents of the
samaveda and the manduki siksa which deal with the accents of the adharva veda.
Vyakarana is defined as “vyakriyate anena iti vyakarana”-that by which words and sentences are
formed and examined ,it analyses both the nominal and verbal words by their constituent
elements,such as roots,word stems,augments and affixes.Sanskrit has a grammatical frame work
for forming varieties of compounds and nominal derivatives.Therefore there can never be an
exhaustive lexicon for Sanskrit. Only knowledge of grammar can make one an adept in the
The ancient grammarians used a symbolic language for presenting the complex grammar of this
classical language. There were as many as nine systems of grammar,each one named after its
author. The nine systems of grammar are
Aindra,candra,kasakrtsna,kaumara,sakatayana,saraswata,apisala,sakala and paniniyaka.
Of these an exhaustive work known as astadhyayi was written by Panini, who is said to have
lived in sixth century B.C. There are two important works on the Astadhyayi a varthika , critical
exposition, written by Katyayasa and a Mahabhasya, commentary written by Patanjali.
The medium of communicating the Vedas has always been in the form of words, thus the study
of grammar has been given the same reverence of the vedas.
Chandas refers to the meters in the Sanskrit language. The Vedas are also known as chandas
because most of the mantras in the Vedas are in a meter form. The first work on chandas was
written by Pingala(2nd centuary B.C.) . Other important works on this subject are Vrttaratnakara
by Ketara and Chandomanjari by Gangadasa.
Every metric composition generally has 4 padas, quarters(expect the one in gayathri meter) and
each pada in a given meter has a specific number of aksharas, syllables each with a defined
length, matra. Some of the meters in the Vedas are as follows
1) Gayatri, which has 3 padas each having 8 syllables.
2) Usnik, which has 7 syllables per pada.
3) Anustubh, which has 8 syllables per pada.
4) Brhati, which has 9 syllables per pada.
5) Pankti, which has 10 syllables per pada.
6) Tristubh, which has 11 syllables per pada.
7) Jagati, which has 12 syllables per pada.
Nirukta is a vedic dictionary authored by Yaska. In his book Yaska explains the
etymology of vedic words which are also included in an older text known as Nighatu. He also
includes the etymologies of a large number of words derived from other vedic passages.
The Etymology of vedic words is traced by identifying the phonetic and semantic history
and evolution of a word. The meaning of the word is taken into consideration while deriving its
etymology. Some of the principles adopted by Yaska for derivation of vedic words are given
1) In deriving words, attention is paid to the accent, grammatical formation and the meaning of the
2) All nominal forms are derived from roots, based on the particular meaning indicated by the
nouns. The word ‘Karaka’ ‘accessories of action’ is derived from the root ‘Kr which means to
3) When a root closely resembles a word, but between the root and the word there is no identiy in
the meaning.
4) When there is no resemblance between the word and any root, the resemblance between a word
and any root ,the resemblance of even a single syllable forms the basis of its etymology.For
example,the word ‘agni’ is derived from the root ‘ni’ meaning ‘to lead’,which resembles the
syllable ‘ni’ in agni.
Jyothisha,is metaphorically represented as the eyes of the veda-purusa.Just as the ones eyes
enable one to see the objects at a distance,Jyothisha ,helps one determine the position of planets
and stars in the past or in the future.In addition ,jyothisha also includes astrology which helps
predicts the possible events occurring in one’s life based on the planetary positions.The jyothisha
sastra is reflevant as one of the vedangas since a vedic ritual is enjoined to be performed only at
the time of certain planetary configuration .The vedic injunction of a special time of a particular
ritual is mandatory and held to be propitious.
The vedanga jyothisha is represented by two little treatises connected with rig veda and
yajurveda containing 36 and 43 verses respectively in each.The object of these treatise is not to
teach astronomy ,but to convey such knowledge of the days and hours of the vedic sacrifices.
In the later works,Surya sidhanta of varaha mihira is very famous.Besides ,there were other four
treatises-Paulish,Ramaka,Vasishta and Pitamaha.Parashar,Garga,Arya-bhatta,Brajma
gupta,Bhaskaracharya wer other famous astronomers in the later times and who comparatively
paid more attention to the astrological side.