Secured Authentication
Secured Authentication
Secured Authentication
Authentication is a process of validating who are you to whom you claimed to be
or a process of identifying an individual, usually based on a username and password. We
have many authentication schemes but they have some drawbacks. So 3D password is
introduced. The 3-D password is a multifactor authentication scheme. It can combine all
existing authentication schemes into a single 3-D virtual environment. This 3-D virtual
environment contains several objects or items with which the user can interact. The
type of interaction varies from one item to another. The 3-D password is constructed by
observing the actions and interactions of the user and by observing the sequences of such
actions. In other words, The 3D Password scheme is a new authentication scheme
that combine RECOGNITION+RECALL+TOKENS+BIOMETRIC in one authentication
system. 3D passwords are flexible and they provide unlimited passwords possibility.
They are easy to Memorize and can be remembered in the form of short story. 3D
passwords have many application areas such as Critical Servers, Nuclear and military
Facilities, Airplanes and Jet Fighters, ATMs, Desktop and Laptop Logins, Web
Authentication etc. In this research paper we have compared 3D password authentication
system with existing system and discussed about implementation and working of 3D
password system. Let us consider a 3D virtual environment space of size G G G. The
3D environment space is represented by the coordinates (x, y, z) [1, . . . , G]
[1, . . . , G] [1, . . . , G]. The objects are distributed in the 3D virtual environment with
unique (x, y, z) coordinates. We assume that the user can navigate into the 3D virtual
environment and interact with the objects using any input device such as a mouse, key
board, ingerprint scanner, iris scanner, stylus, card reader, and microphone. We consider
the sequence of those actions and interactions using the previous input devices as the
users 3D password. We have also provided security analysis against various attacks such
as Brute Force Attack, Well-Studied Attack, Shoulder Surfing Attack, Timing attack etc.
Authentication, Biometrics, 3D password,
The authentication system which we are using is mainly very light or very strict.
Since many years it has become an interesting approach. With the development in means
of technology, it has become very easy for 'others' to hack someones password.
Therefore many algorithms have come up each with an interesting approach toward
calculation of a secret key. The algorithms are such based to pick a random number in the
range of 10^6 and therefore the possibilities of the sane number coming is rare. We are
provided with many password types such as textual passwords, biometric scanning,
tokens or cards (such as an ATM) etc. But there are many weaknesses in current
authentication systems. When a person uses textual passwords, helikely chooses
meaningful words from dictionary or their nick names, girlfriends etc which can
becracked easily. And if a password is hard to guess then it is hard toremember also.
Users face difficulty in remembering a long and random appearing password and because
of that they create small, simple, and insecure passwords that are easy to attack.
Graphical passwords can also be used. Their strength comes from the fact that users can
recall and recognize pictures more than words. Token based systems can also be used as
way of authentication in banking systems and for entrance in laboratories. But smart
cards or tokens are susceptible to loss or theft. Biometric scanning is your "natural"
signature and Cards or Tokens prove your validity. Many years back Klein performed
tests and he could crack almost 15 passwords per day. As the technology has changed
many fast processors and tools are available on internet it has become very easy. So in
this paper , we have introduced 3-d password scheme.
Authentication is a process of validating who are you to whom you claimed to be
or a process of identifying an individual, usually based on a username and password.
The 3D password is a multi factor authentication scheme. The 3D password
presents a 3D virtual environment containing various virtual objects. The user navigates
through this environment and interacts with the objects. The 3D password is simply the
combination and the sequence of user interactions that occur in the 3D virtual
environment. The 3D password can combine recognition, recall, token, and biometrics
based systems into one authentication scheme. This can be done by designing a 3D
virtual environment that contains objects that request information to be recalled,
information to be recognized, tokens to be presented, and biometric data to be verified.
For example, the user can enter the virtual environment and type something on a
computer that exists in (x1 , y1 , z1 ) position, then enter a room that has a fingerprint
recognition device that exists in a position (x2 , y2 , z2 ) and provide his/her fingerprint.
Then, the user can go to the virtual garage, open the car door, and turn on the radio to a
specific channel. The combination and the sequence of the previous actions toward the
specific objects construct the users 3D password.Virtual objects can be any object that
we encounter in real life. Any obvious actions and interactions toward the real life objects
can be done in the virtual 3D environment toward the virtual objects. Moreover, any user
input (such as speaking in a specific location) in the virtual 3D environment can be
considered as a part of the 3D password.
We can have the following objects:
1. A computer with which the user can type.
2. A fingerprint reader that requires the usersfingerprint.
3. A biometric recognition device.
4. A paper or a white board that a user can write, sign, or draw on.
5. An ATM machine that requires a smart card and PIN.
6. A light that can be switched on/off.
7. A television or radio where channels can be selected.
8. A staple that can be punched.
3D Passwords allows Multifactorauthentication biometric, textual passwords can
be embedded in 3D password technology.
This scenario provides almost unlimited passwords possibility.
Easy to Remember:
can be remembered in the form of short story.
Organizers can select authentication schemes that respect users privacy.
1. Critical Servers:
Many organizations are using critical servers which are protected by a textual
password. 3D password authentication scheme proposes sound replacement for these
textual passwords.
2. Banking:
Almost all the Indian banks started 3D password service for security of buyer who
wants to buy online or pay online. How to Create 3D password for my master card?
Our online payment will fail, if will create 3D password, so for generating 3D password,
we have to go to our bank's website and then, click 3D secure service and then write our
card number, CVV, pin no., and write our password and rewrite it and then click ok or
submit. After this we will get thank you message. Like PNB, SBI also started 3D secure
services for verified by Visa.Verified by Visa is a new service that will let you use a
personal password with your State Bank of India Visa card, giving you added assurance
that only you can use your State Bank of India Visa card to make purchases over the
successful type of attack against 3D passwords and some other graphical passwords.
However, the users 3D password may contain biometric data or textual passwords that
cannot be seen from behind. Therefore, we assume that the 3D password should be
performed in a secure place where a shoulder surfing attack cannot be performed.
Timing Attack
The Attacker observes how long it takes the legitimate user to perform correct log
in using 3D Password which gives an indication of 3-D Passwords length. This attack
cannot be succesful since it gives the attacker mere hints.
In the existing system, Textual passwords and token-based passwords are the most
common used authentication schemes. Many other schemes are also there like graphical
password, biometric authentication scheme etc which are used in different fields. The
main goal of this paper is to have a scheme which has a huge password space and which
is a combination of any existing, or upcoming, authentication schemes into one
scheme.While using 3D password, users have the freedom to select whether the
3D password will be solely recall, biometrics, recognition, or token based, or a
combination of two schemes or more Users do not have to provide their fingerprints if
they do not wish to. Users do not have to carry cards if they do not want to. They have
the choice to construct their 3D password according to their needs and their preferences.