3d Password For More Secure Authentication
3d Password For More Secure Authentication
3d Password For More Secure Authentication
Normally the authentication scheme the user undegoes is paticularly very lenient or very
strict.Throughout the yeras authentication has been a very interesting approach.With all the
means of technology developing ,it can be very easy for 'others' to fabricate or to steal
identity or to hack someones password.Therefore many algorithms have come up each with
an interesting approach toward calculation of a secret key.The algorithms are such based
to pick a random number in the range of 10^6 and therefore the possbilities of the sane
number coming is rare.
Users nowadays are provided with major password stereotypes such as textual
passwords,biometric scanning,tokens or cards(such as an ATM) etc.Mostly textual
passwords follow an encryption algorithm as mentioned above.Biometric scanning is your
"natural" signature and Cards or Tokens prove your validity.But some people hate the fact to
carry around their cards,some refuse to undergo strong IR exposure to their
retinas(Biometric scanning).Mostly textual passwords, nowadays, are kept very simple say
a word from the dictionary or their pet names,grilfriends etc.Ten years back Klein performed
such tests and he could crack 10-15 passwords per day.Now with the technology
change,fast processors and many tools on the Internet this has become a Child's Play.
Therefore we preset our idea, the 3D passwords which are more customisable, and very
interesting way of authentication.
Now the passwords are based on the fact of Human memory.Generally simple passwords
are set so as to quickly recall them.The human memory,in our scheme has to undergo the
facts of Recognition,Recalling,Biometrics or Token based authentication.
Once implemented and you log in to a secure site,the 3D password GUI opens up.This is
an additional textual passwords which the user can simply put.Once he goes through the first
authentication, a 3D virtual room will open on the screen.In our case, lets say a virtual
Now in a day to day garage one will find all sorts of tools, equipments ,etc.each of them
having a unique properties.The user will then interact with these properties accordingly.Each
object in the 3D space, can be moved around in an (x,y,z) plane.Thats the moving attribute
of each object.This property is common to all the objects in the space.Suppose a user logs in
and enters the garage.He sees and picks a screw-driver(initial position in xyz coordinates
(5,5,5)) and moves it 5 palces to his right (in XY plane ie (10,5,5).That can be identified as
an authentication.
Only the true user understands and recognizes the object which he has to choose among
many.This is the Recall and Recognition part of human memeory coming into
play.Interestingly,a password can be set as approaching a radio and setting its frequency to
number only the user knows.
Security can be enhanced by the fact of including Cards and Biometric scanner as
input.There can be levels of authentication a user can undergo.More the confidentiality more
the complexity.In that scenario a virtual environment can be developed as a globe,a city or
simply a garage.
1.The user can decide his own authentication schemes.If he's comfortable with Recall and
Recognition methods then he can choose the 3d authentication just used above.
2.The authentication can be improved since the unauthorised persons will not interact with
the same object as a legitimate user would.We can also include a timer.Higher the security
higher the timer.Say after 20 seconds a weak password will be thrown out.
4.It would be difficult to crack using regular techniques.Since all the algorithms follow steps
to authenticate,our project has no fixed number of steps.Hence to calculate all those
possibilites and decipher them is not easy.
5.Can be used in critical areas such as Nuclear Reactors,Missile Guiding Systems etc.
6.Added with biometrics and card verification,the scheme becomes almost unbreakable.
Reference: http://www.seminarprojects.com/Thread-3d-password-for-more-secure-
3D Secure Password
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Presentation Description
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Slide 3:
What Three Domains Are….. Three Domains Consist of Three Type of Domains. The Very First is
Acquirer Domain. (The Merchant and The Bank to which money is being paid) The Second is Issuer
Domain.(The Bank which issued the card being used) And Last but certainly not the least is
Interoperability Domain.(The Infrastructure provided by the credit card scheme to support the 3-D
Secure Protocol)
Slide 5:
Implementation of Protocol… :
Implementation of Protocol… In order for a Visa or MasterCard member bank to use the service, the
bank has to operate compliant software that supports the latest protocol specifications. Once
compliant software is installed, the member bank will perform product integration testing with the
payment system server before it rolls out the system. 3-D Secure Components ACS Providers MPI
Providers (Access Control Server) (Merchant Plug-In)
ACS PROVIDERS In 3-D Secure protocol, ACS (Access Control Server) is on the issuer side (banks).
Currently, most banks outsource ACS to a third party. Commonly, the buyer's web browser shows
the domain name of the ACS provider, rather than banks' domain name, however this is not required
by the protocol. Dependent on the ACS provider, it is possible to specify a bank owned domain
name for use by the ACS.
Mpi providerS :
Mpi providerS Each 3-D secure transaction involves two simple internet request/response pairs:
VEReq/VERes and PAReq/PARes. Visa and MasterCard don't license merchants for sending
requests to their servers. They isolate their servers by licensing software providers which are called
MPI (Merchant Plug-In) providers.
LIMITATIONS.. For the Merchant It can be too expensive because in Purchasing Software, Monthly
Fee, Setup Fee, Per Transactions Fee so customer has to also face these Expenses. There may be
more phishing attacks with unfamiliar domains because of Vendor’s MCS and Out Sourced ACS
Implementations by issuing banks.
Performance……… :
Performance……… It was officially launched in 2007 and now most of the banks are working with
this. ICICI and more Banks are working on implementing on 3-D Secure. As Now more than 100
vendors are developing 3-D Secure. Current Version 1.0.2 is running with high Performance.