Reavers of Harken Wold
Reavers of Harken Wold
Reavers of Harken Wold
Richard Baker
Christopher Perkins
Christopher Perkins
Design Manager
James Wyatt
Development Manager
Andy Collins
Bill Siavicsek
Art Direction
Graphic Design
leon Cortez
Heavers ofHarken wold" is a two-part DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
adventure set in the Nentir Vale. a region introduced in
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Fantasy Holeplayin8 Game. The
first half of the adventure takes the characters from 2nd to
3rd level and is presented in this book. Heavers ofHarken
wold Part 2: The Die Is Cast contains the second half of the
adventure, which is deSigned to take characters from 3rd
to 4th level.
Reavers ofHarken wold pits the heroes against the Iron
Circle, a company of cruel mercenaries that has seized
control of the small land of Harken wold. In this adven
ture, the heroes become daring rebels and lead the folk of
Harkenwold against their oppressors.
Harkenwold is a small barony in the southeast reach
of the Nentir Vale. Several tiny hamlets and a number of
steadings (isolated farms) are scattered across the broad
dale of the \~r hite River. The great Harken Forest sur
rounds the realm, isolating it from the lands nearby. In
better times. this quiet backwater contendy avoids major
At present, Iron Circle mercenaries are plundering the
land . Baron Stockmer, the rightful lord, is a prisoner in his
own keep, and a villainous lord named Nazin Redthorn
rules in his place. The Harkenwold folk are down to their
last hope-that brave heroes will answer their calls for help
and break the Iron Circle.
Prepress Manager
Jefferson Dunlap
Adventure Background
Imaging Technician
Carmen Cheung
Production Manager
Cynda Callaway
Monster Vault, Reavers ofHarkenwold, all other Wizards of the Coast product
names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast
llC in the U.S.A. and other countries . All Wizards characters, and the
distinctive likenesses thereof are property of Wizards of the Coast llC.
This material is protected' under the copyright laws of the United States of
America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
Heavers of Harken wold can be played as a followup to "The
Twisting Halls" adventure presented in the DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS Fantasy Roleplayin8 Game. The player characters
should be 2nd level when they start this adventure and at
least 4th level by its conclusion.
The adventure has the follOWing components:
Heavers ofHarken wold Part 1: The Iron Circle (this book)
prOVides an overview of Harkenwold and encounters that
pit the heroes against the Iron Circle and its allies. The
encounters are split into three major sections: Events (E),
the Toadwallow Caverns (T) , and the sanctuary at Dal
Nystiere (D).
The second adventure book. Reavers of Harken wold Part
2: The Die Is Cast, contains the second half of the adven
ture, with encounters divided into two major sections: the
Battle of Albridge (B) and Iron Keep (K).
The adventure comes with two foldout battle maps
depicting key encounter locations. The battle maps are
designed for use with cardboard tokens or plastic min
iatures, but they don't encompass every encounter in
the adventure. For encounters that the battle maps don't
cover, you can either draw the maps for your players using
wet erase markers and a blank battle map (available for
purchase at your local hobby store) , or you can build the
maps using D&D Dun8eon Tiles.
Heavers ofHarken wold includes many villains and mon
sters, tokens for which can be found in this box or the
Monster Vault''' boxed set.
Getting Started
Read this book first, and familiarize yourself with the
overall structure of the adventure. You won't need to Jook
at the adventure book for Reavers ofHarkenwold Part 2: The
Die Is Cast until you're ready to run that part of the adven
ture. Review the adventure outline on the next several
pages, particularly if you are a new DM.
See "Setting the Stage" (page 5) for ways to engage the
characters in the story, or use them as cxamples to dcvise
your own adventure hooks. Once everyone has gathered,
start with encounter E1 (page 12).
To successfully overthrow the Iron Circle and restore
freedom to Harkenwold, the adventuring party must
accomplish at least four of the following goals:
Now that
battle is truly joined between the adventurers and the
Iron Circle, a workable plan for defeating the marauders
must be devised . Both Reithann and Dar Gremath
suggest contacting the Woodsinger elf clan in the Harken
Forest and asking for their help against the Iron Circle.
vVinning the friendship of the Wood singers isn't easy.
The heroes must battle the evil undead mage lurking
in the sanctuary ofDal Nystiere to prove their mettle to
the elves. This quest leads to encounters Dl through D4
(pages 26-31).
Q]lestXP: Forging an alliance with the Woodsinger
elves earns a minor quest reward of 150 XP.
The heroes might first choose to revisit the option they
didn't take preViously, dealing with the Toadwallow bully
wugs or fighting Iron Circle soldiers where they find them .
When the
heroes return from their elven adventures, they find the
barony abuzz with news: Nazin Redthorn is gathering
Iron Circle soldiers to march on Albridge. Dar Gremath
is organizing a force of Harkenwold militia for defense. At
the start of encounter Bl (Reavers of Hark ell wold Part 2: The
Die Is Cast, page 3), a messenger from Dar Gremath asks
the adventurers to come to Albridge as quickly as possible
to help fight off the Iron Circle.
The player characters travel to Albridge, possibly with
Tor's Hold or Wood singer reinforcements, just in time to
participate in Dar Gremath's council of war. The battle
unfolds in the course of encounters B2 through B4 (Reav
ers ofHark ell wold Part 2: The Die Is Cast, pages 6-11).
The battle turns on the heroes' successes up to this
pOint in the adventure. If the heroes have been reasonably
successful so far, the rebels break the Iron Circle army and
win the day.
Whether victorious or
defeated , the surviving Iron Circle soldiers retreat to Iron
Keep and hole up. hoping for reinforcements. Defeating
Nazin Redthorn and his marauders means that Iron
Keep must fall. The Harkenwold rebels have no chance of
storming the battlements. A small team of highly capable
and skilled volunteers, however, could infiltrate the castle,
rescue the baron , and put an end to Nazin Redthorn. The
heroes' assault on Iron Keep is covered in encounters Kl
through K7 (Reavers of Harken wold Part 2: The Die Is Cast,
pages 16 -30).
Quest XP: Driving the Iron Circle out of Harkenwold
and freeing Baron Stock mer earns the adventurers a
major quest reward of 1,000 XP.
Conclusion: If the heroes succeed in freeing Baron
Stockmer and defeat Redthorn and the remaining Iron
Circle reavers, the adventure comes to an end. The
The pl'ayers might "miss aspects of the adventure by
chOOSing to do other things. For example, if they decide to
deal with the Toadwallow bullywugs first and then head
for the Woodsinger elves, they'll skip over encounters E1
and U. Not a problem. The adventure is deSigned to give
real importance to the players' decisions about the task of
freeing Harkenwold.
Your players might devise other ideas for helping
Harkenwold. For example, they could visit different vil
lages and train the militia, inspire more townsfolk to take
up arms, or waylay numerous Iron Circle patrols. You can
repurpose some of the specific encounters in this book to
handle these fights. Alternatively, feel free to create suit
able skill challenges covering these tasks.
Eventually, the party should arrive at the Battle of
Albridge, the pivotal point of the adventure. You might need
to create new victory point goals if the players have concen
trated their efforts on things not discussed in detail here.
The Barony ofHarkenwold is a broad valley just over 50
miles long and roughly 20 miles wide located between
arms of the Harken Forest. This primarily open land
consists ofgently rolling hills covered in a mix of cheery
meadows, light forest with little undergrowth, and the
occasional thicket. The climate is cool and rainy. Many
small streams wind their way across the land, eventually
joining the \\Thite River. These brooks are at most a few
feet wide, and small footbridges cross them regularly.
Harkenwold's total population is about 2,000, scattered
across half a dozen small hamlets and a score of isolated
steadings. Most of the citizens are humans (50%), halflings
(25%), and dwarves (20%), with a smattering of other folk
(5%). Unless otherwise specified, NPCs the characters
meet are human .
Harkenwolders living in the countryside are primarily
farmers, shepherds , or woodcutters. Denizens of the ham
lets also include woodworkers, smiths, carters, brewers,
cheese makers, and leatherworkers. The other villagers
tend nearby fields or orchards.
Harkenwold's Steadings
A steading is a farm or homestead in Harkenwold's
countryside. Each of these settlements features a strongly
built house of fieldstone and timber, surrounded by
Traveling in Harkenwold
Characters on foot average 212 to 3 miles per hour on
roads or trails. Walking from Tor's Hold to Easthill, for
example, takes about two days. If the adventurers avoid
the well-traveled trails and strike out directly overland,
the mixed terrain reduces their speed to threequarters
normal. Venturing into the Harken Forest or the Briar
Hills is much more difficult. The rougher terrain reduces
speed to half normal.
Travelers in Harkenwold are rarely more than a mile
or two from the nearest steading. Most Harkenwolders are
happy to put up visitors for the night, although the accom
modations might be a dry barn or stable.
Sites of Interest
Places of note in Harkenwold are detailed in the following
Population 180
The second -largest village in Harkenwold, Albridge stands
where the King's Road crosses the White River. The
center of resistance to Iron Circle rule, the rebel leader in
Albridge is Dar Gremath , a retired adventurer (see "Major
Characters," page 10).
As the adventure begins, the rebels are gathering arms
and armor, exchanging messages with disgruntled folk
in other villages, and posting lookouts to report on Iron
Circle movements in the countryside. Later, Albridge is
the site ofNazin Redthorn's attempt to crush the Harken
wold rebels in a Single battle, as detailed in encounters Bl
through B4 (Reavers ofHarkenwold Part 2: The Die Is Cast,
pages 3-11).
Important locations in Albridge include:
1. Old Tower. This vine-covered ruin was once a post
for soldiers guarding the bridge. The roof collapsed long
ago, leaving the interior open to the weather, but the walls
are still sound.
2. Erst the Wainwright. Erst is stout, middle-aged,
and balding, well known as a human of few words. A
crafter, he sells mostly to local farmers in need of carts,
wagons, or wheelbarrows, as well as the rare merchant
still making use of the old King's Road. Erst's grandfather
was a smuggler-hidden tunIlels under his workshop offer
the rebels a good place to hide their arms and armor.
3. Gerrad's House. Gerrad. a hale and white-haired
old halfling, is the Village elder. He and his wife Nioma
are skilled weavers and sell simple but well-constructed
garments of all kinds. Gerrad was appointed village cider
by Baron Stockmer 30 years ago, and he conducts most of
the town business from the common room of the Mallard
Inn. He hides the keenness of his mind behind an aflitble
manner and long-winded stories. Gerrad is well aware of
Dar Gremath's efforts to organize resistance and supports
them. He hopes to deflect Iron Circle suspicions for as long
as possible, but realizes that direct confrontation is inevi
table. He despairs that the rebels will not be strong enough.
4. Village Green. This open space serves as a market
in good weather. On most days. the children of the hamlet
gather here to play. Merchant caravans use the green as a
campsite if they're too big to fit in the Mallard 's innyard .
5. Kathrid's Smithy. Kathrid is a black-haired, mature
dwarfwho served as a guard in the dwarven settlement of
. Hammerfast when she was younger. She is an industrious,
can-do type who talks incessantly while she works, fllling
her listener's ears with advice on every topic imaginable.
She is a close ally of Dar Grernath and serves as his chief
lieutenant in the resistance. If anything happens to her
commander, Kathrid is ready to step in and continue the
6. The Mallard Inn. This small inn and taphouse is
Dal Nystiere
The eladrin settlement ofDal Nystiere fell to ruin cen
turies ago, destroyed by some unknown threat, and the
Harken Forest has all but swallowed up its remains.
Strange witchlights and evil monsters are known to haunt
the ruins. and the Woodsinger elves have learned to give
the place a wide berth.
Population 140
Surrounded by apple orchards, grain fields, and vineyards,
Dardun is known for mild white wines, cheeses, and' (of
course) apples. Dardun's e1der is a proud half-elfwoman
named Madera Lirr (see page J 1), the matron of an old
family of orchardists and cider-makers.
Dardun has been heavily oppressed by the Iron Circle.
Reavers patrol the village streets and routinely tyrannize
Dardun's residents.
Druid Grove
To the northwest ofAlbridge stands a large grove of
ancient trees, long sundered from the Harken Forest
proper. Locals call this place Druid Grove. A stone menhir
stands in the clearing at the center of the grove.
The old human druid Reithann (see page 11) lives
here in a moss-covered lodge near the menhir clearing,
along with her apprentices Lorel (a halOing woman) and
Theren (a young human man). Harkenwolders who ven
erate primal spirits come to this verdant place seeking
Reithann's advice. Iron Circle marauders avoid the grove ,
fearing the wrath of spirits.
Population 155
A hamlet of shepherds and stonecutters, Easthill rests on
the slopes of the Briar Hills. The stone used to build the
crossing at Albridge was quarried from hills nearby. A
human trader narned Sarken Toldorffis the village elder,
but he is thoroughly cowed by the Iron Circle marauders.
A hunter named Adalbar (see page 10) has quietly stepped
up to organize Easthill's fight.
Harken Forest
The Harken Forest is much denser than the light wood
lands scattered across Harkenwold, with larger trees and
thicker undergrowth. It is also more dangerous for trav
elers-large and hungry beasts such as drakes and dire
Harken Village
Population 212 (town), 60 (keep)
Once a prosperous thorp surrounded by well-tilled fields,
Marl has suffered heavily under the Iron Circle. Nazin
Redthorn ordered it burned as a warning to the other
Villages. Creatures such as dire rats, drakes, and goblins
skulk around the ruins.
A few of Marl's outlying farms are still inhabited. The
nearest steading belongs to Curwen, a fretful old halfling.
He and his wife Masie have taken in a dozen of Marl 's
refugees. The rest of Marl's folk have scattered to other
steadings or taken refuge in Tor's Hold.
Toadwallow Caverns
Located beneath a forested hill overlooking fetid marsh
land, the Toadwallow Caverns are unpleasant and ill
regarded . The caverns are named for the unusual number
oflarge, deep-throated amphibians that lurk in the boggy
land nearby.
The Toadwallow is currently occupied by the Mud
Hides, a tribe ofbullywugs that moved into the area a few
months ago. The chieftain Gloorpk struck a deal with the
Iron Circle-as long as he follows Nazin Redthorn's orders,
his clan is free to raid and plunder the western part of
The Toadwallow Caverns are explored in encounters
Tl through T3 (pages 20-25). The caverns share a few
common characteristics:
Illumination: Glowing green moss grows throughout
the caverns, providing dim light.
Pools and Streams: Most of the water features are
shallow, ranging from 2 to 5 feet deep. Their rocky
bottoms are covered with slippery mud, making them dif
ficult terrain unless stated otherwise.
Walls and Floors: The walls are natural rock, uneven
but slick (DC 20 Athletics check to climb). The floors are
level rock covered by a few inches of sand, dry mud, or dirt
from old river floods .
Tor's Hold
Population 141
Tor's Hold is a group of steadings belonging to the seven
children of Tor Hammerfist. Old Tor has been dead for
many years now, and his offspring have each raised small
clans of their own. The elder of Tor's Hold is Bran Torsson
(see page 10).
The trouble with the bullywugs in the Toadwallow Cav
erns requires the folk of Tor's Hold to spend most of their
White River
The White River runs the length ofHarkenwold , varying
from 200 to 300 feet wide, and up to 10 feet deep. Two
ferries cross the waterway-one near Tor's Hold, the other
close to Easthill. Both are flatboats large enough for a
horse and wagon, secured by thick hawsers . No one tends
the ferries; travelers must haul themselves across.
The White River is home to the Reedfoot halfling
clan-six keelboats scattered up and down the water
course, each home to a large and boisterous family. The
Reed foots are allies of Dar Gremath, and help the resis
tance by carrying messages and spies the length of the
vale. The leader of the clan is \Villet Reed foot, an older,
charmingly roguish fellow who earns a comfortable living
storytelling in the villages close to the river.
Woodsinger Camp
Population 80
Beating the Iron Circle takes more than a few heroes
working in isolation. Several nonplayer characters (NPCs)
hold vital clues and quests for the adventurers.
and he's not about to let a few brigands ruin his new home.
Nazin's voice drips with sarcasm. He never misses a chance
to belittle or taunt the heroes. When angry, he flushes, his
nostrils flare, eyes open wide, and his muscles tense.
Prepare to be defeated! "You're the 'mighty heroes'
who've caused so much trouble? Forgive me if I laugh!"
Why bother Harkenwold? "This land cried out for
strong rule and purpose. Its people were indolent, ungrate
ful. We came to rectify these faults."
Who sent you? Who do you serve? "I am a com
mander of the Iron Circle. You haven't heard of us? Heh.
You'll know the Iron Circle soon enough. All the Nentir
Vale will lie under our banner by year's end."
Reithann speaks slowly, choosing her words with care.
She gives advice couched in animal analogies, such as
"The wise fox stays well ahead of the hounds," or "Don't
startle your prey. On a cloudy day, the mouse doesn't see
the hawk's shadow."
Greetings. "You are strangers in Harkenwold. I knew I
smelled change on the wind. I am Reithann, keeper of this
lIyana said we shoul'd talk to you. "A wise sugges
tion. Harkenwold cannot vanqUish the Iron Circle if it is
divided. We cannot unite as long as the hamlet of Tor's
Hold is menaced by the Toadwallow monsters. Help Tor 's
Hold by dealing with the menace, and you'll free up two
score stout fighters."
What kind of monsters? "They're bullywugs-hateful,
halfmad things-walking, talking toads the size of men. A
tribe's moved into the Toadwallow Caverns, and the Iron
Circle's left the western vale to them."
How do we find the Toadwallow Caverns? "Head
west along the riverside trail from Albridge. It's ten miles
to Tor's Hold, and another seven or eight to the Toadwal
low-you can see the cave entrance from the trail."
Encounter Level 2 (650 XP)
4 Iron Circle brigands (B)
2 gray wolves (W)
I1yana, intrepid homesteader (I)
Fold the "Steading" battle map in half so that the half fea
tured in this encounter is facing up_ Place the brigands
and wolves where indicated. The characters begin the
encounter on the road near the map's edge.
Whether from Falkrest, Hamrnerfast, or some other
place, the characters enter Harkenwold from the north,
roughly in the area ofIlyana's farm. IdeaJly, they are trav
eling the King's Road. If not, modify the readaloud text
below as appropriate.
As the heroes travel, read:
li8htly settled valley between two arms of the Harken Forest. You
haven't traveled more than a mile or two into the valley before trou
ble appears. Roundin8 a bend ill the road.,you spy a pillar ofsmoke
dimbin8 into the clear blue sky. The source, hidden by rollin8 hills,
Level 1 Soldier
HP 28; Bloodied 14
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12
Speed 5
XPI 00 earh
Initiative +3
Perception +0
dIem scowls and waves his arm. "Move on, youl he snarls. "This
+ At-Win
Int 9 (-1)
Con 12(+1)
Languages Common
Alignment evil
Equipment scale armor, light shield, scimitar, crossbow, 20 bolts,
Level 2 Skirmisher
xr llS e ach
Initiative +6
Perception +7
low-light vision
CD Bite + At.WIII
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage (or 2d6 + 3 against a prone target). If the
wolf has combat advantage against the target, the target falls
Effect: The wolf shifts 4 squares.
Str 13 (+2)
Dex 16 (+4)
Wis 13 (+2)
Con 14 (+3)
Int 2 (-3)
Cha 10 (+1)
Alignment unaligned
languages -
The Iron Circle brigands are bullies who aren't expecting
a tough fight. They move up to engage the adventurers at
the first opportunity, and use drive back to force an adven
turer into contact with more enemies.
The wolves are trained to flank enemies and drag them
down. They attack any character the brigands are fighting.
When only one brigand remains, he breaks off and tries to
run for it. The wolves fight to the death.
Ilyana and her sons hide inside the farmhouse until the
fight is over. The Iron Circle bandits ignore them.
You hear the raspina sound of a heavy bolt beinE) drawn back,
and the farmhouse door opens. A half-elf woman of middle years
steps out. She's carryinE) a battered old crossbow. Two boys of
fiftee n or so follow after her. The woman looks around the farm
ya rd,frownin8 at the bloodshed, and si8hs.
"My thanks, stran8ers," she says. "Those Iron Circlejackals
came to rob us. 1barred my door, but they said they'd burn the
house down with me and my boys in it, You saved om lives-but
who are you?"
When the adventurers have no more questions for Ilyana,
she suggests that the party rest up at her home, or press
ahead to Albridge (page 7) and seek out Dar Grernath or
Reithann (pages 10 and 11) for guidance.
2 Iron Circle brigands (B)
2 Iron Circle cutthroats (C)
3 Iron Circle rabble (R)
5 Harkenwold bystanders (H)
This encounter uses the ''Tavern'' battle map. The play
ers can place their characters along any edge of the map.
Place the villains only when the characters can see them.
Run this encounter whenever the adventurers choose to
seek out and confront some of the Iron Circle soldiers gar
risoning one of the Villages in Harkenwold. This encounter
fits well when:
The adventurers arrive in Albridge and decide to head
for the Manard Inn before speaking to one of the indi
viduals I1yana mentioned;
The adventurers venture into Harken Village and
stumble on Iron Circle soldiers in the Broken Gaol or
the Cliffside Brewery;
The adventurers seek out a place where Iron Circle sol
diers gather together and are off their guard (possibly
in Dardun or Easthill).
The rabble and brigands are seated and waiting for tankards
ofale in the tavern proper. The cutthroats are rummaging
through the taverner's house and the stables, looking for
something valuable enough to steal.
The villains aren't expecting a fight. When the adven
turers enter the tavern, they sit up and take note (any band
of armed folk is suspicious). They immediately demand an
explanation and order the adventurers to disarm themselves.
They don't attack until the adventurers become hostile or fail
to comply with their demands. It's possible that a smooth
tongued adventurer can convince the Iron Circle gang that
they're no threat, or that they're allowed to be armed as they
are. In that case, the Iron Circle soldiers return to harassing
the Harkenwolders-roughing them up, robbing them, and
so on-until the adventurers decide to do something about it.
Levell Soldier
XP 100 (,dLh
humanuid. hUlll,Hl
HP 28; Bloodied 14
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12
Speed 5
Initiative +3
Perception +0
HP 37; Bloodied 18
AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12
Speed 6
Levell Skirmisher
XP 12 r, (aeh
Initiative +6
Perception +1
ShlIdow Stride
If the cutthroat moves at least 3 squares from its starting position
on its turn, it gains concealment until the start of Its next turn.
Con 13 (+2)
Int 10 (+1)
C... ,2 (+2)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, short sword, hand crossbow, 20 bolts,
black cloak embroidered with a gray circle
wearin8 black cloaks with a 8ray ciTcle device. They are loudly
"Now who tlte devil do you think you arer one ofthe soldiers
snarls when he sees you. "No one in this miserable town's allowed
to carry arms! Set 'em down ifyou know what's 800dfor youl"
XP 31
Initiative +1
Perception +1
Mob Rule
The rabble gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while adjacent
to two or more allies .
Dell 10(+1)
WIs 10(+1)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Con 12(+2)
The rabble and the brigands aren't expecting serious oppo
sition. They rush the nearest adventurer and attack. Other
than seeking to flank opponents, they fight with little
The cutthroats hear any fighting that breaks out in
the tavern and move to the doorways of the house and
the stable at the end of the first round of combat. They
attack the party from the rear on the second round, flank
ing heroes when possible. They use slasher'sfeint to gain
combat advantage against their targets.
The Harkenwolders aren't warriors. When fighting
breaks out, they flee by the safest route possible, or cower
in a corner if they can't get out without provoking an
opportunity attack from the Iron Circle.
If the adventurers don't go looking for trouble, trouble
might find them. You can initiate this encounter at any
point when the characters are resting in a town. They're
in the tavern when a gang of Iron Circle soldiers barges in.
Have the players choose places to be seated in the tavern,
and place the Iron Circle soldiers at the tavern door as
they barge in ready for trouble.
Encounter Level 2 (700 XP)
1 Iron Circle dark adept (A)
4 Iron Circle brigands (8)
1 iron defender (I)
1 horse (H)
This encounter uses the "Standing Stones" battle map. Run
this encounter when the adventurers decide to attack Iron
Circle supply lines in Harkenwold. It fits best when:
... The adventurers take Dar Gremath 's suggestion for a
good ambush opportunity;
... Another NPC (Adalbar in Easthill, Grimbold in
Harken, or Madera Lin in Dardun) suggests an attack
against the Iron Circle's supply wagons;
... The adventurers roam the countryside in search ofIron
Circle activities to disrupt, and stumble across a supply
wagon and guards.
No matter how the adventurers encounter the wagon , they
have time to set up an ambush. Place the villains and mon
sters on the map, and allow the players to pick out their
hiding places. As long as all of the characters have some
thing to hide in or behind, they can attempt to surprise the
villains. Have each hero make a DC 16 Stealth check; if
at least half succeed, the party gains surprise against the
A lar8e wa80n pulled by a bi8 cart horse creaks alon8 the dusty
road. Three Iron Circle soldiers in black cloaks with 8ray circles
plod alofl8side, while aJourth drives the wa80n. Another human
ill chainmail with a dark hood over his head sits near the driver.
Unlike the soldiers, he wears a red surcoat, and his circle desi8n is
black trimmed in 801d. Ahead oj the wa80n, a clockwork creature
resemblin8 a powerful hound made from iron plates and sharp
spikes trots alol18 the road, its red eyes 810win8 vI8i/andy.
The brigand driver and the dark adept remain in the
wagon. The driver uses his crossbow, and the dark adept
relies on Jiery tendrils. If the fight goes badly, the brigand or
adept lashes the horse's reins, indUCing the animal to bolt
(see below).
The brigands on foot melee with the heroes, but try to
stay close the wagon . They don't want to leave the range
of the adept's dark imperative. If they're subjected to long
range attacks they can't an swer, the brigands move behind
XI' '50
Initiative +2
Perception +5
Effect: Close burst 5 (one ally in burst). The dark adept slides the
target 3 squares, and the target gains 10 temporary hit points.
While the target has these temporary hit points, its melee
attacks deal 3 ext ra necrotic damage.
Skills Arcana +8, Religion +8
Str 13 (+2)
Dex 12 (+2)
Wls 18 (+S)
(on 14(+3)
(he 13 (+2)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment chalnmail, dagger, red surcoat with goldtrimmed black
Levell Soldier
the wagon and use it for cover. In that case, they return
fire with their crossbows.
The iron defender is under orders to guard the dark
adept, so it stays close to the wagon. If the dark adept gets
out of the wagon for any reason , the iron defender moves
next to him and sticks close by his side. Otherwise, it
attacks any enemy approaching the wagon or attacking the
dark adept with ranged attacks.
HP 47; Bloodied 23
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 13
Speed 6
Immune disease, pOison
Level 3 Soldier
xr 1 SO
Initiative +5
Perception +6
CD Bite + At-WID
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Level 1 Brute
Horse (H)
Large natura l beast (m ount)
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 15, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 10
Speed 10
XP 100
Initiative +1
Perception +5
lowlight vision
Chil....r (mount)
The horse grants its rider a +5 bonus to damage rolls on charge
CD Kick + At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage.
~ Trilmple + AtWlII
Effect: The horse can move up to its speed and enter enemies'
spaces. The movement provokes opportunity attacks, and
the horse must end its move in an unoccupied space. When it
enters an enemy's space, the horse makes a melee attack (+4 vs.
Reflex). 1ft he attack hits, the target takes 1d6 + 4 damage and
falls prone.
Str 19 (+4)
Dex 13 (+1)
Wis 11 (+0)
Int 2 (-4)
Con 16(+3)
Cha 9 (-1)
Alignment unaligned
HP46; Bloodied 23
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 16
Speed 6
Initiative +2
Perception +5
Str 13 (+2)
Con 14 (+3)
De. 12 (+2)
Int 15 (+3)
WIs 18 (+5)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment chainmail, dagger, red surcoat with gold-trimmed black
HP 28; Bloodied 14
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12
Speed 5
Levell Soldier
XP 100 edc h
Initiative +3
Perception +0
XP 31 each
Initiative +1
Perception +1
Mob Rule
The rabble gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while adjacent
to two or more allies.
Con 12 (+2)
Int 9 (+0)
Cha9 (+0)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
HP 77; Bloodied 38
AC 19, Fortitude 18, Reflex 15, Will 16
Speed 8
Level 5 Brute
XP 100
Initiative +3
Perception +4
. ,.
You've been travelill8for hours throu8h heavy raill , alld the
muddy wound d in8s to your boots. The track you'refollowin8
cuts throu8h an abandonedfarmstead afew miles from your
80al, and tltrou8h thef08 you spot an Iron Circle bri8and lto/din8
a lantern and ridin8 a lar8e, red-scaled drake. The drake roars,
and standi1l8 behind some nearby trees are two more bri8ands
with crossbows. Their leader, an evil-lookin8 woman in a red sur
coat, stands between them.
"There they are!" the woma n shouts. "Take them!"
Place the villains and monsters in the spaces indicated on
the map, and roll initiative.
The rage drake and its rider charge the nearest enemy:1'he
other two brigands fire their crossbows, peppering the party
with bolts for a round or two before advancing. The rabble
are hidden behind the fieldstone walls. Once the battle is
jOined, they leap over the walls and try to cut off the party's
escape route.
The dark adept prefers to remain at range, uSingfiery
tendrils. She saves dark imperative for use on the rage drake Z
or its rider, but if a brigand is badly damaged and the
adept is close to being bloodied . she'll use dark imperative
so that she won't waste one of her two uses of the power.
The adept tries to slide the recipient into a position from
which it can flank a vulnerable foe.
Encounter Level 2 (700 XP)
2 bullywug muckers (M)
2 bullywug leapers (L)
3 stirges (S)
For this encounter, use the "Toadwallow Caverns" battle
map. Place the characters along the edge of the map out
side the cave entrance. Don't place the monsters on the
map until the characters detect them.
The bullywug sentries aren't very attentive. If the
adventurers sneak up to the cave mouth and at least half
succeed on a DC 12 Stealth check, they surprise the
If the characters fail to catch the bullywugs by sur
prise (or don't try). the buIlywugs notice them and set
an ambush. VVhen the adventurers reach ,t he top of the
escarpment at the mouth of the cave, have them make
a DC 12 Perception check. Characters who fail are sur
prised and can't act in the surprise round .
HP 34; Bloodied 17
AC 13, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 11
Speed 6, swim 4
Level 1 Brute
XP 100 each
Initiative +2
Perception +0
Swamp Walk
Skills Athletics +8
When they first see the cave entrance, read:
Str 16 (+3)
Dex 14(+2)
Wls 10(+0)
Water aushesfro m a cave mouth set into theface of a vine
Con 14(+2)
Cha 8 (-1)
Int 6 (-2)
covered hill,jormina a 1Ojoot-hialt waterfall tltat bleeds into
erns! The 8round near the base ofthe hill is spanay, and clouds of
The muckers croak threats and warnings in Primordial.
They hang back and allow the adventurers to come to
them. Once the heroes are in the cave, the muckers try
to set up a combination attack: One uses bullywu8 rush to
knock down a hero. and the other attacks the prol1e foe .
The leapers join the battle on round 2. They throw jave
lins at adventurers who are fighting the muckers. If a good
chance to flank an enemy arises, the leapers use spasmodic
hop to rush il1 . Otherwise, they save that ability to get away
from a tough melee character, moving toward any adven
turer who's trying to stay back out of the fight.
The stirges stay out of combat for the first round or two.
When they see one or two relatively isolated characters,
they fly down to attack, gaining combat advantage if no
one spotted them. A stirge that is attacked does not wait,
joining the fight immediately.
If the adventurers retreat from the Toadwallow Caverns
to rest up, Gloorpk posts new sentries in this location the
day after the adventurers leave. The new sentries include
2 bullywug muckers, 2 bullywug leapers, and 2 giant frogs
(see encounter T3, pages 24-25).
Levell Skirmisher
HP 26; Bloodied 13
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12
Speed 6, swim 4
XP 100 each
Initiative +6
Perception +2
Aura 2
Each enemy that spends a healing surge within the aura is weak
ened until the end of its next turn.
The bullywug can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, it gains
a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic creatures.
Nature's Release (healing)
Any attacker that scores a critical hit against the bullywug regains
3 hit points.
Swamp Walk
The bullywug ignores difficult terrain that is mud or shallow
javelin (weapon)
:3 Stirges (S)
Sl11ail natural
Levell Lurker
b(',, ~ t
HP 22; Bloodied 11
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 15, Will 12
Speed 2, fly 6
XP 100 ealh
Initiative +7
Perception +0
Nimble Bloodsuc:ker
While the stlrge has a creature grabbed, it gains a +5 bonus to AC
and Reflex.
<D Bite
Gloorpk, bullywug chieftain (G)
5 bullywug croakers (C)
2 gray oozes (0)
This encounter uses the "Toad wallow Caverns" battle map.
Don't place monsters on the map until they announce
their presence or the characters detect them.
Gloorpk is chieftain of the Mud-Hides tribe. A number
oflesser buIlywugs attend him constantly, doting on thei r
fat leader in the hopes of averting his wrath. The bully
wugs here are vigilant-it is unlikely that the adventurers
will be able to surprise them.
The bullywugs hide upon hearing sounds of combat in
encounter T1. When a character comes within 2 squares
of the black dragon skull or attacks one of cavern's defend
ers, Gloorpk and his minions strike.
You see no other remains, sU88estin8 that the skull was brou8ht
A loud croak emanates from inside the dra80n skull, and bul
bous eyes stare at you from behind one ofthe hollow eye sockets.
XP 300
Initiative +3
Perception +9
Each enemy that spends a healing surge within the aura is weak
ened until the end of its next turn.
Gloorpk can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, he gains a
+2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic creatures.
Nature's Release (healing)
Any attacker that scores a critical hit against Gloorpk regains 5
hit points.
Swamp Walk
Gloorpk ignores difficult terrain that is mud or shallow water.
<D Q,u.rtersuff(weapon) + At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage.
Dragonfang Bolt (polson) + At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. Will
Hit: 1d1 0 + 4 poison damage, and all creatures adjacent to the
target take 3 poison damage.
(- Electric Reflux (cold, lightning) + At-Will
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +8 vs. Reflex, or +10 vs.
Reflex if Gloorpk includes at least one ally in the blast
Hit: 2d6 + 4 cold and lightning damage, and the target is dazed
until the end of Gloorpk's next turn.
Fiery Croak (fire, thunder) Recharge ~ [!)
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in burst); +6 vs. Reflex,
or +8 vs. Reflex if Gloorpk includes at least one ally in the burst
Hit: 2d1 0 + 4 fire and thunder damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Skills Arcana +7. Intimidate +7, Nature +9
Str 12 (+2)
Dex 14 (+3)
Wls 16 (+4)
Int 13 (+2)
Cha 13 (+2)
Con 15 (+3)
Alignment chaotic evil
Languages Common, Primordial
Equipment quarterstaff
Hit: 7 damage.
Sldlls Athletics +6
Str 10 (+1)
Dex 14(+3)
WIs 10(+1)
Con 14(+3)
Int 6 (-1)
Cha 5 (-2)
Levell Skirmisher
XP 125 each
HP 43; Bloodied 21
Initiative +5
AC 15, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 11
Perception +2
Speed 5, climb 3
Blind, blindsight 10, tremorsense 10
Immune blinded, gaze; Resist 5 acid
While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half
speed, it doesn't take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn't
grant combat advantage for squeezing.
Slimy + At-WIll
Effect: The ooze shifts 2 squares.
SkIlls Stealth +12
Str 11 (+1)
Dex 15(+3)
Con 19(+5)
Int 1 (-4)
Alignment unaligned
Wis 11 (+1)
eha 1 (-4)
Gloorpk remain inside the dragon's skull, gaining the '
benefit of superior cover (attacks against him take a -5
penalty). Cracks and holes in the skull allow him to attack
in all directions. Ifhe's forced out of the skull, he does his
best to squirm back inside.
Gloorpk begins the battle with dra8onfan8 bolt. If the
heroes are too far apart, he uses fiery croak instead. He
saves electric reflux for when enemies get too close. If
Gloorpk is bloodied and has no allies remaining, he offers
to reveal the secret location of his treasure (see "Features
of the Area ," below) in exchange for his IJife.
The croakers use foul croak against clustered foes. Oth
erwise, they are straightforward combatants. IfGloorpk is
slain, any remaining croakers attempt to flee.
Gloorpk keeps the barely sentient gray oozes happy
with a steady supply of food. They attack the heroes
Uggloor, bulIywug champion (U)
2 bulIywug leapers (L)
2 giant frogs (F)
Heron, halfling boy (H)
spear in one hand and short rope srasped tiShtly in the other.
The rope ends in a noose around the neck ofa shostjaced half
lillS boy who looks fatisued. Two smaIler bullywuss with javelins
HP 76; Bloodied 38
AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 12
Speed 6, swim 4
Saving Throws +2 ; Action Points 1
XP 250
Initiative +5
Perception +0
Uggloor can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, he gains a
+2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic creatures.
Nature's Release (healing)
Any attacker that scores a critical hit against Uggloor regains 4
hit points.
Swamp Walk
Uggloor ignores difficult terrain that is mud or shallow water.
~ Taunting Croak
Skills Athletics +9
Str 17 (+4)
Dex 14(+3)
Wls 10(+1)
Con 14(+3)
Int 6 (-1)
Cha 8 (+0)
languages Primordial
Alignment chaotic evil
Equipment leather armor, spear, crossbow, 10 bolts
Levell Skirmisher
HP 26; Bloodied 13
AC 15. Fortitude 12. Reflex 14. Will 12
Speed 6. swim 4
XP 100 each
Initiative +6
Perception +2
XP 0
Initiative +4
Perception +0
, ",.
ill Spear (weapon)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage.
Javelin (weapon) At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage.
Spasmodic Leap (weapon) Recharge ITII ~ I!!l
Effect: Marks on the bullywug end. and it jumps 3 squares before
making the attack. This movement does not provoke opportu
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage. or 3d6 + 6 if the bullywug has combat
advantage against the target. and the target takes a -2 penalty to
attack rolls against the bullywug until the end of the bullywug's
next turn.
Skills Athletics +7
Str 14(+2)
Dex 18(+4)
Wls 14(+2)
Cha 8 (-1)
Con 10(+0)
Int 10(+0)
Alignment chaotic evil
Languages Primordial
Equipment spear. 4 javelins
Level 3 Controller
HP 44; Bloodied 22
AC 17. Fortitude 15. Reflex 16. Will 13
Speed 4. swim 6
I "
XP 150 each
Initiative +5
Perception +6
Grasping Tongue
At-WIll (1/round)
Attack: Ranged 3 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: The frog pulls the target 2 squares.
Dex 17 (+4)
Wis 11 (+1)
Str 14 (+3)
Con 12 (+2)
Int 2 (-3)
Cha 6 (-1)
Alignment unaligned
Uggloor climbs the ledge and charges the nearest foe.
On the next round . he uses tauntina croak to pull as many
enemies adjacent to him as possible. He then attacks the
softestlooking target and uses intercedina strike as opportu
nity allows. The bullywug champion is overconfident and
fights until slain.
The leapers let Uggloor hold the front line while they
hang back and hurl javelins. IfUggloor is bloodied or they
run out ofjavelins. the leapers use spasmodic leap to shift into
positions where they can flank an enemy and attack with
their spears. IfUggloor drops to 0 hit pOints. the leapers flee.
The giant frogs use araspina tonaue to reel in prey. If a
frog succeeds in swallowing an enemy, it uses prodiaious
leap to avoid being cornered by other enemies.
Heron is a 12yearold member of the Reedfoot clan (see
page 10). He and two friends were ambushed by bully
wugs hiding along a muddy shore of the White River. His
friends escaped. but Heron waS t aptured . Heron flees at
the first opportunity, but he's too tired to get very far. If the
heroes prevail. he waits for them to emerge from the caves
before asking for their help getting back to his clan. If the
characters assist, they lose a half-day of travel time but
receive a minor quest reward (1.50 XP) and the gratitude
of the Reedfoot halflings.
The party can follow the track south into the Harken
Forest easily enough. In time, they should reach an inter
section between two tracks. If they use another approach
route, the following read-aloud text remains the same.
It's warm, almost stiflin8, under the canopy ofthe forest, and
ers," she says. "You have proved your 800d intentions, and rid
peerin8 inlo theforest 81oom, you hear a voice, "Hold there,
theforest ofan old and restless evil. We pledge to you 1111 the
stran8ersl W e would speak withyou."
4 tree spiders (S)
3 goblin toadies (G)
This encounter uses the "Standing Stones" battle map. Place
the characters on the trail near the edge of the map. The
spiders hide in the trees, and the goblins sleep inside the
wagon. Don't place the monsters on the map immediately.
Statistics for the goblin toadies appear on page 29.
When the adventurers enter this area, read:
Level 3 Skirmisher
HP 43; Bloodied 21
Initiative +6
Perception +6
Tremorsense 5
The spider Ignores difficult terrain composed of webs.
<D Bite (polson) + At-WID
The tree spiders are greedy for their own kills, and they
split up to attack different characters.
The goblins fight until only one remains, at which point
the surviving goblin surrenders. A captured goblin reveals
only that it works for Snilvor, a goblin emissary sent from
Daggerburg (a distant goblin stronghold) to obtain some
map scrolls from Yisarn.
HP 48: Bloodied 24
AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 15
Speed 6
Snilvor, goblin emissary (S)
5 goblin toadies (G)
2 bloodseeker drakes (D)
This encounter uses the "Dal Nystiere" battle map. The
characters teleport into the chamber, appearing in one
of the glowing teleportation circles on the noor (roll ran
domly for each character). Place the monsters as indicated
on the map.
Snilvor and his entourage have come to pay homage
to Yisarn and to secure three map scrolls. The scrolls (see
"Features of the Area") will help the goblins in their ongo
ing battle against the Woodsinger elves.
The fo rest disappears in a pulse ofblue 1i8ht, and you f ind your
self standin8 in one oftwo ma8ic ci rcles inscribed on the floor
ofwhat appears to be a wizards' laboratory or workshop. You
see severallar8e tables and desks littered with mildewed tomes,
dusty bottles, and loose sheets ofparchment. A wide staircase
climbs 10 feet to a stone loft, atop which rests a wooden desk and
a chctir made oflashed bones. Several80blins have 8athered in
the room, and they stare at you with wide eyes. Near an iron
bound set ofdouble doors stand two ca8es, each one ltoldin8 a
man-sized drake with crimson scales wearin8 ayoke. The drakes
snarl a nd bare theirfa n8s.
Roll initiative for the goblins and drakes to begin the
Snilvor commands his goblin toadies to release the blood
seeker drakes from their cages. To free a drake, a goblin
must be in a square adjacent to the cage door and must
spend a minor action to lift the door latch.
Snilvor tries to keep one or more toadies between him
and the characters while using rod ofcommand or 8raspin8
mist. The goblin toad ies try to stay within 3 squares ofSnil
vor to gain the benefit of his aura while also maneuvering
into nanking positions. When one of his toadies drops to
o hit pOints, Snilvor uses die for me to gain temporary hit
points. Note that temporary hit points do not stack.
The drakes are Snilvor's pets, but they are poorly
treated, difficult to command, and hungry. IfSnilvor is
bloodied, they are as likely to attack him as any other char
acter in melee range.
XP 150
Initiative + 3
Perception +3
Low-light vision
' ;\
. ..
Effect: The blast becomes a zone that lasts until the end of Snil
vor's next turn. All squares within the zone are difficult terrain
to Snilvor's enemies.
Str 11 (+0)
Dex 14 (+3)
Wls 15 (+3)
Con 16 (+4)
Int 13 (+2)
Cha 12 (+2)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Goblin
Small Menace
The goblin does not provoke opportunity attacks from creatures
of Medium size or larger.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 5 damage (or 7 if the goblin has combat advantage against
the target).
Skills Stealth +9, Thievery +9
Str 13 (+2)
Dex 17 (+4)
Wls 11 (+1)
Con 14 (+3)
Int 8 (+0)
Cha 8 (+0)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Goblin
Equipment leather armor, mace
2 Bloodseeker Drakes (D)
Medium natural beast (reptile)
HP 53; Bloodied 26
AC 20, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 15
Speed 6
Level 4 Soldier
XP 175 each
Initiative +7
Perception +7
Yisarn (see encounter D4) hears sounds of combat in this
room but does not investigate. Instead, he waits for intrud
ers to come to him.
If the heroes capture one or more goblins, they don't
have much to offer. Snilvor and his toadies hail from the
distant goblin stronghold of Daggerburg and seek to main
tain good relations with Yisarn as well as procure three
map scrolls. Yisarn has already received payment , and the
goblins believe that Yisarn is in the next room . They know
that both sets of double doors lead to Yisarn's library, but
the goblins know nothing about the secret pit traps beyond
the doors.
Encounter Level 4 (975 XP)
Yisarn, skeletal mage (Y)
2 skeletons (S)
1 glimmerweb spider (G)
2 spiked pits (traps)
Yisarn broods in his library, contemplating how best to
rid himself of the Woodsinger elves. Yisarn was alive
when he first came to plunder the ruins ofOal Nystiere. A
band of elves ambushed and killed him, but an evil curse
animated his bones , turning him into an undead horror.
Yisarn spends his days poring over arcane tomes salvaged
from Oal Nystiere and the surrounding towns, searching
for ways to increase his power. He detests the Wood singer
elves and schemes against them constantly.
This encounter uses the "Oal Nystiere" battle map.
Because the monsters are quiet and the doors are closed ,
the heroes have little chance to surprise them.
In addition to the monsters, this encounter includes two
spiked pit traps not shown on the battle map. See "Features
oCthe Area" for rules on how they work, and use the spiked
pit tokens to mark their locations once they're revealed.
The room can be described to players as follows:
A maanificent mural ofa forest scene covers tlte ceilina of a
vaulted chamber adorned with statues ofeladrin warriors
and illuminated byfi ery braziers. Between two braziers, atop
a 2fool-l1i8h stone bier, lie the partially assembled bones of a
dra80n. Web-strewn bookshelves packed with dusty tomes line
thefar wall, and a thick curtain ofaossamer webs obscures a set
afiron doors. Nestled in the webs is a monstrous spider.
Two skeletons sland 8uard in the middle ofthe room. A third
skeleton-this one wearin8 the tattered robes of a maae-has
bony claws that crackle with liahtnirta. It scowls hatefully.
XP 300
HP 94; Bloodied 47
Initiative +1
AC 17. Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 15
Perception +4
Speed 6
Immune disease, pOison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
+ At-Will
TriBBer: Yisarn takes damage from an attack.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 1 (enemies in burst); +6
vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 3 necrotic damage. and Yisarn pushes the target 2
squares. If the target is dazed, it falls unconscious (save ends).
Skills Arcana +10, Dungeoneerlng +10, History +10
Str 12 (+2)
Dex 11 (+1)
was 16 (+4)
Cha11 (+1)
Con 15(+3)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
Equipment keys to locked doors
~ Necrotic Burst (necrotic)
2 Skeletons (S)
Medium natural animal", (undead)
Level 3 Soldier
XP 150 eac h
HP 45; Bloodied 22
Initiative +6
AC 19, Fortitude 15, Renex 16, Will 15
Perception +3
Speed 6
Immune disease, polson; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
The skeletons try to prevent intruders from reaching their
master, even if that means provoking opportunity attacks.
The spider tries to snare enemies with 8limmerin8 web.
On the next round , it teleports adjacent to a creature that
can't see it and uses bite. When hit by an attack, it usesfey
escape to teleport away, preferably behind its curtain of
Yisarn opens the battle with li8htnin8 talons, unless the
adventurers are too far away or too many allies would be
caught in the blast. [n those cases, he attacks with ice dart
first, perhaps knocking an enemy into a brazier or spiked
pit. He uses necrotic burst when he takes damage and has
one or more enemies adjacent to him.
Level 4 Lurker
XP 175
Initiative +B
Perception +3
Web Walk
CD Bite (polson)
Ceiling: The ceiling is 20 feet high.
Dragon Bones: Yisarn plans to animate these bones to a
create a skeletal black dragon servant. Currently the bones C!
are inanimate and harmless.
Iron Doors: The iron double doors that lead off the
map are locked (AC 15, Renex 5, Fortitude 15,60 hp).
Yisarn carries the key, but the doors can also be unlocked
with a DC 20 Thievery check or smashed open with a DC z
25 Strength check. The doors conceal a long tunnel that
eventually leads to the surface (or to another dungeon
complex of your own creation).
Lever: Set into the noor of an alcove is a large iron
lever. Pulling the lever locks the spiked pits and keeps
them from triggering when stepped on.
Spiked Pits: The pits are to feet deep and hidden
under false noors. Detecting the nearest one requires a
DC 20 Perception check. A pit attacks any creature that
enters its space. One can jump over the pit with a success
ful Athletics check (DC 10 with a running start, DC 20
without). Scaling a pit wall is a DC 15 Athletics check.
Disabling a pit so it can't open requires a DC 15 Thievery
Richard Baker
Christopher Perkins
Christopher Perkins
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Cynda Callaway
Monster Vault, Reavers ofHarkenwold, all other Wizards of the Coast product
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Reavers C?fHarkenwold" is a two-part DUNGEONS & DRAGONS*
adventure set in the Nentir Vale, a region introduced in the
DUNGEONS & DRAC;ONS Falltasy Roleplayill8 Game. The first
half of the adventure takes the characters from 2nd to 3rd
level and is presented in the adventure book titled Reavers of
Harkelllvoid Part I: The Troll Circle. The second halfthe adven
ture, which is deSigned to take characters from 3rd to 4th
levcl, appears in this book.
The overall backstory and now of the adventure are
covered in Reavers of Harken wold Part I: Tlte Iroll Circle.
Before running the second part of the adventure, you
should review the "Adventure Synopsis" and "Freeing
Harkenwold" sections in the first adventure book (pages
3-5), as well as the sections detailing the villages of
Albridge and Harken. Part 2 of the adventure begins with
the heroes defending the village ofAlbridge from an Iron
Circle attack (encounters Bl through B4). If they succeed,
they can take the fight to the Iron Circle leadership with a
daring assault on Iron Keep (encounters Kl through K7).
The foldout battle maps included with the adven
ture don't encompass every encounter. For encounters
that the battle maps don't mver (specifically encounters
K4 through K7), you can either draw the maps for your
players using wet-erase markers and a blank battle map
(available for purchase at your local hobby store), or you
can try to build the maps using U&DDungeon Tiles.
Ifyou have prepainted plastic D&D@miniatures,
you can use them to represent the various monsters and
villains in this adventure, or you can use the tokens con
tained in this box or the MOllster Vault'" boxed set.
Getting Started
This book assumes that you've already played through the
encounters in Reavers ofHarkenwold Part I: The IrOIl Circle
and are familiar with the overall structure of the adven
ture. This book picks up where the first half the adventure
leaves off. Make sllre that the characters have time to take
an extended rest, gather their quest rewards, and gain a
level before continuing the adventure.
If all goes well in Part 1, the adventurers have made
names for themselves in the barony of Harkenwold, forged
an alliance with the Woodsinger elves, and defied the Iron
Circle at every turn . When you're ready to continue the
adventure, proceed with encounter B1.
Shortly after the heroes return from Dal Nystiere, they
learn that the Iron Circle is preparing to march on
Albridge to squash the rebellion at its source,
When you are ready to launch into the Battle of
Albridge portion of the storyline, read:
You are about to make camp f or the niBht after your latest
efforts in the fiah t a8ai nst the Iron Circle when tlte nallopinn
hoofbeats ofa lone rider echo in the dusk, A moment later, a
younn ha!flinn woman on a small ridinB horse comes into view
and reins in nearby, "There you are!" she says, "Dar Gremath
said you minht be around here somewhere, I've aot an impor
tant l71essane fo r you: The Iron Circle's army is nettina ready to
march aaainst AlbridBel Nazin Redthom's ca lled in all his ra id
ing parties, and he'sBoinB to try to stomp us out once and f or
all. Dar Gremath's sent wordfor a/! the loyal Harken wolders to
come to Albridge and stand up to the rron Circle. There's aoina
to be a bia battlel He asks you to hurry back to Albrid8e to help
out, as qUick as you can!"
The halfling is Seranna, granddaughter of Gerrad, the
people have done in the past. This skill can be used to gain
3 successes in the challenge.
Intimidate (DC 15, 1 hour): A character can use I ntimi
date to project self-confidence and competence, to
challenge uncertain rebel leaders and push them to do
better, or to reassure nervous rebels by making light of the
threat posed by the Iron Circle attack. This skill can be
used to gain 3 successes in the challenge.
Nature (DC 13, 1 hour): A character can use Nature to
study potential battlegrounds, to anticipate weather condi
tions, or to supervise camouflage efforts_ This skill can be
used to achieve 3 successes in the challenge.
Reli8ion (DC 13, 1 hour): A character can use Religion
to conduct an invocation to the deities, to council fear
ful fighters, or to lead the Harkenwolders in seeking
divine favor in the battle to come. This skill can be used to
achieve 2 successes in the challenge_
Success: The adventurers aid in devising a sound plan
that makes the best use of terrain and the forces available
to Dar Gremath. and help the Harkenwolders to prepare
for battle. They are awarded 2 victory points toward the
outcome of the battle (see "Victory or Defeat," below), and
they receive the full XP award for the skill challenge_
Failure: The battle plan and preparations are flawed_
The adventurers can still win, but it's a tougher fight with
Victory or Defeat
Success or failure in battle doesn't just depend on how
well the adventurers fight in their own small part of the
fray. It also depends on hO\.v successful they have been in
their efforts against the Iron Circle. To determine how the
battle turns out, assign victory points (\I P) based on the
heroes accomplishments so far:
preparations in encounter B1 .
Encounter Level 2 (710 XP)
I Iron Circle enforcer (E)
1 spitting drake (S)
10 Iron Circle rabble (R)
This encounter takes place during the Battle ofAlbridge. 1t
represents one short skirmish in the wider battle. Depend
ing on the plans the players made in encounter B I , this
combat can arise for any of the following reasons:
HP 88; Bloodied 44
AC 14, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13
Speed 5
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Level 3 Artillery
XI> 150
HP 38; Bloodied 19
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 14
Speed 7
Resist 1 0 acid
Initiative +5
Perception +3
Dex 18 (+5)
Wls 14(+3)
Con 14 (+3)
Int 3 (-3)
Alignment unaligned
Speed 6
a lar8e band of Iron Circle soldiers hendin8 in your direction,
Mob Rule
with a reptilian creature trottino at their side. They raise a war
Con 12 (+2)
Int 9 (+0)
Cha 9 (+0)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
The Iron Circle soldiers are confident in their numbers.
They begin the battle with a reckless rush. hoping to over
whelm the heroes. The rabble try to gang up on a couple of
enemies at a time to make good lise offlanking and their
mob rule trait.
The enforcer closes to melee as quickly as possible.
She moves into squares from which she can threaten two
or more characters and make good lise ofJlail sweep. The
enforcer waits to spend her action point until the round
after she's made a successful smash back attack. That way
she can make two attacks with the bonus provided by
smash back.
The spitting drake skulks around the edges of the fight,
keeping its distance from any characters trying to bring it
to melee. It uses causl'ic spit against any target that seems
convenient. but it's especially likely to retaliate against
enemies who hurt it in previous rounds.
Encounters 82, 83, and B4 all take place during the Battle of
Albridge, as the heroes do their part to help the assembled
Harkenwolders against the Iron Circle's large war band. The
encounters assume that the adventurers will be able to take
a short rest between each one, refreshing their encounter
powers and spending healing surges as needed. During
these brief downtimes, the adventurers might be waiting for
the next group of enemies to appear. talking tactics with Dar
Gremath or the other Harkenwold leaders, biding their time
as a reserve force to be thrown into the most desperate part
of the fighting. or taking a short breather behind the lines.
The Battle of Albridge encounters become much harder if
you don't allow the characters to take a short rest between
each one.
Encounter Level 3 (750 XP)
1 Iron Circle dark adept (A)
2 Iron Circle cutthroats (C)
2 tar devil guards (T)
This encounter takes place during the Battle
represents a major skirmish. Depending on the plans the
players made in encounter BI, this combat can arise for
any of the following reasons:
Attack: The adventurers encounter an Iron Circle
rearguard as they get close to their goal. They'll have to
fight their way through the force .
Defense: The battle Oows away from the heroes after
their first encounter. Soon thereafter, they spy a band of
Iron Circle marauders burning farmhouses nearby. The
adventurers advance to confront them.
Reserve: Dar Gremath (or another Harkenwold con
tact) sends word by messenger that the adventurers are
urgently needed on the other side of the battle. A force
ofIron Ci rcle devils and soldiers bars the way.
Layout the "Steading" battle map as shown, with the
farms and fields half face-up.
When the battle starts, read:
A youn8 Harkenwolder aallops up to you on horseback. "Dar
Gremath says he needs your help over by the Radden farm
stead!" he pants, pOintina across the ba ttl~field. A couple of
hundred yards away, you can make out the rebel leader's banner,
now under attack. Between you and Da r Gremath, a band of
maraudina soldiers is busy settin8fire tofarmhouses and kill
ina offany wounded they come across. Some of the Iron Circle
warriors aren't human- they're short, scaly creatures with black
horns and lashin8 tails, surrounded in darkfumes. The messen
aer aallops offaaain , leavina matters in your hands.
Have the players place their characters anywhere along
the north edge of the map, then place the Iron Circle
forces where indicated.
HP 46; Bloodied 23
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 16
Speed 6
Initiative +2
Perception +5
HP 37; Bloodied 18
AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12
Speed 6
Level 2 Skirmisher
Xi> 12 S each
Initiative +6
Perception +1
Shadow Stride
If the cutthroat moves at least 3 squares from its starting position
on its turn, It gains concealment until the start of its next turn.
HP 53; Bloodied 26
AC 20, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 16
Speed 6
Resist 10 fire; Vulnerable 5 acid
Level 4 Soldier
XP 175 (,deh
Initiative +5
Perception +7
. .'
.. .
G> Khopah (wupon) + At-WII
Attac": Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: ld8 + 7 damage .
:,- T.ry
The tar devils begin the battle by moving within 5 squares
of their foes, using tarry net, and dragging restrained foes
within reach of their khopeshes. If a tarry devil misses
with its net, it instead uses its remaining action to charge,
hopefully catching as many foes as possible in its hot reek
The cutthroats use shadow stride to gain concealment
and slasher's feint to gain combat advantage before attack
ing with their short swords.
The dark adept pays little attention to the cutthroats,
instead reserving its dark imperative for the tar devils when
they become injured. Otherwise he stays at range and uses
fiery tendrils against the heroes, especially those who are
giving the tar devils a tough time.
HP 126; Bloodied 63
AC 21, Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 17
Speed 5
SavinI! Throws +2; Action Points 1
XP 400
Initiative +4
Perception +3
Only minutes after you finish with your last foes, you hear a roar
ofchallen8e. Anotller 8rouP oflron Circle soldiers is advancin8
on you. They are supported by two sca!>, humanoid creatures
with horns and tails, with drippin8 810bs ofbumin8 pitch in their
taloned hands. With the band rides a massively muscled human
warrior in scale armor. A standard .flies from a holder at hi.s
sti rrup- a black pennant with a red- and 80ld-trimmed 8ray rin8
in the center. "You!" the enemy lord cries. "You are the ones who
have caused me so much troublel Know now that you face Lord
Nazin RedtJlOTn , champion ofthe Iron Circle. With your deatfts
my victory is assured!"
Con 15 (+4)
Int 15 (+4)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Giant, Supernal
Level 3 Artillery
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 17, Fortitude 15, Reflex 15 , Will 14
Speed 6
Resist 10 fire; Vulnerable 5 acid
XP 150 eac h
Initiative +5
Perception +8
XP 31 each
Initiative +1
Perception +1
Mob Rule
The rabble gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while adjacent
to two or more allies.
+ Encounter
Horse (H)
lar ('
Levell Brute
beast (mollnt)
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 15, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 10
Speed 10
XP 100
Initiative +1
Perception +5
low-light vision
The horse grants its rider a +5 bonus to damage rolls on charge
~ Trample At-WID
Effect: The horse can move up to its speed and enter enemies'
spaces. The movement provokes opportunity attacks, and
the horse must end its move in an unoccupied space. When it
enters an enemy's space, the horse makes a melee attack (+4 vs_
Reflex). If the attack hits, the target takes 1 d6 + 4 damage and
falls prone_
Str 19 (+4)
Dex 13 (+1)
Wis 11 (+0)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 2 (-4)
Cila 9 (-1)
Alignment unaligned
Nazin dismounts and fights on foot, leaving his horse in
the rear with a single Iron Circle rabble to guard it. Nazin
leads the initial rush against the adventurers and fights
furiously, using warlord's strike as often as it recharges. He
tries to hold off on infernalflames until at least one of the
tar devils needs healing, but he'll use it earlier in the fight
ifhe has the opportunity to attack multiple foes at once.
The remaining rabble rush forward to melee as qUickly
as possible_ The tar devil harriers stay at range, hurling tar
balls at different targets each round to make sure as many
characters as possible are slowed _
Nazin's Getaway: vVhen he is bloodied, the rabble
are dead, or the tar devils are defeated, Nazin attempts to
escape. He shifts or moves away from his opponent toward
his horse, mounts (a move action), and rides off at the next
opportunity. He saves his action point for use in this get
away attempt. Once he's mounted, he gallops off at speed
12, which should qUickly get him away from heroes on
Nazin's escape is important to set up the final conflict
in Iron Keep. Make every attempt to have him flee. but if
the tides of battle make it impossible, don't railroad the
storyline to make it happen. You can replace Nazin in
encounter K7 with a "second-in-command" for the heroes
to fight.
Iron Keep (the renamed Harken Keep) is the stronghold of
Nazin Redthorn and his Iron Circle soldiers. It stands on
top of a short, steep-sided hillock overlooking Harken Vil
lage and the King's Road. The trees and ground cover on
the hillside are cut back at least 100 feet from the walls,
leaving a bare grassy slope. The hill rises precipitously on
the eastern side. The other approaches are more gradual,
but none flatten out until about 100 feet above the village.
A causeway of hard -packed dirt climbs around the hilltop
to the castle's front gate, exposed to archery fire from the
towers and walls for most of its length.
Soldiers built the great tower and upper bailey 200
years ago to guard the King's Road and the White River
valley against monsters attacking from Thunderspire or
the Dawnforge Mountains. When 10nn Stockmer became
baron 45 years ago, he embarked on a decades-long
rebuilding and expansion of the stronghold, adding the
lower bailey and repairing the rest of the castle (sorely
needed at the time). Old Kellar from Harken was the chief
stonemason of this work, and knows the castle like the
back of his gnarled hands.
Getting Inside
The first challenge the heroes face is getting inside Iron
Keep. Clever players might devise a ploy to enter, such as
feigning surrender, hiding in supply wagons, or donning
disguises. Encounter Kl (page 16) addresses skill chal
lenges that might result given some of the more likely
More direct players could look for approaches that
go over or through the walls. The keep is guarded by a
number of sentries who try to prevent this, and they raise
the alarm if attacked (see "Raising the Alarm," page 14).
Encounter K2 (page 18) covers the wall defense if the
heroes attack the sentries.
Finally, the heroes might try a frontal assault on the
front gate and outer bailey. Such a plan leads to encoun
ter K3 (page 20). This hard fight (espeCially if the heroes
attack early in the adventure) might be pulled offby a
tough and aggressive group.
3rd Floor
Tar devil
To rescue Baron Stockmer and defeat the Iron Circle
in Harkenwold. the adventurers must find a way to get
into Iron Keep-a heavily defended castle surrounded by
daunting battlements and high walls.
So how does the party get inside? The most perilous
option is to storm the castle. The party might attempt to
scale the walls (encounter K2). fight their way through the
front gate (encounter K3). or slip in through the postern
gate (area 21). If the adventurers speak to Old Kellar in the
village of Harken. the dwarf can direct them to the secret
passage leading into the North Tower (area 11), but warns
them that the door must be opened from within.
A skill challenge can be used if the heroes attempt to
bluff their way into the castle. The following suggestions
cO\'er the characters posing as new recruits , pretending
to be Iron Circle soldiers, or smuggling themselves inside.
Another approach is surrender.
Ifyour players surprise you by coming up with some
thing completely off the wail-for example, pretending
to be circus performers who want to put on a show for
the evil overlord-use the strategy listed below that most
closely matches their idea as a framework. In the case
of the circus idea , the "New Recruits" skill challenge is
the closest. It's about the heroes disguising themselves
as something they're not and trying to win the villains'
Skill Challenge:
New Recruits
The heroes approach Iron Keep as "mercenaries" looking
for work. Sturmik, the tiefling who commands the gate
house, isn't sure he believes that the heroes are who they
say they are.
The captain ofthe 8atehouse steps out onto the parapet and
leans down to look you over. He's a tieflin8 dad in a black sur
plice embroidered with a 80ld-trimmed nray rin8. "So you think
you're Iron Circle material?" he sneers. "I'm not so sure I like the
looks ofyou. Tell me why I shouldn't drive you awayfrom the
nate li ke be88ars."
Skill Challenge:
Iron Circle Poseurs
The heroes equip themselves with tunics and cloaks taken
from Iron Circle soldiers they've defeated, and pose as a
patrol returning to the castle. Sturmik, the tiefling who
commands the gatehouse. is suspicious because he doesn't
recognize any of the "soldiers."
Before the Bate opens, a harsh voice ri t1BSou tfro m the natehouse.
"I don't remember any ofyou. W ho is your seraean!? Where di d
you say you were comit1nfrom?"
Skill Challenge:
Smuggled Inside
The Iron Circle garrison imports wagonloads of stolen
goods every day. The heroes can hide themsdves in the
supply wagons and get "delivered" to the castle. It's impos
sible to maneuver a large wagon through the castle gate,
but a small one-horse wagon can negotiate the. tight turn.
Such a wagon has enough room to conceal up to three
Medium characters beneath a load of produce or other
supplies. At least one adventurer must pose as the wagon
driver, and the guards won't be overly suspicious ifone or
two more characters are accompanying the wagon on foot
to "help out" or "guard against bandits."
one oftile arrow slits in the 8atehouse and calls, uHold onl What
The adventurers can deliberately allow themselves ,to be
captured. The Iron Circle soldiers confiscate all their gear,
rough them up, question them intently, and then lock
them in the gaol (area 22). The hemes must then escape
from the cells and defeat any guards respondlng to their
breakout (see encounter K6) . If they can manage that,
they'll find their gear locked in a large chest in area 19.
Allow the players to choose which part of the walI their
characters are attempting to cross. A DC 8 Perception
check is enough to tell how many sentries patrol a given
section of walI.
Unless the adventurers take unusual steps to conceal
their approach , the sentries spot them about 100 squares
(500 feet) away in daylight, or about 20 squares (100
feet) away at night. In daylight, it's almost impossible to
get close to the wall without being spotted. Little cover
exists on the hillside outside the castle. Still, a stealthy
party with a lot of patience might be able to manage it by
using camouflage, low-crawling, or approaching with the
sun at their backs. Have each hero make a DC 10 Stealth
check to move within 50 squares without being seen , and
a second DC 15 Stealth check to move within 20 squares.
If at least half the characters succeed on both checks, the
party arrives at the base of the wall without being noticed.
The sentries on the wall tops begin to shout an alarm
as soon as they spot the heroes approaching-any group
with legitimate business in the castle would use the front
gate, after all. The sentries also shout an alarm if they are
attacked without being killed. A stealthy hero might be
able to get close enough to silence a sentry with a Single
projectile or spell , allOWing the party to scale a wall sec
tion without being detected by any of the castle defenders.
If the alarm is raised , the monsters or villains in nearby
encounter areas defend their part of the wall-either
moving to arrow slits in their tower that face outward, or
exiting their towers to take up stations on the parapet facing
the attack (disregard the normal starting locations shown
in the encounter in that case). The defenders open fue on
the approaching party with ranged attacks as soon as the
heroes come within range, and cut ropes or dislodge grap
pling hooks as needed to keep the adventurers off the walls
When one wall is attacked, the defenders of nearby
walls eventually join in the battle. Roll a Id6 at the end
of each round of fighting. On a roll result of 5 or 6, the
defenders of a neighboring wall notice the fighting and
come to the assistance of the area under attack.
When the adventurers approach the castle walls, place
the "Iron Keep" battle map and use D&D Dungeon Tiles
Little cover exists outside the walls. The bare hillside slopes
Wall Defenses
For purposes of this encounter, the walls ofIron Keep are
divided into six sections, as shown on the inset map. Dif
ferent garrison groups are responsible for guarding each
Southwest Wall
2 Iron Circle sentries (S)
All of the creatures in encounter K3
West Wall
4 Iron Circle sentries (S)
All of the creatures in encounters K3
Northwest Tower Wall
4 Iron Circle sentries (S)
Northeast Wall
5 Iron Circle sentries (S)
East Wall
3 Iron Circle sentries (S)
All of the creatures in encounter K5
Southeast WalJ
5 Iron Circle sentries (S)
AlI of the creatures in encounters K3 and K5
Iron Circle Sentry (S)
XP 38
Initiative +1
Perception +1
,11" 1""
You might have to create two battle maps for this and
other encounters in Iron Keep-one for the ground level,
and one for the wall tops or second stories. Use the poster
map for the ground floor where possible; D&D DunBeon
Tiles or a wet-erase battle mat can be used for the upper
levels. Characters can move from one map to the other
by ascending or descending stairs, climbing, teleporting,
jumping, or any other means within their power.
Encounter Level 6 (1,330 XP)
level S Artillery
XP 200
Initiative +7
Perception +11
Low-light vision
Sturmik, tiefling commander (T)
3 Iron Circle guards (G)
10 Iron Circle sentries (S)
2 iron defenders (I)
This encounter uses the "Iron Keep" battle map. Place the
heroes wherever they are likely to be at the start of the
encounter, and place the monsters and villains as they
Iron Keep's main gate is protected by a number of
guards under the command of a tiefling named Sturmik.
They stand ready to repel any attempt to force the gates
or scale the walls. Unless the heroes take unusual steps to
conceal their approach, the villains spot them 100 squares
(500 feet) away during the day, or 20 squares (100 feet)
away at night. They hold their fire until the approaching
party's intent becomes clear.
If the adventurers just walk up to the castle, they won't
be fired on before Sturmik and his guards hail them
and question them about their intentions. Sturmik gives
the order to open fire if t he heroes refuse to answer his
challenge, answer his challenge with nonsense, or do
something suspicious-for example, readying weapons,
trying to climb the walls, or moving out of Sight. If the
heroes try to bluff their way into the castie, see encounter
K1 (page 16).
The road winds around the hill, passin8 under the battlements
ofthe keep before leadin8 up to a stron8 8atehouse and tower.
You catch 81impses ofarmed 8uards alol18 the walls and watch
in8 you throu8h arrow slits. When you reach a pOint about 30
feet or sofrom the 8ate, a harsh voice calls out from one ofthe
arrow slits. "That'sfar enou8hl Who are you, and what's your
busi ness?"
"I ~
level 3 Soldier
XP 150 each
Initiative +5
Perception +6
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guard's next turn.
XP 38 "deh
Initiative +1
Perception +1
,Hl ll lld l c
Level 3 Soldier
(c o ns t ru ct .
HP 47; Bloodied 23
AC 19. Fortitude 16. Reflex 15, Will 13
Speed 6
xr 1 ~ o e a c h
Initiative +5
Perception +6
The sentries hold position and defend the courtyard. while
Stllrmik and the guards repel attackers using ranged fire
through the arrow slits, murder holes, or from the parapet.
If possible, the guards drop the portcullis behind enemies
at the main gate. then pick off the trapped foes from the
arrow slits. Ifintruders enter the keep. one of the sentries
releases the iron defenders into the courtyard . IfSturmik
is alive, the iron defenders guard him.
HP 96; Bloodied 48
AC 17, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 16
Speed 6
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Initiative +2
Perception +5
, 11.'.1''''
The tar devils try to draw the fight into the open half of the
room using tarry net. That allows the spined devil on the
balcony (and Kaltis , when she emerges) to attack the party
from above.
The spined devil remains on the balcony and attacks
with fiery spines. While waiting for its fiery spines to
recharge, it flies into position to flank an enemy and
attacks with its claws.
Kaltis prefers to stay up on the balcony and attack
from overhead uSingfiery tendrils. She uses dark imperative
the first time one of her devil allies is wounded, moving
the creature into a position from which it can flank with
level 6 Skirmisher
HP 70; Bloodied 35
AC 20, Fortitude 19, Reflex 17, Will 17
Speed 5, fly 7 (hover)
Resist 10 fire
XP 250
Initiative +7
Perception +10
+ Rech.,.
Features of
the Area
HP 53; Bloodied 26
AC 20, Fortitude 17, Renex 15, Will 16
Speed 6
Resist 10 fire; Vulnerable 5 acid
Level 4 Soldier
XP 175 each
Initiative + 5
Perception +7
.. .
one of its ilk. If she's cornered , she retreats into her pri
vate quarters and tries to hold out until the devils can
reach her.
Encounter Level 3 (780 XP)
Level S Soldier
XP 200 eMh
HP 63; Bloodied 31
AC 21 , Fortitude lB , Reflex 16, Will 15
Speed 5
Initiative +6
Perception +3
D............. , . ,
2 dragonborn soldiers (D)
10 Iron Circle sentries (S)
This encounter has no accompanying battle map. You will
need to draw the map on a wet-erase battle mat or build
the m ap using D&D DunBeon Tiles. The important features
are the second floor of the Great Tower, the adjoining wa ll
pa rapets, and the courtyard out front with the stairs lead
ing up to the drawbridge.
The Great Tower is a fortre ss within a fortress. C har
acters can enter thi s level via the wall top doors (usually
locked) or the courtya rd staircase that leads up to the
drawbridge (area 18). The drawbridge is normally down
(open) but can be rai sed at the first sign of trouble.
Eight of the sentries in this encounter are stationed
atop the adjoining east and southeast walls (see encounter
K2 , page 18). The other two sentries are inside the keep,
guarding the drawbridge. Place only the sentries that the
heroes can see on the map. Do not place the dragonborn
soldiers until they are encountered.
+ ........
Initiative +1
Perception +1
Con 12 (+2)
0 .10(+1)
. . 9(+0)
' 0 (+1)
CIa 9 (~)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, mace, crossbow, 20 bolts, black cloak
embroidered with a gray circle
If combat erupts on this level of the keep, the villains on
the levels above and below are alerted. They remain in
their deSignated areas and cannot be surprised.
2 Iron Circle enforcers (E)
1 Iron Circle mage (M)
1 tar devil harrier (T)
Baron Stockmer (8)
3 servants (S)
This encounter takes place on the first floor of the Great
Tower (areas 19 and 22 ill particular). There is no battle
map to accompany the encounter; you'll need to draw
the map on a weterase battle mat or build the map using
D&D DUll8eoll Tiles.
Nazin Redthorn has assigned two enforcers to make
sure that Haron Stockmer stays put in the dungeons of his
own castle. A mage and a tar devil round out the guard
detail. They also keep an eye on the nearby postern gate
(area 21) and supervise the few remaining castle servants
working in the kitchen.
HP 88; Bloodied 44
AC 14, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13
Speed 5
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Initiative +2
Perception +1
+ At-Will
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 18. Fortitude 15, Reflex 18, Will 16
Speed 6
level 4 Artillery
XP 175
Initiative +2
Perception +4
Level 3 Artillery
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 17, Fortitude 15, Reflex 15, Will 14
Speed 6
Resist 10 fire; Vulnerable 5 acid
XP 150
Initiative +5
Perception +8
3 Servants (S)
Mediu m
Il d t Ufdl
XP [) ed<. h
Initiative +0
Perception +0
Whel1 enemies appear on the stairs or at the postern gate,
the enforcer in the kitchen (area 19) moves to guard the
doorway leading to the gaol (area 22) and calls for help.
The second enforcer comes out to defend the doorway.
The mage and tar devil hang back and lise ranged or area
attacks against enemies fighting the enforcers.
If the fight goes badly, the mage seals himselfin area
22, possibly locking the enforcers outside. The mage
threatens to kill Baron Stock mer unless the adventurers
agree to let him flee. This is an empty threat, since the
mage would never slay the baron without Nazin's approval:
the characters realize the mage is bluffing with a success
ful Insjght check (opposed by the mage's Bluff check).
The castle servants are loyal Harkenwolders forced into
drudgery by the [ron Circle. They do their best to stay out
of the way and shout encouragement at the heroes. They
tell the heroes that Baron Stockmer is being held in a cell
off the guardroom.
Baron Stockmer is a brave old fellow of 6S years, weak
secret passage from the dining room (area 26) to the lord's
Encounter LevelS (1,075 XP)
Nazin Redthorn (N)
HP 126; Bloodied 63
AC 21, Fortitude 19, ReAex 16, Will 17
Speed 5
Saving Throws +2: Action Points 1
xr 400
Initiative +4
Perception +3
3rd Floor
HP 46; Bloodied 23
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 16
Speed 6
Initiative +2
Perception +5
HP 66; Bloodied 33
AC 16, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 15
Speed 5
Level 4 Brute
XP 17') edc.h
Initiative +4
Perception +7
Encounter Level 4 (875 XP)
This encounter can occur days or weeks after the Iibera
tion of Harkenwold. It assumes that the heroes are either
killing time in Harkenwold or taking a break on the road
to their next destination.
The purpose of this encounter is to present Lord Vhen
nyk and the Iron Circle as an ongoing threat in your
campaign. Ifyou're planning to lake your campaign in
other directions, feel free not to use this final encounter.
Lividius, tiefling murderer (L)
5 Harkenwold bystanders (B)
1 horse (H)
This encounter uses the "Tavern" battle map. Have the
players place their characters in the tavern, and then place
the bystanders, one of whom is lhe proprietor.
If needed, horse statistics can be found on page 11.
You are drawn to the quiet corrifort ofa roadside tal'ern, where
tlte proprietor offers you free drinks. "Least I can do f or the
Defenders of Harkenll'old," she says witlt a smile. The locals are
ea8er to hea r more about your exploits, but the sudden thump
ina of hooves interru pts your reverie. Th rou8h a window you
see a black horse, its rider a scarred tiejlin8 warrior wearin8
chainmail and Bauntlets. He dismounts and enters the tavern,
aareatslI'ord over his back and a drippina sack in one hand . He
reco8nize5 you im mediately andfrowl1s. "I carry a lIIessaaefrom
Lord Vh ennyk."
When he appears, place Livid'ills inside the taveru near
the entrance. His horse remains outside.
Any creature that exits the aura on its turn takes 5 cold damage.
<D Greatsword (weapon) + At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC, or +10 vs. AC if the
target is bloodied
Hit: 2d1 0 + 4 damage.
~ Blade of Avernus (fire. weapon) + At-Will
Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +9 vs. AC. or +10 vs. AC
ifthe target is bloodied
+ At-Will
XP 0 earh