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The document discusses the contents of the first issue of the D6 Magazine, including articles, interviews and adventure modules focused around winter themes. It also discusses the OpenD6 gaming system.

The first issue's theme revolves around winter, the cold, and everything subzero.

The editorial commentary discusses the contributors' work in the magazine, the social aspects of role-playing games, and how OpenD6 gaming represents an improvement over previous systems.

Cover Art: Khairul Hisham

Artwork, Ray McVay, Khairul Hisham, & J. Elliot Streeter

Editing and Layout, By J. Elliot Streeter
All content, including articles, interviews, and adventure modules belong to the contributing writers as original works under the
OpenD6 OGL 1.0a, 2010- 2011. Contact Us Today at: submissions@d6magazine.com


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Every article, adventure, and interview included in the

I am super happy to have worked with the contributors

D6 Magazine is a labor of love, written for fans, by fans,

who not only submitted material here, but did it free. I

of the OpenD6 gaming mechanic started long ago by

want to extend my personal thanks to Khairul Hisham

West End Games, Inc., and now released to the public

for all his hard work on the cover art for the D6

under the Open Gaming License.

The first issues

Magazine, and Bill Smith for agreeing to do an

theme revolves around winter, the cold, and everything

interview for our readers. This has turned out as a

subzero. I want to thank all of the contributors for their

particularly well formed first issue, and I am excited to

submissions and hope to see the community grow to

work on many future incarnations of the D6 Magazine!

love this free publication as it grows in both size and

submitted material. I have played role-playing games
for the better part of my life, and they have suffered me
through some of the hardest times in my life. I enjoy
the very social aspect of sitting down to play with good
friends, to the mechanics of the dice systems, to the
shared imaginary worlds we experience together.
OpenD6 Gaming represents the best thing to come to
Table Top Gaming in over a decade, since the inception
of and popularity of the West End Games product lines
such as Ghostbusters and Star Wars. This issue of the
D6 Magazine marks the first in a long line of
community-produced material that will be sure to bring
a little of our imaginations as writers and game
developers out to you in the public. Unlike any other
form of gaming, OpenD6 Gaming is simple to learn,
easy to play, and incredibly customizable and simple, yet
robust enough to withstand every genre of game play

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Author of the Star Wars 2nd Edition, Revised and Expanded, Published by West End Games, Inc.
By J. Elliot Streeter

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I stayed with West End until Spring 1997, when my

Bill: I grew up in a small town in Northern New York,

wife and I moved back to our hometown.

between the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains to

While I haven't written any RPG products since leaving

the south and the St. Lawrence River Valley to the

WEG, I still write and publish the Outlaw Galaxy series

north. With six months of winter, there was lots of

of space fantasy stories at www.BillSmithBooks.com and

"indoor time" for reading and writing...science fiction


became a natural escape from a nice, pleasant but fairly

dull place to grow up.

Like most writers, I've worked at a number of unusual

jobs, including at stock car racetracks (announcer,

I've been a science fiction fan sinc e about the age of


four or five when my Mom introduced me to Classic

MohawkInternationalRaceway.com), ghost tour guide

Star Trek...at age eight when Star Wars was released, the

(GhostsOfGettysburg.com), and copywriter for a now

die was cast and as that Star Destroyer roared overhead,

defunct ad agency...in addition to more mundane jobs,

I was fated to be a Star Wars fanatic for life, through

like driving a school bus and being a Customer Service

both good (Star Wars, Empire, Han shooting first) and


bad (Ewoks, Gungans, one-armed Wompas, an endless

parade of super weapons masquerading as a plot).






Like many writers, I have a day job to support my

writing habit, but life is good: I really enjoy being back

I graduated from The College of St. Rose (Albany, NY)

in my hometown and being near my family, I have a

in 1990 with a BA in Public Communications. West

great wife and we have the two greatest poodles in the

End Games hired me in January 1991 based on both my

world. I enjoy hanging out at the local Borders, going

previous publishing experience (running the student

to stock car races and racing my radio control race cars.

newspaper in college and doing writing and PR for local

I spend way too much time on the Internet :)

stock car racing circuits) and because I was a fanatic who

loved both the Torg and Star Wars RPGs.

And I really love writing my Outlaw Galaxy stories.

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2. What made you first interested in role playing

3. What is it that first sparked your interest d6



I was a huge science fiction fan all through childhood.

The Star Wars RPG.

In seventh or eighth grade, I was introduced to both

I bought the first edition at my local comics shop the

RPGs and traditional superhero comics through friends.

moment I saw it on the shelves and skipped classes, put

I was hooked on them instantly.

off homework, and spent all weekend reading through

My first games were D&D dungeon crawls.


the book. My girlfriend at the time was bewildered.

seldom ended well...there's nothing more humiliating

I wasn't so keen on the D6 system at first glance. D6

than being a brave fighter cut down by kobolds, but

seemed so abstract and simple compared to the games I

that's life (or death, as it were).

had been playing: Where are the hit points? What do

I was fascinated with gaming. I was instantly drawn to

you mean there are no character classes? What do you

the excitement of creating my own worlds and

mean ONLY six sided dice?

adventures and of imagining what these worlds looked

skimpy the original starship combat rules were?

and felt like.

I loved the idea of participating in

But after I'd wrapped my brain around the core ideas

something where I could do *whatever I wanted*

and ran it once or twice, it seemed to be a lot of fun--I

instead of being confined by what an author or film

noticed that newer gamers got into Star Wars very easily

director had created.

compared to other game systems.

I started writing my own adventures and tinkering with

completely ad-lib most of my third or fourth adventure

rules almost as soon as I started gaming.

I started

when one of the new players went completely "off the

writing stories when I was about eight years old, so

map"--and after I got over my initial panic, I just "went

transitioning to writing RPG stuff was pretty natural for

with it" and we created a great mini-movie that perfectly

me. Once I realized there were other games out there, I

captured the feel of Star Wars. All without graph paper

started buying and experimenting with different

or miniatures, no detailed maps or NPC sheets, hardly


even a note or two to reference. No stopping to flip

That process continued on all the way through college

open the rulebook. It was just "hey, this would be

until I was hired by West End Games and actually

cool...how tough is this bad guy? Blaster 5D seems

started GETTING PAID to do what I had been doing

about right..." and so on. And it turned out to be a

for fun for all of those years.

great time.

And remember how

I was forced to

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That's when I fell in love with D6.

Torg had such amazing potential...it was kind of a

The original Star Wars RPG book absolutely nailed the

bummer to see it fizzle out the way that it did.

feel and flavor of the Star Wars universe, so it was pretty

AD&D (1st Ed). The core game that everybody played

easy to fall in love with the game system once I gave it a

in high school and college. Yes, the system was clunky,


but everybody knew and loved it, and well, the

It quickly became my favorite game system because it

quirkiness is part of the game's charm. Plus, an endless

was so easy to run on the fly instead of having to stop

stream of supplements, adventures, fiction, and new

every round to look up rules.

issues of Dragon magazine every month.

I loved

AD&D for its feel, but found the ever expanding rules
4. What gaming systems have you used most over
the years? Obviously, you have a lot of experience
with different systems to have created and written a

packages to be a burden. I never got an "intuitive feel"

for how to handle all of the little special abilities and
odd rules--I always fudged all but the basic core rules
when GMing just to keep the game moving. I haven't

I've played a lot of (in rough order of experience):

bothered to examine the newer editions because they are

D6 (obviously). Love the game system, love Star Wars

still "lots and lots of rules" and I just don't have the time

as a setting. Still my favorite system by a large margin

for that level of commitment regardless of how great the

because of its simplicity and flexibility. I still think D6

game might be.

is one of the best systems to bring new gamers into

RPGs, while being flexible enough that it can run any
type of adventure without a huge amount of work.
Torg. I loved the concept of Torg. While I didn't have
too much trouble understanding the system's core rules,








understanding how the game worked. The system took

a lot of prep work because the rules could be fairly
intricate -- small differences in ability make for a huge
difference in play balance. Still, a pretty flexible system
and it handled a huge range of character power levels.

Star Frontiers. One of the systems I played often in

high school. Nice and simple, a fun universe. It was a
great game for my level of experience at the time.
Star Ace/Timemaster (Pacesetter). Star Ace was perhaps
my favorite game system after D6 and Torg...I thought
the Pacesetter line in general was a lot of fun, with great
production values for the era, too. Star Ace was my
favorite of the Pacesetter games because of the genre. I
found the game easy to run, adventures were a breeze to
write, and the universe was big and wide-open, with
thousands of worlds to visit, cool starships, fun aliens,

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an epic storyline...I loved it. It had the perfect Flash

atmosphere of say, Star Wars, there was so much to sink

Gordon/Buck Rogers/Star Wars feel.

your teeth into -- minimalist design that paints a

Marvel Super Heroes. I played a good bit of Marvel

universe in very broad brush strokes and hints at a lot of

Super Heroes despite the skimpiness of the system. In

cool things to do. (Remember, this was back in the

college, the late night "character kill-offs" were

early-to-mid 80s, before GDW really filled in the

great...20+ players gathered in the dorm's common area,

universe will all of the supplements.) Early Traveller

with miniatures and cardboard counters in a Battle

really engaged the GM and players to use their

Royale to the finish.

imaginations. Half of the fun was rolling up new subsectors of space. Mark Miller had a stroke of genius in

Toon!!! We had way too much fun with this in college.

It was a great game to get the girlfriends involved, too.
Lots of humor and silliness, a great way to waste an hour
or six. Some of my most enjoyable game sessions ever.

making hyperspace jumps so short (just a couple of

parsecs at a time) -- it gave the GM a perfect excuse to
draw the characters into adventures since they would no
doubt have encounters in every system they visited; it

Gamma World. I preferred the TSR versions (when it

also made systems just isolated enough that each world

was still close to D&D mechanics-wise) compared to

was distinct in tone and feel.

the grittier revamp of a few years ago. I felt the game

always had a bit of an identity crisis -- is it "near
Apocalypse" or "far future"? It was hard to get a feel for
the way it was "intended to be run." I always ran it as a

DC Heroes (Mayfair version). Trying to handle

everyone from normal humans to Superman in a single
game system is a thankless job; Greg Gorden pulled it
off with his design. Lots of cool source material.

high-powered science fantasy game, with a "Thundarr

Star Trek RPG (FASA). I really enjoyed the Classic Trek

the Barbarian" feel.

RPG from the 1980s. They did some fun supplements

Traveller (1st edition). My first sci-fi game and I still
have a tremendous fondness for those simple stapled
booklets. I still love the graphic design, too, with the







lettering...simple but inspiring. The ads in Dragon

magazine ("This is Free Trader Beowulf...") were
stirring and told you all you needed to know about this
game. While the game didn't create quite the

and offered some of the first "sourcebook style"

references for the Star Trek universe. I have a
tremendous preference for the Classic Trek "Kirk and
Spock" universe because it's fun. I completely lost
interest in all things Star Trek about two seasons into
The Next Generation -- I've always thought of The
Next Generation era as a rather dystopian view of
humanity's future because of the elitist arrogance of the

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Federation and its insistence of conformity to their

characters, and having a great adventure. It is very easy


to teach new players...and it is fairly easy to GM when

Some familiarity:

the players go in an unexpected direction because you

can ad-lib on the fly and still create a fun story.

Castle Falkenstein


6. What do you think the biggest challenges are in


developing a RPG?

Twilight 2000



have to "sell" your readers on the game idea, get them to


understand the world and get them to also go along

Call of Cthulu

with the rules you've put together. (Star Wars was an

Lords of Creation

Villains and Vigilantes

Expressing both the world and rules to the reader -- you

easy sell in terms of "understanding the universe" -- the

challenge was ensuring the rules met the expectations of

Owned but never played a whole bunch more...

the readers.)

5. Are you still playing RPGs?






You have to create a set of rules that models the world




you are trying to create...and create rules that not only

WEG...although I have to admit, after stumbling across

"work" from a mathematical standpoint, but also, what

Mini6, I've been getting the itch to start rolling dice

will gamers understand and like.

again. The guys at AntiPaladin Games packed a

tremendous amount of useful material into less than 40
pages...and its a free download. Awesome job!!!

I think the biggest challenge is trying to help readers

understand how the game is supposed to feel and play,
while leaving enough


and room for

The thing that I love about D6 is that you can run it on

interpretation so that each group can make the game

"auto pilot": "Roll the dice -- high is good, low is bad,


now, on with the adventure!" There's no need for lots of

preparation or tinkering with a lot of rules unless you
really want to get that involved.

Star Wars was a challenge because while everybody is

familiar with the universe, "Star Wars gamers" ran the
gamut from people who had never or hardly ever gamed

The game mechanics can be run almost without looking

to people who wanted very detailed, simulation-style

at the rulebook, so it is so easy to get together a game


with little notice and focus on having fun, creating great

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throwing feedback and their own ideas at me, plus what

EDITION (the Vader cover), 20 YEARS LATER...

people told me at conventions. This is pre-Internet, so

I made a conscious decision to maintain the "cinematic"

all correspondence was by phone and snail mail, so it

flavor introduced in the original Star Wars RPG when I

was a very slow process. Needless to say, there were

worked on the original Second Edition because so many

widely varied opinions, so the Second Edition design

of our customers were relatively new gamers. (The hard-

was in many ways trying to compromise between some

core "crunchy rules" folks were going to completely

very widely varied interest. By the time we got around to

customize the game to their own liking anyway.)

doing Revised and Expanded a few years later, I was

Not only that, I liked having a simple game system. My

personal goal was to try to reach out to people who

confident enough to completely embrace the "this is a

cinematic game, don't worry about the rules" aesthetic.

loved Star Wars but who might not know too much

There were a few decisions on Second Edition that in

about gaming and try to make it easy for them to start

retrospect were clearly mistakes -- I added all of the skills

playing. There was a lot of pressure from more veteran

because so several Star Wars products had already added

gamers to make Star Wars "more of a real game system"

skills willy-nilly; I felt I had to "standardize" and expand

and I really tried to fight that (unsuccessfully, at times).

upon what was already out there. Not only that, flying a

My other objective with Second Edition was to make

modest revisions that fixed the perceived flaws in the
original RPG rules while keeping the spirit of the
original game -- I will readily admit that the results were
successful in some areas but disastrously off in others.
Designing RPGs is a tremendous challenge and learning

fighter is fundamentally different than trying to pilot a












accomplished the same goal just by adding high

difficulty modifiers unless you were specialized. Oh,

experience. Some things you learn from only by failing.

The movement system in the original Second Edition

I was also pretty new to the field when I worked on the

system was needlessly complicated. I was trying to create

original Second Edition in 1992.

a system where you could map out a chase or battle (the

I had my own ideas about what I wanted to do with

Second Edition, too, plus things that I had to graft into
the core rulebook without outdating all of the first
edition materials. I had about 20 playtest groups

First Edition movement rules were overly abstract in my

opinion). I felt the movement system in Revised and
Expanded worked much better for the times when you
really feel the need to map out a chase. With Second
Edition, we had to go to more of a "crunchy" rules-

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based movement system because with the original Star

character has a 1D advantage over another character,

Wars RPG system, a character's skill was just added to

they are going to beat the lesser skilled character about

the vehicle's speed code...so, to paraphrase another

60-70% of the time. That means sending characters up

designer's notes, "Han Solo on a broomstick can outfly

against a group of opponents with relatively minor

any Imperial starfighter." It meant the game results were

advantages in skill codes is effectively a death sentence.

clearly at odds with the "reality" of the game universe,

Without the Wild Die, there are some tasks for

so we needed a fix of some kind.

characters that are just impossible short of spending a

Force powers still bewilder me and I just left them "as

Force Point...and Force Points are very precious indeed.

is" because absolutely no one agreed on an alternate

A lot of players felt really cheated by being compelled to

system in terms of game mechanics. I didn't have the

spend a Force Point just to get an extra 5-6 points on a

time to really do an in-depth tweak of the system and it

die roll, especially if it wasn't a "make or break"

was better to leave what "kinda, sorta" worked rather

moment in an adventure.

than risk doing something completely new and really

So I brought out the Wild Die, with the "get a six and

screwing it up.

roll again bonus" and the "roll a one" penalty. One


thing I did want to clarify: Many people are under the

fundamental issues in the original Second Edition book

impression that rolling a 1 on the Wild Die means a

were my fault...I am grateful that so many gamers were

disaster every single time -- not true. Check the

willing to overlook those significant issues with the

rulebook. Rolling a one CAN mean a disaster (if the

Second Edition RPG book and stay with the game. It

GM wishes)-- the 1 can be anything from a minor

was a result of trying to take on too much in not enough

complication to a major disaster-- but the 1 can also

time, definitely a result of my inexperience.

mean just subtract the character's other highest die...or






nothing, just count it as a 1, move along, nothing to see

Still, I felt there were a lot of things in Second Edition
that worked pretty well and enhanced the game. While
most of them were minor tweeks to the game system,
they seemed to smooth out some of the issues that came

here. The Wild Die roll is there to give the GM the

flexibility to shape the story -- sometimes characters do
amazingly heroic things and so the "roll six and roll
again bonus" reflects that possibility, while sometimes
characters, no matter how skilled, just plain screw up or

The Wild Die. This is a love it or hate it rule. The

are victims of bad timing (like when Han steps on the

reason it came about is without the Wild Die, if a

branch when sneaking up on Scout troopers in Return

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of the Jedi). The Wild Die rule just gives the GM

I really enjoyed working on the sections describing how

options to make the story more entertaining.

to run large battles -- Star Wars was so full of those epic

Opening up the difficulty levels was a necessary touch,


although I would have preferred to bump up Very

gamemasters just how to put those characters into those

Difficult to say a 40 and make Heroic even higher...but

scenes without turning it into a round-by-round drudge

we stuck with the original difficulty numbers we had

was something I thought was really needed for the game.

because everyone was familiar with them. I figured,

I really enjoyed working on sections that formally

added in enough modifiers and you can still get high

fleshed out the universe to before and after the movies

difficulty numbers if you need them.

and officially made the game about the "Star Wars"

I was pleased to simplify the scale dice rules because that

setting, the game no longer assumed you were ALWAYS

was an issue that always came up in adventures. The die

playing a Rebel fighting the Empire. I always found

caps system from the Rules Companion were just too

Brian Daley's Han Solo novels to be great adventures

confusing for players. Rolling bonus dice depending on

and I always ended up running "smugglers with a heart

the scale differences accomplished the same thing as the

of gold" type adventures.

die caps in terms of results while being easier to




Doing the coordination rules gave the option of running

By the time we got around to Star Wars 2nd Edition,

large scale battles if you really felt you needed to have a

Revised and Expanded (the space battle cover version),

set of rules to cover it rather than just going with the

West End had a great staff that I was lucky to be a part

"cinematic description angle." I don't know how often

of. It was pretty obvious which rules tweaks were needed

these rules were used but I felt the need to give GMs

and WEG management was able to give us resources to

something to use for running big battles.

do a great looking book. I'm really proud that I was able

Making characters points "spendable" for bonus dice

during adventures was a way to get "just a little bonus"










to be a part of Revised and Expanded and I believe the

product has stood the test of time quite well.

when you really needed one without having to blow

Star Wars 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded is the

your Force Points. It was a short term gain at a huge

RPG game I always wanted to produce when I entered

cost, since you were effectively giving up points to

the industry and to this day, when I pull it off the shelf

advance skills.

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and thumb through it, I can't help but think, "Wow, we

But you know, I honestly think there is a real

nailed this one, didn't we?"

opportunity for traditional RPGs RIGHT NOW: I'd

Honestly, Revised and Expanded means more to me

never stopped to consider the impact of electronic

than having written the two Essential Guides for Del

publishing and direct sales via the Internet, and also the

Rey even though there are a lot more copies of the

opportunities for RPGs as an economical option to

Essential Guides in circulation.

video games.

7. How do you feel about the OpenD6 OGL?

I think making D6 open was an immensely generous
thing for Eric to do. He could have bottled up D6 and
basically said, "It's mine, you can't have it." Instead, the
game is now open to the entire gaming community.
That's great. It has been tough to see the struggles that
D6 has endured the past few years, but with the game

When I was in the RPG industry, the business was

based around selling to distributors who in turn sold to
retail hobby shops. A few publishers sold to the big
chains (Waldenbooks, Barnes and Noble) and hoped
that they didn't put you out of business with massive
returns. Life was pretty precarious for most RPG

being open, now there is a real opportunity for

Now, the climate is worse than ever for traditional book

independent designers and small publishers to take the

retailing -- Borders and Barnes & Noble are in real

system and run with it. There are some really neat

trouble -- but readers are accustomed to buying their

things that could come out of this.

books online. Gamers have truly embraced electronic

When I walked away from West End Games in 97, I

really expected paper and pencil RPGs to struggle in the
next few years. You could see that video games and
Internet gaming were going to be BIG...it was only a
question of when, not if. And RPGs were such a small

publishing but now ebooks and online sales are become

mainstream. I was one of those "ebooks are a solution in
search of a problem" folks for a long, long time...but the
technology is here and traditional readers are embracing
ebooks and online book buying.

industry to begin with, most of the companies were very

This all plays into the hands of small publishers who

small and didn't have a lot of maneuvering room if they

may be too small to get picked up by a Borders or

ran into financial difficulties...I was convinced the

B&N, who can't afford splashy ads or co-op to get

industry was in for some tough times (sadly, I was

prominent placement in stores, but who can market

mostly right...it blows my mind to think that there is no

directly to readers online in a tremendously cost

longer a TSR or ICE or FASA or GDW or WEG...those

effective forum.

are the companies I grew up with).

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Now, the other side of the coin is gaming in general:

8. D6 gaming is a versatile system, is there any

There are only so many times that kids are going to

specific genre you think it lends to the best? Why?

blow $50-60 on a new video game that they can play

D6 is a "universal game system" in my opinion -- I've

through in a few hours. At a certain point, some gamers

always felt that with the proper use of modifiers, it can

get tired of that...many simply can't afford it...and they

be adapted to just about any setting and genre.

begin looking for something more. Those are the people

High-powered superheroes are hardest to juggle in my

the RPG industry can acquire as new customers.

opinion because the characters have such a wide range of

It is so much easier to explain RPGs NOW -- "It's like

abilities and because each power is often an exception to

World of Warcraft, but with dice instead of a PC...and

standard rules (most of them have key mechanics that

rather than playing online, you get your friends to come

work in different and unusual ways). Running Supers

over to your house." RPGs are a bargain compared to

requires a lot more planning to design a suitable

video games because there is unlimited play value. No,

adventure and a much greater commitment to really

they aren't as flashy or spectacular as video games...but

analyzing the rules to maintain a balance of play.

they are a lot of fun, they are more imaginative, and

I think D6 works well with most genres -- sci-fi, fantasy,

they are something social that you and all of your

espionage/action-adventure, Weird West. Honestly, I

friends can do together.

can't think of a setting or genre where it would be

I think smaller companies who keep their games easy to

"hard" to run, at least the way I game. Its emphasis on

learn (like D6) could develop very successful niches.

storytelling over "crunchy" rules makes it easier to play

Smaller companies don't have the burden of inertia and

and run. It can be made "more gritty and realistic" just

large payrolls and entrenched interests to keep them

by upping difficulty levels, adding modifiers to challenge

going in a certain direction, even when that direction is

characters, and making combat more lethal. Or it can be

clearly wrong. Small companies can respond to the

made "heroic" by making the characters relatively

marketplace much more quickly, they can take risks on

powerful compared to their opponents with more

new ideas, and with the retail environment we have

"Hero/Character points" to blow for heroic feats. You

now, they can reach out directly to fans over the

can simulate the "crunchiness" of other games and the

Internet to market and sell very effectively.

special abilities of character classes by using skill

I think there's a real opportunity for RPGs to grow and

specializations -- so, a thief's "backstabbing" ability from

thrive in ways that the industry hasn't seen in a long

old D&D might be a Heroic feat for anyone o doesn't


have the "thief: backstabbing" specialization.

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People use the think that the Singularity would bring humanity enlightenment. They used to think the world was flat,
The Black Desert is a hard science fiction campaign

massive interplanetary war, ecological devastation on

setting for Open D6: Space, set in the early 23rd

Terra, and the loss of half the colonies in the inner

century. All the wonders of the previous age have come

system. Now, like the ex-patriots of the 1920s, post-

to pass- Fusion powered spaceships travel between the


hundreds of asteroid colonies between Earth and the

Humanity is enjoying a renaissance in art and culture as

successfully terraformed Mars, each populated by a mix

veterans of the Great Space War embrace life and

of humans, trans-humans, AIs and intelligent primates.

freedom and takes to the black desert of space in search

While scarcity, aging and disease as we know them are

of adventure, profit, and their lost innocence.


but gone, the resulting social upheavals lead to

There are many different kinds of asteroids in

traders and other small concerns. They are not in direct

the Black Desert between the planets. While most have

competition with larger settlements because they have

a combination of metals and other elements of value,

no real resources other than the water they offer, and

some are almost entirely out of water ice. While vital as

because they require so much in the way of imports that

a source of fuel and precious oxygen, these Iceteroids

it is a simple matter to trade virtually any commodity in

are often too small and too barren to support a full

exchange for fuel. The Iceteroid outposts also provide

settlement. Nevertheless, many, owned and maintained

fresh food from hydroponic gardens as a luxury item

by single families, and sometimes individuals as private

and perhaps the most important resource to a small

refueling stations scattered between larger asteroid

spacecraft's crew is gravity. Though not spacious by any

colonies in a given orbital node. They are simple to

means, the Iceteroid's habitat gives visitors a chance to

establish and the millions of tons of ice surrounding the

stave off the debilitating effects of free fall while

sub-surface outposts provide both insulation from the


cold of deep space and protection from ionizing


There is little activity on the surface of an active

In the Solar Economy, These small oases in the Black

icteroid. At most, there will be may be thermal radiators

Desert perform an important service for independent

over the a pair of nuclear generators and a ring of

Page | 14

IR/radio beacons around the main entrance.


The Habitat Vault is where the occupied section of the

interior is a maze of warrens and tunnels that are often

outpost resides. This enormous excavation is a hundred

unlit and disturbing to those not used to the close

and five meters in diameter and twenty meters deep.

confines of underground living. Plumes of steam and

The vault houses the outpost's centrifuge habitat, main

flash-frozen crystals from active robot mining obscure

gas storage facility and hydroponic gardens. Any guests

the termini of some tunnels. Mining robots are often

of the outpost stay in the habitat for the duration of

programmed to direct lost explorers to the main shaft of

their stay. While the accommodations are Spartan, the

the complex and most side tunnels have at least a few

presence of full Terran gravity is a valued luxury in

emergency supplied stored within. Gasses may bleed


away over time, but abandoned mining tunnels

sometimes contain equipment, food, and other supplies
kept pristine in the frigid vacuum.

This diagram shows the layout of a typical Iceteroid

walls of the main shaft, connecting the habitat and the

refueling outpost. While no two outposts are the same,

mining areas with a pair of nuclear generators on the

most have the features described below:


1. Main Shaft: This was the initial bore into the

2. Exploration Shaft: There are several test shaft cut

Iceteroid from the surface. It is the widest shaft in the

through the kilometers of ice surrounding an outpost.

outpost and serves the ability to transport supplies from

Each shaft can provide test data for ice density, trace

outside and refined gasses to the surface. A busy outpost

mineral deposits and the presence of microbes.

will have robot miners and other equipment traveling

Occasionally, an exploration shaft will uncover pockets

through this shaft to the interconnecting tunnels. There

of metal ore or some other valuable commodity. Many

will be at least one sharp turn in the main shaft between

a prospector has lost their entire supply of robot miners

the surface and the next tunnel; this is to prevent

in a vain attempt to find gold or platinum in the endless

radiation leaks from the surface. Power cables line the


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connects the main shaft to the airlock

in the outpost's hub.

The shaft is

wide enough to accommodate rovers

and other support vehicles and dotted
with lateral mine shafts, provides





equipment, and any miscellaneous

supplies the outpost has accumulated.
Family owned outposts often have
children playing in quiet areas of the
entrance shaft; with total protection
from radiation, the shaft is an
excellent place to practice EVA and
micro-gee combat skills.
4. Mining Shafts: These are where
the business of mining actually takes

Mining shafts range in size from exploration

bores to doublewide causeways full of equipment.

Depending on the mining operation, teams of astro-bots
will exploit active mine shafts equipped with anything

into the ice walls.

The rate of progress made in a

mining shaft depends on the speed in which heat can

dissipate; too slow is not cost effective but too fast risks
melting and collapsing the tunnel.

from personal utility lasers to rover mounted industrial

5. Rover Access Shaft: This is the tunnel connecting

lasers with four- meter lenses.

Trailing behind the

the main shaft and the rim of the habitat. Virtually all

mining lasers is small train equipment needed for gas

habitats of this type follow the model initially

refinement and collection.

introduced by the Destiny Foundation in the early days

Electrolyzers separate the

hydrogen and oxygen, pumps compress the gasses into

of Asteroid settlement.

Rather than put rotation

holding tanks, and refrigerators liquefy the propellants

machinery in the hub, where parts on the rim are

for storage and sale. All this activity creates tremendous

subject to maximum torque, the habitat pods on the rim

waste heat, which is disposed of through sinks directly

are rovers that supply the motion needed to produce

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gravity. These rovers use the access shaft to enter and

with hoses for the transfer of propellant to the main

exit the habitat vault. Usually a rover only enters the


shaft once, to become a part of the centrifuge. Only in

9. Hub: This is the core of the habitat vault. The hub

the case of abandoned or pillaged outposts are rovers

mounts on a rotating docking collar to the main airlock

driven back out again. Because of this, the rover access

and has six hatches around its rim. While only two are

shaft is the least well kept of the tunnels in the outpost.

in service, theoretically all can function together. The

All manner of soft pockets, icicles and freezing over can

interior of the hub is airless, so navigating between

occur in the years between initial start-up of a habitat

spokes requires pressure suits or other EVA equipment.

and the next time the shaft is used.

10. Flywheel:

While the Habitat Rover provides the

6. Main Airlock: This is a bit of a misnomer, as the

primary motion for the centrifuge, a flywheel provides

area on both sides of the lock is unpressurized. What

counter-rotation and balance to the centrifuge. There is

the massive vault door covers is the connecting tube

an electric turbine mounted to the flywheel to store the

between the entrance shaft and the habitat's hub.

energy of the spin segment if it stops for maintenance.

Classified as an airlock, it is where outpost's supplies fill

In an emergency, the turbine can impart spin to the

the propellant tanks from visiting spacecraft. The main

entire centrifuge, though only for short periods.

airlock provides personnel access to the hub as well as

entrance and exit to the people staying in the habitat for

11. Greenhouse: Hydroponic gardening provides the

bulk of the outpost's food supply. The greenhouse,
anchored between the hub and the habitat, provides easy

7. Ballast Tanks: Iceteroid outposts typically have only

access to the station's crew.

one habitat segment in their centrifuges. To keep mass

enough to provide basic food supply for four people

balanced around the hub, ballast tanks anchor on the

indefinitely- the size of a typical outpost's compliment.

It is sufficiently large

opposite side. These tanks fill with the propellants that

the station produces: hydrogen, oxygen, methane and
occasionally helium-3 from the surface.

The greenhouse itself is an inflatable hab

module that is fitted with rack after rack of nutrient
pipes for growing food. The lower curved section stores

8. Habitat Spoke: The central hub is connects to the

waste solids, liquids and gasses for filtering and

ballast tanks and the habitat via a pair of spokes. These

introduction to the plants. There are sprinklers and

are essentially poly-carbon cages surrounding pressurized

humidifiers as well as heaters installed to insure that the

tubes. The tube leading to the habitat docks to an

growing condition remain optimal. The upper loft

airlock node while the tube in the ballast segment fills

Page | 17

space of the greenhouse is for supply storage.


to the greenhouse. One of the rovers, fitted out for the

gravity in the loft is about .33g, so occasionally visitors


from Mars prefer to sleep in this area and enjoy the

accommodations for four people, along with a small

normal gravity (of course, the air is a little thick for

fabricator, work space, and control room for directing

Martian tastes).

mining robots. This rover does not allow in guests, for

Visiting spacecraft are usually more





than willing to exchange some packaged food for fresh

security reasons.

The other rover is the guest area.

produce, and station crews are eager for supplement

Visitors can expect even less privacy than their own

their diets with rations. Outposts that enjoy frequent

shipboard accommodations, but there will be gravity, a

visits can afford to space some space in their greenhouses

basic galley stocked with fresh food, and a shower. The

for herb, spices and other non-essentials.

guest rover has no control room, provides sleeping space

12. Rover Habitat: The main living space in an

for eight people, and has basic gym equipment. Injured

iceteroid outpost is in a wagon train of two

characters heal at their normal natural rate thanks to the

Conestoga-type rovers connected by a central airlock the

gravity environment, though the habitat has only the

airlock also connects to the pressurized spoke attached

most basic of first-aid supplies.

An Icerteroid outpost has two basic uses in a

and resupply without the ability to overstock-a GM

campaign: It can be the origin of a character, or a

has the perfect excuse to deny player certain weapons

location for adventuring in. Characters from iceteroid

and tech by virtue of the base's small size. Abandoned

outpost should receive a +1D bonus on any rolls

outposts are ready-made dungeons offering hazards,

involving find their way in the tunnels, the operation of

mystery and treasure without the need for combat.

the outpost's equipment and social rolls involving the

Players who enjoy using their characters' skills can do so

crew of the outpost. Icteroid miners are a unique and

frequently and extensively; and the down time

isolated group; coming from a similar background will

provided by the empty station allows player to spend

give characters an advantage when dealing the station's

their newly earned Character Points right away. In an


ongoing campaign where there are many dangerous

Using the outpost as an adventure location allows for

encounters, finding such a hideaway offers a much-

several different possibilities.

needed break and still provide action in the form of

As a basic, working

refueling station, an iceteroid offers a safe place to heal


Hostile outposts, for whatever reason,

make for some nasty tunnel-to-tunnel fighting that

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should keep even jaded players in fear for their

This article intentionally left generic as possible in order

characters' lives. Not only will their enemy have home-

to let GMs from several different OpenD6 games set in

team advantage, but also they will have access to a small

many different periods to use this source material.

army of machines specifically designed to make large

While iceteroid outposts were made with the Blue Max

holes in things with lasers. This kind of combat, mostly

Studios The Black Desert setting in mind, they will fit

in vacuum and zero gravity, can get deadly fast. In

comfortably in any D6 Space campaign. If your setting

order to make for a tough but fair encounter, GMs

features more advanced technology (especially gravity

should let their players find occasional caches of supplies

generators), simply increase the age of the outpost to

in some of the mineshafts. Of course, if your players get

something plausible. If you are, like me, a fan of the

too cocky, do not forget that their opponents can flank

WEG Star Wars game, the outpost could be the product

them by simply digging a new tunnel around their

of an ancient civilization, or a primitive one.


The family of a character has recently purchased an old

They characters arrive at an outpost only to find it

iceteroid outpost and needs help getting it back in

deserted, despite having communicated with the station

working order. Is the station in decent condition, or

only twelve hours ago. There are full plates of food on

was it a waste of money?

the table, all of the space suits are stored away, and all of

The characters receive a

distress call from an outpost. A fungus as killed all of

the equipment is in perfect working order.


the plants in the greenhouse and the crew will starve

happened? Where is the crew?

once their supplies run out. Can the characters rescue

An outpost is controlled by a malfunctioning AI that

them in time? The characters make a routine stop at an

thinks the characters are trying to attack it.

iceteroid outpost- right after criminal took it over.

characters do not discover this until they notice the

Since the characters do not have the propellant to

atmosphere bleeding out of the habitat.

escape, can they fend off the pirates? Alternatively, is

escape before the station's mining robots dismantle their

negotiation with the station's new owners the best



Can they

Raymond McVay is a Game Designer for OpenD6 under the Blue Max Studios label. He lives in rural
Alabama with his wife and three children.

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By Mike Fraley

Special thanks to S.W. Whicker and Phil Hatfield for

their suggestions, and to Khairul Hisham for his

Any fan of high adventure films remembers the

scene. During a blizzard in frozen Nepal, an evil
villain holds a young woman captive inside her
own bar. A glowing poker from the fire is held
inches from her face. Her immanent torture and
scarring lies before her eyes as the sizzling from
the heat fills her ears. Just then, a swift crack of a
whip grabs the brand, and the supple leather pulls
it away from her face and a fight for their lives
From serial adventure stories to blockbuster
movies, the whip has allowed storytellers to create
cinematic fight scenes, daring chases, escapes, and
allowed determined heroes getting the one-up on
his adversaries. Unfortunately this weapon and
tool has been largely underutilized by D6 books
and supplements. And although D6 Fantasy gives
some attempt at creating a framework for more

However, first GMs must consider at least one practical


cinematic uses, many GMs want a more practical

guideline as well as a simple, yet balanced framework.
One way to provide such a framework is to introduce a
set of techniques in conjunction with a specialization.

Since the adventures GMs craft have at least some small

bearing in reality, they should consider the real-world
dynamics of whips. Certainly a wide variety of whips
have been made through the ages, and all of varying

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dimensions and quality. However, the D6 Space, D6

select a technique. Should a character raise melee combat

Adventure, and D6 Fantasy books all list the bullwhip as

above her whips specialization, she is ineligible for

a standard and common weapon.

learning a new technique. To learn a technique, the

It is thus the bullwhip that receives the focus of the

character must train specifically with whips.

attention for this new set of rules. GMs should consider

E XAMPLE: Jayden has a melee combat skill of 3D+1,

some of the practical matters when determining how

and decides to begin a new whips specialization.

characters use their whip in game.

The main

Jaydens whip specialization begins at 3D+1. It is only

consideration should be the general length. In the high-

when Jayden spends enough time and character points

action adventures we see heroes swinging from building

to raise it to 4D+1, can Jayden learn his first technique.

to building, or across a chasm of icy water. However,

Likewise at each 1D increase (at 5D+1, 6D+1, and so

how much distance between there is from one object to

on) Jayden can add a new technique to the characters

another is not something that most of our serial heroes


stop to carefully calculate. In reality, the bullwhip can

range anywhere from three feet to 20 feet in length.
Make sure that all players and GMs have a common
understanding before starting an adventure. No player
wants to try to cross a 15 foot gap, only to find out that

Beginning characters may wish to add a whips

specialization, by breaking one die into three pips and
adding three specializations. At character creation, a
player may add only 1D to his whips specialization, and
learn only one technique.

the GM had only given her a four foot weapon.

To create the same sense of skill and flair as the heroes
on screen and on the page, a character needs to spend
time specifically training with a whip. For the purposes
at hand, it means that a character must train in a whips
specialization. All bullwhips in the D6 materials fall
under the melee combat skill, and whips should be
considered a specialization of that skill. For every 1D a
character increases the whips specialization, he or she
may learn one of the following whip techniques. The

E XAMPLE: Bill is making a beginning character,

Zurrow the Masked Avenger.

Bill gives Zurrow an

Agility score of 3D, and adds one die Zurrows melee

combat skill, bringing it to 4D. Now Bill splits one die
into three specializations, and whips is one of those
specializations, bringing Zurrows whips specialization to
5D. Even though Zurrow has 5D in whips, he is still
only eligible for one technique, as he has only trained
specifically in whips for 1D.

specialization must increase by a full die as increasing

Take note that some of the techniques have

one or two pips reflect an insufficient level of training to

prerequisites, designating the required aptitude before

Page | 21

picking up new applications of their whip skills. Any

to trip the target.

If the targets parrying roll is

technique must be declared before a skill roll is made.

successful, then the target is not ensnared.


E XAMPLE: Torrenelle has been lying in wait to catch a

Prerequisites: None

thief. As soon as Torrenelle makes her presence known,

the thief begins to take flight. Torrenelle attempts to

Difficulty: Easy modified by scale

use the grab technique to prevent the thiefs escape.

Description: Using a grab, the character is able to crack

The thief takes two actions, one to parry the whip and

her whip and create a firm hold around an object. If it

the other to move out of range (taking multiple action

is a moveable object, the character may then draw the

penalties). Torrenelle rolls her whips specialization of

object in or manipulate it in a reasonable manner.

5D and gets a 20. The thief rolls 4D+2 (his brawling

E XAMPLE: Shloan is trapped in the undercity sewers on

skill of 5D+2 -1D for multiple action penalties) and gets

the fourth moon of Kraxis. A lowered grate now stands

a 16. Torrenelles whip snaps around the thiefs waist,

in his way; however, the lever that controls the

halting him in his tracks. Unfortunately for the thief,

mechanism is on the other side of the grating. Shloan is

hell never get to use that movement action.

able to get his arm through, but the lever is still well out


of reach. The lever is approximately one meter tall and

Prerequisites: Grab

stands on the floor, and the scale modifier adds a +3 to

the difficulty. Shloan rolls his whips specialization of

Difficulty: Moderate

4D+2, and gets a 15.

Shloans whip wraps firmly

Description: Upon successfully using this technique,

around the lever, and with a pull, he activates the

the character can create a firm hold on an anchor such

mechanism, and the grate begins to slowly rise.

as a limb or rock projection, and swing across a small

A character may also use this technique to ensnare

chasm. Failure to meet the difficulty means that the

another character.

In this case, the new difficulty

character cannot wrap the whip around the anchor to

becomes the targets brawling or melee combat skill roll

sufficiently hold his or her weight. A character may also

to parry the whip. If the technique is successful, then

use the technique to save him or her from an

the target is ensnared by the whip and thus has his or

uncontrolled slide at a +5 difficulty or even from a

her movement restricted. Breaking free of a whip grab

requires a Difficult Agility or Reflexes roll. A character
may use a called shot to grab a targets legs in an attempt

freefall with a +15 difficulty.

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Jake is making a hasty escape down a

E XAMPLE: While Silvan is crossing a snow covered

snowy Colorado mountain. After missing a step, he

mountain pass, he is attacked by a highwayman.

begins to rapidly slide down a slope. Hoping not to

Silvans attacker is armed with a cruel-looking blade.

take damage from the fall after a terrible drop-off, he

Silvan decides he is going to snatch the weapon away

takes his trusty whip and attempts to snare a rocky

from the bandit, and try to catch it in the air. Silvan has

projection. The player rolls his whips specialization of

a whips specialization of 7D+2, and an Agility of 3D+2.

5D, and gets a 21. Jake wraps the whip, stops his slide,

The target has a melee combat skill of 5D. Silvan rolls

and then swings to the safety of a ledge.

his 6D+2 for his whips specialization (7D+2 1D) to

disarm his opponent and gets a 28, making a Difficult


+10. The highwayman rolls his melee combat skill to

Prerequisites: Grab

counter the disarming maneuver, and gets a 19. Since

Difficulty: Difficult

Silvans roll exceeded the difficult and the melee combat

Description: The disarm technique allows a character

roll, the whip wraps around the weapon and pulls it into

to select a target, and either grab the opponents wrist,

the air in Silvans direction. Now, Silvan makes his

jarring the target and forcing the weapon out of his or

Agility roll of 2D+2 (3D+2 1D), and gets a 9, failing

her hand or it may grab the weapon itself, wrenching it

the required Moderate roll. He does not manage to

from the targets grasp.

catch the weapon, though the sword is out of the

When the technique is

successfully employed, the disarm flings the weapon two

enemys hands.

meters in the direction of the GMs choosing (though it

TECHNIQUE: Menacing Crack

is recommended that perhaps the GM use a grenade

Prerequisites: None

scatter diagram to determine the weapons path). If the

character wishes to choose the direction of the weapons

Difficulty: Easy or vs. Perception/Charisma roll

flight, he or she may do so at a +5 to the difficulty. At a

Description: Some whip wielders have discovered that

+10 to the difficulty, the character may try to bring the

sometimes the real power of the weapon is not so much

weapon to him or herself, and then make a Moderate

the damage it can inflict, but the psychological power it

Agility or Reflexes to catch the weapon. Multiple action

has over those who fear the loud cracks the swift moving

penalties apply. If the target is aware of the disarm

leather produces. Those characters can intimidate their

attempt, he or she may attempt to evade or parry the

foes, keeping them at bay. In game terms, a character

attempt with a melee combat roll.

may use the menacing crack technique instead of an

Page | 23

intimidate roll. If the roll succeeds, the target stays out

panel, Ambelled pulls out his whip and aims for the

of range of the whip.

release control panel. Since Ambelled has taken the

E XAMPLE: Francesca has been left to guard a door, and

stall for time if necessary. As an adversary approaches,
Francesca knows that her allies still need more time. In
order to hold off the attacker she uses her whips

precise shot technique, he suffers no scale penalties. He

then rolls his whips specialization of 4D and gets a 13,
easily striking the panel.

The doors open, and his

friends are able to flee from the airlock to safety.

specialization of 4D+2, and rolls a 14. Her target rolls

With the use of the specialization and techniques above,

his Perception attribute of 3D to resist the intimidation

characters and GMs can more freely create stories using

and gets an 11. Francesca cracks the whip near his face,

images formed from high adventure series, stunning live

and hesitant to move in range, he keeps his distance.

shows, and blockbuster films. Also, using these ideas as

guidelines, the possibilities are almost limitless for

TECHNIQUE: Precise Shot

creating your own techniques and implementing them

Prerequisites: Any two other techniques

into your game. Whether the setting is the rough and

Description: After considerable practice, the character

tumble Wild West, or the cold reaches of space, the

has honed his or her skill with a whip, and can easily

whip can add excitement and enjoyment to almost any

target smaller objects.


It is not uncommon for

practitioners to demonstrate their skills as street

performers in times of peace. In combat, the precise
shot can have more ruthless applications.

In game

terms, when a character attempts a called shot, or targets

an object of a lesser scale, he suffers a lesser penalty than
normal. Specifically, a character may designate a target
the size of a large coin without a scale penalty, and may
perform a called shot on a torso, arm, leg, or head
without penalty.

E XAMPLE: Ambelled Daru watches as his friends face

almost certain death from an airlock that will open and
release them into the freezing depths of space. Without
time to cross the room and reach the airlock control

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By Dave Martin

Like many of my fellow OpenD6 developers and

much reason to grow. Nothing else had so much of an

enthusiasts, a certain space faring D6 game was one of

impact on my imagination and my sense of adventure

my first role-playing experiences. The wonder and joy

save what I read. And over the years what I read most

of exploring such a vast landscape blew my small mind

was comic books. I believe in heroes. I think most

outward into a whole new plane of existence, and my

other people want to believe, too.

already fertile imagination found new seeds sown, the

So with that short background and a greeting my fellow

fruits of which I would never squander.

This first

OpenD6 developers and fans, I would like to introduce

handful of experiences led to my exploration of other

you to a world with imagination, a world with promise,

types of lands.

and, most importantly, a world with heroes.

Fantasy worlds, the old west, post-

apocalyptic futures, and many other places housed the

imaginations and adventures of multiple gaming groups

Set before our first release of Pinnacle City Chronicles,

below is a short introduction to Final Age Heroes,

and me.

Pinnacle City, and a recounting of the Frigid Winter of

Now, more than fifteen years after my initial journey

05 as well as a preview stat block of the villain known as

into role-playing, I find myself a fledgling writer and

Climate Control.

developer in the very field that gave my imagination so


Whether they arrived from another planet, got caught in

traumatized people, most doubts went away in

a radioactive meteor storm, mutated from a genetic

September of that year.

anomaly, or were blessed by an ancient god, not much is

The worlds first super villain, a man known as Dr.

known about how or why the supers came to exist.

Liberty, made his presence and his intentions known to

What is known is that there were none, or very few of

the world when he destroyed the twin towers at the

them, before the year 2000.

That year the face of

World Trade Center on September 11, 2000. So great

humanity changed as reports of strange happenings and

was his power that Dr. Liberty had subdued most of

costumed vigilantes circulated through the internet and

New York within a few hours. But Dr. Libertys plan

on local and national news. Though most stories went

were put to a stop on that same day, as a group of supers

dismissed as fiction or as ramblings of one or two

Page | 25

banded together to defeat him. In a single day, the

A reporter in New York coined the phrase in a telecast,

world knew the awesome destructive dangers and the

and every news station, website, and outlet in the world

redeeming heroism of the supers.

soon picked up the title. The arrival of the heroes was

Known as the New York Nine, the supers who stopped

the culmination of the promise of the Golden Age, the

Dr. Liberty soon had other challenges to face. National

mettle and might of the Silver Age, and the heart of

governments, interest groups, and ordinary citizens all

heroes of all ages.

had differing views and reservations about the supers.

They are, as the reporter rightly said, Final Age Heroes.

As more and more supers came into the light, it was

clear that a new age was dawning, an age of supers.

Pinnacle City is one of the major locations found in

events that would test just how far their sense of

Final Age Heroes. The site of the largest supers battle the

responsibility extended.

world has ever seen, in one night and day the city of

believed that the supers had assumed the responsibility

Miami, Florida was completely destroyed. The brave

of protecting the nation and the world from the new

heroes who fought against Detox and his minions, the

city just as much as they protected the citizens of the

artificially super powered Detox Squads, saved over a

city against Detox. In the end, the people of Miami

million lives, but hundreds of thousands more were lost,

would speak out to determine their fate.

including a couple hundred heroes.

Many government officials

In February, the citizens met to determine their fate in

Miami was destroyed by a battle that took place on the

free elections. On the ballot were two major issues: A

night of Christmas Eve 2004 and was rebuilt in January

Supers-run Government, a new name for their city.

2005 by the very supers who fought to save it. The

The result of this election heralded the creation of the

result was a shining city, a gift from the supers to the

newly named Pinnacle City under the governmental

people. But this gift had an unintentional price and an

entity known as the Council of Resolution, a mixed

unforeseen cost.

human and supers council that would serve as the

The world now had a city that

superseded the rest of the world in technology, design,

primary governing body for Pinnacle City.

and in function.

succession from the United Sates for a period of fifty-

The heroes had given a gift to the ravaged city that was

five years, similar to the British rule of Hong Kong prior

Miami, and in the process set in motion a chain of

to 1999, the Council of Resolution is to be the citys


Page | 26

guiding light towards the future, protecting the citizens

remaining heroes, who had to contend with roaming ice

of the city as well as protecting the rest of the world

beasts and an oppressive cold that sapped their energy

from the city.

and their powers alike.

The Councils first real test came days after the election,

The rest of the story of the Frigid Winter of 05 will be

when a new super villain arrived. Taking advantage of

published on the Tabletop Armory website as a free


adventure product for Pinnacle City Chronicles.








uncoordinated supers teams, the villain known as

now, should you wish to explore the setting and have a little

Climate Control used his weather control powers to

fun in a winter terror-land, below is a preview of Climate

blanket Pinnacle City with snow and ice. Known as the

Controls stats that give a first glimpse into the supers system

Frigid Winter of 05, this incident tested all of the citys

currently under development at Tabletop Armory.

Climate Control Weather Control Villain

Attributes & Skills

Advantages Wealthy, Tough, IronWill

Dexterity 3D melee combat 4D, dodge 5D, sleight of

Disadvantages Achilles Heel (Grounded, Greater),

hand 4D+2, guns 4D+2

Arrogant, Bad Liar

Knowledge 3D business 4D, languages 5D, cultures

Hero Points: 0

4D, scholar: meteorology 6D+2

Villain Points: 8

Mechanical 4D computers 5D, repair: computers

Character Points: 15

5D+1, programming 4D+2

Move: 10






intimidation 4D+2

Equipment: Villain suit, weather sensing and prediction

gear, snow mobile.

Strength 2D+1 endurance 4D, brawling 4D+1

Super Attributes
Control 5D Elemental Control, Nullify Power,
Invulnerability: Cold (Might)
Alter 4D Alter Energy

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By Ivan C. Erickson

I have heard my players complain that the wild die in

outright with a failure. Count your dice see if you made

the D6 system is too random, 16.6667% of the time I

your target number.

fail! One out of three rolls in effect is good or bad, that

If your second roll is a 6, you do not subtract anything

this forces too much randomness into the game. These

but may have botched your attempt. Even with a die

same people, however, love the D20 System and love

lost, you may still meet the target number asked of you

that a D20 with a 5% chance of a 1 or 20 is okay to

denote critical success or failure.

to roll. When this happens, I try to add a complication

to the outcome of the roll. You lost your pursuer but

Well, 17% vs. 5% is a big difference. True, but your

just ran out of gas. If you failed and botched that is

math is not correct. The Wild Die has a smaller chance

when I get a bit more evil in my results.

of failure than a D20, and as your character gets more

skilled, your chance of failure keeps going down.

We also look at the 6 on the wild die rolled, and fewer

complain about the exploding die. If your wild die is a

Let us first look at the fact a 1 on the wild die is not an

six, reroll it adding the old total with the new one. Still

instant critical failure. When rolling a 1 on the wild

a six? Keep rolling until you do not roll a six. Sum all

die, you are supposed to roll again to see how it affects

of this into your roll. This allows the most random

your PC. If the second is not a 6, take your wild die

small thing to explode big and do things we do not

and your next highest die off your total. This might

expect. This allows a PC, no matter how inexperienced,

hurt your chance of success, but it does not stop you

to try something legendary and maybe pull it off.


With that said, you do roll a 1 on a D6 statistically 1

cannot cause a failure. If I had a target number of 5 and

time out of 6 rolls, or (16.6667%) of the time.

I am rolling, 5 dice and all of them roll ones. (1+1+1+1,

However, when we check for a botch, this only happens

and a Wild die of 1) the botched wild die adds to my

statistically on 1 out of 36 rolls (2.7778%) of the time.

other 4 dice rolled and I still have a 5 which was my

So already, we find that a botch happens less than 3% of

target number; success! (With a minor complication.)

the time. If however, we look to see if we reached the

If we look at this Wild Die by itself, it rolls a 5 (Very

target number, it will get to the point that a botch

Easy) 33.3333% of the time. A 10 (Easy) is rolled

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8.3333% of the time. 15 (Moderate) is 1.8519% of the

curve made by dice, and the Game Master needs to

time. A 20 (Difficult) comes in at 0.3858% of the time.

understand how challenging things he asks can be.

(This is less than a half percent but still in the realm of

Therefore, if you continue breaking the dice down we

many a players expectations for grandeur.) I feel the

can see the Good, Bad, and Ugly of the D6 system with

issue with many is that they do not understand the bell

its wild die.





























Very Easy




























































Very Difficult
















This table shows the chance to roll a target number or better; with 1 to 13 D6 where one is a Wild Die. If we look
at an average human in the system a Very Easy Task is 5 or less. To roll 5 or more 76% of the time your character
will make this roll.





























Very Easy




























































Very Difficult
















Therefore, this is the chance of not making the roll. This may have been helped by the D6 not adding to your score
and removing you highest die, but you did not botch it, you just failed to complete your action.

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Very Easy




























































Very Difficult
















So here, we have the chance that your roll failed to meet

want to understand the Wild Die and its effect on the

a target number and there was a botch. A few quick

game. What the above chart shows is that a skilled (3d)

people will notice that 3D could yield a result of 3, thus

PC has less than a 1% chance of a Critical Failure when

miss the target, and be a botch. You are right but the

doing a very easy task. An easy task is less than 2%. By

above table rounds up from the 12 precision floating-

its use of multiple dice, the D6 system gives PCs a much

point mathematics needed to calculate the odds. The

smaller Critical Failure range while still allowing them

odds are 0.2315% carried out to the fourth decimal

to push themselves a few degrees past their comfort



For practical purposes, the table rounds off to make it

easy to use as an aid to Game Masters and Players that
Can a goblin kill a dragon with a spoon? Sure just need to roll 10 sixs in a row! The odds against it are
60,466,176 to 1, or about a 0.0000000165381716879202% chance. Nevertheless, D6 lets you try!

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By J. Elliot Streeter, Play tested by Wicked North Games, LLC

Asphyxia is an adventure for one to six (1-6) players

personal growth. Cinema Points are the most important

with new characters. Asphyxia uses the Cinema6 RPG

aspect of a Characters development and survival.

Framework, (c6), for rules, which originates from the

Players spend Cinema Points during Game Sessions, as

OpenD6 OGL.

well as to improve every aspect of a Character between

Episodes. Cinema Points provide the raw material for

How it works:
Players roll dice any time their Characters attempt to use

improving a Character.

Skills (or Attributes) to accomplish something and there

Earning Cinema Points

is a chance of failing.

The Game Master, (GM),

During an Episode, a GM rewards a Cinema Point to a

provides Players with the required Skill to roll; they roll

Player for a successful and dramatic Roll or just for

some dice, add up the values and provide the sum to the

thinking outside the box, solving a puzzle, or otherwise

GM. The sum of the rolled dice then compares against

creative thinking. A GM rewards a Cinema Point to a

a Difficulty Rating, (DR).

Each DR has a Target

Player for Role Playing extremely well during the

Number (TN). The TN provides the sum needed for a

Episode. Whenever a Character overcomes an enemy, a

successful roll.

GM rewards Cinema Points based upon the Experience

A player does not roll when doing an effortless task,

such as walking down the road.

Value of the defeated opponent. The Experience Value

of ann opponent relates directly to the difficulty of
prevailing over that Character in combat. After a defeat,

Difficulty Rating
Very Difficult

Target Number

As a Player plays through games, they earn Cinema
Points to represent experience, perseverance, and

a GM rewards Cinema Points to all Characters in the

party. Below is a chart that assists in assigning Cinema
Points for defeated opponents based on the methods
used for defeat.
Method of Defeat
Killed (Slain)
Outwitted (Deceived)
Converted (Persuasion)
Obviated (Tactics)

Estimated Value

Page | 31

At the end of every Episode, a GM rewards Cinema


Points to all Players for their progress in the story,

staying in Character, teamwork, and generally for
The typical Cinema Point reward for an Episode is three
to eight (3 - 8) Cinema Points per Player; normally the
number is a blanket amount unless one Player does
something extraordinary during an Episode.


may also create special rewards for completing a group

of Episodes, as a Season, or for completing a major quest
or story premise.
Spending Cinema Points
If a Player chooses to spend a Cinema Point during an
Episode, they lose one (1) Cinema Point and one of two
things can happen, you get to roll at least one (1d6) die
and add the result to the current roll, or activate a
Character Feature.
The bonus applied by a Character Feature typically
involves rolling two or more dice (2d6). In some cases,
activating a Character Feature provides a magical effect

How it works:
1) Create the Characters Name, Race, Gender,
Height, Weight, Trade, Level (Optional),
Chronicle, and Description.
2) Distribute ten dice (10d) to the five (5) Attributes
(Dexterity, Strength, Persona, Intellect, and
Aptitude). An Attribute with three dice (3d) is an
Average Attribute score.
3) Calculate the Derived Stats including Hit Points,
Initiative, Move, and Vitality. Distribute seven dice
(7d) to the Characters Skills. Each Skill inherits the
score of the parent Attribute, thus if Dexterity is at
four dice (4d), then all the Skills belonging to
Dexterity begin at four dice (4d), so adding one die
(1d) to Dodge increases the Dodge Skill to five dice
a. Hit Points equals The Number of Strength Dice
multiplied by three, (Hit Points= Strength x3).
b. Move equals Strength plus three, (Move = Strength
+ 3).
c. Vitality equals Strength, (Vitality = Strength).
d. Initiative equals Dexterity, (Initiative = Dexterity).
4) Save or spend the seven (7) starting Cinema Points
through raising Skills or purchasing Features.
5) Get starting Equipment, Money, and Weapons.

or a body weapon, and these have specific rules and

guidelines associated with them.

Need more help with C6? Go check us out online for

character sheets and more! ~ www.cinema6games.com

If a Player chooses to spend Cinema Points between

Episodes, it is for Improving a Character. Improving a
Character involves increasing Skills & Attributes,
buying new Features, and modifying other stats.









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Aberrant, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: Born with an abnormal mutation, the
Character grew slightly more advanced than others of
the same age.
(Permanent, Add 2d to a single Attribute, cannot split
between two Attributes cannot exceed the 6d
Arcthorn, Cost: 4, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: Through experimental processes, the
character is capable of handling extreme thermal
changes for short periods.
(Permanent, On a successful Willpower, DR Moderate,
the Character remains functional, mobile, and alive at
low or high temperatures for a short duration, without
the character suffers 14d (42) Damage per Round due
to the extreme temperatures involved, Duration: 1
Round, Activation: Immediate)
Bionics, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: The character had augmentation surgery
and bionic systems implanted, heightening physical
(Permanent, Distribute an additional 5d to Dexterity or
Strength Skills)
Combat Medic, Cost: 5.
Description: The character experienced extensive
training in first aid practice under stressful conditions.
(+2d First Aid or Medicine, [in and out of combat],
Duration: Instantaneous, Activation: Immediate)
Data Implant, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: The character owns a data implant called a
Data Nexus that provides a treasure trove of archived
(Permanent, Distribute an additional 6d in Intellect
Deep Breath, Cost: 2, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: The character can hold a breath for an
excessively long time.

(Permanent, on a successful Vitality, DR Easy, the

Character remains conscious on a single breath, without
DR Very Difficult, Duration: 1 Round, Activation:
Eugenic, Cost: 3, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: The character was born into elitism where
even the character's family is superior, thus receiving
acumen of formal and strict training.
(Permanent, Lower all Intellect DRs by one (-1 DR))
Fawn, Cost: 5.
Description: Your Character is excellent at praising in
ways that lower social barriers, making others feel very
(+3d Deception or Persuasion)
Geist, Cost: 5, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: The character participated in a military
experiment, and gained access to a Sixth Sense.
(Permanent, Willpower replaces Search, as desired)
Harlequin, Cost: 3, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: After enlisting in an unnamed intelligence
organization, the character trained extensively in
combat, espionage, sabotage, and tactics.
(+3d Brawl, Dodge, Ranged, Security, Tactics, or
Demolitions, Activation: Instantaneous, Duration:
Juggernaut, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: The character is extraordinarily tough due
to an accident involving a failed mining corporation.
(Permanent, add 36 Hit Points, add 2d to Vitality)
Lionheart, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.
Description: The character is capable if shedding fear
and attempting dangerous feats without undergoing the
stress of that fear.
(+4d to any roll, Activation: Instantaneous, Duration:
Metempsychosian, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation

Page | 33

Description: At death, the character's will alone forces

the mind and thoughts on the nearest animalistic or
lesser mind, instantly taking possession of it.

Description: The character has an illegal and advanced

device, a heuristic electronic bypass, also called a
Computer Spike.

(Permanent, Willpower, DR the opposing Willpower of

the target being, Duration: Permanent until next Death,
Activation: Immediate)

(Single use only, it exhausts its entire power supply and

computing decryption capabilities and then burns out,
the device automatically bypasses any single electronic
security system, +100 to a single Security roll, Duration:
Instantaneous, Activation: Immediate)

Microchasm, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.

Description: The character underwent significant trials
and experiments, resulting in an augmented ability to
create a small disruption in space and send it hurtling at
a target.

Supervalent, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.

Description: The character is immune to all forms of
disease and toxin and heals at a slightly higher rate.

(This creates a warp in space by hand and willfully

launches it at a target, Ranged to Hit, Damage:
Willpower + 5d(15)/4d(12)/3d(9), Range: 10/20/40,
Duration: Instantaneous, Activation: Immediate)

(Permanent, Immune to all diseases and and toxins,

heals at a rate of 1d Hit Points per hour at rest, without
this Feature a character heals at a rate of 1 Hit Point per

Presience, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.

Techanic, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.

Description: The character is highly attuned to the

surrounding environment and is rarely, if ever,

Description: The character bears a natural aptitude with


(Permanent, add 3d to Initiative and to Search, neither

can exceed 6d)
Quadrification, Cost: 4, Prerequisite: Creation Only.

(Permanent, Distribute an additional 6d in Aptitude

Void Hulk, Cost: 3, Prerequisite: Creation Only.

Description: The character is capable of teleporting

short distances.

Description: The character is able to sustain normal

activity for very short periods in a vacuum due to a
special "thick skin" the character possesses.

(Vitality, DR Moderate, Willpower, DR Moderate, the

character is capable of teleporting short distances, up to
a twenty (20) unit distance from the current location,
regardless of visibility, appearing merged with other
objects is possible on a failed roll, Duration:
Instantaneous, Activation: Immediate)

(On a successful Initiative, DR Moderate, the Character

remains functional, mobile, and alive in a vacuum for a
short period, without this Feature the character suffers
28d (84) Damage per Round in a vacuum due to the
forces involved, Duration: 1 Round, Activation:

Resonance, Cost: 7, Prerequisite: Creation Only.

Zero-G Training, Cost: 5.

Description: The character has a unique ability to

resonate a target at its specific resonant frequency by
touch, dealing massive damage to that target.

Description: The Character went through some kind of

training simulation and learned the basics of navigating
in a zero-G or near zero-G environment.

(On a successful Brawl, Grapple, or Touch, Damage:

+ 10d(30)/9d(27)/8d(24), Duration:
Instantaneous, Activation: Immediate)

(+3d Athletics: Zero-G, Brawl: Zero-G, or Dodge:


Spike, Cost: 3, Prerequisite: Creation Only.

Page | 34


passengers. The piloting section is at the head of the

ship, the engineering bay is at the rear, the underbelly of

The players characters have no starting equipment other

than clothes, as all characters chartered a star flight from
Earth to a distant Human settlement on a Federated
Planet E13 for various personal reasons. The cost of the
flight is expensive, so most people received sponsorship
from the Company, (Virgo Star Corps), or sold all
their belongings to afford the cost of making the
journey. Any luggage is likely in a storage container
away from the characters. Like any modern passenger

the ship is shallow structure used primarily for soft

landings, but provides enough space for egress between
the piloting and engineering sections of the ship. There
is artificial gravity only on the bridge, to keep the costs
down of the ship. Environmental systems exist on the
freight containers, but are limited. The piloting and
engineering sections of the ship have the most efficient
environmental systems the underbelly has none and will
be extremely cold.

flights, flight companies do not allow weapons even in

checked luggage. The characters are on a long-range
cargo vessel, modified to take on passengers via hyper
sleep chambers. All passengers embarked into separate
freight containers that then were loaded onto the ship
after the passengers fell asleep. Each freight container
holds up to six (6) hyper sleep coffins. The ship holds
fifty-four (54) containers, of which over half, contained

The GM should randomly choose a location on the ship

as to where the freight container, with the players
characters inside, connects to the ships framework.
Some strange aliens massacred the ships crew. Before
their deaths, the ships crew attempted to move the ship
towards a nearby world with a hostile, but livable
atmosphere, leaving the ship locked on course and

Page | 35

careening towards the world below. Either because of

falling asleep. They awaken, each lying in a hyper sleep

some action of the crew, or the method used by the

coffin with the glass fogged up and iced over on the

aliens to board the vessel, the ship is venting atmosphere



coffin, but there is no audio warning heard.


Emergency lights are flashing outside the


emergency lever is at the fingertips of each characters

right hand. Pulling the lever will throw open the coffin

This adventure forces faster decision-making as it imposes a

time limit as the ship vents breathable air, not taking
longer than four to six (4-6) hours to complete the game

lid with some kind of small explosives from the outside.

A GM may choose to randomly have an emergency lever
fail, rolling one die (1d6), introducing a failure on a roll
of one (1). At least one players coffin should not fail to
continue the story.



The last thing the characters remember was embarking

The Abyssian Hunter is a creature able to live for

on the ship, entering their hyper sleep coffins, and

extended periods in the void of space, adapted to long

hibernations and evolved to propel itself through a
vacuum, low gravity, and in-atmosphere environments.
The Abyssian Hunter has a large mouth, six eyes, a long
tongue it uses to catch prey, four arms webbed from the
elbow back to the torso, and two massive legs with
webbings. An Abyssian Hunter has retractable claws on
the hands and feet, as well as several body thorn-like
structures it uses as weapons.

It is unclear how an

Abyssian hunter moves in the void of space, but they are

able to not only move, but also maneuver with keen
accuracy. When in audible environments and on the
hunt, the Hunter makes a yipping sound similar to a
hyena mixed with a wolf.
Dexterity 4d, Strength 3d, Persona 1d, Intellect 3d,
Aptitude 2d

Page | 36

Initiative 4d, Vitality 5d (+12 Armor: thick skin), Hit

Points: 60, Move: 8
Cinema Points: 6
Experience Value: 3
Bite, (Brawl), Damage: Strength+6
Hand Claws, (Brawl), Damage: Strength+9
Foot Claws, (Brawl), Damage: Strength+12
Knee and Elbow Thorns, (Brawl), Damage: Strength+3
Description: The Hunter uses a tongue to snare and
entangle a target, pulling it to its mouth for a bite.
(On a successful Grapple, DR Moderate, the Hunter
snags a target and uses the tongue to reel in at Move: 2)
Zero-G Glide
Description: The Hunter is able to glide with ease
through low gravity environments, using wing-like
appendages to push off and maneuver.
(Move +3 Glide through air in low to no gravity


bridge computer systems, which holds the cargo and

passenger manifest. When the characters awaken, they
will be extremely cold, as the atmosphere is venting
from the ship, and the freight containers have very
limited environmental controls in place, and very low

Any other coffins in the current freight

container are either empty or some horrible accident

lead to the death of those passengers.
Moving between freight containers requires a Security,
DR Moderate, to open airlocks, or taking the time to
use the manual rigging system, taking about ten (10)
minutes per door or five (5) minutes with a wrench.
The Freight Containers have very little removable
equipment or tools. There may be an occasional fire
extinguisher or hatch wrench, but nothing else.
The Hunters move from container to container from
the moment the game begins, looking for food and
eating the chewy morsels in the hibernation coffins.
The Characters should be wary, but run into any
Hunters at this point. Mostly, the Characters should
move along as quickly as possible as the ship is crashing

Each of the freight containers onboard the ship has

and they do not know it yet.

passengers or luggage inside it. There is no telling the

location of anything specific without getting to the


Page | 37

The hallways around the Bridge only have emergency

couple after they first enter the bridge.


lighting turned on, with the emergency strobe lights

approaching the Bridge, the Characters hear noises from

blinking every few seconds in short intervals of three.

behind, and catch their first, full glimpse of an Abyssian

The Maintenance ways are essentially ramps that lead

Hunter who stops, stares, and then charges at them. As

up and down, to and from the freight containers up to

long as no one trips and falls, the Characters may reach

the Bridge. They are relatively inconsequential, except

the bridge and shut the door in a dramatic fashion,

while the Hunter slams into the door and pounds on it
violently. Within a couple minutes of exploring the
bridge area of the ship, the Characters hear a voice or
another noise coming from the hallway where they
escaped the Hunter.
With a successful Search, DR Moderate, they can
determine that they are childrens voices on the other
side of the door.
The bridge has random equipment:
1. A small revolver belonging to the commanding
officer, wedged into a seat cushion. The pistol has only
three (3) rounds remaining (Range: 5/10/20, Damage:
1d+18/15/12, Skill Used: Ranged).
2. A plasma emergency welding torch underneath the
lead navigation console. (Brawl, Damage: 1d+27, 10
Rounds of fuel)
3. Four food ration containers; three are full, twenty
(20) meals, one has a half-compliment, ten (10) meals.
The childrens names are Todd and Erin. Their parents

there is very little lighting aside from the emergency


At some point, someone removed the

emergency equipment from all the firefighting boxes on

each deck. While the Characters explore the ship, only

are deceased and the children add a moral decision

making to the game, they offer no functionally useful
skills to the adventure.


two other passengers, by design, became survivors. A

young brother and sister, the sister is a teenager and the
boy is a pre-adolescent.

The Characters meet this

The Characters find refuge on the bridge and crew

section for a while, where, if they reach it, has

Page | 38

environmental controls, the ships computer, and an


easily secured airlock. Unfortunately, the ships heading

remains locked. From the bridge, the Characters can
view a hologram map of the ship, areas primarily
affected by the damage on the hull, and the blinking
location of any freight containers that jettisoned. Aside
from the easily accessed ship map and systems logs, the
bridge is locked down.

To escape the ship, the Characters can do nothing and

the ship will eventually crash on the planet below,
mostly breaking up in the atmosphere, giving them poor
odds of survival.

By rolling a 1d6, the GM can

determine if a Character survives; a six (6) means the

Character survives, anything else means the Character
dies horrible and in pieces during the crash. If the

With a successful Piloting, DR Epic, a Character can

make minor modifications to the ships heading, giving
the Characters a little extra time (about an hour or two
of extra game time).
The Bridge has two crew quarters platforms, each with
an Escape Pod, however, the pod ignition systems are
not working immediately. The Characters must venture
through the belly of the ship, where air is venting and a
crack in the hull causes buckling of metal and additional
fracturing,, back into the engineering section where the
systems exist to override the Escape Pod ignition systems
and bring them back to autonomous mode.

Character take action and move to reactivate the Escape

Pod ignition system from engineering, they most
traverse down a hatch from the belly of the ship. Several
pylons and support beams are hissing and certain areas
are almost completely now devoid of air. Making it
across the belly and into engineering is a dangerous
feat.Once in engineering, there are 1d Abyssian hunters
roaming around in Engineering waiting to eat someone.
When the Characters arrive the lights are out and the
blinking lights from the equipment is all that is visible.
They may easily turn on the lights or leave them off.

With a successful Security, DR Easy, at the main Ship

Computer console, the Characters can activate the
audible alarm systems:

The button and system to reactivate the Escape Pods is

A countdown starts, audibly broadcasting the time until

the ship is going to impact with the surface. It gives
about two more hours until the ship is entering the
atmosphere and reaching terminal velocity where it will
breakup due to atmospheric entry.

Characters need only get up there and press a button.

At some point, the Crew was trying to make it difficult

for any one of them to just leave in an Escape Pod and

on a second floor platform with a grate for a floor. The

There is a last stranded crew member who will attempt

an attack on a Character at random, and then run off
behind some equipment to be eaten alive.


abandon the other crew that unfortunately worked, too


All throughout the process of this adventure, the

Characters run into several complications. The failing

Page | 39

environmental conditions of the ship, at random, cause

1d6 Freight Containers are jettisoned by the Ship Computer

a loss of gravity on the bridge and in engineering,

A widening hull rupture causes violent shaking for 5 Minutes

(which is three decks high), minor power fluxiations

Environmental Failure for 20 Minutes

which cause systems to temporarily go offline and come

Roll Twice on this Chart, this only counts once

back on, like air, temperature, security bolts, lights, etc.

By rolling on the chart below every ten (10) minutes, or
so, the GM can randomly drop events on the
Characters, making random and sometimes dangerous
things occur, depending on their current situation.


The world below is a temperate climate with an
atmosphere where asteroids regularly strike the surface.
There is a great deal of vegetation overgrown on the
various landmasses, so the Characters in the escape pod

Random Event

can land in relative safety. When the ship crashes, it

Lights go out for 5 Minutes

remains in visual range,. As the session closes, the call of

Gravity stops working for 1 Minute

the Abyssian Hunter echoes in the distance.

J. Elliot is a Game Designer for Cinema6 & co-founder of Wicked North Games, LLC. He lives in the seacoast region of New
Hampshire with his wife and three children.

Page | 40

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Before getting started, here are the basics:

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and this material overlaps directly with the
material submitted into the D6 Magazine, we
reserve the right to accept future submissions.
3. If you have any questions about any of these
requirements, please post them directly to this
thread, annotated with [Submission Question]
in the Subject of the post, and one of the
contributing staff will answer as quickly as

License, for which you own, have permission,

license, or a contractual written agreement, to
publish. We are looking for complete articles and
source material such as adventures, characters,
creatures, equipment, extensions, guides and howtos, modules, vehicles, and so on, that align to a
current D6 Magazine editions Theme.
For each edition of the D6 Magazine, a Theme will
coincide. This forum will announce and provide each
D6 Magazine editions Theme via the Backstage Pass for
contributors. The Theme details the core concept for
each Edition of D6 Magazine by which your
submission(s) will tie into content.
For adventure submissions, please provide Character
Creation guidelines for assisting in gauging a character
echelon. Some games require more experienced and
veteran Characters, where others focus on new or novice
Characters and this information is important to
Adventure flow and game play. The adventure should
closely tie into each D6 Magazines Theme.

Page | 41

Articles may discuss more theoretical or playability


aspects of the OpenD6 foundation as well as editorial

dialogues, but each should somehow tie-in the D6
Magazines Theme.

Articles may loosely couple the

Send an Email to submissions@d6magazine.com, with

the subject line, [D6M Submission]

current Editions Theme more freely than source

Include the submission document, as a Rich Text


Format (RTF) or Standard Text Format (TXT),

Characters, creatures, equipment, locations or settings,

and vehicles should tightly coincide with the current D6
Magazine Theme.


Each should provide playable




indicating where and how, as well as the name of

images, you want placed into the submission.
Include the Images you want in included in the
submission document with the assigned names as

providing enough data so that it is immediately usable

indicated in the submission document.

for play by a Game Master.

submit is what gets used; we do not have any staff artists

Extensions, Guides and How-Tos, and Modules come

in the form of various source materials, but may not use
the foundation OpenD6 stats and game mechanics.

What you

currently or any volunteer artists. If we get any, we will

discuss various options with them and update the

When submitting Extensions, Guides and How-Tos,

Include your copyright notices and the Product Identity

and Modules, please detail and cite the source of the

statement for Section 15 of the OpenD6 OGL, exactly

alternative, OpenD6 stats and game mechanics, or

how you want them displayed and formatted in a

provide the alternate rules as part of the submission.


When submitting alternate stats or game mechanics,


keep them brief and specific, limiting them to one or


two paragraphs.

If the alternate stats and game

information, within the beginning of the submission

mechanics are too long or too extensive, we may ask that

document, such as writing, editing, illustration, etc.

you separately publish those alternate rules elsewhere

Please be sure to proof read the document to following

and refer to them by detailing and citing their source, as

grammatical rules:

described previously.












1. Please Spell Check everything.

2. Verify that Two (2) Spaces exist between sentences.

Page | 42

3. Avoid passive language and words as much as

possible, the exception is when writing dialogue.
a. Do not use the word will as possible. An example:
If the characters open the door, the creature will attack
them vs. If the characters open the door, the creature
attacks them.
b. Avoid using to be, been, etc. Example: Passive
words will be avoided vs. Avoid using passive words
4. Avoid personal pronouns unless directly discussing
yourself or your company in a foreword, etc.
5. Avoid using conjunctions, (aint, arent, didnt, wont,
Im, etc.)
6. If referring to stats from another source, please cite that
source directly for easier access.
7. Use GM for Game Master, not DM for Dungeon
8. Quote special names of objects, people, etc., when using
them within a normal sentence or description. Remember to
include special names you want protected by the OpenD6
OGL in the OGL file.
9. Verify Rules and identify loopholes when creating
modified rules or new material that defies the normal game
mechanics used.
10. We use the font standard: Adobe Garamond Pro, Size
12. Please include header fonts for articles with submission
and indicate where they belong if submitting in a TXT file

Page | 43


The following is the adopted OpenD6 OGL that the

Identity. (e) Product Identity means product and

Cinema6 RPG Framework will utilize in publication:

product line names, logos and identifying marks

including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters;


stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue,

The following text is the property of Wizards of the


Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast,

depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes

Inc (Wizards). All Rights Reserved.

and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio

1. DEFINITIONS: (a)Contributors means the

representations; names and descriptions of characters,



spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas,

contributed Open Game Content; (b)Derivative

likenesses and special abilities; places, locations,



















derivative works and translations (including into other

supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or



graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered

correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement,

trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the

compilation, abridgment or other form in which an

owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically

existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c)

excludes the Open Game Content; (f) Trademark

Distribute means to reproduce, license, rent, lease,

means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that

sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise

are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its

distribute; (d)Open Game Content means the game

products or the associated products contributed to the

mechanic and includes the methods, procedures,

Open Game License by the Contributor (g) Use,

processes and routines to the extent such content does

Used or Using means to use, Distribute, copy, edit,

















enhancement over the prior art and any additional

Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) You

content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the

or Your means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

Contributor, and means any work covered by this

2. THE LICENSE: This License applies to any Open

License, including translations and derivative works

Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the

under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product

Open Game Content may only be Used under and in

Page | 44

terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to

7. USE OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: You agree not to

any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may

Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as

be added to or subtracted from this License except as

to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another,

described by the License itself. No other terms or

independent Agreement with the owner of each element

conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content

of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate

distributed using this License.

compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or

3. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE: By Using the Open

Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work

Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the

containing Open Game Content except as expressly

terms of this License.

licensed in another, independent Agreement with the

owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark.

4. GRANT AND CONSIDERATION: In consideration

for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant
You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the
Open Game Content.



The use of any Product Identity in Open Game

Content does not constitute a challenge to the
ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall
retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product




CONTRIBUTE: If You are contributing original

material as Open Game Content, You represent that
Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or


8. IDENTIFICATION: If you distribute Open Game

Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the
work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed

by this License.

9. UPDATING THE LICENSE: Wizards or its

designated Agents may publish updated versions of this


update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this
License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying,

License. You may use any authorized version of this

License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game
Content originally distributed under any version of this

modifying or distributing, and You must add the title,

the copyright date, and the copyright holders name to
the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open
Game Content you Distribute.

10. COPY OF THIS LICENSE: You MUST include a

copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game
Content You Distribute.

Page | 45


and D6 Unleashed are trademarks and properties of

market or advertise the Open Game Content using the

Wicked North Games, LLC.

name of any Contributor unless You have written

Tabletop Armory name as well as all Final Age Heroes

permission from the Contributor to do so.

names, places and products, including but not limited to

12. INABILITY TO COMPLY: If it is impossible for

Pinnacle City, Pinnacle City Chronicles, New York

You to comply with any of the terms of this License

Nine, Dr. Liberty, Climate Control, The Frigid Winter

with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content

of 05 and Council of Resolution are Copyright 2010-

due to statute, judicial order, or governmental

2011, Tabletop Armory, LLC.

regulation then You may not Use any Open Game

Ambelled Daru is the trademark and property of Mike

Material so affected.

Fraley, Copyright 2010-2011, M. Fraley.

13. TERMINATION: This License will terminate


automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein

and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
termination of this License.

Product Identity: The D6 System; the D6 trademark,

the D6 and related logos; OpenD6 and any derivative
trademarks; and trade dress are designated as Product
Identity (PI) and are properties of Purgatory Publishing

14. REFORMATION: If any provision of this License is


held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be

reformed only to the extent necessary to make it


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.
West End Games, WEG, and D6 System are
trademarks and properties of Purgatory Publishing Inc.
Cinema6 Role-Playing Game Framework, Copyright
2010-2011,Wicked North Games, LLC. Cinema6, c6,

Open Game Content: All game mechanics and materials

not covered under Product Identity (PI) above.

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