- Preparing Kiosk Mode
- Using Kiosk Mode
- Customizing Kiosk Mode
- Kiosk Quick Reference
Kiosk mode is a tool for museums, flight schools, and other organizations to let visitors easily
experience the wonders of Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Kiosk mode provides a simplified
interface for launching flights or missions in Flight Simulator, and for allowing the simulation to run
unattended until it resets automatically after a specified length of time or the played mission ends.
To use Kiosk mode you must have Flight Simulator X installed. Kiosk mode will not work with
previous versions of Flight Simulator.
Kiosk mode features:
A simplified interface that allows users to experience flight without the need for an attendant.
Easy Flight Simulator X operation using a joystick or Xbox 360 Controller for Windows; the
keyboard and mouse are not required.
Flights that automatically end after 15 minutes (or when mission goals are satisfied),
preventing users from monopolizing the kiosk while others wait.
The ability to create a custom background image featuring your organizations logo.
The ability to create custom kiosk flights and missions (Mission Creation Tool required).
Joystick Commands
1. (Trigger) Release brakes
2. Cycle through views
3. Elevator trim down
4. Elevator trim up
5. Extend flaps
6. Retract flaps
7. Display kneeboard
8. Extend or retract landing gear
9. (Hat switch) Look around
10. Throttle control
Increase throttle
Press Y
Decrease throttle
Press B
Apply brakes
Press A
Drop object
Press X
Left rudder
Right rudder
Bank left/right
Look around
Trim nose up
Spoilers extend/retract
Pause simulator
End flight
Youll only have to launch Kiosk mode once.
For convenience, you can create a shortcut to kiosk on your desktop. Right-click kiosk in the
main Flight Simulator folder, select Create Shortcut, and then drag the shortcut onto the
Windows desktop.
To begin a flight in Kiosk mode
1. Double-click kiosk.
2. Tilt the joystick or move the game controller thumbstick to select a flight from the list.
-orPress joystick buttons 2 and 3.
3. Pull the trigger (button1) or press the Start button to begin the flight.
To end a Kiosk mode flight
Wait for the flight to end automatically.
-orPress ALT+F4, CTRL+C, or CTRL+BREAK.
To exit Kiosk mode
Replace the default bkg file with another file of the same name. Be sure to back up or
rename the original file before replacing it. Replace the file bkg.bmp in the main Flight
Simulator folder (Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X or in the folder where
you installed Flight Simulator.
To learn more about creating flights in Flight Simulator, see the All About Flights article in the
Learning Center.
To learn more about creating Missions in Flight Simulator (requires the Mission Creation
Kit), see the All About Missions article in the Learning Center.
To create custom kiosk flights
1. Create and save the flight in Flight Simulator.
2. Move the files from the My Documents\Flight Simulator Files folder to the Flight Simulator
X\Flights\Kiosk folder.
Creating a Flight
Flights can start on the ground at an airport or in the air.
To create a flight that begins on the ground at an airport
1. On the main Flight Simulator screen, click Free Flight.
2. Follow the steps on-screen to select an aircraft and starting location; set the weather, date,
and time; change fuel settings (optional); set failures (optional); and create and save a flight
plan (optional).
3. Click the Save Flight button.
4. Enter a title and description for the flight.
5. Click OK.
You can find the flight you've saved by clicking Load on the Free Flight screen.
To add custom kiosk missions
1. Using the Mission Creation Kit create the mission and save it in Flight Simulator.
2. Move the files from the My Documents\Flight Simulator Files folder to the Flight Simulator
X\Missions\subfolder folder (where subfolder is a name you provide).
3. Add the name of the mission to the [Missions] section of the KioskSettings.cfg file, making
sure to increment the File.n number (i.e., if the file contains File.1, name your file File.2).
Note: You can also change the default folder from which missions will load by changing the path
given for the Folder= entry in the [Missions] section of the KioskSettings.cfg file.
To create a flight that begins in the air, or to save a flight after you've entered the
1. Set everything up exactly as you want it (for example, on final approach to O'Hare with a
challenging crosswind).
2. On the File menu, select Save Flight.
3. Enter a title and description for the flight.
4. Click OK.
You can find the flight you've saved by clicking Load on the Free Flight screen.
To exit Kiosk mode