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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




7 July 1926

Nuon Chea was born in Battambang Province.

(I) E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 2001, at ENG 00078967, KHM
00224483, FRE 00662217;
(2) E3/558, Nuon Chea OCl] Statement, 19 September 2007, at ENG 00148697,
KHM 00148674, FRE 00148712.

1938 -1941

Nuon Chea studied his first high school years in Battambang

CLycee de Battambang).

ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.11.12 to 11.14.06.


Nuon Chea continued his studies and completed his high

school degree at Wat Benjamabopit in Bangkok, Thailand.

(I) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea 11.11.12 to 11.14.06.

(2) E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 2001, at ENG 00078967, KHM
00224483, FRE 00662217;
(3) E3/53, Laura Summers, The CPK: Secret Vanguard ofPol Pot's Revolution - A
comment on Nuon Chea's Statement, at ENG S 00045870.

1944 -1947

Nuon Chea enrolled for two years of legal studies in

Thammasat University's Preparatory School under the Thai
name Long Ruot Lao Dee and then became a full-time student
for another full year.

(I) E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 2001, at ENG 00078968, FRE
00662218, KHM 00224484;
(2) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.11.12 to 11.14.06;
(3) E1I35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.21.43 to 11.22.55.

1945 -1949

Nuon Chea joined the Irrigation Department in Bangkok and

then the Comptroller General Department of the Finance
Ministry after passing two Thai civil service exams, the first
being in his Freshman year at Thammasat University. He then
worked for the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(I) E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 01, at ENG 0078968, FRE
00662218, KHM 00224485.
(2) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.11.12 to 11.14.06.
(3) E3/26, Nuon Chea Interview, 7 October 2006, at KHM 00000894, ENG
00329506, FRE 00636866;
(4) E3/53, Laura Summers, The CPK: Secret Vanguard ofPol Pot's Revolution - A
comment on Nuon Chea's Statement, at ENG S 00045870.


Nuon Chea joined the Thai Democratic Youth League under

the leadership of the Thai Communist Party.

(I) E1I35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.22.55;

(2) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184664, FRE 00596187,
(3) E3/26, Nuon Chea Interview, 7 October 2006, at KHM 00000894, ENG
00329506, FRE 00636866;
(4) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.28.22 to 11.31.08.

1946 -1947

Nuon Chea was ordained as a monk at Wat Hua Samrong in

Chachoengsao and practised for 3 months. Nuon Chea lived in
a monastery as did not have money.

E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 2001, at ENG 0078968, FRE

00662218, KHM 00224485.

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August 1950

Nuon Chea became a full rights member of the Thai

Communist Party then returned to Cambodia, at Pailin, to fight
against the French.

(I) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184664, FRE 00596187,
(2) E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 01, at ENG 00078969, FRE
00662219-20, KHM 00224487;
(3) E3/26, Nuon Chea Interview, 7 October 2006, at KHM 00000894, ENG
00329506, FRE 00636866.
(4) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.28.22 to 11.31.08

December 1950

Nuon Chea transferred from the Thai Communist Party to the

Indochinese Communist Party. Nuon Chea moved to Samlaut
to take responsibility for propaganda and education of Party
members in Northwest Cambodia.

(I) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184664, FRE 00596187,
KHM 00078194;
(2) E3126, Nuon Chea Interview, 7 October 2006, at KHM 00000894, ENG
00329506-07, FRE 00636866;
(3) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.31.08;
(4) E1I35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.51.23 to 11.55.43;
(5) E3/4202, Thet Sambath & Gina Chon, Behind the Killing Fields, at ENG
00757502, KHM 00858266, FRE 00849386;
(6) E3/53, Laura Summers, The CPK: Secret Vanguard ofPol Pot's Revolution - A
comment on Nuon Chea's Statement, at ENG S 00045870.

September 1951

Nuon Chea attended the Congress at which the Indochinese

Communist Party was divided into 3 separate national entities.
Nuon Chea was appointed to the newly created KPRP
(Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party) Central
Committee. Nuon Chea raised rural support for the communist

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396311,
FRE 00639595.
(2) E3/53, Laura Summers, The CPK: Secret Vanguard ofPol Pot's Revolution - A
comment on Nuon Chea's Statement, at ENG S 00045870;
(3) E1I35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.22.55 to 11.25.40;
(4) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184656.

1952 -1954

Nuon Chea was selected by the KPRP to go to North Vietnam

to study communist principles and militia warfare at the
Vietnamese Higher Party School.

(I) E1I23.1, Transcript,15 December 2011, Nuon Chea 11.05.55 to 11.15.34;

(2) E3/16, Khieu Samphan, Considerations on the Histmy ol Cambodia, 2007 at
ENG 00498226.
(3) E3/4202, Thet Sambath & Gina Chon, Behind the Killing Fields, at ENG
00757503-04, KHM 00858269-73, FRE 00849388-90.
(4) E3/53, Laura Summers, The CPK: Secret Vanguard ofPol Pot's Revolution - A
comment on Nuon Chea's Statement, at ENG S 00045870;
(5) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396311,
FRE 00639595.


Nuon Chea returned from Vietnam to Cambodia after the

Geneva Conference Agreement to rebuild the communist party
in Phnom Penh.

(I) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.37.48 to 11.39.50;

(2) E1I23.1, Transcript, 15 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.21.29;
(3) E3/53, Laura Summers, The CPK: Secret Vanguard olPol Pot's Revolution. .. ,
at ENG S 00045870.

1955 -1960

Nuon Chea led the national workers' association while being

(I) E3/1782, E3/1774, Far Eastern Economic Review, Cambodia: the Pieces
Begin to Fit, Cambodia's Big Five, 21 October 1977, at ENG S 00007521-22, FRE

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




employed by a Sino-Khmer trading company in Phnom Penh.

Nuon Chea was then appointed KPRP Secretary of the Phnom
Penh City Committee in replacement of Keo Meas. Tou
Samouth and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot were members of this
committee and Ieng Sary joined it following his return from
France in January 1957. Nuon Chea, Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot
and Tou Samouth developed strategic and tactical party lines
and re-established Party branches throughout the country that
would be later adopted at the first Party Congress.

S 00759802, KHM S 00752558;

(2) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396310-12
& 00396335, FRE 00639594-95.
(3) E3/53, Laura Summers, The CPK: Secret Vanguard olPol Pot's Revolution. .. ,
at ENG S 00045871;
(4) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184658,60-61;
(5) E3/4202, Thet Sambath & Gina Chon, Behind the Killing Fields, at ENG
00757505-07, KHM 00858277-80, FRE 00849393-95;
(6) E3/26, Nuon Chea Interview, 7 October 2006, at ENG 00329507-08;
(7) E3/89, Ieng Sary Interview, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417628-29;
(8) ElI14.1 Transcript, 22 November 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.01.20 to 14.03.12;
(9) ElI17.1 Transcript, 6 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.44.21 to 10.01.56;
(10) E1I35.1 Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.56.19;
(II) ElI16.1 Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.37.48 to 11.39.50;
(12) E1I23.1 Transcript, 15 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.24.10 to 11.26.31;
(13) E3/11, Revolutionary Flag, September 1977, at ENG 00486225,31;
(14) E3/2357R, Video Entitled "Pol Pot: The Journey to the Killing Fields," 11:02
to 11:11.


Nuon Chea, Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, Tou Samouth and maybe
So Phim formed the "General Affairs Committee" to organize
the leftist movement nationally.
Nuon Chea remained Secretary of the City Committee, which
gradually became the Central Committee. Saloth Sar alias Pol
Pot who brought Ieng Sary and Vorn Vet in to help.

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ol a Nightmare, at ENG 00396335,
FRE 00639614-15;
(2) E3/16, Khieu Samphan, Considerations on the History ol Cambodia, at ENG

28 September 196030 September 1960

Nuon Chea at the First Party Congress was collectively

nominated Deputy Secretary of the WPK (Workers' Party of
Kampuchea) as second in command after Tou Samouth, Saloth
Sar alias Pol Pot being a full member and Ieng Sary an alternate
member of the WPK Standing Committee. At this Congress, the
party adopted the Statute of the Party prepared by Nuon Chea
and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, the party strategic line that armed
violence was to be used to eliminate its enemies -including
foreign imperialists and their lackeys, feudalists, capitalists and
reactionaries- and that the countryside would be preferred as
Party support base over the urban "nerve centre of the ruling
class". The Party further concluded that the Buddhist religion
and its leaders were an obstacle to the goal of national
democratic revolution.

(I) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184661-62, 66, FRE
00596184-85, KHM 00078192;
(2) E3/54, Nuon Chea OCIJ Initial Appearance, 19 September 2007, at ENG
00148817, KHM 00148744, FRE 00148921;
(3) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, 13 December 2007, at ENG 00156750
(4) E3/61, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 2 June 2008, at ENG
(5) E3/355, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 19 November 2008, at
ENG 00242874;
(6) E3/83, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 20 October 2009, at ENG
(7) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396326-27,
37-39, FRE 00639618;
(8) E3/10, Revolutionary Flag, September - October 1976, at ENG 00450505-07,
KHM 00063066, FRE 00491873-74;
(9) E3/11, Revolutionmy Flag, September 1977, at ENG 00486225-27, 30, 36, 38,
KHM 00063141-48,50-51, FRE 00492816-24, 26;
(10) ElI14.1, Transcript, 22 November 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.03.12 to 14.08.25;
(11) E1I24.1, Transcript, 10 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.03.39 to 11.11.11 &
10.10.08 to 10.15.56, 11.45.01 to 11.49.43;

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(12) E3/4202, Thet Sambath & Gina Chon, Behind the Killing Fields, at ENG
00757507, KHM 00858281-82, FRE 00849396;
(13) E3/89, Ieng Sary, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417630-32;
(14) E9/21.3, Ieng Sary List of Uncontested Facts, at ENG 00656980-81 (para. 997
& note 6);
(15) E1I25.1, Transcript, 11 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 09.29.18 to 09.31.39,
10.00.01 to 10.04.16, 11.08.56 to 11.13.30;
Regarding the armed struggle: (16) E3/147, FBIS, Nuon Chea Speak\' on
Cambodian Army Anniverswy, 19 January 1977, at ENG 00168467, KHM
00679796, FRE 00698446.
(16) E3/25, Revolutionary Flag, December 1976 - January 1977, at ENG
00491412, KHM 00063023.

30 September 19607 January 1979

Nuon Chea and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot wrote and were
responsible for the monthly Party publication "Revolutionary
Flag" issued by the Standing Committee from September 1960
through the DK period.

(I) E1I23.1, Transcript, 15 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.18.58 to 14.21.58;

(2) E1I24.1, Transcript, 10 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 09.33.32 to 09.41.27;
(3) E1I35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.29.39;
(4) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, May 1998, at ENG 00184663;
(5) E1I51.1, Transcript, 20 March 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 13.46.04 to

Sometime after 30
September 1960

Nuon Chea traveled to Vietnam to inform the Communist

Vietnamese Party leaders of the new strategic political lines of
the WPK.

(1) E1I35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.56.19 to 11.59.10;

(2) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184662;
(3) E3/4202, Thet Sambath & Gina Chon, Behind the Killing Fields, at ENG
00757507-08, KHM 00858282-83, FRE 00849397.

February 1962 or
July 1962

Nuon Chea, CPK Deputy Secretary, learnt that Party Secretary,

Tou Samouth disappeared and likely was arrested and
assassinated either in February or July 1962 by Lon Nol's

(I) E3/3, Nuon Chea Statement, May 1998, at ENG 00184665-66, FRE 0059618788, KHM 00078194-95;
(2) ElI14.1, Transcript, 22 November 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.09.20 to 14.l1.01
[July 1962];
(3) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.33.24 to 14.37.l4
[February 1962]:
(4) E3/1815, Ben Kiernan, How Pol Pot Came to Power, 1985 at ENG 00487313;
(5) E1I93.1, Transcript, 20 July 2012, David Chandler, 11.28.00 to 11.31.02;
(6) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histo/y oj"a Nightmare, at ENG 00396341;
(7) E3/17 & E3/2816, David Chandler, Brother Number One, 1999, at ENG
(8) E3/2357R, Video excerpt by BBC Entitled "Pol Pot: The Journey to the Killing
Fields," 2005, VOOI72603, 15:55 - 15:04.

20 February 1963 21 February 1963

Nuon Chea remained the WPK's Deputy Secretary, Saloth Sar

alias Pol Pot became WPK Secretary and Ieng Sary and Sao
Phim full members of the Standing Committee at the 2nd Party
Congress held in Phnom Penh.

(I) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184666-67, KHM
00078195-96, FRE 00596189-90;
(2) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.29.42 to 14.31.16;
(3) E1I26.1, Transcript, 12 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 09.35.02 to 09.37.55,
09.48.23 to 09.54.05;
(4) E1I24.1, Transcript, 10 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 1O.l0.08 to 10.11.57;
(5) E3/26, Nuon Chea Interview, 7 October 2006, at ENG 00329509;
(6) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History oj"a Nightmare, at ENG 00396341-42,
FRE 00639623;
(7) E3/4001R, Video excerpt by Thet Sambath and Rob Lemkin; Additional

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footage Entitled "Enemies of the People": Nuon Chea interview, V 00800935, at
09:26 to 12:52;
(8) ElI93.1, Transcript, 20 July 2012, David Chandler, 11.31.02 to 11.32.21;
(9) E3/1815, Ben Kiernan, How Pol Pot Came to Power, at ENG 00487316;
(10) E3/2357R, Video Entitled "Pol Pot: The Journey to the Killing Fields," 2005,
15:06 to 15:27;
(11) E3/89 Ieng Sary Interview, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417621;
(12) E3/16 Kbieu Samphan, Considerations on the History o{Cambodia, 2007, at
ENG 00498235-36;
(13) E3/731, Revolutionary Flag, December 1975 - January 1976, at ENG
00865696, KHM 00809831-32.

Mter 7 March 1963

Nuon Chea, contrary to other party leaders who were identified

as leftists by Sihanouk in a group of 34, remained in Phnom
Penh to manage the Party operations in the capital and most of
the zones, except for the Northeast.

(1) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184668, FRE 00596190,
(2) ElI17.1, Transcript, 6 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.26.07;
(3) ElI93.1, Transcript, 20 July 2012, David Chandler, 11.36.58 to 11.38.29;
(4) E3/16, Kbieu Samphan, Considerations on the History o{ Cambodia, at ENG
(5) E3/22, Stephen Heder, Cambodian Communism and the Vietnamese Model, at
ENG 00393751.

1964 -1966

Nuon Chea, although based in Phnom Penh, traveled regularly

to Office 100 for meetings with Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot and
other Party cadres and occasionally extricating other Party
cadres to the maquis. In October 1964, January 1965, then
September to October 1966, Standing Committee and Central
Committee meetings took place at Office 100 or nearby in
Cambodian territory, namely regarding the necessity of an
armed struggle, the change of the party's name to the
Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) and the relocation of
Office 100 to Ratanakiri. Nuon Chea acknowledged having
participated in different Standing Committee and Central
Committee meetings in the period 1965-1966.

(1) ElI17.1, Transcript, 6 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.26.07 to 09.32.31,

(2) ElI26.1, Transcript, 12 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 10.04.34, 10.06.04 to
10.09.11, 10.11.20 to 10.19.23;
(3) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184668, FRE 00596190,
(4) E3/22, Stephen Heder, Cambodian Communism and the Vietnamese Model, at
ENG 00393751,54-55,67-68 & 00393885;
(5) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History o{a Nightmare, at ENG 00396346-47,
(6) El/190.1, Transcript, 7 May 2013, Philip Short, 10.08.14 to 10.11.35,
(7) E3/564, Ieng Sary Interview, 20 September 1978, at ENG S 00011553;
(8) ElI189.1, Transcript, 6 May 2013, Philip Short, 14.19.25 to 14.21.03;
(9) E3/16, Kbieu Samphan, Considerations on the History o{ Cambodia, at ENG
00498242-43, KHM 00380389-90, FRE 00643847.

May 1967

Nuon Chea, about the Samlaut rebellion of the previous

months, conveyed to Hu Nhim and Kong Sophal a directive
from the CPK Standing Committee "to stop the war and
negotiate with the enemy" (Battambang governor, In Tam).

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histmy o{a Nightmare, at ENG 00396366;
(2) E3/4017, Kbieu Samphan Interview, at ENG 00793527, KHM 00784339, FRE
00823006 (transcript of the video E3/4017R];
(3) E3/11, Revolutionary Flag, September 1977, at ENG 00486239-40, KHM
00063152-53, FRE 00492827-28.

June 1967

Nuon Chea, Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, Sao Phim, and Ieng Sary
(the four Standing Committee members) met at Office 100 and
agreed for a new attempt at starting a nationwide armed uprising

(1) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History o{a Nightmare, at ENG 00396369-70,
FRE 00639676;
(2) E3/25, RevolutionUlY Flag, December 1976 - January 1977, at ENG 00491414,
KHM 00063026, FRE 00504036;

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in early 1968 instead of sporadic and isolated attacks.

(3) E3/11, Revolutionwy Flag, September 1977, at ENG 00486239-40, KHM

00063152-53, FRE 00492827-28;
(4) E31707, Ieng Sary Interview, April 1978, at ENG S 00049324.

June 1967December 1967

Nuon Chea and the other standing Committee Members moved

Office 100 from the Vietnamese border (Tay Ninh) to the Toek
Chrap stream, Anduong Meas District, Ratanakiri, as at this
location "no enemy could arrive there". Ieng Sary arrived first,
around mid-1967, and established the new Central Committee
headquarters, then Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot joined him a few
months later, likely in December. Nuon Chea remained in
Phnom Penh.

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histmy oj"a Nightmare, at ENG 00396191;
00396371-72, FRE 00639678-79;
(2) E1!26.1, Transcript, 12 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 10.06.04 to 10.09.11;
(3) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, May 1998, at ENG 00184669;
(4) E3/89, Ieng Sary Interview, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417622-23;
(5) E1!96.1, Transcript, 25 July 2012, Rochoem, 14.25.02, 14.38.15 to 15.05.45;
(6) E3/24, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00223579-80;
(7) E3/22, Stephen Heder, Cambodian Communism and the Vietnamese Model, at
ENG 00393771-72;
(8) E3/2470, S-21 Confession of Bou Phat, 5 January 1978, at ENG 00768223;
(9) E1!86.1 Transcript, 13 June 2012, Oeun Tan, 15.10.36 to 15.14.11

June 1967 - 18
March 1970

Nuon Chea continued to oversee the Zone and City

Committees from Phnom Penh. Nuon Chea admitted that at the
time Office 100 was relocated to Ratanakiri, "the distribution of
the leadership in the country was in two: one [was] for the
Northeast zone, [including] Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri, and
perhaps Kratie and Stung Treng. And for the other part, it is the
part that I was responsible for when it comes to the leadership.
But it was the zone secretaries who were immediately
supervising the areas. And these include Southwest and
Northwest", East, West, North and the "Phnom Penh Party
referred to as the Central Zone".

(I) El!14.1, Transcript, 22 November 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.11.42 to 14.14.19;

(2) E1!26.1, Transcript, 12 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 10.24.00 to 10.27.43,
10.52.42 to 10.54.37;
(3) E1!21.1, Transcript, 13 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.54.38;
(4) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184669, FRE 0059619192, KHM 00078197 -98;
(5) E3/89, Ieng Sary Interview, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417622-23;
(6) E3/22, Stephen Heder, Cambodian Communism and the Vietnamese Model, at
ENG 00393772-73, 00393887;
(7) El!189.1, Transcri~ 2013, Philip Short, 14.23.00 to 14.24.52;
(8) E3/2782, E3/2783,_ Statement, 1986, at ENG 00089709.

1 January 1968

Nuon Chea, Deputy Party Secretary, and Vom Vet, Central

Zone Secretary, met in Phnom Penh with the zone leaders Sao
Phim (East), Hu Nhim or Kong Sophal (Northwest) and Ma
Mang and Ta Mok (Southwest) and authorized the launch of an
armed struggle in "regions where the situation [was]
deteriorating", resulting in an attack against a government army
post at Bay Damram village, south of Battambang city on 17
January 1968 and other insurrection or guerilla acts in "17 out
of 19 provinces" by April 1968.

(I) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184669-70, FRE
00596192, KHM 00078198;
(2) El!14.1, Transcript, 22 November 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.11.42 to 14.14.19; [1
January 1968];
(3) E1!35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 10.59.41 to 11.04.35 [1
January 1968 meeting deciding to initiate the armed struggle];
(4) E148, Nuon Chea's hearing notes, December 2011, at FRE 00943619, KHM
00757831 [reference to 1 January 1968 meeting with Zone Secretaries];
(5) E3/196, Nuon Chea Speech, 30-31 July 1978, at ENG 00762394;
(6) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History oj"a Nightmare, at ENG 00396373,
FRE 00639680;
(7) E3/22, Stephen Heder, Cambodian Communism and the Vietnamese Model, at
ENG 00393792;
(8) E3/25, Revolutionwy Flag, December 1976-January 1977, at ENG 00491414,
KHM 00063027, FRE 00504037 [Nuon Chea Speech] ;
(9) E3/147, Nuon Chea Speech, 16 January 1977, at ENG 00168468, KHM
00679798, FRE 00698447;

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(10) E1I21.1, Transcript, 13 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.29.24 to 09.38.00,
09.51.00 to 09.51.44;
(II) E1I92.1, Transcript, 19 July 2012, David Chandler, 10.05.37 to 10.09.15;
(12) E31707, Ieng Sary Interview, April 1978, at ENG S 00049324;
(13) ElI130.1, Transcript, 4 October 2012, Meas Voeun, 15.40.22 to 15.43.31.

After 18 January
1968 -1969

Nuon Chea met with Nguyen Van Linh, a South Vietnamese

Party leader that he had regularly met since the mid-1950s, at
the Vietnamese border, and refused to stop the armed struggle
as requested by Nguyen. As the Vietnamese refused to provide
weapons or support to the CPK, Nuon Chea authorized Sao
Phim to steal arms from Viet Cong warehouses in Cambodia.

(I) E1I36.1, Transcript, 31 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 10.45.49 to 10.49.15,

(2) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, May 1998, at ENG 00184670-71, KHM
00078198-99, FRE 00596192-93;
(3) E1I21.1, Transcript, 13 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.46.28 to 09.48.39;
(4) E3/22, Stephen Heder, Cambodian Communism and the Vietnamese Model, at
ENG 00393798;
(5) E3123, E3/265, E3/266, DK Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication, Black
Paper, September 1978, at ENG 00082534;
(6) E1I36.1, Transcript, 31 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 10.45.49 to 10.49.15.

1969 -1970

Nuon Chea assumed command of the Khmer Rouge's party

headquarters in the North-East, while Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot
was visiting China and Vietnam.

E3/17, E3/2816, David Chandler, Brother Number One, at ENG 00393002.

September 1969

Nuon Chea traveled to Ratanakiri, for a secret enlarged

Standing Committee meeting with Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, Ieng
Sary and Koy Thuon, radically changing the party line to
support Sihanouk against Lon Nol, then Acting Prime Minister
and Minister of Defence. They also discussed the issue of armed
and political struggle.

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396383-86,
FRE 00639692-94,96-97;
(2) E148, Nuon Chea hearing notes, December 2011, at FRE 00943619, KHM
00757831 [reference to September 1969 for his trip to RattanakiriJ;
(3) E1I96.1, Transcript, 25 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 15.26.30 to
(4) E1I35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.04.00 to 11.07.04;
(5) E3/3, Nuon Chea Interview, 4 May 1998, at ENG 00184671, KHM 00078199,
FRE 00596193;
(6) E31707, Ieng Sary Interview, April 1978, at ENG S 00049323-24;
(7) E3/23, E3/265, E3/266, DK Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication, Black
Paper, September 1978, at ENG 00082528;
Regarding thefact that Nuon Chea traveled once in 1969 to Ratanikiri:
(8) E1I26.1, Transcript, 12 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 10.09.11 to 10.11.05;
(9) E1I66.1, Transcript, 23 April 2012, Saloth Ban alias So Hong, 09.42.23 to

Mter 18 March 1970 Nuon Chea stated, about the formation of the FUNK, following E3/196, Nuon Chea Statement, 30 July 1978, at ENG 00762405.

the 18 March 1970 coup against Sihanouk: "How did we make

Sihanouk join us? We were able to mobilize forces after the
coup d'etat because we had made preparations for a long time.
We were masters of the situation. We had an army; we had
some weapons. Thus, we were able to form a united front. We
even allowed King Sihanouk to become chairman of the front. It

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




meant nothing because we were the masters of the situation.

Following the coup, Sihanouk was reduced from everything to
nothing while for us it was the opposite - in the cities as well as
in the countryside."
September 1970

Nuon Chea, Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, and Sao Phim took part in
a Standing Committee meeting during which, by Khieu
Samphan's own admission, Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot personally
chose Khieu Samphan as liaison to Sihanouk. Khieu
Samphan "was the only one who could establish relations with
the prince" and play this "important if not indispensable role,"
as "Norodom Sihanouk knew neither Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot
nor Ta Mok."

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ol a Nightmare, at ENG 00396413,
(2) E1I21.1, Transcript, 13 December 2011, Khieu Samphan, 15.42.36 to 15.53.17;
(3) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCll Statement, at ENG 00156745, KHM 00156615,
FRE 00156668;
(4) E3/18, Khieu Samphan, Cambodia's Recent HistOlY and the Reasons Behind
the Decisions I Made, at ENG 00103744;
(5) E3/4201R Video Excerpt entitled "Facing Genocide: Khieu Samphan and Pol
Pot," 2007,00: 19:26 to 00:20:26.

September 1970

Khieu Samphan claimed to have met Nuon Chea and Saloth

Sar alias Pol Pot for the first time in September 1970 at the new
Party headquarters located along the Chinit River on the border
of Kampong Cham and Kampong Thorn provinces after Khieu
Samphan left Phnom Aural together with Hou Youn, Hu Nim,
and Ta Mok. The Party offices in this area included a smaller
base named K-l located in Dang Kdar commune, Stung Trang
district, Kampong Cham (on the southeast side of the Steung
Chinit) and a larger base named S-71 located about five miles
away near Trapeang Thurn village, Boeng Lvea commune,
Santuk district, Kampong Thorn (on the northwest side of the
Steung Chinit).

(I) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCll Statement, 13 December 2007, at ENG

00159744-45, KHM 00156615, FRE 00156667;
(2) ElI17.1, Transcript, 6 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.22.45;
(3) E3/18, Khieu Samphan, Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind
the Decisions I Made, at ENG 00103742-43, KHM 00103830, FRE 00595412;
(4) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396191
[map showing location ofK-l and S-71], 00396422-23;
(5) E1I86.1, Transcript, 13 June 2012, Oeun Tan, 10.13.51 to 10.15.54, 10.17.31 to
10.23.51,10.54.22,15.16.12 to 15.19.52;
(6) E3/33, Oeun Tan OCll Statement, 9 October 2008, at ENG 00235126-27;
(7) E1I204.1, Transcript, 10 June 2013, So Socheat, 13.53.25 to 13.57.36;
(8) E1I205.1,Transcript, 11 June 2013, So Socheat, 14.35.55 to 14.38.25;
(9) E1I96.1, Transcript, 25 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon,15.35.13 to
(10) E1I97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.09.47;
(11) E3/24, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCll Statement, 5 December 2007, at
ENG 00223580;
(12) E3/2782, E3/2783,_Statement, 1986, at ENG 00089710;
(13) E3/713, Khieu Samphan Interview, January 2004, at ENG 00177980;
(14) E3/23, E3/265, E3/266, DK Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication, Black
Paper, September 1978, at ENG 00082541;
(15) E3/89, Ieng Sary Interview, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417622-23;
(16) E3/110, Sasha Sher, The Biography ol Khieu Samphan, at ENG 00280537,
KHM 00702682, FRE 00087511;
OCll Statement, 4 June 2009, at ENG 00346148 &
(17) E3/35,

September 19701975

Nuon Chea permanently stayed (lived and worked) with the

Khmer Rouge leaders Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot and Khieu

(I) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCll Statement, 13 December 2007, at ENG

00159745, KHM 00156615, FRE 00156667-68;
(2) E3/37, Khieu Samphan OCll Statement, 14 December 2007, at ENG

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Samphan from 1970 to 1975 and further until the late 1990s.
Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Pol Pot, regularly
participated in meetings with other Party leaders at K-l, S-71,
B-20 and B-30 near the Chinit River during the period
comprised between September 1970 and 1973. Nuon Chea,
Khieu Samphan and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot also went
together on "work tours" to inspect the transportation of rice
and supplies.

00156755, KHM 00156677, FRE 00156682;

(2) ElI205.1, Transcript, 11 June 2013, So Socheat, 14.35.55 to 14.40.00;
(3) ElI86.1, Transcript, 13 June 2012, Oeun Tan, 10.17.31 to 10.21.41 & above
(4) E3/33, Oeun Tan OCI] Statement, 9 October 2008, at ENG 00235126;
(5) ElI97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.09.47,
09.26.03 to 09.28.38;
(6) ElI99.1, Transcript, 31 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.05.20 to
(7) E3/24, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCI] Statement, 5 December 2007, at
ENG 00223580, KHM 00204068, FRE 00503919;
(8) ElI17.1, Transcript, 6 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.22.45;
(9) E3/57, Kham Phan OCI] Statement, at ENG 00290504-05;
(10) E3/35,
OCI] Statement, at ENG 00346148;
(11) E3/18, Khieu Samphan, Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind
the Decisions I Made, at ENG 00103747, KHM 00103835, FRE 00595421-22;
(12) ElI204.1, Transcript, 10 June 2013, So Socheat, 13.53.25 to 13.59.49
[describing meeting Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Nuon Chea near Chinit River in

October 1970

Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot and the zones
secretaries took part in a plenary meeting of the Central
Committee of the CPK held in Boeng Lvea commune, Santuk
District, Kampong Thorn, at which the leaders discussed a plan
for the national liberation war against the American imperialists
and Lon Nol regime, "designat[ ed] cadres to work in various
sectors and zones across the country," and confirmed the CPK's
policy of self-reliance and independence from the Vietnamese

(1) E3/23, E3/265, E3/266, DK Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication, Black

Paper, September 1978, at ENG 00082541-42;
(2) ElI17.1, Transcript, 6 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.42.14;
(3) ElI35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.08.25 to 11.16.07;
(4) E148, Nuon Chea Hearing Notes, December 2011, at FRE 00943619, KHM
(5) E3/25, Revolutionwy Flag, December 1976 - January 1977, at ENG 00491411,
KHM 00063021, FRE 00504032;
(6) E31760, Revolutionary Flag, June 1976, at ENG 00509623.

November 1970

Nuon Chea, Comrade Deputy Secretary, and Saloth Sar alias

Pol Pot held official one-week negotiations with the Vietnamese
either in Vietnam or in the North Zone near the Chinit River in
order "to facilitate the cooperation and the attack." According to
the Black Paper, Nuon Chea and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot
proudly rejected further Vietnamese aid.

(1) E3/23, E3/265, E3/266, DK Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication, Black

Paper, September 1978, at ENG 00082542, FRE 00284624-26 & 00083243-46,
KHM 00289694-97;
(2) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ol a Nightmare, at ENG 00396423,
FRE 00639742-3;
(3) E3/17, E3/2816, David Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography
ofPol Pot, at ENG 00393004;
(4) E148, Nuon Chea hearing notes, December 2011, at FRE 00943619, KHM
(5) ElI35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.10.28 to 11.11.53.

November 1970

Nuon Chea, Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, and Koy Thuon moved to
their new base K-l at Dangkda, northeast of the Speu commune.
The base had three stilted and thatched houses: one for Nuon

E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histmy ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396422, FRE


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Chea, one for Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, and the third for guests.
End of 1970 (likely
December 1970)

Nuon Chea and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot moved to a new base
much larger than K-l with 20-30 straw-thatched houses on the
northern side of the Chinit River, near Trapeang Thurn vilage.
The CPK Central Committee Office took on the name S-7l.

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ol a Nightmare, at ENG 00396423,
FRE 00639744;
(2) El/66.1, Transcript, 23 April 2012, Saloth Ban alias So Hong, 10.01.52 to
(3) El/96.1, Transcript, 25 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 15.33.14 to
(4) E3/23, E3/265, E3/266, DK Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication, Black
Paper, September 1978, at ENG 00082541;
(5) El/86.1, Transcript, 13 June 2012, Oeun Tan, 10.17.31 to 10.23.51;
(6) El/97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.12.03,
(7) El/99.1, Transcript, 31 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.05.20 to

June 1971- July


Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan participated in the two-week

3rd Party Congress (July 1971), which was held in the jungle
near S-71 (near Trapeang Thurn) with all zone and sector
secretaries and military commanders, following a one-month
long study session for 200 CPK zone, sector and district cadres
that was held near K-l (June - July 1971). Among the 60
delegates who participated in the 3rd Party Congress were
Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, Sao Phim, Koy Thuon, Ta Mok, Son
Sen, Vorn Vet, Hu Nim and Ke Pauk. The Congress officially
ratified the CPK name that had been adopted in 1966, and
elected a new Central Committee: Khieu Samphan was elected
"alternate" or "candidate" member of the Central Committee.
The CPK Standing Committee's compOSItIon remained
unchanged (Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Sao Phim and
Ieng Sary).

(I) E3/1595, Photograph depicting senior leaders at a Party Congress, including

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Pol Pot, 197, ERN P 00416590;
(2) E3/136, Photograph depicting senior leaders at a Party Congress, 1971, ERN P
(3) E3/3229, Photograph depicting senior leaders gathered for a CPK Congress,
1971, ERN P 00407216;
(4) E3/137, Photograph depicting senior leaders at a Party Congress, 1971, ERN P
(5) El/97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.28.38 to
09.30.50, 11.05.36 to 11.24.28;
(6) El/98.1, Transcript, 30 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 14.02.30 to
(7) E3/3479, Photographs depicting various scenes from the DK era (photography
No. 19), at ERN 00472744 [Khieu Samphan is identified on a photo taken at the
1971 Party Congress l;
(8) E3/1815, Ben Kiernan, How Pol Pot Came to Power, at ENG 00487447-49,
KHM 00104843;
(9) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396425-27,
FRE 00639748-49;
(10) El/21.1, Transcript, 13 December 2011, Khieu Samphan, 15.55.23;
(II) El/92.1, Transcript, 19 July 2012, David Chandler, 10.21.00 to 10.28.12;
(12) E3/3169, Stephen Heder, Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan, at ENG 00002750;
(13) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCI] Statement, 13 December 2007, at ENG
(14) E3/48, Stephen Heder and Brian Tittemore, Seven Candidates /iJr
Prosecution, at ERN 00393580;
(15) E3/4034, Khieu Samphan Interview, at ENG 00793149.


Nuon Chea, while based at S-71 from 1970 onwards, often

travelled to other provinces to meet with Zone leaders,
including a 1972 trip to Samlaut to meet with Ros Nhim and the

(I) El/97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.12.03 to
(2) E3/410, Yun Kim OCI] Statement, at ENG 00412192.

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other leaders of the Northwest Zone.

23 March 1972

Nuon Chea's appointment as Vice-Chairman of the PFLANK

Military High Command and Head of the Political Leadership
of the Army, and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot as Vice-Chairman and
head of Military Leadership of the Army, were publicly
announced in a communique issued by Norodom Sihanouk
reporting the High Command of PFLANK. Khieu Samphan
remained Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the PFLANK.

(I) E3/3709, Vietnam Courrier, NUFK and RGNUC Rein/breed, 3 April 1972, at
ENG S 00023588, FRE 00598569, KHM 00270062-63;
(2) E3/1782, E3/1774, BBC SWB, Cambodia: the Pieces Begin to Fit,
Cambodia's Big Five, 21 October 1977, at ENG S 00007521-22, FRE S 00759802,
KHM S 00752558;
(3) E3/482, Leon Triviere (France-Asia Exchange), China and Cambodia,
November 1975, at FRE 00385702, ENG 00523996, KHM 00538848.

25 December 1972

Nuon Chea and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot attended the wedding
of Khieu Samphan and his wife, So Socheat, a cadre working
as a cook at Trapeang Thurn village near the Chinit River.

(I) ElI204.1, Transcript, 10 June 2013, So Socheat, 14.1l.47 to 14.l4.12;

(2) ElI20S.1, Transcript, 11 June 2013, So Socheat, 14.35.55 to 14.40.

1973 -1974

Nuon Chea met with Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot (returning from
Chrok Sdech) and Ieng Sary (returning from Beijing) at the
Chinit River in the winter of 1973-1974.

E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histo/y oja Nightmare, at ENG 00396455, FRE

1973 -1974

Nuon Chea convened and chaired a study session for Sector

505, district and commune cadres in Dar Commune, Kratie
District, during which he instructed them to immediately
establish low-level and high-level cooperatives (for 'easy' and
'not so difficult people') or implement the concept of labour
exchange (for 'difficult' people).

(I) ElI88.1, Transcript, 19 June 2012, Yun Kim, 09.26.50 to 09.32.28;

(2) E3/368, Yun Kim OCI] Statement, 12 June 2009, at ENG 00345194;
(3) E3/410, Yun Kim OCI] Statement, 17 December 2009, at ENG 00412193.

1973 -1975

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan sometimes stayed at Office

24 (S-24), a mobile unit near Meak village, Prek Kok
Commune, Stung Trang District.

(I) ElII01.1, Transcript, 2 August 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.30.07
to 09.35.07;
(2) ElI97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 10.29.38 to
(3) ElI204.1, Transcript, 10 June 2013, So Socheat, 14.28.10;
(4) ElIH1.1, Transcript, 21 August 2012, Kim Vun, 1l.52.17 to 1l.54.03.

June 1973

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot and
other CPK leaders gave a tour to a visiting South Vietnamese
National Liberation Front delegation.

E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histo/y oja Nightmare, at ENG 00396451, FRE

1974 - March 1975

Nuon Chea continued to be based near the Chinit River and S71, coming for short periods to the forward base (B-5)
established at Peam commune nera Krang Doung and Tang

(I) ElI97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.53.16 to
09.57.l0, 09.38.15 to 09.40.28;
(2) E3/24, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCI] Statement, at ENG 00223581;
(3) ElI14.1, Transcript, 22 November 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.54.35 to 14.56.09;
(4) ElI3S.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 10.l8.46 to 10.20.28,

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Poun villages to meet with Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot and other
leaders, including Khieu Samphan, Son Sen, Vorn Vet,
military and zone leaders, during the offensives of the dry
seasons 1973-1974 and 1974-1975. Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot
would stay at the headquarters near Chinit River during rainy

11.16.07 to 11.18.21;
(5) E148, Nuon Chea Hearing Notes, December 2011, at FRE 00943620, KHM

25 April 1974 - 30
April 1974

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Saloth Sar alias Pol
Pot and others were cited by U.S. intelligence to be among the
leaders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
Khieu Samphan and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot were perceived as
being xenophobic towards Vietnamese and Chinese minority
inhabitants. Khieu Samphan was considered by international
media to be the real leader and spokesman of the insurgency
because he was received as a Chief of State by the Chinese and
North Korean leadership, marking increased communist control
over the insurgency.

(I) E3/3312, Communication by U.S. State Department to Embassies entitled

"April 30 EA Press Summary," 30 April 1974, at ENG 00412747-48, KHM
00740848-50, FRE 00763789-90;
(2) E3/3714, New York Times, Rise of Khieu Samphan towards leadership of
Cambodian insurgents... , 30 April 1974, at ENG 00122096, KHM 00632484-85,
FRE 00630938;
(3) E3/3310, Communication from the U.S. State Department to Embassies
entitled "Emergence Of Khmer Insurgent Leader Khieu Samphan on The
International Scene," 25 April 1974, at ENG 00412741-43, KHM 00740842-46,
FRE 00763786-88.

After 15 June 1974

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Saloth Sar alias Pol
Pot, Son Sen, Vorn Vet, Ta Mok, Sao Phim, Koy Thuon and
Muol Sambat convened a Central Committee meeting in the
North Zone, at Meak village, Prek Kok commune, Stung Trang
district, eight miles south of the former location of K-1 in Dang
Kdar. The Central Committee resolved to "mount the decisive
offensive to liberate Phnom Penh and the entire country" and
made unanimously the decision to evacuate Phnom Penh and
other cities to rural areas.
At the same meeting, the Central Committee decided to hold off
on the use of currency as it was such a "very powerful weapon"
for the enemy used by "spies" to"buy our cadres or soldiers".
The Central Committee, discussing the "destructive activities by
the traitors who infiltrated the in the party [or] in the
cooperatives", decided to purge CPK cadres including Central
Committee member Prasith and his associates in Koh Kong.
Finally, the CPK leaders decided to "suspend the expansion of
the Party and the underground organisation" and to "attack the

(I) ElI14.1, Transcript, 22 November 2011, Nuon Chea, 15.12.36 to 15.34.13 (in
particular 15.14.55 & 15.28.03 to 15.30.10);
(2) E1I22.1, Transcript, 14 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 09.05.46 to 09.07.44;
(3) E1I97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.30.50 to
09.33.36,09.45.02 to 09.48.52, 11.04.31, 11.25.00 to 11.49.44;
(4) E1I204.1, Transcript, 10 June 2013, So Socheat, 14.28.10, 15.14.50 to
(5) E3/11, Revolutionary Flag, September 1977, ENG 00486247, KHM 00063162,
FRE 00492836;
(6) E3/747, Revolutionary Flag, August 1978, at ENG 00499785.
(7) E3/24, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCIJ Statement, 5 December 2007, at
ENG 00223581, KHM 00204068-69, FRE 00503920-21;
(8) E9/21.3, Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' response to Trial Chamber Order
Regarding "Uncontested Facts," 25 March 2011, para. 999 [Ieng Sary admitting
returning to Cambodia in 1974];
(9) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare, at ENG 00396456,
(10) El/190.1, Transcript, 7 May 2013, Philip Short, 13.38.54 to 13.44.41,
13.52.04 to 13.53.32;
(11) ElI192.1, Transcript, 9 May 2013, Philip Short, 16.14.47 to 16.18.32;
(12) E3/2118, E3/2119, Henry Kamm, Cambodia: Report/rom a Stricken Land, at
ENG 00394456;
(13) E3/687, New York Times, 3 Unlikely Cambodian Allies Map War on
Vietnam, 9 July 1982, at ENG 00122280;
(14) E1I21.1 Transcript, 13 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 10.28.44 to 10.36;


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lower Mekong River as the key to cut-off enemy food supplies

and routes of communication".

(15) E3/4051, Khieu Samphan Interview (transcript of video E3/4051R), at ENG

(16) E31731, Revolutionary Flag, December 1975 - January 1976, at ENG
00865709, KHM 00809848;
(17) E3/25, Revolutionary Flag, December 1976 - January 1977, at ENG
00491422, KHM 00063036, FRE 00504046.

Before August 1974

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan ordered Long Norin and five
others at B-20 office to live with farmers in Preah Vihear
Province and to study the farmers' needs and language until 20
April 1975.

(I) E3/34, Long Norin OCIJ Statement, 4 December 2007, at ENG 00223555,
KHM 00204006, FRE 00491002;
(2) ElI18.1 Transcript, 7 December 2011, Long Norin, 15.26.40 to 15.29.27,
15.31.23 to 15.37.50.

3 April 1975

Nuon Chea was aware of the events that followed the fall of
Banam and Neak Luong to Khmer Rouge control as he
described: "We took everyone in Banam Town, expelling the
ethnic Vietnamese, the ethnic Chinese, the military, the police;
we took everyone, drying up the people from the enemy."
Khieu Samphan delivered a congratulatory radio message to
the revolutionary forces regarding the complete fall of Neak
Luong and Banam, Lower Mekong and rejected any "scheme of

(I) E3/118, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Khieu Samphan Congratulates

CPNLAF in Neak Luong Victories, 8 April 1975, at ENG 00166923-25, KHM
00700269-74, FRE 00700257-59;
(2) E3/25, RevolutionUlY Flag, December 1976 - January 1977, at ENG 00491424.

Approx. 7 April 1975

Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea were at Saloth Sar alias Pol
Pot's B-5 office at Taing Porn Village, Peam Commune,
Kampong Tralach District, Kampong Chhnang Province for a
meeting with Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot, Koy Thuon, Kae Pok,
Sao Phim, Vom Vet, Ta Mok, Chen An and Son Sen. The
meeting planned the evacuation of Phnom Penh and both Nuon
Chea and Khieu Samphan gave their personal views of the
proposed evacuation and assented to the plan. Military leaders
were told to hold subsequent meetings with their units to spread
the word. After approval, the meeting ended in applause.

(I) E1I97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 09.42.47 to
09.52.25, 10.l1.01 to 10.20.22, 10.20.22;
(2) E3/63, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCIJ Statement, 21 September 2008, at
ENG 00231409-10, KHM 00228844-45, FRE 00376054-55;
(3) E3/24, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCIJ Statement, 5 December 2007, at
ENG 00223581, KHM 00204069, FRE 00503921;
(4) E1I35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.16.07 to 11.18.21
(referencing to illegible parts of E148, Nuon Chea's hearing notes, December
(5) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, 13 December 2007, at ENG

17 April 1975 - 24
April 1975

Nuon Chea stated that not many people died during the
evacuation of Phnom Penh because the people were still
physically strong.

E3/2357R, Video entitled "Pol Pot, Journey to the Killing Fields" (TVK)
VOOI72603-VOOI72603, at 00:26:21 to 00:26:30.

20 April 1975

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Son Sen, Ta Mok, Vom Vet and

(I) ElII92.1, Transcript, 9 May 2013, Philip Short,13.45.54 to 13.55.28, 13.56.47;

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




others arrived with Pol Pot in Phnom Penh. Soon after, Khieu
Samphan and Nuon Chea went to inspect the Northern Zone
checkpoint at Prek Kdam along Highway 5 and reported that the
"evacuation was proceeding smoothly."

(2) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396494-95,
FRE 00639824-25;
(3) El/86.1, Transcript, 13 June 2012, Oeun Tan,l0.56.29 to 10.58.15;
(4) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, 13 December 2007, at ENG
Corroborated by:
(5) E3/3721, Newsweek, The Victors; What Now?, 28 April 1975, at ENG S
(6) E3/2710, Telegram from Arnaud, French Embassy in Peking to French
Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled "Cambodia," 21 April 1975, at ENG
(7) E3/3905R, Video excerpt entitled "Bophana: Une tragedie Cambodgienne," V
00172595,00.15.27 to 00.15.45 [Nuon Chea and Pol Pot dismounting from a jeep
allegedly after Phnom Penh went under Khmer Rouge control].

Approximatley 20
April 1975 - Approx.
1 May 1975

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Son Sen took their
first headquarters in Phnom Penh on the premises of the railway
station. Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Son Sen
formed the "Joint Leadership Committee." Ieng Sary was the
last to arrive at the railway station about one week after the
liberation. During this period, the leaders were meeting "days
and nights" and military commanders came regularly to the
railway station for meetings.

(I) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, 13 December 2007, at ENG

00156745-46, FRE 00156668-69, KHM 00156615-16;
(2) E3/24, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCIJ Statement, 5 December 2007, at
ENG 00223582, KHM 00204069, FRE 00503922;
(3) El/97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 14.04.18 to
14.14.24,14.19.16 to 14.22.24.

Mter 20 April 1975 6 January 1979

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot and Son Sen (the latter with the assistance
of his wife Yun Yat) were part of a military committee dealing
with all internal and external security issues once Phnom Penh
had been evacuated.

(I) E3/89, leng Sary Interview, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417603, 06-08,
(2) E3/573, Ieng Sary Statement, 4 January 1999, at ENG 00427599, KHM
00640499, FRE 00632508;
(3) E3/94 Ieng Sary Interview, 22 July 1981, at ENG 00342501-02, KHM
00578895, FRE 00602000;
(4) E3/93 Ieng Sary Interview, 28 August 1996, at ENG 00078610, KHM
00224443, FRE 00347376;
(5) E3/86 Ieng Sary DNUM Statement, The True Facts about Pol Pot's Dictatorial
Regime, 8 September 1996, at ENG 00081215, KHM 00224430, FRE 00614094;
(6) E3/456 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00198883;
(7) E3/83 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00398166;
(8) E3/1699 Suong Sikoeun OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00223642;
(9) E3/1714 Stephen Heder & Masato Matsushita, Interviews with Kampuchean
Relugees at Thai-Cambodia Border, February-March 1980, at ENG 00170748,
KHM 00324762-63, FRE 00649010-11.

Approx. 27 April
1975 - 1 May 1975

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Son Sen (the Joint
Leadership Committee) moved to the former Ministry of
Commerce / Finance building. They stayed there for about two

(I) E3/24, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCIJ Statement, 5 December 2007, at
ENG 00223582, KHM 00204070, FRE 00503922;
(2) El/97.1 Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 14.10.10 to
14.14.24,14.19.16 to 14.24.24.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




May 1975

Nuon Chea was told by Hou Youn that the evacuation of cities
was. " ... not normal... not reasonable, to evacuate everyone like
that. What the Standing Committee has done is wrong." This
began to infuriate the "higher echelons of the leadership." Later
on, Hou Youn was purged around August 1975.

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History 0/ a Nightmare, at ENG 00396202,
FRE 00639461;
On the death o/Hou Youn around August 1975, see:
(2) E3/1815, Ben Kiernan, How Pol Pot Came to Power, at ENG 00487537 & note
30 at 00487542;
(3) E3/1683, David Chandler, The Tragedy o/Cambodian Histmy, at 00193333.

Between Approx. 15
May 1975 and 31
May 1975

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Son Sen moved to
the Preah Kev Temple (the Silver Pagoda). A Central
Committee meeting was held over 10 days with the
participation of Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Son
Sen, Sao Phim, Koy Thuon, Ta Mok, Vorn Vet, Ros Nhim, Ya,
Laing, Uio, Yi, Kae Pok, Seua Vasi, Pang, Koe, Heng Teav,
Chou Chet, Ta Tum and Phuong. Pol Pot and Nuon Chea
presided the meeting and Nuon Chea presented Party
documents. Policies were discussed including the evacuation,
external and internal situation, the establishment of cooperatives
as well as the implementation of the revolutionary goals.

(I) E3/24, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon OCIJ Statement, 5 December 2007, at
ENG 00223582, KHM 00204070, FRE 00503922;
(2) E3/25, Revolutionwy Flag, December 1976 - January 1977, at ENG 00491408,
KHM 00063017 -18, FRE 00504029;
(3) E3/8, E3/735, David Chandler, Ben Kiernan & Chanthou Boua, Pol Pot Plans
the Future, at ENG 00104059;
(4) E3/18, Khieu Samphan, Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind
the Decisions 1 Made, at ENG 00103747, KHM 00103835;
(5) E3/380, Kim Vun OCIJ Statement, 25 July 2009, at ENG 00365646;
(6) ElI190.1, Transcript, 7 May 2013, Philip Short, 09.15.48 to 09.18.08;
(7) E1I97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 14.24.24 to
(8) E1I69.1, Transcript, 26 April 2012, Saloth Ban alias So Hong, 14.00.22 to
(9) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00156749, KHM 00156618,
FRE 00156671;
(10) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History 0/ a Nightmare, at ENG 00396496.

20 May 1975 - 25
May 1975

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot and other Party Centre leaders convened a
conference gathering hundreds or thousands of CPK cadres
including all the representatives of the military units and all
District, Sector and Zone Secretaries. They instructed them
regarding the Party lines and policies to be implemented
throughout the country. The topics discussed by Nuon Chea
and Pol Pot included the organisation of cooperatives and
communal eating, the elimination of private property, the
prohibition of currency and markets, the building of dams and
canals, the closing of monasteries, the permanent character of
the evacuation and the expulsion of the "Yuon" from Cambodia.

(I) E1I82.1 Transcript, 6 June 2012, Sao Sarun, 10.18.12 to 10.21.39, 10.24.50 to
10.29.06, 10.55.14 to 11.02.27, 11.04.50 to 11.09.20, 11.24.23 to 11.27.21,
13.31.33 to 13.35.26, 13.42.45 to 13.44.32;
(2) E3/367, SAO Sarun OCIJ Statement, 17 December 2008, at ENG 00278694,
KHM 00251437, FRE 00486010;
(3) E3/384 Sao Sarun OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00348375, KHM 00345906, FRE
(4) E3/1593, Ben Kiernan, The Pol Pot Regime, at ENG 00104205-07, KHM
00637441, FRE 00638784;
(5) E3/1568 (313/1.2.406.1),
Statement, 3 December 1991, at ENG
, Voices/rom S-21, 1999, at ENG 00192722;
Statement, 3 December 1991, at ENG 00651880, 83;
12 December 2012, Kham Phan, 10.45.37, 10.49.14 to
(8) El/152.1
(9) ElI151.1 Transcript, II December 2012, Kham Phan, 15.04.28 to 15.08.36;

12 June 1975

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, and Ieng Sary, were part of a "top ranking
delegation" which was sent for talks to Hanoi by the CPK
Central Committee. This trip followed the occupation of Poulo

(I) E3/265, E3/266, E3/23, DK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Black Paper,

September 1978, at ENG 00082550, KHM 00289709, FRE 00083269;
(2) E3/18 , Khieu Samphan, Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind
the Decisions 1 Made, at ENG 00103760, KHM 00103850-1, FRE 00595448;


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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]


22 July 1975 until

September 1975



Wai Island by the Vietnamese forces.

(3) E3/2376 & E3/2377, Nayan Chanda, Brother Enemy: The War after the War,
1986, at ENG 00192199, KHM 00191319-20, FRE 00236923;
(4) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histmy ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396505;
(5) E3/1359, Foreign Broadcast Iinfonnation Service, Air Link Severed, 3 January
1978, at ENG 00169521, KHM 00701752-3, FRE 00726650;
(6) E3/2296, Los Angeles Times, Vietnam and Cambodia-An Ancient Quarrel
Flares Anew, 15 January 1978, at ENG 00166154;
(7) E3/17, David Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography ol Pol
Pot, at ENG 00393019;
(8) ElI14.1, Transcript, 22 November 2011, Nuon Chea, 14.59.00 to 15.00.54.

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Penn Nouth, Pol Pot
and Son Sen chaired / attended a military cadres rally Olympic
Stadium during which 9 main force divisions were placed under
the Party Centre control, including Division 801 (formerly
Brigade 14). Nuon Chea co-chaired the conference which was
attended by all DK military commanders from the Centre and
the Zones. Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan spoke at the
meeting. The meeting discussed the role of the military and
people in April 17 victory, the role of the military in rice
production and the situation of internal and external enemies.

(I) E3/5 Revolutionary Flag, August 1975, at ENG 00401488, KHM 00063323,
FRE 00538963;
(2) E3/405, Chhaom Se OCIJ Statement, 31 October 2009, Answer I.
(3) E3/407, Chhaom Se OCIJ Statement, 8 November 2009, Answer 4.
(4) ElI159.1, Transcript, II January 2013, Chhaom Se, 13.52.10 to
14.00.27,11.50.33 to 11.52.30, 14.01.48 to 14.06.23, 14.09.49 to 14.11.50.
See also,
(5) E3/84 & E3/3982, Ung Ren OCIJ Statement, 23 October 2009, at ENG
(6) ElI159.1 Transcript, II January 2013, Ung Ren, 09.09.08 to 09.12.30
[claiming that the meeting took place quite some time after leaving the hospital in
May 1975];
See also about the leaders presiding over a mass rally at the Olympic Stadium:
(7) E3/3894R, Video Excerpt by Stephane VICTOR entitled "Justice Delayed,
Justice Denied," VOOI72605, at 00:06:40 to 00:06:50.
(8) E3/2347R, Video entitled "The Cambodian Error (L'erreur Cambodgienne),"
VOOI72479, at 00:38:51 to 00:39:21;
(9) E3/3105R, Video Excerpt by Bruno Funk! entitled "The Impossible Truth
(L'Impossible verite)," VOOI72480, at 00:03:35 to 00:04:07.

Approx. August 1975 Khieu Samphan stated that during the regime the Standing (I) E3/37, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, 14 December 2007, at ENG
until 7 January 1979 Committee meetings mostly took place at K-1, Pol Pot's main 00156755, KHM 00156676-77, FRE 00156682-83;

residence, however sometimes at K-3, as well. Khieu Samphan

also admitted that Nuon Chea, deputy secretary, Pol Pot,
secretary, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Ta Mok, Vorn Vet and Sao Phim
were members of the Standing Committee.

Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' Final Trial Brie/in Case 002101

(2) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00156745, KHM 00156615,
FRE 00156668;
(3) E3/3196, Khieu Samphan Interview, at ENG 00815868;
(4) E3/3198, Khieu Samphan Interview, at ENG 00815884;
(5) E3/108, Khieu Samphan Interview, 9-11 Jnne 2006, at ENG 00000929, KHM
00347037, FRE 00613204.
See also
OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00204059;
(7) ElI191.1, Transcript, 8 May 2013, Philip Short, 10.06.11;
(8) E1I97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 15.48.39 to
(9) E1I71.1, Transcript, 2 May 2012, Pean Khean, 14.15.48 to 14.17.36;
(10) E3/61, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00195574;
(II) E3/5748, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00153570;
(12) ElI156.1, Transcript, 6 January 2013, Sa Vi, 09.42.35 to 09.45.29;
(13) E1I86.1, Transcript, 13 June 2012, Oeun Tan, 11.05.01, 11.14.15 to 11.15.49.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




2 August 1975 - 10
August 1975

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot and other CPK leaders met on 2-3 August
in Phnom Penh with Secretary General of the Vietnamese
Communist Party Le Duan, Pham Hung and Xuan Thuy to
discuss border issues, including the returning to Cambodia of
the Paulo Wai Island. On lO August, Nuon Chea held another
meeting with Nguyen Van Linh of the Vietnamese Workers
Party to discuss military clashes on Tho Chu and Hon Troc
(Vai) Islands which occurred earlier in June and discuss the
Brevie line. Nuon Chea did not respond to Vietnamese queries
regarding the 515 Vietnamese citizens allegedly abducted by
DK troops.

(I) E3/2376 & E3/2377, Nayan Chanda, Brother Enemy: The War after the War,
at ENG 00192200;
(2) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histmy ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396506;
(3) E3/1580, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, 28 March 2008, at ENG
00177586, KHM 00177578-79, FRE 00177593-94;
(4) E3/451, E3/526, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, 5 May 2008, at
ENG 00204284.

15 August 1975 until

15 August 1977

Nuon Chea was ultimately responsible for S-21 in the Standing

Committee, even though Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch (S-21
Chairman) reported to Son Sen. Nuon Chea received reports
and S-21 confessions through Son Sen, made decisions and
conveyed orders back to Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, including
those related to torture.

(I) E3/65 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00147522;
(2) E3/453 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00147584;
(3) E3/5763 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00164361,66.
(4) E3/452 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00147568,71.
(5) E3/454 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00147602;
(6) E3/1579 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00398206;
(7) E3/89 I~ary Interview, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417627;
(8) E3/426_ OCl] Statement, at ENG 00346070, 72;
(9) E3170
OCl] Statement, at ENG 00407788, 91;
(10) E3/1565 S-21 Confession of Kung Kien, 16 May 1977, at KHM 00017305, at
ENG 00182773;
(11) E3/83 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00398164.
(12) E3/60 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00195601;
(13) E3/455 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00149910;
(14) E3/60 Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at ENG 00195601,

Approx. September Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Son Sen mostly lived
1975 until 6 January during the regime at K-3 behind the Royal Palace according to
Khieu Samphan and others. Previously Nuon Chea, Khieu

(I) E3/37, Khieu Samphan OCl] Statement, 14 December 2007, at ENG

00156755, FRE 00156682, KHM 00156676;
(2) E1I208.1, Transcript, 17 June 2013, Leng Chhoeung, 09.29.32 to 09.31.10;
(3) E3/5748, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, 22 November 2007, at
ENG 00153570;
(4) E1I71.1, Transcript, 2 May 2012, Pean Khean, 15.57.40 to 15.59.06;
(5) E1I73.1, Transcript, 17 May 2012, Pean Khean, above 16.35.09;
(6) E1I86.1, Transcript, 13 June 2012, Oeun Tan, 11.14.15, 11.50.06 to 11.52.44;
(7) E1I97.1, Transcript, 26 July 2012, Rochoem Ton alias Phy Phuon, 15.39.31 to
(8) E3/33, Oeun Tan OCl] Statement, 9 October 2008, at ENG 00235131;
(9) E3/104, E3/3979, Sa Vi alias Song OCl] Statement, 5 December 2007, at ENG
(10) E3/385, Leng Chhoeung OCl] Statement, 17 July 2009, at ENG 00360127;
(11) E3/57, Phan Van OCl] Statement, 10 March 09, at ENG 00290506;
See also:

Samphan and other leaders had first stayed at the railway

station and the Silver Pagoda in the Royal Palace then 2 to 3
months at K-l.

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(II) E3/18, Khieu Samphan, Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind
the Decisions I Made, at ENG 00103756;
(12) E3/103, Saut Toeung OCIJ Statement, 4 December 2007, at ENG 00204020;
(13) E3/423, Saut Toeung OCIJ Statement, 2 December 2009, at ENG 00414607;
(14) E1I204.1, Transcript, 10 June 2013, So Socheat, below 14.46.01.

Mter 9 September

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Sao Phim,
Son Sen, Ta Mok, Vorn Vet, Ta Nheum, and Koy Thuon held a
meeting in September 1975 to decide what to do to avoid
Vietnam taking control of Cambodia.

E3/89, Ieng Smy Interview, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417600.

9 October 1975

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, and other leaders

were assigned responsibilities within the Party by the CPK
Standing Committee. Nuon Chea was made responsible for
Party Affairs, Social Action, Culture, Propaganda, and
Education. According to Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, the
"Party affairs" included annual training sessions, the
recruitment, appointment and promotion of new members of
cadres and the exclusion or smashing of others. Khieu
Samphan was made responsible for "the Front" and the Royal
Government, as well as Commerce for accounting and pricing.

(I) E3/182, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, 9 October 1975, at ENG
00183393, KHM 00019108, FRE 00292868;
(2) E3/83, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 20 October 2009, at ENG
(3) E3/1593, Ben Kiernan, The Pol Pot Regime, at ENG 00678545;
(4) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History o/"a Nightmare, at ENG 00396520-21,
FRE 00639866-67;
(5) E3/110, Sasha Sher, The Biography o/" Khieu Samphan, 2004, at ENG
00280537, KHM 00702682, FRE 00087511.

2 November 1975

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Ieng Sary attended a
CPK Standing Committee meeting regarding Thailand, border
issues, salt production and other issues including the elimination
of Prince Norodom Phurissara. The other participants were
Vorn Vet, Son Sen, Koy Thuon, Seua Vasi and Yem.

(I) E3/227, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, 2 November 1975, at

ENG 00183409, 12
(2) E3/3169, Stephen Heder, Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan, at ENG 00002754, 59.

30 November 1975

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan were copied to a telegram

from East Zone Secretary Sao Phim to Pol Pot regarding the
forcible transfer of 50,000 Cham to the North Zone and
Northwest Zone. The report stated that the primary objective of
the transfer was to break up the lOO,OOO Cham living in the East
Zone, as previously directed by Angkar. The telegram was also
copied to Doeun (Seua Vasi) and Archives.

(I) E3/1679, E3/1680 & E3/154, DK Telegram 15 from Chhon to Brother Pol, 30
November 1975, at ENG 00766762-63, 00185064, KHM 00008494-95, FRE
See also:
(2) E3/1822, YSA Osman, Oukoubah: Justice j(Jr the Cham Muslims under the
Democratic Kampuchea Regime, 2002, at ENG 00078451.

January 1976

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan took part in the Fourth Party
Congress held at the Borei Keila sports centre in Phnom Penh.

(I) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, at ENG 00539265;

(2) 9ElII189.1, Transcript, Philip Short, 6 May 2003, 11.54.06, 11.57.24 to
11.5 .5 ;

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]



Khieu Samphan became officially full rights member of the

Central Committee and a slightly amended Statute was adopted.

(3) E3/20, Elizabeth Becker, When the War Was Over, at ENG 00237887;
(4) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histmy of a Nightmare, at ENG 00396720;
(5) E312115, Stephen Heder and Brian Tittemore, Seven Candidates /iJr
Prosecution, at ENG 00393581;
(6) E2/223.1, Transcript, 15 July 2013, Stephen Heder, 11.08.55;
(7) E3/573 , Ieng Sary Statement, 4 January 1999, at ENG 00427599, KHM
00640499, FRE 00632508.

9 January 1976

Nuon Chea attended the CPK Standing Committee meeting on

party propaganda (radio and magazines, political education) and
re-education goals for 1976 as well as on the situation of the
country. The other participants were Pol Pot, Doeun, Ath, Phors
and Touch.

E3/228, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Party Propaganda

and Reeducation Goals for 1976 and Onward," 9 January 1976, at KHM
00017105-13, ENG 00182614-19, FRE 00301321-29.

20 January 1976

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Seua Vasi and Urn
Neng were copied to a telegram outlining the arrests of people
in the Northeast Zone, people moving in south from Laos and
reporting from the village of Saop. The telegram was also
copied to Documentation.

E3/1188, DK Telegram 81 from Buth to Respected Brother, 29 January 1976, at

ENG 00532773.

26 January 1976

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Seua Vasi and Urn
Neng and Documentation were copied to a telegram reporting
about the result of the 24 January meeting between the DK
Northeast military zone and a Vietnamese Military delegation
and the non-satisfYing agreement concluded. The telegram
sought further guidance from Angkar.

E3/893, DK Telegram 78 from Buth to Brother Mo. 870 [Office 870] and Brother
Vy, 26 January 1976, at ENG 00182622.

27 January 1976

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Seua Vasi and Urn
Neng were copied to a telegram reporting an agreement made at
a meeting held on 24 January 1976 between a Vietnamese
delegation of Military Region 5 and the DK Northeast military
zone to avoid confrontation along the North-East Zone border
with Vietnam. The telegram sought guidance from Angkar.

E3/1017 & E3/1018, DK Telegram 79 from but to Respected Brother, 27 January

1976, at ENG 00305244.

22 February 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary attended a CPK

Standing Committee meeting regarding economic matters, food
distribution and the forced labour of children. The other
participants were Pol Pot, Vorn Vet, Son Sen, Koy Thuon and
Seua Vasi.

E3/230, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Evening of 22

February 1976 - Economic Matters," 22 February 1976, at ENG 00182546-47,
KHM 00000711-12, FRE 00301330-31.


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22 February 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary attended a

encroachment on DK territory and logistical military matters.
The other participants were Pol Pot, Vorn Vet, Son Sen, Koy
Thuon and Seua Vasi

(I) E3/229, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Evening of 22

February 1976 - National Defense Matters," 22 February 1976, ENG 0018262527, KHM 00000713-720, FRE 00334958-60;
(2) E3/3169, Stephen Heder, Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan, at ENG 00002754, .

3 March 1976

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Seua Vasi were
copied to a telegram report from Men San describing the
location of the DK - Socialist Republic of Vietnam border posts
near O-Yadao, on route 19. Also copied to Documentation.

E3/1021, DK Telegram 20 from YA [Secretary of Northeast Zone] to Brothers, 3

March 1976, at ENG 00324803.

7 March 1976

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Seua Vasi were
copied to a telegram from the Northeast Zone Secretary Men
San outlining talks with Vietnamese officials regarding recent
fighting in his area of operations, and which requested that Son
Sen intervene to restrain military aggressiveness through
Division 920.

E3/866, DK Telegram 25 from YA Secretary of Northeast Zone to Brothers, 7

March 1976, at ENG 00183709-11, KHM 00021466-67, FRE 00283094-95.

8 March 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Seua Vasi attended
a CPK Standing Committee meeting on base work. Khieu
Samphan took the floor to speak on upcoming 20 March
elections. The meeting discussed the situation prevailing in
Sector 103 and Sector 106, including the enemy situation,
arrests and interrogation of traitors, and health issues at
worksites. The Standing Committee also decided the country
rice production goal for 1977 and directed weekly general
reports to the Standing Committee and shorter reports by

(I) E3/232, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of

Meeting on Base Work," 8 March 1976, at KHM 00017116-12, ENG 0018262834, FRE 00323932-36;
(2) E3/3169, Stephen Heder, Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan, 1991, at ENG
00002756, .

8 March 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Seua Vasi,
Hu Nim, and Phok Chhay attended a meeting of the Standing
Committee regarding the broadcasting instructions for DK
elections on the 20th of March 1976. Pol Pot stated that the
Assembly would be "worthless."

E3/231, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes Entitled "Minutes of Meeting

on Propaganda Work,"8 March 1976, at ENG 00183360-62, KHM 00017124-27,
FRE 00323930-31.

9 March 1976

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram by Ros Nhim, Secretary

of the Northwest Zone to Office 870, describing the entry by

E3/974 & E3/1013, DK Telegram 31 from Nhim Secretary of Northwest Zone to

Office 870, 9 March 1976, at KHM 00003203 & 00021443, ENG 00003204 &
00337466, FRE 00711518 & 00789769.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




Thai military police and planes into DK territory / airspace, the

death of Thais who stepped on landmines, and DK soldiers'
unsuccessful attempts to shoot down a Thai aircraft; requesting
Son Sen to provide training on the use of anti-aircraft weaponry.
Also copied to the telegram are Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet,
Son Sen, Office and Documentation.
11 March 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Pol Pot, Vorn Vet,
Son Sen, Koy Thuon, Seua Vasi, and Phok Chhay alias Tauch
attended a CPK Standing Committee meeting regarding
problems on the Eastern frontier.

(I) E3/217, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Problems on the
Eastern Frontier," 11 March 1976, at ENG 00182635-37, KHM 00000736-43, FRE
(2) E3/3169, Stephen Heder, Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan, at ENG 00002754.

11 March 1976 - 13
March 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son Sen,
Seua Vasi, attended a CPK Standing Committee meeting
regarding the fate of Sihanouk. Khieu Samphan spoke on 11
March about the will of Sihanouk to resign. The CPK Standing
Committee first decided to try to convince him not to resign but
Khieu Samphan, who visited him with Son Sen, reconfirmed
Sihanouk's firm will to resign on l3 March. The Standing
Committee decided to have the Council of Ministers confirm
the decision, keep Sihanouk alive as a dignitary, however not to
let him travel abroad or meet ambassadors and concluded that
"The entire feudalist regime has [now] been permanently
smashed and dug out by the revolution."

(I) E3/197, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "The Front," 11
March 1976, at ENG 00182638-42, KHM 00000744-48, FRE 00334961-63;
(2) E3/17, E3/2816, David Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography
o/Pol Pot, at ENG 00393023;
(3) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396542-43,
FRE 00639895.

13 March 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary attended a CPK

Standing Committee meeting with the purpose of hearing
reports about the trade with People's Republic of China and of
setting up committees for commerce and banking. The minutes
detailed the role of Khieu Samphan within the "Purchasing
Committee" (member) and the Banking Committee (Chairman).

E3/233 & E3/234, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, 13 March 1976, at
ENG 00182649-50, KHM 00000749-50, FRE 00301332-33.

21 March 1976

Nuon Chea and Ieng Sary were copied to a telegram by Sao

Phim detailing how DK forces had captured and killed
Vietnamese soldiers, as well as describing detention and
interrogation techniques. The telegram was addressed to Pol Pot
and was also copied to Son Sen, Office and Archives.

E3/871 , DK Telegram 21 from Chhon to Pol Pot, 21 March 1976, at ENG

00185241, KHM 00052346, FRE 00324505-06.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




26 March 1976

Nuon Chea presided a CPK Standing Committee meeting that

Khieu Samphan attended, regarding fighting and negotiations
with Vietnam. Contains Nuon Chea's statement that both
military and political measures were taken and should be taken
to address the situation with Vietnam including the use of
mines, the arrests of Vietnamese, and the need for vigilance
regarding people fleeing to Vietnam. The other participants
were Son Sen, Ya, Seua Vasi, Tum and Touch.

E3/218, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Results of

Negotiations with Vietnam Regarding the Eastern Border," 26 March 1976, at
ENG 00182651-57, KHM 00000751-57, FRE 00334967-71.

30 March 1976

Nuon Chea was appointed Chairman of the Standing

Committee of the Peoples' Representative Assembly, Khieu
Samphan President of the State Presidium and Ieng Sary
Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs, among other Party
appointments made by the Central Committee.

E3/12, CPK Directive entitled "Decision of the Central Committee Regarding a

Number of Matters," 30 March 1976, at ENG 00182813-14, KHM 00000763-64,
FRE 00224366-67.

2 April 1976

Nuon Chea and Pol Pot were copied to a telegram that

described the situations of enemies, the new and old people,
production in the North Zone, and discrimination against Cham
in Chamkar Leu district. A copy was sent to Son Sen, to Office
and to Documentation.

E3/952, DK Telegram 04 from Central Zone Secretary Ke Pauk to Pol Pot, 2 April
1976, at KHM 00000766-67.

11 April 1976 - 13
April 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith
and other leaders attended the first plenary session of the
Peoples' Representative Assembly meeting in Phnom Penh
during which the composition of the Presidium, the Peoples'
Representative Assembly and the DK government was publicly
announced. Nuon Chea, Chairman of the Standing Committee
of the Peoples' Representative Assembly, signed an information
announcement listing all the decisions taken during 3-day
session. Khieu Samphan, President of the State Presidium,
gave an inaugural speech on 11 April 1976 assuring fair and
honest elections held on 20 March 1976 and endorsing the DK
policies regarding worksites and cooperatives. The nominations
were reported internationally.

(I) E3/165, DK People's Assembly Meeting Minutes entitled "Document on

Conference of Legislature of The People's Representative Assembly of
Kampuchea," 11-14 1976, at ENG 00184052-56 & 71-77, KHM 00053610-17 &
38-45, FRE 00301339-43 & 57-62;
(2) E3/262, DK Government Statement entitled "First Plenary Session of the First
Legislature of the People's representative Assembly of Kampuchea. Press
Release," released by the 'Mission du Gouvernement du KD en France', 14 April
1976, at ENG 00528391-93, KHM 00622988-92, FRE S 00004707-09;
(3) E31275, FBIS, (a) Hu Nim Announces People's Assembly Press Communique,
14 April 1976, at ENG 00167623-26, KHM 00700123-29, FRE 00685632-36; (b)
First People's Representative Assembly Convenes, 16 April 76 at ENG 0016764042;
(4) E3/3426, Bangkok Post, Mystery Men in New Khmer Govt, 15 April 1976, at
ENG S 00005674, KHM S 00649955-58, FRE S 00644695;
(5) E3/1593, Ben Kiernan, The Pol Pot Regime, at ENG 00678665;
(6) E3/3435, Herald Tribune, New Regime is Announced in Cambodia" 15 April
1976, at ENG S 00005675, KHM S 00649959-60, FRE S 00632843;
(7) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History 0/ a Nightmare, at ENG 00396544,
FRE 00639896-97;
(8) E3/490, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, entitled "Cambodian Review April 1976," 12 May 1976, at ENG 00610834.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




27 April 1976

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan held a meeting with Milorad

Mijovic, the ambassador from the Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (SFRY).

E3/275, FBIS, Meets Other Leaders, 29 April 1976, at ENG 00167670, KHM
00700142-43, FRE 00685645.

3 May 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet
and Touch attended a CPK Standing Committee meeting
regarding foreign policy in which the participation of
Democratic Kampuchea in an international conference in
Algeria was discussed.

E3/219, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, 3 May 1976, at ENG

00182663-64, KHM 00000768-69, FRE 00323889-90.

7 May 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Vorn Vet
attended a CPK Standing Committee meeting where commerce
and banking contacts with China were discussed. Seua Vasi and
Touch were also present.

E3/220, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Standing

Committee Meeting, Commerce Matters," 7 May 1976, at ENG 00182706-07,
KHM 00000827-28, FRE 00323891.

14 May 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen,
Vorn Vet and zone leaders attended a CPK Standing Committee
meeting regarding border clashes with Vietnam. Nuon Chea
spoke several times at the meeting to say that politically the DK
is stronger than Vietnam and that Vietnam still needs DK.

E3/221, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination of the

Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting," 14 May 1976, ENG 00182693705, KHM 00000810-26, FRE 00386175-91.

15 May 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Son Sen and Seua Vasi
attended a CPK Standing Committee meeting about national
defence issues, including a plan to establish a clandestine
ordnance factory and an airfield.

E3/222, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, 15 May 1976, at ENG

00182665-66, KHM 00000770-71, FRE 00323892-93.

17 May 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and zone
leaders attended a CPK Standing Committee meeting regarding
clashes between Cambodian and Vietnamese military forces.

(I) E3/223, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, 17 May 1976, at ENG
00182708-14, KHM 00000829-36, FRE 00323894-98;
(2) E3/3169, Stephen Heder, Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan, 1991, at ENG

30 May 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Son Sen and Vorn Vet
attended a CPK Standing Committee meeting discussing the
tasks of the army in defending the Centre and in agricultural

(I) E3/224, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Agricultural

Production Work of the Army," 30 May 1976, at ENG 00182667-70, KHM
00000772-76, FRE 00323899-902;
(2) E3/3169, Stephen Heder, Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan, 1991, at ENG

June 1976

Nuon Chea and Pol Pot gave lectures at the party school and
discussed the passage from democratic revolution to socialist

(I) E3/42, Suong Sikoeun OCll Statement, 6 May 2009, at ENG 00327217;
(2) ElII02.1, Transcript, 6 August 2012, Suong Sikoeun, 14.15.34 to 14.21.09.

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Approx. 1 June 1976 Nuon Chea, as a member of the Standing Committee, approved (I) E3/4023, Khieu Samphan Interview, at ENG 00792450, [transcript of video

or decided the arrest and of Division 170 Secretary Chan

Chakrei, according to Khieu Samphan. Chan Chakrei was later
executed at S-21.

(2) E3/4035, Khieu Samphan Interview, at ENG 00789052 [transcript of video
(3) E3/2791, S-21 Confession of Chan Chakrey, 2 June 1976 - 17 September 1976.

1 June 1976

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot and Hu Nim attended a CPK Standing

Committee Meeting setting guidelines regarding the Ministry of
Propaganda's future course of action, including the work of the
Ministry regarding film, photography, teleprinting, art
performances and radio transmission.

E3/225, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting

Regarding Propaganda Works," 1 June 1976, at ENG 00182715-24, KHM
00000837-51, FRE 00323903-13.

10 June 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Thirith and

Ministry of Social Affairs cadres attended a CPK Standing
Committee discussing the Ministry of Health and Social
distribution of medicines and prevention for diseases, Angkar's
guidelines, shortages of medicine and food and use of child

E3/226, CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting

on Health and Social Affairs," 10 June 1976, at ENG 00183363-73, KHM
00017147-60, FRE 00296158-67.

8 July 1976

Nuon Chea and Ieng Sary attended a reception at the Socialist

Republic of Vietnam embassy in relation to the first session of
the National Assembly of unified Vietnam. Nuon Chea made a
speech at the reception.

(I) E3/278, FBIS, Leaders Attend 8 July Reception at Socialist Republic oj"
Vietnam Embassy, 12 July 1976, at ENG 00167870;
(2) E3/268, Embassy of Democratic Kampuchea in Hanoi, Democratic
Kampuchea News Bulletin No 7. 76,31 July 1976, at ENG 00519784 and 86.

10 July 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Ieng Sary went to
the People's Republic of China Embassy in Phnom Penh to pay
homage to the memory of His Excellency Chu Te.

E3/278, FBIS, Leaders Pay Respects to People's Republic oj" China's Chu Te, 12
July 1976, at ENG 00167869-70, KHM 00663912, FRE 00687133.

18 July 1976

Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary and Son Sen received a telegram

describing the defection of soldiers to Thailand and the crimes
committed by Phoeun. A copy was sent to Office and

E3/874, DK Telegram 50 from Hang to "Beloved and Missed Brother," 18 July

1976, at ENG 00185060 and 00003706, FRE 00623913, KHM 00003704.

August 1976

Nuon Chea, as a member of the Standing Committee, approved

or decided the arrest and of Sector 24 Secretary Suos Neou,
according to Khieu Samphan. Suos Neou was later executed at

(I) E3/4023, Khieu Samphan Interview, at ENG 00792450, [transcript of video

(2) E3/4035, Khieu Samphan Interview, at ENG 00789052 [transcript of video
(3) E3/61, Kaing Guek Eav alias Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at
ENG 00195577-78;

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]



(4) E3/2494, S-21 Confession ofSuos Neou, 31 August 1976;
(5) E3/2990, S-21 Confession of Suos Neou, 26 September 1976.

8 August 1976

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan held a meeting with the

North Korea's Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Ho Tam.

E3/279, FBIS, Ho Tam, Leaders Meet, 9 August 1976, at ENG 00167686-87,

KHM 00663921, FRE 00700158.

1 September 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary attended a

reception hosted by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
ambassador on the occasion of the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam national day. Ieng Sary delivered a speech at the

(I) E3/491, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cambodian Review (September

1976),15 November 1976, at ENG 00525813, KHM 00704452, FRE 00489119;
(2) E31280, FBIS, (a) Socialist Republic oj' Vietnam Ambassador Speakv at
National Day Reception, 2 September 1976, at ENG 00168079-82; (b) 1eng Sary
Speakv at Socialist Republic oj' Vietnam National Day Reception, 2 September
1976, at ENG 00168079-82.

8 September 1976

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, Hu Nim and Son Sen

attended a banquet hosted by the North Korea ambassador in
honour of the 28th anniversary of the North Korea

E3/280, FBIS, (a) DPRK Envoy Hosts Banquet, (b) DPRK Ambassador's Speech
at National Day Banquet, 10 September 1976, at ENG 00168090-92, 94.

9 September 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, and Pol Pot sent a message of

condolence to Wu Teh and Hua Guo-feng upon the death of
Mao Tse-Tung.

E3/297, Phnom Penh Domestic Service, Message from Cambodian Leaders, II

September 1976, at ENG S 00003875-76.

10 September 1976

Nuon Chea was addressed a telegram from Sao Phim to Office

870 describing the situation at the boundary of Sector 23 and
the discovery of an audio-recording device allegedly belonging
to "American Imperialists." Also copied to Son Sen and

E3/1023, DK Telegram 23 from Sao Phim to Office 870, 10 September 1976, at

ENG 00305247, KHM 00021526, FRE 00643479.

18 September 1976

Khieu Samphan attended a meeting of 2,000 cadres during a

memorial service for Mao Tse Tung. Pol Pot addressed the
gathering as did the People's Republic of China ambassador.
Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Thirith and other senior
members of the government also attended at the People's
Republic of China embassy to pay respects to the late Mao Tse

E3/280, FBIS, People, Officials Honor Memory oj'Mao Tcve-Tung & OfJicials visit
Embassy, 20 September 1976, at ENG 00168098-04.

22 September 1976

Nuon Chea chaired a meeting of the Central Committee of the

Peoples' Representative Assembly where it was decided that
Nuon Chea would be Acting Prime Minister as of 27
September 1976.

(I) E3/192, BBC SWB, Pol Pot's Temporary Sick Leave /iYJm Premiership, 28
September 1976, at ENG S 00003883, FRE S 00632833, KHM S 00662004.
See also
(2) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History oj' a Nightmare, at ENG 00396570,
FRE 00639930;
See also

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]



(3) E31280, FBIS, Pol Pot Takes Temporwy Leave From Post, 27 September
1976, at ENG 00168118, KHM 00663965, FRE 00698432;
(4) E3/8, E3/8/Corr-l, E3/213, David Chandler, Ben Kiernan and Chantou Boua,
Pol Pot Plans the Future, at ENG 00104079.

24 September 1976

Nuon Chea, Son Sen and Office 870 were sent a copy of a
telegram received by Meas Mut from Comrade Dim regarding
the situation in Kampong Som, arrests of people who had fled
into the jungle and agricultural issues. No other leader was
copied to this telegram.

E3/1222, DK Telegram II from Dim to Meas Mut, 24 September 1976, at ENG

00143522, KHM 00227111, FRE 00654897.

27 September 1976

Nuon Chea was sent a copy of a telegram addressed to Meas

Mut from Comrade Dim regarding the arrest of a 16-year-old
boy who confessed to be an informer for bandits. The telegram
also reported gunfire between Koh Kong and Koh Muol Islands.
The telegram was copied only to Son Sen and the Office /

E3/1223, DK Telegram 12 from Dim to Meas Mut, 27 September 1976, at ENG

00897638, KHM 00021528, FRE 00623219.

27 September 1976

Khieu Samphan signed a press communique that was read on

the radio announcing the decision of the State Presidium to
allow Pol Pot to take temporary leave for health reasons and to
appoint Nuon Chea to temporarily replace Pol Pot and assume
the role of acting Prime Minister as of 27 September.

(I) E31280, FBIS, Pol Pot Takes Temporwy Leave From Post, 27 September
1976, at ENG 00168118, KHM 00663965, FRE 00698432;
(2) E3/29 & E3/2113, Craig Etcheson, The Rise and Demise of Democratic
Kampuchea, at ENG 00393362;
(3) E3/20, Elizabeth Becker, When the War was Over: Cambodia and the Khmer
Rouge Revolution, at ENG 00237973;
(4) E3/2376 & E3/2377, Nayan Chanda, Brother Enemy: The War after the War,
at ENG 00192268;
(5) E3/17, David Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography of Pol
Pot, at ENG 00393036;
(6) E3/1684 & E3/1685 & E3/1693, David Chandler, Voices /iYJm S-21, at ENG
(7) E3/8, David Chandler, Ben Kiernan and Chanthou Boua, Pol Pot Plans the
Future: Confidential Documents .trom Democratic Kampuchea, 1988, at ENG

6 October 1976

Nuon Chea was sent a copy of a telegram addressed to Meas

Mut from Comrade Dim regarding the military/security
situation in Koh Kong and Koh Russei islands, military logistics
and farming matters. The telegram was only copied to Son Sen
and to the Office / Documentation.

E3/1224, Telegram 15 from Dim to Meas Mut, 6 October 1976, at KHM

00000866, ENG 00233661, FRE 00800812.

6 October 1976

Nuon Chea was sent a copy of a telegram addressed to Meas

Mut from Comrade Dim regarding the installation of radar and a

E3/1225, Telegram 16 from Dim to Meas Mut, 6 October 1976, at KHM

00000865, ENG 00233657, FRE 00810099.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




search for 25 bandits and traitors. The telegram was only copied
to Son Sen, Office and Documentation.
8 October 1976

Nuon Chea was sent a copy of a telegram addressed to Meas

Mut from Comrade Dim regarding military/security situation
and logistics. The telegram was only copied to Son Sen and the

E3/1226, Telegram 17 from Dim to Meas Mut, 8 October 1976, at KHM

00000867, ENG 00233659, FRE 00800811.

12 October 1976

Nuon Chea was the sole addressee of a telegram received from

Laing, Secretary of Sector 105, explaining that a commerce
group had been assigned for Phnom Penh, and that a broken
communication radio had been fixed. This telegram was also
copied to Office and Archives.

(I) E3/1192, DK Telegram 02 from Laing to Nuon Chea, 12 October 1976, at

ENG 00508560, KHM 00021529, FRE 00499961;
(2) ElIlS1.1, Transcript, II December 2012, Kham Phan, 15.58.34 to 16.02.27,
16.04.44 to right under 16.06.15.

12 October 1976

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Laing, Secretary of

Sector 105, to Seua Vasi informing of Laing's name change to
Comrade Chhan. Also copied to Office and Documentation.

(I) E3/1191, DK Telegram 00 from Laing to Comrade Doeun, 12 October 1976, at

ENG 00539058, KHM 00021530, FRE 00531062;
(2) ElIlS3.1, Transcript, 13 December 2012, Kham Phan, 15.50.13 to 16.06.19
[discussion about the authenticity of seven telegrams sent by Laing / Chhan].

12 October 1976

Nuon Chea was addressed / copied to a telegram from Laing,

Secretary of Sector 105, asking about the opening of a Party
school. Also copied to Office and Documentation.

(I) E3/1189, DK Telegram 03 from Laing to Two Brothers, 12 October 1976, at

ENG 00590301, KHM 00021531, FRE 00532776;
(2) ElIlS3.1, Transcript, 13 December 2012, Kham Phan, 15.50.13 to 16.06.19
[discussion about the authenticity of seven telegrams sent by Laing / Chhan].

15 October 1976

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Chhan (Laing,

Secretary of Sector 105) requesting different kinds of seed for
cultivation due to the shortage, and tractor lubricant. Also
copied to Office and Documentation.

(I) E3/1193, DK Telegram 03 from Chhan to Comrade Doeun, 15 October 1975,

at ENG 00590302, KHM 00021532, FRE 00531061;
(2) ElIlS3.1, Transcript, 13 December 2012, Kham Phan, 15.50.13 to 16.06.19
[discussion about the authenticity of seven telegrams sent by Laing / Chhan].

17 October 1976

Nuon Chea, as Acting Prime Minister, held a meeting with the

Albanian ambassador leaving his post for a short period.

(I) E3/281, FBIS, Nuon Chea Receives Albanian Ambassador 17 October, 19

October 1976, at ENG 00168071;
(2) E3/269, DK Embassy in People's Republic of Albania, Nouvelles du
Kampuchea Democratique, 25 October 1976, at ENG 00525825, KHM 00597037,
FRE 00389125;
(3) E3/270, Voice of Democratic Kampuchea, President Nuon Chea receives the
Ambassador oj"Albania, I November 1976, at ENG 00609114, KHM 00541689,
FRE 00389143.

19 October 1976

Nuon Chea was forwarded by Son Sen a letter from Meas Mut,
Division 164. The letter bore a note from Son Sen, dated 20
October 1976, requesting authority from Nuon Chea to search
for two persons involved in a disappearance.

(I) E3/113S, DK Report (handwritten) from Mut to Brother 89, 19-20 October
1976, at ENG 00234455 and 00505040, KHM 00160064, FRE 00520425;
(2) E3/4S3, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 5 September 2007, at
ENG 00147584.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




19 October 1976

Nuon Chea was addressed a telegram reporting from Sector

lOS's Secretary (Laing alias Chhan) acknowledging receipt of
instructions regarding the Four Year Plan and describing rice
production in the sector. Telegram was also copied to Office
and Documentation.

(I) E3/1194, E3/1663, DK Telegram 10 from Chhan to Nuon Chea, 19 October

1976, at ENG 00548893;
(2) ElI153.1, Transcript, 13 December 2012, Kbam Phan, 15.50.13 to 16.06.19
[discussion about the authenticity of seven telegrams sent by Laing I Chhan].

20 October 1976

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Sector 105 secretary

(Laing) acknowledging the receipt of a telegram regarding
training sessions and informing about the rain and measures
taken to protect embankments. Telegram was also copied to
Office and Documentation.

E3/1102, DK Telegram 11 from Chhan to Comrade "Dar" (incomplete name "D"),

25 October 1976

Nuon Chea's period as Acting Prime Minister since 27

September 1976 was de facto interrupted on 25 October 1976
with the signature by Pol Pot (as Prime Minister) of a
congratulatory message to CCP chairman Hua Kuo-Feng. Nuon
Chea signed as Chairman of the Peoples' Representative
Assembly Standing Committee. Khieu Samphan also signed
the message. However, there was no official notification that the
interim ofNuon Chea as Prime Minister had ended. Nuon Chea
resumed his functions as Acting Prime Minister at least from 16
January 1977.

(I) E3/281, FBlS, Leaders' Message Congratulates Hua Kuo-Feng, 26 October

1976, at ENG 00168073-74, KHM 00663972-74, FRE 00741618;
(2) E3/29 & E3/2113, Craig Etcheson, The Rise and Demise oj" Democratic
Kampuchea, at ENG 00393362;
(3) E3/1757, Michael Vickery, Cambodia 1975 -1982, at ENG 00397073.

2 November 1976 - 6
November 1976

Nuon Chea was addressed a first telegram requesting water

pumps and water pipes for Sector 105 Secretary (Laing alias
Chhan). Nuon Chea was copied a second telegram addressed to
Seua Vasi regarding dump trucks. This second telegram was
copied to Office and Documentation.

E3/1118, DK Telegram 03 from Chhan to Nuon Chea and DK Telegram 4 from

Chhan to Comrade Doeun, 2 November 1976 and 6 November 1976, at ENG

7 November 1976

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram requesting the approval

for a youth comrade from Sector 105 to travel to Phnom Penh to
study radio communication coding and requesting a mission
letter for travel from Sector 105 to Phnom Penh. The telegram
was also copied to Office and Documentation.

E3/1103, DK Telegram 02 from Chhan to Comrade Doeun, 7 November 1976, at

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram reporting the rice crop

situation in the sector, plans for harvesting and transporting, and

E3/1104, DK Telegram 05.83 from Chhan to Brother, 13 November 1976, at ENG

13 November 1976

Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' Final Trial Brie/in Case 002101

20 October 1976, at ENG 00532708.

ENG 00509692.


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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




the water supply. The telegram was also copied to Office and
15 November 1976

Nuon Chea & Ieng Sary, as members of the Standing

Committee, was described by Hoeung Song Huor, S-21
interrogator, in a note to the S-21 detainee Non Suon, former
Minister of Agriculture, to have collectively decided on Non
Suon and detention.

E3/1870, S-21 Confession of Chey Suon alias Non Suon alias Saen, 1 November
1976, at ENG 00096849, KHM 00006320-21, FRE 00757022.

25 November 1976

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram reporting political

education and technical training, and requesting permission for
individuals to attend training on confidential documents and
radio documentation. Also requested permissions for Laing's
mother to visit relatives in Phnom Penh. Also copied to Office
and Documentation.

(1) E3/119S, DK Telegram 22 from Laing to Comrade Pang, 25 November 1976,

at ENG 00519519;
(2) ElIlS2.1, Transcript, 12 December 2012, Kham Phan, 09.30.27 to 09.36.38;
(3) ElIlS3.1, Transcript, 13 December 2012, Kham Phan, 15.50.13 to 16.06.19
[discussion about the authenticity of seven telegrams sent by Laing / Chhan].

26 November 1976

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Chhan reporting

stones being thrown at people's houses and stating that military
measures' have been adopted with regards to Group 7
(Vietnamese) in Sector 105. Also copied to Office and

(1) E3/1196, DK Telegram 33 from Chhan to Office 870, 26 November 1976, at

ENG 00506647;
(2) ElIlS3.1, Transcript, 13 December 2012, Kham Phan, 15.50.13 to 16.06.19
[discussion about the authenticity of seven telegrams sent by Laing Chhan].

29 November 1976

Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary, along with other CPK cadres
attended a reception hosted by the Albanian ambassador on the
32nd anniversary of the liberation of Albania. Ieng Sary
delivered a speech. Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Pol Pot
had sent greetings to Albanian leader Enver Hoxha the day

(1) E3/283, FBIS, Albanian Envoy Holds Reception in Phnom Penh 29 Nov, 1
December 1976, at ENG 00167715-8.
(2) E3/282, FBIS, Government Leaders Greet Albanian Anniversary, 29
November 1976, at ENG 00168045-46, KHM 00699178-80, FRE 00700187-89.

10 December 1976 24 December 1976

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Hu Nim

and Yun Yat held meetings with a visiting delegation from the
new China News Agency from the People's Republic of China
led by Mu Ching.

(1) E3/1S03, FBIS, Delegation's 24 Dec Departure, 27 December 76, at ENG

00167751, KHM 00658212, FRE 00725789;
(2) E3/48S, International Communication 100/AS from Arnaud to de Guiringaud,
French Minister of Foreign Affairs, entitled "Information and personal accounts on
Cambodia," 24 January 1977, at ENG 00519825 & 28, KHM 00524035-36 & 39,
FRE 00391069 & 74.

24 December 1976 4 January 1977

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Vom Vet,
Sao Phim, Ieng Thirith and other leaders met with a People's
Republic of China economic delegation led by Fang Yi during

(1) E3/48S, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Information and personal accounts
on Cambodia, 24 January 1977, at FRE 00391069, 74, KHM 00524035-36 & 39,
ENG 00519825 & 28;
(2) E3/147, FBIS, (a) People's Republic oj"China Minister Speaks at Phnom Penh

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




their visit ofDK.

Banquet 2 Jan, (b) Material on Activities ofFang I Delegatio," 5-6 January 1977,
at ENG 00168447,56-57, FRE 00698441, KHM 00679787;
(3) E3/2376 & E3/2377, Nayan Chanda, Brother Enemy: The War after the War,
at ENG 00192268.

Early 1977

Nuon Chea and Pol Pot held a meeting with Ke Pauk and
showed him documents accusing cadres of being CIA agents.
They asked Ke Pauk to cooperate in a massive purge of Central
Zone Committees and organisations. When Kae Pok was asked
about cadres he knew and trusted being implicated as traitors
and spies, he responded, "I just put them forward for the higher
level [upper brothers]." Subsequently, many sector cadres of the
Central Zone were arrested and entered S-21 such as Chan Mon
alias Tol, Secretary of Sector 42; Korm Chan, Sector 43
Secretary; Chan Phat, Security Director for the Central Zone or
Hem Soth, Central Zone Chief of Industry.

(1) E3/2782, Ke Pank Interview, 1986, at ENG 00089713, KHM 00095551-52,

FRE 00596210-11;
(2) E3/394, Kaing Guek Eav alias Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, at
ENG 00398230;
(3) E3/3654, S-21 Confession of Koam Chan, 21 October 1977;
(4) E3/4333, S-21 Confession of Koam Chan, 3 December 1977;
(5) E3/4322, S-21 Confession of Koam Chan, 21 October 1977;
(6) E3/2795, E3/2796, S-21 Confession of Chan Phat, 25 November 1977;
(7) E3/3395, S-21 Confession of Hem Soth, 18 October 1977;
(8)E3/842, S-21 Confession of Hem Soth, 18 October 1977 - 25 November 1977;
(9) E3/2462, S-21 Confession of Chan Mon, 25 April 1977;
See also:
(10) E3/2956, S-21 Prisoner List entitled List ofPersons/i-om the North Zonefrom
1 February 1977 to 27 March 1977;
(11) E3/2957, S-21 Prisoner List entitled Central Zone.

16 January 1977

Nuon Chea described as Acting Prime Minister, Khieu

Samphan, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and other DK leaders took part
in a mass rally celebrating the 9th anniversary of the founding
of the Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea on 17 January 1968.
Nuon Chea delivered a speech at the ceremony detailing how
the CPK had prepared for armed struggle from before 1968, as
early as 1960: "after 1960 our Revolutionary Organization
clearly decided that political action and armed violence must be
used to overthrow and crush the enemy ... and after 1961, we
decided to organize secret defence units," and stated to have
"liberated our country from slavery on 17 April 1975 ... and our
people -workers and peasants- enjoy liberty."

(1) E3/147, FBIS, (a) Leaders attend Meeting Celebrating Army Anniversary, 17
January 1977, at ENG 00168464, KHM 00679791, FRE 00698443; (b) Nuon Chea
Speaks on Cambodian Army Anniversary, 19 January 1977, at ENG 00168465-70,
KHM 00679792-802, FRE 00698444-50;
(2) E3/544, Far Eastern Economic Review, 9th Anniversary ol Founding ol
Revolutionary Army, 28 January 1977, at ENG S 00005866, KHM S 00807441,
FRE S 00802372;
(3) E3/1373, BBC SWB, Leaders at Army Anniversary Meeting, 17 January 1977,
at ENG 00419487, KHM 00742365;
(4) E3/29 & E3/2113, Craig Etcheson, The Rise and Demise ol Democratic
Kampuchea, at ENG 00393252;
(5) E3/209, BBC SWB, Nuon Chea's Speech to Army Anniversmy Meeting, 17
January 1977, at ENG 00419490;
(6) E3/3306, Democratic Kampuchea: A Workers' and Peasants' State in SouthEast Asia, May 1977, at ENG 00419329.

16 January 1977 - 25 Nuon Chea was reported in DK broadcasts (regarding events he (1) E3/147, FBIS, (a) Leaders attend Meeting Celebrating Army Anniversmy, 17
January 1977, at ENG 00168464, KHM 00679791, FRE 00698443; (b) Nuon Chea
September 1977
attended or messages sent abroad) to be Acting Prime Minister

for this nine-month period, starting at the time of the

Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea anniversary celebrations
and ending with the speech of Pol Pot on 25 September 1977.
The only exception is one congratulatory message sent jointly
by Khieu Samphan, Nuon Chea (as Chairman of the Peoples'

Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' Final Trial Brie/in Case 002101

Speaks on Cambodian Army Anniversary, 19 January 1977, at ENG 00168465-70,

KHM 00679792-802, FRE 00698444-50;
(2) E3/544, Peking Review, 9th Anniversary olFounding ol Revolutionmy Army,
28 January 1977, at ENG S 00005866, KHM S 00807441, FRE S 00802372;
(3) E3/1373, BBC SWB, Leaders at Army Anniversary Meeting, 17 January 1977,
at ENG 00419487, KHM 00742365;
(4) E3/285, FBIS, (a) Nuon Chea Congratulates India's Desai, 29 March 1977, at
ENG 00168541; (b) Nuon Chea Greets Pakistan's Bhutto on Reelection, 30 March

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




Representative Assembly's Standing Committee) and Pol Pot

(as Prime Minister) on 26 April 1977 to DPRK counterparts (as
reported by Pyongyang radio).

1977, at ENG 00168543;

(5) E3/286, FBlS, (a) Nuon Chea Greets New Pakistan Assembly Chairman, I
April 1977, at ENG 00168185; (b) Acting Premier Greets Burmese Counterpart on
Election, 4 April 1977, at ENG 00168192;
(6) E3/263, BBC SWB, Cambodian Acting Premier's Message to Burmese
Premier, 4 April 1977, at ENG S 00004143;
(7) E3/287, FBlS, Leaders Greet Vietnamese on Victory Anniversary, 4 May 1977,
at ENG 00168121-22, KHM 00679826-28, FRE 00698451-52;
(8) E3/143, FBlS, (a) Nuon Chea Greets Malaysian Leader on National Day, I
September 1977, at ENG 00168724; (b) Cambodian Leaders Greet Socialist
Republic of Vietnam Leaders on National Day, 2 September 1977, at ENG
00168727-28; (c) Burmese Foreign Minister Concludes Visit 3 Sept: Nuon Chea Hla Phone Meeting, 6 September 1977, at ENG 00168729; (d) Khieu SamphanNuon Chea Message, 12 September 1977, at ENG 00168738-39, KHM 00658446,
FRE 00687146.
(9) E3/1403, BBC SWB, End of Burmese Government Delegation's Visit to
Cambodia, 3 September 1977, at ENG S 00007907, FRE S 00743144, KHM S
(10) E3/486, International Commnnication from the French Ambassador in
Thailand to Ministry of Foreign Affairs re "Invitation of Mr Pol Pot to Peking," 29
September 1977, at ENG 00658708-09, KHM 00634830-32, FRE 00391082-83.
(II) E3/2678, FBlS, Cambodian CP Officially Unveiled on Founding Anniversary,
6 October 1977, at ENG 00389468, KHM 00715807, FRE 00772320.
Exception isfound under:
(12) E3/287, FBIS, Leaders Thank DPRK Counterparts fbr Congratulatory
Message, 4 May 1977, at ENG 00168125.

15 March 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot and Sao Phim were addressed a letter by S21 detainee Touch Heng (member of the logistics office of
General taff M-63) upon his arrest, asserting his innocence after
being implicated as an enemy. Nuon Chea, Pol Pot and Sao
Phim were considered by Kol in his letter as the "perceptive and
fair Angkar of the Party."

(I) E3/1154, DK Letter from Kol addressed "To Respected and Beloved Brother
Pol, Nuon and Phim," 15 March 1977, at ENG 00810051-52;
Forfurther inj(Jrmation regarding Kol's arrest and detention in S-21, including
annotations by interrogators:
(2) E3/3658, S-21 Confession of Touch Heng, 6 July 1977;
(3) E3/2995, S-21 Confession of Touch Heng, 6 July 1977.

30 March 1977

Nuon Chea reviewed and annotated the confession of Phok

Chhay, an Office 870 Cadre sent to S-21, according to Kaing
Guek Eav alias Duch. The annotations read "It has already been
read" and "It has already been reported to Angkar."

(I) E3/356, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 20 November 2008, at
ENG 00242897;
(2) E3/3702, S-21 Confession of Phok Chhay, 20 March 1977, at ENG 00224635,

10 April 1977

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet
and Son Sen, described as the 'Angkar of the CPK', were
addressed a letter by Hu Nim from S-21 on the day of his arrest,
stating that he had not betrayed the Party and requesting not be

E3/1550, Letter of Hu Nim to Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son Sen
and Khieu Samphan in S-21 Confession of Hu Nim, 10 April 1977, at ENG
00249844-45 & 00819912, KHM 00008923, 00003117 & 00006662, FRE
00766902 & 00766888.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




put in chains and to be given CPK publications.

15 April 1976 17 April 1976

According to Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, Nuon Chea and Pol
Pot presided over a 17 April rally.

ElI57.1, Transcript, 2 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 09.35.14 to

29 April 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet and Son Sen were
copied to a telegram from the DK ambassador in Hanoi
describing a meeting between CPK and Vietnamese officials
regarding disagreements on border issues; Cambodian
incursions and arrests of Vietnamese civilians; CPK officials
making certain apologies; and Vietnamese officials proposing
immediate negotiations. Office and Documentation were also

E3/1025, DK Telegram 34 "From Chhean to Brother," 29 April 1977, at ENG


1 May 1977

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Baun Nan, Secretary

of Sector 505, to Office 870 describing issues concerning the
reception of guests at Sector 505, including lack of food. The
telegram was also copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son
Sen, Office and Documentation.

E3/257, DK Telegram 89 "From Yi [Sector 505] to Office 870," 1 May 1977, at

ENG 00548799, KHM 00021516, FRE 00529530.

7 May 1977

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram sent by Northwest Zone

Secretary Ros Nhim to the Chinese Embassy discussing a
request for agricultural products. A copy was sent to Pol Pot,
Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Vorn Vet and Office and Documentations

E3/1200, DK Telegram 98 "From Agriculture Group of Brother Nhim to the

Chinese Embassy," 7 May 1977, at ENG 00590306.

8 May 1977

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram describing the situation in

Laos about the students' query. The telegram was also copied to
Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son Sen, Office and

E3/1201, DK Telegram 36 'To Brother," 8 May 1977, at ENG 00711454.

23 May 1977

Nuon Chea personally received the S-21 confession of Kung

Kien, Secretary of Battalion 631, Regiment 63, Division 164,
arrested on 5 April 1977, as requested by Son Sen in an
annotation: "to the attention of Brother Nuon personally, secret.
(1) This document is very clear; (2) The majority of the persons
implicated are in the unit of comrade Mut, another part is in 33
and 35." Nuon Chea responded with a note: "already noted for

(1) E3/1565, S-21 Confession of Kung Kien, 16 May 1977, at ENG 00822048 &
00182773, KHM 00017305, FRE 00825431;
(2) E3/83, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 20 October 2009, at ENG
(3) E3/2333R, Video entitled "Cambodia Report" by Phil Rees (BBC),
VOOI72527-VOOI72527, 00:31:12 to 00:31:48.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




the attention of Comrade Mok." These annotations have been

authenticated by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch.
When confronted with the annotated confession by a journalist
in a video interview, Nuon Chea denied having seen the
confession and dismissed the document as forged.
14 June 1977

Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Pol Pot, Vorn Vet, Son Sen, Office and
Documentation were copied to a telegram from Chhean
informing them of a complaint from the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam regarding the attack carried out on 14 June 1977 by
Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea infantry units who crossed
the Socialist Republic of Vietnam border along a more than 10
km line from Xa Xia to Dam Chit, and launched simultaneous
attacks against the posts of Socialist Republic of Vietnam forces
in Kien Giang Province. At the same time they repeatedly
shelled Ha Tien township. The telegram mentioned that the
Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea had "slaughter[ ed] and
torch[ ed] residences." Chhean further stated that the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam had offered to provide photographic
evidence of the allegations.

(I) E3/23, E3/265, E3/266, DK Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication, Black

Paper, September 1978, at ENG 00196236;
(2) E3/878, DK Telegram 46 from Chhean to 'Respected and Beloved Brother,' 15
June 1977, at ENG 00182770.

15 June 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Vorn Vet were
copied a telegram describing the capture of 209 Jarai (allegedly
Socialist Republic of Vietnam troops) near Road 19, Kratie. The
document contained a request for instructions from the highest
level on further measures to be taken with regards to the
apprehended Vietnamese. A copy was also sent to Office and
Documentation. According to Chhaom Se, all of them were
subsequently executed close to the Au Kanseng Security Centre.

(I) E3/240, DK Telegram 07 from Urn Neng to Brother, 15 June 1977, at ENG
00182771-72, KHM 00001266-67, FRE 00282550-51;
(2) El!177.1, Transcript, 8 April 2013, Kham Phan, 09.50.02 to 10.08.49.

25 June 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Vorn Vet were copied
a telegram from Office 401 describing the detention of fleeing
individuals and requested advice onb what should be done with
them. A copy was sent to Office and Documentation.

(I) E3/956, DK Telegram 14 "From M-401 to Angkar," 25 June 1977, at ERN

ENG 00776988, KHM 00001263, FRE 00623007-08;
(2) E3/73, Meas Voeun alias SVA Y Voeun OCIJ Statement, 4 March 20 I 0, at
ENG 00491661.

July 1977

Nuon Chea instructed the army and other cadres in the North
Zone on the Party's plans to "follow up by doing personal

E3/2121, Ea Meng-Try, The Chain oj Terror: The Khmer Rouge Southwest Zone
Security System, 20 October 1977, at ENG 00182182.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




histories and then sweep clean" the enemies who had infiltrated
the leadership ranks, especially in the cooperatives.
20 July 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Vom Vet were
copied to a telegram describing a complaint by Vietnam
regarding shelling and border incidents in An Giang Province
(Vietnam). A copy was also sent to Office and Documentation.

E3/880, DK Telegram 56 from Chhean to "Respected and Beloved Brother," 20

July 1977, at ENG 00182767-68.

21 July 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent Khek Bin's confession by

Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, as indicated by an annotation by
Nuon Chea on the confession reading "A copy has been
submitted to Comrade Pork."

(I) E3/1564, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 10 November 2009, at
ENG 00403885-86;
(2) E3/1706, S-21 Confession of Khek Bin, 21 July 1977, at ENG 00224632,
KHM 00174021, FRE 00785267.

Approx. August 1977 Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch E3/1828, S-21 Confession of Teut San, 10-11 August 1977, at ENG 00662328 &

a confession given by Teut San, as indicated by an annotation

on the confession.

00767942, KHM 00000881, FRE 00766068.

August 1977

Nuon Chea was informed by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch of

the arrest and torture ofChau Seng who entered S-21 under the
false name of Chen Suon at S-21. Nuon Chea told Kaing Guek
Eav alias Duch to keep his identity secret. Chau Seng was later

(I) ElI57.1, Transcript, 2 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 11.43.59;
(2) E3/60, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, at 00195605.

14 August 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Vom Vet were
copied to a telegram received two days later which reported that
1,000 Vietnamese civilians had been killed by DK forces in
Vietnam. A copy was sent to Office and Documentation.

E3/882, DK Telegram 62 from Chhean to Mo-81, 12 August 1977, at ENG


15 August 1977 - 7
January 1979

Nuon Chea, replacing Son Sen who was sent to the Vietnamese
front to oversee the DK forces, started to meet Kaing Guek Eav
alias Duch at two sites: Borei Keila and Puthika Soramarith.
Saut Toeung, Nuon Chea's messenger called Kaing Guek Eav
alias Duch, sometimes by telephone and indicated where the
meeting would take place, the "water's edge" meant Soramarith
while meeting "at the hill" designated Borei Keila. At those
regular meetings (once every three days or less) Kaing Guek
Eav alias Duch reported and received instructions from Nuon

(I) E3/65, E3/504, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 7 August 2007, at
ENG 00147520-22;
(2) E3/5763, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 19 February 2008, at
ENG 00164361;
(3) E3/452, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 23 August 2007, at ENG
(4) E3/5748, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 22 November 2007, at
ENG 00153570-71;
(5) E3/359, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement (Kaing Guek Eav alias
Duch's Written Comments and Answers to Written Questions), 20 November
2009, at ENG 00434343;
(6) ElI64.1, Transcript, 19 April 2012, Saut Toeung, 09.41.31 to 09.42.58;
(7) E3/61, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 2 June 2008, at ENG

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




Chea regarding S-21 detainees. Contrary to Son Sen, Nuon

Chea did not want to talk about confessions by telephone, only
in person, nor did he want confessions in audio format. Kaing
Guek Eav alias Duch delivered his written reports to Nuon
Chea through the latter's messengers, Saut Toeung or Chiv, or
handed these written reports directly to his personal messengers,
Noeun or Phan. Some time in 1978, Kaing Guek Eav alias
Duch stopped annotating the confessions, when he noticed that
Nuon Chea no longer attached any importance to them. Every
confession after 15 August 1977 was sent to and read by Nuon

(8) E3/1S67, Statement of Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch entitled "I am in Danger,"
13 May 1999, at ENG 00002623;
(9) ElIS7.1, Transcript, 2 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, above
(10) ElIS8.1, Transcript, 3 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 09.30.43 to
OCIJ Statement, 19 September 2007, at ENG 00161591;
Statement, I November 2007, at ENG 00401826;
(13) E3/2333R, Video entitled "Cambodia Report" by Phil Rees (BBC),
VOOI72527, 00:29:25 to 00:31:48, 00:33:42 to 00:34:25;
(14) E3/4202, Thet Sambath, Behind the Killing Fields, at ENG 00757521, KHM
00858310, FRE 00849416;
(15) E9317.3R, Video titled "Nuon Chea on Confessions," V00717048;
(16) E1I214.1, Transcript, 27 June 2013, 13.33.58 to 13.37.02 (presentation of
video clip E9317.3R).

29 August 1977

Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary Vom Vet and Son Sen were copied a
telegram from Ros Nhim to Pol Pot reporting that Thai planes
entered and bombarded DK territory. A copy was sent to Office
and Documentation.

E3/883, DK Telegram 48 from Nhim, Secretary of Northwest Zone, to Office 870,

27 August 1977, at KHM 00020858, ENG 00185185, FRE 00282396.

30 August 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Vom Vet were
copied to a telegram from Chhean describing attacks by East
Zone forces on Vietnam, with details of places attacked and
damage inflicted, which included destruction of property and 10
civilian deaths. A copy was also sent to Office and

E3/884, DK Telegram 68 from Chhean to Mo 81, 20 August 1977, at ENG


September 1977

Nuon Chea was present at a meeting at which the "black paper"

on Vietnamese policy towards DK was drafted. Pol Pot,
Thiounn Prasith San and Keat Chhon were also present. Pol Pot
spoke most; Nuon Chea was essentially an observer.

(I) E3/42, Suong Sikoeun OCIJ Statement, 6 May 2009, at ENG 00327217;
(2) E1I102.1, Transcript, 6 August 2012, Suong Sikoeun, 14.31.58 to 14.39.08.

1 September 1977

Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary attended a reception hosted by

the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ambassador celebrating the
32nd anniversary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Khieu
Samphan and Nuon Chea (as Acting Prime Minister) also sent
a message of congratulations at the occasion.

E3/143, FBIS (a) Socialist Republic oj" Vietnam Ambassador's Reception, (b)
Cambodian Leaders Greet Socialist Republic oj" Vietnam Leaders on National
Day,2 September 1977, at ENG 00168727-28.

1 September 1977 - 2 Nuon Chea, as Acting Prime Minister, and Khieu Samphan (I) E3/143, FBIS, (a) Burmese Delegation Meets Khieu Samphan, 2 September
September 1977
1977, at ENG 00168726-27, KHM 00658436-38; (b) Burmese Foreign Minister

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




held separate meetings with the visiting Burmese government

delegation led by Minister of Foreign Affairs U RIa Phone. Ieng
Sary was also present at those meetings. Khieu Samphan also
hosted a reception for the Burmese delegation that other DK
leaders attended on 1 September.

Concludes Visit 3 Sept: Nuon Chea - Hla Phone Meeting, 6 September 1977, at
ENG 00168729;
(2) E3/1590, BBC SWB, Burmese Government Delegation in Cambodia, 3
September 1977, at ENG S 00007893-94;
(3) E3/1403, BBC SWB, End ol Burmese Government Delegation's Visit to
Cambodia, 3 September 1977, at ENG S 00007907, FRE S 00743144, KHM S
(4) E3/17, David Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography ol Pol
Pot, at ENG 00393058.

5 September 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Vorn Vet, Son Sen and Ieng Sary were
copied a telegram from Kang Chap regarding the situation in the
North Zone and in particular conflict on the Thai border, the
situation of internal enemies including former officials,
policemen or soldiers of the previous regime, the re-education
of the peasantry, military forces subject to "continuous
screening" and agricultural and food matters. The telegram was
also copied to Office and Documentation.

E3/1144, E3/1145, DK Telegram 60 from North Zone Secretary Se to Committee

870, 5 September 1977, at ENG 00517923-25, KHM 00069447-49, FRE

10 September 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent Kun Dim's confession by

Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, as indicated by an annotation on
the confession.

E3/3697, S-21 Confession of Kun Dim, 21 July 1977, at ENG 00822359, KHM

14 September 1977

Nuon Chea, Vorn Vet, Son Sen and Ieng Sary were copied a
telegram from Baun Nan to Office 870 reporting the escape of 3
Cham people to Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Also copied to
Office and Documentation.

E3/1206, DK Telegram 29 from Yi [Sector 505] to Office 870, 14 September

1977, at ENG 00519520, KHM 00020850, FRE 00531057.

15 September 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet and Son Sen were
copied a telegram about a ship arriving at Kampong Som Port,
on 19 July 1977 with 2,037 tons of goods. It was to return to
Madagascar Port with 5,000 tons of rice from DK. Also copied
to Office and Documentation.

E3/2080, DK Telegram 52 from SA Rin to "Respected Brother Krin," 15

September 1977, at ENG 00531912, KHM 00001233, FRE 00531913.

24 September 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Vorn Vet, Son Sen and Ieng Sary were
copied a telegram from Sao Phim, East Zone secretary,
regarding the conflict with Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Also
copied to Office and Documentation.

E3/885, DK Telegram 39 from Chhon to Pol, 24 September 1977, at ENG

00233793, KHM 00020867, FRE 00296218.

25 September 1977

Nuon Chea's second interim period as Acting Prime Minister

(1) E3/486, Letter 819/AS from the French Ambassador in Thailand to the French

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




ended with the communique of the official visit of Pol Pot, DK

Prime Minister, to the People's Republic of China at the end of
September 1977.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs re "Invitation ofMr Pol Pot to Peking," 29 September

1977, at ENG 00658708-09, KHM 00634830-32, FRE 00391082-83;
(2) E3/2678, FBIS, Cambodian CP Officially Unveiled on Founding Anniversary,
6 October 1977, at ENG 00389468, KHM 00715807, FRE 00772320.

25 September 19775 October 1977

Nuon Chea was officially and internationally reported to be

Deputy Secretary of the Central Committee, Pol Pot Central
Committee Secretary, Ieng Sary member of CPK Standing
Committee in Radio Phnom Penh broadcast, along with Son
Sen and Vorn Vet.

(I) E3/2678, FBIS, Cambodian CP Officially Unveiled on Founding Anniversary,

6 October 1977, at ERN 00389468-71, KHM 00700289-92 & 00715810, FRE
00685585-87 & 00772322;
(2) E3/3739, New York Times, Cambodian Prime Min Pol Pot says Communist
rulers... ,5 October 1977, at ENG 00114325, KHM 00722368, FRE 00770890.

28 September 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent Nheum Sim's confession by

Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, as indicated by an annotation on
the confession. However, when Nuon Chea was confronted
about this annotated confession by a journalist he denied having
ever seen it.

(I) E3/1869, S-21 Confession of Nbeum Sim, 28 September 1977, at ENG

00837416-17, KHM 00017250-52, FRE 00769832-34;
(2) E3/1579, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, 21 October 2009, at
ENG 00398206-07;
(3) E3/2333R, Video entitled "Cambodia Report" by Phil Rees (BBC),
VOOI72527-VOOI72527, 00:30:25 to 00:31:12.

28 September 1977

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Thirith, Son Sen, Yun Yat
and Van Rith were at the airport to see off Pol Pot, Prime
Minister, Ieng Sary and Vorn Vet who left DK for an official
visit to the People's Republic of China.

(I) E3/1510, FBIS, Party Leadership Turnout at Pol Pot's Departure, 28

September 1977, at ENG 00168769, KHM 00811131, FRE 00811130;
(2) E3/3738, New York Times, Pol Pot, Who Now Appears to be Cambodia's
Highest Ranking Leader, Arrives in ... , 29 September 1977, at ENG 00122147,
KHM 00679736-37, FRE 00623119;
(3) E3/1246, BBC SWB, Cambodian Delegation's Visit to China, 28 September
1977, at ENG S 00007946, KHM S 00713116, FRE S 00741883.

29 September 1977

Nuon Chea held a meeting with the People's Republic of China

ambassador at the occasion of the celebration of the 17th
founding anniversary of the CPK

(I) E3/290, FBIS, People's Republic oj" China Charge Conveys CCP Greetings to
Nuon Chea, 3 October 1977, at ENG 00168611-12;
(2) E3/2726, NCNA, Cambodian Delegation's Visit to China, I October 1977, at
ENG 00390914.

30 September 1977

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Thirith attended a

banquet hosted by the People's Republic of China ambassador
for the 28th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of

E3/290, FBIS, People's Republic oj" China Charge in Phnom Penh Hosts National
Day Reception, 3 October 1977, at ENG 00168612, KHM 00701740-41, FRE

Approx. 18 October

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Chap Veuan, as indicated by an
annotation on the confession.

E3/1882, S-21 Confession of Chap Veuan, 18 October 1977, at ENG 00662308,

KHM 00005261, FRE 00766828.

Approx. 20 October

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Lun En, as indicated by an annotation on
the confession.

E3/3689, S-21 Confession of Lun En, 10 October 1977, at ENG 00221784, KHM
00174874, FRE 00324627.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




20 October 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son Sen, Office and
Documentation were copied a telegram from Ros Nhim to
Angkar 870 regarding military activities in "area 17" and "area
30" and seeking approval for certain operation. This telegram
refers to the following incidents on 16 October 1977: (1) three
"Sereika" soldiers were "shot... dead on spot"; and (2) one
soldier was captured and will be interrogated.

E3/1119, DK Telegram 84 from Nbim Secretary of Northwest Zone to Angkar

870,20 October 1977, at ENG 00434858, KHM 00020873, FRE 00583835.

22 October 1977

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Thirith and other CPK

cadres were present at Pochentong Airport for the return of Pol
Pot, Ieng Sary and Vorn Vet from their 3-week visit to People's
Republic of China and North Korea.

E3/1S12, FBlS, Pol Pot, Delegation return from People's Republic 0/ China,
DPRK Visit 22 Oct, 25 October 1977, at ENG 00168695, FRE 00729328, KHM

22 October 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Chea Sreng alias, as indicated by an
annotation on the confession.

E3/1831, S-21 Confession of Chea Sreng, 19 October 1977, at ENG 00831455,

KHM 00005463.

Approx. 25 October

Nuon Chea was personally sent the confession of Hem Soth by

Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, as indicated by an annotation on
the confession.

E3/1842, S-21 Confession of Hem Soth, 18 October 1977, at ENG 00662317,

25 October 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Di Leng, as indicated by an annotation on
the confession.

E3/1839, S-21 Confession of Di Leng, 23 October 1977, at ENG 00835986 &

00182820, KHM 00004351, FRE 00766985;

25 October 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Eum Chhea, as indicated by an annotation
on the confession.

E3/1841, S-21 Confession of Eum Chhea, 15 October 1977, at ENG 00662314 &
00769813, KHM 00017453, FRE 00766787.

25 October 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession made by Pheng Sun, as indicated by an annotation
on the confession.

E3/366S, S-21 Confession of Pheng Sun, 13 October 1977, at ENG 00224634,

KHM 00174111, FRE 00386361.

26 October 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son Sen, 'the
Office' and 'Documentation' were copied a telegram sent to
Office 870 by Sao Phim, regarding the military situation near
Route 22.

E3/888, DK Telegram 55 from Sao Phim alias Chhon to Office 870, 26 October
1977, at KHM 00020876, ENG 00183615, FRE 00386261.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




26 October 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Vorn Vet, 'The
Office' and 'Documentation' were copied a telegram from Sao
Phim to Office 870 regarding the military situation along the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam border. Described that villagers
and mobile brigades were evacuated from several sub-districts
after PAVN breakthrough and requested reinforcements.

E3/889, DK Telegram 56 from Sao Phim alias Chhon to Office 870, 26 October
1977, at KHM 00020877, ENG 00183616, FRE 00386262.

28 October 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Vorn Vet received
a telegram from Sao Phim regarding the situation on the
battlefield on Route 22 (conflict between DK and Socialist
Republic of Vietnam forces). A copy was sent to Office and

E3/891, DK Telegram 61 from Sao Phim alias Chhon to Office 870, 28 October
1977, at KHM 00020878, ENG 00183617, FRE 00386265.

29 October 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet and Son Sen were
copied a telegram describing the previous day's combat in
Sector 23, Takeo Province, including casualties and weapons
seized. Advice was requested regarding captured Vietnamese
forces that were currently "undergoing interrogation." The
telegram was also copied to the Office and Documentation.

E3/892, Telegram 60 from Chhon to Office 870, 29 October 1977, at ERN ENG
00185189-90, KHM 00020875, FRE 00386266.

5 November 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son Sen received a
telegram from Sector 505 Deputy Secretary Kuon to Baun Nan
via Office 870 describing the situation along the CambodiaVietnam border, including the deployment of Vietnamese
troops. Also copied to Office and Documentation.

E3/978, DK Telegram 46 from Kuon to Comrade Yi, 5 November 1977, at KHM

00020884, ENG 00324808, FRE 00623016-17.

5 November 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son Sen received a
copy of a telegram from Sector 42 Secretary Oeun to Brother
Pork (Ke Pauk) , Central Zone, requesting a decision about
sending workers of Kampong Cham factory to Phnom Penh and
Battambang factories and requesting cotton. Also copied to
Office and Documentation.

E3/256, DK Telegram 59 from Comrade Oeun to Brother Pork, at KHM

00020885, ENG 00434859, FRE 00643363.

6 November 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet and Son Sen were
copied a telegram describing the battle on National Road 1, 22
between DK and Socialist Republic of Vietnam forces. Also
copied to 'Office' and 'Documentation'.

E3/894, DK Telegram 69 to M 870, 6 November 1977, at ENG 00183619-20,

KHM 00020882-83, FRE 00386267-68.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




6 November 1977

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Brother San of

Office 560 to Ros Nhim reporting on the situation in Sector 5
regarding internal enemies, arrests and food shortages. The
telegram was also copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son
Sen, Office and Documentation.

E3/1120, DK Telegram 100 from San to Nhim, 6 November 1977, at ENG

00441628, KHM 00020887, FRE 00623753.

6 November 1977

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Sao Phim, Secretary

of the East Zone, describing victory over the enemy following
an attack in Trapeang Phlong; and a meeting of military cadres
from all zones, sectors and districts. The telegram was also
copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Son Sen, Office and

E3/976, DK Telegram 68 from Chhon to Pa, 6 November 1977, at ENG 00305256,

KHM 00020886, FRE 00578643.

6 November 1977 - 9 Nuon Chea was copied to the S-21 confession of Men Chun (I) E3/S790, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 3 December 2009, at
November 1977
l' H
fK' G kE
Z' D h ENG 00414339-40;

a laS oeng, eanng annotatIOns

at the attention ofNuon Chea.

9 November 1977



av a



Nuon Chea was copied twice to the S-21 confession of SIeng

Pauy alias Sean by Son Sen, as indicated by an annotation on
the confession.

(2) E3/1SS8, S-21 Confession of Men Chun, 6 November 1977, at ENG 00224130.

(I) E3/1894, S-21 Confession ofSieng Pauy, 25 October 1977, at ENG 00702082,
KHM 00005357, FRE 00747299;
(2) E3/1S79, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 21 October 2009, at
ENG 00398207.

9 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent Chum Penh's confession by

Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, as indicated by an annotation on
the confession.

E3/2129, S-21 Confession of Churn Penh, 23 October 1977, at ENG 00769567,

KHM 00017413, FRE 00343744;

9 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Pech Chay, as indicated by an annotation
on the confession.

E3/187S, S-21 Confession of Pech Chay, 23 October 1977, at ENG 00748373,

9 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Sao Tong Ly, as indicated by an
annotation on the confession.

E3/1889, S-21 Confession of Sao Tong Li, 18-22 October 1977, at ENG
00796688, KHM 00017492 & 00001378, FRE 00763394

November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Mao Choeun, as indicated by an
annotation on the confession.

(I) E3/1861, S-21 Confession of Mao Choeun, 28 October 1977, at ENG

00794694, KHM 00091773;
(2) E3/364S, S-21 Confession of Mao Choeun, September - October 1977, at ENG
00223137, KHM 00174784 & 00174799, FRE 00244261;
(3) E3/394, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 22 October 2009, at
ENG 00398231.

Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' Final Trial Brie/in Case 002101

KHM 00017468, FRE 00766072;

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




11 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Sak Man, as indicated by an annotation
on the confession.

E3/1886, S-21 Confession of Sak Man, 19 October 1977, at ENG 00662325, KHM
00017204, FRE 00766918.

11 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Hang Bau, as indicated by an annotation
on the confession.

E3/1843, S-21 Confession of Hang Bau, 3 November 1977, at ENG 00746208,

KHM 00005160, FRE 00761016.

11 November 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied a
telegram regarding the situation on the battlefield on Road 22
and the repelling of Vietnamese incursion into Kampuchea in
East Zone Svay Rieng Province. A copy was sent to Office and

E3/895, DK Telegram 76 from Chhon to Office 870, 12 November 1977, at ENG

00183611-12, KHM 00020861-62, FRE 00386269-70.

11 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Sieng Phon, as indicated by an annotation
on the confession.

(1) E3/1895, S-21 Confession of Sieng Phon, 28 October 1977, KHM 00004458,
FRE 00769580;
(2) E3/3648, S-21 Confession of Sieng Phon, 28 October 1977, at ENG 00221765,
KHM 00017220, FRE 00324622.

11 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by Tang An, as indicated by an annotation
on the confession.

E3/1826, S-21 Confession ofTang An, 31 October 1977, at ENG 00821424, KHM

11 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a cOlllesslOn gIven by Phon Phal, as indicated by an annotation
on the confession.

(1) E3/1879, S-21 Confession of Phom Phal, 6 November 1977, at ENG

00182725, KHM 00005192, FRE 00796697;
(2) E3/394, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCI] Statement, 22 October 2009, at
ENG 00398232.

11 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent Tiv Mei alias Santepheap's

confession by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, as indicated by an
annotation on the confession.

E3/1537, S-21 Confession of Tiv Mei, 18 September 1977, at ENG 00224639,

11 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent the confession of Chout Nhe.

Son Sen wrote "To Brother Nuon" on the document.

E3/1687, S-21 Confession of Chout Nhe, 19 October 1977, at ENG 00758196,

00758200 & 00185061, KHM 00005403 & 00005406, FRE 00343411 &

12 November 1977

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
a confession given by An Kan, as indicated by an annotation on
the confession.

E3/1764, S-21 Confession of An Kan, 8 October 1977, at ENG 00662306, KHM

Nuon Chea was personally sent by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch

E3/1862, S-21 Confession of May Sareuan, 13 October 1977, at ENG 00662322.

14 November 1977

Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' Final Trial Brie/in Case 002101

00017220, FRE 00795360.



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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




a confession given by May Sareuan, as indicated by an

annotation on the confession.
18 November 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied a
telegram describing the combat situation of DK forces in Sector
23 along the Vietnamese border (Kampong Cham Province). A
copy was sent to Office and Documentation.

E3/896, DK Telegram 82 from Chhon to Pol Pot, 18 November 1977, at ENG

00182782, KHM 00001328, FRE 0038627l.

19 November 1977

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Sao Phim to Pol Pot
describing the fighting between DK and Socialist Republic of
Vietnam forces in the East Zone, number of Casualties on Road
l3 battlefield. Copied to Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Son Sen, Office
and Documentation.

E3/979, E3/980, DK Telegram 85 from Chhon to Pol, 19 November 1977, at ENG

00335208, KHM 00020866, FRE 00623006.

26 November 1977 29 November 1977

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Son Sen
and Ieng Thirith welcomed Burmese President U Ne Win at the
airport on 26 November for the first visit of a Chief of State to
DK. Nuon Chea attended a banquet hosted by Khieu Samphan
on 26 November 1977 during which Khieu Samphan and UNe
Win made speeches. On 27 Nov 1977 Nuon Chea, Khieu
Samphan, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Vom Vet, Son Sen, Sou Met
and others held meetings with the Burmese President. On the
same day, Khieu Samphan, Son Sen and Kang Chap welcomed
the Burmese delegation as well as Ieng Sary and Sou Met at
Siem Reap airport before their visit to Angkor temples. On 28
November 1977 Khieu Samphan, Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary and
others attended a farewell banquet hosted by the Burmese
President Ne Win during which Khieu Samphan delivered a
final speech. Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Son Sen
and Ieng Thirith sent off the Burmese delegation at the airport
on 29 November 1977.

(1) E3/291, FBIS, (a) 29 Nov Departure, 30 November 1977, at ENG 0016860506, KHM 00657485-87, FRE 00742905-06 (b) Burma '.I' Ne Win Begins State Visit
26 Nov, 28 November 1977, at ENG 00168590-96, 99, (c) Radio Continues
Coverage o/Ne Win Visit, 29 November 1977, at ENG 00168600-02, (d) Radio
Reports Ne Win Trip to Siem Reap - Angkor area, 30 November 1977, at ENG
00168603-05 ;
(2) E3/1372, BBC SWB, Summary 0/ World Broadcasts Between 25 November
and 8 December, 1977, at ENG 00419564, KHM 00652310, FRE 00687162-63;
(3) E3/298, BBC SWB, Ne Win '.I' Visit to Cambodia, 28 November 1977, at ERN
S 00008306-08;
(4) E3/299, BBC SWB, Ne Win '.I' Visit to Cambodia, 30 November 1977, at ENG
S 00008317-18, KHM S 00704487-90, FRE S 00742514-16;
(5) E3/17, David Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography 0/ Pol
Pot, at ENG 00393058.

3 December 197714 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Son Sen and others, on 3
December, attended talks as well as a banquet hosted by Vom
Vet and Pol Pot in honour of the visiting People's Republic of
China delegation led by Chen Yung-Kuei, member of the
Politburo of the CCP Central Committee, who arrived the same

(1) E3/1339, FBIS, (a) People '.I' Republic o/China Delegation Led by Chen Yungkuei Arrives 3 Dec, (b) Meets Pol Pot, (c) Vorn Vet Hosts Banquet, 5 December
1977, at ENG 00168314-16;
(2) E3/66, International Telegram 2803/2811 from ARNAUD, French Embassy in
Peking, to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled "Chen Yung-Kuei's
Visit to Kampuchea," 5 December 1977, at FRE 00390978-80, KHM 0075976264, ENG 00648634-36;

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




day at the airport. Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Pol Pot, Vom Vet,
Ieng Thirith and others attended a farewell banquet hosted by
the People's Republic of China delegation at the Chinese
embassy on 14 December at the conclusion of its extensive
visits to various provinces accompanied by Pol Pot and Ieng

(3) E3/1405, Phnom Penh Domestic Service, Chen Yung-Kuei's Visit to

Cambodia, 5 December 1977, at ENG S 00008331;
(4) E3/2729, BBC SWB, Chen Yung Kuei Visit to Cambodia, 13 December 1977,
at ENG 00390989; FRE 00774473-74;
(5) E3/1339, FBIS, Chen Yung-Kuei, Delegation Continue Visit to Countryside, 12
December 1977, at ENG 00168343;
(6) E3/2730, BBC SWB, Far Eastern Relations, 17 December 1977, at ENG
00390993, KHM 00715798, FRE 00777728.

6 December 1977 - 7
December 1977

Nuon Chea and Ieng Sary held a meeting on 6 December with

the Malaysian government delegation led by Foreign Minister
Rithauddeen who arrived earlier at Pochentong Airport.
Rithauddeen offered Malaysia's help to carry out development
projects. Khieu Samphan hosted a meeting and banquet on 7
December attended by Ieng Sary in honour of the Malaysian
government delegation.

(I) E3/1339, FBIS, (a) Malaysian Foreign Minister Rithauddeen Continues Visit:
Meets Nuon Chea, 7 December 1977, at ENG 00168325; (c) Malaysian Foreign
Minister Rithauddeen Winds Up Visit: Khieu Samphan receives Rithauddeen, 8
December 1977, at ENG 00168334-35; (d) Malaysia Offers Development
Assistance to Cambodia, 9 December 1977, at ENG 00168337;
(2) E3/1372, BBC SWB, Summary oj' World Broadcasts between 25 November
and 8 December, 8 December 1977, at ENG 00419566;
(3) E3/17, David Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography oj' Pol
Pot, at ENG 00393058.

7 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet and Son Sen were
copied to a telegram regarding an attack from Vietnamese in
Kampuchea in East Zone Svay Rieng Province and requesting
Angkar to take measures. Also copied to 'Office' and
'Documentation' .

E3/897, DK Telegram 85 from Chhon to Office 870, 7 December 1977, at ENG

00183613-14, KHM 00020864, FRE 00296219.

8 December 1977

Nuon Chea and Ieng Sary held a meeting with the Lao
ambassador Khamphan Vilachit at the Phnom Penh Guesthouse.

E3/1339, FBIS, Nuon Chea Receives New Lao Ambassador 8 Dec, 9 December
1977, at ENG 00168338.

11 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Son Sen were copied
to a telegram from Kang Chap requesting approval for
amalgamating Siem Reap and Banteay Srey districts in Siem
Reap Province, with attached population figures and a
breakdown of 'new' and 'old' people. Also copied to Office and

E3/898, DK Telegram 236 from North Zone Secretary Kang Chap to 870
Committee, 11 December 1977, at ENG 00183626, KHM 00020903, FRE

13 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet and Son Sen received
a telegram describing the combat situation of DK forces in
Sector 23 along the Vietnamese border (Kampong Cham
Province) and inside DK territory, including the conquest of
Svay Rieng town by the enemy as well as the number of enemy
Casualties. A copy was sent to Office and Documentation.

E3/901, DK Telegram 96 from Chhon to M 870, 13 December 1977, at

ENGOOI83623-24, KHM 00020892-93, FRE 00324511-13.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




13 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Vom Vet were
copied to telegram 95 from Sao Phim, describing the fighting in
Sector 24 and namely the fact that they had killed 19
contemptible Vietnamese and injured others by following up
and smashing them "one after another after entering Svay Rieng
and two kilometers inside their territory." A copy was also sent
to "Office" and "Documentation." A second telegram 93 was
sent to Nuon Chea and Vom Vet, requesting equipment for the
visit of the People's Republic of China delegation in the East

E3/900, DK Telegram 95 from Chhon to M 870; Telegram 93 from Peam to M

870,13 December 1977, at ENG 00185191-92, KHM 00020891, FRE 0029029293.

13 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet and Son Sen were
copied to a telegram from Kang Chap relating to Thai forces
clashing with DK forces in the North Zone and the activities of
"contemptible traitors of In Tam networks." Telegram was also
sent to "Office" and "Documentation."

E3/902, DK Telegram 238 from North Zone Secretary Se to M 870, 13 December

1977, at ENG 00183625, KHM 00020894, FRE 00324514.

16 December 1977

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Yi (Baun Nan)

describing the situation at various battle fields along border with
Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The telegram was also copied to
Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Son Sen, Office and

E3/986, DK Telegram 15 from Yi [Sector 505] to Office 870, 16 December 1977,

at ENG 00305259.

17 December 1977 to
20 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and other leaders

greeted Lao President Souphanouvong and his delegation at
Pochentong Airport before holding a meeting on the same day
at the State guest Palace. After the meeting Nuon Chea, Khieu
Samphan and others hosted a grand banquet. Khieu Samphan
held two meetings at the State Palace with Prince
Souphanouvong on 18 December, who was acting as an
intermediary in the conflict between Vietnam and Cambodia,
which were followed by an art performance in Phnom Penh in
honor of the delegation. On 19 December, Khieu Samphan and
Ieng Sary accompanied the Lao delegation on a day trip to
Kampong Som where they visited the new buildings at the port
and took a cruise around the area before visiting the Toek Thla

(I) E3/1499, FBIS, Souphanouvong Arrival Reported, (b) Pol Pot Meets
Delegation, (c) Khieu Samphan Receives Souphanouvong, at ENG 00168360-64;
(2) E3/301, BBC SWB, President o{ Laos in Cambodia, 23 December 1977, at
ENG S 00008362-63;
(3) E3/1497, FBIS, Radio Reports More on Visit o{ LPDR '.I' Souphanouvong, 27
December 1977, at ENG 00168376;
(4) E3/1339, FBIS, (a) LPDR '.I' Souphanouvong Delegation Ends Visit, Departs 20
Dec, 21 December 1977, at ENG 00168373; (b) Radio Reports More on Visit o{
LPDR's Soupanouvong, 22 December 1978, at ENG 00168376; (c) Laos
Souphanouvong Arrives 17 December, 19 December 1978, at ERN 00168360-64,
(5) E31710, BBC SWB, President o{Laos in Cambodia, 21 December 1977, at
ENG S 00008358-59;
(6) E3/101, Suong Sikoeun OCIJ Statement, 17 March 2009, at ENG 00290444;
(7) E3/3277, Photograph by Nhem En, December 1977, ERN P 00416578;
(8) E3/3276, Photograph by Nhem En, December 1977, ERN 00416577;
(9) Series of photographs from Lao News Agency Photo Archives via Martin
Rathie, December 1977, bearing the references: E3/3270 (P 00416572), E3/3272

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




technical training school. In the evening, Nuon Chea, Khieu

Samphan, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet and others attended a banquet
hosted by the high level Lao delegation in honor of Khieu
Samphan, who delivered a speech. On 20 December, Nuon
Chea and Khieu Samphan accompanied the Lao President to
Siem Reap in a visit to Angkor temples before sending him off

(P 00416574), E3/3273 (P 00416575), E3/3275 (P 00416576),

00513338), E3/4233 (P 00513339), E3/4262 (P 00513343),
00513344), E3/4250 (P 00513345), E3/4261 (P 00513361),
00513362), E3/4263 (P 00513387), E3/4234 (P 00513391);
00513417), E3/1599 (P 00513420), E3/4258 (P 00513425),
00513437), E3/4284 (P 00513489), E3/4287 (P 00513494),
00513502), E3/4266 (P 00513504), E3/4253 (P 00513506);
00513511); E3/4267 (P 00513521), E3/4290 (P 00513522),
00513523), E3/4264 (P 00513524), E3/4252 (P 00513532),
00513534), E3/4305 (P 00513537), E3/4243 (P 00513564),
00513566), E3/4297 (P 00513587), E3/4298 (P 00513589),
00513590), E3/4296 (P 00513591), E3/1598 (P 00513592),
00513593), E3/4231 (P 00513595), E3/4304 (P 00513600),
00513604), E3/4299 (P 00513605), E3/4295 (P 00513609),
00513610), E3/4301 (P 00513611), E3/1597 (P 00513612),

21 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Son Sen were copied
to a telegram from the DK Ambassador to North Korea,
advising that Malcolm Caldwell had requested copies of the
Party Secretary's speeches. Also copied to Office and

E3/1121, DK Telegram from Yem (DK Embassy in Pyongyang) to Brother, 21

December 1977, at KHM 00033317, ENG 00434860, FRE 00611893.

21 December 1977

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Ros Nhim to Angkar

requesting, inter alia, that 'security' question Som (Ham), the
person responsible for Northwest Zone logistic, to enable them
to identify and arrest all of his connections. Also copied to Pol
Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Vom Vet, Office and the Archives.

E3/1208, DK Telegram 21 from Nbim Secretary of Northwest Zone to Angkar

870,21 December 1977, at ENG 00539059.

22 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet and Son Sen were
copied to a telegram of DK military regarding the Vietnamese
forces' move to cut off National Route 7 near Kandaol Chrum,
East Zone, Kampong Cham Province. A copy was sent to Office
and Documentation.

E3/904, DK Telegram 05 to Office 870, 22 December 1977, at ENG 00185193,

KHM 00020898, FRE 00335195.

22 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Vom Vet were copied
to a telegram describing fighting between Cambodia and
Vietnam in Sectors l3 & 14 and incursions of Vietnam in DK
territory. A copy was sent to Office and Documentation.

E3/987, DK Telegram 67 from Kuon to Vi, 22 December 1977, at ENG 00335211.

23 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied to two

(I) E3/906, DK Telegram 07 from Phuong to Office 870, 23 December 1977, at

ENG 00183637, KHM 00020922, FRE 00386277;

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




telegrams from Phuong describing the combat situation of DK

forces along the Vietnamese border in Kampong Cham
Province in the East Zone, including the capture of Krek Rubber
Plantation by Vietnamese forces and the obstacles to
communication within the East Zone, particularly between the
East Zone army and Sao Phim's headquarters. Copies were sent
to Office and Documentation.

(2) E3/905, DK Telegram 06 from Phuong to Office 870, 23 December 1977, at

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Vom Vet were
copied to a telegram describing the combat situation of DK
forces including Thai Air Force incursions over DK airspace
and exchanges of artillery. A copy was sent to Office and

E3/910, DK Telegram 25 from Nhim (Secretary of Northwest Zone) to Angkar

24 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied to two
telegrams from Phuong reporting how the DK forces were
outnumbered by Vietnamese forces and were losing control of
Sector 21, East Zone and the resulting disruption to industry. A
copy was sent to Office and Documentation.

(l) E3/909, DK Telegram 08 from Phuong to Office 870, 24 December 1977, at

ENG 00183636, KHM 00020920-21, FRE 00386280;
(2) E3/908, DK Telegram 09 from Phuong to Office 870, 24 December 1977, at
ENG 00183639.

24 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet and Son Sen were
copied to a telegram from Sao Phim, East Zone secretary,
describing the advance of the Vietnamese forces into DK
territory and requesting rice urgently for the troops as they do
not have any. Also copied to 'Office' and 'Archives."

E3/907, DK Telegram 03 from SAO Phim to Par, 24 December 1977, at ENG

Nuon Chea convened a special session of the Standing

Committee of the Peoples' Representative Assembly where
Vietnamese aggression was discussed and to adopt a statement
condemning Vietnam's "expansionist and annexationist
intentions against Cambodia."

E3/1359, FBIS, Foreign Ministry Statement on Severing Ties with Socialist

Republic ol Vietnam: Khieu Samphan Statement, 3 January 1978, at ENG

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet and Son Sen were
copied to a telegram describing the combat situation of DK
forces along the Vietnamese border in Kampong Cham
Province in the East Zone, including the loss of Memut rubber
plantation. A copy was sent to Office and Documentation.

E3/912, DK Telegram 11 from Phuong to Office 870, 27 December 1977, at ENG

24 December 1977

25 December 1977

28 December 1977

Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' Final Trial Brie/in Case 002101

ENG 00183633, KHM 00020919, FRE 00386276.

870,24 December 1977, at ENG 00182781, KHM 00001319, FRE 00291044.

00183634-35, KHM 00020920, FRE 00392466.


00183640, KHM 00020924, FRE 00386281.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




30 December 197731 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen received telegrams
describing the combat situation of DK forces along the
Vietnamese border in Kampong Cham Province in the East
Zone. A copy was sent to Office and Documentation.

E3/914, DK Telegram 14 from Phuong to M 870, 30-31 December 1977, at ENG

00183641, KHM 00020926, FRE 0032953l.

31 December 1977

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Son Sen, were sent a
telegram by Meas Mut in which the latter committed to "sweep
cleanly away without hesitation the enemy's hidden agents,
both the Vietnamese and others" in his area and to fight the
"territory-swallowing" Vietnamese. Also copied to Office and

E3/915, DK Telegram 00 from Division 164 Secretary Meas Mut to Office 870, 31
December 1977, at ENG 00184995, KHM 00001325, FRE 00280680.


Nuon Chea, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch and Pol Pot greeted
participants personally at the Annual Education Meeting held at
the Preah Suramarith Buddhist High School, an office of Nuon
Chea, and chaired by Pol Pot in person. All of the military
personnel were at the front and Pol Pot personally came and
gave the annual political lessons to the chairpersons of small
units (S-21, State "stores," tailoring group) and large units
(Social Affairs, Health Ministry, etc). In the session, the 12
principles of revolutionary morals from 1970 were reiterated.

(1) E3/429, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, 11 November 2009, at
ENG 00403923;
(2) E3/5748, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, 22 November 2007, at
ENG 00153571 & 76.

1 January 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied to a
telegram describing the combat situation of DK forces along the
Vietnamese border in Kampong Cham Province in the East
Zone. A copy was sent to Office and Documentation.

E3/916, DK Telegram 15 from Phuong to Office 870, 1 January 1978, at KHM

00020927, ENG 00183642, FRE 00329532.

8 January 1978

Nuon Chea ordered Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to tape-record

a copy of the confessions of Vietnamese prisoners at S-21 to be
played on radio broadcasts.

El/58.1, Transcript, 3 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, above 09.59.14.

11 January 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet and Son Sen were
copied to a telegram from Urn Neng, Northeast Zone describing
the activities of 'burrowing enemies', the plans for rice
transportation and transfer of people. Also copied to Office and

E3/1122 & E3/1123, Telegram 69 from Urn Neng to "Respected Brother," 11

January 1978, ENG 00436992, at KHM 00020932 & 00001057, FRE 00511626.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




12 January 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied to a
telegram from Kang Chap regarding Vietnamese enemy forces
activities as well as enemies burrowing from within. Also
describes undertakings to "sweep the underground enemy" in
Preah Vihear Province and Oddar Meanchey Province. Also
copied to Office and Documentation.

E3/918, DK Telegram 254 from Kang Chap to Committee 870, 10 January 1978 at
KHM 00001060-62, ENG 00182757-58.

13 January 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet and Son Sen were
sent a telegram from Urn Neng detailing continued armed
conflict with Vietnam. Also copied to Office and

E3/919, DK Telegram 71 from Northeast Zone Secretary Vy to Brother, 13

January 1978, at KHM 00020933, ENG 00183643, FRE 00642504-05.

15 January 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Sao Phim to Pol Pot
informing the Centre of fighting in the East Zone, the casualties
and requesting instructions. Also copied to Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet,
Office and Documentation.

E3/920, DK Telegram 12 from Sao Phim to Pol Pot, 15 January 1978, at ENG
00301418, KHM 00020937, FRE 00593509.

18 January 1978 - 21
January 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Khieu Ponnary, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith
and other CPK cadres welcomed a high level People's Republic
of China delegation led by Teng Ying-chao, CCP Central
Committee member, Vice-Chairman of the NPC Standing
Committee (and widow of Zhou En-Iai), at Pochentong Airport
and held several meetings and banquets in her honour during
her stay. Nuon Chea delivered a speech on 18 January in which
he declared that the DK achieved the goal of rice production of
3 to 6 tons per hectare in 1977, still had to heighten
revolutionary vigilance and was determined to struggle against
acts of sabotage and subversion and acts of aggression and
expansion. Nuon Chea's wife and Khieu Samphan's wife also
met with the Chinese leader. Nuon Chea, Kang Chap, Khieu
Ponnary and Ieng Thirith accompanied the delegation to visit
Angkor temples on 20 January 1978.

(l) E3/1359, FBIS, (a) People '.I' Republic of China '.I' Teng Ying-Chao Arrives 18
Jan on Friendship Visit, 19 January 1978, at ENG 00169621-22; (b) [Title
Unintelligible], 20 January 1978, at ENG 00169630-31; (c) People's Republic of
China '.I' TENG Ying-Chao Concludes Cambodian Visit 21 Jan, 24 January 1978, at
ENG 00169650-51;
(2) E3/1407, BBC SWB, Teng Ying-Chao '.I' Visit to Cambodia, 20 January 1978,
at ENG S 00008679-83, KHM S 00657396-406, FRE S 00687047-52;
(3) E3/1408, BBC SWB, Teng Ying-chao '.I' Visit to Cambodia, 21 January 1978, at
ENG S 00008704, KHM S 00702655-56, FRE S 00742519-20;
(4) E3/78, Nuon Chea Speech, 18 January 1978, at ENG 00290282-86, KHM
00705169-74, FRE S 00009308-13;
(5) E3/2376, E3/2377, Nayan Chanda, Brother Enemy: The War afier the War, at
ENG 00192396;
(6) E3/1247, BBC SWB, Teng Ying-chao '.I' Visit to Cambodia, at ENG S
00008837-38, KHM 00224825-28, FRE 00350003-05;
(7) E3/423, Saut Toeung OCll Statement, 2 December 2009, at ENG 00414609;
(8) E312731, Agence France-Presse, La Visite au Cambodge de Mme Teng YingChao, 19 January 1978, at ENG 00712044, KHM 00712047, FRE 00391014-15;
(9) E3/492, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cambodia Reports, 15 December
to 15 February 1976, at ENG 00523956.

19 January 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied to a
telegram from Sao Phim describing the combat situation of DK
forces along the Vietnamese border. Copies were sent to Office
and Documentation.

E3/243, DK Telegram 15 from Chhon to Brother Pol, 19 January 1978, ERN ENG
00532795-96, KHM 00020938-40, FRE 00548911-13.

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23 January 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied to a
telegram describing the combat situation of DK forces along the
Vietnamese border. The telegram is also copied to Office and

E3/244, DK Telegram 16 from Chhon to Par, 23 January 1978, at ENG 0018275556.

27 January 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Sao Phim, Secretary

of the East Zone, describing numerous clashes between
Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea and Vietnamese forces in
the East Zone. This telegram was also copied to Pol Pot, Nuon
Chea, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Office and File.

E3/921, DK Telegram 17 from Chhon to Par, 27 January 1978, at ENG 00183647,

KHM 00020944, FRE 00611728.

29 January 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Sao Phim, Secretary

of the East Zone, describing the conflict between DK and
Socialist Republic of Vietnam military forces in different
locations, mainly incursions in DK territory. Copied to Ieng
Sary, Son Sen and Office.

E3/922, DK Telegram 62 from Chhon to Par, 29 January 1978, at ENG 00183648,

KHM 00020946, FRE 00631445.

11 February 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Roath to Pol Pot

describing a meeting with Laotian delegation concerning
conflicts between DKiLaos/Vietnam. Telegram also copied to
Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/989, DK Telegram 34 from Roath to Brother, 11 February 1978, at ENG


14 February 1978

Nuon Chea and Pol Pot were copied to a telegram from Son
Sen, describing the armed skirmishes between Cambodian and
Vietnamese forces and the arrest and transfer of two
Vietnamese who were subsequently sent to S-21. Also copied to
the Archives.

E3/181, DK Telegram 11 from 47 to Brother, 14 February 1978, at KHM

00296226, ENG 00340537, FRE 00623353.

16 February 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Vorn Vet were informed by
telegram of Thai Air Force incursion into Kampuchea and
informed that weapons were discharged into Lbaek Svay
village. This telegram was also copied to Office and

E3/924, DK Telegram from Ros Nhim to Angkar 870, 16 February 1978, at ENG
00184994, KHM 00001072, FRE 00386282.

18 February 1978

Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Pol Pot, Ieng Thirith, Vorn Vet and
other leaders attended a grand banquet hosted by the North
Korea ambassador regarding the 4-8 October 1977 visit to

(1) E3/1514, FBIS, DPRK envoy's banquet mark\' Pol Pot October 1977 Visit, 21
February 1978, at ENG 00169253, KHM 00721413-14, FRE 00821600-01;
(2) E3/1410, BBC SWB, North Korean Envoy's Banquet on 'Success' oj"
Cambodian leader '.I' Visit, 22 February 1978, at ENG S 00009824, KHM S
00700883-84, FRE S 00726767.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




North Korea by a DK delegation led by Pol Pot.

21 February 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Roath to Pol Pot

describing Vietnamese activity in Laos, potential Vietnamese
attacks, and a statement that negotiations with Vietnam should
be avoided. Copied to Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Office and

E3/990, DK Telegram 40 from Roath to Brother, 21 February 1978, at ENG


21 February 1978

Nuon Chea annotated the S-21 confession of Meak Touch, the

Cambodian Ambassador to Laos, who entered S-21 on 20
November 1977 and was later executed. Meak Touch's
confession bears Nuon Chea's annotation: "Comrade Van." It
has been authenticated by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch.

(1) E3/357, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCI] Statement, 27-11-08, at ENG
(2) E3/342, OCP Revised S-21 Prisoner List, 19 May 2009, entry 5488;
(3) E3/1547, S-21 Confession of Meak Touch, 9 February 1978, at ENG
00771346, KHM 00174100.

25 February 1978

Nuon Chea advised Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to remove the
names of certain individuals from the confession of Chap Mit
which implicated them.

E3/1688, S-21 Confession of Chap Mit, 25 February 1978, at ENG 00284069,

KHM 00226401, FRE 00294523.

26 February 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Vom Vet were copied to a
telegram from DK Ambassador Yem on the implementation of
all instructions received and dissemination of Centre
documents. Also copied to Office and Documentation.

E3/1124, DK Telegram 19 from DK Ambassador Yem to respected and beloved

Brother, 26 February 1978, at KHM 00020952, ENG 00436993, FRE 00631500.

28 February 1978

Nuon Chea annotated the S-21 confession of Mok Sam 01,

Chief of the Anti-Malaria Hospital who entered S-21 on 1
January 1978 and was later executed on 27 May 1978. Nuon
Chea's annotations (authenticated by Kaing Guek Eav alias
Duch) read: "Submitted to Comrade Chan 28 February 1978"
and "It has already been resolved."

(1) E3/45, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCI] Statement, 15 July 2008, at ENG
(2) E3/342, OCP Revised S-21 Prisoner List, 19 May 2009, entry 5800;
(3) E3/1546, S-21 Confession of Mok Sam 01, 23 January 1978, at ENG

1 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Roath to Pol Pot

describing the situation in Vientiane, Laos, including an
upcoming meeting of the Loatian council of ministers regarding
foreign policy; also stated that a KGB agent had arrived in
Vientiane. This telegram was also copied to Ieng Sary, Vom
Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/1111 , DK Telegram 445 from Roath to Brother, 1 March 1978, at ENG


4 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Tho (DK Embassy

E3/1002, E3/1003, DK Telegram 157 from Tho, DK Embassy in Beijing, to M-81,

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




in Beijing) to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs describing a

discussion with the Counsellor of the French embassy in Beijing
on the Cambodia / Vietnam border conflict, and international
relations between France and Cambodia. The telegram was also
copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Office, and


12 March 1978

Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet were copied to a telegram

from Roath to Pol Pot regarding a meeting with Phumy
Vongvichet of Laos, in which they discussed DKiLaos relations
and the threat of Vietnam. Also copied to Documentation and

E3/994, DK Telegram 47 from Roath to Brother, 12 March 1978, at KHM

00020957-59, ENG 00337917-19, FRE 00811279-81.

12 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to two telegrams from Ny Kan to Ieng

Sary describing the interviews of students and farmers by
Yugoslavian delegation members. The telegrams included a list
of questions and answers relating to the quality of life in DK.
Also copied to Pol Pot, Vorn Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/1112, DK Telegrams 306 & 307 from Kan to Ieng Sary, 12 March 1978, at
ENG 00434863.

13 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Roath to Pol Pot

reportin on the DK relations with Laos and discussing DK /
Laos / Vietnam relations, including Vietnamese invasions of
DK. The telegram was also copied to Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet,
Office and Documentation.

E3/993, DK Telegram 48 from Roath to Brother, 13 March 1978, at ENG


17 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram describing views of the

Palestinian Embassy concerning the conflict between DK &
Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This telegram was also copied to
Pol Pot, Vorn Vet, Ieng Sary, Office and Documentation.

E3/1114, DK Telegram 27 from DK Ambassador Yem to Brother, 17 March 1978,

at ENG 00434867, KHM 00020969, FRE 00788362.

19 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Kang Chap alias

Chan Sam alias Se to Committee 870, describing the enemy
situation, including the systematic purge in the North Zone. The
telegram was also copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet,
Office and Documentation.

E3/995 & E3/996, DK Telegram 313 from North Zone Secretary Se to Committee
870, 19 March 1978, at ENG 00436996 and 00185584.

20 March 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Vorn Vet were copied to a

E3/867, DK Telegram 16 from Son Sen to Brother No.9, 20 March 1978, at ENG
00185195-96, KHM 00017024-25, FRE 00811325-26.

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telegram describing the combat situation of DK forces along the

Vietnamese border, including the "destruction" of enemy
combatants. The telegram was also copied to Office and
20 March 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Vom Vet were copied to a
telegram describing the combat situation along Vietnamese
border and the alleged treacherous activity of a member of the
DK forces. The telegram was copied to Office and

E3/867, DK Telegram 16 by Son Sen (47) to Brother No.9, 20 March 1978, at

ENG 00185183.

22 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Urn Neng to Pol Pot
describing a military engagement with the Vietnamese. The
telegram also reported that, as requested, Comrades On and En
were both sent to Phnom Penh on 21 March 1978. Also copied
to Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/1012, DK Telegram 5 from Urn Neng to Brother, 22 March 1978, at ENG

00305369, KHM 00020974, FRE 00611598.

24 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram report from Sao Phim of

East Zone to Angkar describing various military altercations
with Vietnam and mentioning the military assistance from
Chinese comrades. The telegram was also copied to Pol Pot,
Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Office and Archive.

E3/999, DK Telegram 30 from Peam to Brother Representative of Angkar, 24

March 1978, at ENG 00185586.

27 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to the S-21 confession of Khuon Son

alias Kim Phat, messenger of East Zone, Sector 23, who entered
S-21 on 15 March and was executed on 11 April 1978. Nuon
Chea is referred to by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch in the
annotations as "Angkar." Nuon Chea made annotations to the
confession the same day he received it. His annotations include
"To be kept in archives."

(I) E3/1579, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, 21 October 2009, at
ENG 00398209;
(2) E3/3685, S-21 Confession of Khuon Son, 27 March 1978, at ENG 00221782;
(3) E3/342, OCP Revised S-21 Prisoner List, 19 May 2009, entry 3748.

29 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Ke Pauk to

Committee 870 reporting the arrest of two air unit soldiers, sent
to Veun Sai airport to service planes, due to lack of travel
passes or identity cards. Requested Office 870 to cooperate with
Aom An of Sector 41 to determine whether the arrested
personnel should be released. Copies were also sent to Office

E3/1146 & E3/1147, DK Telegram 32 from Ke Pauk to 'Missed Committee 870',

29 March 1978, at ENG 00208256.

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and Documentation.
31 March 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram describing the political

and military situation in Laos as well as its government policy
towards both DK and Vietnam. The telegram was also copied to
Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/1000, DK Telegram 59 to Brother, 31 March 1978, at ENG 00324833.

April 1978 - 28 May


Nuon Chea and the other members of the Standing Committee

took the decision to arrest Chhim Sam Aok, Chairman of S-71,
Nuon Chea sent Vom Vet to deliver the arrest order to Kaing
Guek Eav alias Duch. Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch also
informed Nuon Chea about the detention, torture and killing of
Chhim Sam Aok.

(I) E3/83, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 20 October 2009, at ENG
(2) E3/65, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 7 August 2007, at ENG
(3) E3/347, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch Statement, 4 May 1999 to 6 May 1999, at
ENG 00185012-13;
(2) E3/1596, S-21 Confession ofChhim Sam Aok, 28 May 1978.

1 April 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot and Ieng Sary were copied to a report from
Meas Mut, Division 164, regarding the arrest and killing of 120
Vietnamese in the period 27 March 1978 through 30 March
1978. The report was also copied to Documentation.

E3/928 & E3/929, DK Report from Division 164 Secretary Meas Mut, 1 April
1978, at ENG 00183357, KHM 00017026, FRE 00611668.

1 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram describing responses from

foreign embassies to the confessions of Vietnamese spies as
well as an interview with Pol Pot circulated by DK; also
describes relations with Laos. This telegram was also copied to
Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/1116, DK Telegram 61 from Roath to Brother, 1 April 1978, at ENG


4 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from a DK representative

in Thailand regarding a meeting between DK and Thai officials
about border incidents and strengthening relationships between
the two countries; it states that the real issue is the situation at
the "Yuon" border. The telegram was also copied to Pol Pot,
Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/1004, DK Telegram 63 from a DK representative in Thailand to Respected

Brother, 4 Apri11978, at ENG 00185589, KHM 00020988, FRE 00748019.

5 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Division 801 to Son

Sen, describing engagement between Vietnamese and DK
forces in the Northwest Zone. Others copied to the telegram
were Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet and Office.

E3/870, DK Telegram 35 from Roeun to Grand Uncle 89, 5 April 1978, at ENG

6 April 1978 - 20

Khieu Samphan, according to Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch,

(I) Ell 55.1, Transcript, 28 March 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 14.30.27 to

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




May 1978

took part in the Standing Committee meeting in which the arrest

of Chou Chet, former Western Zone Secretary, was discussed in
particular. Khieu Samphan was asked to replace Vorn Vet.
Nuon Chea, apart from his knowledge as member of the
Standing Committee, was also made aware by Kaing Guek Eav
alias Duch of the unlawful detention, torture, and unlawful
killing of Chou Chet.

(2) El/62.1, Transcript, 10 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, below
(3) E3/448, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 4 December 2007, at
ENG 00154911;
(4) E3/61, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 2 June 2008, at ENG
(5) E3/356, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 25 November 2008, at
ENG 00242901;
(6) E3/1682, S-21 Confession of Chou Chet, 6 April 1978 to 20 May 1978.

10 April 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied to a
military and social report from North Zone Secretary Se about
the conflict in regions bordering Thailand and Laos. The
telegram was also copied to Office and Documentation.

E3/1073, E3/1074, DK Telegram 324 from North Zone Secretary Se to Committee

870, 10 April 1978, at ENG 00293358-61.

12 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Ke Pauk to Office

870 regarding the military situation in the battlefields. The
telegram was also copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet,
Office and Documentation.

E3/258, DK Telegram 03 from Central Zone Secretary Comrade Pauk to Office

870 Committee, 12 April 1978, at ENG 00522911.

12 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Ke Pauk to

Committee 870 describing the ongoing conflict between
Socialist Republic of Vietnam and DK in Svay Rieng Province
in April 1978. Also copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet,
Office and Documentation.

E3/932, E3/933, E3/934, DK Telegram 02 from Ke Pauk to Committee 870, 12

April 1978, at ENG 00185200.

12 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram report from Rath,

describing a meeting with the Thai Embassy concerning the DK
/ Vietnam armed conflict. Thai military reported that
Kampuchean cadres were working with Thai communists, DK
Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied such allegations, and
reported that In Tam (allegedly CIA) was responsible for the
conflict with Thailand. The telegram was also copied to Pol Pot,
Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Office and Documents.

E3/1007, E3/1008, DK Telegram 67 from Rath to Brothers, 12 April 1978, at ENG


14 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram describing details of a

meeting with a Swedish journalist where Vietnamese politics,
military strategy, intelligence and the armed conflict between
Cambodia and Vietnam were all discussed. Also copied to Pol

E3/1005, E3/1006, DK Telegram 66 from "State," 14 April 1978, at ENG


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Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Office and Documentation.

15 April 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Vorn Vet were copied to a
report from Division 260 regarding armed conflicts with "the
Yuon enemy." The report also requested that the Party "take
measures" against the District and Sector committees in
Tramaung District for failing to prevent Vietnamese forces from
taking pigs, chickens, cows and buffaloes.

E3/860, DK Report from Division 260 to Brother 09, 15 April 1978, at ENG
00185201, KHM 00021003, FRE 00332557.

15 April 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Vorn Vet were copied to a
report from Son Sen describing the military situation along the
Vietnamese border and how DK forces had shot at Vietnamese
troops that raised a white flag and sought negotiations. Also
copied to the Office.

E3/859, DK Report 308 from Son Sen entitled: "Confidential Phone Conversation
dated April 15, 1978 - Respected and beloved Grand Uncle," 15 April 1978, at
ENG 00185202, KHM 00021004, FRE 00332558.

15 April 1978

Khieu Samphan addressed a mass rally of 20,000 cadres,

peasants and workers in Phnom Penh in celebration of the 17th
April 1975 victory, in presence of "other comrades state
leaders" (Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Vorn Vet, Ta Mok...). Khieu
Samphan characterized the DK achievements over the past
three years as "splendid at all levels," discussed victories over
Vietnamese forces, called for implementing the Party's lines in
order defend DK against both internal and external enemies and
for raising high the sense of revolutionary vigilance, called for
the extermination and expulsion of all enemies from Cambodian
territory (Vietnamese, CIA agents and enemies of all stripes),
called for more "revolutionary patriotism" above individual or
family interests; Khieu Samphan stated that the agricultural
plan had been fully implemented and that for 1978 the rice
production plan increased to 3.5 tons per hectare; he
emphasized that at the beginning of April, the government
launched an information and struggle against enemy agents
campaign which became a full-fledged mass education program
on the "clear distinction that must be drawn between patriotism
and treachery, revolution and counterrevolution," the campaign
being directed towards the Vietnamese and the traitors within

(l) E3/1361, FBIS, Third Anniversmy Celebrated at 15 April Mass Rally: Khieu
Samphan Statement. Resolution Adopted, 17 April 1978, at ENG 00168813-22;
(2) E3/2671, International Telegram from French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to
French Embassy entitled "Chronique Cambodgieune 15 f6vrier - 1 Mai 1978," 19
June 1978, at FRE 00389260-63, KHM 00807774-77, ENG 007432300-02;
(3) E3/562, BBC SWB, Phnom Penh Rally Markv 17th April Anniversary, 15
April 1978, at ENG S 00010563-66;
(4) E3/3169, Stephen Heder, Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan, 1991, at ENG
(5) E3/169, Khieu Samphan Speech, 15 April 1978, at ENG 00280389-99;
See also:
(6) E3/107, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 24 June 2008, at ENG

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]



18 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Ke Pauk to

Committee 870 about enemy activity near road number 7, in
April 1978, including number of casualties. Acknowledged
attacking the enemy heavily despite their surrender. Requested
comments from Angkar. Copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom
Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/1009, DK Telegram 05 from Central Zone Secretary Ke Pauk to Committee

870, 18 April 1978, at ENG 00305347.

19 April 1978

Nuon Chea annotated a letter from North Zone Secretary

sending confessions of Sector 103 cadres San Eap and Seay to
the Central Committee for review and use to identifY enemy
networks boring from within. Contains an annotation in red ink
dated 19 April 1978 stating [this needs] "to be followed up,"
which has been identified by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch as
Nuon Chea's handwriting.

(I) E3/359, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCll Statement (Written Comments and
Answers to OCll Questions), 20 November 2009, at ENG 00434340;
(2) E3/175, DK Letter from North Zone Secretary Se to 870 Committee, 17 April
1978, at ENG 00583931,00223903, KHM 00173883-94, [translation in ENG and
FRE erroneously mention annotations on S-21 confessions instead of annotations
on the letter from North Zone Secretary];
(3) E3/3563, S-21 Confessions of San Eap and Saey;
(4) E3/2382, S-21 Confessions of San Eap and Saey.

20 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram describing Cambodians

working and being trained on a Chinese ship at Kampong Som
Port. Also copied are Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Office and

E3/1115, DK Telegram 53 from Thuch Rin, Kampong Som Port, to Angkar, 20

April 1978, at ENG 00441629.

20 April 1978

Nuon Chea was addressed a telegram describing the speech

made by a North Korean official in Pyongyang to celebrate the
third anniversary of DK independence. This telegram was
copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet, Office and

E3/1010, DK Telegram from DK Ambassador to North Korea to Nuon Chea

entitled "Speech Delivered by Comrade Vomg Kyoeun Hak...," 20 April 1978, at
ENG 00305349, KHM 00001107, FRE 00828100.

21 April 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vom Vet were copied to a DK
Military Telegram describing purging of cadres through
"fashioning." The document is copied to Office and

E3/157, E3/935, E3/936, DK Telegram 08 from Northeast Zone Secretary Vy, 21

April 1978, at ENG 00348086-87.

23 April 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary and Son Sen were copied to
report asking for an opinion on the course of action regarding
Sot, Chairman of the Repairs Factory. Sot was implicated by
other cadres and was at the moment arrested and detained in

E3/155, E3/513, E3/156, E3/937, E3/938, E3/939, E3/940, E3/941, E3/942, DK

Telegram 54 from Sarun to Nuon Chea, 23 April 1978, at ENG 00296220.

the revolutionary ranks.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




custody. Report was also copied to Office and Documentation.

24 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram discussing a Vietnamese

attack on the division office in Teg Town, discusses the 0
Chbar dam and requests vehicle and rice mill supplies. The
telegram was also copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet,
Office and Archive.

E3/10n, DK Telegram 55 from Sarun to Respected Brother, 24 April 1978, at

ENG 00293357, KHM 00284272, FRE 00612226.

25 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram describing fighting

between DK and Socialist Republic of Vietnam near road
number 19, at 0 Kres and 0 Tang, including number of
casualties. The telegram was also copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary,
Vorn Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/943, E3/944, E3/94S, DK Telegram 09 from Vy to "Respected Brother," 25

April 1978, at ENG 00185204, KHM 00021014, FRE 00332726.

26 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram describing DK military

clashes with Socialist Republic of Vietnam in April 1978 and
requesting additional ammunition. Report also copied to Pol
Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Office and Archive.

E3/812, DK Telegram 20 from Son Sen alias 47 to "Respected and Beloved

Brother," 26 April 1978, at ENG 00340536, KHM 00296225, FRE 00623351.

26 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram describing DK military

clashes with Socialist Republic of Vietnam in April 1978 and
requesting additional ammunition. Report was also copied to
Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Office and Documentation.

E3/946, E3/947, E3/1068, DK Telegram 20 from Son Sen to Brother, 26 April

1978, at ENG 00185206, KHM 00021016, FRE 00332728.

29 April 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Central Zone

Secretary Ke Pauk to Office 870 describing armed clashes with
Vietnamese forces in Cambodian territory including numbers of
people killed, weapons seized, and strategy utilized. Telegram
was also copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, and Office.

E3/24S, E3/246, E3/247, DK Telegram 09 from Central Zone Secretary KE Pauk

to Committee 870, 29 April 1978, at ENG 00321723.

6 May 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram from Kang Chab to

Committee 870 reporting the "internal and external enemies,"
the construction of dams and canals in the North Zone, and
acknowledging a shortage of medicine.

E3/1209, DK Telegram 330 from North Zone Secretary Se to Committee 870, 6

May 1978, at ENG 00522888.

9 May 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a telegram of Ke Pauk outlining the

attacks ofDK forces on Socialist Republic of Vietnam positions
at Ponlea Bridge and Veal Damrei Sy. The telegram was also

E3/2S3, DK Telegram 13 from Central Zone Secretary Ke Pauk to Brother Van

and Committee 870, 9 May 1978, at ENG 00321719, .

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




copied to Ieng Sary, Pol Pot, Vorn Vet, Office and

9 May 1978

Nuon Chea was copied to a two part telegram. Part 1 is a

telegram about military engagements in the East Zone. Part 2 is
a report by M-560 regarding food shortages and internal and
external enemy activity, including the killing of 32 internal
enemies. Also copied to Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet, Office
and archives.

E3/94S, E3/949, DK Telegram 13 and DK Report from Comrade Pauk to

Conunittee 870, 9 May 1978, at ENG 00003533.

23 May 1978

Nuon Chea ordered Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to execute

American yachtsman James William Clark at S-21. Clark
signed a confession at S-21 after being arrested by DK naval
forces in the Gulf of Siam on 23 April 1978.

(1) E3/65, E3/504, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCll Statement, 7 August 2007,
at ENG 00147526-27;
(2) E1I57.1, Transcript, 2 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 14.29.20 to
14.33.08 & 14.35.52;
(3) E1I5S.1, Transcript, 3 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 09.33.00 to

28 May 1978 - 30
May 1978

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet,
Ieng Thirith, and other leaders welcomed the Romanian
President Nicolae Ceausescu at the airport, held meetings with
the delegation and offered a banquet at the State Palace. Khieu
Samphan, Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith accompanied the
Romanian President to Siem Reap - Angkor before sending him
off at the Phnom Penh airport on 30 May with Pol Pot, Nuon
Chea and other DK leaders.

(1) E3/1252, BBC SWB, Romanian President in Cambodia, 28 May 1978, at ENG
S 00010608-09, 12, KHM S 00723819-20, FRE S 00742506;
(2) E3/1363, FBIS, Pol Pot 28 May's BanquetfiJr Romania's Ceaucescu Reported,
6 June 1978, at ENG 00169785-86;
(3) E3/1414, BBC SWB, Romanian President's Visit to Cambodia, 1 June 1978, at
ENG S 00010614, KHM S 00644674, FRE S 00632838;
(4) E1I20S.1, Transcript, 17 June 2013, Leng Chhoeung,15.07.28 to 15.09.45;
(5) E3/17, David Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography of Pol
Pot, at ENG 00393058.

30 May 1978

Nuon Chea ordered Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to carry out a
mass killing of S-21 prisoners and Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
relayed this to his subordinates.

E3/1576, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCll Statement, 24 January 2008, at ENG

4 June 1978 - 9 June


Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Thirith held separate

meetings with a visiting Algerian delegation led by Abdelkader
Zaibek, Special Envoy of President Boumediene. Khieu
Samphan hosted a banquet. The delegation left on 10 June

(1) E3/1363, FBIS, (a) Khieu Samphan Holds Talks with Algerian Envoy 4 June, 6
June 1978, at ENG 00169785; (b) Algerian Presidential Envoy Concludes Visit, 13
June 1978, at ENG 00169808-09;
(2) E3/1592, BBC SWB, Algerian Special Envoy in Cambodia, 10 June 1978, at S
00010650-51, KHM 00291030-31, FRE S 00726764.

11 July 1978

Nuon Chea and Ieng Sary attended a banquet hosted by Pol Pot
in honour of a delegation from the Central Committee of the
Unified Communist Party ofItaly led by Osvaldo Pesce.

(1) E3/293, FBIS, Reportage on Italian Unified CP Delegations Visit: Pol Pot
Hosts Banquet, 18 July 1978, at ENG 00169728-30;
(2) E3/54S, Democratic Voice of Kampuchea, Diner Ot/ert Par Ie Camarade
Secretaire Pol Pot... , at FRE S 00009617-18, KHM S 00687023-24.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




29 July 1978

Nuon Chea, Ieng Thirith, Cheng An and Yun were at

Pochentong Airport to send off Son Sen, alternate member of
the Standing Committee and head of a DK military delegation,
on an official trip to the People's Republic of China.

(I) E3/1415, BBC SWB, Cambodian Military Delegation in China, 31 July 1978,
at ENG S 00010835, KHM S 00700885, FRE S 00707435;
(2) E3/293, FBIS, Son Sen Lead~ Military Delegation to People's Republic oj'
China, 31 July 1978, at ENG 00169774.

29 July 1978 - 31
July 1978

Nuon Chea received and held talks with the Danish MarxistLeninist Communist Labour Party delegation led by Peter
Bischoff on a one-week visit to DK. Nuon Chea hosted a
banquet during which he delivered a speech. Nuon Chea, on 30
and 31 July 1978, explained to the delegation of the Workers'
Party of Denmark the importance of ideological party building,
armed struggle, party discipline, collective ownership, selfcriticism, self-reliance, revolutionary vigilance, class struggle,
tactical alliance with Sihanouk and Penn Nouth. Nuon Chea
further stated about the necessity to cleanse the Party ranks that:
- A cadres "spirit has to be clean, uncorrupted and without
entangling contacts with the enemy. We investigate life
histories and class background... to prevent infiltration by ... CIA,
KGB, or Vietnamese agents" but "the enemy is still attempting
to undermine the Party;"
-"the Vietnamese try to infiltrate our party. We are not worried
about the external, military aggression. We worry most of all
about the enemy inside;"
-"USA planned to seize power from us six months after
liberation; the plan involved joint action on the part of the USA,
the KGB and the Vietnam. .. but we smashed the plan.
Immediately after liberation, we evacuated the cities. The CIA,
KGB and Vietnamese agents there left for the countryside and
were unable to implement the plan;" and
- "The leadership of the apparatus must be defended at any
price. If we lose members but retain the leadership, we can
continue to win victories ... There can be no comparison between
losing two or three leading cadres and 200-300 members.
Rather the latter than the former."

(I) E3/196, Nuan Chea, Statement oj'the Communist Party oj' Kampuchea to the
Communist Workers' Party oj'Denmark, 30 July 1978, at ENG 00762397-99, 40203,05;
(2) E3/75, FBIS, (a) Danish M-L Communist Labor Party Delegation Arrives, 1
August 1978, at ENG 00168896-98; (b) Activities oj'Danish M-L Labour Party
delegation, 9 August 1978, at ENG 00168945, (c) Danes say European Bodies
Found. .. , 14 August 1978, at 00168959-60;
(3) E3/1683, David Chandler, The Tragedy oj' Cambodian History, at ERN
00193396-97, ;
(4) E3/1684, E3/1685, E3/1693, David Chandler, Voices Fom S-21, at ENG
00192695 and 00192721;
(5) E3/2812, Henri Lacard, Le Petit Livre Rouge de Pol Pot, at ENG 00394756;
(6) E3/2116 & E3/2117, Huy Vannak, The Khmer Rouge Division 703, 2003, at
ENG 00081365;
(7) E3/2818, Ian Harris, Buddhism under Pol Pot, 20 January 2008, at ENG
(8) E3/1684 & E3/1685 & E3/1693, David Chandler, VoicesFom S-21, at ENG

31 July 1978

Nuon Chea, Ieng Thirith and others attended a reception held

(I) E3/1417, DK Embassy m Peking, Reception

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]



by the People's Republic of China ambassador in honour of the

51st anniversary of the founding of the CPLA. Nuon Chea
delivered a speech at the reception.

Anniversaire... , 24 August 1978, at FRE S 00009736-40, ENG S 00712496-99,

KHM S 00722155-58;
(2) E3/7S, FBIS, People's Republic oj" China Embassy Reception Mark\' PLA
Founding Anniversary, 2 August 1978, at ENG 00168901-02.

5 August 1978

Nuon Chea, Ieng Thirith and other cadres greeted Ieng Sary at
Pochentong Airport having returned to DK following a trip to
Belgrade, Yugoslavia. At the same time, Son Sen returned from
his mission to the People's Republic of China.

E3/1S22, FBIS, (a) Ieng Swy Returnsfiy)m Belgrade Conference 5 August and (b)
Son Sen Delegation Returnsfiy)m People's Republic oj" China visit, 7 August 1978,
at ENG 00168934, KHM 00857658-59, FRE 00844619.

2 September 1978 - 7
September 1978

Nuon Chea, Deputy Secretary of the CPK Central Committee

and Chairman of the Peoples' Representative Assembly
Standing Committee, led a DK delegation to People's Republic
of China for a diplomatic visit. Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary,
Ieng Thirith, Vorn Vet and Yun Yat were at the airport to send
him off In People's Republic of China, Nuon Chea made
various visits in Beijing and Shanghai, took part in meetings
with Chinese leadership including with Hua Kuo-feng,
chairman of the CCP Central Committee and premier of the
People's Republic of China State council in Beijing, attended
banquets and delivered speeches. In a speech on 3 September
1978 Nuon Chea stated that "[we] have smashed Vietnam's
continuous, frantic activities against DK which are aimed at
subversion, coup, aggression, expansion and annexation of
terri tory. "

(1) E3/76, FBIS, (a) Nuon Chea Delegation's Activities in Peking Reported, 6
September 1978, at ENG 00170344; (b) Nuon Chea Delegation Feted at Peking
Banquet, 8 September 1978, at ENG 00170352-53; (c) Nuon Chea 4 September
Meeting With Yeh-Chien-Ying Reported, 7 September 1978, at ENG 00170347; (d)
Nuon Chea Delegation in Peking meets with Hua Kuo:feng, 11 September 1978, at
ENG 00170358-59; (e) Nuon Chea -led Delegation Departsfbr People's Republic
oj" China 2 September, 2 September 1978, at ENG 00170340, KHM 00701871-72,
FRE 00701861;
(2) E3/1286, E3/1418, BBCSWB, Cambodian Delegation in Peking, 5 September
1978, at ENG S 00012900-02, KHM 00239778-83, FRE 00350339-42.
(3) E3/4202, Gina Chon and Thet Sambath, Behind the Killing Fields, at ENG
(4) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The Histmy oj"a Nightmare, at ENG 00396596;
(5) E3/199, Nuon Chea Speech, 3 September 1978, at ENG 00065911-18, KHM
00224451-56, FRE 00612293-300;
(6) E3/3261, Photograph depicting senior leader Nuon Chea at the Summer Palace,
Beijing, People's Republic of China, September 1976, ERN P 00416561;
(7) El/63.1, Transcript, 18 Apri12012, Saut Toeung, 15.47.59 to 15.50.16;
(8) E3/267S, International Communication from French Ministry of Foreign
Affairs entitled "Chronique Cambodgienne (1er aOllt-ler octobre 1978)," 1
December 1978, at ENG 00752076.

7 September 1978 13 September 1978

Nuon Chea departed Beijing for Pyongyang, North Korea, on 7

September 1978. Nuon Chea's activities in North Korea
included: visiting the birthplace of the North Korea's great
leader on 8 Sep; attending a grand mass meeting to celebrate the
30th anniversary of the founding of the North Korea on 9 Sep;
holding a meeting with the North Korea great leader Kim IlSong and attending a welcome meeting in Seriwon arranged by
the North Hwanghae provincial committee on 11 Sep; attending
a banquet sponsored by the Vice President of North Korea on
12 Sep; holding a meeting with a member of the Political
Bureau of the Central Committee and vice president of the

(1) E3/1419, The Voice of Democratic Kampuchea" (DK Ministry of Foreign

Affairs), Delegation oj" the CPK. .. , 10 September 1978, at FRE S 00011917, ENG
S 00685671, KHM S 00752835;
(2) E3/76, FBIS, (a) Departs China fbr DPRK, 11 September 1978, at ENG
00170359-60; (b) Activities oj" Nuon Chea Delegation in DPRK Reported;
Delegation Concludes Visit, 15 September 1978, at ENG 00170379-80;
(3) El/63.1, Transcript, 18 Apri12012, Saut Toeung, 15.47.59 to 15.50.16;
(4) El/64.1, Transcript, 19 Apri12012, Saut Toeung, 09.14.01 to 09.15.40;
(5) E3/4202, Gina Chon and Thet Sambath, Behind the Killing Fields, at ENG


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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




North Korea on 12 Sep. Nuon Chea left North Korea on l3

September 1978 back to People's Republic of China.
13 September 1978- Nuon Chea traveled from Beijing to Nanking then from (I) E3/76, FBIS, Nuon Chea Delegation Returns home from People's Republic 0/
16 September 1978 Nanking to Soochow and Wuhsi on an official visit. Nuon China, DPRK, 18 September 1978, at ENG 00170386-90;
(2) E3/3749, BBC SWB, End 0/ Cambodian Delegation '.I' Visit to China, 18

Chea then returned to Beijing. At the conclusion of his official

visit to People's Republic of China, Nuon Chea hosted a
solemn banquet in Beijing thanking his hosts and delivered a
speech at the banquet.

September 1978, at ENG S 00013022-24, FRE S 00726768-71, KHM S 0070088994;

(3) E3/4202, Gina Chon and THET Sambath, Behind the Killing Fields, 2010, at
ENG 00757495.

16 September 1978

Nuon Chea was welcomed by Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary,

Ieng Thirith, Vorn Vet and other CPK leaders at the Pochentong
Airport on his return from his official visit to the People's
Republic of China and North Korea.

(I) E3/1525, FBIS, Nuon Chea Delegation Returns Homefrom People's Republic
o/China, DPRK, 18 September 1978, at ENG 00170385-86, KHM 00811134, FRE
(2) E3/3749, BBC SWB, End 0/ Cambodian Delegation '.I' Visit to China, 18
September 1978, at ENG S 00013022, FRE S 00726768, KHM S 00700890.

17 September 1978

Nuon Chea ordered the execution of English yachtsman John

Dawson Dewhirst after he had been arrested and forced to write
a confession at S-21.

(I) E3/65 & E3/504, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, 7 August 2007,
at ENG 00147526-27;
(2) E3/2817, Nic Dunlop, The Lost Executioner, at ENG 00370217;
(3) ElI57.1, Transcript, 2 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 14.29.20 to
14.33.08 & 14.35.52;
(4) ElI58.1, Transcript, 3 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 09.33.00 to

17 September 1978

Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Vorn Vet and other leaders
d fil h
t th P I ' RbI' f

attended a recep tIon an a 1m s ow a e eop e s epu IC 0

China Embassy in Phnom Penh upon the return of Nuon Chea
from mission to People's Republic of China Nuon Chea

(I) E3/1523, FBIS, People's Republic o/China Ambassador Hosts Reception/br

Nuon Chea, 19 September 1978, at ENG 00170394, KHM 00786101, FRE
(2) E3/1421, Democratic Voice of Kampuchea, Reception O/ferte Par
I'Ambassade de la Republique Populaire de Chine... , 19 September 1978, at ENG
S 00651555-58, KHM S 00704504-07, FRE S 00011991-92;
(3) E3/1280, BBC SWB, Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia gives Reception fbr
Nuon Chea, 22 September 1978, at ENG S 00013064-65, KHM 00338108-09,
FRE S 00780785.

dehvered a speech.

19 September 1978
or 26 September

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Pol Pot
and Son Sen were present at Borei Keila for the opening and
closing sessions held by the Central Committee to celebrate the
18th anniversary of the party. Nuon Chea discussed the
printing of money, the re-settlement of cities and the opening of
markets. Hundreds of cadres from ministries, zones and military
divisions attended the CPK Central Committee reception.

(I) E3/1281, BBC SWB, Reception/br CPK Anniverswy, 27 September 1978, at

ENG 00013120-21, KHM S 00701202-03, FRE S 00726655-56;
(2) E3/76, FBIS, KCP Central Committee 26 Sep Reception Mark\' Party
Anniversary, 28 September 1978, at ENG 00170445, KHM 00701888-89, FRE
(3) E3/367, Sao Sarun OCl] Statement, 17 December 2008, at ENG 00278694;
(4) E3/404, Sao Sarun OCl] Statement, 20 October 2009, at ENG 00403024-25;
(5) ElI84.1, Transcript, 11 June 2012, Sao Sarun, 09.43.12 to 10.13.31 and
(6) ElI208.1, Transcript, 17 June 2013, Leng Chhoeung, 10.16.30 to 10.18.38.

Mter 13 October

Nuon Chea ordered Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to execute

(I) E3/65, E3/504, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCl] Statement, 7 August 2007,

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]





New Zealand Yachtsman Kerry George Hamill who was

detained and confessed at S-21 after being captured by DK
naval forces in the Gulf of Siam.

at ENG 00147526-27;
(2) ElI57.1, Transcript, 2 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 14.29.20 to
(3) ElI58.1, Transcript, 3 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 09.33.00 to

25 October 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet and Son Sen were
copied to a telegram from Sao Phim to Office 870 regarding the
continuation of DK forces' attacks on Vietnamese forces in the
East Zone (Svay Rieng Province). Copies of the telegram were
sent to Office and Documentation.

E3/888, DK Telegram 55 from Chhon to Office 870, 26 October 1978, at ENG

00183615, KHM 00020876, FRE 00386261.

26 October 1978

Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Vorn Vet and Son Sen were
informed by Sao Phim of Vietnamese forces making ground in
attacks on DK positions in East Zone in Svay Rieng Province,
specifically at various villages and of local villagers and mobile
brigades being ordered to evacuate Samrong, Sa Thnank, Prasat
and Bavet sub-districts. Sao Phim also requested more troops
from Office-870. Copies of the telegram were also sent to
Office and Documentation.

E3/889, DK Telegram 56 from Chhon to Office 870, 26 October 1978, at ENG

00183616, KHM 00020877, FRE 00386262.

1 November 1978 - 2
November 1978

Nuon Chea, at the 5th CPK Central Committee Congress, was

confirmed as Deputy Secretary of the CPK in charge of
propaganda, public health, culture and education. Nuon Chea
was also Vice-Chairman in charge of political affairs of the
CPK military committee.

(1) E3/816, Meeting Minutes entitled "About the 5th Congress of Pol Pot-Ieng
Sary," 2 November 1978, at ENG 00281339, FRE 00078331, KHM 00800744;
See also: (2) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History o{ a Nightmare, at ENG
00396600, FRE 00639967.

2 November 1978

Nuon Chea ordered Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to execute the
S-21 detainee and Australian yachtsman David Lloyd Scott who
was captured in Cambodian waters then arrested, transferred
and interrogated at S-21.

(1) E3/65, E3/504, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCll Statement, 7 August 2007, at
ENG 00147526-27;
(2) E3/2817, Nic Dunlop, The Lost Executioner, at ENG 00370217;
(3) ElI57.1, Transcript, 2 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch,14.29.20 to
14.33.08, 14.35.52;
(4) ElI58.1, Transcript, 3 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 09.33.00 to

2 November 1978 to
December 1978

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan knew of the unlawful arrest

(on 2 November 1978), detention and torture of Vorn Vet,
member of the CPK Standing Committee of the Central
Committee and Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economy,
accused of being CIA and Vietnamese agent. Nuon Chea

(1) E3/65 & E3/504, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCll Statement, 7 August 2007,
at ENG 00147526;
(2) E3/356, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCll Statement, 25 November 2008, at
ENG 00242902;
(3) E3/452, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCll Statement, 23 August 2007, at ENG
(4) E3/106, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCll Statement, 1 April 2008, at ENG

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




ordered his execution himself. Further, Nuon Chea ordered

Vorn Vet's wife to be summoned to his office, had her arrested
then sent to S-21 and executed.

(5) E3/451, E3/526, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 5 May 2008, at
ENG 00204342, 52;
(6) E3/5748, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 22 November 2007, at
ENG 00153571;
(7) E3/1876, S-21 Confession of Vorn Vet, 6 November 1978 to 3 December
1978, at ENG 00767746-893;
(8) E3/108, E3/122, Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea Interviews, 9 June 2006,
ERN 00000925-35;
(9) E3/394, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 22 October 2009, at
ENG 00398234.

5 November 1978 - 8
November 1978

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Pol Pot, Ieng Thirith
and Yun Yat welcomed a high level People's Republic of China
delegation headed by Wang Tung-Hsing, Vice-Chairman of the
CCP Central Committee, at Pochentong Airport. Nuon Chea,
Khieu Samphan and Pol Pot held talks with the People's
Republic of China delegation, accompanied the delegation for
visits, and organized or attended banquets. Nuon Chea
accompanied the People's Republic of China delegation to
Pochentong Airport when they departed DK via Siem Reap;
Khieu Samphan addressed the delegation at the airport prior to
their departure.

(l) E3/1423, BBC SWB, Chinese Party and Government Delegation in Cambodia,
7 November 1978, at ENG S 00013229, 38-39; KHM S 00705067-68, 84-85, FRE
S 00742521-22, 33-34;
(2) E3/302, The Voice of Democratic Kampuchea, Le Camarade Secretaire Pol
Pot... ," "Activites du Camarade Vice-President Wang Tong-HI'ing... ," "Banquet
Offert par la Delegation du Parti et du Gouvernement Chinois... ," 8 November
1978, at ENG S 00649242-44, KHM S 00755611-13, FRE S 00012270-71;
(3) E3177, FBIS, (a) People's Republic of China Party Government Delegation
Welcomed 5 Nov: Officials Greet Delegations Arrival, 6 November 1978, at ENG
00170080-85, KHM 00701901-06, FRE 00701890-93; (b) Wang Tung-HI'ing,
People '.I' Republic of China Delegation 6 Nov Activities," (c) Additional Report on
Wang Tung-Hving, Pol Pot 6 Nov Talks," (d) Wang Tung-HI'ing 7 November
Farewell Banquet, Speeches, 8 November 1978, at ENG 00170095-98, KHM
00701906-11, FRE 00701893-96; (e) Reportage on Visit by People's Republic of
China Party-Government Delegation, 9 November 1978, at ENG 00170101-02,
KHM 00701912-15, FRE 00701897-99;
(4) E3/1424, The Voice of Democratic Kampuchea, (a) "We Warmly Salute the
Resounding. .. " & "Activities of Vice-President Wang Tong-HI'ing. .." at ENG

21 November 1978

Nuon Chea ordered Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to execute the
S-21 detainee and Australian yachtsman Ronald Keith Dean
after being arrested by DK naval forces in the Gulf of Siam then
transferred to S-21 where he had to write a confession.

(l) E3/65, E3/504, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 7 August 2007, at
ENG 00147526-27.

26 November 1978

Nuon Chea ordered Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to execute the
S-21 detainee and American yachtsman Michael Scott Deeds
after being captured by DK naval forces in the Gulf of Siam and
transferred to S-2l.

(l) E3/1554, S-21 Confession of Michael Scott Deeds, 26 November 1978;

(2) E3/65, E3/504, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 7 August 2007, at
ENG 00147526-27.

December 1978

Nuon Chea ordered Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to kill about
300 East Zone soldiers as soon as they arrived at S-21 and
without any interrogation. They were already considered

(l) E3/1576, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 24 January 2008, at
ENG 00160724, ;
(2) E3/2333R, Video entitled "Cambodia Report" by Phil Rees (BBC)
VOOI72527, 00:32: 15 to 00:33:13.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




traitors. Confronted to Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch's statement

by a journalist, Nuon Chea denied it and stated he was "not
cruel. "
2 December 1978

Nuon Chea held a meeting with a delegation from the West

German Communist League led by Hans Gerhart Durer and
later hosted a banquet during which he delivered a speech in
which he condemned the aggression of Vietnam supported by
the USSR that will certainly be 'smashed'.

(I) E3/1425, DK Media Report entitled "Home News" (DK News Bulletin
No.4/78), 3 December 1978, at ENG S 00013913, KHM S 00790502, FRE S
(2) E3/295, DK Media Report entitled "West German Communist League
Delegation Arrives 2 Dec," 4 December 1978, at ENG 00169036-37.

8 December 1978

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot, 1eng Sary, 1eng Thirith,
Norodom Sihanouk, Hu Nim, Hou Youn, Son Sen and Khieu
Ponnary were requested in a report sent by Ny Kan and Keat
Chhon to meet two western journalists (Richard Dudman and
Elizabeth Becker) and an English professor (Professor Malcolm
Caldwell). The journalists and professor also requested to see
cooperatives, the education system, the areas close to the
Vietnamese border, meet with regional cadres, and understand
the social affairs, textile, trading issues, and living conditions of
rural people in DK and of Cham people.

(I) E3/1156, DK Report from Ny Kan and Keat Chhon to 'Beloved Brother', 8
December 1978, at ENG 00524507-08, KHM 00032944-45, FRE 00807142-43;
(2) ElI77.1, Transcript, 29 May 2012, Ny Kan, 12.00.l8 to 12.12.18.

9 December 197823 December 1978

Nuon Chea threatened Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to "send

[him] as a diplomat" when approached regarding Youk
Chuong's implication of Khieu Samphan as a traitor in his S21 confession. Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch explained that
"being sent as a diplomat" was understood to mean eventual
detention at S-21 and subsequent purge. Nuon Chea later said
"I never told Khieu Samphan about this because I didn't think
it was necessary .. .I did not tell Pol Pot about it. I saw it was not
right." According to Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, Khieu
Samphan was consulted regarding "the arrest [of Youk
Chuong, Chief of Electricity Plant 2] because it was a principle
that the relevant unit chief had to be consulted" before the
implicated could be sent to S-21 thus, Khieu Samphan
approved his arrest and subsequent execution.

(I) E3/107, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 24 June 2008, at ENG
(2) ElI54.1, Transcript, 27 March 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, above
(3) ElI55.1, Transcript, 28 March 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 14.32.36 to
(4) ElI56.1, Transcript, 29 March 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, 14.26.07 to
(5) E3/4202, Gina Chon and Thet Sambath, Behind the Killing Fields, at ENG
(6) E3/356, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 25 November 2008, at
ENG 00242899;
(7) E3/2252, S-21 Prisoner List, November 1978 to December 1978, at ENG
(8) E3/448, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 4 December 2007, at
ENG 00154911.

28 December 1978

Nuon Chea was informed by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch of

(I) E3/1838, S-21 Confession ofChhay Kim Huor, 28 December 1978;

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




the arrest and detention at S-21 of Chhay Kim Huor, Minister of

Foreign Affairs and former professor who was later executed at

(2) E3/347, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch Statement, 4 May 1999 - 6 May 1999, at
ENG 00185011;
(3) E3/342, OCP Revised S-21 Prisoner List, 19 May 2009, entry 971.

2 January 1979

Nuon Chea gave Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch orders to execute
all remaining S-21 detainees (except four upon request by
Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch). Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch
estimated the number of remaining detainees to be at around

(I) E3/1576, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 24 January 2008, at
ENG 00160724, KHM 00159565, FRE 00159586;
(2) E3/452, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 23 August 2007, at ENG
(3) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ol a Nightmare, at ENG 00396608,
FRE 00639977;
(4) ElI57.1, Transcript, 2 April 2012, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch,IO.24.06 to
(5) E3/1915, Far Eastern Economic Review, Death in Detail, 13 May 1999, at
ENG 00002614.

6 January 1979 - 7
January 1979

Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary left Phnom Penh on 6 January

at 7 p.rn. and slept in Pursat. Khieu Samphan then continued to
Battambang and Pailin. Khieu Samphan met with Nuon Chea
and Pol Pot in Pursat and/or Battambang.

(I) E3/385, Leng Chhoeung OCIJ Statement, 17 July 2009, at ENG 00360132;
(2) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396605-06,
22, FRE 00639974, 85;
(3) E3/18, Khieu Samphan, Cambodia's Recent HistOlY and the Reasons Behind
the Decisions I Made, at ENG 00103766;
(4) E3/89, Ieng Sary Interview, 17 December 1996, at ENG 00417639;
(5) ElI208.1, Transcript, 17 June 2013, Leng Chhoeung, 11.33.50 to 11.37.51.

Approx. 8 January

Nuon Chea and Pol Pot met with Ieng Sary in the immediate
aftermath of the fall of Phnom Penh, near Battambang or Pursat,
where it was decided that Ieng Sary should travel to the
People's Republic of China to represent the CPK and seek aid
from the Party's most important ally.

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396618-19,
FRE 00639982-83;
(2) E3/3156, Tom Fawthrop & Helen Jarvis, Getting Away With Genocide?, at
ENG 00149128-29;
(3) E3/2118, E3/2119, Henry Kamm, Cambodia: Report ji-om a Stricken Land,
1998, at ENG 00394475;
(4) E3/2348R, Video entitled "Khmer Rouge History of Genocide", VOOI72506,
01:49:04 to 01:49:15 [Ieng Sary interview].

1-2 February 1979 or Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, and Pol Pot attended a Central (I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: History ol a Nightmare, at ENG 00396622;
See also: (2) E3/18, Khieu Samphan, Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons
March 1979
Committee "work conference" to discuss strategies regarding
Behind the Decisions I Made, at ENG 00103768.

the Vietnamese invasion.

According to Khieu Samphan, this was an expanded Standing
Committee meeting held in March 1979 during which the
resignation by Pol Pot was refused by the participants.
28 March 1979

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Pol Pot while in Tasahn

were warned by Ieng Sary that the Vietnamese were
approaching. The three men continued to move south
abandoning parts of the Central Committee archives, vehicles,
weapons, rice, and 3,000 tons of ammunition.

Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' Final Trial Brie/in Case 002101

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ol a Nightmare, at ENG 00396624,
FRE 00639987;
(2) E3/18, Khieu Samphan, Cambodia's Recent HistOlY and the Reasons Behind
the Decisions I Made, at ENG 00103768.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




8 April 1979

Nuon Chea and Pol Pot were spotted on a river inside

Cambodian territory along the border with Thailand by a group
of Chinese diplomats being escorted to the border regions not
under Vietnamese control by Ieng Sary.

24 April 1979

Nuon Chea was reported to be leading resistance troops in a E3/37S7, Le Monde, L'Artillerie Vietnamienne a Tire en Territoire Thailandais
mountainous zone near the Thai border.
~~;~~ /:O~f;g~:hmers, 26 April 1979, at FRE S 00018674, KHM S 00633423,

E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396624.

(I) E3/143S, DK Congress of the Standing Committee, 18 December 1979, at

15 December 197918 December 1979

Khieu Samphan presided over a Congress gathering the

Standing Committee of the PRA, the DK Government and
representatives of the DK Army with a total of 167 participants.
The Congress, in an effort to widen loyalists' political support
against the Vietnamese, unanimously decided to nominate
Nuon Chea as Chairman of the Standing Committee of the
Peoples' Representative Assembly, Khieu Samphan as Prime
Minister in the Government of DK (replacing Pol Pot) as well
as Provisional President of the Patriotic and Democratic Front
of Great National Union of Kampuchea (FGUNDPK) and
President of the State Presidium and Pol Pot as Chairman &
Commander-in-Chief of the DK National Army. A statement
was issued by the Congress on 18 December 1979. The
Congress accused Vietnam to have "exterminated many
millions of Kampuchean people".

15 February 1981

Nuon Chea chaired a "conference" for DK cadres that decided

to send a delegation led by Khieu Samphan, Prime Minister, to
negotiate with Norodom Sihanouk in Pyongyang, North Korea,
on a common political program in an anti-Vietnamese united

E3/303, DK Government Statement on Talks between the Delegation of

Democratic Kampuchea and Samdech Norodom Sihanouk, 26 March 1981, at
ENG S 00033665-66.

26 March 1981

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan hosted another "conference"

for DK cadres to hear the report of Khieu Samphan on the
negotiations held in Pyongyang with Norodom Sihanouk. The
communique issued by Nuon Chea as Chairman of the
conference stated: "The war of racial extermination carried out
by the Hanoi authorities has already brought death to more than

E3/303, DK Government Statement on Talks between the Delegation of

Democratic Kampuchea and Samdech Norodom Sihanouk, 26 March 1981, at
ENG S 00033665-66.

Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' Final Trial Brie/in Case 002101

ENG S 00017978, 87-89;

(2) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History ola Nightmare, at ENG 00396631,
FRE 00639996;
(3) E3/1436, DK Embassy in Peking, Composition ol the Government ol
Democratic Kampuchea and all State organizations, at ENG S 00018469-70;
(4) E3/110, Sasha Sher, The Biography ofKhieu Samphan, at ENG 00280538.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




2,500,000 human lives of our people".

27 October 1981- 30 Nuon Chea attended the Asian Conference of Parliamentarians (I) E3/1449, DK Government Statement entitled "Press Release No.99/81," 20
November 1981, at ENG S 00020359-61;
October 1981
on Population and Development in Beijing as the Chairman of (2) E3/686, Nuon Chea Interview, 2 November 1981, at ENG S 00030349-50.

the Standing Committee of the Peoples' Representative

Assembly, according to a press release of the Permanent
Mission of Democratic Kampuchea to the United Nations.
Addressing the Conference, Nuon Chea spoke of the
"Vietnamese genocidal war of extermination".
In an interview, Nuon Chea claimed that between 1976 and
1978, the population of Cambodia increased by 640,000, and
during Vietnam's "war of aggression and genocide against
Kampuchea in the two-year period of 1979-80," the Cambodian
population fell by 2.5 million.
30 November 1981

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan issued a call to all Khmer for
unity against the "Vietnamese aggressors" and to study ways to
increase the size of the armed forces to fight the Vietnamese.

E3/212, Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan Statement, Circular Letter by the
Assembly of the People's Representatives of Kampuchea ... , 30 November 1981, at
ENG S 00020383-84.

December 1981

Nuon Chea and Pol Pot in a decision between only the two of
them, decided to announce the self-dissolution of the CPK

(I) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare, at ENG 00396632,
FRE 00639998;
(2) E3/17, E3/2816, David Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography
ofPol Pot, at ENG 00393108.


Nuon Chea went to Samlaut to supervise Sou Met, observe the

battlefront, and offer training courses. While there Nuon Chea
called Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to a meeting and asked him
about the whereabouts of the S-21 confessions and whether or
not Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch had a meeting with Khieu
Samphan before the Vietnamese captured Phnom Penh. Kaing
Guek Eav alias Duch admitted to the meeting with Khieu
Samphan and told Nuon Chea that he was not given enough
forewarning to destroy the documents, and thus left them
behind. Nuon Chea called Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch "stupid"
for failing to destroy the documents at S-21, claiming that all
other documents from other offices were successfully destroyed
except his.

(I) E3/452, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 23 August 2007 at ENG
(2) E3/1915, Far Eastern Economic Review, Death in Detail, 13 May 1999, at
ENG 00087514;
(3) E3/357, Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch OCIJ Statement, 27 November 2008, at
ENG 00242929-30;
(4) ElI57.1, Transcript, 2 April 2012, KAING Guek Eav alias Duch below
See also (5) E3/1567, BBC SWB, I Am In Danger, 13 May 1999, at ENG

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




January 1989

Nuon Chea and Ieng Sary were reported to act as liaisons for
the three Khmer Rouge leaders vying for control of the
leadership of the 30,000 soldiers and 60,000 civilian supporters
along the Thai-Cambodian border. The three leaders are: Khieu
Samphan, Pol Pot, and Ta Mok each with different territories
under their respective control. Khieu Samphan in the central
border region, Pol Pot in the south-west along the Cardamom
Mountains, and Ta Mok in the north as far east as Kampong

E3/3789, The Times, Three rivals vie j(Jr leadership; Khmer Rouge, 7 January
1989, ERN 00114527.

April 1990

Nuon Chea with other leaders of the Khmer Rouge met in April
1990, where is was clarified that Nuon Chea, Pol Pot and
others still controlled Khmer Rouge military regions although
they announced their 'retirement' in June-July 1989.

E3/3793, Bangkok Post, Refugees dying in Cambodian Guerrilla-Run Camps, 4

September 1990, at ENG 00107691, KHM 00656333, FRE 00623000.


Nuon Chea moved to Samlaut on Pol Pot's orders to divide the

Cambodian battlefield into two fronts: the first being to the
North controlled by Pol Pot and Ta Mok, and the West
controlled by Nuon Chea and Son Sen

E3/3804, DNUM, Crimes Committed by Son Sen during his rule on Malay - South
Sisophon - Pailin region, 8 September 1996, at ENG 00000959.

29 December 1995

Nuon Chea commanded the 600-strong Division 09 of the

Khmer Rouge army in the area of Pailin and Bavel, a division
resulting of the merger from Divisions 415 and 320.

E3/3795, BBC SWB, Localsfear outbreaks of war with Khmer Rouge on route i 0,
29 December 1995, at ENG 00107753, KHM 00656334, FRE 00623126.

1 March 1996

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Son Sen were reported to

have fled the advancing of the governmental troops near Pailin
to escape to mountain-top bunkers. Nuon Chea was reported to
have moved from the south of Pailin into Pursat Province and
Khieu Samphan and Son Sen to have moved from sites near
Pailin in Battambang Province to Phnom Malai peak in Banteay
Meanchey Province.

(I) E3/3796, Agence France-Presse, Khmer Rouge top leadership moved as troops
close in on rebel stronghold, 1 March 1996, at ENG 00107754, KHM 00679749,
FRE 00623128;
(2) E3/3797, BBC SWB, intelligence Officer Says Khmer Rouge Leaders Fled
From Pailin, 7 March 1996, at ENG 00107755, KHM 00656336-37, FRE

26 August 1996

Nuon Chea, Son Sen and Ta Mok are reported by governmental

sources to lead purges against a breakaway guerrilla faction in
Pailin following the surrender ofIeng Sary and his troops.

(I) E3/3801, Associated Press, Khmer Rouge Hard-liners Reportedly Purging

Ranh, Launch Attacks, 26 August 1996, at ENG 00115496, KHM 00645146-47,
FRE 00597070.
(2) E3/3800, Dow Jones Newswires, Cambodia Khmer Rouge Hardliners
Reportedly Purging Ranh, 26 August 1996, at ENG 00107808, KHM 0067975152, FRE 00630595.

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




20 October 1997

Nuon Chea and Ta Mok, Pol Pot's top two aides, were reported
to remain in power in their border hideout, and refused to
relinquish power to younger, more moderate forces who wanted
to hand over Pol Pot.

E3/3810, New York Times, On its Last Legs - The Saddest Cambodian Army, 20
October 1997, at ENG 00108168, KHM 00651693, FRE 00630601.

5 January 1998

Nuon Chea reportedly kept Pol Pot in custody in Anlong Veng

after a power struggle over leadership of the Khmer Rouge
ensued. Khieu Samphan and Ta Mok, also members with
Nuon Chea of the "National Union Party" replacing the CPK,
were present for the first press interview by Pol Pot since 1978.
Nuon Chea declared that they had captured Pol Pot "to stop the
killing. Pol Pot is finished, finished for life" but that they had to
be "moral" with their prisoner and that they should "protect him
from being taken" away.

(I) E3/3811, Bangkok Post, Pol Pot isj(JUnd near stronghold, 6 January 1998, at
ENG 00131101, KHM 00645149-50, FRE 00597823;
The interview (1) of the Bangkok Post is mentioned and commented in:
(2) E3/698, Dow Jones Newswire, Pol Pot CambodialPaper2: "We Have to be
Mora/"- Captors, 6 January 1998, at ENGOOI08206, KHM 00645154-55, FRE
(3) E3/3812, The Age, No Escape fiJr Ailing Pol Pot 'Under House Arrest' in
Jungle Refuge, 7 January 1998, at ENG 00108207, KHM 00656339, FRE

26 March 1998 - 28
March 1998

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Ta Mok were

reported to have lost leadership and command over a series of
Khmer Rouge military divisions based in Anlong Veng,
comprising 1,545 cadres and combatants, and also lost control
over 4,lO9 civilians or 762 families, who had now rejoined the
Royal Government. Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and
Ta Mok referred to as hard-line leaders, were also reported to
have escaped into Thai territory after breakaway Khmer Rouge
forces attacked Anlong Veng on 26 March, a fact that Khieu
Samphan and Ta Mok denied on 31 March 1998.

(I) E3/3813, BBC SWB, Authorities say hard-line Khmer Rouge base fallen,
leaders escaped, 28 March 1998, at ENG 00131194, KHM 00656341-42, FRE
(2) E3/3814, BBC SWB, Declaration Issued by Breakaway Khmer Rouge in
Anlong Veng, 28 March 1998, at ENG 00131195, KHM 00656343-44, FRE
(3) E3/3816, Agence France-Presse, Khmer Rouge Deny Fall of Jungle Base,
Flight of Leaders, 31 March 1998, at ENG 00131228-29, KHM 00652367-69,

1 April 1998

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Pol Pot and Ta Mok were

reported to be holding out on high ground at Kbal Ansoang
close to the Thai border after fleeing positions near the longtime Khmer Rouge stronghold of Anlong Veng, 15 km away.

E3/3817, The Australian, Weak Khmer Rouge Struggles to Disrupt Poll, I April
1998, at ENG 00131243, KHM 00633564-65, FRE 00630969;

25 December 1998

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan defected to the royal

government after breaking with Ta Mok, in letters addressed to
Prime Minister Hun Sen in which they requested to be allowed
to live as simple citizens.

(I) E3/3819, Associated Press, Top Khmer Rouge Leaders to Defect, 25 December
1998, at ENG 00132427, KHM 00645156-57, FRE 00597073;
(2) E3/3820, Agence France-Presse, Top Khmer Rouge Leaders Defect to
Government, 26 December 1998, at ENG 00132425, KHM 00629881-82, FRE
(3) E3/132 & E3/3823, USA Today, Pressure Mountingj(Jr Khmer Rouge Trial, 5
January 1999, at ENG S 00042398;
(4) E3/717, Nuon Chea, Letter to Samdech Hun Sen, 25 December 1998, at ENG

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ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]




(5) E3/3430, Phnom Penh Post, Sorry, Very Sorry' for so Much Death, at ENG
00524522, KHM 00709548, FRE 00729122.

29 December 1998

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan declared in a press

conference being "very sorry" for the Khmer Rouge terror
although refusing to accept personal responsibility. Khieu
Samphan added: "Let bygones be bygones" while Nuon Chea
said: "Sorry as well for the lives of animals endangered during
the war."

(1) E3/3821, Associated Press, Ex-Khmer Rouge Bask in Luxury. Disagreement

Continues Over Granting Amnesty, 31 December 1998, at ENG 00133399, KHM
00629886-87, FRE 00623002;
(2) E3/3430, Phnom Penh Post, Sony, Very Sony'j(Jr so Much Death, 21 January
1999, at ENG 00524522, KHM 00709548-49, FRE 00729122;
(3) E3/3892R, ARTE, Pol Pot et Les Khmer Rouges (Part 2), (clip extracted from
E3/2340R, 00:25:18 to 00:25:52.)

5 January 1999

Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan flew back to Pailin from

Phnom Penh, after visiting the country with their family,
following their surrender on 25 December 1998.

(1) E3/132, E3/3823, USA Today, Mountingj(Jr Khmer Rouge Trial, 5 January
1999, at ENG S 00042398, KHM S 00629875-78, FRE S 00630671;
(2) E3/3430, Phnom Penh Post, Sony, Very Sony'j(Jr so Much Death, 21 January
1999, at ENG 00524522, KHM 00709548, FRE 00729122;

19 September 2007

Nuon Chea while residing in the Phsar Prum Village in the

town of Pailin was arrested pursuant to the arrest warrant issued
by the ECCC Co-Investigating Judges on the 17 September
2007. Nuon Chea was subsequently moved to Phnom Penh to
await trial.

(1) C6, GCIJ Arrest Warrant of Nuon Chea, 17 September 2007, at ENG
(2) C7, GCIJ Written Record of Arrest ofNuon Chea, 19 September 2007, at ENG

Annex 3 to Co-Prosecutors' Final Trial Brie/in Case 002101

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