In The Central Administrative Tribunal - Chandigarh
In The Central Administrative Tribunal - Chandigarh
In The Central Administrative Tribunal - Chandigarh
(By: Shri Deepak Agnihotri, Advocate)
This Bench while hearing OA No. 563/PB/2004 had observed that since there was divergent
opinion expressed in various judgments, the judicial discipline require that the matter be
referred to be Full Bench and the following question was referred to be Full Bench:-
4. We also called Shri C.L. Gupta, learned counsel for the applicant and Shri Deepak
Agnihotri, learned counsel for the respondents and heard them also.
5. It appears that they were also not aware that controversy referred by us to the Full
Bench had also been referred at Jammu during circuit sitting nor they were aware
that the matter had already been heard. The question referred to the Full Bench was
"whether the benefits under BCR Scheme dated 11-10-1991 are to be granted from
the date one completes 26 years of satisfactory service OR from the crucial dates of
1st January or 1st July, as the case may be, which is based on the Biennial Cadre
Review of posts to be placed against such identified for upgradation from these
crucial dates each year as per subsequent clarifications." The Hon'ble Full Bench
answered the question in the following manner:-
"The benefit under the Biennial Cadre Review Scheme dated 11-10-1991 has to be
granted from the date one completes 26 years of satisfactory service."
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