Unit Plan Sample Assignment

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Unit Plan Assignment

Part I: The Big Idea

SPED 595T, Spring 2016

e spaces below describing your class, the standards you will be focusing on and your big ideas for the unit. I will make comment
point total. Go to the Unit Plan webpage link in Moodle for details on Part I and II. See Moodle for due date.

write in this document the boxes will expand. You have as much room as you need for each section, but keeping your descriptio

des: I will make comments to the right of each box in a different color and give you a number grade based on the thoughtfulnes
uestion. The rubric is embedded on the Weebly welcome page and can be downloaded as a document.


writing your Unit Plan for?

What a great book! A classic.

ts. The students will be studying the novel Stone Fox by John Reynolds
Grade Level(s)


evel(s) of the students in the class?

Perfect book for this age!
Disability Areas

your students have? Please include numbers of students and general

sability types. (EG: 5 students with learning disabilities.)
ng disabilities


This makes for a good literature circle.

Functioning Levels


eral statement about the reading, writing, comprehension and math

in your class. You can write it as a range. (EG: Reading levels range
levels, with the majority of the students functioning at about a third

y reads at an early 1st grade level. The other two students are currently
grade level (fluency). Comprehension for all three students is closer to

Essential Standards that you will focus on in your Unit Plan (Common
Foundational Skills. Know and apply grade level phonics and word
oding words.
Foundational Skills. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to
Literature. Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing
ext, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza.
Production and Distribution of Writing. With guidance and support
nology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well
aborate with others.
& Listening. Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an
opriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an
Big Ideas

ig Ideas that you will focus on in your Unit Plan. Big Ideas can be
or questions. Think about the Big Ideas as larger more authentic


I like to use novels to teach as many standards as I c

literature makes it possible.


Excellent big ideas that can easily be answered in co

the standards you chose.

something. (IE: What were the three most important reasons behind the
iginal colonies? Learning how to subtract numbers with decimals will
g ripped off at Universal City Walk. Blending sounds to make words
e directions to Connect Four so your older brother doesnt cheat; or
s us figure out unfamiliar words while reading independently. )
Native American (Stone Fox) be slow to trust white people? What

ost important thing from each chapter that we could share with someone
abulary helps us understand what we read.
elp us retell a story?

Total Poin

Unit Plan Assignment

Part II: The Project
SPED 595T, Spring 2016

and explain two project ideas for your Unit Plan. Keep in mind the big ideas and standards you will be covering and assessing d
y (general, academic or content specific) that needs to be taught. In addition to your projects and key vocabulary, consider all the
ed to teach your unit.

web page link in Moodle for details on Part II. See Moodle for due date.
Project Idea #1

es, describe your first student project idea.

series of digital thinking maps to analyze different parts of the novel.


please elaborate on why you chose this project. How does it allow your
they understand the standards and big ideas of your Unit Plan? Explain
ow this will be an effective summative assessment and/or addresses the
hosen. Finally, what kind of technology would your students use to
ncy or how might you as the teacher use technology to share students

rs known as thinking maps (as seen at thinkingmaps.com) are used by

ut our school on a daily basis. Using them in the RSP setting allows
main connected to the school curriculum. Different maps will help with
cle maps provide multiple visual representations of new vocabulary
ble map helps students compare and contrast two different characters in
flow map helps students see the connections between historical events
ns. I will be using Google Drive to share Thinking Map templates with
nts have a great deal of difficulty physically producing thinking maps by
em with a digital template helps them focus on the content rather than
Project Idea #2

This is an excellent way to motivate students to use t

maps through technology. The organization of thoug
meaningful way can help tremendously with compre
not to mention the positive effects for the writing pro


es, describe your second student project idea.

slide show that includes the main idea and a key image from each
l present this slide show to their peers in the general education setting.
please elaborate on why you chose this project. How does it allow your
they understand the standards and big ideas of your Unit Plan? Explain
ow this will be an effective summative assessment and/or addresses the
hosen. Finally, what kind of technology would your students use to
ncy or how might you as the teacher use technology to share students

nts at our school read Stone Fox. This modified presentation project
to participate in the school curriculum, while still focusing on their
oals. Through this presentation project, students will be able to focus on
entifying the main idea of a text, using new vocabulary, and speaking in
st half of the project will be completed as a group with lots of
eling. Students will take more ownership of creating the slides

I agree with the control of the images and limiting on

searches. The same goes for my middle school stude
lesson is about presenting main ideas through the use
slides not how to do internet searches, so its good to
the pictures.

progress through the chapters of the book. Students will use Google
oks to create the presentation. I will provide images related to the novel
r their presentations using google drive (having 3rd graders search the
stone fox is not a good idea!). Finally, students will use projection
available in the classrooms to give their presentation to their peers.

ou would teach within your unit. This may include grade level
r school curriculum, high frequency words, subject specific vocabulary
ial studies unit, or academic vocabulary students need to know (i.e.
mile, etc.).
ority, twilight, forged, empowered, competition, brim, Samoyed, harvest,

ech and non-tech items, required to teach your unit. You might want to
may or may not have access to (a wish list). It is OK to dream. After
ormative and summative assessment) and Part IV (sequencing skills)
nd this section.
copies), chrome books, Google Drive, Google Slides, Google Docs,
e/speaker system, digital graphic organizer templates, Kahoot! quiz
quiz and test, document camera

This is a really good way to combine comprehension



Nice list. You are sure to come up with more as you


Kahoot! is cool. Its a fun way to review. Good lists!

Total Point

Unit Plan Assignment

Part III: Assessments
SPED 595T, Spring 2016

and explain three formative assessments, two summative assessments and the technology you might use to assess student under

or standards.

webpage link in Moodle for details on Part III. See Moodle for due date.

Assessment #1

p - Grandfather/Stone

se this formative
chnology. How does the
make the assessment
ng, efficient, or
ou know the assessment

Assessment #2

letion of slides for

se this formative
chnology. How does the
make the assessment
ng, efficient, or
ou know the assessment

Assessment #3

1. Google Drive, chromebooks, Double
Bubble map template (Google Docs)
Providing the students with a template of the
thinking map speeds the process up, and
helps students who have a hard time drawing
the circles. I will know the assessment is
successful if students are able to describe two
ways Grandfather and Stone Fox are similar,
and two ways they are different.
2. Google Slides, Chromebooks, Google
I chose this technology because it is
frequently used in the general education
classrooms at our school, especially in 4th
and 5th grade. In order for these students to
be successful in the gen ed environment, they
will need to become familiar with this
technology. I will know the assessment is
successful if students are able to
independently complete slides for chapters 710 with a sentence or two accurately
summarizing the main idea of the chapter.


Great to have Chromebooks to use. Are your student

at logging in? Do they need much help?
Comparing and contrasting is an important skill. You
technology seems motivating and efficient at the sam


Nice way to prepare the students for upper elementa

found lots of pictures and a little writing to work bes


se this formative
chnology. How does the
make the assessment
ng, efficient, or
ou know the assessment

ment #1 (Final Project)

in gen ed class

se this summative
chnology. How does the
make the assessment
ng, efficient, or
ou know the assessment

3. Doc camera.
I chose to give a quiz on paper covering the
first half of the novel. This group uses a lot of
technology, but still needs practice with the
physical act of writing (penmanship/letter
formation is a concern with some in this
group). There is one literal comprehension
question about each of the first five chapters,
requiring students to answer in one complete
sentence each. Additionally, the quiz includes
a one minute timed fluency passage from the
novel that students will read aloud in order to
track progress on the Reading:Foundational
Skills standards. I will know the assessment
has been successful if all students are able to
accurately answer comprehension questions
with 80% accuracy, and if students
demonstrate an increase in oral reading
correct words per minute from their previous
assessment. After grading the quiz, I can use
the document camera to display strong
student examples of answers for each
1. Chromebooks, google slides, class
microphone/speaker system
The students I work with often lack
confidence and are afraid to speak up in the
gen ed setting in our highly academically
competitive school. I want to help them gain
the confidence they need to share their
thoughts and abilities in the gen ed setting.

Good way to use simple technology for positive demo

of good work with traditional paper and pencil.

When we talk about efficiency, sometimes paper and

the best way.


Great way to promote oral literacy and combine with


This also has the benefit of self-advocacy. Its hard t

shy, unsure students that they have the smarts and ab
speak up in a larger class setting. Good work.

Assessment #2

se this summative
chnology. How does the
make the assessment
ng, efficient, or
ou know the assessment

Students will be given the opportunity to

practice the presentation in the resource
room (more than once if necessary), and will
then present their slide show in the gen ed
class. The assessment will be successful if
students are able to present their slide shows
to theirs classmates in a voice that is clear
and at a pace that is able to be understood.
2. Google Forms, Chromebooks, Google
I chose to create an end of book test myself
using Google Forms. This program allows
me to create both multiple choice and short
answer questions, and allows me to add
images to the questions to give the students
some comprehension/memory support. The
assessment will be assigned using Google
Classroom, which will allow students the
opportunity to retake the quiz in another
setting if they do not achieve mastery on the
first attempt. The quiz will be considered
successful if students are able to achieve an
80% score on the quiz, indicating mastery of
literal comprehension questions, literature
and story-specific vocabulary, and identifying
main ideas/supporting details.


I like to use google forms for assessments as well. Fa

them after Common Core tests gives students some p
with a certain format theyll be expected to engage w
end of the year too.

Total Points f

Unit Plan Assignment

Part IV: Skills Section
SPED 595T, Spring 2016

e your skills. List at least 10 skills, sequenced from the beginning of the unit to the end (tech and non-tech), using the UDL form
echnology throughout the sequencing of skills and explain your reasoning.

webpage link in Moodle for details on Part IV. See Moodle for due date.


kills you will be covering throughout the unit and the technology you will be using to represent a skill, engage the students in pr
or student expression. Remember, all boxes need to be filled out. At least 10 boxes will have technology solutions.

Simple Sentence

Technology and Non-technology Solutions Used for Each Skill

For Representation

For Engagement

For Expression

Mimio Interactive Board with

Picture from Google

Picture Displayed using LCD

projector, Students Use Paper and
Pencil for Practice
Students Think-Pair-Share and use
Socrative to answer Fact/Opinion
Students search throughout the
classroom to find real-life

Students Send Comple

Using Neo Share

Facts and Opinions

Teacher uses LCD Projector and

Elmo with Think-Aloud Strategy


Teacher uses Khan Academy to

Show Different Quadrilaterals

Students Generate own

Fact/Opinion and subm
Students create math-t
scavenger hunt for qua

s skills to grade level test

r projector can go a long

Doc Cam - teacher modeling of

fluent reading

alize new vocabulary terms

Computer/Projector - display
images of key vocabulary (circle
map template)

tudents study vocabulary

h. I love the games.
rast two characters in a

Doc options can be a good

ncil tasks.
ns between historical
historical events

d non-fiction infusion! You

riting process using Google

and supporting details of

ature in Google Docs is a


mprehension questions of

throughout the school.

One minute timed flue

assessment (paper)

Doc Cam - teacher models double Chromebooks/Google Docs bubble comparison graphic
students practice with thinking
map templates

extension. Students cre
drawings (with caption
students produce final
double bubble compar

computer/projector - Display
images and articles (winter in the
American west, Native American
land ownership)

Chromebooks/Google Docs students practice with multiflow thinking map to outline

historical events

students produce final
multi-flow thinking ma
sequencing a historical

Doc cam - teacher modeling of

identification of main idea

Chromebooks/Google Slides Students practice identifying main

idea of first half of the novel with
teacher guidance

Google Drive/Projector - display

chart of replacement adjectives
(fantastic instead of good, etc.)

Chromebooks/Google Slides students practice replacing adding

descriptive words to student
presentation with teacher support

Paperback books - teacher

modeling of visualization
comprehension strategy

Doc cam - students display strong

examples of sentences from quiz
answering Stone Fox

Chromebook/Google D
Students create presen
independently identify
idea of each chapter of
half of Stone Fox
students independently
adjectives to sentences
half of student presenta
Stone Fox
Paper/Pencil written qu
literal comprehension
from Stone Fox chapte

us for Common Core.


quadrilaterals or go to favorite
website for practice.
Paperback novels - group read
aloud with teacher feedback
provided as necessary
Quizlet - students work in pairs to
quiz each other on new terms.

lots of practice with the

iteral questions.
e events in grade level

ill. Scissors and paper is a

comprehension questions

Give a clear and concise

hy students, I sometimes

comprehension questions
Doc cam - Teacher models cut and
paste sequencing event using
article about dogsled racing

Cut and paste paper/pencil

sequencing activity

Google Forms - sequen

questions on Stone Fox
book test

Paperback books - teacher

modeling of making predictions
comprehension strategy to find
information beyond the text
Google Slides/projector - teacher
models a previous students
presentation of Stone Fox with
frequent pauses to give public
speaking tips

Kahoot! website. Group review

before end of book test including

Google Forms - inferen

comprehension questio
Stone Fox end of book

Google Slides/classroom
microphone and speaker system.
Students practice giving their
chapter by chapter presentation of
Stone Fox in the special education

Google Slides/classroo
microphone and speak
Students independently
chapter by chapter pres
Stone Fox in the gener
education classroom
Total for Part IV

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