Bio Gas
Bio Gas
Bio Gas
Government of India’s Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) has been focusing on safe disposal of
human excreta by promoting construction of sanitary toilets and creating open defecation free
environment. TSC implementation has considerably improved due to recent community based
incentive scheme"-Nirmal Gram Puraskar" launched by Govt. of India. Currently, the primary
objective of the Total Sanitation Campaing in India is to address the knowledge and practice of
safe disposal of human faecal technical options. This is based on the assumption of primary
research that indicates high correlation between unsafe human faecal disposal and the prevalence of
gastro intestinal illness.
However, recent research by WHO (2004) indicate that prevalence of specific micro-
organisms derived from animal source (E Coli 0157:H7, Enterococcus, Rotavirus and
Cryptosproidium) suggest that management of human faeces alone is insufficient in breaking the
“true” faecal-oraltransmission route. Hence, there is need to focus on animal waste management.
GOI has recently modified the TSC guideline to incorporate a provision of solid and liquid waste
management also having both type of waste etc. human waste as-well-as animal wastes.
Health Risk
Livestock activities have significant impacts on almost all aspects of environment including air,
land, soil, water and biodiversity. The livestock business contributes among other things to water
pollution, the degeneration of coral reefs etc. Livestock are estimated to be the main inland source
of phosphorous and nitrogen contamination and one of the leading factors for nitrate pollution
resulting in blue baby syndrome. However, as well as chemical contamination, animal waste is a
significant source of microbiological contamination of drinking water sources as well as increasing
the subsequent disease burden. One of the major causes of mortality and morbidity among children
below 2 years of age is rotaviral infection. The major source of rotavirus is animal faeces and
drinking water contamination due to it. UNICEF concern over rotavirus contamination has resulted
in the introduction of rotarirus and pneumococcal vaccines at a cost of $US200 million. Despite the
global recognition of animal waste as a major source of rotavirus, there have been limited
environmental sanitation drives to reduce the prevalence and viral transmission in rural India.
Animal waste from about 485 million livestock population in India contributes excess
nutrients, pathogens, organic matter, solids, and odorous compounds to the environment (Ministry
of Agriculture, 2006). Animal waste from farms, ivestock/poultry, dairy production operations and
stray animals severely affects water quality if not managed properly. Though crop-increasing value
of animal faeces has been recognized, more than 50% of the cattle dung produced in India is either
burnt or remains unmanaged (Ministry of Agriculture, 2006).
Traditionally, the cattle-dung, together with house sweeping, is collected in the open backyard, and
removed from the homestead using drawn carts. The dung is removed to another heap or to an
uncovered pit in a common plot outside the village. The loose heaps lie exposed to the sun, with
the result that the raw organic matter dries up quickly and does not fully decompose. Very often, a
part of the dry dung is blown off by wind or washed away by rain. This can cause eutrophication of
surface waters, degradation of ground water quality, and threats to human health. Furthermore,
historically, animal waste is used as manure and land application of manure is considered to be the
best option for animal waste management. However, recent trends indicate increased drinking
water contamination both due to animal and human waste.
Poor management of cow dung and inadequate hygiene practices are also responsible for
contamination of the milk produced. Cow-dung is also primarily responsible for growth of
parasites causing deadly Alzheimer (kalazar) disease. Similarly, agr iculture wastes also causing
various health hazards like a weed in the districts, of Punjab. It is causing so many problems of
skins and joints to the farmers.
The most common way of disposal of cow-dung in rural areas is to convert into dung cakes which
are burnt as fuel in rural households. Burning the cow-dung not only adds to carbon emission
which is a green house gas leading to ozone layer depletion but also is an inefficient way of using
the dung which is rich in calorific value and can generate efficient form of fuel if properly
decomposed in a bio-digester. Anaerobic decomposition of organic waste leads to methane
production which is a good fuel.
As per calorific value table one kg of methane gas is more or less equal in
energy content to one kg of petrol, LPG, kerosene or diesel. The gobar gas research station in
Kanpur Gaushala Samiti in Uttar Pradesh has established that one cow gives enough cow-dung in
year to produce methane gas equivalent to 255 litres of petrol in energy terms. The large scale
availability of cow-dung and other organic waste in rural areas can be used to produce methane gas
in an organized way. Generation of methane in this manner or “ methane farming” has the potential
to counter the skyrocketing prices of crude oil and emerge as an alternative to fossil fuels whose
stocks may be depleted in the next 30-40 years.
It is estimated that with existing cattle population, India can produce enough methane gas to
entirely replace LPG and kerosene in cooking, and substitute petrol in transportation. Methane gas
can also generate enough electricity to meet all requirements, at least in rural areas. The by-product
can serve as excellent organic manure, substituting chemical fertilizers which require LPG as
Obtaining methane gas from cow dung is simple enough. When organic material decays it yields
useful by-products. The kind of by-product depends on the conditions under which decay takes
place. Decay can be aerobic (with oxygen) or anaerobic (without oxygen). It is possible to mimic
and hasten the natural anaerobic process by putting organic wastes (manure and vegetable matter)
into insulated, air-tight containers called digesters.
Digesters are of two types:
1. Batch-load digesters which are filled all at once, sealed, and emptied when the raw
material has stopped producing gas; and
2. Continuous- load digesters which are fed a little, regularly, so that gas and fertilizer are
produced continuously.
The digester is fed with a mixture of water and wastes, called “slurry”. Inside the digester, each
daily load of fresh slurry flows is one end and displaces the previous days’s load which bacteria
and other microbes have already started to digest. Each load progresses down the length of the
digester to a point where the methane bacteria are active. At this point large bubbles force their
way to the surface where the gas accumulates. The gas is very similar to natural gas and can be
burned directly for heat and light, stored for future use, or compressed to power heat engines. This
gas has 68 per cent methane3 and 31 per cent carbon dioxide. It is passed through lime water to
remove the carbon dioxide and over iron fillings to remove H2S. It then becomes enriched with
methane. A compressor can extract and compress this methane gas into portable cylinders. These
methane gas cylinders can then be used for cooking, or in automobiles and two wheelers. A
community unit may provide piped gas to house holds whether it is in rural area or in urban area.
As much as 50 per cent of the cow dung slurry and other agro-waste is available as leftover in the
gobar gas plant, which then can be used to produce organic manure rich in nitrogen and
1. Our petrol consumption in 2005-2006 was eight million tones. On the assumption that one cow
produces methane gas equivalent to 225 litres of petrol, we will need about 36 million cows to
produce an energy equivalent to eight million tones of petrol.
2. LPG is generally used for cooking in urban areas while kerosene is the preferred fuel in rural
India. A 15 kg. LPG cylinder lasts about 20-25 days for a family of 7-8. This Works out to 20
cylinders LPG per house hold per year. The equivalent quantity of kerosene also true. The entire
LPG and kerosene requirements of our 100 crore population can be met by methane gas cylinders,
produced from the cow dung of 75 million cows.
3. A generator needs 200 gm of petrol to produce one kilowatt/hour (kwH) of electrical energy.
The per capita electrical energy consumption in rural area is 112 kwH per annum. Our rural
population being 74 crore, we will need another 85 million cows to meet the electrical energy
needs of rural areas. This comes to a total of 200 million livestock to satisfy our energy
4. The cow dung of 200 million cow can produce 50 million tones of . The cow dung which can be
used for two rotations in a year to take care of the fertilizer needs of the entire 143 million hectares
in the country. This will completely offset the need to import CNG, used as feedstock in fertilizer
5. Since this process leads to safe disposal of organic waste and methane generated is used as fuel,
this process saves the green house gas emission and quantum of methane generated is likely to earn
carbon credits as part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) which can generate sufficient
fund for taking up methane farming on a large scale.
6. It is estimated that with initial investment of about Rs. 14.00 Lakh is required for a community
Bio-Gas Unit which can provide piped bio-gas to a village having 80-100 house holds. The plant
can be easily operated at village level by local entrepreneurs as well as women self help groups.
1. Sanitation: with proper management of animal and other agriculture/organic wastes/ village will
be clean leading to better health and hygiene in rural areas.
2. Energy security: conversion of organic waste into methane and its use as fuel will
lead to energy security because the fossil fuel is not going to last more than 30-40 years.
3. Pollution control: normally aerobic decay of organic waste leads to emission of green house
gases like carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. The process of methanation reduces green house
gas emission and helps in arresting depletion of the ozone layer. This is likely to earn carbon
4. Employment generation: Such plants can be easily set up and operated at village level and can
be managed by women self help groups or local entrepreneurs with lower per capita investment.
Since the product has a captive market the plant is bound to be economically viable and generate
employment opportunity for a large number of people.
8.Project Cost:
This project has been first of it’s kind in Punjab.. It will provide clean, eco- friendly and piped gas
supply to rural households of village Verka of Amritsar district. The total population this village is
about 700 having 75 house hold in total. It is a majra of kisan-Sabha. The village is situated about
18 km. away from the main city Amritsar and suffering of so many economic problems. Kisan
sabha self Help Group is functional since last 4-5 years and they have got their own status in the
regional society. Under chairmanship of Dr. Amrik Singh, retired senior education officer,
Based on preliminary survey, two units of 100 Cubic meter capacity would be installed on total
cost of Rs. 14.24 lakh. Such a facility will provide clean fuel to the villagers as per their
convenience on reasonable cost. The unit will provide full time employment to about 10 rural
youths also. The useful life of the project has been assumed as 12 years.
The marketability of the products are much more easier. The major product is biogas, which is a
clean- fuel having comparatively lower per day investment to a villagers for it’s consumption in
comparison to traditional L.P.G.. Based on the survey to all the 100 families in the village, about
18 families have their own L.P.G. connections. So, rest 82 families are still left, who will be served
by this project, Along with, the proposed unit will produce about 3750 kg. good quality compost,
which can also be easily marketed to either in village it’s self on whole sale basis or it’s small
packets to urban area of Punjab for kitchen garden. During, desulpherization, concentrated H 2SO4
would be formulated which can be easily sold to Chemical Unit. So, marketability is not a problem
to the unit.
(i) The land would be provided by the Gram-Sabha/Debt of Youth Welfare, Punjab.
(ii) All the rates regarding construction materials and daily wages have been taken as per prescut
rates available in the market.
(iii) Technical consultancy would be taken from M/S Bala ji Gas Plants, Kanpur.
(iv) Margin money contribution would be 10% from Kisan Sabha.
(v) 90% part of the capital required would be financed by the bank.
(vi) The interest rate would be @9.25% P.A.
(vii) The gestation period of the project is one year and the total repayment period would be 5 years
from 2nd year.
(viii) A.P.L. families will pay Rs. 100 per months while B.P.L. families will pay Rs. 50 per month
as service charges against piped bio- gas.
(ix) Depreciation rate would be 5% W.D.V.
(x) The bio-fertilizer/compost produced would be sold @Rs. 4000 per tonne in whole sale or Rs.
8000 per tonne in retail. 50% of the fertilizers would be sold at whole sale prices while 50% would
be sold at retail prices. Agro and other organic wastes would be procured @ Rs. 0.25 per kg. whole
cow-dung would be procured @Rs. 0.70 per by. Average rate would be Rs. 0.50 per kg.
(xi) Calculation of daily wages paid to labour has been taken Rs/ 60/-.
(xii) No duty or tax would be charged by the govt. dept.
(xiii) The project may be partially/fully subsidiesed.
(xiv) All other conditions remain the same.
All shorts of agro-and other organic house hold waste are collected and
feeded in to bio-digester. After filling the required quantity, the bio-digester is sealed with pre-
fabricated dome of some inert materials. Initially, after 4-5 days, the gasification starts under
anaerobic condition. The gases coming act are treated with lime solution first and then it is passed
through desulpherizer. After coming out from desulpherizer, the gas is stored in the storage tank
and then it is supplied to the house holds in time with the help of a compressor unit. This supply is
time bound like 1.30 hour in the morning say about 7.00 A.M. in the morning, 2.00-3.30 in the mid
and from G.P.M.-10.00 P.M. in the night. In short of any emergency it can also be used as per
convenience of the community.
Methane gas coming out from the plant is as good is C.N.G. or
L.P.G.. It’s burning process and thermal efficiency is also of similar nature.
The total installed capacity of both the plant is 200 cubic meter each.
Each house hold requires 2.25 cubic meter gas per day as per schedule mentioned above.
(a) Salary & Wages per month: To manage the activity, following staff & workers
would be recruited;
Sl.No. Particulars Rate (Rs./Month) No. Amount
1. Project Coordinator 3000 1 3000=00
2. Supervisors 1500 2 3000=00
3. Semi Skilled Workers 1200 5 6000=00
Total 12,000=00
(b) Raw materials per month: The unit will require various kind of agro-waste, Cowdung &
other organic waste from house hold. About 15 tonnes of waste would be
required @500 per tonnes. So, it will Cost Rs. 7500 per month.
(c) Utilities per month: Following utilities would be required on monthly basis;
Sl.No. Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1. Petrol/Kerosene for start of compressor 1000=00
2. Water 200=00
Total 1,200=00
(d) Other Contingent expenses per month: Such expenses would be following;
Sl.No. Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1. Postage & Stationery 100=00
2. Telephone 500=00
3. Transport Charges 1,500=00
4. MISC 500=00
Total 3,200=00
(e) Total recurring expenses per month: Summing up (a+b+c+d), it comes to be Rs.
23,900 says Rs. 24,000=00.
The unit will provide piped bio-gas supply to A.P.L. & B.P.L. families through out the year. Along
with, the unit will produce good quality compost also. Here- under are the detail of revenue;
(i) Term Loan : Rs. 12.60 Lakh
(ii) Interest during first year : Rs. 1.16 Lakh
(iii) Loan Subsidised : 0%
(iv) Capital for repayment : Nil
(v) Gestation Period : One year
(vi) Rate charged to APL : Rs. 325 per month
(vii) Rate charged to BPL : Rs. 175 per month
Based on the previous analysis, the various outcomes, which are likely to be achieved, are
i) Traditional method of cooking shall be fully replaced. At present direct burning of wood and
other organic matters affects our eyes due to smoke, emission of CO2 & CO affects our ozone layer
ultimately to create global warming etc.
(ii) Time saving in cooking ultimately leads to more & more productivity in rural masses.
(iii) Dependence on electricity for lightening would be reduced to almost zero.
(iv) Organic farming shall be started automatically. It will ultimately affects the soil conditions in
positive way as well as yield, quality and profitability of the farmers.
(v) Use of clean fuel ultimately leads to total sanitation in the village.
(vi) The cattle population will automatically in crease. It will ultimately enhance the income level
of the rural mass because real stream of “Kheti-Bari” will automatically start.
Summing-up the above parameters, we can say that Mullahi Khera will create a success story
regarding energy self reliance through using traditional inputs with using appropriate rural
technology. Ultimately, the Socio-Economic status of the masses in the said village will
automatically enrich.
Biogas is the major Energy source in renewable energy field of Ind ia. The biogas technology in
India started since 1980 AD. From the starting, there are several models practiced in India. Since
the introduction of K.V.I.C. model, only such plants have been in practiced. This plant is an
example of traditional fixed dome plant. Daily feeding, leakage of gas, difficulty in construction,
less gas discharge are the major drawbacks of traditional fixed dome plant .To remove these
drawbacks, Salasar Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. has developed a new model called Balaji model which is the
best example of hydraulic biogas model. This plant is made with the help of scaffolding (steel
mould) by concreting the complete plant. This biogas plant can be taken as daily feeding, semi-
batch and batch plant, (the three types of biogas plants practiced around the world).
1. Concrete Digester: The stomach ( digester ) of the plant is made with the help of scaffolding
(steel mould) by casting the concrete (mixture of cement, smashed stone, sand). Hence it is
stronger than the other types of plants with brick or stonewall. The volume of digester varies
ccording to frame .The basic sizes Balaji biogas plant are of 10 cu m. The digester has provided
with four concrete slabs(covers) for keeping in the top part to press the biomass kept inside the
2. Gas Holder: The gas holder is made up of reinforced glass fibre, which is 100% air and
watertight. The diameter of the gas holder is 1.6 m and the volume varies with height of it. The
volume of gas holder for 10 cu m plant is 1.8 cu m. The gas holder always remains below the water
level and is fixed in the neck part of the plant. The gas pipe outlet is from the middle part of the gas
3. Neck and Covers : The round part above the Digester is known as neck. This is also made with
the help of steel frame. The neck is essential for fixing the gas holder .The water level above the
gas holder in the neck determines the pressure of Gas. The neck is covered with five concrete
covers(slabs), which make the plant attractive and utilization of the plant area.
The Balaji Biogas plant has more advantages than the traditional fixed dome plant. Some of the
major advantages of the Balaji Biogas plant over other plants are listed below.
1. Easy to built and fast: The Balaji Bio gas plant is made by concreting with the help of frame.
Hence, it is easy and fast to build the plant. The Casting of whole plant can be completed in one-
day work after digging the hole in the ground. There is no need of soil as in the case of traditional
fixed dome plant for casting the digester.
2. Industrial Scale : The traditional biogas plant cannot be used to make large plant in industrial
scale. The Balaji model can be used to make the plant of strong strength with larger volume than
other models.
3. Solid Organic Materials: like grass, straw can be used. Traditional biogas plant is mainly dung
based but Balaji biogas plant can use any solid biodegradable material. When this biogas plant is
used as batch plant, there is regular discharge of gas for long time (4-5 months). But these
materials have to be replaced after 5-6 months.
4. Easy to Repair: The gas holder is perfectly below the water. Hence any leakage of the gas can
be seen easily and repaired immediately. The digester has 1.5 m diameter hollow part in the top(in
which gas holder stands). So it is easy to repair the digester also.
5. Durable: The Balaji Biogas plant is concrete plant. So it can last for 30 years or more. The gas
holder can last for 10 or more years.
6. Safe: When the Gas holder is taken out, there is no gas in the digester. So it is safe to repair the
plant and to replace the solid biomass like grass and straw.
7. Purity in the Gas: The Balaji model consists of de-sulfurizer to absorb the unwanted sulfur
compounds (H2S, SO2). This will help to show that biogas is odorless gas.
8. The Slurry: From the Balaji plant is perfectly digested. It consists of 90% of water.
9. The Inlet and Outlet: Can be constructed as required by the users.
10. This biogas plant is completely submerged in the ground. So it is very attractive than other
11. All other wastes (except Plastic, highly acidic and basic materials) can be feed to this Balaji
12. This plant does not require daily water addition because it is completely submerged below
the water. The feeding material takes the required amount of water.
1) 100% leak proof.
2) Solid wastes rather than dung can be used.
3) Completed in four days.
4) Modern construction method.
5) Fertilizer with high NPK value.
6) High efficient appliances.
Our services:
1. Technology transfer to biogas companies.
2. Steel Moulds.
3. Modern biogas appliances.
4. Extension of biogas technology in urban and rural areas.
5. Big Bio Gas Plant for Gaushala and CNG Plant.
6. Power Generation Plant based on Bio Gas.