Stun Gun
Stun Gun
Stun Gun
If your an adventurist, you could wind a small transformer for any of these units
This would allow for higher efficiency and more current draw.
On the "Low Power" Stun-gun, Current draw is about 80 Ma at 9 volts.
On the "More Power" Stun-gun, Current draw is about 225 Ma at 9 volts.
With dual batteries, Better yet, 6 to 8 "AA" cells
"High-Voltage Zappers"
"It doesn't take much to generate enough high-voltage to curl your hair."
by Charles D. Rakes
The two circuits listed here are for the experimenter having a touch of Ben and Nikola's
fascination for working with high-voltage. But unlike those two brave pioneers who flirted
with lightning and gigantic spark coils, our high-voltage circuits are mild in comparison,
having outputs of less than 50 kilovolts (KV). Even so, don't ever become careless when
working with high voltage. To do so could be dangerous to your health and your good
nature. So please take care.
A circuit that generates a high voltage by discharging the energy stored in a large-value
capacitor through the primary winding of a high-turns-ratio step-up transformer is known a
a Capacitor-Discharge (CD) system. It's the same concept used by many of the highperformance auto-ignition systems to produce a super-hot spark. It's also the same kind of
system used by some of the top-of-the-line electric fence chargers. And let us not forget one
of the most popular persona-defense devices now on the market, the electronic Stun-Gun,
which also generates its zap with capacitor-discharge circuit.
Other Components
T1 = Step-down transformer, 48VAC, 300mA
T2 = Auto ignition coil, or substitute (see text)
CMOS type)
PNP transistor
NPN power transistor
NPN power transistor with heatsink
Other Components
T1 = Auto ignition coil (see text)
My stun gun:
I chose thyristor (SCR) version. I made a voltage converter with a MOSFET, because
"children's" push-pull converters with bipolar transistors used in commercial stun guns
have an efficiency of around 20%. The effectiveness of my converter is about 75%.
Working frequency is about 80 - 120kHz. As a second stage switch I used a thyristor with a
gate driven by 4 glow neon lamps in the series (their ignition voltage is about 95V, a total
of 380V). Pulse repetition rate is about 30 - 50Hz. Inverter transformer is on ferrite EE core
with cross-section of the the middle column 20 to 25 mm2. The air gap is in the middle
column of the core and is about 0.5 mm thick. Primary has 2x 12 turns of wire diameter of
0.4 mm, a secondary is 700 turns of wire 0.1 mm. Secondary is is wound in several layers,
which are isolated from each other - otherwise the wire enamel can break down under such
voltage. Secondary polarity must be observed! HV pulse transformer with voltage of many
kV can be hard to make. You can use the high voltage transformer for Xenon strobe lamps
ingition. I used 2 such transformers with primaries in parallel and secondaries in series. The
stun gun has two electrodes: one called test, which are closer to each other. Among them he
discharge forms during no-load operation. Discharge limits the maximum voltage and also
serves to deter an attacker. Second, the main electrodes facing forward. The distance
between them is considerably larger than the distance between the test ones. From those
electrodes the current flows into the body of attacking people :). Stun gun can be powered
by 6 cells 1.5 V or 6 to 7 cells 1.2 V (NiCd or NiMH). Very suitable are 2 cells of Li-ion or
Li-pol connected in series (2x 3.6 - 3.7 V). The stun gun draws a high current around 1.5 A
from the battery, so ordinary 9V battery can not be used.
Instructions for the production of this device is intended only to demonstrate the
principle of its function. The device is not intended for use on any persons or animals.
Output voltage can cause serious injury or death. Capacitors can remain charged even
after switching off and disconnecting the battery. The device does not belong to
children. All experiments with the stun gun you do at your own risk. The author of
this website does not take any responsibility for your harm. You do everything on your
own risk and responsibility.
Testing in breadboard
Test the assembled module with attached transformer (transformer is used for ignition of
Xe lamp: 190V / 6kV)
This high voltage source is formed by an inverter, around the transistor, which provides pulses of 150V to
the inverter formed by the thyristor and capacitor in series with the transformer 2. This pulse output of
4.5kV to be multiplied with the network so as to achieve the output voltage of 13.5kV. Neon lamps
(marked LN) form the thyristor triggering pulses.
The transformer T1 has a ratio 3000:500 of the type used in audio output transistor. T2 is a transformer
flash lamp trigger a secondary 6kV. This inverter circuit requires a 9VDC power supply with current 0.01A