Greece Stratos Egnews
Greece Stratos Egnews
Greece Stratos Egnews
Stratos Georgoulas12
In the last century, the American sociologist Robert Merton tried to explain lawlessness /
anomie and thus criminality as a result of the mismatch between goals and offered resources
in modern capitalist society. More specifically, he first established conceptual human types:
the innovative (that person who adopts the purposes of the society but not the means to
achieve them); the rebel (the person who proposes other purposes and means to achieve them
different from those offered by the class society); the retreater (the person who, refusing
totally everything, is closed in on himself / herself); the conformist (the person who accepts
the purposes of society and reproduces them through his / her actions); and the ritualist (the
person who essentially accepts the available means offered to him / her without making an
appraisal of the purposes imposed from above and s/he adopts these means as mainstream
values). Merton believed that, from a forensic point of view, the first three types were the
most interesting, leaving the ritualist out of the scientific microscope. Nevertheless, the reality
would belie him, when, during the trial of Nazi war criminals in Nuremberg, the main
justification of the murderers was I was just following orders, or I did my duty that was
dictated by others.
A closer study enables us to reveal the psyche of such a man who adopts inhumane practices
whilst at the same time believing that he is simply doing his duty. This man offends,
humiliates, diminishes materially and belittles symbolically his fellow person; he may even
directly or indirectly cause the loss of human life. Does he do that due to some inherent
personality traits or psychological abnormalities? No! He is a man like us; when the
authorities posted a job offer which would entail applying undemocratic and oppressive
policies, he simply declared that he would immediately participate, shouting: Im going to
assume my responsibilities. Nowadays, he declares himself manager of the problem, frames
decrees and internal circulars, putting them on the wall behind his desk (the shrine of legality,
as he calls it), and every day he negates one by one the human rights that were won through
years of struggle, leading his subordinates (as he considers them) to a state of absolute misery.
At last! The impersonal system has found its face / person! He declares that he is upset
because he causes other peoples slow death, but he has its hands tied. If you resist, he will
call you an outlaw, a criminal, and bring those who are like him to punish you. But beware! If
you, like him, tell him that ritualists of the present are the criminals of tomorrow (just like the
SS officers, the germanotsoliades [lit. German-Evzones] Evzones who co-operated with the
Germans during World War II and thus were considered traitors to their country, the parastate of the Right, the Junta torturers etc.), so he will return to his initial state, a frightened
little man.
You meet these frightened little men nowadays (and not only) in every institution of Greek
society, and their main feature is that of their position of responsibility. You meet them at
school, at university, in justice, in the public and the wider public sector, at your workplace,
even in the family and gender relations. You meet them when they invoke legitimacy from
above and shrug off collective decisions from below. You meet them when they write articles
for the press against every form of dialectical relationship with society, when their elitism
emerges from faith in the sovereign, be it either a person or an institution, or an idea, when
Ass. Professor, Director of Lab EKNEXA, Department of Sociology, University of the Aegean, Greece.
they refuse to accept the historic constant, social change. It is really interesting to see whether
the aforementioned features can characterize those who appear to operate beyond the official
channels of power and even seem to be in conflict with them.
Of course, this discussion is about the neo-Nazi construct called Chrysi Avgi (lit. Golden
Dawn), and another point of scientific analysis of its action, which sheds more light on its
connection networks within the existing authoritarian structures of Greek society, explaining
this growing electoral (and not only) influence.
First, their self-representation is a mix of avenger/vigilante and protector/guard. As their
discourse is derived from and addresses people who have difficulty with complex thinking,
they use symbols that reveal the desired identity, stereotypical symbols and colours. The
avenger/protector Zorro, by concealing his face and the black colour, joins the
avenger/punisher (wherever the hand of the law cannot reach)/guardian Superman, with the
red symbol and lack of pants and an easy collage is readymade. They feel they are
superheroes, but never do anything to upset the broader social situation. Instead, they try to
preserve and reproduce it by correcting its problems, exactly as others define the problems for
them. The challenge for them is that law, order and internal and external security should
dominate. In this case, they do not doubt hegemonic and mainstream values. None of them
claims laurels for a creation of another legal system that would defend the interests of the
oppressed working class. The main concern is to highlight and deal with violent actions,
wherever the official state means are not enough to achieve its overarching goals. So for
example, does the mainstream view speak about leftists that disrupt order and social peace of
the state, with strikes and their protests? Lets beat them, because the police have become
very soft. Does the mainstream view speak about criminality produced by immigrants and
increase of unemployment produced by foreigners who take our jobs? Lets kill some
immigrants. Do University teachers and students refuse to respect the law on Universities?
Lets go into the university there is no university asylum anymore (thanks to the
government), and lets beat somebody. Does the official state believe that the debt problem is
generated by street vendors who waive taxes (and certainly not by policies of exemption to
ship owners and industrialists)? Lets go and break everything over there.
Blind faith in the means (e.g. state legitimacy, media ideology) becomes a value as exactly
does blind loyalty to the leader become the mainstream value. And this means that critical
questioning of faith in the means (which has also become a cornerstone of the social
legitimacy of bourgeois revolutions and Enlightenment) is reduced to the highest offence that
should be punished in an exemplary way.
The (Z)ouperman Chrysafgitis (: the follower of Chrysi Avgi) is the evolution of the
authoritarian ritualist who executes orders in his space. He is not a socially, economically or
politically marginal element due to the consequences of the economic crisis, which are in
open conflict with power and authority. Instead, economic crisis and the social roots of neoNazism have a common component: the authoritarian nature of a counter-revolutionary
process that abolishes every right won by popular struggles. In a state of a miserable
economic crisis imposed from the outside, a current structural distress is being cultivated
within. The continuous disastrous collapse of the material foundations of society goes hand in
hand with political counterrevolution that borrows from the programme of the revolution
(curbing in this way the course of a real revolutionary transformation). Then, the discovery
of tradition pops up, the reformation of the past in a present that craves for order, hope and a
new ritualism in new decisive national leadership.
The education level of these fascists may make them have obvious difficulty in understanding
complex arguments and using syntax, grammar and synonyms, but do not underestimate
them! They dont fish in muddy waters; they rather look for followers who are ritualists and
frightened voters who have resigned from the dialectical relationship of their existence with
the social scene for some time now. Authoritarian neo-liberalism produces both. The vicious
circle is broken by two direct political actions and one purpose. Disclosure and exemplary
punishment of proto-fascistsritualists, in all workplaces and institutions of socialisation and
social control (among them the paid journalists who reduces the faith in the mainstream
ideology to messianism) are needed to cut the snakes head and finally to reposition social
values so that legitimacy can be expressed from below. Only this will lead to working class
justice, as produced by the struggle for a different society.