Dip Project Management

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Department of Training

and Workforce Development

Western Australia
RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Diploma of Project Management

First published 2010

ISBN 978-1-74205-511-4
Department of Training and Workforce Development
All rights reserved.
Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development materials, regardless
of format, are protected by copyright law.
Permission, however, is granted to Trainers, Assessors and Registered Training Organisations
to use, reproduce and adapt the material (third party material excluded) for their Recognition of
Prior Learning (RPL) assessment activities.
This permission is subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. Permission
does not extend to the making of copies for hire or sale to third parties, and provided it is not
used for commercial use or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above
requires the prior written permission of the Western Australian Department of Training and
Workforce Development.
Published by and available from
WestOne Services

1 Prospect Place
Tel: (08) 9229 5200 Fax: (08) 9227 8393
Email: sales.westone@trainingwa.wa.go.au
Website: www.westone.wa.gov.au
This work has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the Council of
Australian Governments (COAG) National Reform Initiative (NRI).
This resource contains Units of Competency from the BSB07 Business Services Training
Package BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management Commonwealth of Australia 2007
Department of Education Science and Training (DEST), used under the AEShareNet-FfE

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this
RPL Assessment Tool Kit, no guarantee can be given that all errors and omissions have been
excluded. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as
a result of the material in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit can be accepted by the Western
Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development.

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Tool Kit

Overview of the Recognition Process

Section 1 Assessors Information



Explanation of RPL documents


Section 2 List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit


Qualification Rules


List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit


Units of competency covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit


Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets


Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and

the constraints of a project


Assessor's Instructions


Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement


Assessors Instructions


Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets


Practical tasks


Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the
constraints of a project


Task 1 Managing the project constraints


Instructions for the candidate


Demonstration/Observation Checklist


Instructions for the Assessor


Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement


Task 2 Project risk and communication


Instructions for the candidate


Demonstration/Observation Checklist


Instructions for the Assessor


Task 3 Project HR and procurement


Instructions for the candidate


Demonstration/Observation Checklist


Instructions for the Assessor


Resources required for this task


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Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

RPL Assessment Tool Kit



Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms


What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?


How to prepare for your RPL assessment


The four steps in the RPL assessment process


Candidates Information Form


Candidates Employment History Form


Candidates Self-Evaluation Form


Section 6 Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation


Third Party Report


Supporting Documentation


Assessors Evidence Summary Sheet


Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools


Mapping document for Cluster 1


Evidence Matrix


Mapping document for Cluster 2


Evidence Matrix


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Version 1, January 2010

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Tool Kit

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management
This RPL Assessment Tool Kit has been developed by the Western Australian Department of
Training and Workforce Development, in consultation with industry, as a resource to assist RPL
Assessors by providing a set of quality assessment tools, which can be used to conduct
whole-of-qualification RPL. This kit also contains information which can be provided to the
This kit should be customised to suit the needs of the candidate, employer/industry or Assessor
and should reflect the purpose for which it is being used.
It is recommended that prior to using this kit for the first time, and after any
modifications or contextualisation, this RPL Assessment Tool Kit be validated by the
user to ensure it meets the required Australian Qualification Training Framework
Standards (AQTF), relevant Training Package requirements and Registered Training
Organisation (RTO) policies.

A task-based model for RPL

A process for RPL has been developed that promotes holistic, task-based assessment, and
which focuses on relating assessment activities to actual job tasks. The intention of this model is
to streamline and simplify recognition processes for prospective candidates. This RPL
Assessment Tool Kit has been developed to support this task-based model.
The focus of the new streamlined holistic assessment process is to focus on demonstrated skills
and knowledge and is not reliant on documentary evidence as the main source of evidence.

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RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Overview of the Recognition Process

Candidate Enquiry
Candidates Information




Interview and


Observation of
Practical Tasks


If not ready for RPL,

the candidate is to
be provided with
training options.

Gap Training
(if required)

Evidence/Third Party
(If required)

Issue Qualification
Statement of Attainment

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RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 1 Assessors Information

Section 1
Assessors Information
It is important that you complete both Sections 3 (Interview/Questioning) and 4 (Practical
Tasks) when completing RPL assessment using this kit.
The RPL process is a streamlined process which does not rely solely on documentary
evidence. It uses a combination of questioning, practical assessment and supporting evidence
to provide evidence of the candidates competence.

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Section 1 Assessors Information

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 1 Assessors Information

Welcome to the BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management.
This RPL Assessment Tool Kit contains nine (9) core units of competency.
It is simply set out, with a covering comprehensive list of instructions at the front of each
document, as well as covering instructions for each step of the process, as found in the notes
for the Assessor, and notes for the candidate.
Included in this kit are the following documents:

Assessors Information

Explanation of RPL documents

Qualification Rules and list of units of competency contained in this kit

Units of competency separated into clusters for assessment

Tool Kits for each cluster:

Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Candidates Information

Candidates Self-Evaluation Form (incorporating Third Party Verification)

Mapping documents for all the units of competency included in this kit.

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Version 1, January 2010

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 1 Assessors Information

Explanation of RPL documents


Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets (Section 3): The interview question
bank is the second stage of the process, in which the Assessor and the candidate confirm
the knowledge by discussing a series of questions. Each of these questions includes a
series of Key Points, which may assist the Assessor in guiding the discussions.


Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets (Section 4): These tools are
designed to guide the Assessor and candidate through a workplace observation, proving
the candidates ability to conduct the specific tasks and skills required for recognition of
competence in the particular area.


Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms (Section 5): This document is for
the candidate to assess their suitability for RPL process, by asking them to consider each
of the points and assessing their ability against the task. It has been broken into smaller
skill groups, clustering like activities together to enable ease of completion. It is then
reinforced by the candidates supervisors comments, both against tasks and as a
summary for each group. This serves as third party validation of the candidates claims.


Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation (if applicable) (Section 6): The
third party verification report is provided for referees, for example the supervisor, to
confirm the candidates skills and experience in the qualification/occupation. This is
particularly useful in addressing employability skill requirements. It is important to note
that third party reports are not always available and it is recommended that Assessors use
their professional judgement to determine if this is a requirement.
List of supporting documentation (if applicable): A list of suggested industry specific
evidence or supporting documentation (in addition to the generic documentation) is
provided to assist the candidate in collecting evidence to support their application.


Mapping Document (Section 7): This tool demonstrates how each of the documents
reflects the units of competency in the particular cluster.

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Version 1, January 2010

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 2 List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Section 2
List of competencies
in this
RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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Section 2 List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 2 List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Qualification Rules
BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management
Entry to qualifications and progression advice
The following information has been extracted from BSB07 Business Services Training Package.

Successful completion of a total of nine (9) units of competency made up of:

BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes

BSBPMG502A Manage project scope

BSBPMG503A Manage project time

BSBPMG504A Manage project costs

BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement.

There are no electives for BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management.

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Section 2 List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 2 List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

This section identifies the units contained in this kit.

Units of competency covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Note: Both clusters need to be completed to qualify for this award.
Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a
Unit Code

Unit Title



Manage application of project integrative processes



Manage project scope



Manage project time



Manage project costs



Manage project quality


Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

Unit Code

Unit Title



Manage project human resources



Manage project communications



Manage project risk



Manage project procurement


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Section 2 List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Section 3
Interview Question Bank
and Recording Sheets
This section contains questions the Assessor may ask the candidate while documenting
their conversation during the RPL interview.

Assessors Instructions
It is not intended that every question for each competency be asked or discussed during the
conversation. Only questions related to those competencies that the initial documentary review
has failed to fully address are required.
Each question provides key points to look for in the candidates responses. You may wish to
use these key points to formulate questions of your own, contextualise, or rephrase the
suggested questions to suit the candidates particular work situation.
On the Recording Sheets, place a tick next to each key point as it is addressed by the candidate
during the conversation. By doing this, you are recording what you have heard the candidate
say during the interview.
Use the Assessors Comments section next to each question to provide further details about the
context of the discussion or other key points and examples the candidate has discussed that
may be relevant in confirming competence.
It is important to remember that the notes taken during the questioning interview are important
evidence and should be retained as part of the candidates assessment records.

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Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

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How/where was the interview conducted?

Assessors name

Candidates name

Record of interview

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In the workplace

At an RTOs premises

Interview only

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Name: ___________________________________

Name: ___________________________________

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning
knowledge and skills.

The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency.
The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

Assessors Instructions

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project

Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Question 2
Think about a time when you managed a
project. Explain what you included in the
project plan.
Where did you source information for the
project plan?

Question 1
List examples of score planning models
you have used.

Questions relating to
Cluster 1

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Communication: communication plan (or

reference to)

Procurement: process, what is to be procured

Human resources: project team (HR


Risk: project risks, risk management strategy

Quality: quality criteria

Cost: budget

Time: schedule, milestones

Reference made to the nine knowledge areas

Scope: project objectives and deliverables;

key stakeholders, assumptions and

Process mapping

Milestone plans

Critical path analysis

Gantt charts/PERT charts

Rolling wave planning



Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Key points to be addressed by the candidate

Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Candidates name

Assessors Comments

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

defining and mapping project activities

calculating project costs

defining quality criteria.

Question 3
During the planning phase of the project
life cycle, explain what needed to be done
regarding scope, time, quality and cost.
In your response, cover the following (at

Questions relating to
Cluster 1

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Delivering targeted requirements

Quality criteria defined

Discusses key themes of quality management

Estimated activity durations in consultation

with stakeholders (as above)

Defined and mapped activities by creating a


Project activities, costs and quality criteria:

creating a work breakdown structure (WBS),
consultation with stakeholders, team
members, experts, project sponsor, end user

Possible reference to individual plans for

quality, cost, time and scope

Possible references to a scope planning


Information sourced from stakeholders, old

lessons learned reports, project team,
suppliers, finance, project sponsor


Stakeholder engagement



Assessors Comments

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Key points to be addressed by the candidate

Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Candidates name

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Question 5
Think of a project you have managed.
Explain what had to be monitored and
controlled throughout the project life cycle
and the methods used.
Note: Response only needs to refer to
cost, time, scope and quality.

Question 4
What processes did you use to monitor
and report on the project progress
throughout the project life cycle?

Questions relating to
Cluster 1

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Scope reviewed and change requests

submitted for changes to scope

Communication with client to ensure quality

criteria were on track for being met

How scope creep was managed/avoided

Reference to cost, scope, quality and time

knowledge areas (ie what was monitored, for
example schedule)

Team meetings

Status reporting (possibly checkpoint reports,

highlight reports)

Project costs estimated using industry

recognised technique

Best practice

Meeting stakeholder expectations

Client needs delivered on time and on budget

Client satisfaction


Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Key points to be addressed by the candidate

Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Candidates name


Assessors Comments

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Question 6
What tools have you used for developing
and monitoring budgets? How have you
monitored and reported cost blowouts
and obtained authorisation for permanent
variances to the budget?

Questions relating to
Cluster 1

measuring project performance

evaluating schedule variance
reporting schedule variance
implementing authorised schedule
applying corrective action

accounting software (MYOB,
organisational documents

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project management software

(ie Microsoft Project)

Discusses use of:

managing inputs

Discusses how the project schedule was

adjusted by:

Tools used to monitor the project schedule

(eg MS Project, Primavera)

Slippage in scope, time, cost or quality is

identified and strategies put in place to bring
them back on track, and how this was done



Assessors Comments

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Key points to be addressed by the candidate

Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Candidates name

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Question 7
Think about a project you managed
recently. At project finalisation/closure,
how did you record improvements for
future projects? How was this information

Questions relating to
Cluster 1

changes to budget; variances etc are

identified and approved
cost baseline
performance management
profit and loss statements
invoice and payment records
cost verification and validation

project time
project human resources
project scope
project procurement
project quality
project risk
project communication

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project costs

Lessons learned report for:



Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Key points to be addressed by the candidate

Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Candidates name


Assessors Comments

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Question 8
Give examples of project finalisation

Questions relating to
Cluster 1

project time
project human resources
project scope
project procurement
project quality
project risk
project communication

Page 27 of 112

project costs

Project closure report with final information

and lessons learned for:

Administration (bills paid, final payments

received, project documentation stored and
archived etc)

Assessors Comments

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010



Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Key points to be addressed by the candidate

Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Candidates name

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Assessors name

Assessors signature

Additional notes from conversation

Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Candidates name

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(Please circle)




Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

(Not Yet Satisfactory)

How/where was the interview conducted?

Assessors name

Candidates name

Record of interview

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In the workplace

At an RTOs premises

Interview only

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Name: ____________________________________

Name: ____________________________________

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning
knowledge and skills.

The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The
Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

Assessors Instructions

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Question 4
What methods have you used to
determine the effectiveness of a risk

Question 3
When managing projects, describe how
the risk management plans were
implemented and monitored against the
project management plans.

Question 2
Think of a project you have managed.
Discuss in detail what was involved in
developing risk management plans.

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Review risk strategies

Review risk management plan

Measured risk management plan against

project management plan

Monitored and controlled risks throughout

project life cycle

Risk mitigations implemented

Consultation with stakeholders

Review of project outcomes

Reporting on the project

Establishment or risk management processes

and procedures

How risks are communicated

Agreement reached with stakeholders

Refers to Australian Standard for Risk

Management AS/NZX4360



Units of competency
BSBPMG508A Manage project risk
BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Key points to be addressed by the candidate

Question 1
When developing a risk management
plan, what risk management tools did you
use to determine project risks?

Questions relating to
Cluster 2

Units of competency
BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources
BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

Candidates name

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Assessors Comments

Question 6
Describe in detail how you managed
project procurement from project start-up
to completion.

Question 5
When managing projects, how did you
capture lessons learned relating to:

risk management

communication management

human resource management

procurement processes?
Project review process

Captured lessons learned from team leaders,

team members and stakeholders

Lessons learned log (throughout project life


Consultation with stakeholders

how progress is reviewed

Page 31 of 112

change or modification process used

Implementation of the procurement plan:

Procurement management plan

Selection processes and criteria

Identification of sources

Purchasing procedures

Authority levels


Assessors Comments

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010


Units of competency
BSBPMG508A Manage project risk
BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Key points to be addressed by the candidate

management plan?

Questions relating to
Cluster 2

Units of competency
BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources
BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

Candidates name

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Question 9
Describe the human resource
management (HRM) methods, techniques

Question 8
Describe methods you would use to
determine the effectiveness of
management plans for:


human resources



Question 7
Think of projects you have managed.
How did you conduct contracting activities
in conjunction with the procurement
management plan?

Questions relating to
Cluster 2

Units of competency
BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources
BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

Candidates name

problem identification and remedial action

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Methods for monitoring roles and

Work breakdown structures

Feedback from stakeholders and/or team


Continuous improvement models

Project reviews

Contract negotiation and finalisation

Vendor selection

Evaluation of responses

Communication processes with prospective


Development of proposals/tenders

compliance with the contract

Key points to be addressed by the candidate



Units of competency
BSBPMG508A Manage project risk
BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Assessors Comments

Question 11
Describe the processes you have used to
determine training and development
needs for project team members.

Question 12
Think of projects you have worked on.
How was project-related information
collected, validated and distributed to
assist in decision-making throughout the
project life cycle?

Exception reports

Change requests

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Project status reports

Minutes of meetings

Delegation of authority



Identification of requirements

Training needs analysis

Role descriptions

Team plan

Methods for providing feedback on

performance and reporting requirements in
relation to human resources (eg performance
appraisal development)



Assessors Comments

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010


Units of competency
BSBPMG508A Manage project risk
BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Key points to be addressed by the candidate

Question 10
Describe how you have communicated
staff responsibilities, authority and
individual performance to team members.

and tools that can be developed and used

to implement HRM procedures and plans
throughout the project life cycle.

Questions relating to
Cluster 2

Units of competency
BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources
BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

Candidates name

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Question 14
Think of projects you have worked on.
What did you contribute to the
development and implementation of the
communications plans?

Question 13
Think of projects you have worked on.
How were the communication networks
established within the project?

Questions relating to
Cluster 2

Units of competency
BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources
BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

Candidates name

Page 34 of 112

Identified stakeholders and information that

needed to be communicated

Developed communication plan

Determined communication methods

Integration of the networks

Stakeholder networks

Client networks

Internal staff networks

Key points to be addressed by the candidate



Units of competency
BSBPMG508A Manage project risk
BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Assessors Comments

Assessors name

Assessors signature

Additional notes from conversation

Units of competency
BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources
BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

Candidates name

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(Not Yet Satisfactory)

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Version 1, January 2010

(Please circle)




Units of competency
BSBPMG508A Manage project risk
BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

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Version 1, January 2010

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 3 Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Section 4
Practical Tasks
Recording Sheets
This section contains practical assessment tasks that the candidate will complete to
assist you in determining their skills and knowledge.

Assessors Instructions
Use the Observation Recording Sheets for each of the practical tasks to document the skills and
knowledge demonstrated by the candidate in completing each of the required tasks.
These practical tasks may be modified to suit the context of the candidates workplace, job role
or their work environment.
Not all tasks need to be completed. The Assessor should select only those tasks that will
provide the required evidence to prove competence by the candidate.
For a whole qualification it may be necessary to perform all tasks.
It is important to remember that the notes made by the Assessor during the observation of the
practical demonstration are important evidence and should be retained as part of the
candidates assessment records.

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Practical tasks
While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational
Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.
Assessors need to ensure that the specification for materials/resources used in the practical
tasks are consistent with those in the critical aspects of evidence. (Refer to the Mapping of
Assessment Tools for more information.)

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the
constraints of a project
Task 1 Managing the project constraints
The candidate is to demonstrate their ability to manage the constraints (scope, time, cost,
quality) of a typical project.

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and

The candidate is to demonstrate their ability to manage project human resources,
communications, risk and procurement.

Task 2 Risk and communication

The candidate is to provide examples of documents they have developed that demonstrate
their ability to manage project risks and communication. The candidate is required to talk
through the documents with the Assessor.

Task 3 HR and procurement

The candidate is to provide examples of documents they have developed that demonstrate
their ability to manage project human resources and procurement. The candidate is required to
talk through the documents with the Assessor.

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Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration

and the constraints of a project
Task 1 Managing the project constraints

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task
For this task you are to demonstrate your ability to manage a project from project start-up to
completion while balancing the four constraints of a project scope, time, quality and cost.
You are required to gather documents and materials from a project you have worked on. With
your Assessor, talk through the documents, and demonstrate your knowledge and skills.
Examples of documentation include:

project plan

business case

project brief

project initiation document (PID)

project schedule

project costings including forecasts and actuals

quality management plan with defined quality criteria

time management plan

lessons learned register/log

project review report.

You will need to explain how you:

managed the scope, time, cost and quality throughout the project life cycle

reported project progress and to whom

identified your key stakeholders

estimated activity duration

mapped project activities showing timelines, resource allocation, key milestones, time
adjustments and reporting procedures

calculated and recorded project costs

monitored and reviewed cost records

monitored and controlled the project schedule, quality, costs and scope

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Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

identified project quality criteria

identified the scope of work, objectives and deliverables

captured lessons learned and applied to continuous improvement processes, and

recommendations for future projects

determined what needed to be done at project closure

managed changes to the project scope

received sign-off at agreed approval points throughout the project life cycle.

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist
Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the
constraints of a project
Task 1 Managing the project constraints
Candidates name
Assessors name
Supervisors name
(if applicable)

Work activity

The candidate is to gather documents and materials from a project they

have worked on. The candidate is to demonstrate their knowledge and
skills by talking through the documents with the Assessor.

Cluster 1 Core units of


BSBPMG501A Manage application

of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project
BSBPMG503A Manage project

BSBPMG504A Manage project

BSBPMG505A Manage project

Assessment location
Date of demonstration


Instructions for the Assessor

The Assessor is to explain to the candidate, before the meeting, what they may need to provide
in the way of evidence and the types of documents the candidate may need to provide. A list of
suggested project-related documents is provided. The Assessor may like to refer the candidate
to these instructions before the meeting.
The Assessor may need to ask the candidate questions to determine their contribution towards:

managing the scope, time, cost and quality throughout the project life cycle

reporting project progress and to whom

identifying key stakeholders

estimating activity duration

mapping project activities showing timelines, resource allocation, key milestones, time
adjustments and reporting procedures

calculating and recording project costs

monitoring and reviewing cost records

monitoring and controlling the project schedule, quality, costs and scope

identifying project quality criteria

identifying the scope of work, objectives and deliverables

capturing lessons learned and applied to continuous improvement processes and

recommendations for future projects

determining what needed to be done at project closure

managing changes to the project scope

receiving sign-off at agreed approval points throughout the project life cycle.
It is recommended that the Assessor take notes during the discussion. These notes can be
referred to later to determine if there are any gaps in the candidates evidence.
Resources required for this task
The candidate must have access to relevant workplace documents.

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Demonstrate tracking, monitoring and controlling the project with respect to the
scope of the project.

Demonstrate understanding the need for scope management in the context of the
project life cycle.

Demonstrate the ability to develop a budget for the project.

Monitor expenditure within the project against the agreed budget.

Monitor and control quality within the project against requirements.

Develop quality plans and quality assurance procedures.

Review scope, time, cost and quality at project closure.

Create a lessons learned log for future projects.

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Demonstrate the use of project management tools for costing.

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Demonstrate the use of project management tools for scheduling.




Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the project.

During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate do the


Candidates name

Assessors Notes

Demonstration/Observation Checklist
Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project
Task 1 Managing the project constraints

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Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Candidates signature

Assessors signature

Assessors name

Assessors general comments/observations

Candidates name

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(Please circle)


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(Not Yet Satisfactory)


Demonstration/Observation Checklist
Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project
Task 1 Managing the project constraints

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Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

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Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk

and procurement
Task 2 Project risk and communication

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task
For this task you are to demonstrate your ability to manage project risk from project start-up to
completion, including how you communicated risks to stakeholders when appropriate.
You will be assessed on your ability to:

gather documents and materials from a project you have managed.

With your Assessor, you are to talk through the documents, and demonstrate your knowledge
and skills.
Examples of documentation include:

risk management plan

risk analysis matrix

status reports

exception reports (change requests)

comments in closeout report (relating to risk)

lessons learned

communication plan

stakeholder meetings (minutes, diary notes, etc)

communications management matrix

document management systems

comments in closeout report (relating to communication)

status reports.

You will need to discuss the following:

creating the risk management plan

monitoring and controlling project risks

creating the communication management plan

communicating risk to stakeholders

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reviewing communication plan

capturing lessons learned with relation to risk and communication.

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Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist
Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and
Task 2 Project risk and communication
Candidates name
Assessors name
Supervisors name
(if applicable)

Work activity

The candidate is to demonstrate their ability to contribute to the managing

of project risk from start-up to completion, including how they
communicated risks to stakeholders when appropriate.

Cluster 2 Core units of


BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG507A Manage project


Assessment location

Date of demonstration
Instructions for the Assessor

The Assessor is to explain to the candidate, before the meeting, what they may need to provide
in the way of evidence. A list of suggested project-related documents is provided. The Assessor
may like to refer the candidate to these instructions before the meeting.
The candidate needs to provide evidence that clearly demonstrates that they have successfully
managed projects.
The Assessor may need to ask the candidate questions regarding:

creating the risk management plan

monitoring and controlling project risks

creating the communication management plan

communicating risk to stakeholders

reviewing communication plan

capturing lessons learned with relation to risk and communication.

It is recommended that the Assessor take notes during the discussion. These notes can be
referred to later to determine if there are any gaps in the candidates evidence.
Resources required for this task
The candidate must have access to relevant workplace documents.

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Develop and manage strategies to monitor project risks.

Develop and manage strategies to control project risks.

Develop and manage risk mitigation strategies.

Develop and manage a communication plan.

Develop comments in closeout report relating to risk and communication.

Manage the implementation of a communication plan.

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Develop and manage a risk analysis matrix.

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Develop and manage a project risk management plan.




Demonstrate knowledge of AS4360 and its relevance to risk management.

During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate do the


Candidates name

Assessors Notes

Demonstration/Observation Checklist
Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement
Task 2 Project risk and communication

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Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Candidates signature

Assessors signature

Assessors name

Assessors general comments/observations

Candidates name

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(Please circle)


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Demonstration/Observation Checklist
Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement
Task 2 Project risk and communication

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Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk

and procurement
Task 3 Project HR and procurement

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task
For this task you are to demonstrate your ability to manage project human resources and
procurement from project start-up to completion.
You will be assessed on your ability to:

gather documents and materials from a project you have worked on.

With your Assessor, you are to talk through the documents, and demonstrate your knowledge
and skills.
Examples of documentation include:

human resources management plan

competency needs analysis

staffing management plan

resource sheets

project organisational structure

stakeholder analysis

HRM process documents

responsibility assignment matrix

training and development plan

performance management reports

issue register

status reports

comments in close out report (relating to HR)

lessons learned

procurement management plan

tender documentation (including processes)

authorisation (sign-off) document

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evaluation documents (including process and checklists)

formal documentation that shows approved changes to contract

status reports

exception reports

checklist of finalisation activities (including timeframes)

comments in closeout report (relating to procurement)

lessons learned.

You will need to discuss:

creating the human resources management plan

creating the procurement management plan

managing and monitoring the engagement of vendors, subcontractors etc throughout the
project life cycle

managing and monitoring the purchasing of goods and services throughout the project life

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Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist
Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and
Task 3 Project HR and procurement
Candidates name
Assessors name
Supervisors name
(if applicable)

Work activity

The candidate is to demonstrate their ability to contribute to the managing

of project human resources and procurement from start-up to completion.

Cluster 2 Core units of


BSBPMG506A Manage project

human resources

BSBPMG509A Manage project


Assessment location
Date of demonstration


Instructions for the Assessor

The Assessor is to explain to the candidate, before the meeting, what they may need to provide
in the way of evidence. A list of suggested project-related documents is provided. The Assessor
may like to refer the candidate to these instructions before the meeting.
The candidate needs to provide evidence that clearly demonstrates that they have successfully
managed projects.
The Assessor may need to ask the candidate questions regarding:

creating the human resources management plan

creating the procurement management plan

managing and monitoring the engagement of vendors, subcontractors, etc throughout the
project life cycle

managing and monitoring the purchasing of goods and services throughout the project life

It is recommended that the Assessor take notes during the discussion. These notes can be
referred to later to determine if there are any gaps in the candidates evidence.
Resources required for this task
The candidate must have access to relevant workplace documents.

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Develop and manage performance management reports.

Develop and manage procurement management plan.

Develop and manage tender documentation.

Acquire authorisation (sign-off) documentation.

Manage and monitor the purchasing of goods and services.

Manage and monitor the engagement of vendors, subcontractors etc throughout

the project life cycle.

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Develop and manage training and development plan.

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Develop and manage human resource related documents staffing management

plan, resource sheets etc.




Develop and manage the human resources management plan.

During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate do the


Candidates name

Assessors Notes

Demonstration/Observation Checklist
Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement
Task 3 Project HR and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Candidates signature

Assessors signature

Assessors name

Assessors general comments/observations

Candidates name

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist
Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement
Task 3 Project HR and procurement

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Section 4 Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

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Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

Section 5
Candidates Information
Self-Evaluation Forms
It is recommended that candidates be provided with this information before applying for RPL.

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

RPL is the acknowledgment of skills and knowledge obtained through learning achieved outside
the formal education and training system and includes work and life experience including paid
and volunteer work and skills attained through leisure pursuits such as musical, mechanical or
linguistic abilities.
RPL recognises any prior knowledge and experience and measures it against the qualification
in which students are enrolled. The individual may not need to complete all of a training
program if he or she already possesses some of the competencies taught in the program.

Why you should apply for RPL

If you apply for RPL and your application is successful you could:

reduce or eliminate the need for any training in skills and knowledge you already have

save time by not needing to attend any or a reduced number of classes and completing
unnecessary work

save money because you will not have to buy textbooks and other learning material

complete your qualification in a shorter time

advance to a higher level qualification in a shorter time if desired.

Some terms you need to understand

It is important that you understand the following term to assist you with your RPL application.

Competence is the demonstration of skills and knowledge that you have gained through life and
work experiences as well as any training that you have successfully completed that can be
matched against a set of industry performance standards referred to as units of competency.
These units are grouped together to form a specific industry qualification, within the Australian
Quality Training Framework (AQTF).
Each unit of competency is divided into elements (a set of activities that lead to an overall
achievement or demonstration of competence). Each of these elements is further broken down
into a set of performance criteria which give a more detailed description of the skills and
knowledge you need to be able to demonstrate.
Matching your evidence against each of the elements/performance criteria will help you to reach
your qualification more quickly.

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How to prepare for your RPL assessment

In order for your skills to be formally recognised as part of a national qualification, Assessors
must make sure that you (the candidate) have the required skills and knowledge to meet the
industry standard as specified in the relevant Training Package.
You must be involved in the RPL process so that all the experience, skills and knowledge you
have gained over time can be correctly identified and suitably demonstrated. This evidence is
gathered and used in recognition of all or some of the units for the qualification you wish to gain.
All assessment requirements will be discussed with you in advance and you will be given the
opportunity to ask questions and clarify requirements. Being prepared for the assessment
process and knowing what you need to provide can save you valuable time and ensure that the
RPL assessment is as simple and stress-free as possible.
Here are some tips to make the application process and interview easier for you.

Your Assessor will ask you to talk about your work roles and your employment history.
Bring a copy of your rsum. You might like to write down any work you have done in the
past (paid or unpaid) and where this took place.


If you have certificates from any training courses you have completed, bring along either
certified copies or the originals to the interview with the Assessor and they can make a
copy of them.


Bring along any other documentation that you think would support your claim that you
have done this work over time.
The following is a list of some of the documents you can provide as examples of your
work history:

brief CV

certificates/results of assessment

any licences

tickets held, eg forklift, crane

photographs of work undertaken

diaries/task sheets/job sheets/logbooks

site training records

site competencies held record

membership of relevant professional associations

hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

industry awards

any other documentation that may demonstrate your trade or industry experience or
support your claim.

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Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

Depending on where you have worked and what the work may have included, you may or
may not have documentary evidence. Do not be put off if you do not have documentary
evidence, as the Assessor will work with you during the assessment process.

Think about whom you would consider to be your workplace contact or referee.
Is your employer happy to support your aim to become qualified?
Would you feel comfortable if the Assessor contacted your current workplace or previous
workplace/s to validate your skills and spoke to your supervisor/s or employer/s?


You will need to supply the contact details of work referees who can confirm your skills in
the industry.
Think about whom the best person to confirm your skill level would be.
Think about current or recent supervisors or employers who have observed your work and
who would be able to confirm your previous work skills and experience. The Assessor will
need to contact them.


You can speak with your Assessor about other ways you can show your skills for the trade
or industry in which you are seeking recognition.
These could include letters from employers, records of any training courses or
professional development sessions attended, employers or clients in related industries or
government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as there are no
confidentiality issues see below) or any other relevant documents.

Confidentiality issues
It is important that sensitive information is not included as part of your Supporting
Documentation (as identified in Section 6 and any other documentation you wish to use as
evidence). You may need authorisation from your supervisor to use some of your evidence, so it
is always best to check the privacy and confidentiality policies of the organisation. Client names
should be deleted and financial figures or other personal details should be blacked out and
made unidentifiable.

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Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

The four steps in the RPL assessment process

Once your training organisation has provided you with the information you need to apply for
RPL, you need to follow these four steps in order to complete the process.
Before you decide to apply for RPL you need to assess your current
competence for one or several units of competency.
Complete the candidate information and self-evaluation forms provided
with as much information of your previous work experience as you can.
This will allow for an initial assessment of your experience and a check
to see whether you can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge.
You can discuss this with an RPL Assessor if you want.
You must be able to provide evidence against the
elements/performance criteria for the relevant unit/s of competency.
It is not enough to simply state that you possess the skills and
knowledge required. You must be able to demonstrate competence.
This is your opportunity to provide as much proof as you can of the
variety of experience you have had. You should supply examples of
your work history if you have any. (See Tip 3 above.)

Step 1

Depending on the trade or industry you have worked in, you may or may
not have documentary evidence available. This should not deter you
from seeking RPL, as your Assessor will work with you throughout the
RPL process.
You will also need to supply the contact details of work referees who
can confirm your skills in the industry.
By asking your manager/leader to complete their part of your
self-evaluation, they will be providing valuable evidence confirming the
work experience, skills and knowledge you have demonstrated in the
performance of your work duties.
You will also be provided with a list of suggested evidence that you
could use to demonstrate that you are competent in a particular unit or
units of competency. This list is a guide only. If you have other suitable
evidence to support your claim for RPL then you are encouraged to
share this with your Assessor.
If you do not believe that you have any suitable evidence, then you
should discuss your options with your Assessor.
Once you have completed the self-evaluation and made the decision
that you would like to continue with the RPL process, make an
appointment for an interview and enrol for RPL.
Note: It is possible to gain RPL for an entire qualification.

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Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

An interview with an Assessor who understands your industry will be

organised for you. They will review usually with you the information
and supporting documentation you have provided and match up your
skills to the units/subjects in the qualification.
During your RPL interview, your Assessor will discuss with you your
self-evaluation and any evidence you have provided.
It is at this point that you will be able to identify any previous work
experience and discuss this with your Assessor.
Step 2 Enrolment
and interview with
the Assessor

During this conversation, you will be required to answer questions

relating to your work experience. This questioning forms part of the
assessment, as it will identify your current knowledge and skills
regarding the area of industry in which you are applying for recognition.
If you are currently enrolled in a training course relating to this
qualification, it is important that you let your Trainer know that you intend
to apply for RPL, then nominate the units you have selected for RPL so
that the required documentation can be processed and your application
can go ahead.
It is at this stage that a decision will be made whether you are able to
proceed to the next step or whether you need to undergo gap training.
Your Assessor will organise with you and your employer to conduct a
practical skills test at your workplace (if appropriate) or other suitable

Step 3 Practical
of your skills

This is your opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence on a

practical level. The assessment will focus on the skills required in the
work activities which relate to the qualification in which you are applying
for recognition.
Your Assessor will identify the skills they want you to demonstrate by
asking you to complete certain tasks.

Step 4 Provision
of further

Your Assessor will need to confirm your previous work experience with
someone (such as your supervisor or employer) who can vouch for your
skills over a period of time.
They will contact the referees you have provided as part of the
candidate information.
Your Assessor may ask you to give your selected workplace contacts or
previous employers the Third Party report to complete. Authentication of
these reports by the Assessor would then be required.

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Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

After the assessment

After the assessment, your Assessor will advise you of the units of competency you have
successfully completed. You will also be advised whether you have gained the full qualification
or if gaps have been identified during the recognition process. If you do have skill gaps, these
may be addressed through additional training.
If you have any questions during the RPL process, you should contact your Assessor.

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Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

Candidates Information Form

(You may find it easier to provide the information for the following by attaching a rsum.)

Qualification/Industry in which you are seeking recognition

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Personal details
First name/s
Any other name/s used
Home address
Postal address
(if different from above)
Telephone numbers





Email address
Are you a permanent
resident of Australia?



Do you need an interpreter to help you with an interview?



Do you have a disability which we should be aware of?



Will you need special aids if you are required to undertake a practical



Please provide details or special needs

so that we can assist you if required.
Current employment
Are you currently employed?



If yes, in which occupation are you

currently employed?
What is your current job title?
Who is your current employer?
How long have you worked in this
job approximately?


Is this occupation in the same

industry as the industry in which
you are applying for recognition?




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If no, go to the next page.

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Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

If yes, list some of the main tasks you perform as part of your work that you think are relevant
to your RPL application.

If you have further recent industry experience relevant to your application, please attach another sheet or your
current rsum.

Rate your knowledge and skills against the qualification/industry relevant to your RPL
Industry area: Project Management




I think my experience is of a high level.

I think I am skilled to do this job.

I know how to do the work tasks really well.

I can explain my experience and provide documentary


I have undertaken much of this work without supervision.

Further training
I have attended training courses in this area of work.
If yes, what training did you undertake? Include date
training completed (month, year).
Is there any further information you wish to give in support of your application?

Professional referees (relevant to work situation if not already listed on your rsum)
Address of organisation
Phone number
Mobile number
Email address

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Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

Professional referees (relevant to work situation if not already listed on your rsum)
Address of organisation
Phone number
Mobile number
Email address

Candidates Employment History Form

(You may attach a current rsum in place of completing this section.)
Name, address
and phone number
of employers

Period of employment




of major duties






Attach additional sheet if required.

I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all
documents are genuine.
Candidates signature


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very well


Using personal protective equipment as appropriate to

conduct my work safely and in accordance with site and
legal requirements.



Page 71 of 112

Not Well


I have performed these tasks

Using a computer to enter or change work information or



I do the task really well.

I do the task well.

I do the task but not well.

See example below.

not well


Not Well



Identify your level of experience in performing each competency/task by using the following:


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Copy of Company Personal Protective Equipment

Requirements for my job role.

(Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference)

Documentation provided

Evidence to support claim

If this self-evaluation is being used only so that you and your assessor can decide if you should proceed, then it doesnt have to be verified.

NB: If this self-evaluation is being used as evidence, your supervisor must evaluate your ability to perform the work tasks. Your supervisor is also
asked to comment on your ability to perform these work tasks and verify this by signing each section.

Complete the following pages and identify your capacity to perform the tasks described. Be honest in your appraisal. By completing this self-evaluation
you will be identifying the areas where you may be able to apply for recognition.

The purpose of completing the Self-Evaluation Form is to enable candidates who believe that they already possess the competencies, to assess their
skills and knowledge against the qualification.

Completion instructions

Candidates Self-Evaluation Form

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

Page 72 of 112

Page intentionally blank

I develop the statements of the scope for the

project and the scope management plan.

I manage the process of scope change requests.

I complete the project evaluation and the project

review report, including recommendations and
lessons learned.

I guide the development of project schedules to

completion and approval using a time
management plan.

I guide the development of project budgets and

budgeting processes to completion and approval
by higher management.

I implement a project including monitoring and

control of project costs.

I guide to completion and approval by higher

management a quality management plan for a









Cluster 1

Page 73 of 112


Date completed


Documentation provided

Evidence to support claim

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

(Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference)

Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality
I have performed these tasks


Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Candidates name

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project integration and the constraints of a project

Candidates Self-Evaluation

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

I guide project processes through planned

control mechanisms, review and approval points.





I have performed these tasks


Page 74 of 112


Supervisors signature

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010


Supervisors name

Documentation provided

Evidence to support claim

(Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference)

Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Date completed

Supervisors comments (Please provide a comment on the candidates ability to perform the above work task/s.)

I developed a project management plan

approved by higher management.



Cluster 1

Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Candidates name

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

I create a project risk management plan.

I identify, analysing and mitigating project risks.

I develop project training and development plans.

I develop a project staffing management plan.

I develop performance management reports.

I develop a project procurement management


I manage the engagement of vendors,

subcontractors etc throughout the project life

I develop and implement a project

communication plan.










Cluster 2

Units of competency
BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources
BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

Candidates name



Page 75 of 112


I have performed these tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

(Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference)

Documentation provided

Evidence to support claim

Units of competency
BSBPMG508A Manage project risk
BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Date completed

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

Candidates Self-Evaluation

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

Page 76 of 112


Supervisors signature

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010


Supervisors name

Supervisors comments (Please provide a comment on the candidates ability to perform the above work task/s.)

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 5 Candidates Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 6 Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

Section 6
Third Party Report
Supporting Documentation
It is recommended that the Assessor verify the third party report with the person who
completes the form to confirm the candidates skills in different contexts over time.
This information may be provided at, and form part of, the interview.

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 6 Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 6 Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

Third Party Report

(Referee testimonial)

All people who verify your work are to complete the details below to ensure validity. (You may
need multiple copies of this form.)

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Candidates name
Referees name
(Name of person providing
this evidence)
Workplace address
Telephone numbers
Email address
This report was

via interview by Assessor

independently by referee

Interview conducted by
(if applicable)
Date of interview
As part of the assessment for the Diploma of Project Management, the
candidate requires evidence from a third party (employer, supervisor
or equivalent). This evidence will be used to validate the candidates
skills and experience.
A letter of support from the organisation validating a range of tasks
performed by the candidate over a period of time is useful in
identifying competence.


To whom it may concern

Re: ________________________ who is a ________________________.
(insert candidates name)

(insert industry/job title)

I certify that the above-named person has:

worked at ________________________ for a period of ________________________
(insert name of workplace)

(insert length of time).

They have regularly completed the following activities to an acceptable workplace/industry

standard within this organisation.


I understand the evidence/tasks the candidate has performed on which I am

required to comment.

I am willing to be contacted if further verification of my statements is required.

If you would like further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted
on ____________________________________ (insert phone number).
Yours sincerely
Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 6 Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 6 Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

Supporting Documentation
The following tables provide a guide of additional evidence sources to support your claim for
Recognition of Prior Learning. If you have other evidence, you are encouraged to provide this to
your Assessor.
If you do not have all this evidence, you are not excluded from applying for recognition and you
should discuss options with your Assessor.
If you are providing documents as evidence then it is a good idea to number each document for
easy identification. Place the number of the relevant document against the evidence listed
Candidates name

BSB51407 required documentary evidence for:


Project charter


Business case or feasibility study


Project management plan (including authority sign-off)


Change management register


Issues register


Status reports


Project schedule (including milestones) Gantt chart


Project review (closure) report


Lessons learned log/register


Time management plan


Quality management plan


Evidence of quality assurance and/or quality control mechanisms


Resource identification list


Project budget sheet or project forecast expenditure sheet


Cost management plan


Financial monthly reports


Project closure checklist


Risk management plan

Page 81 of 112


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 6 Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

Candidates name

BSB51407 required documentary evidence for:


Human resources management plan


Procurement management plan


Communication plan


Project tender documentation


Project staffing management plan


Project training and development plan


Risk management matrix

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Page 82 of 112


BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 6 Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

Assessors Evidence Summary Sheet

The Assessor completes this table during the assessment to record the evidence collected.
It is expected that this evidence summary sheet (or similar) is attached to the evidence.

Candidates name


Other evidence

Third Party

Unit Title


Unit Code


Evidence collected

Core units

Manage application of project integrative processes



Manage project scope



Manage project time



Manage project costs



Manage project quality



Manage project human resources



Manage project communications



Manage project risk



Manage project procurement


Assessors signature
Assessors name

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 6 Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Section 7
Mapping of
Assessment Tools
This section contains tables with mapping of each of the Assessment Tools provided, against
the requirements of the units of competency for the qualification that makes up this RPL
Assessment Tool Kit.
It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only.
Whilst all effort is made to ensure that all the unit requirements for each unit are covered, the
developers do not give any warranty nor accept any liability in relation to the mapping provided.
Note: It is recommended that these Assessment Tools be validated prior to using them
for the first time or after any customisation has been made, to ensure they meet the
requirements of the organisation and meet AQTF Standards.

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Mapping document for Cluster 1

Using this document
This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence required to satisfy competence in
this particular cluster.
Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question
numbers in that tool which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence
or required knowledge and skills in this cluster.
Note: The final column, Supplementary evidence, refers to any suggested sources of
documentary evidence that the candidate may use to support their application for RPL.

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

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Page 88 of 112

Performance criteria

Element 3 Implement project

activities throughout life cycle

Element 2 Coordinate internal

and external environments

Element 1 Manage integration

of all functions of project


Page 89 of 112

Ensure agreed project phases, approval points and review

points occur.

Seek assistance, where necessary, from higher project

authority to resolve conflicts which may negatively affect project


Establish designated mechanisms to control planned activity.


Maintain established links to align project objectives with

organisation objectives throughout the project life cycle.

Obtain endorsement of project plan by higher project authority.



Develop a project plan to integrate all project management

functions to achieve outcomes and requirements for time, cost,
quality and risk.


Manage the project within an established internal working

environment to ensure work is conducted effectively throughout
the project.

Analyse all project management functions with higher project

authority and relevant stakeholders to determine achievable
project objectives.



Identify project stakeholders and their interests, with guidance

of higher project authority.




Q2, 3





Q2, 3



Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, March 2010

Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes


Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3) and the Practical Tasks (Section 4)
demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills, knowledge, and dimensions of
competency (Task Skill TS, Task Management Skill TMS, Contingency Management Skill CS, Job Role Environment JRE).

Evidence Matrix

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Performance criteria

Identify and document integration management issues and

recommended improvements, and pass on to higher project
authority for application to future projects.


Page 90 of 112

Planning and organising skills to manage the integration of project


Time management skills to ensure priorities are addressed.

Teamwork and communication skills to lead the project team and deal
with stakeholders

Literacy skills to write project plans, progress reports and project


Project planning tools and techniques

Role and responsibilities of the project manager

Project life cycle

Knowledge of project life cycle

Details of how plans were monitored and outcomes reported

Development of project plans for multiple complex reports

Implement established finalisation plans, procedures and



Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Required skills

Required knowledge

Critical aspects of evidence

Report progress against established project baselines to

measure performance throughout the project life cycle.


Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Q7, 8

Q7, 8



Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes


Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Practical Tasks


Critical aspects of evidence

Element 3 Manage application

of scope controls

Element 2 Conduct project

scope definition activities

Element 1 Conduct project

authorisation activities

Review progress and record results to assess the effectiveness

of scope management procedures.

Identify and document scope management issues and

recommended improvements, and pass on to higher authority
for application to future projects.



Page 91 of 112

Knowledge of scope management plans, tools, issues and likely


Demonstration of scope management for multiple complex projects

Manage the impact of scope changes within established time,

cost and quality constraints according to change control
procedures and to meet project objectives.

Develop and implement scope management plan.



Establish agreement to a shared understanding of desired

project outcomes with relevant stakeholders.


Implement agreed scope management procedures and


Establish measurable project benefits and outcomes to enable

evaluation of project performance.



Identify project objectives, deliverables, constraints, exclusions,

assumptions and principal work activities.

Obtain authorisation to expend resources.



Develop and confirm procedures for project authorisation with

an appropriate authority as the basis for future project
management activity and the commitment of resources and

Performance criteria

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Q7, 8











Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, March 2010

Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality


BSBPMG502A Manage project scope


Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Performance criteria

Page 92 of 112

Negotiation skills to address changes to scope with a range of


Project-solving and analytical skills to address project scope

management issues and challenges

Planning and organising skills to monitor scope and to respond to

potential and actual changes

Literacy skills sufficient to interpret and analyse complex project plans

and documentation

Project management tools used for managing scope

Project life cycle and the significance of scope management

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Role and responsibilities of the project manager in relation to project


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Required skills

Required knowledge

BSBPMG502A Manage project scope


Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Practical Tasks


Element 3 Assess time

management outcomes

Element 2 Implement project


Element 1 Determine project


Page 93 of 112

Identify and document time management issues and

recommended improvements, and pass on to relevant project
authority for application in future projects.


Develop responses to perceived, potential or actual schedule

changes, ensure agreement by a higher project authority, and
implement to maintain project objectives.


Review project outcomes from available records and

information to determine the effectiveness of time management

Review progress throughout the project life cycle and

implement agreed schedule changes to ensure consistency with
changing scope, objectives and constraints related to time and
resource availability.



Conduct ongoing analysis of options to identify variances and to

forecast the impact of changes to the schedule.

Obtain agreement to the schedule from relevant project

authority and communicate this agreement to stakeholders to
provide the basis for measurement of progress.



Select and use methods, techniques and tools, within delegated

authority, to determine preferred schedule, time management
plan/s, resource allocation and financial requirements.


Implement mechanisms to measure, record and report progress

of activities in relation to the agreed schedule and plans.

Obtain input and approval for the project schedule from




Determine the duration, effort, sequence and dependencies of

tasks from the scope definition as the basis for the project

Performance criteria

Q7, 8

Q7, 8


Q4, 5


Q4, 5






Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, March 2010

Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality


BSBPMG503A Manage project time


Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Performance criteria

Analytical skills to review and evaluate process

Page 94 of 112

Technology skills to use appropriate software to develop project


Communication skills to convey expectations and to advise others of


Organisational skills to sequence tasks and see that objectives are


Self-management skills to ensure vision and priorities are clear

Literacy skills to read, develop and interpret project schedules

Time management methodologies, their capabilities, limitations,

application and outcomes

Project life cycle

Techniques and tools for project schedules

Knowledge of time management methodologies, their capabilities,

limitations, application and outcome

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7


Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Demonstrated successful application of time management tools and

techniques to ensure objectives are met on multiple complex projects

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Required skills

Required knowledge

Critical aspects of evidence

BSBPMG503A Manage project time


Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Practical Tasks


Required knowledge

Critical aspects of evidence

Element 3 Conduct financial

completion activities

Element 2 Monitor and control

project costs

Element 1 Determine project


Review project outcomes using available records and

information to determine the effectiveness of cost management
processes and procedures.

Review cost management issues and identify improvements.



Methods and tools for costing and cost analysis

Budgeting processes, tools and techniques

Page 95 of 112

Knowledge of budgeting processes, tools and techniques

Demonstrated evidence of monitoring project costs across the project

life cycle for multiple complex projects

Conduct appropriate activities to signify financial completion.

Implement, monitor and modify agreed actions to maintain

financial and overall project objectives throughout the project
life cycle.



Select and use cost analysis methods and tools to identify cost
variations, evaluate options and recommend actions to a higher
project authority.


Develop and implement a cost management plan, within

delegated authority, to ensure clarity of understanding and
ongoing management of project finances.


Implement agreed financial management processes and

procedures to monitor actual expenditure and to control costs.

Estimate project costs to enable budgets to be developed and

implement agreed cost management processes.



Determine resource requirements for individual tasks, with input

from stakeholders and guidance of others.

Performance criteria

Q4, 5, 6

Q4, 5, 6

Q7, 8

Q7, 8

Q7, 8

Q5, 6

Q5, 6

Q4, 5, 6





Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, March 2010

Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality


BSBPMG504A Manage project costs


Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Performance criteria

Page 96 of 112

Analytical skills to evaluate processes and recommend improvements

Technology skills to use software for recording expenditure and

reporting on finances

Q4, 5, 6


Units of competency
BSBPMG504A Manage project costs
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Numeracy and budgeting skills to monitor expenditure and manage


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Required skills

BSBPMG504A Manage project costs


Units of competency
BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes
BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Practical Tasks


Element 2 Implement quality

assurance processes

Element 1 Determine quality


Conduct inspections of quality processes and quality control

results to determine compliance of quality standards to overall
quality objectives.

Maintain a quality management system to enable effective

recording and communication of quality issues and outcomes to
a higher project authority and stakeholders.



Page 97 of 112

Identify causes of unsatisfactory results, in consultation with

client, and recommend appropriate actions to a higher project
authority to enable continuous improvement in quality

Include agreed quality requirements in the project plan and

implement as basis for performance measurement.



Identify quality criteria, obtain agreement from a higher project

authority and communicate to stakeholders, to ensure clarity of
understanding and achievement of quality and overall project


Measure and document results of project activities and product

performance throughout the project life cycle to determine
compliance with agreed quality standards.

Select and use established quality management methods,

techniques and tools to determine preferred mix of quality,
capability, cost and time.



Determine quality objectives, standards and levels, with input

from stakeholders and guidance of a higher project authority, to
establish the basis for quality outcomes and a quality
management plan.


BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Performance criteria




Q4, 5

Q2, 3

Q2, 3

Q2, 3

Q1, 2


Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, March 2010

BSBPMG504A Manage project costs

BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes

BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Review project outcomes against performance criteria to

determine the effectiveness of quality management processes
and procedures.

Identify and document lessons learned and recommended

improvements, and pass on to higher project authority for
application in future projects.



industry codes of practice

legislation from all levels of government that affects business

operation, especially in regard to occupational health and safety
and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations
and anti-discrimination

Page 98 of 112

award and enterprise agreements and industrial instruments

Relevant legislation codes and national standards:

Methods for managing and improving performance

Roles and responsibilities in project management

Quality management theory, techniques, tools and methodologies

Knowledge of a range of quality management tools, techniques and


Demonstrated evidence of successfully managing project staff so that

quality outcomes were achieved on multiple complex projects

Review processes and implement agreed changes continually

throughout the project life cycle to ensure continuous quality


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Required knowledge

Critical aspects of evidence

Element 3 Implement project

quality improvements

BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Performance criteria

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8

Q7, 8




BSBPMG504A Manage project costs

BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes

BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Practical Tasks


Required skills

Page 99 of 112

Coaching and mentoring skills to boost performance

Analytical skills to monitor achievement of project outcomes against

quality criteria

Communication and leadership skills to motivate staff, convey

expectation and ensure outcomes are met

Literacy skills to develop quality objectives and criteria

BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

Performance criteria

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8


Task 1 (TMS, JRE, CS)

Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, March 2010

BSBPMG504A Manage project costs

BSBPMG505A Manage project quality

BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes

BSBPMG502A Manage project scope
BSBPMG503A Manage project time


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 1 Scope, time, cost and quality: Project management and the constraints of a project

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

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BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Mapping document for Cluster 2

Using this document
This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence required to satisfy competence in
this particular cluster.
Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question
numbers in that tool which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence
or required knowledge and skills in these clusters.
Note: The final column, Supplementary evidence, refers to any suggested sources of
documentary evidence that the candidate may use to support their application for RPL.

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Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

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Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Page 102 of 112

Element 2 Implement staff

training and development

Element 1 Implement human

resources and stakeholder
planning activities

Develop and use HRM methods, techniques and tools to

implement procedures and plans to ensure clarity of
understanding and ongoing HRM.


Page 103 of 112

Identify, plan and implement ongoing development and training

of project team members to achieve HRM and overall project
objectives, with agreement of a higher project authority.

Allocate staff to the project with the approval of a higher project

authority, to meet work requirements throughout the project life



Establish project organisation and structure to align individual

and group competencies with project tasks.


Communicate designated staff responsibilities, authority and

individual performance measurement criteria to the project team
and other relevant stakeholders, to ensure clarity of
understanding of the work and to provide a basis for ongoing

Determine resource requirements for individual tasks, with input

from stakeholders and guidance from a higher project authority,
to determine project staffing levels and required competencies.



Identify project stakeholders and verify their expectations in

order to quantify project outcomes.


BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

Performance criteria

Q9, 11

Q9, 10


Q9, 10


Q9, 10



Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3) and the Practical Tasks (Section 4)
demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills, knowledge, and dimensions
of competency (Task Skill TS, Task Management Skill TMS, Contingency Management Skill CS, Job Role Environment JRE).

Evidence Matrix

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Monitor and report internal and external influences on individual

and project team member performance and morale to a higher
project authority, if necessary, for remedial action.

Implement established procedures for interpersonal

communication, counselling and conflict resolution to maintain a
positive working environment.

Continually review stakeholder expectations to resolve

expectation variance and to ensure project is on track to deliver
expected outcomes.

Identify and manage inter-project and intra-project conflict to

minimise impact on achievement of project objectives.

Identify and document human resource and stakeholder

management issues, and recommended improvements, and
pass on to higher project authority for application in future






Page 104 of 112

Knowledge of HRM legislation, methods, techniques and tools

Demonstrate evidence of successfully managing project staff so that

outcomes were achieved on multiple complex projects

Implement processes to promote continuous improvement of

staff, and take actions to improve staff and overall project


Measure individuals' performance against agreed criteria and

initiate actions to overcome shortfalls in performance and to
encourage career progression.

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Critical aspects of evidence

Element 3 Manage the project

team and stakeholders


BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

Performance criteria

Q9, 10, 11

Q5, 8, 9

Q5, 8, 9

Q5, 8, 9

Q9, 10

Q9, 10, 11

Q9, 10

Q9, 11


Practical Tasks

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools


Required skills

Required knowledge

Page 105 of 112

Analytical skills to review project and to identify improvements

Coaching and mentoring skills to boost performance

Interpersonal skills to resolve conflict

Communication and leadership skills to motivate staff, convey

expectations and ensure outcomes are met

Planning skills to identify skills required and to allocate project

responsibilities to staff

HRM legislation, methods, techniques and tools

Methods for managing and improving performance

Roles and responsibilities in project management

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

Performance criteria

Q9, 10, 11

Q9, 10, 11


Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Implement and maintain agreed communication networks

between project staff, client and other stakeholders to ensure
effective communications at appropriate levels throughout the
project life cycle.

Identify communication and information management system

problems and report them to a higher project authority.



Page 106 of 112

Implement, modify, monitor and control designated information

validation processes to optimise quality and accuracy of data.


Establish and maintain designated project management

information system (PMIS) to ensure the quality, validity,
timeliness and integrity of information and communication.


Manage the generation, gathering, storage, retrieval, analysis

and dissemination of information by project staff and
stakeholders within established systems and procedures to aid
decision making processes throughout the project life cycle.

Develop, within delegated authority, an agreed communications

management plan to ensure clarity of understanding and
achievement of project objectives throughout the project life



Identify, document and analyse information requirements, with

input from stakeholders and guidance from a higher project
authority, as the basis for communications planning.


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Element 2 Manage project


Element 1 Plan
communications processes

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

Performance criteria

Q12, 13

Q12, 13

Q12, 13

Q12, 13

Q13. 14


Q12, 13


Practical Tasks

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools


Required skills

Required knowledge

Critical aspects of evidence

Element 3 Assess
communications management

Review project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of

management information and communications processes and

Identify and document lessons learned and recommended

improvements, and pass on to higher project authority for
application in future projects.



Analytical skills to review project outcomes

Organisational skills to manage information

Page 107 of 112

Technology skills to facilitate effective communication

Literacy skills to write reports and communicate key issues

Project management information systems and their various


Project life cycle and the place of communications within it

Knowledge of the place of communications within the project life cycle

Development and implementation of a range of project

communications that facilitate effective outcomes for multiple complex

Conduct finalisation activities to ensure agreed ownership of,

and responsibility for, information collected.


BSBPMG507A Manage project communications

Performance criteria

Q12, 13, 14

Q12, 13, 14

Q12, 13, 14

Q5, 8

Q5, 8

Q5, 8


Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

Task 2 (TS, TMS, JRE)

BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Implement agreed risk responses and modify plans to reflect

changing project objectives in an environment of uncertainty.


Page 108 of 112

Monitor progress against project plans to identify variances and

recommend responses to a higher project authority for remedial

Establish designated risk management processes and

procedures to enable effective management and
communication of risk events, responses and results.



Develop risk management plans, secure agreement of

stakeholders and communicate plans to ensure clarity of
understanding and ongoing management of risk factors.


Manage project in accordance with established project and risk

management plans to ensure a common approach to the
achievement of objectives.

Use established risk management techniques and tools, within

delegated authority, to analyse risks, assess options and
recommend preferred risk approaches.



Identify, document and analyse risks, in consultation with

stakeholders and higher project authority, as the basis for risk


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Element 2 Monitor and control

project risks

Element 1 Determine project


BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

Performance criteria




Q1, 2

Q1, 2

Q1, 2

Q1, 2


Practical Tasks

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools


Required skills

Required knowledge

Critical aspects of evidence

Element 3 Assess risk

management outcomes

Identify and document risk issues and recommended

improvements, and pass on to higher project authority for
application in future projects.


Page 109 of 112

Analytical skills to review project outcomes in terms of risk


Planning and organisational skills to monitor project progress

Lateral thinking skills to identify risks

Problem-solving skills to control risks

Literacy skills to write risk management plans

Risk management techniques, tools and approaches

Risk management framework

Knowledge of risk management techniques, strategies and tools

Demonstrated evidence of effective risk management for multiple

complex projects

Review project outcomes to determine effectiveness of risk

management processes and procedures.


BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

Performance criteria

Q1, 2, 3

Q1, 2, 3

Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Q4, 5

Q4, 5


Practical Tasks


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 2 (TMS, TS, JRE)

BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Obtain approvals for procurement processes to be used for the

project from higher project authority to enable formal
discussions to be conducted.


Page 110 of 112

Communicate agreed proposals and/or specifications to

prospective contractors or suppliers to ensure clarity of
understanding of project objectives.

Adopt established selection processes and selection criteria,

including occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements,
and communicate to stakeholders and prospective contractors
or suppliers to ensure fair competition.



Obtain information from established sources capable of fulfilling

procurement requirements to determine how project objectives
can be met.

Establish and maintain, within delegated authority, an agreed

procurement management plan and strategies to ensure clarity
of understanding between stakeholders and achievement of
project objectives.



Identify procurement requirements with input from stakeholders

as the basis for procurement planning and contracts.


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Element 3 Conduct contracting

and procurement activities

Element 2 Establish agreed

procurement processes

Element 1 Determine
procurement requirements

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Performance criteria

Task 3 (TMS, TS,JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS,JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)



Q6, 7


Q6, 7

Practical Tasks



BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools


Element 5 Manage contract

and procurement finalisation

Element 4 Implement contract

and/or procurement

Document lessons learned and recommended improvements,

and pass on to higher project authority for application in future


Page 111 of 112

Review project outcomes using available procurement records

and information to determine effectiveness of contracting and
procurement processes and procedures.


Identify and report procurement management problems to

higher project authority and implement agreed remedial actions
to ensure project objectives are met.


Conduct finalisation activities to ensure contract deliverables

meet contractual requirements.

Review progress and manage agreed changes to ensure timely

completion of tasks, resolution of conflicts and achievement of
project objectives within the legal framework of the contract.



Implement established procurement management plan and

make modifications with higher project authority approval, to
ensure a common approach to achievement of objectives.

Conduct negotiations with preferred contractor or supplier, with

guidance of higher project authority if necessary, to agree on
contract terms and conditions, establish common goals and
minimise uncertainty.



Evaluate responses and select preferred contractors or

suppliers in accordance with current legal requirements and
agreed selection processes.


BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Performance criteria


Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Q5, 6, 8

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Q6, 7

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Q6, 7

Q6, 8

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Q6, 7

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Q6, 7


Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Practical Tasks

Q6, 7


BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

Page 112 of 112

Technology skills to use procurement and financial management


Literacy and numeracy skills to produce and work with a range of

procurement and contract documentation

Planning and organisational skills to identify procurement and contract

requirements and to adjust and sequence these appropriately

Negotiation skills to obtain required agreement in procurement and

contracting discussions

Problem-solving skills to resolve contractual and logistic issues

Relevant legislation, codes and national standards relevant

Procurement options, procedures and documentation

Contracts and legal obligations as they relate to project management

Knowledge of contracts and legal obligations as they relate to project


Demonstrated experience in managing procurement and contracting

processes in multiple complex projects

Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010

Version 1, January 2010

Required skills

Required knowledge

Critical aspects of evidence

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

Performance criteria

Q6, 7

Q6, 7

Q6, 7, 8


Practical Tasks

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

Task 3 (TMS, TS, JRE)

BSBPMG508A Manage project risk

BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement

BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources

BSBPMG507A Manage project communications


Units of competency

Units of competency

Cluster 2 Project human resources, communications, risk and procurement

BSB51407 Diploma of Project Management

Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools


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