Hematology - Pathophysiology
Hematology - Pathophysiology
Hematology - Pathophysiology
Hematopoesis ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Consequences of & Approach to Anemia ............................................................................................................................... 4
Iron Deficiency Anemia ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Folate & B12: Metabolism & Deficiency .................................................................................................................................. 9
Hemolytic Anemia ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Hemoglobinopathies ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Hemostasis ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Thrombosis............................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Hematopoeisis (Gr. haimato, “blood” + poiesis, “creation”): The formation of blood cells in the living body
Clone: cell population derived from single ancestral cell
CFU: Colony-forming unit: represents the cell that gives rise to a colony (assayable growth in vivo / in vitro)
o E.g. CFU-S, spleen CFU (mouse low-quality hematopoietic stem cells, give rise to spleen colonies post-BMT-irradiation)
Colony-forming assay: isolate mononuclear cells from marrow; let ‘em grow (clones)
CFU-GM: colony—forming unit granulocyte macrophage: most differentiated myeloid progenitor, no self-renewal
o White colonies on assay: makes white blood cells
BFU-E: burst-forming unit erythroid: RBC progenitor
o Red colonies on assay; making RBCs
CFU-Mixed / CFU-GEMM: progenitor of both CFU-GM and BFU-E (probably like CFU-S)
o Mixed coloration on assay; making WBC & RBC too
Malignancy: unregulated clonal growth; from 1+ mutations
Pathways to malignancy
Cancer stem cells: (KNOW THESE)
tumor initiating cell with limitless self-renewal, limited differentiation increased proliferation
Treatments often don’t target them block in apoptosis
(more common)
Acquired Aplastic Anemia
Hypocellular bone marrow, severe pancytopenia, often in young patients
Autoimmune disorder: CTLs target low-quality stem cells
o Reduced CD34 stem cell pool pancytopenia
Pathways to bone marrow failure
Treatment: cyclophosphamide,
o activated in liver, blows away lymphocytes
1. Oncogenesis / mutations
o stops T-cell reaction against low-quality stem cells (leukemia, MDS, dyskeratosis congenita)
o High-quality stem cells are saved (have aldehyde DH, 2. Direct DNA damage
inactivate cyclophosphamide) (radiation, benzene, chemo)
3. Autoimmunity
Chronic myeloid leukemia (aplastic anemia, pure red cell aplasia)
BCR-ABL fusion protein (t9:22 – Philadelphia chromosome) blocks 4. Viruses
(HIV, parvovirus)
Called a “myeloproliferative” disorder – is really a “ myelo-accumulative disorder”
Consequences of & Approach to Anemia
Metabolic / Physiologic Responses to Anemia
when Hb partially saturated, affinity of remaining hemes increases markedly
2 Hb conformations: Tense (deoxy) & relaxed (oxy)
Pictures like the one to the right are popular when discussing cooperativity
Classifying Anemia
1. Cause: is there decreased RBC production, increased RBC destruction, or RBC loss (bleeding)
2. RBC Size: microcytic / normocytic / macrocytic
3. Hb: hypochromic (↓Hb/RBC),normochromic (normal Hb/RBC)
4. Morphology: normal / abnormal (anisocytosis = varied morphology)
Is the patient anemic? CBC, Hb, Hct
RBC production/destruction/loss? Reticulocyte count (usually ~1%)
Micro/macro/normocytic RBC Indices
Morphology Peripheral blood smear
PCV g Hb
Hct = ; PCV = packed cell volume (packed RBC volume) Hb =
Vblood dL blood
Mean Corpuscular Volume: MCV = reflects average size / volume of RBC (in fl, femoliters)
RBC Count
Mean Cell Hemoglobin: MCH = RBC Count reflects weight of Hb in average red cell
Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration: MCHC = indicates concentration of Hb in average red cell (%)
Reticulocyte = young RBC
Normal morphology: donut shape, center pallor 1/3 of red cell
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Background: Iron Metabolism
Distribution: mostly active use (60% Hb, 13% Mb / enzymes)
o also stored (ferritin/hemosederin, 27%); in transport (transferrin 0.1%)
Intake: 10-25mg from food per day
o Most dietary intake is nonheme iron (spinach, etc) but less bioavailable than heme iron (veal, meat)
(remember that Fe is very oxidative / dangerous & body needs protection from it) Fe Fe
1. Absorption: brush border of upper small intestine via transport proteins Tf ferritin
2. Transport: Binds to apotransferrin in mucosal cell forms transferrin Fe
exported to blood (intracellular apotransferrin recycled) exported to Apo
blood bound to soluble transferrin in blood Tf
3. Uptake: cells that need iron have transferrin receptors, ApoTf
di FeTf
o Ferritin: PRINCIPAL IRON STORAGE PROTEIN. Multi-subunit;
form shell around Fe molecules. Serum ferritin is proportional to
intracellular ferritin (lab test). Good for quick mobilization.
o Hemosiderin: insoluble ferritin (packed together until it
precipitates; can see on microscopy. Longer-term storage
Iron cycle:
Erythroid precursors: uptake via Tf receptors incorporate
Fe into hemoglobin & package into RBC
Also used for myoglobin in muscle
Old RBC destroyed Mϕ pick up iron
o store as ferritin/hemosiderin (recycling)
o release as transferrin into plasma when needed
Molecular Mechanisms:
When plenty of iron is around:
o transferrin mRNA made but unstable (↓Tf protein, ↓transport)
o ferritin provides iron storage; heme synthesis (ALA synthase) uses iron
o Fe bound to IRPs, IRPs inactive (see below)
Iron sufficient state:
Iron deficiency: Iron response proteins (IRP-1 & 2)
ACONI- Fe+++
o IRP-1, IRP-2 lose their iron atoms (↓iron around); start RNA- TASE-1
o IRP-1 is aconitase (cytoplasmic TCA cycle enzyme); loses Iron deficient state:
enzymatic activity if no iron (increasing iron for it’s own use!) ACON-
enzyme inactive;
becomes IRP
IRE transferrin
Iron sufficient state Iron deficient state TRANSFERRIN mRNA (stable)
Aconitase TCA enzyme activity IRP-1 functions IRE
mRNA unstable IRP stabilizes mRNA
Transferritin IRP
↓ transport ↑ transport IRE
mRNA transcribed IRP blocks transcription
↑ storage ↓storage
mRNA transcribed IRP blocks transcription
ALA synthase
↑ heme synthesis ↓heme synthesis
Iron losses
Iron closely conserved in humans: NO PHYSIOLOGIC MEANS TO EXCRETE EXCESS IRONS
Very small amounts lost (urine/bile/sweat, cells shedding from GI/urinary tracts; 0.05% Fe lost/day)
Higher loss states: menses in post-pubertal females, pregnancy (to fetus), lactation (to breast milk)
pagophagia craving ice
pica craving of nonfood substances
RATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF ANEMIA (dirt, clay, laundry starch)
glossitis smooth tongue
Lab findings angular stomatitis cracking of corners of mouth
Peripheral smear: koilonychia thin, brittle, spoon-shaped fingernails
Microcytic & hypochromic blue sclerae
anisocytosis (variable sizes) & poikilocytosis (variable shapes), ovalocytes / eliptocytes
Serum ferritin: LOW (best general indicator of IDA), remember that this is proportional to ferritin in cells
Serum iron (iron saturation transferrin): expect low iron, high transferrin; ratio is less reliable
Bone marrow iron stain is gold standard (but only used in difficult cases)
Therapy: RBC transfusion if severe; mostly iron salts (ferrous sulfate) po (IV if required).
Phytates (cereal grains), tannins (tea), antacids can inhibit Fe absorption; vitamin C (ascorbic acid) helps it
Marrow Iron No
Transfusional hemochromatosis: pts. getting frequent blood transfusions (e.g. β-thalassemia major); get large
cumulative load, Rx with iron chelation drugs
Hereditary hemochromatosis: genetic disorder of excessive iron absorption in gut (enterocyte transporter
mutation); Tx with periodic phlebotomy.
Folate & B12: Metabolism & Deficiency
Megaloblastic anemias: from reduction in rate of DNA synthesis; RNA/protein synth normal.
Subset of macrocytic anemias (MCV > 100; abnormally large cells)
Nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony (cytoplasm “matures” faster than nucleus)
can have 2 results: DDx: macrocytic anemia
o cell dies (intermedullary hemolysis / ineffective hematopoesis) Reticulocytosis (e.g.
o terminal division omitted (big macrocyte formed) hemolytic anemia)
Liver disease, alcoholism
Unbalanced growth in all rapidly proliferating cells (bone marrow, tongue
epithelium, small intestine, uterus): look for clinical manifestations here.
Some myelodysplasias
Vitamin B12
Early studies: massive liver feedings helped PA; “extrinsic factor” (B12) in liver & “intrinsic factor” missing in pts
B12: Synthesized by microorganisms; dietary from flesh/milk of ruminant animals
liver, glandular tissue, muscle, eggs, dairy products, seafood
Normal body stores 2-5mg, > 1mg stored in liver; daily requirement 2-5 μg (0.1%)
Significance: B12 stores last at least 1,000 days after absorption stops
Structure: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
Porphyrin-like ring with cobalt in center (cobalamin)
pharm forms are substituted at cyano group & converted by metabolism in vivo
Functions: co-factor for the following reactions
1. Methyl transfer: homocystine + methyl-THF methionine + THF
o B12 = obligate cofactor for certain folic acid functions
2. Hydrogen transfer: methylmalonyl coA succinyl coA
o Not involved in folic acid pathway
o High urinary/serum methylmalonyl coA helps distinguish
B12 deficiency from folate deficiency
Congenital deficiency state: usually in infancy (failure to thrive, developmental delay, neuro abnormalities, anemia)
Autosomal-recessive conditions (cobalamin absorption or transport)
Treatment of pernicious anemia: parenteral cyanocobalamin; treat terminal ileum disease or microbes if present
Folic acid
Folate metabolism: we don’t synthesize it; half of body stores are in liver; body stores last about four months
Most absorbed in proximal jejunum but:
Dietary sources: green leafy veggies, liver, kidney, fruits, mushrooms
B12, Folate, DNA replication, Neural Tubes, Vascuar Disease, and Cereal
Hyperhomocysteinemia & vascular disease: associated with increased incidence of atherosclerosis / heart disease; folic
acid supplementation reduces homocysteine levels but doesn’t prevent venous/arterial thrombotic disease;
homocysteine may be marker of vascular disease instead of causative agent
Cereal: FDA mandated in 1998 that all cereals be fortified with folic acid to try to bump up folic acid intake; designed for
100μg / day increase (falls well short of USPHS guidelines) efficacy of program not known.
Hemolytic Anemia
Hemolytic disorder: any condition where survival time of erythrocyte in circulation < 120 days (normal RBC)
Primary (usually congenital): membranopathy, enzymopathy, hemoglobinopathy
Secondary (usually acquired): immunologic, chemical, physical
Lab techniques
Direct techniques: look at RBC survival time
Ashby test (historical): transfused mismatched RBCs; follow % cells surviving; problem: not looking @ endogenous RBC)
Radioactive chromium: most common; binds to hemoglobin (labeling pt’s own RBC)
o Problems: chromium elutes 1%/day from Hb, so have to correct; rate of elution varies with different
Hbs (e.g. faster from SC than normal); has higher affinity for retics, can’t tell blood loss vs hemolysis
Elevation of indirect bilirubin in hemolytic anemia
Bilirubin review:
1. Breakdown of Hbheme, globin + Fe released
2. Heme biliverdin (via heme oxidase, CO2 released)
3. Biliverdin bilirubin
4. Bilirubin bound to albumin when it circulates.
(Unconjugated bilirubin a.k.a. indirect bilirubin =
insoluble, so it doesn’t appear in urine; goes to fat
instead e.g. sclerae)
5. Conjugated bilirubin formed in liver (direct bilirubin,
water-soluble & can be seen in urine)
6. Enterohepatic recirculation from GI to liver or
excretion as urobilinogen from kidneys / stercobilin in
Hemolysis: ↑ degradation of Hb ↑ bilirubin; exceed liver conjugation abilities; see INDIRECT BILIRUBIN in blood
Conjugated / direct bilirubin doesn’t accumulate (liver can still excrete it)
Liver disease: liver can’t excrete conjugated bilirubin, so DIRECT BILIRUBIN increases in blood
Intravascular hemolysis:
RBCs destroyed within circulation, Hb released directly into
In addition to increased indirect bilirubin, CO & Fe, see
hemoglobin in urine (hemoglobinuria).
Hb also concentrated by renal tubular cells as hemosiderin,
shed into urine (hemosiderinuria)
Lab stuff
Methemalbumin: when haptoglobin’s binding capacity exhausted, free Hb combines with albumin → methemalbumin
(means that indirect hemolysis has been liberating Hb into bloodstream)
Classification of Hemolytic Disorders: intracorpuscular vs extracorpuscular defects
Intracorpuscular defect: etiologic factor intrinsic to red cell; most often genetic
Membranopathy: see elliptocytes & spherocytes
Hemoglobinopathy: e.g. sickle cell trait / dz
Enzymopathy: e.g. pyruvate kinase deficiency
Extracorpuscular defect: etiologic factor extrinsic to red cell; most often acquired
Thermal injury, mechanical injury (e.g. Waring blender syndrome from heart valve, etc.), toxic injury,
Antibodies (autoimmune hemolytic anemia)
Mophologic abnormalities
Hereditary Spherocytosis: intracorpuscular membranopathy
Membranopathy: disturbance in protein-protein interaction (within RBC cytoskeleton or links to cell membrane)
Spectrin abnormality (or spectrin binding proteins): cytoskeletal proteins involved in vertical (cytoskeleton –
PM) and horizontal (cytoskeleton – cytoskeleton) interactions
Unstable red cell membrane loss of membrane SA reduced sphere forms (smallest SA)
G-6-PD deficiency: combined extra- and intracorpuscular defect
When hemoglobin falls & red cells start to lyse (after an oxidative stress trigger):
Heinz bodies (intracellular precipitates of hemoglobin)
Dark urine (hemoglobinuria/methemalbuminuria)
Normal patient:
o Oxidative stress situation: increase in conversion of NADP to
NADPH (more G6PD activity, more 6PG produced, more
glucose utilization, and more pentose shunt activity)
o H2O2 & free radicals oxidize GSH, forming mixed disulfides of
Hb and glutathione
o NADPH is used to return glutathione to reduced state & remove peroxides
G6PD Deficiency: can’t increase flow through PPP when oxidative stress occurs
1. NADPH can’t be generated as in the normal patient
2. Can’t regenerate GSH (glutathione GSH conversion needs NADPH)
3. Hb starts to precipitate (Heinz bodies); membrane lipids get peroxidated red cells destroyed
Hemoglobin chains & forms
β-globin cluster 11 Beta(β), Delta (δ), Gamma (γ), Epsilon (ϵ) Hb A (“adult hemoglobin”) α2β2
α-globin cluster 16 Alpha (α), Zeta (ζ) Hb A2 (“minor adult”) α2δ2
Hb F (“fetal hemoglobin”) α2γ2
To make a hemoglobin: pick one from each cluster HbE (“embryonic hemoglobin”) α2ϵ2
Produced only just after conception ζ2ϵ2
Changes through the lifespan:
Erythropoesis happens in different organs throughout embryonic development (sequential):
yolk sac liver/spleen bone marrow
Hb expression
Just after conception: ζ and ϵ chains expressed
(ζ2ϵ2 predominates)
Major switch #1: embryonic ζ chains replaced by
adult α chains
(shortly after conception, α2ϵ2 predominates)
o From this point on, it’s all α chains and no more ζ
o Embryonic ϵ replaced by fetal γ shortly thereafter
(α2γ2 predominates)
Major switch #2: fetal γ chains replaced by adult β
chains (α2β2 predominates)
o This change is INCOMPLETE and REVERSIBLE
(basis for some therapy)
Adult hemoglobins: 95% Hb A (α2β2), also 2% Hb A2 (α2δ2) and 2% Hb F (α2γ2)
The locus control region (chromosome 11) along with part of the 5’ β-globin complex help modulate this switching
Transacting factors bind to LCR; LCR loops over & silences globin genes’ promoters (physical DNA rearrangement)
Mutations can mess up expression patterns; gene therapy (FDA-approved!) and other therapies can take advantage
Hemoglobinopathies: overview
Hemoglobinopathy: mutation of either the alpha or beta globin genes which leads to:
Varient globin molecule, decreased globin production, or absence of globin production
Every mutation type you can think of has been described in globin genes, including regulatory / noncoding areas
Sickle Cell Anemia
Polymer formation: β6 Glu Val mutation fits into a
hydrophobic pocket in adjacent β chain of another tetramer
Other interactions are favorable & stabilize too
Hb in RBC is really concentrated (97-8% protein is
Hb!) → these polymers are big deal!
Mediterranean populations (Italians, Greeks, Arabs, Africans) & Southeast Asia α>β Beta thalassemia
β>α Alpha thalassemia
Normal ratio β:alpha = 1.0 (beta thal <1, alpha thal > 1)
Beta thalassemia
100+ mutations, decrease in β globin production, don’t alter β-globin protein (normal Hb A, just less)
Excess alpha chains unstable α4 tetramers precipitate RBC damage hemolysis
o γ chains are still around: make α2γ2 (Hb F) in increased levels
o δ chains are around in adults: make α2δ2 (Hb A2) in increased levels too
o Hb electrophoresis: see increase in Hb F and Hb A2 relative to Hb A
Genotype Name Features
Heterozygote Thalassemia minor, thalassemia trait Small RBCs, minimal anemia
Homozygote Thalassemia major Transfusion-dependent (severe anemia)
(“Cooley’s anemia”) Microcytic / hemolytic anemia
Compound heterozygote Thalassemia intermedia Thal major with 5+ alpha genes = more mild
Thal minor with 4- alpha genes = more severe
microcytic anemia (decreased Hb, low MCV, hypochromic, etc.)
increased RBC number (marrow trying to compensate nucleated RBC in periphery)
Elevated Hb F and Hb A2 relative to Hb A
Features of chronic anemia (thal major): Hepatosplenomegaly (extramedullary hematopoesis), brittle bones /
enlarged marrow space (hypertrophy of skull/facial bones, hair on end appearance)
prenatal dx (incidence has declined in countries where risk was high)
hypertransfusion + iron chelation (would overload otherwise; no excretion mechanism)
bone marrow transplant if severe; Hb F “switching agents” (e.g. hydroxyurea) might not make enough Hb F to help
Alpha thalassemia
Excess beta chains → unstable β4 tetramers precipitate RBC damage hemolysis
In newborn: γ chains make γ4 tetramers (no alphas around) “Hb Bart’s”; can detect it but useless
o δ chains don’t do you any good either, since you’re low on α chains! Nothing to pair it with.
o Hb electrophoresis: Hb F, Hb A2 don’t change relative to Hb A (all need α chains, so all decrease!)
Microcytic RBC ± anemia
Often confused with iron deficiency
Hb A2 / Hb F levels normal relative to Hb A so Hb electrophoresis not helpful!
RDW / MCHC not reliable; family studies may not be helpful
Rely on clinical history (race of patient); must rule out iron deficiency anemia as microcytic anemia cause
o E.g. put ‘em on Fe and they don’t get better! Think α-thal!
Background: blood under pressure; breaks in vascular continuity exsanguination (need to seal it off)
The Coagulation Cascade
XI XIa Ca++
XI Ca++ Phospholipid
IXa Phospholipid Ca++
V IIa Va
V fibrinogen
fibrin monomer
fibrin clot
Serine proteases XII, XI, X, IX, VII, II (prothrombin), prekallikrein Circulate in blood as zymogens, cleave & activate others
Cofactors VIII (cofactor for IX) Increase reaction kinetics (1000 fold) by localizing /
V (cofactor for X) concentrating partners to membrane surfaces (optimize
HMWK* ( cofactor for XI & prekallikrein) reaction)
Tissue factor (cofactor for VII)
Glycoprotein Fibrinogen Becomes insoluble (fibrin) after thrombin cleaves it
Transglutaminase XIII Cross-links fibrin strands covalently
Links α2-antiplasmin to fibrin |
(inhibits plasmin, part of fibrinolytic system)
If no XII: clots fall apart
Vitamin-K- II, VII, IX, X Need vitamin K for synthesis (warfarin inhibits)
dependent Proteins C, S Vit K needed for addition of γ-carboxy glutamic acid side
chains (allow proteins to bind phospholipid-rich
membranes in presence of calcium
No Vit K no side chains no binding, less activity
*HMWK = high-molecular-weight kininogen
Steps of Coagulation Cascade (in more detail)
Requirements Anticoagulant Associated Disease
Step Description
Ca PLs Vit K Target? State?
0 Factor VII normally circulates; small amounts of VIIa also in blood (VII needs vitamin K)
1 Vascular damage Tissue factor exposed in subendothelium (normally hidden)
2 Factor VIIa forms complex with tissue factor
3 VIIa + TF cleaves X Xa (X requires vitamin K)
Requirements Anticoagulant Associated Disease
Step Description
Ca+2 PLs Vit K Target? State?
Factor XII activated by exposure to highly negatively charged surfaces (e.g. endothelium)
Note: Not important in vivo (just for assays)
XIIa activates prekallikrein kallikrien; high molecular weight kininogen is a cofactor
(concentrates prekallikrein on the membrane where XIIa generated)
1.5 Kallikrein activates more XII XIIa (positive feedback)
2 XIIa also activates Factor XI (HMWK is cofactor, concentrates XI on membrane)
XIa activates Factor IX IXa Hemophilia B:
3 ++ ATIII (XIa XIi)
(needs Ca and phospholipids – surface of activated platelets; IXa needs Vit K for synth) Factor IX deficiency
Hemophilia A:
Proteins C/S
3.5 Meanwhile, VIII activated by thrombin (Factor IIa) VIIIa Factor VIII deficiency
Von Willebrand Disease
4 VIIIa + IXa form “tenase” complex, assembles on PL-rich platelets using Ca
VIIIa+IXa (tenase) cleaves X Xa
5 +2 ATIII (IXa IXi)
(X also requires vit K, binds to PL using Ca using γ-carboxy-glutamic acid side chains)
Requirements Anticoagulant Associated Disease
Step Description
Ca+2 PLs Vit K Target? State?
XXa either by VIIa/tissue-factor (extrinsic) or IXa/VIIIa (intrinsic)
(X needs vitamin K, happens on platelet surfaces with Ca + PLs)
Factor V Leiden
1 V Va via thrombin (IIa) activation Prot. C/S (VaVi)
Va + Xa (prothrombinase complex) cleaves prothrombin (II) thrombin (IIa) Thrombin deficiency =
2 ATIII (Xa Xi)
(thrombin needs Vit K for synthesis) embryonic lethal
3 Thrombin (IIa) cleaves fibrinogen fibrin monomers ATIII (IIa IIi)
4 Fibrin monomers polymerize (loose fibrin clot, hydrostatic bonds
5 Thrombin activates XIII XIIIa
4 XIII is a transglutaminase; catalyzes fibrin cross-linking & affixes α2-antiplasmin
When thrombin gets cleaved, things really start rolling: more cofactors! VIIIVIIIa (intrinsic), VVa (common)
o Thrombin also activates platelets and protein C (anti-thrombotic protein!)
When vitamin-K-activated stuff is involved (II, VII, IX, X) the action needs calcium and takes place on
phospholipids of platelet surfaces (that’s where γ-carboxy glutamic acid side chains like to do their thing)
Lab Tests
Basic idea for both PT & APTT:
1. draw blood into sodium citrate sol’n (chelate calcium)
2. centrifuge (keep plasma only)
3. add phospholipids (platelets were removed) and calcium
4. add XII for APTT (intrinsic pathway) or tissue factor for PT (extrinsic pathway)
5. Measure time to clot formation based on light absorption
Mixing test:
Prolongation of PT or APTT can be from either deficit in coagulation factor or Ab against coagulation factor
Mix 1:1 patient:normal plasma, re-run prolonged test.
o If it corrects, it was deficiency (50% of factor sufficient to normalize test)
o If it’s still prolonged, abnormality is from antibodies (neutralizing factors in normal plasma too)
Factor levels
Isolate a specific factor that’s the issue: use factor deficient plasma (all but one factor) and add patient plasma
o Run test (APTT or PT depending on pathway you suspect) – will be dependent on patient’s factor level
o set up standard curve with length of test vs % of factor (controls), determine patient’s level
Hemophilia A: congenital factor VIII deficiency
Treatment of hemophilia A:
X-linked, recessive (1/10k males)
Deep tissue bleeds, hemarthroses (joint bleeds)
factor VIII
Severity varies with factor VIII level (mild > 5%, moderate 1-5, severe >1%)
DDAVP (desmopressin) to
release VIII & vWF (mild only)
Hemophilia B: congenital Factor IX deficiency
X-linked inheritance (1/50k males)
Treatment of hemophilia B:
Similar manifestations to hemophilia A
Factor IX concentrates
Von Willebrand disease: congenital vWF deficiency
Treatment of vWD:
Autosomal, most common inherited bleeding disorder (1 in 1000)
mild vWD DDAVP (makes
less vWF, which is a carrier protein for VIII in the bloodstream (protects
endothelial cells release vWF);
from C/S inactivation); ); less severe than hemophilia A
severe factor VIII
More important: ↓adhesion of platelets to subendothelial collagen
concentrates (have vWF)
Bleeding from mucosal surfaces rather than deep tissue bleeds (platelets!)
o ELISA (vWF antigen test) used to measure vWF levels
o Ristocetin Cofactor Assay (antibiotic; causes vWF-dependent platelet aggregation, tests vWF function
Etiologies of Vit K deficiency:
Immature forms of II (prothrombin), VII, IX, X
broad-spectrum abx
o Also C and S
Half-lives vary: VII has shortest half-life prolonged PT 1st (extrinsic)
poor nutrition
o Eventually PT & APTT both abnormal
excessive biliary drainage
Treatment: Vitamin K (oral, sub-q, IV)
Balance between procoagulant & anticoagulant forces; imbalance hemorrhage or thrombosis
Protein S: in plasma; free (60%) and bound to C4b binding protein (40%)
Need free form to participate as cofactor for protein C
C4b binding protein increased in pregnancy & estrogens / OCP (bind more protein S, hypercoagulable)
Activity: APC + free protein S make complex; inactivate Factor Va (Xa cofactor) and factor VIIIa (IXa cofactor)
Fibrinolytic system
Purpose: lyse fibrin clots
Plasmin: cleaves fibrin into fragments (fibrin degradation products, FDP) Plasminogen activator inhibitor I
Disease states
Lab tests:
Activated protein C resistance assay (functional test)
o Add APC to patient plasma diluted 1:5 in factor V deficient plasma, do APTT, calculate timewithout APC
with APC
o Normal pt: adding APC prolongs APTT by > 2.2 fold
o Factor V Leiden: less of an APC effect (1.6-fold longer for heterozygotes, >1.3-fold for homozygotes)
PCR-based assay: used to confirm genetically
Prothrombin 20210: gene mutation, newly acquired risk factor for venous thrombosis
3’UTR of prothrombin increased translation efficiency ↑ prothrombin levels (25% higher)
Heterozygotes: 2% Caucasians; uncommon in other groups; 2-3x increased risk
Diagnosis: molecular biology; Treatment only if symptomatic
Deficiency of Antithrombin III: example of a deficiency in an anticoagulant protein, predisposes to venous thromb.
ATIII inactivates IIa, IXa, Xa, IXa
Heterozygotes: 1/5k; homozygotes embryonic death
20x increased risk of thrombosis! (heterozygotes! One of most potent inherited prothrombic states)
Can also acquire (liver dz, nephrotic syndrome – don’t make as much or spill it into urine)
Dx: measure activity in plasma samples
Protein C/S deficiency: another example of a deficiency in an anticoagulant protein, predisposes to venous thromb.
5-10x risk of venous thrombosis; Diagnosis: measure activity in patient samples
Signs / sx:
Fetal loss (placental thrombosis)
Thrombocytopenia (activation/consumption of platelets; immunological destruction
More common in pts with other autoimmune disorders (SLE, RA) but also viral infections (HIV) or cancers
1. ELISA (phospholipid antigen substrate, add patient sample, detect with anti-human IgG/M/A)
2. Coagulation assays: sensitive to antiphospholipid Ab, which cause prolongation of clotting in vitro
APTT: use reagents with low phospholipid content, look for slowing
o Mixing studies to follow up (won’t correct; Ab will still neutralize PLs)
Skipped over mostly in lecture; importance diminishing in Risk increased for venous thrombosis and myocardial
recent years infarction
Acquired/congenital cause for both arterial & venous High homocysteine tissue factor expression +
thrombosis endothelial damage; renal failure can result
Deficiencies of folate / B12 / B5 result in need folate / B12 supplementation
hyperhomocysteinemia; mutations too
Plasmin working like crazy (fibrinolytic system)
digests fibrin clots into D-dimers (fragments)
Can use ELISA to detect D-dimers in plasma (good in diagnosis)
DIC: Levels
↑D-dimers (plasmin!)
↑APTT/PT (used up all your clotting stuff!)