at Davis
at Davis
at Davis
Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616
Telephone: (530) 752-0400
Department of Mathematics
Professor 19872003
JUNE 2009
JUNE 2009
JUNE 2009
Elementary Heat Transfer Analysis
Pergamon Press, 1976
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
R.E. Krieger Publishing Co., Inc., 1981
Fundamental Principles of Heat Transfer
R.E. Krieger Publishing Co., Inc., 1983
Concepts and Design of Chemical Reactors
edited with A.E. Cassano, Gordon and Breach Publishing Company, 1986
The Method of Volume Averaging
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999
Outstanding Senior Award (AIChE), 1954
University of California at Berkeley
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships, 1955-1958
University of Delaware
Fulbright Research Scholar, 1985
Universit de Bordeaux I, France
Chercheur Associ du C.N.R.S., 1987
Universit de Bordeaux I, France
Merck Sharp & Dohme Lecturer, 1988
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Puerto Rico
JUNE 2009
JUNE 2009
Research Engineer (fluid mechanics), Engineering Research Laboratory
E.I. du Pont de Nemours Co.
Wilmington, Delaware, 1958-1961
Owens/Corning Fiberglass Corporation, 1978
(convective drying of moving fibrous beds)
U.S. Borax and Chem. Corporation, 1979
(moisture transport in clay-lined solar evaporation ponds)
Rotodyne Corporation, 1980-1982
(boiling heat transfer in rotating systems)
Bechtel Corporation, 1980-1982
(drying coal slurries)
California Water Quality Control Board, 1982-1993
(transport of TCE in groundwater, design of air stripping equipment)
Coriolis Corporation, 1982-1992
(heat exchange processes in electronic devices)
Rockwell Hanford Operations, 1985
(review of research program on nuclear waste transport in soils)
Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories, 1988
(multiphase fluid dynamics in subsurface systems)
Department of Energy, 1989
(Subsurface Science Program Review)
Liquid Cooled Anode X-Ray Tubes (with A.H. Iversen)
International Pub. No. W083/02850, 18 August 1983
Liquid Cooled Anode X-Ray Tubes (with A.H. Iversen)
U.S. Patent No. 4,622,687, 11 November 1986
Means for Temperature Control of Heated Surfaces (with A.H. Iversen)
U.S. Patent No. 4,799,543, 24 January 1989
Liquid Cooled Rotating Anodes (with A.H. Iversen)
U.S. Patent No. 5,018,181, 21 May 1991.
Enhanced Heat Transfer Rotating Anode (with A.H. Iversen)
U.S. Patent No. 5,056,127, 8 October 1991.
JUNE 2009
Whitaker, S. and Pigford, R.L. Thermal diffusion in liquids. Measurements and a molecular
model, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 50, 1026-1032.
Whitaker, S. and Pigford, R.L. Numerical differentiation of experimental data, Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry 52, 185-187.
Wendel, M.M. and Whitaker, S. The finite difference analysis of plane Poiseuille and Couette
flow developments, Applied Science Research 11, 313-317.
Whitaker, S. and Wendel, M.M. Numerical solution of the equations of motion for flow around
objects in channels at low Reynolds numbers, Applied Science Research 12, 91-104.
Whitaker, S. Effect of surface active agents on the stability of falling liquid films, Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals 3, 132-142.
Whitaker, S. Comments on the laminar entry problem in porous tubes, Physics of Fluids 7, 18811882.
Johannes, W. and Whitaker, S. Thinning of soap films: The effect of surface viscosity, Journal of
Physical Chemistry 69, 1471-1477.
Paris, J. and Whitaker, S. Confined wakes: A numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations,
AIChE Journal 11, 1033-1041.
Whitaker, S. The equations of motion in porous media, Chemical Engineering Science 21, 291300.
Jennings, W.G., Whitaker, S. and Hamilton, W.C. Interfacial mechanism of soil removal, Journal
of American Oil Chemists Society 43, 130-132.
Whitaker, S. and Jones, L.O. Stability of falling liquid films, Effect of interface and interfacial
mass transport. AIChE Journal 12, 421-431.
Jones, L.O. and Whitaker, S. An experimental study of falling liquid films, AIChE Journal 12,
Whitaker, S. Gravitational thinning of films: Effect of surface viscosity and surface elasticity,
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals 5, 379-388.
Whitaker, S. and Pigford, R.L. Response of a gas-liquid interface to concentration pulses, AIChE
Journal 12, 741-746.
Whitaker, S. Diffusion and dispersion in porous media, AIChE Journal 13, 420-427.
Whitaker, S. Velocity profile in the Stefan diffusion tube, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Fundamentals 6, 476.
JUNE 2009
Strobel, W.J. and Whitaker, S. The effect of surfactants on the flow characteristics of falling
liquid films, AIChE Journal 15, 527-532.
Talley, W.K. and Whitaker, S. Monte Carlo analysis of knudsen flow, Journal of Computational
Physics 4, 389-410.
Whitaker, S. Advances in the theory of fluid motion in porous media, Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry 61, 14-28.
Whitaker, S. On a unified approach to the study of transfer processes, Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry 62, 34-35.
Whitaker, S. Advances in the theory of fluid motion in porous media, Chap. 2 in Flow Through
Porous Media, edited by R.J. Nunge, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
Whitaker, S. The effect of surfactants on the flow characteristics of falling liquid films, AIChE
Journal 17, 997.
Cerro, R.L. and Whitaker, S. Stability of falling liquid films, Chemical Engineering Science 26,
Cerro, R.L. and Whitaker, S. Entrance region flows with a free surface: The falling liquid film,
Chemical Engineering Science 26, 785-798.
Cerro, R.L. and Whitaker, S. The effect of surfactants on the hydrodynamic development of thin
liquid films, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 37, 33-51.
Whitaker, S. On the functional dependence of the dispersion vector for scalar transport in porous
media, Chemical Engineering Science 26, 1893-1899.
Whitaker, S. Forced convection heat transfer correlations for flow in pipes, past flat plates, single
cylinders, single spheres, and for flow in packed beds and tube bundles, AIChE Journal 18, 361371.
Whitaker, S. Surface boundary conditions for small amplitude waves on a falling liquid film,
AIChE Journal 18, 1261-1262.
Whitaker, S. The transport equations for multi-phase systems, Chemical Engineering Science 28,
Whitaker, S. and Cerro, R.L. Some comments on the hydrodynamics of thin liquid films,
Chemical Engineering Science 29, 963-965.
Cerro, R.L. and Whitaker, S. Downstream boundary conditions for numerical analysis of scalar
transport processes, Computers and Fluids 3, 321-334.
Pierson, F.W. and Whitaker, S. Studies of the drop weight method for surfactant solutions. I.
Mathematical analysis of the adsorption of surfactants at the surface of a growing drop, Journal
of Colloid and Interfacial Science 54, 203-218.
JUNE 2009
Pierson, F.W. and Whitaker, S. Studies of the drop-weight method for surfactant solutions II:
Experimental results for water and surfactant solutions, Journal of Colloid and Interfacial Science
54, 219-230.
Whitaker, S. Studies of the drop-weight method for surfactant solutions III: Drop stability, the
effect of surfactants on the stability of a column of liquid, Journal of Colloid and Interfacial
Science 54, 231-248.
Whitaker, S. Simultaneous heat, mass and momentum transfer in porous media: A theory of
drying, Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol. 13, pages 119-203, Academic Press, New York.
Whitaker, S. Drying in porous media, Second Australasian Conference on Heat and Mass
Transfer; pages 409-420. The University of Sydney.
Pierson, F.W. and Whitaker, S. Some theoretical and experimental observations of the wave
structure of falling liquid films, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals 16, 401-408.
Pierson, F.W. and Whitaker, S. Some experimental observations of the surface elasticity of
surfactant solutions, Journal of Colloid and Interfacial Science 63, 129-135.
Whitaker, S. Mass transfer and adsorption of surfactants at moving interfaces, NSF Workshop on
Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena. John Berg, Editor, pages 1-18.
Kohler, J. P., Gorin, A.B. and Whitaker, S. A model for protein transport across the endothelial
membrane, Computers in Biology and Medicine 9, 179-189.
Whitaker, S. Radiant energy transport in porous media, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Fundamentals 19, 210-218.
Whitaker, S. Heat and mass transfer in granular porous media, Advances in Drying, Vol. 1, pages
23-61, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York.
Tan, C.S., Berker, A. and Whitaker, S. Design of dechlorination units for power plant cooling
streams, Journal of Water Pollution Control 52, 299-309.
Ryan, D., Carbonell, R.G. and Whitaker, S. Effective diffusivities for catalyst pellets under
reactive conditions, Chemical Engineering Science 35, 10-16.
JUNE 2009
Ryan, D., Carbonell, R.G. and Whitaker, S. A theory of diffusion and reaction in porous media,
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series, #202, Vol. 71, pages 46-62.
Chou, W.T-H. and Whitaker, S. Drying granular porous media: A comparison between theory
and experiment, Proc. of the Third International Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, 135-148, edited by
J.C. Ashworth, Drying Research Limited, Wolverhampton, England.
Whitaker, S. and Chou, W.T-H.. Drying granular porous media - theory and experiment, Drying
Technology 1, 3-33.
Paine, M.A., Carbonell, R.G. and Whitaker, S. Dispersion in pulsed systems I: Heterogeneous
reaction and reversible adsorption in capillary tubes, Chemical Engineering Science 38, 17811793.
Carbonell, R.G. and Whitaker, S. Dispersion in pulsed systems II: Theoretical developments for
passive dispersion in porous media, Chemical Engineering Science 38, 1795-1802.
Eidsath, A., Carbonell R.G., Whitaker, S. and Herrmann, L.R. Dispersion in pulsed systems III:
Comparison between theory and experiments for packed beds, Chemical Engineering Science 38,
Whitaker, S. Thermal analysis of solid, rotating, x-ray tube anodes: New results and comparison
with prior studies, Proc. SPIE 454, 285-293.
Torres, F.E. and Whitaker, S. Numerical analysis of the temperature distribution in a liquidcooled rotating x-ray anode, Proc. SPIE 454, 294-303.
Iversen, A.H. and Whitaker, S. A new high heat load x-ray tube, Proc. SPIE 454, 304-310.
Crapiste, G.H., Rotstein, E. and Whitaker, S. Fundamentals of drying foodstuffs, Proc. Fourth Int.
Drying Symposium, Vol. l, 279-284, Kyoto, Japan.
Whitaker, S. Moisture transport mechanisms during the drying of granular porous media, Proc.
Fourth Int. Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, pages 31-42, Kyoto, Japan.
Carbonell, R.G. and Whitaker, S. Adsorption and reaction at a catalytic surface: The quasi-steady
condition, Chemical Engineering Science 39, 1319-1321.
Carbonell, R.G. and Whitaker, S. Heat and mass transfer in porous media, pages 121-198 in
Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, edited by J. Bear and M.Y.
Corapcioglu, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
JUNE 2009
Nozad, I., Carbonell, R.G. and Whitaker, S. Heat conduction in multiphase systems I: Theory and
experiment for two-phase systems, Chemical Engineering Science 40, 843-855.
Nozad, I., Carbonell, R.G. and Whitaker, S. Heat conduction in multiphase systems II:
Experimental method and results for three-phase systems, Chemical Engineering Science 40, 857863.
Howes, F.A. and Whitaker, S. The spatial averaging theorem revisited, Chemical Engineering
Science 40, 1387-1392.
Whitaker, S. Heat Conduction in porous media with homogeneous and heterogeneous thermal
sources, Proc. Euromech 194, 39-44, Nancy, France.
Whitaker, S. Moisture transport mechanisms during the drying of granular porous media, pages
21-32 in Drying '85, edited by R. Toei and A.S. Mujumdar, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.
Crapiste, G.H., Whitaker, S. and Rotstein, E. Fundamentals of drying foodstuffs, pages 297-302
in Drying 85, edited by R. Toei and A.S. Mujumdar, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.
Crapiste, G.H., Rotstein, E. and Whitaker S. A general closure scheme for the method of volume
averaging, Chemical Engineering Science 41, 227-235.
Vafai, K. and Whitaker, S. Heat and mass transfer accompanied by phase change in porous
media, Journal of Heat Transfer 108, 132-140.
Wu, A. and Whitaker, S. The recirculation zone at the entrance of a falling liquid film:
Consequences for the surfactant adsorption problem, Journal of Colloid and Interfacial Science
110, 389-397.
Whitaker, S. Flow in porous media I: A theoretical derivation of Darcy's law, Transport in Porous
Media 1, 3-25.
Whitaker, S. The use of weighting functions with the method of volume averaging, SIAM
Workshop on Multiphase Flow, June 1986, pages 105-114.
Whitaker, S. Flow in porous media II: The governing equations for immiscible two-phase flow,
Transport in Porous Media 1, 105-125.
Whitaker, S. Flow in porous media III: Deformable media, Transport in Porous Media l, 127-154.
Chen, S. and Whitaker, S. Moisture distribution during the constant rate drying period for
unconsolidated porous media: Failure of the diffusion theory, Drying '86, Vol. 1, pages 39-48,
Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York.
Whitaker, S. Local thermal equilibrium: An application to packed bed catalytic reactor design,
Chemical Engineering Science 41, 2029-2039.
Ochoa, J.A., Stroeve, P. and Whitaker, S. Diffusion and reaction in cellular media, Chemical
Engineering Science 41, 2999-3013.
JUNE 2009
Whitaker, S. Transient diffusion, adsorption and reaction in porous catalysts: The reaction
controlled, quasi-steady catalytic surface, Chemical Engineering Science 41, 3015-3022.
Pironti, F. and Whitaker, S. Aplicacin del Mtodo de Escalas Multiples al Proceso de Difusion
con Reaccin en Catalizadores Bimodales, Acta Cientifica Venezolana 37, 394-405.
Whitaker, S. and Cassano, A.E. (editors) Concepts and Design of Chemical Reactors, Gordon and
Breach, New York.
Whitaker, S. Transport processes with heterogeneous reaction, pages 1-94 in Concepts and
Design of Chemical Reactors, edited by S. Whitaker and A.E. Cassano, Gordon and Breach, New
Whitaker, S. Mass transport and reaction in catalyst pellets, Transport in Porous Media, 2, 269299.
Kim, J-H, Ochoa, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Diffusion in anisotropic porous media, Transport in
Porous Media 2, 327-356.
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Mecanismes de Transport dans des Milieux Poreux Htrognes
Grande Echelle: Application au Cas des Dplacements Monophasique, GRECO 72 CNRS,
Symposium sur Schage et Mcanismes de Transport dans les Milieux Poreux Non-Saturs
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Single phase flow in porous media: The effect of local
heterogeneities, pages 473-486 in Migration of Hydrocarbons in Sedimentary Basins, edited by
B. Doligez, Editions Technip, Paris.
Plumb, O.A. and Whitaker, S. Dispersion in heterogeneous porous media, pages 487-511 in
Migration of Hydrocarbons in Sedimentary Basins, edited by B. Doligez, Editions Technip, Paris
100. 1988
JUNE 2009
101. 1988
Whitaker, S. Diffusion in packed beds of porous particles, AIChE Journal 34, 679-683.
102. 1988
103. 1988
Iversen, A. and Whitaker, S. Progress in the development of a new high heat load x-ray tube,
Proc. SPIE 914, 219-229.
104. 1988
Whitaker, S. X-ray anode surface temperatures: The effect of volume heating, Proc. SPIE 914,
105. 1988
Whitaker, S. Comments and corrections concerning the volume-averaged temperature and its
spatial deviation, Chemical Engineering Communications 70, 15-18.
106. 1988
Plumb, O.A. and Whitaker, S. Dispersion in heterogeneous porous media I: Local volume
averaging and large-scale averaging, Water Resources Research 24, 913-926.
107. 1988
Plumb, O.A. and Whitaker, S. Dispersion in heterogeneous porous media II: Predictions for
stratified and two-dimensional spatially periodic systems, Water Resources Research 24, 927938.
108. 1988
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media: The method of
large-scale averaging, Transport in Porous Media 3, 357-413.
109. 1988
Whitaker, S. The role of irreversible thermodynamics and the Onsager relations in the analysis of
drying phenomena, Proc. Sixth International Drying Symposium, pages KL25-KL37, Versailles,
110. 1988
Maneval, J.E. and Whitaker, S. Effects of saturation heterogeneities on the interfacial mass
transfer relation, Proc. Sixth International Drying Symposium, pages OP499-OP506, Versailles,
111. 1988
Puiggali, J-R., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Drying granular porous media: Gravitational effects
in the isenthalpic regime and the role of diffusion models, Drying Technology 6, 601-629.
112. 1988
Crapiste, G.H., Whitaker, S and Rotstein, E. Drying of cellular material I: A mass transfer theory,
Chemical Engineering Science 43, 2919-2928.
113. 1988
Crapiste, G.H., Whitaker, S and Rotstein, E. Drying of cellular material II: Experimental and
numerical results, Chemical Engineering Science 43, 2929-2936.
114. 1988
Plumb, O.A. and Whitaker, S. Dispersion in heterogeneous porous media: The method of largescale averaging (Invited Review), Latin American Applied Research 18, 71-79.
115. 1988
Howes, F.A. and Whitaker, S. Asymptotic stability in the presence of convection, Nonlinear
Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications 12, 1451-1459.
116. 1989
Whitaker, S. Heat transfer in catalytic packed bed reactors, in Handbook of Heat and Mass
Transfer Vol 3, Chapter 10, Catalysis, Kinetics & Reactor Engineering, edited by N.P.
Cheremisinoff, Gulf Publishers, N.J.
JUNE 2009
117. 1989
Whitaker, S. and Iversen, A.H. Enhanced heat transfer for space nuclear power systems,
Transactions of the Sixth Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems, pages 40-42, Institute
for Space Nuclear Power Studies, Albuquerque, NM.
118. 1989
Iversen, A.H. and Whitaker, S. Uniform temperature, ultrahigh flux heat sinks using curved
surface subcooled, nucleate boiling, pages 88-92 in Proc. IEEE Semiconductor Thermal and
Temperature Measurement Symposium, San Diego, CA.
119. 1989
Shonnard, D.R. and Whitaker, S. The effective thermal conductivity for a point - contact porous
medium: An experimental study, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 32, 503-512.
120. 1989
121. 1989
Quintard, M., Bertin, H. and Whitaker, S. Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media: The
method of large-scale averaging applied to laboratory experiments in a stratified system, SPE
19682 presented at the 64th annual meeting of the SPE, San Antonio, Texas.
122. 1989
Iversen, A.H. and Whitaker, S. A uniform temperature, ultrahigh heat flux liquid-cooled, power
semi-conductor package, Conference Proc. of the 1989 Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industrial
Applications Society, Part II, pages 1340-1347, San Diego, CA.
123. 1989
Whitaker, S. The role of irreversible thermodynamics in the analysis of drying phenomena, pages
24-37 in Drying 89, edited by M. Roques and A.S. Mujumdar.
124. 1990
Bertin, H., Quintard, M., Ph.V. Corpel, Ph.V. and Whitaker, S. Ecoulement polyphasique dans un
milieu poreux stratifi, Revue de lInstitut Franais du Ptrole 45, 205-230.
125. 1990
Plumb, O.A. and Whitaker, S. Diffusion, adsorption and dispersion in porous media: Small-scale
averaging and local volume averaging, Chap V in Dynamics of Fluids in Hierarchical Porous
Media, edited by J.H. Cushman, Academic Press, London.
126. 1990
Plumb, O.A. and Whitaker, S. Diffusion, adsorption and dispersion in heterogeneous porous
media: The method of large-scale averaging, Chap VI in Dynamics of Fluids in Hierarchical
Porous Media, edited by J.H. Cushman, Academic Press, London.
127. 1990
Whitaker, S. The role of the species momentum equation in drying processes, Proc. of the
Seventh International Drying Symposium, paper E3.1, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
128. 1990
Maneval, J.E., McCarthy, M.J. and Whitaker, S. Studies of the drying process by NMR imaging,
Proc. of the Seventh International Drying Symposium, paper E3.6, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
129. 1990
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media I: The influence
of large spatial and temporal gradients, Transport in Porous Media 5, 341-379.
130. 1990
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media II: Numerical
experiments for flow perpendicular to a stratified system, Transport in Porous Media 5, 429-472.
131. 1990
Bertin, H., Quintard, M., Corpel, Ph.V. and Whitaker, S. Two-phase flow in heterogeneous
porous media III: Laboratory experiments for flow parallel to a stratified system, Transport in
Porous Media 5, 543-590.
JUNE 2009
132. 1990
133. 1990
Maneval, J.E., McCarthy, M.J. and Whitaker, S. Use of NMR as an experimental probe in
multiphase systems: Determination of the instrument weight function for measurements of liquidphase volume fraction, Water Resources Research 26, 2807-2816.
134. 1991
Ochoa, J.A., Stroeve, P. and Whitaker, S. Facilitated transport in porous media, Chemical
Engineering Science 46, 477-496.
135. 1991
Iversen, A.H. and Whitaker, S. A uniform temperature, ultrahigh heat flux liquid-cooled, power
semi-conductor package, IEEE Transactions of Industrial Applications 27, 85-92.
136. 1991
Banks, D.O., Kurowski, G.J. and Whitaker, S. Diffusion deposition on a fiber in non-transverse
flow, Aerosol Science and Technology 14, 224-232.
137. 1991
Thorpe, G.R., Ochoa-Tapia, J.A. and Whitaker, S. The diffusion of moisture in food grains I: The
development of a mass transport equation, Journal of Stored Product Research 27, 1-9.
138. 1991
Thorpe, G.R., Ochoa-Tapia, J.A. and Whitaker, S. The diffusion of moisture in food grains II:
Estimation of the effective diffusivity, Journal of Stored Product Research 27, 11-30.
139. 1991
Whitaker, S. The role of the species momentum equation in the analysis of the Stefan diffusion
tube , Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 30, 978-983.
140. 1991
Whitaker, S. Improved constraints for the principle of local thermal equilibrium, Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry Research 30, 983-997.
141. 1991
Whitaker, S. The method of volume averaging: An application to diffusion and reaction in porous
catalysts (Invited Review), National Science Council Proc., Taiwan, 15, 465-473.
142. 1992
Whitaker, S. The role of the species momentum equation in the drying process, pages 97-109 in
Drying '91, edited by A. S Mujumdar and I. Filkova, Hemisphere Publishing Corp.
143. 1992
Maneval, J. E., McCarthy, M.J. and Whitaker, S. Studies of the drying process by NMR imaging,
pages 170-180 in Drying '91, edited by A. S. Mujumdar and I. Filkova, Hemisphere Publishing
144. 1992
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Transport processes in ordered and disordered porous media,
pages 99-110 in Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, edited by M. Quintard and M.
Todorovic, Elsevier, New York.
145. 1992
146. 1992
Barrre, J., Gipouloux, O. and Whitaker, S. On the closure problem for Darcys law, Transport in
Porous Media 7, 209-222.
147. 1992
Whitaker, S. The species mass jump condition at a singular surface, Chemical Engineering
Science 47, 1677-1685.
JUNE 2009
148. 1992
Thorpe, G.R. and Whitaker, S. Local mass and thermal equilibrium in ventilated grain bulks I:
The development of heat and mass conservation equations, Journal of Stored Products Research
28, 15-27.
149. 1992
Thorpe, G.R. and Whitaker, S. Local mass and thermal equilibrium in ventilated grain bulks II:
The development of constraints, Journal of Stored Products Research 28, 29-54.
150. 1993
Iversen, A.H. and Whitaker, S. Ultrahigh heat flux systems using curved surface subcooled
nucleate boiling: Heat transfer and fluid flow studies for a planar collector, pages 11-22, Space
Nuclear Power Systems 1989, edited by M.S. El-Genk and M.D. Hoover, Orbit Book Co.,
Malabar, FL.
151. 1993
Ochoa-Tapia, J.A., del Ro, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Bulk and surface diffusion in porous media: An
application of the surface averaging theorem, Chemical Engineering Science 48, 2061-2082.
152. 1993
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. One and Two-Equation Models for Transient Diffusion Processes,
pages 369-465 in Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol. 23, Academic Press, New York.
153. 1993
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Transport in ordered and disordered porous media: Volume
averaged equations, closure problems, and comparison with experiment, Chemical Engineering
Science 48, 2537-2564.
154. 1994
Ochoa-Tapia, J.A., Stroeve, P., and Whitaker, S. Diffusive transport in two-phase media:
Spatially periodic models and Maxwells theory for isotropic and anisotropic systems, Chemical
Engineering Science 49, 709-726.
155. 1994
Whitaker, S. The closure problem for two-phase flow in homogeneous porous media. Chemical
Engineering Science 49, 765-780.
156. 1994
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Transport in ordered and disordered porous media I: The cellular
average and the use of weighting functions, Transport in Porous Media 14, 163-177.
157. 1994
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Transport in ordered and disordered porous media II: Generalized
volume averaging, Transport in Porous Media 14, 179-206.
158. 1994
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Transport in heterogeneous porous media: The method of largescale averaging (Invited Review), in 1er Seminaire International, Federation de Mcanique de
Grenoble, edited by B. Nayroles, J. Etay, and D. Renouard, Ecole Nationale Suprieure
dHydaulique at de Mcasnique de Grenoble, France.
159. 1994
Grangeot, G., Quintard, M., and Whitaker, S. Heat transfer in packed beds: Interpretation of
experiments in terms of one- and two-equation models, paper PP-15B, 10th International Heat
Transfer Conference, Brighton, England Vol 5, pages 291-296.
160. 1994
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Convective and diffusive heat transfer in porous media: Three
dimensional calculations of macroscopic transport properties, EUROTHERM Seminar 96 on
Advanced Concepts and Techniques in Thermal Modeling, pages 1.13-1.19.
161. 1994
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Transport in ordered and disordered porous media III: Closure and
comparison between theory and experiment, Transport in Porous Media 15, 31-49.
162. 1994
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Transport in ordered and disordered porous media IV: Computer
generated porous media, Transport in Porous Media 15, 51-70.
JUNE 2009
163. 1994
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Transport in ordered and disordered porous media V: Geometrical
results for two-dimensional systems, Transport in Porous Media, 15, 183-196.
164. 1994
165. 1994
Lpez de Haro, M., del Ro, J.A. and Whitaker, S. A generalization of Darcys law for a
viscoelastic fluid, pages 54 to 70 in Lectures on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics,
edited by R.F. Rodriguez and M. Costas, Word Scientific.
166. 1995
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. An analysis of filtration using the method of volume averaging,
pages 54-63 in Advances in Filtration and Separation Technology, Vol. 9, The Americal
Filtration and Separation Society, edited by K-J. Choi, Northport, AL.
167. 1995
Ochoa-Tapia, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Momentum transfer at the boundary between a porous
medium and a homogeneous fluid I: Theoretical development, International Journal of Heat and
Mass Transfer 38, 2635-2646.
168. 1995
Ochoa-Tapia, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Momentum transfer at the boundary between a porous
medium and a homogeneous fluid II: Comparison with experiment, International Journal of Heat
and Mass Transfer 38, 2647-2655.
169. 1995
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Local thermal equilibrium for transient heat conduction: Theory
and comparison with numerical experiments, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 38,
170. 1995
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Particle filtration: A comparison between theory and experiment,
pages 24-59 in Volume I of XXII ENEMP, Vigsimo Segundo Encontro Sobre Escoamento em
Meios Porosos, Florianpolis - SC, Brazil.
171. 1995
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. The mass flux boundary condition at a moving fluid-fluid
interface, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 34, 3508-3513
172. 1995
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Aerosol filtration: An analysis using the method of volume
averaging, Journal of Aerosol Science 26, 1227-1255.
173. 1996
174. 1996
175. 1996
Fabrie, P., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Calculation of porous media effective properties:
Computational problems and required unit cell features, pages 166-182 in Proceedings of the
Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Flow Through Porous Media, World Scientific
Publishing Co., London.
176. 1996
Lasseux, D., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Determination of permeability tensors for two-phase
flow in homogeneous porous media I: Theory, Transport in Porous Media 24, 107-137
JUNE 2009
177. 1996
178. 1996
Lpez de Haro, M., del Ro, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Flow of Maxwell fluids in porous media,
Transport in Porous Media 25, 167-192
179. 1997
Quintard, M., Kaviany, M. and Whitaker, S. Two-medium treatment of heat transfer in porous
media: Numerical results for effective properties, Advances in Water Resources 20, 77-94.
180. 1997
Ochoa-Tapia, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Heat transfer at the boundary between a porous medium and
a homogeneous fluid, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 40, 2691-2707.
181. 1997
182. 1998
Ochoa-Tapia, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Heat transfer at the boundary between a porous medium and
a homogeneous fluid: The one-equation model, Journal of Porous Media 1, 31-46.
183. 1998
Ochoa-Tapia, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Momentum jump condition at the boundary between a
porous medium and a homogeneous fluid: Inertial effects, Journal of Porous Media 1, 201-217.
184. 1998
Wood, B.D. and Whitaker, S. Diffusion and reaction in biofilms, Chemical Engineering Science
53, 397-425.
185. 1998
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. An analysis of aerosol filtration using the method of volume
averaging (Invited Review), Advances in Aerosol Filtration Science and Technology (in honor of
the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Albertowich Fuchs), edited by K.R. Spurny, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
186. 1998
187. 1998
188. 1998
189. 1998
Ahmadi, A., Quintard, M., and Whitaker, S. Transport in chemically and mechanically
heterogeneous porous media V: Two-equation model for solute transport with adsorption,
Advances in Water Resources 22, 59-86.
190. 1998
del Ro, J.A., Lpez de Haro, M. and Whitaker, S. Enhancement in the dynamic response of a
viscoelastic fluid flowing in a tube, Physical Review E 58, 6323-6327.
191. 1998
192. 1999
JUNE 2009
193. 1999
194. 1999
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Dissolution of an immobile phase during flow in porous media,
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 38, 833-844.
195. 1999
196. 1999
Wood, B.D. and Whitaker, S. Cellular growth in biofilms, Biotechnology & Bioengineering 64,
197. 2000
Hager, J., Wimmerstedt, R. and Whitaker, S., Steam drying a bed of porous spheres: Theory and
experiment, Chemical Engineering Science 55, 1675-1698.
198. 2000
del Ro, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Maxwells equations in two-phase systems I: Local electrodynamic
equilibrium, Transport in Porous Media 39, 159-186.
199. 2000
del Ro, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Maxwells equations in two-phase systems II: Two-equation
model, Transport in Porous Media 39, 259-287.
200. 2000
Wood, B.D. and Whitaker, S. Multi-species diffusion and reaction in biofilms and cellular media,
Chemical Engineering Science 55, 3397-3418.
201. 2000
Hager, J. and Whitaker, S. Vapor-liquid jump conditions within a porous medium: Results for
mass and energy, Transport in Porous Media 40, 73-111.
202. 2000
203. 2000
Wood, B.D., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Jump conditions at non-uniform boundaries: The
catalytic surface, Chemical Engineering Science 55, 5231-5245.
204. 2000
Quintard, M., Ladevie, B. and Whitaker S. Effect of homogeneous and heterogeneous source
terms on the macroscopic description of heat transfer in porous media, Symposium on Energy
Engineering in the 21st Century, edited by P. Cheng, Vol. 2, pages 482-489, Begell House, New
205. 2001
Wood, B.D., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Methods for predicting diffusion coefficients in
biofilms and cellular systems, (Invited Review) Methods in Enzymology: Volume 337, Microbial
Growth in Biofilms, Part B: Special Environments and Physicochemical Aspects, edited by R.J.
Doyle, Academic Press, San Diego, pages 319-338.
206. 2001
Romagnoli, J.A., Palazoglu, A. and Whitaker, S. Dynamics of a stirred tank heater: Intuition and
analysis, Chemical Engineering Education 35, 46-49
207. 2001
Quintard, M., Cherblanc, F. and Whitaker, S. Dispersion in heterogeneous porous media: Oneequation non-equilibrium model, Transport in Porous Media 44, 181-203.
208. 2001
del Ro, J.A. and Whitaker, S. Electrodynamics in porous media, Transport in Porous Media 44,
JUNE 2009
209. 2001
del Ro, J.A., Lpez de Haro, M. and Whitaker, S. Physical Review E 64, 039901 (E).
210. 2002
Hager, J. and Whitaker, S. The thermodynamic significance of the local volume averaged
temperature, Transport in Porous Media 46, 19-35.
211. 2002
Hager, J. and Whitaker, S. Reply to the comment of S.J. Kowalski, 2000, TIPM 40, 103-105.
212. 2002
Wood, B.D., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Calculation of effective diffusivities for biofilms and
tissue, Biotechnology & Bioengineering 77, 495-516.
213. 2002
214. 2002
Fabrice, G., Quintard, Q. and Whitaker, S. Heat and mass transfer in tubes: An analysis using the
method of volume averaging, Journal of Porous Media 5, 169-185.
215. 2003
Souza, S. and Whitaker, S. Mass transfer in porous media with heterogeneous chemical reaction,
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 20, 191-199.
216. 2003
Altevogt, A. S., Rolston, D.E. and Whitaker, S., New equations for binary gas transport in porous
media I: Equation development, Water Resources Research 26, 695-715
217. 2003
Altevogt, A. S., Rolston, D.E. and Whitaker, S., New equations for binary gas transport in porous
media II: Experimental validation, Water Resources Research 26, 717-723.
218. 2003
Ulson de Souza, A.A. and Whitaker, S. The modelling of a textile dyeing process utilizing the
method of volume averaging, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering.20,445-453.
219. 2003
Wood, B.D., Cherblanc, F., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Comparison of volume averaging and
ensemble averaging: solute transport in porous media, Water Resources Research 39, 1710-1732.
220. 2004
Wood, B.D., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. Estimation of adsorption rate coefficients based on
the Smoluchowski equation, Chemical Engineering Science 59, 1905-1921.
221. 2005
Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. 2005, Coupled, Nonlinear Mass Transfer and Homogeneous
Reaction in Porous Media, Chapter 1 in Handbook of Porous Media, Second Edition, K. Vafai,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
222. 2005
Arce, P.E., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. The Art and Science of Upscaling, Chapter 1 in
Chemical Engineering: Trends and Developments, edited by M.A. Galn and Eva Marin de
Valle, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., England.
223. 2006
Quintard, M., Bletzacker, L., Chenu, D. and Whitaker, S., Nonlinear, multicomponent mass
transfer in porous media, Chemical Engineering Science 61, 2643-2669.
224. 2006
225. 2007
Arce, P.E., Oyanader, M. and Whitaker, S. The catalytic pellet: A rich prototype fo engineering
up-scaling, Chemical Engineering Education 41, 185-194.
226. 2009
Whitaker, S. Newtons laws, Eulers laws and the speed of light, Chemical Engineering
Education 43.
JUNE 2009
JUNE 2009
1971 A Boundary Layer Analysis of Thin Liquid Films, Cincinnatti AIChE Meeting, May.
1972 On the Functional Dependence of the Dispersion Vector and Problems Associated with Laboratory
Measurements of the Dispersion Coefficient, Dallas AIChE Meeting, February.
1974 Wave Formation on Falling Liquid Films, Department of Chemical Engineering, Rice University,
1975 Studies of the Drop-Weight Method for Surfactant Solutions, Boston AIChE Meeting, September.
1975 Wave Formation on Falling Liquid Films: Some theoretical and Experimental results for Surfactant
Solutions, Los Angeles AIChE Meeting, November.
1976 Simultaneous Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer in Porous Media: A Theory of Drying, Department of
Chemical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, April.
1976 Axial Dispersion in Pulsed Systems with Reaction and Mass Transfer, AIChE Meeting, Chicago,
1977 Teaching Transport Phenomena Panel Discussion, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of
California at Berkelely, May
1977 Design of Dechlorination Units for Power Plant Cooling Strams: A study of Turbulent Mixing and
Chemical Reaction, New York AIChE Meeting, November.
1978 Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media (Invited Speaker) First International Symposium on Drying,
McGill University, Montreal, August.
1978 Drying Granular Porous Media, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Houston, October.
1978 Drying Granular Porous Media, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin,
1978 Use of Order of Magnitude Analysis to Obtain Engineering Estimates, Department of Chemical
Engineering, University of Houston, October.
1978 On the Development of Dispersion Models: Taylors Theory Revisited, Miami AIChE Meeting,
1979 Heat and Mass Transfer in Granular Porous Media, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Washington
State University, February.
1979 Heat and Mass Transfer Across Moving Interfaces, (Plenary Lecture) National Science Foundation
Workshop, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, February.
1979 Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
California at Berkeley, June.
1979 Radiant Energy Transport in Porous Media, San Diego National Heat Transfer Conference, August.
1980 On the Origin of Some Unusual Partial Differential Equations, Davis Amer. Math. Soc. Meeting, April.
JUNE 2009
1980 A Theory of Dispersion in Porous Media, Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological
University, July.
1980 The Role of Fluid Mechanics in Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Education, Department of
Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, July.
1980 Effect of Particle Size Distribution on Dispersion, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford
University, July.
1980 A Theory of Dispersion in Porous Media and Comparison with Experimental Data, Department of
Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, September.
1980 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Media, Chicago AIChE Meeting, November.
1981 Diffusion and Dispersion in Porous Media, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida,
1981 Dispersion and Diffusion in Porous Media with Heterogeneous Chemical Reaction: A Partial Comparison
Between Theory and Experiment, Department of Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University, May.
1981 Dispersion and Diffusion in Porous Media with Heterogeneous Chemical Reaction: A Partial Comparison
Between Theory and Experiment, Department of Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology,
1981 Dispersion and Diffusion in Porous Media with Heterogeneous Chemical Reaction: A Partial Comparison
Between Theory and Experiment, Department of Chemical Engineering, Notre Dame University, May.
1981 The Recirculation Zone at the Entrance of a Falling Liquid Film, (Invited Speaker), First International
Fluid Mechanics Winter-Summer Seminar, INTEC-Universidad Nacional Del Litoral, Santa Fe,
Argentina, August.
1981 Una Teoria de Difusion con Reaccion Quimica en Medios Porosos, INTEC-Universidad Nacional Del
Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina, August.
1981 Educacion de Posgrado en Ingenieria Quimica: Una Busqueda de Principios, INTEC-Universidad
Nacional Del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina, August.
1981 Una Teoria de Difusion con Reaccion Quimica en Medios Porosos, PLAPIQUI-Universidad Nacional
Del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina, September.
1981 Recirculation Zone at the Entrance of a Falling Liquid Film: Consequences for Surfactant Adsorption,
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California at Davis, October.
1981 Some Unexplained Results Concerning the Hydrodynamic Stability of Thin Liquid Films of Surfactant
Solutions, American Physical Society-Division of Fluid Mechanics, Monterey, November.
1981 The Recirculation Zone at the Entrance of a Falling Liquid Film, New Orleans AIChE Meeting,
1982 A Finite Element Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations for Flow in Spatially Periodic Porous Media,
Department of Physics, University of California at Davis, January.
JUNE 2009
1982 Chemical Engineering: From Aristotle to Newton and Beyond, Picnic Day Mini-Lecture, University of
California at Davis, April.
1982 Heat and Mass Transport in Porous Media, (Invited Lecture) NATO Advanced Study Institute on
Mechanics of Fluids in Porous Media, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delaware, July,
1982 Drying Granular Porous Media: A Comparison Between Theory and Experiment, Third International
Symposium on Drying, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England, September.
1982 Drying Granular Porous Media: A Comparison Between Theory and Experiment, Los Angeles AIChE
Meeting, November.
1982 Drying: Theory and Experiment, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December.
1983 Radiant Energy Transport in Porous Media, Departments of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering,
University of Kentucky, March.
1983 Dispersion in Porous Media: Local Volume Averaging and Large-Scale Averaging, Departments of
Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, Ohio State University, March.
1983 Volume Average Modelling/Conduction, (Invited Presentation) Panel Discussion of Porous Media
Transport, 21st National Heat Transfer Conference, Seattle, July.
1983 Drying Granular Porous Media - Theory and Experiment, (Keynote Lecture) 21st National Heat Transfer
Conference, Seattle, July.
1983 Transport Processes with Heterogeneous Reaction, (Invited Lecture) 25th Conicet Anniversary Reactor
Design Conference, Santa Fe, Argentina, August.
1983 Transferencia de Calor en Sistemas con Muchas Fases, PLAPIQUI-Universidad del Sur, Bahia Blanca,
Argentina, September.
1983 Transferencia de Calor en Sistemas con Muchas Fases, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, September.
1983 Transferencia de Calor en Sistemas con Muchas Fases, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela,
1983 Heat Transfer in Two-Phase Systems: Theory and Experiment, Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of California at Davis, November.
1983 Heat Conduction in Two and Three-Phase Systems: Theory and Experiment, Department of Chemical
Engineering, University of Massachusetts, November.
1983 Heat Conduction in Two and Three-Phase Systems: Theory and Experiment, Department of Chemical
Engineering, University of Washington, December.
1984 Diffusion and Heat Conduction in Porous Media, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of
California at Los Angeles, January.
1984 Diffusion and Heat Conduction in Porous Media, Department of Applied Mechanical and Engineering
Science, University of California at San Diego, February.
JUNE 2009
1984 Thermal analysis of solid, rotating, x-ray tube anodes, SPIE San Diego meeting, February.
1984 "Heat Conduction in Multiphase Systems, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Southern
California, March.
1984 "Diffusion and Heat Conduction in Porous Media, Department of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State
University, March.
1984 "Diffusion and Heat Conduction in Porous Media, (Keynote Lecture), AIAA 19th Thermophysics
Conference, Snowmass, June.
1984 "Moisture Transport Mechanisms During the Drying of Granular Porous Media, (Keynote Lecture), Fourth
International Drying Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, July.
1984 Diffusion and Heat Conduction in Porous Media, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan
University, Taiwan, July.
1984 Moisture Transport Mechanisms During the Drying of Granular Porous Media, Department of Chemical
Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, July.
1984 Effective Thermal Conductivities for Active and Passive Multiphase Systems, Universidad de Buenos
Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September.
1984 Use of the Method of Volume Averaging in the Analysis of Multiphase Heat Conduction, Applied
Mathematics Colloquium, University of California at Davis, October.
1984 Diffusion and Heat Conduction in Porous Media, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Illinois, November.
1984 Diffusion and Heat Conduction in Porous Media, Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon
University, November.
1985 Mecanisme de transport de l'eau dans un milieu poreux pendant le processus de schage, Laboratoire
Energetique et Phenomenes de transfert-ENSAM, Universit de Bordeaux I, France, March.
1985 Moisture Transport Mechanisms During the Drying of Granular Porous Media, Departimento di
Energetica, Universita Delgi Studi De Firenze, Florence, Italy, April.
1985 Moisture Transport Mechanisms During the Drying of Granular Porous Media, Instituto Di Impianti
Chimici, Universita Di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, April.
1985 Mecanisme de transport de l'eau dans un milieu poreux pendant le processus de schage, Institut de
Mecanique de Grenoble, Universit Scientifique at Medicale de Grenoble, France, April.
1985 Mecanisme de transport de l'eau dans un milieu poreux pendant le processus de schage, Institut Franais
du Petrole, Rueil Malmaison, France, April.
1985 Mecanisme de transport de l'eau dans un milieu poreux pendant le processus de schage, (Invited Lecture)
Journe d'Etude sur les changements d'chelle en milieu poreux, Centre de Gostatistique, Fontainebleau,
France, May.
JUNE 2009
1985 Mecanisme de transport de leau dans un milieu poreux pendant le processus de schage. Laboratoire
Genie Civil, Universit des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, France, May.
1985 Mecanisme de transport de l'eau dans un milieu poreux pendant le processus de schage, Laboratoire
de'Energetique et de Mecanique theorique et applique, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine,
Nancy, France, June.
1985 Transfert de chaleur dans un milieu poreux avec des sources thermique homogne et htrogne,
Laboratoire Energetique et Phenomenes de Transfert, Universit de Bordeaux I, Bordeaux, France, June.
1985 Mecanisme de transport de l'eau dans un milieu poreux pendant le processus de schage, Institut de
Mecanique des Fluides, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, June.
1985 Une derivation de la loi de Darcy et les equations pour l'coulement diphasique dans un milieu poreux,
Institut Franais du Petrole, Rueil Malmaison, France, June.
1985 Heat Conduction in Porous Media with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Thermal Sources, (Invited
Lecture) Euromech 194, Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer, Nancy, France, July.
1985 Moisture Transport Mechanisms During the Drying of Granular Porous Media, Department of Chemistry
and Chemical Technology, Edvard Kardelj University, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, July.
1985 Moisture Transport Mechanisms During Drying of Granular Porous Media, Department of Chemical
Engineering, North Carolina State University, September.
1985 Heat Conduction in Porous Media with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Thermal Sources, Department
of Chemical Engineering, Rice University, October.
1985 Flow in Porous Media: The Governing Equations for Immiscible Two-Phase Flow, Chicago AIChE
Meeting, November.
1985 Diffusion and Chemical Reaction in Two-Phase Media, Chicago AIChE Meeting, November.
1985 Mass Transport and Reaction in Catalyst Pellets, Chicago AIChE Meeting, November.
1985 Moisture Transport Mechanisms During Drying Granular Porous Media, Department of Chemical
Engineering, University of Houston, November.
1985 A Theoretical Derivation of Darcy's Law and the Governing Equations for Two-Phase Flow, Department
of Chemical Engineering, University of Tulsa, November.
1985 Heat Conduction in Porous Media with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Thermal Sources, Department
of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, November.
1985 Diffusion and Reaction in a Micropore-Macropore Model of a Porous Medium Shell Development
Company, December.
1986 Multiphase Transport Phenomena: Theory, Experiment and Prediction, Department of Chemical
Engineering, University of California at Davis, January.
1986 Taylor-Aris Dispersion in Capillary Tubes, Workshop on Taylor Dispersion in Fractured and Porous
Media, Los Alamos National Laboratory, February.
JUNE 2009
1986 Passive Dispersion in Porous Media, Workshop on Taylor Dispersion in Fractured and Porous Media,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, February.
1986 A Theoretical Study of Dispersion in Heterogeneous Media: The Method of Large Scale Averaging,
Workshop on Taylor Dispersion in Fractured and Porous Media, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
1986 The Use of Weighting Functions with the Method of Volume Averaging, (Invited Presentation) SIAM
Workshop on Multiphase Flow, Virginia, June.
1986 Moisture Distribution During the Constant Rate Drying Period for unconsolidated Porous Media: Failure
of the Diffusion Theory, Fifth International Drying Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August.
1986 Diffusion in Porous Media: The Effect of Homogeneous Reaction, Heterogeneous Reaction and
Anisotropy, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado, October.
1986 Diffusion in Anisotropic Porous Media, Miami AIChE Meeting, November.
1986 Drying Porous Media: A Computational Study Using Adjustable Functions, Miami AIChE Meeting,
1986 Single Phase Flow in Porous Media: The Effect of Local Heterogeneities, Miami AIChE Meeting,
1987 Dispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Local Volume Averaging and Large Scale Averaging
(Invited Presentation) International Conference on Migration of Hydrocarbons in Sedimentary Basins
Maubuisson, France, June.
1987 Dispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Local Volume Averaging and Large Scale Averaging
(Invited Presentation) GRECO 72 SECHAGE, Reunion de Bordeaux, July.
1987 Two-Phase Flow In Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging, Koninklyke
Shell/Exploratie en Produktie Laboratorium, Den Haag, The Netherlands, August.
1987 Effective Thermal Conductivity for a Point-Contact Porous Medium, 9th International Congress of
Chemical Engineering (CHISA 87), Prague, September.
1987 Dispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Local Volume Averaging and Large Scale Averaging,
Institut Franais du Ptrole Rueil Malmaison, France, September.
1987 Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: The Effect of Local Heterogeneities, New York AIChE Meeting,
1988 Drying Porous Media, Earth Sciences Department, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, April.
1988 Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging, Amoco
Research Laboratories, Tulsa, April
1988 Dispersion in Heterogeneous Media: Local Volume Averaging and Large-Scale Averaging, Department
of Chemical Engineering, University of Tulsa, April.
JUNE 2009
1988 Diffusion in Porous Media: The Effect of Homogeneous Reaction, Heterogeneous Reaction and
Anisotropy, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Nevada-Reno, May.
1988 Historical Development of Fluid Mechanics Within Chemical Engineering (Invited Presentation)
Toronto, ACS Meeting, June.
1988 The Role of Irreversible Thermodynamics and the Onsager Relations in the Analysis of Drying
Phenomena (Keynote Lecture), Sixth International Drying Symposium, Versailles, France, September.
1988 Dispersion and Adsorption in Heterogeneous Porous Media, L.E.P.T.-ENSAM, Universit de Bordeaux I,
France, September.
1988 Diffusion, Dispersion and Adsorption in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Local Volume Averaging and
Large-Scale Averaging (Invited Presentation), American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December.
1989 Enhanced Heat Transfer for Space Nuclear Power Systems, Sixth Symposium on Space Nuclear Power
Systems, Institute for Space Nuclear Power Studies, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January.
1989 Uniform Temperature, Ultrahigh Flux Heat Sinks Using Curved Surface, Subcooled, Nucleate Boiling,
Fifth Annual IEEE Semi-Therm Conference, San Diego, California, February.
1989 Les Equations Macroscopique, les Functions de Ponderations, les Msures, et les Prdictions, L.E.P.T.ENSAM, Universit de Bordeaux I, March.
1989 Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media: A High Gradient Theory (Invited Lecture)
International Workshop on Mathematical Modeling for Flow and Transport Through Porous Media, Irsee,
Bavaria, May.
1989 The Foundations of Fluid Mechanics: An Historical Perspective Beginning with Euler, ASEE Annual
Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, June
1989 Dispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging, Department of
Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, October.
1989 Two-Phase Flow in Hetgerogeneous Porous Media: The Influence of Large Spatial and Temporal
Gradients, Department of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The
Netherlands, October.
1989 Transport in Spatially Periodic Porous Media: Darcy's Law and Passive Dispersion, Department of
Mathematics, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, October.
1990 Diffusion and Heat Conduction in Isotropic and Anisotropic Porous Media, Department of Chemical
Engineering, U.C. Santa Barbara, January.
1990 Dispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging, Department of
Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, March.
1990 Diffusion and Heat Conduction in Isotropic and Anisotropic Porous Media: A Comparison Between
Theory and Experiment, Union Chemical Laboratory, Hsinchu, Taiwan, March.
1990 Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media; The Use of One and Two-Equation Models, Department of
Chemical Engineering, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, March.
JUNE 2009
1990 Stokes Flow in Ordered and Disordered Porous Media, Departments of Agronomy, Mathematics, and
Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, April.
1990 Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Laboratory and Numerical Experiments for Stratified
Systems, (Invited Presentation) American Geophysical Union meeting, Baltimore, May.
1990 The Role of the Species Momentum Equation in the Drying Process, Seventh International Drying
Symposium, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August.
1990 The Use of NMR to Determine Moisture Distribution During Drying, Seventh International Drying
Symposium, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August.
1990 Dispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, September.
1990 A History of Fluid Mechanics: From Euler to Lamb and Beyond, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of California at Davis, November.
1990 Drying Gels: A Continuum Mechanical Model, AIChE Meeting, Chicago, November.
1990 Single-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Governing Equations for Region Average Velocities
(Invited Presentation), American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, December.
1991 El Proceso de Secado, Instituto Tecnolgico de Celaya, Celaya, Mxico, January.
1991 Transport Processes in Ordered and Disordered Porous Media (Keynote Lecture), International Center for
Heat and Mass Transfer, Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, Dubrovnik,
Yugoslavia, May.
1991 Reflexiones Sobre el Mtodo del Promedio Volumetrico, Departamento de Ingeniera Qumica, Instituto
Tecnolgica de Celaya, Celaya, Mxico, August.
1992 On Making Tools: Reflections on the Principle of Lost Work, Distinguished Teaching Award Lecture,
University of California at Davis, February.
1992 Transport en Milieux Poreux Htrognes: La Mthode de Prise de Moyenne Grande Echelle", (Invited
Lecture) Ier Seminaire International, Federation de Mcanique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, May.
1992 Diffusion Volumique et Diffusion de Surface en Milieu Poreux: Une Application du Theorme de
Moyenne Surfacique, Institut de Mecanique des Fluides de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, May.
1992 Transport in Ordered and Disordered Media: Volume Averaged Equations, Closure Problems, and
Comparison with Experiment (Invited Lecture) Forum for Young Chemical Engineers, Torino, Italy,
1992 One and Two-Equation Models for Transient Heat Conduction in Two-Phase Systems, Dipartimento di
Ingegnera Chimica e di Processo, Universita Degli Studi di Bologna, Italy, July.
1992 Bulk and Surface Diffusion in Porous Media: An Application of the Surface Averaging Theorem, Society
of Engineering Science, La Jolla, September.
JUNE 2009
1992 Transport in Ordered and Disordered Porous Media: Volume Averaged Equations, Closure Problems, and
Comparison with Experiment, Department of Chemical Engineering, Florida State University, October.
1992 Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging, Department of
Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, October.
1992 Bulk and Surface Diffusion in Porous Media: An Application of the Surface Averaging Theorem, Miami
AIChE Meeting, November.
1993 "Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging," Department of
Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, April.
1993 "Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging," (Invited Lecture),
International Conference on Porous Media and the Environment, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Canada, May.
1993 Transport in Chemically and Mechanically Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Development of Region
Averaged Equations, (Invited Presentation), American Geophysical Meeting, Baltimore, May.
1993 Modelos de Una y Dos Ecuaciones de Processos de Difusion en Sistemas de Dos Fases, Departamento de
Ingenera Qumica, Instituto Tecnolgico de Celaya, Mxico, August.
1993 Modelos de Una y Dos Ecuaciones de Processos de Difusion en Sistemas de Dos Fases, Laboratorio de
Energa Solar, Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, UNAM Temixco, Mxico, August
1993 Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer in Ordered and Disordered Porous Media: The Method of Volume
Averaging, (Keynote Lecture), Fifth Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Brisbane,
Australia, December.
1993 One and Two-Equation Models for Transient Diffusion Porcesses in Two-Phase Systems, Fifth
Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Brisbane, Australia, December.
1993 Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, Panel Discussion, Fifth Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer
Conference, Brisbane, Australia, December.
1993 "Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging", Department of
Chemical Engineering, Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia, December.
1993 "One and Two-Equation Models for Transient Diffusion Porcesses in Two-Phase Systems", School of
Mathematics, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, December.
1994 Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging, Division of Hydrologic
Science, University of California at Davis, May.
1994 Eindhoven Seminars
The Basic Equations of Drying Porous Media
The Role of the Irreducible Saturation in Drying Processes
Diffusion in Partially Saturated Porous Media
Diffusion and Adsorption in Porous Media
Department of Chemical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, June.
JUNE 2009
1994 Bulk and Surface Diffusion in Porous Media: An Application of the Surface Averaging Theorem,
Koninklyke Shell/Exploratie en Produktie Laboratorium, Den Haag, The Netherlands, June.
1994 Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Method of Large-Scale Averaging, Wageningen Agricultural
University, Wageningen, The Netherlands, June.
1994 Transport in Porous Media, (Keynote Lecture), XXII ENEMP-Encontro Nacional em Meios Porosos,
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianpolis, Brazil, October.
1995 Transport in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Porous Media: The Aerosol Filtration Problem, (Invited
Lecture), 20th Anniversary Celebration of Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mxico, January.
1995 An Analysis of Filtration Using the Method of Volume Averaging, American Filtration & Separation
Society, Nashville, TN, April.
1995 Fundamentals of Transport Equation Formulation for Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous and
Heterogeneous Porous Media, (Invited Lecture), Kearney Foundation of Soil Science International
Conference on Vadose Zone Hydrology: Cutting Across Disciplines, Univeristy of California at Davis,
1995 Transport in Chemically and Mechanically Heterogeneous Porous Media Department of Chemical
Engineering, University of Michigan, November.
1996 Momentum and Energy Conditions at the Boundary Between a Porous Medium and a Homogeneous
Fluid, (Invited Lecture), International Conference on Porous Media and Its Applications in Science,
Engineering and Industry, Kona, Hawaii, June.
1996 Mass Transport in Chemically and Mechanically Heterogeneous Porous Media, Division of Hydrologic
Science, University of California at Davis, November.
1997 Transport in Chemically and Mechanically Heterogeneous Porous Media Center for Environmental and
Applied Fluid Mechanics, Johns Hopkins University, March.
1997 Diffusion and Reaction in Biofilms Department of Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
1997 Diffusion and Reaction in Biofilms, SIAM meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June.
1997 Disontinuities in Chemical Engineering Education, (Keynote Lecture) VII Encontro Brasileiro sobre
Ensino de Engenharia Qumica, Caxambu, Brazil, September
1997 Diffusion and Reaction in Biofilms, Departamento de Engenharia Qumica, Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September.
1997 Diffusion and Reaction in Biofilms, Departamento de Engenharia Qumica, Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina Florianpolis, Brazil, September.
1997 Diffusion and Reaction in Biofilms, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arizona,
1998 Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Porous Media, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los
Alamos National Laboratory, March.
JUNE 2009
1998 Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Porous Media(Invited Lecture), Johns Hopkins
Conference on Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Johns Hopkins University, April.
1998 Discontinuities in Chemical Engineering Education (Invited Lecture), Academia Mxicana de
Investigacin y Docencia en Ingenieria Qumica, Ixtapa, Mxico, May.
1998 Coupled Multiphase Transport Processes, Academia Mxicana de Investigacin y Docencia en Ingenieria
Qumica, Ixtapa, Mxico, May.
1998 The Dusty Gas, New Technologies Engineering Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
1999 Conditions aux Limites Hetrogne Ecole des Mines dAlbi, France, July.
2000 Jump Conditions at Non-Uniform Boundaries: The Catalytic Surface, Sigel Lecture Series, Michigan
Technological University, March.
2001 Coupled Transport During Drying Porous Media, Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University,
Canada, January.
2001 Jump Conditions at Non-Uniform Boundaries: The Catalytic Surface, (Invited Lecture) Academia
Mxicana de Investigacin y Docencia en Ingenieria Qumica, Mazatln, Mxico, May.
2001 Mass Exchange Coefficients for Flow in Porous Media: Results for a Bundle of Capillary Tubes, (Invited
Presentation) American Geophysical Union, Boston, May.
2001 Mechanical Behavior of Composite Systems, ASME Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference
(Invited Presentation) San Diego, June.
2001 Transport Phenomena, (Invited Lecture) International Seminar on Advances in Chemical Engineering,
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, June.
2001 Maxwells Equations for Two-Phase Systems: The Concept of Local Electrodynamic Equilibrium and Its
Failure, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Davis, November.
2002 Maxwells Equations for Two-Phase Systems: The Concept of Local Electrodynamic Equilibrium,
Boundary Conditions, and Closure, (Plenary Speaker) Second Symposium on Computational Modeling
of Multi-Scale Phenomena, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August.
2004 The Art and Science of Upscaling (Invited Speaker) International Seminar on Trends and Developments
in Chemical Engineering, Salamanca, Spain, February.
2005 Transport Phenomena in Composite Media: The Concept of Local Equilibrium Centro de Investigacin
en Energa, Temixco, Mxico, September
2005 Thoughts on the Past and Suggestions for the Future of Dispersion Research (Invited Speaker), AGU
Meeting, San Francisco, December.
2007 Stoichiometry: The Unknown Component of Chemical Engineering (Plenary Speaker), Academia
Mxicana de Investigacin y Docencia en Ingenieria Qumica, AMIDIQ, May 2007, Manzanillo,
JUNE 2009
2008 Chemical Engineering Education: Making Connections at Interfaces (Plenary Speaker), Second
International Seminar on Trends in Chemical Engineering, the XXI Century, Mexico City, January
2008 Ruben Carbonell at UC Davis: Reflections on Connections (Invited Speaker) Spring 2008 American
Chemical Society Meeting, I&EC Division Award for 2008.
2009 Analysis of the Stefan-Maxwell Equations, (Invited Lecture) Academia Mxicana de Investigacin y
Docencia en Ingenieria Qumica, Mazatln, Mxico, May, 2009.
JUNE 2009
Chair, Symposium on Governing Conservation Equations, D.O.E. Workshop on Multiphase Thermal Hydraulics,
Argon National Laboratories, March, 1984.
Member, International Advisory Committee for the Fourth International Drying Symposium, Kyoto, July 1984.
Chair, Symposium on the Physical Properties Related to Drying, Fourth International Drying Symposium, Kyoto,
July 1984.
Chair, AIChE Walker Award Committee, 1984-1985.
Chair, Symposium on Sechage de Materiaux Divers, Euromech 194, Nancy, France, July, 1985.
Member, AIChE Colburn Award Committee, 1985-1986.
ABET Observer, accreditation of Oklahoma State University, November 1985.
Member, Advisory Panel for the Fifth International Drying Symposium, Cambridge, August 1986.
Chair, Session on Drying Fundamentals and Modelling, Fifth International Drying Symposium, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, August 1986.
ABET Evaluator, accreditation of the University of Virginia, October 1986.
Member, AIChE Service to Society Award Committee, 1986-1987.
ABET Evaluator, accreditation of the University of Virginia, October 1986.
Member, AIChE Service to Society Award Committee, 1986-1987.
Participant (invited), DOE/EPRI Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
March 1987.
Co-Chair, the Physics of Flow in Porous Media and Migration, IFP Research Conference on Migration of
Hydrocarbons in Sedimentary Basins, Bordeaux, France, June 1987.
Member, Jury for PhD thesis, Patrick Perr, Le Sechage Convectif De Bois Resineaux: Choix, Validation et
Utilisation D'Un Model, L'Universit Paris VII, September 1987.
ABET Evaluator, accreditation of the University of Notre Dame, November, 1987.
Member, AIChE Colburn Award Committee, 1987-1988.
Chair, Subcommittee on Basic Heat Transfer Mechanisms (AIChE), 1988-1996.
Member, AIChE Energy Transport Research Field Committee, 1988-1996.
Member, Advisory Panel for the Sixth International Drying Symposium, Versailles, France, September 1988.
Chair, Symposium on Humidity and Moisture Measurement, Sixth International Drying Symposium, Versailles,
France, September, 1988.
JUNE 2009
Chair, Keynote Session on Recent Advances in Modelization of Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer in CapillaryPorous Bodies, Sixth International Drying Symposium, Versailles, France, September, 1988.
ABET Evaluator, accreditation of Washington University, November, 1988.
Member, Jury for PhD Thesis, Marc Prat, Modelisation des Transferts en milieux poreux: Changements d'chelle
et conditions aux limites, L'Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, March 1989.
Member, Jury for PhD Thesis, Gilles Fras, Macroscopisation des transferts en milieux disperses multiphasique,
Universit des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, March 1989.
Chair, Symposium on Instruction in Fluid Mechanics, ASEE Annual Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 1989
Member, Jury for PhD Thesis, Xhuliano Koci, Etude de l'effet de la temprature sur LKS propriets de transport
polyphasique en milieu poreux, Universit de Bordeaux I, October 1989.
Member, National Science Foundation Panel for Evaluation of Research Initiation Grants, March 1990.
Member, Advisor Board for the National Science Foundation Grant, Graphical Computer Aids for Chemical
Engineering Education Principal Investigator: Bruce A. Finlayson, 1990 - 1992.
ABET Evaluator, accreditation of Georgia Institute of Technology, October, 1990.
Member, Panel discussion on Dispersion of Materials at Different Hierarchical Scales of Groundwater Motion,
International Conference on Transport and Mass Exchange Processes in Sand and Gravel Aquifers: Field and
Modelling Studies, Ottawa, Canada, October, 1990.
Member, External Evaluation Committee, Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering, University of Notre
Dame, December 1990.
Member, Organizing Committee, International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer (Belgrade), International
Seminar on Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May, 1991.
Chair, Symposium on Averaging Methods, International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik,
Yugoslavia, May, 1991.
External Examiner, PhD Thesis, Ian W. Turner, The modeling of combined microwave and convective drying of
a wet porous material, The University of Queensland, October, 1991.
Chair, Session on Conduction and Diffusion in Multiphase Systems, AIChE Los Angeles meeting, November,
Member, Jury for PhD Thesis, Henri Bertin, Approche phnomnologique des coulements polyphasiques en
milieux poreux: de lchelle du pore vers la prise en compte des htrognits, LUniversit de Bordeaux I,
June 1992.
Member, Jury for PhD Thesis, Fabien Cherblanc, Etude du transport miscible en milieux poreux htrogenes:
Prise en compte du non-equilibre, LUniversit de Bordeaux I, June 1999.
Member, Scientific Committee, 12th International Drying Symposium, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, August
28-31, 2000
JUNE 2009
President, PhD Thesis jury for Francisco Valdes-Parada, Departamento de Ingeniera de Procesos e
Hidrulica, Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, May 9, 2007.
Chair, Session on Basic Heat Transfer Mechanisms, AIChE St. Louis meeting, November, 1993.
Chair, Session on Basic Heat Transfer Mechanisms, AIChE San Francisco meeting, November, 1994.
Chair, Session on Basic Heat Transfer Mechanisms, AIChE Miami meeting, November, 1995.
Second Vice-Chair, Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion Division, AIChE, 1993
First Vice Chair, Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion Division, AIChE, 1994
Chair, Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion Division, AIChE, 1995
Past Chair, Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion Division, AIChE, 1996
Chair, Best Paper Award Committee, National Heat Transfer Conference, Houston, TX, 1996
Member: Donald Q. Kern Award Committee, 1996
Member: Max Jakob Award Committee, 1996
American Geophyical Union
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Sigma Xi
Tau Beta Pi
Member, Editorial Board of the AIChE Journal, 1978-1982.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board for DRYING TECHNOLOGY, 1985-1995.
Member, Editorial Board of TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA, 1985-2005.
Member, International Advisory Board for LATIN AMERICAN APPLIED RESEARCH, 19885.
Member, Editorial Board of JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA, 1996-about 2005.
Reviewer (~30 per year) for:
National Science Foundation
American Chemical Society (PRF)
United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation
National Bureau of Standards
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
McGraw-Hill Book Company
Department of Energy
AIChE Journal
Chemical Engineering Science
I & EC Fundamentals
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Physics of Fluids
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Solar Energy
Chemical Engineering Communications
Journal of Heat Transfer
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Drying Technology
Transport in Porous Media
Journal of Food Science
Water Resources Research
I&EC Process Design and Development
AIChE/ASME Heat Transfer Meeting
JUNE 2009
JUNE 2009
JUNE 2009
Member, Board of Directors, Irish Beach Water District, October 1999 March 2004
President, Board of Directors, Irish Beach Water District, May 2004
Chair, Safety Committee, IBWD, June 2003
Member, Board of Directors, Redwood Coast Medical Services, June, 2005
Treasurer, Board of Directors, RCMS, August 2007
Chair, Finance Committee, RCMS, August 2007
Member, Finance Committee, RCMS, September 2005
Member, Facility/Equipment & Replacement Budget Subcommittee, November 2005 August 2007
JUNE 2009