VF 25 Messiah
VF 25 Messiah
VF 25 Messiah
Mega-Damage: 2D6 per individual blast, 4D6 for dual mounted and 8D6 for a quad blast.
R.O.F.: as per pilots combined attacks; single or bursts of four pulses (1D6X10 damage per barrel, once per round).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2) Mauler RV-25 25mm Laser Cannons (2; 1 per leg): Two high powered laser cannons are built near the wing-roots of the VF-25
but are located on the hips near the air intakes in Gerwalk and Battroid mode. The lasers are used for dog fighting and strafing attacks,
and can be used in all modes.
Range: 1270m
Mega-Damage: 1D6X10+12 per twin blast, 6D6 per single shot (only if one laser is damaged).
R.O.F.: as per pilots combined attacks.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
3) Howard GU-17A new model 5-barrel 58mm Gatling Gunpod: The GU-17A is a design throwback to the original GU-11 but
using hyper-velocity enhanced, smaller calibre ammunition. The result is firepower equal to or greater than previous gunpod designs,
and unequalled ranges without having to resort to E.M. / railgun technologies. Also includes gun-camera / CCTV system.
Range: 3200m
Mega-Damage: 3D4X10 per 30 round burst.
R.O.F.: as per pilots combined attacks.
Payload: 900 rounds internally loaded, equalling 30 bursts. Can not be reloaded in the field.
Note: Standard ammo rounds may be exchanged for AP, adding +10 to damage, plus AP effects.
4) Hard Points (6): 3 fixed hard-points are mounted per wing, totalling 6. SRM, MRM, LRM , and even High-Maneuverabilty MRM's
may be mounted on these weapon pylons.
Range: by missile type.
Mega-Damage: as per warhead type.
R.O.F.: one per pylon, or in salvo / volleys.
Payload (per pylon): MRHMM=1, LRM=1, MRM=3, SRM=5, Micro-Missile Pod=1 per wing, containing 12 MiMs
5) Howard PBS-03F Pinpoint Barrier System: The Messiah is equipped with a scaled down version of the same pinpoint barrier
system used by the SDF Macross. This P.B.S. may used defensively over the anti-ballistic shield, or offensively by projecting the field
over the mechs' fists, increasing punch damage.
Mega-Damage: Defensive; 150 MDC field (covering up to 10ft. diameter), regenerating 50 MDC every round unless the shields are
destroyed. Offensive Mode; 1D4X10+ punch.
R.O.F.: N.A.; as per pilots combined attacks.
Payload: see above. May only be used in one mode (offensive or defensive), per turn. Switching modes takes one action. Due to the
tremendous power requirements of the system, the head and wing lasers on the VF-25 cannot be used while the barrier is in operation.
6) MK II Energy Knife; Concealed inside the anti-ballistic shield is a serrated combat vibro-knife
(the size of a giant two-handed vibro sword to human scale power suits). This knife is especialy
effective for dealing with enemies that may have reactive or fractal armour, and is much more
versatile than the bayonet used on the VF-11s gunpod.
Mega-Damage: 5D6 MD+ punch & AP
7) Hand-to-Hand Combat Bonuses From VF-25 Training: This includes all bonuses.
*2 additional attacks per round added to pilot's. Add one extra attack at levels 3, 6, and 11.
*+3 to initiative
*+3 to strike
*+3 to parry, +4 to parry with shield.
*+3 to dodge in Battroid, +5 in Gerwalk, +7 in fighter mode.
*+3 autododge all modes (not limited to Battroid).
*Critical strike same as pilots.
Restrained Punch - 1D6 M.D.
Full Strength Punch (G-mode) - 2D4 M.D.
Full Strength Punch (B-mode) - 3D6 M.D.
Power Punch (B-mode, 2 actions) - 5D6M.D.
Kick - 2D4 M.D.
Leap Kick - 3D6 M.D. + Critical
Flip/Throw - 1D6 M.D. +loss of initiative and one action that round.
Tackle/Ram - 2D6 M.D. +60% chance of knocking opponent down (loss of initiative, and one action that round).
STANDARD SURVIVAL KIT: All UN Spacy VFs come equipped with a portable survival kit. Inside the small reinforced box is a
medium-sized flashlight, two hand flares, one rocket flare, a compass, infrared distancing binoculars, a small mirror, a pocket knife,
dehydrated and concentrated food (can be stretched into a five day supply for one person) and basic first aid items (aspirin, bandages,
disinfectants, etc.)
TACTICAL LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM: The VF-25's cockpit is pressurized, and also provides additional air feeds to the pilot's
flight suit that provides him with pressurized breathing. The UN Spacy flight suit also contains an upper and lower g-suit that promotes
blood circulation even during high-g turns, thus decreasing the possibility of pilot's blacking out in combat. This is used in conjunction
with and as a back up to the Inertial Damping System.
INERTIAL DAMPING SYSTEM: ISC (Inertia Store Converter): Shinsei Industry Macross Frontier Arsenal / LAI Company selfdevelopment specification ISC/TO21. This is the first model of variable fighter to be equiped with a gravity control device. Though not
powerful enough to be used for propulsion, the counter-gravitic field can supress the massive G- forces that would otherwise cause the
pilot to pass out or be crushed.
X-GEAR SUB-MECHA CONTROL SYSTEM: Another inovation to the VF program is a specialized robotic exoskelleton & flight
system worn over the pilots flight suit. The arm-units open to reveal the H.O.T.A.S. controls, while the legs lock down to become the
pedal controls. An auxilary helmet (with basic sensors & optics), micro jet-pack with wings and 10mm rapidfire recoiless assault rifle
round out the X-Gear frame when deployed from the VF.
VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT COCKPIT: The VF-25 is equipped with a cockpit layout that provides monitors below and around the
pilot in addition to the HUD cockpit dome. In flight, these monitors display what is below and behind the aircraft, giving the pilot a
tremendous field of view that is unparalled by any other aircraft (with the possible exception of the YF-21's brain-direct imaging
system). This wide view in addition to the combat computer's cockpit overlays give the VF-25 a +1 to dodge and initiative rolls in
addition to any other bonuses.
FBF-1000A Detachable Fold Booster: The VF-25 can be equipped with a disposable D-Fold engine,
allowing the fighter to travel FTL. Though effectively unlimited in range, the fold booster may only be used
once before needing 12 hours to recharge, and objective travel time is 20 LY per hour. . Requires a Space
Navigation skill roll with a -10% per 100 LY distance. To a maximum penalty of -50%. Beyond
that distance, accuracy degrades sharply, with even a successful space fold roll placing the VF 1D4
LY off course for every 100 LY travelled.