2 Unit Two
2 Unit Two
2 Unit Two
A set of instructions that cause a computer to perform one or more tasks. The set of
instructions is often called a program or, if the set is particularly large and complex, a system.
Computers cannot do any useful work without instructions from software; thus a combination
of software and hardware (the computer) is necessary to do any computerized work.
Software is the entire set of programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation
of a computer system, including the operating system. The term differentiates these features
from hardware, the physical components of a computer system. Two main types of software
are system software, which controls a computer's internal functioning, and application
software, which directs the computer to execute commands that solve practical problems. A
third category is network software, which coordinates communication between computers
linked in a network. Software is written by programmers in any number of programming
languages. This information, the source code, must then be translated by means of a compiler
into machine language, which the computer can understand and act on.
Motherboard which holds the CPU, main memory and other parts, and has slots for
expansion cards
power supply - a case that holds a transformer, voltage control and fan
storage controllers, of IDE, SCSI or other type, that control hard disk , floppy disk,
CD-ROM and other drives; the controllers sit directly on the motherboard (on-board)
or on expansion cards
the hard disk, floppy disk and other drives for mass storage
System software is responsible for controlling, integrating, and managing the individual
hardware components of a computer system. Generally, system software consists of an
operating system and some fundamental utilities such as disk formatters, file managers,
display managers, text editors, user authentication (login) and management tools, and
networking and device control software.
Application software allows performance of specific tasks, such as writing letters, computing
formulas, playing games, or carrying out desktop publishing tasks
and/or printing. Many styles and sizes of fonts are available to make the document
Database software: A database contains a list of information items that are similar in
format and/or nature. An example is a phone book that lists a name, address, and
phone number for each entry. Once stored in a database, information can be retrieved
in several ways, using reports and queries. For example, all the names listed for a
given area code could be printed out and used for a commercial mailing to that area.
Desktop publishing software: This software permits the user to prepare documents
by using both word-processing devices and graphics. Desktop publishing software
uses word-processing software, with all its ease of entering and revising data, and
supplements it with sophisticated visual features that stem from graphics software.
For example, one can enhance a printed message with virtually any kind of
illustration, such as drawings, paintings, and photographs.
Using telephone lines and working through the computer's modem, communications software
makes it possible to communicate to any location in the world using either fax or electronic
mail. A fax transmits whatever copy is on an original sheet of paper (text, graphics, or
handwriting) to another computer or fax machine. Electronic mail (e-mail) is a text message.
It remains in the receiver's computer until retrieved. The message can be stored in either the
sender's or the receiver's computer for later processing. Attachments or files can also be sent
via e-mail.
Utility software is used to diagnose computer problems and repair them. A major type is a
virus (or "illness") checker. It checks for viruses the computer may have received from
downloading information received from the Internet, e-mail, or another disk. Although some
viruses may do little damage, others can cause serious damage to files and/or the computer
operating system. It is important for a computer owner to find a virus-check program, install
it, use it, and keep it continually updated. New viruses are found continually, and the only
way to be safe is to update. Some antivirus software allows easy updating by downloading
new files from the Internet.
6. Mainanence:
After the testing phase is completely through and the system is found to be error free it is
delivered to the customer. But no real system would be error free even then. This is because
when the system gets executed in real user system scenarios there would be possibilities of
lot of bugs and errors. This phase is called the maintenance phase and the errors in this are
recorded and changes has to be made in the system accordingly and again testing phase
comes into picture.
7. Implementation:
This is the final stage when the system gets into live.
The above software development process are all vital for a system to get developed with
quality and thus to achieve customer satisfaction which is the main objective of any software
development process.
The Internet is a computer network made up of thousands of networks worldwide. No one
knows exactly how many computers are connected to the Internet. It is certain, however, that
these number in the millions and are growing.
All computers on the Internet communicate with one another using the Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol suite, abbreviated to TCP/IP. Computers on the Internet use a
client/server architecture. This means that the remote server machine provides files and
services to the user's local client machine. Software can be installed on a client computer to
take advantage of the latest access technology.
An Internet user has access to a wide variety of services: electronic mail, file transfer, vast
information resources, interest group membership, interactive collaboration, multimedia
displays, real-time broadcasting, breaking news, shopping opportunities, and much more.
The Internet began way back in 1969 - but it was called the ARPANET then. It started out as
a research project, and was developed by an agency called ARPA (Advanced Research
Projects Agency) within the US Defense Department, in conjunction with a number of
universities and military contractors. Its purpose was to explore the possibility of a
communication network that could survive a nuclear attack. This was achieved by having a
network where data could take multiple paths from its source to its destination. If part of the
network was destroyed, communications would still be possible through a different path.
Although it started out as a research project, the ARPANET quickly developed into a
communication tool. It was used for email, discussion groups and for exchanging files. In
1979 Usenet was born. The size of the network grew too, and it became increasingly popular
- more and more universities connected.
Other similar networks started popping up too (BITNET and CSNET were two). All these
different networks had trouble communicating with each other because they used different
communications methods. By the end of 1983 a standard communications protocol was
established (called TCP/IP). All the separate networks started using the protocol, and
connected to one another forming a network of networks. This became known as the Internet.
The size of the Internet kept growing at a faster and faster rate. In 1984 there were 1,000
machines connected to the Internet. In 1987 there were 10,000, and by 1989 there were
Before the Web became popular, there were other ways to retrieve information from the
Internet. 'Archie' and 'WAIS' (Wide Area Information Systems) were ways to search for
specific files from all the files held on a single computer. Gopher was the next step - it
organized files in hierarchical menus, making navigation a matter of browsing through a
menu system. VERONICA (Very Easy Rodent Oriented Net-Wide Index to Computerized
Archives) was a database that held Gopher entries, making it possible to search them. By
1993 VERONICA, in combination with Gopher, was the most successful way of using the
Internet. These interfaces were all entirely text-based though. So while the Internet was a
powerful tool for experienced computer uses, the hostile looking interface made it
inaccessible for most home users.
The idea for the World Wide Web came from CERN - (the European Laboratory for Particle
Physics). They needed a way to keep track of their information and documentation so that it
could be easily accessed and updated. The 'inventor' of the Web - Tim Berners-Lee - had
previously worked with hypertext and recognized its appropriateness for this project. The
system was implemented by 1992. Several different ways of viewing World Wide Web
documents were devised, but it wasn't until Marc Andresen of NCSA (National Centre for
Supercomputing Applications) developed a program called 'Mosaic' in 1993 that the WWW
was shaped into what we know it as today. Mosaic was the first graphical Web browser - it
allowed text, graphics, sounds and other multimedia to be viewed in one document. This
revolutionized the Web and brought its potential to the attention of the rest of the world
Links - Hypertext which, when clicked, connects you to another site or another page within
the same site. In most cases, these links are usually highlighted in blue and are always
Page - What is on your screen at any given time. The page includes all the information
available to you by scrolling up or down; however, when you click on hypertext your
computer will 'jump' to a new page.
Search Engines - Software that allows you to search the Web by typing in a topic of interest.
Examples of search engines we use are Google, HotBot, and Northern Light. These search
engines find exact matches from what has been typed in the search screen to either
documents (files) or subjects of files on the WWW.
URL or Uniform Resource Locator - The address for a specific file on the web, as well as a
method for directing users to a specific file, at a specific site. To type in a different URL,
press command and L at the same time on a Macintosh computer, control and L on a PC, or
locate the address bar at the top of the screen, type in the URL, and then press return. The
URL for the Blaine School District Home page is: http://www.blaine.k12.wa.us.
Web Browser - To access the WWW, you need a Browser. A Web Browser is client software
that gets information from a server. It interprets the information, formats it, and displays it on
your computer screen. The most popular browser, and the one we use most often in Blaine, is
Internet Explorer.
WWW, World Wide Web or Web - Interactive collection of hypertext pages linked to one
another. They may include text, graphics and/or links to other spots in the Web. The Web is
interactive because a user can click on text or graphics to navigate (move) to more
information or other graphics, sounds and video that is of interest to them.
Electronic mail, or e-mail, allows computer users locally and worldwide to exchange
messages. Each user of e-mail has a mailbox address to which messages are sent. Messages
sent through e-mail can arrive within a matter of seconds.
A powerful aspect of e-mail is the option to send electronic files to a person's e-mail address.
Non-ASCII files, known as binary files, may be attached to e-mail messages. These files are
referred to as MIME attachments. MIME stands for Multimedia Internet Mail Extension, and
was developed to help e-mail software handle a variety of file types. For example, a
document created in Microsoft Word can be attached to an e-mail message and retrieved by
the recipient with the appropriate e-mail program. Many e-mail programs offer the ability to
read files written in HTML, which is itself a MIME type.
Telnet is a program that allows you to log into computers on the Internet and use online
databases, library catalogs, chat services, and more. Telnet is available on the World Wide
Web. Probably the most common Web-based resources available through Telnet have been
library catalogs, though most catalogs have since migrated to the Web. A link to a Telnet
resource may look like any other link, but it will launch a Telnet session to make the
connection. A Telnet program must be installed on your local computer and configured to
your Web browser in order to work. With the popularity of the Web, Telnet is less frequently
used as a means of access to information on the Internet.
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. This is both a program and the method used to transfer
files between computers. Anonymous FTP is an option that allows users to transfer files from
thousands of host computers on the Internet to their personal computer account. FTP sites
contain books, articles, software, games, images, sounds, multimedia, course work, data sets,
and more. If your computer is directly connected to the Internet via an Ethernet cable, you
can use one of several PC software programs, such as WS_FTP for Windows, to conduct a
file transfer.
(Uniform Resource Locator) The address that defines the route to a file on an Internet server
(Web server, FTP server, mail server, etc.). URLs are typed into a Web browser to access Web
pages and files, and URLs are embedded within the pages themselves as hypertext links. The
URL contains the protocol prefix, port number, domain name, subdirectory names and file
name. If a port number is not stated in the address, port 80 is used as the default for HTTP
domain name
subdirectory name
subdirectory name