Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) : Ascorbate, Sodium
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) : Ascorbate, Sodium
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) : Ascorbate, Sodium
Use of sodium ascorbate in patients on sodium restriction; use of calcium ascorbate in
patients receiving digitalis. Safety during pregnancy (category C) or lactation is not
Cautious use
Excessive doses in patients with G6PD deficiency; hemochromatosis, thalassemia,
sideroblastic anemia, sickle cell anemia; patients prone to gout or renal calculi.
Route & dosage
adult:PO/IV/IM/SC 150500 mg/d in 12 doses
child:PO/IV/IM/SC 100300 mg/d in divided doses
adult:PO/IV/IM/SC 4560 mg/d
child:PO/IV/IM/SC 3060 mg/d
Urinary Acidifier
adult:PO/IV/IM/SC 412 g/d in divided doses
childPO/IV/IM/SC 500 mg q68 h
Give oral solutions mixed with food.
Dissolve effervescent tablet in a glass of water immediately before ingestion.
Intramuscular Subcutaneous
Open ampules with caution. After prolonged storage, decomposition may occur with
release of carbon dioxide and resulting increase in pressure within ampule.
Be aware that ascorbic acid injection may gradually darken on exposure to light; slight
coloration reportedly does not affect its therapeutic action.
sodium bicarbonate.
Store in airtight, light-resistant, nonmetallic containers, away from heat and sunlight,
preferably at 1530 C (5986 F), unless otherwise specified by manufacturer.
Adverse effects
GI:Nausea,vomiting,heartburn,diarrhea,or abdominal cramps (high doses).
Hematologic:Acute hemolytic anemia (patients with deficiency of G6PD); sickle cell
CNS:Headache or insomnia (high doses).
Urogenital:Urethritis, dysuria, crystalluria, hyperoxaluria, or hyperuricemia (high
other:Mild soreness at injection site; dizziness and temporary faintness with rapid IV
Diagnostic Test Interference
High doses of ascorbic acid can produce false-negative results for urine
glucose withglucose oxidase methods (e.g., Clinitest, TesTape, Diastix); falsepositive results withcopper reduction methods (e.g., Benedicts solution, Clinitest);
and false increases in serum uric acid determinations (by enzymatic methods).
Interferes with urinary steroid (17-OHCS) determinations (by modified Reddy, Jenkins,
Thorn procedure), decreases in serum bilirubin, and may cause increases in serum
cholesterol, creatinine, and uric acid (methodologic inferences). May produce falsenegative tests for occult blood in stools if taken with 4872 h of test.
Nursing implications
Assessment & Drug Effects
Take large doses of vitamin C in divided amounts because the body uses
only what is needed at a particular time and excretes the rest in urine.
Note: Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron when taken at the same
time as iron-rich foods.
Do not breast feed while taking this drug without consulting physician.