Music As An English Skills Developer
Music As An English Skills Developer
Music As An English Skills Developer
Music now a days is everywhere even in
classrooms although some teachers do not
take it as a good learning method, however
there are some ones who use it as a didactic
developer. As a result most of students are
taking study as something really stressful,
they hate going to study because they are
just sitting in silence and listening words that
they do not really care what the meaning is
about, it means, if they learn that knowledge
is not enough compare with the one they
could get learning in a way that involve them
for instance in emotional aspects. Learning
is a long process which depends not only on
the inner abilities of the student, but also on
the method chosen for teaching any subject.
Prez D.
Gardner in his theory about multiple
intelligences said that there are many
different ways of learning, we have to take
into account our methodology and how we
use other disciplines in order to make the
learning process easier. This process is
affected by social changes and furthermore
by the interaction with those changes and
thus is how Prez D. talks about that While
you are learning a foreign language, you are
learning the culture behind that language and
you are learning thousands of years of
history. In other words you are acquiring a
different way of thinking.
Moreover music is not just a way to improve
listening skills as it is considered for many
teachers It has been demonstrated that
music is a trigger that improves academic
skills such as vocabulary and grammar, and
also develops linguistic abilities McCarthy.
Music develops the right hemisphere of brain
and Language the left one, so, what will
happen if you work with both? Music and
Language at the same time is not used just to
improve vocabulary. Listening, writing, and so
on, in addition is one of the better ways to
First-grade: Fruits.
Second-grade: Clothes.
Third-grade: Professions.
Fourth-grade: Nationalities.
Brown, D. (1994). Teaching by principles: An
interactive approach to language pedagogy.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Buket. S .E. (2010). The effects of music on
English language learners speaking fluency
and on their motivation/interest level. Ankara:
Bilkent University.
Catterall, J. S. (2006). Conversation and
silence: Transfer of learning through the arts.
Journal for Learning through the Arts, 1(1).
Retrieved from:
Gardner, H. (2004). Frames of Mind the
Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York:
Basic Book.