Lab 1 Memo Rough
Lab 1 Memo Rough
Lab 1 Memo Rough
Jennifer Arellanes
Kenneth Li
Ryan Lembitz
Jacob Hustedt
Wind tunnels are tools used to evaluate aerodynamic properties, such as drag and life forces, for a
wide range of objects. In this lab we used a pitot tube to measure the stagnation pressure at different
speeds of the wind tunnel. To achieve this we placed a pitot tube inside the wind tunnel and recorded the
initial atmospheric pressure. We then turned on the wind tunnel at 10 Hz and allowed it one minute to
come to equilibrium. Once it reached equilibrium we measured and recorded a series of five data points
repeating at intervals of 10 Hz all the way up to 60 HZ. Based on the data found we were able to prove
the manufacturers claims about their machines performance were accurate. From plotting the data we
were able to measure the head loss coefficient, K, to be 1.0001. Finally we were able to calculate with
95% confidence the average differential pressure (psi) are 0.0055, .0224, 0.0515, 0.0930, 0.1456, and
0.2088. The average pressure drop across the contraction (psi) are 0.0055, .0224, 0.0515, 0.0930, 0.1456,
and 0.2088. Using the average pressures and calculated density of air we obtained the test section
velocities (ft/s) to be 25.9, 52.6, 79.7, 107, 134, and 161 for each respective interval from 10 to 60 HZ.
Table 1. Measured average of the pitot-static pressure and contraction pressures at intervals of 10 Hz from 10 to 60 Hz. The
average test section velocity was then calculated using a form of Bernoulli's equation that relates velocity and dynamic pressure.
Average Pitot-static
Pressure (psi)
Average Contraction
Pressure (psi)
f(x) = 1x + 0
R = 1
Figure 2. A plot of the average pressure measured in the contraction portion of the wind tunnel versus the pressure differential
from the Pitot - static tube. The slope of the graph represents the head loss coefficient and that value is 1.0001.
6.It is also necessary to find the uncertainties of our calculations in order to report our data in
an accurate fashion. Primarily, we must find the uncertainty in the Pitot-static pressure reading. To
find this, we must first find the minimum error or resolution error and then root sum square this value
with the statistical uncertainty in order to find the total uncertainty. In the case of this lab, the
minimum error was not just the resolution error of the measurement readout, as this had units of
inches H O, but instead needed units of lbfft2. To find the true minimum error, we first
discovered the resolution error of the readout, and then performed a series of unit conversions in
order to end up with an uncertainty with the correct units. Evidence of these calculations can be
seen in Attachment 5. To find the statistical error in our Pitot-static pressure readings, it was essential
to first look at how many samples were taken for each sample average. As we took five sample
readings to get each average, it was obvious that we had four degrees of freedom, and at 95%
confidence this gave us a t value of t=2.776. Then we calculated the sample standard deviation for
each sample and used this value multiplied by our t value to produce the statistical uncertainty. After
root sum squaring the minimum error and statistical uncertainty, we produced our total uncertainty,
for a single fan speed, for our Pitot-static pressure.
In order to find the total uncertainty of our contraction pressure, a similar method was used.
We first found the minimum error for our contraction pressure by using the same method as we had
used before to find the minimum error for our Pitot-static pressure. As both the contraction and Pitotstatic pressures were read off of the same digital readout, they had identical resolution errors and
therefore identical minimum errors. In addition, the t value used to find the statistical error was the
same for both Pitot-static and contraction pressures as we took an identical amount of samples and
were finding our statistical error to 95% confidence. Although the t values were the same for both
pressures, the sample standard deviations were not, thus changing our statistical error between the
Pitot-static and Contraction pressures. After finding the minimum error and statistical uncertainty, we
root sum squared both values to produce the total uncertainty, for a single fan speed, for our
contraction pressure.
To find the overall uncertainty of our calculated velocity, we had to utilize the method of
uncertainty in calculated quantities. We calculated the uncertainty in our pressure gradient which
was found to be the resolution error of the pressure gradient except converted to units of lbfft2.
Then, we had to acquire the uncertainty in our density which was ultimately found to be the
resolution error of the density. Finally, after we had both uncertainties, we took the partial derivatives
with respect to individual variables and used the method of uncertainty in calculated quantities.
This gave us the overall uncertainty of our calculated velocity for a single fan speed.
The principle idea of a differential pressure measurement is based on the measurement of a
difference between two different pressures. The advantage of this is that the differential pressure
measurement is carried out directly in the device. This allows us to get a much more precise answer than
if we took two individual pressure readings and compared them by hand. The elimination of human error
and the ability to get much more accurate readings makes the use of a differential pressure measurement
device more advantageous than using devices to measuring individual pressures and comparing them by
Based on the accuracy of our calculated value for velocity we are able to determine that five is a
sufficient number of measurements. Based on our calculations, four measurements would have been
sufficient to achieve an accurate velocity. Taking five measurements allows for any outlying data points to
be accounted for. Any amount of measurements above five is unneeded.
Bernoullis equation assumes that there is no dissipation of energy within the streamline due to
viscous forces. The viscosity of air is small, but is not zero, and under certain circumstances this could
have an impact on the Pitot measurements. The presence of dust and water vapor could significantly
affect the operation of the Pitot tubes if not filtered out.(United) Bernoullis equation also applies to
different regions along the same streamline. It is also a requirement for Bernoullis equation that the flow
be non-turbulent. This is not the case in the wind tunnel. The fluid inside the wind tunnel is turbulent so
this will lead to error in the readout of the Pitot tube values. A feature that will influence the accuracy of
the Pitot-static probe is the alignment of the total pressure port with the flow. In order to isolate obtain the
total pressure and static pressure, the port will need to be perfectly in line with the flow. Doing so, will
give us a more accurate dynamic pressure reading which ultimately affects our velocity calculations.
Source citation
"United Sensor Corp." Pitot-Static Tubes Properties and Characteristics. United Sensor Corporation, 11
Aug. 2013. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.
The text of the memo should be kept Times New Roman (11pt) font.
Figures and tables should not extend beyond the margins.
Figures and tables need to be appropriately formatted as outlined in Thorncroft's "Guide to Writing
Laboratory Reports".
Each attachment should be clearly labeled (create a template for the header/page number of hand
written pages, e.g., calculations on engineering paper) and the number of attachments should be
inserted in place of the # at the end of the body of the memo (you may also choose to include a list of
There no minimum or maximum length for your memo, but keep in mind that the written content will
most likely be in the range of 2-3 pages.
Each student member should initial the copy of the memo submitted for grading (but only after they
have carefully read and approved the entire printed document - including attachments). Memos that
have not been initialed will be treated as having not been reviewed by group members and will not be
accepted. A student who has not initialed a submitted memo will not receive credit.
Write in the first person, past tense and utilize a narrative style (tell a clear story characterizing what
you did and how the data you collected supports your expectations).
You do not need section headings in your memo (e.g., introduction, results, conclusions).
Begin by providing the reader with a short paragraph that provides context (i.e., what was the overall
objective of the lab and what basic equipment/experimental apparatus did you use), summarizes the
important results, and provides the significant conclusions. Make sure that this paragraph is selfcontained (i.e., it might be the only section your supervisor reads and so it should not refer to other
portions of the memo). This paragraph acts as an introduction and a summary.
After the first paragraph, provide all of the required deliverables as outlined in the lab manual and
supplemental information provided by your lab instructor. Remember to present this information in a
narrative style. The content should flow smoothly - the memo should not be a simple wash list of
answers (your answers to question posed in the lab manual should provide insight into the experiment
you performed and the results obtained). You do not need to follow the order of the
questions/deliverables as they are listed in the lab manual - incorporate them in an order that you see
fits the narrative.
There should be sufficient detail in this portion of the memo so that a colleague can critically evaluate
your work -- including your methods of experiment and analysis -- but also keep in mind the general
length of the memo.
Excessively large tables do not need to be included in the body of the memo (if requested in the lab
manual or supplemental information handouts). These items can be incorporated as an attachment.
They should be formatted appropriately, but not necessarily the same as figures and tables provided in
the body of the memo. Oversize documents should be folded to fit the 8.5" x 11" footprint of the
memo document.
References should be cited in the body of your memo and listed at the end (but before the attachment
line) in the order in which they appear cited in the memo. See the handout on references.
[1] Dunn, P.F., 2005, Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science, McGraw-Hill, New
York, NY, Chap. 3.
Attachments (6)
1. Raw Wind Tunnel Testing Data Sheet
2. Sample Velocity Calculations (should have density of air within)
3. Manufacturer spec verification
4. Plots? In or out of memo?
5. K value calculation
6. Uncertainty Calculations