Texas Hold 'Em Excellence
Texas Hold 'Em Excellence
Texas Hold 'Em Excellence
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Casino Game Hub
2 Introduction.....................................................................11
4 Poker Hands.....................................................................25
Royal Flush.................................................................................26
Straight Flush.............................................................................26
Four of a Kind.............................................................................27
Full House..................................................................................27
Three of a Kind...........................................................................29
Two Pair.....................................................................................29
High Card...................................................................................31
Increasing Your Skills...................................................................31
5 Basic Strategy..................................................................35
Tight or Loose?...........................................................................35
What's in Your Pocket?.................................................................36
Before the Flop............................................................................44
After the Flop..............................................................................45
The Turn.....................................................................................47
the River....................................................................................48
6 A Typical Game.................................................................49
Let's Play....................................................................................49
The Blinds..................................................................................49
Dealing the Pocket Cards..............................................................50
First Betting Round......................................................................51
The Flop.....................................................................................53
Second Betting Round..................................................................54
The Turn.....................................................................................54
Third Betting Round.....................................................................55
The River....................................................................................56
The Fourth Betting Round.............................................................56
The Showdown............................................................................57
The Next Hand............................................................................57
7 Betting............................................................................59
Betting Points of Interest..............................................................59
10 Tells..............................................................................81
Tells & The Human Auto-Pilot........................................................81
Common Tells.............................................................................84
The Next Step.............................................................................90
11 Going Forward................................................................95
Poker at Home............................................................................95
Online Poker...............................................................................96
Hold 'em Odds...........................................................................101
Website: www.casinogamehub.com
Book Feedback: holdembook@casinogamehub.com
2 Introduction
oker has been around for centuries and in 2010, is
increasingly, the most popular card game played
around the world. Of the many varieties of Poker,
Texas Hold 'em is widely becoming the game of choice for
those serious at winning the high stakes that the no-limit
form of this game provides.
Texas Hold 'em, known to those familiar with the game
simply as Hold 'em, is played almost everywhere and its
popularity is on the increase. Whether you are getting
together with your friends at home, playing at your local
casino or even playing online, the main structure of the
game is almost identical. The main difference lies in the
betting limits. At home it is likely that you may play for
small amounts of money and play a low-limit game. At the
casino the betting limits may be higher, although quite a few
casinos now play low-limit games for beginners. When you
start to get serious at Hold 'em you may find yourself
playing the no-limit games where, as the term suggests, the
only limit on how much you can bet is limited only by the
number of chips that you have available. No-limit games
are typically high stake games and played at tournaments.
They can however, be played anywhere and the amount that
can be won in a single game can run into literally tens and
hundreds of thousands.
There are two main parts of learning Texas Hold 'em.
The first part is learning the game, how it is played, how the
betting works and what hands win over others. This is the
nuts and bolts of the game and can be referred to as the
game mechanics. It is obvious that before you can start
efore we get into the inner workings of Texas Hold
'em it is important that you are familiar with the
sequence of a typical game. This is the structure of
the game and once you have a basic understanding of the
game play sequence, each element can then be examined
more closely in turn, to complete your knowledge of the
This discussion will assume that the game is being played
with an independent dealer and a minimum of 3 players and
that they are playing a limit game of $2-$4.
The game is always played in a clockwise direction
around the table and the first player is always to the
immediate left of the dealer.
To get the game started it is necessary to put some money
into The Pot. With an empty pot there is no money to win
and therefore no incentive for the players to play their hand.
To get things going a set amount of money is put into the
pot by the first two players to the dealers left (the first two
players to the left of the Dealer Button). This money is
referred to as the Blinds. The name is taken from the way
that each player must put this money into the pot – blind.
This means that the players are required to place the blinds
into the pot prior to any cards being dealt.
It is a requirement of Hold 'em that these blinds are paid
for each hand played and if you are active in the game, they
cannot be avoided.
The first player to the dealers immediate left (to the left of
the Button) has to pay the Small Blind. This amount is
equal to exactly half of the minimum betting limit in limit
In our game, we are playing a limit game of $2-$4. This
means that the minimum amount that can be bet is $2. So,
in this instance, the Small Blind is set to half of this amount
and is therefore $1.
Now that the blinds have been paid, the players are dealt
their cards.
The dealer places the round Dealer Button on the table in
front of the person immediately to his left. This button
indicates that this player is, in effect, acting as the dealer,
although they are not dealing any cards. The Professional
dealer always deals the cards and the Button is used for the
sequence of game play. The person with the Dealer Button
could in fact be classed as a Virtual Dealer as they do not
actually deal any cards but the game is played as if they
had. All will become clear soon.
The dealer then shuffles the pack of cards and burns the
top card. Burning is the term that is used to describe the
discarding of the top card from the deck and is done in case
this card has been accidentally seen by any of the players.
Burnt cards are placed face-down in a separate pile to the
side of the dealer. The dealer then proceeds to deal one
card to each player in a clockwise direction, starting with the
player immediately to the left of the Dealer Button. When
each player has been dealt one card, the dealer then deals a
second card to each player, again in a clockwise direction
and again starting with the player immediately to the left of
the Dealer Button.
Each player now has two cards each, known as Hole
Cards or Pocket Cards and this is the maximum number of
cards that each player will ever hold in the game.
The third player is where the hand really starts, as the first
two players have placed their blinds and have in effect
already acted.
The player looks at their hand to determine whether they
think that they hold a good hand or not and has three
options open to them; call, raise or fold.
If the player decides that they have a hand worth betting on,
they can Bet. In our game, the amount that is to be bet is
$2 as this is the betting amount for this betting round.
If the player deems that they hold an excellent hand they
may wish to raise. In our game, if the player wishes to
raise, they can only raise by the minimum bet amount of $2,
making the total bet $4 ($2 bet plus $2 raise).
If the player decides that their hand is no good and that
they do not wish to play it, they can Fold. Also known as a
Pass, the player clearly states that they are folding and
pushes their cards back towards the dealer, keeping them
face down.
These discarded cards are placed face down onto the
Burn pile.
When a player Calls they are requesting to see the first of
the community cards. In this instance, they must place an
amount of money in the pot that is equal to the amount that
When a player raises, they are basically saying that they
have a good hand and they want to raise the bet. In order
to raise, they must place the amount of the previous bet and
then raise by the minimum bet amount.
In our fixed limit $2-$4 game, the bet currently stands at
$2. If the player wishes to raise, he must raise by the
minimum bet amount of $2. This brings the current bet
amount to $4. For the next player to call, they must bet $4.
There is usually only a certain number of times that a
raise can be played in each betting round. Typically this is
set to a maximum of three raises per round.
If the player determines that they do not hold a very good
hand, then they can Fold or Pass. They announce they they
are folding and push their cards, face down, back towards
the dealer.
These discarded cards are placed face down onto the
Burn pile.
Once the players have equalised their bets on the first
betting round, the dealer then burns the top card from the
remaining deck of cards and deals three cards face-down on
to the table. The cards are then turned over so that they
are face-up and are spread out side-by-side to reveal the
first three of the five Community Cards. This is known as
The Flop.
The players ascertain if they can improve upon their hand
by utilising the three community cards with their Pocket
Cards (or Hole Cards). They will also need to decide
whether their hand can be improved upon with the
remaining community cards.
The community cards are also known as The Board.
All the bets from the second betting round have now been
equalised and any player whose hand doesn't meet up to
their requirements have folded.
The dealer once again burns the top card from the deck
and turns the next card face up next to the other three
previously dealt community cards. This is known as Fourth
Street, or more commonly The Turn.
Once again, the players still in the game attempt to make
their best hand from the four community cards available on
the Board and their Hole cards that they were originally
The dealer once again burns the top card off of the
remaining deck and deals the next card face-up next to the
previous four community cards. This is known as Fifth
Street, or the River and is the final card to be dealt.
The players now have seven cards to make the best hand
possible in an attempt to beat their opponent. Out of these
seven cards, a maximum of five cards can only be used in a
As the name suggests, this is where the remaining players
show their hands to determine which player holds the best
hand and ultimately wins the Pot.
Typically, the last person to place their chips into the pot
is the first to show their hand. If this hand beats the other
players, then they can choose not to reveal their own hands
and can just return their cards face down to the dealer. In
this case they normally state that the other hand has them
beat by saying “Beats Me”.
There are a few additional points to be aware of with regard
to game play.
If during any of the betting rounds all players fold apart from
one, then that player who remains in the game wins the pot
by default. They do not need to show their cards and can
just return them to the dealer face down.
This means that it is possible to win the pot even before
any community cards have been dealt in the Flop, just by
the way you are betting and this opens the doors to bluffing.
4 Poker Hands
here are ten different hand rankings that you will
need to learn in order to play Hold 'em. They are
quite straight-forward and once you become familiar
with them, will be well on your way to becoming a top
Out of the seven cards that are available to you during
each hand played, only five cards can be used to make the
best hand that you can.
In Texas Hold 'em there is no Suit Hierarchy. This means
that a diamond is the same level as a club and a spade is
the same level as a heart. What matters is the value or
rank of the card. So a Queen beats a Jack and a King beats
a Queen, regardless of what suit it is.
As far as Ace's are concerned, they can be interpreted as
a high rank or a low rank depending on how they are used in
your hand. For example, they can be treated as a one in a
A-2-3-4-5 hand, or higher than a king as in 10-J-Q-K-A.
The hands shown below are in Rank order, with the
highest ranking hand first.
The Royal Flush is the highest ranking poker hand that is
available. If you hold this hand then you will be odds on
favourite for winning the Pot.
The hand is similar to a straight flush where the cards are
all the same suit (clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds), but it
includes all the court cards and runs in sequence from 9
through to King.
There are only four possibilities for a Royal Flush as there
are only four suits in a pack of cards. This means that the
probability of seeing this hand is a massive 30,939 to 1.
A Straight Flush is the 2nd highest poker hand. The
strength of the hand is determined by the highest card in
the hand. Just as in the Royal Flush, the cards that make up
a Straight Flush must be all of the same suit.
This hand can be beaten by another straight flush if
another player holds a hand where their highest card is of a
higher value than the highest card that you hold in your
hand. For example, let's assume that you hold the hand
shown here, 5-6-7-8-9. The 9 would be the highest card in
your hand and could said to be a nine-high straight flush. If
your opponent holds a 6-7-8-9-10, they would hold a Ten-
The 3rd highest hand in poker is Four of a Kind, also known
as Quads. As the name suggests, you need to hold a hand
where four of the cards are of the same rank.
In the example above you hold four Queens in your hand. If
your opponent also held Quads but they had four 10's or
four Jack's, then you would beat them. If however, they
held four King's you would lose the hand.
The 4th highest ranking hand is the Full House. This hand is
made up of a Pair and a Three of a Kind. As you would
expect, a Three of a Kind is where there are three cards in
the hand which have the same value and a Pair is where
there are two cards of the same value.
If your opponent also holds a Full House, then it is the
highest ranking three of a kind that holds the most clout.
Here, your hand shows that you hold 7-7-10-10-10. If
your opponent held 6-6-J-J-J then their hand would beat
Being the 5th highest ranking hand in poker, the Flush
consists of all five cards in your hand being of the same suit
but do not run in sequence.
The hand ranking itself is determined by the highest card in
the hand. If your opponent also holds a Flush and the
highest card in their hand ranks the same as yours, then the
next highest card in the hand would determine the winner,
and so on.
An example of your hand, shown above, is 3-7-9-J-K. If
your opponent held 2-8-9-J-K, then they would win the hand
as their 8 is higher than your 7. The King is the highest
ranking card, followed by the Jack and 9, in both hands
therefore it is the next highest ranking card that determines
the winner.
The Straight is the 6th highest ranking hand and consists of
five cards of sequential value but not of the same suit.
When making a straight from your hand, the Ace can be
considered high (10-J-Q-K-A) or low (A-2-3-4-5).
The winning hand is determined by the highest card in the
straight. Therefore a 7-8-9-10-J (a Jack-high Straight) beats
6-7-8-9-10 (a Ten-high Straight).
Also known as a Set or Trips, the Three of a Kind is the 7th
highest ranking hand in poker.
As the hand suggests, you need three cards of the same
value in order to make this hand.
As you would suspect, the strength of the hand is
determined by the rank of the three matching cards.
Here you hold 3-7-J-J-J which would beat 2-5-9-9-9, but
would be beaten by 2-5-Q-Q-Q.
Ranking 8th in the top ten poker hands and third from the
bottom is Two Pair. This is where your hand consists of two
pairs of cards where each pair is of equal rank.
The fifth card, although not counted as part of the hand, is
referred to as the Kicker and is used to determine the
winning hand if your opponent also holds two pair which
match yours.
The highest ranking pair determines who wins the hand,
so a 4-5-5-Q-Q would be beaten by your hand shown here
of Q-6-6-K-K.
The Queen would be the Kicker. If your opponent held 4-
6-6-K-K, where their Two Pair matches yours, then you
would win the hand as their 4 Kicker is lower than your
Second from last in the poker hand list of fame is the Pair.
This is where you hold two cards in your hand which are of
the same rank.
If your opponent also holds a Pair, then the highest ranking
hand, as you would suspect, is determined by the highest
ranking pair, so an A-A would beat a K-K. In the event that
your opponent holds the same ranking Pair as you hold, then
the winning hand is determined by the next highest ranking
card in your hand, known as a Kicker.
The lowest ranking hand is the High Card hand. This occurs
when you cannot make any other hand. The highest ranking
hand is ultimately determined by the highest card that you
hold in your hand.
It has been known, but it would not be determined very
good strategy to attempt to play this type of hand as it
would be pot-luck as to whether you would succeed at
winning the hand.
In this example, you hold a Queen as your High Card. If
your opponent holds a King or an Ace, then they would beat
your hand.
1. Look through the poker hands at the beginning of this
chapter again, in order to familiarise yourself with the
different hands and which hand is higher in the hierarchy.
2. Thoroughly shuffle a deck of cards.
3. From the top of the deck, deal out seven cards from left to
right face up.
4. Take your time in trying to determine which is the best
hand, if any, that you would be able to make out of five of
the cards that lay before you.
5. Gather up the cards and place them in a pile to the side.
6. Repeat the process from step 3 until you have less than
seven cards left in the pack.
7. Over a short period of time, you will find that you can
increase your speed and identify which hands you would be
able to make, as well as recognise both the correct name
for the hand and it's position in the hand hierarchy.
Once you have gained familiarity with identifying poker hands
using the Basic Method, you can progress to the more advanced
This method gets you used to making poker hands in
Texas Hold 'em, by first dealing two cards close to you,
representing your hole cards and then dealing out the five
community cards towards the centre of the table. When
arranging the cards like this, you start to get used to the
way the hands look in Texas Hold 'em, where you have the
two hole cards near to you, and the five community cards
separated from them.
The final step in this technique is to deal out all of the
cards face-down, the two pocket cards and the five
community cards. Look at your hole cards to see which
ones you hold and place them back on the table face-down.
Next turn over the first three cards to the left of the
efore we can walk through a few hands of a typical
Texas Hold 'em game, we must discuss some very
basic strategy. Seeing as you only get dealt two
cards prior to the first round of betting, it stands to reason
that you need to know how to make the right decision before
parting with your hard-earned money.
Similarly, you will need to consider how you will progress
with your game after you have seen the Flop, as well as the
Turn and the River.
We shall keep to teaching extremely basic decision-
making strategy as it applies to the typical game flow of a
simple no-frills game, that once learned will allow you to
follow along with any basic game of Hold 'em.
Winning strategies are not discussed in this chapter and
will be covered later in the book. For now let's just continue
to concentrate on the structure of Texas Hold 'em poker and
the base information that we need to play.
When you are said to be playing a Tight game of poker, you
are playing hands that are highly likely to win. This means
that you will have a set of rules that you keep to with regard
to the cards that you are holding, that will determine
whether or not you continue to play that hand, or whether
you will fold. Playing a tight game can increase your
chances of winning over time and you are less likely to
consider taking chances.
Playing a Loose game is the exact opposite of playing a
tight one. It means that you are more likely to take chances
that the cards you require will turn up on the Board at some
stage and that you will seriously consider playing hands that
have an outside chance of winning. Although any method of
gambling includes some element of luck, playing a loose
game means that you are relying on luck much more than
With a Tight game being at one end of the scale and a
Loose game at the other, the type of game that you decide
to play can vary not only game to game, but also hand to
Experienced poker players may at times play an
extremely loose hand if they believe that they can bluff their
opponent into believing that they hold a potentially winning
hand, at other times they may play their hand fairly tight if
that is how the game needs to be played.
It all comes down to experience when deciding how you
are going to play each hand. For the purpose of this book
we shall stick to playing a tight game, which is the best
method for those who are just starting out playing poker. As
your experience grows, you will be able to make informed
decisions about how to play your game.
Aa Mz lL
A high-pair is always a good combination to hold and can
always be converted on the flop into Trips. Ace's (Pocket
Rockets), Kings and Queens are the higher value pairs,
whilst Jack's, 10's and 9's are more commonly classed as
medium-value pairs. Anything below this are of low value.
AM al nk
This combination is always a good hand to hold and the
higher the Kicker the better. If you are holding A-K and
there is another King in the flop, then you will be holding a
top pair with the highest possible kicker, A-K-K. Similarly, if
you draw an Ace in the flop, then you will be holding A-A-K,
which is the top pair with the highest kicker. It almost
seems like a win-win situation.
If the cards are suited and you are holding A♦-K♦ and the
flop pulls a Q♦-J♦-2♠, then you need 10♦ for a Royal Flush
on the turn or the river.
If your 10♦ does not appear, then you always have the
chance of getting an Ace-high Flush with any other diamond.
zy mk YX
If you hold a pair of face cards, the you will probably be
looking to make a high Pair on the flop.
If you hold K-Q and you flop a King, then you will hold a
high Pair with a Queen Kicker. This may not necessary be
as good as a pair of Queens with a King kicker, but it's worth
JM jl wx
Obviously not as good as a a pair of suited face cards, this
combination can produce a winning hand.
Medium-Strength Pairs
Ii uU TG
If you hold a pair of 9's, 8's or 7's, then you may not have
the best hand but it may be able to be improved if you flop a
high-card pair, although it may be likely that your opponent
could hold a higher pair. Flopping a lower pair will make the
hand fairly weak and chances of producing a winning hand
will be slim, but not impossible.
High Cards
Ay aX nj
mL zk Mj
yX YJ kW
Having two high-value cards in the hole can certainly be
improved upon to a strong Pair or Trips with a high Kicker,
or a high Straight or Flush if suited.
If you hold Q-10 and flop another Queen, then you will hold
a High Pair with a 10 Kicker. If you flop a 10 instead of a
Queen, then your pair is much weaker and will be beaten by
a stronger pair, even J-J.
xw ji WU
IH → down to →
Connectors are cards that are close in value and are capable
of producing a Straight on the flop.
Finally, there are some other hands that you may wish to
consider, but are not very strong hands to start with so you
may want to play with caution or decide that you don't really
want to play this type of hand until your experience level
Low Pairs
Ff rR Qd
cp Bo
Not regarded as a very powerful hand, low card pairs have
the potential to be made into Trips on the flop, making them
stronger than a high-pair.
AF ae nq
NP ab
FE fd rq
Low hole cards that are suited, have the potential to become
a Flush and can win the pot. However, the odds are not very
strong in seeing another three cards of the same suit
appearing on the board.
Your position around the table is an important factor when
playing Hold 'em. The closer to the left of the dealer you
are, the worse the position, whereas the closer to the right
of the dealer, the better.
This is because the action on the betting rounds goes
from the player to the dealers left, clockwise and ends with
the dealer (unless it's the first round of betting in which case
the betting ends with the Big Blind). The dealer is in the
best position of all and is said to be Playing on the Button
due to the fact that this is where the Dealer button is located
for that hand.
Your position in any particular hand is referred to as
either early, mid- or late position. At a full table of ten
players, for example, the first four players to the dealers left
would be playing in early position, players five to seven in
mid-position, whilst the remaining three players would be
considered to be playing in late position.
Seeing as the dealer is moved one place to the left for
each hand, each player will take their turn in playing in each
of these positions repeatedly during the course of an entire
poker game.
When playing in the late position you have seen most other
players act before you and are able to make a more
educated decision or even play a risky hand. The less
players to act after you the better, however the last player to
act will be the dealer.
If after the flop your hand has not been improved at all,
then only one decision can be made, fold your hand. It is
both pointless and a waste of money to bet on a hand where
the odds of it winning are poor.
Your hole cards may have been fairly strong before the
flop, but if this is not improved upon at all then the only
option open to you is to muck your hand.
If you held a moderate hand before the flop and the flop
improved upon that hand, then it may be worth considering
betting. This is where position really comes into play and
being in late position will allow you to see what other players
are doing, before the action gets to you.
hole cards
the flop
Let's say that your pocket cards were 9♠-10♠. You called
to see the flop as you held a medium hand and they were
also of the same suit. This meant that you had a chance to
make a flush, or even a straight.
The flop produces A♣-J♠-9♦ and gives you a pair of 9's.
The flopped Jack also gives you another card for your flush
and it's in sequence to your hole cards for your anticipated
straight. You may want to bet on this hand as you think that
the flop has been good to you.
But wait. If one of your opponents already holds an Ace,
then the flop will give them A-A-J, the top pair with a highish
kicker. If they have A-K or Pocket Rockets (A-A) in the hole,
then your hand is already beat.
If other players are betting then it's highly likely that they
hold higher cards and the flop has been kinder to them than
it has to you, in which case it may be best to fold. Use your
opponents actions to decide how to proceed.
hole cards
the flop
If before the flop, you had A-K in the hole and you flopped
A-7-Q, then you have increased the strength of your hand.
You now hold top pair (A-A) with the highest kicker.
Even if your opponent holds A-Q, you've got them beat at
this stage and they may think their hand is strongest
because they hold the top pair with a higher kicker also. But
your King is higher than their Queen. Unless they get
another Queen on the turn or the river to give them two
pair, you've got a good chance at staying on top.
In this situation, you will definitely want to call or raise
and see the turn.
The thing that you have to keep in mind with cards in the
flop, is that they are community cards and everybody has
the same cards. The only difference is what each player has
in the hole.
Much of your main decision-making strategy has been done
prior to and on the flop. By the time it comes to the river
you need to keep an eye open for a card which may increase
your opponents chances of getting a winning hand, in
particular a flush.
If a matching high-card is dealt that matches one in the
flop that your opponent bet or even raised on, then it's a
Much like the turn, by the time the River card is dealt you
should have your hand. Obviously, your hand could easily
be made stronger if a card that compliments your hand is
dealt and so could your opponents.
Say you are holding K-K and your opponent has Q-Q in
the pocket. You have been holding the best hand since the
flop and after the turn. The river produces another Queen,
so now your opponent is holding trips, Q-Q-Q and has won
the hand.
Winning using this method is known as winning by the
Back-door and many a player has been tormented by their
opponents luck as the card that they desperately needed
shows up. There's nothing that can be done about this and
you just need to chalk it up to experience. There will always
be a time for you when you need a specific card or suited
card and as if by magic, it appears on the turn or the river,
winning you the pot.
6 A Typical Game
ou should now have a basic understanding of Texas
Hold 'em Game Play and are a little more familiar
with the various poker hands, so we can now move
on to an example of the way a typical Texas Hold 'em poker
game might flow.
In this chapter we will expand on what we already know
about the way the game is played and follow our five players
through a hand of poker.
Our five players are seated at the table and ready to play.
We have a professional dealer to deal our cards for us as this
will be the way that it is laid out both at a casino and when
playing online.
We are playing a $20-$40 limit game, which means that
the lower betting limit is $20 and the higher limit is $40.
The person to the immediate left of the professional
dealer is the Dealer. This is who the professional dealer is
dealing on behalf of. The professional dealer places the
Dealer Button in front of this player, so that all players know
who is the active Dealer.
The player to the left of the button pays the Small Blind into
the pot by pushing his chips towards the centre of the table.
Being half of the lower betting limit, the small blind at this
stage of the hand is set at $10.
player 1 (on the button)
player 2
player 3
player 4
player 5
Now that all the players have their pocket cards, the
betting rounds can now commence.
The dealer takes the deck and burns the top card, placing it
on the burn pile.
Three cards are dealt face down on top of each other on
the table. The deck is put aside and the three cards turned
face-up and spread out side-by-side. This is The Flop.
The flop is the first of the three community cards to be
seen by the players and it is where hands are either made,
or broken.
Let's take a look at the cards in the flop. together with
the hands of our remaining players...
The Flop
player 1 (on the button)
player 3
player 4
Once again, the dealer takes the deck and burns the top
card, placing it on to the burn pile.
The next card is taken from the top of the deck and dealt
face up onto the board, to the right of the flop. This is The
Turn and is the fourth community card to be dealt.
Once again, let's see the community cards and our
remaining players hands...
The Turn
player 3
player 4
Once again, bets are equalised and the final card can now
be dealt.
The pot amount now stands at $390.
Just as before, the dealer burns the top card from the
remaining deck. The next card is dealt face up onto the
board to the right of the other community cards. This is The
The River
player 3
player 4
Now that all the bets have been placed it's time for the
players to show their hands. Each player turns their cards
over on the table so that each player can see what their
opponents hold as their pocket cards and determine the
winning hand. This is the Showdown.
The player with the winning hand claims the pot. The
dealer pushes the pot towards the winner who rakes in the
Player 4 holds the best hand with A♠-A♣-A♦-J♣-J♥
and wins the $550 pot with his Full house, much to the
disbelief of Player 3 who thought he held the best hand of
The player who paid the Small Blind in the last hand does
not need to pay any blinds this time, while the player who
paid the Big Blind in the last hand this time pays the Small
Blind and the player to their left now pays the Big Blind.
7 Betting
ow that you have got a good idea of how a typical
Texas Hold 'em game unfolds, let's take a closer
look at how betting works and some of the options
available to you during a game.
We will also cover some basic betting strategy that may
benefit you in your game. At times you will be low on chips
and a good betting strategy will have you replenishing your
chip stack, at your opponents cost, in no time.
During the course of a game, you may find that the blinds
are increased every so often. This is meant to speed up the
game. Not all Hold 'em poker games are subject to blind
In tournaments, the increase in blind payments may
change each hour, online every 15 minutes or so.
Ensure that you check which type of game you are
thinking about playing and when, if any, blind increases are
made, before you join the game.
If you hold an excellent hand in early position, such as A-A,
K-K or A-K suited, then you should consider raising and even
re-raising, before the flop.
This will drive out players that hold draw hands and
generally cause them to fold.
If in a hand, you are the last player to act and all players
before you have checked, if you were to bet then it would be
known as a Steal-Raise. If your intention is to bet in order
to take the pot.
By betting it is possible that the players who checked to
you held a lesser hand and were trying to see the flop for
free. By placing a bet, they now have to match that bet by
calling, raising or folding. Some players may fold,
decreasing the competition and some players may call
increasing the size of the pot.
Be careful when using this tactic. It is possible that one
of the other players that previously checked actually holds a
good quality hand. Therefore, use this tactic when you have
a good drawing hand (such a nut flush draw).
ingle table tournaments, more commonly referred to
as Sit & Go's, are the next stop on your journey to
Texas Hold 'em poker fame. These tournaments are
played similar to a typical game of poker that you may play
at home with friends and family, with the exception that
there is more than one overall winner. It is though the
obvious place to start as there is a chance of coming away
with more money then you started with and is a great place
to build on your skills.
These tournaments have appeared out of the online
poker community and have a large variety of game levels
available to play.
If you have ever been involved with a poker tournament run
by your local pub, then you have probably been exposed to
the concept of Sit & Go tournaments.
With these types of tournaments there is more than one
winner. These are typically the last three players left at the
table. Each of the remaining players then battles it out for
first, second and third position which dictates their winnings;
usually 50% of the prize fund for first place, 30% for second
and 20% for third.
Sit & Go's will generally start with around ten players and
players are eliminated one by one and cannot be replaced by
another player as they can be in some multi-table games.
It's like playing at the final table in a multi-table poker
tournament and tends to be much shorter than a full-blown
about playing Sit & Go's online is that if you have lost a
couple of higher level games and your account looks a little
low, you can drop to the smaller games and recoup your
loses and build up your experience & confidence before
going on once again to the higher levels.
If you have learnt to play a good game of Hold 'em and
you do not get carried away with your emotions too easily,
then you should have no problems playing the lower level
games. These games are cheap to buy in to and the players
that frequent these games are usually either beginners, or
less serious players. Either way their strategy is not usually
very good and if you play a good Sit & Go strategy, then you
will be playing the higher level games in no time at all.
There are various types of Sit & Go games available to play
online and they are all different. When starting you just
need to stick with the standard Sit & Go and steer clear of
these other variations, but as you progress you may want to
try some of the other styles.
There are games that have a full compliment of players,
but the blinds are raised at a quicker rate. As a result, the
game tends to be much faster.
Another variation of the Sit & Go is a game with fewer
players. Seeing as there are a smaller number of players to
begin with, it is usual that only the final two players have a
claim to a percentage of the pot, rather than the usual
three. You may like to have a go at this type of game when
you feel that you have more experience and are able to win
the standard Sit & Go's fairly frequently.
You will also see some games that only have two players
that are playing Heads-Up. This is something to have a go
at when you become a Hold 'em expert and have learnt the
different strategies involved in playing this type of game.
At the start of the game the blinds are low and there are a
high number of players in the game. At this point you need
to play an extremely tight game for two core reasons; a) So
that you do not waste chips playing looser hands
unnecessarily (remember, you are aiming to be playing in
the final three) and b) So that you get a reputation at the
table of being a tight player which will help you later on in
the game.
If you are holding any pair from 2-2 upwards to J-J in the
hole, then play the hand. Similarly, also play A-K and A-Q
If your pocket cards show any top pair, A-A, K-K or Q-Q
then you would be best to play a bit more on the aggressive
side and re-raise.
If you have anything else other than these hands do not
be tempted to play them. Fold them immediately.
During the game the blinds will continually raise and players
will get less and less as they are played off the table. This
also means that there are more chips for each remaining
player. You are now playing for one of the top three
positions. There is no prize for any position lower than that,
so you need to start playing a bit looser.
This stage will start when the amount that needs to be
paid for the blinds is around 1/15th of your chips. When the
Bubble bursts, (the term used for when there are only three
players remaining in the game), then your strategy needs to
change once again, but for this stage of the game you need
a different strategy.
You will be assisted by the fact that you have been
playing a strict tight game up until now, so your opponents
will expect you to keep playing in this way.
Once you are in the final three, you can be rest assured that
you are going home with a share of the prize fund. Now you
need to step up a gear and play an aggressive game in order
to play for a bigger slice of the pie.
Your main aim is to look to increase your slice by coming
first, or even second, but be satisfied in the knowledge that
you are already a winner. In effect you can't lose from now
on, you can only gain.
Play aggressive both before and after the flop and look to
move all-in when your chips are getting low (as a guide this
is usually around ten big blind payments). Don't just look to
'Hang on in there' and accept third position. You have
everything to gain, so move forward and become more
When you are in the final two players and playing Heads Up
then you need to push. Raising and re-raising will help here
and the bigger your stack the better. Look for patterns and
plan your strike to claim the top prize.
GAME HUB BONUS AT: www.casinogamehub.com/holdembook/fulltilt
9 Types of Hold 'em Games
here is more that one variation of a Texas Hold 'em
game that can be played, each of which has it's own
set of strategies. It is important to choose a game
that you are comfortable with and that suits your level of
experience. It's no good entering a multi-table tournament
with a large prize fund, if you just started playing Hold 'em
for the first time last week.
In this chapter we shall cover some of the differences in
play and strategy that you will come across when watching
or playing these games.
Most of the information in this book is based on the limit
game of Hold 'em. When you play a limit game, the betting
structure is limited so that players cannot get bullied by
other players that hold large chip stacks.
looser when playing late (position that is, not late at night!).
Finally, experiment with your strategy and have fun. You
are not going to lose large amounts in limit games, so you
have some leeway to practice and concentrate on building
your experience.
Spread Limit or Variable Limit games are when the betting
structure allows players to place bets within a predefined
range. This concept progresses nicely from the limit games.
With a betting structure of $4-$8, players can place bets
anywhere from $4 to $8. Whereas in the limit games this
would be interpreted as the lower and higher betting tiers, in
spread-limit games, there is no higher or lower tier and the
players need only bet within the specified range.
The only caveat is that if a player before you raises, then
if you intend to raise you will need to raise the amount of
the previous raise, or more.
If for example, Player 1 raises $6, then Player 2 would
need to raise a minimum of $6 if they intend to raise.
Another betting structure that you may come across in
the Spread Limit arena (although they could also sit quite
comfortably at home as an extension of the limit games), is
one that looks like this: $1-$4-$10-$10. This means that
you are able to bet from $1 to $4 before and on the flop and
from $1 to $10 on the turn and the river.
The no-limit games are commonly seen in poker
tournaments such as WSOP (World Series of Poker), the
WPT (World Poker Tour) and televised events and as the
name suggests there are No-limits in how much you can bet,
or raise.
As a player you need to play a more aggressive game
and it is often seen that players win the pot long before
getting anywhere near the showdown.
Limit games are not for the beginner as the stakes are
In a Pot-Limit game, players can bet any amount from the
minimum bet, up to the size of the pot.
Let's say for instance that we are playing a $2-$4 pot-
limit game and we are on the second betting round. There
are three players left in at this stage of the game.
The amount of money in the pot currently stands at $10
from the previous betting round and is known as the
Starting Pot.
Player 1 bets $4 increasing the pot to
$14. Pot-limit Betting
Player 2 states that they want to raise Starting Pot
the pot by stating “Raise Pot”, making $10
the new pot total $36. This is made up
of a starting pot of $10 + Player 1's bet Player 1
of $10 + Player 2's call of $4 + Player 2's bet: $4
pot raise of $18. new pot: $14
This makes a total of $36 in the new
pot. Before the raise amount can be Player 2
determined, the pot amount and both starting pot: $10
players bets are added together. This player 1 bet: $4
amount then becomes the interim pot player 2 call: $4
amount and therefore the raise amount current pot: $18
(see inset for example breakdown). player 2 raise: $18
Player 2's Pot Raise consists of their call new pot: $36
amount plus their raise.
Player 3 decides to call Player 2's pot Player 3
raise of $22, making the new pot amount starting pot: $10
$52. player 1 bet: $4
At this stage, if Player 1 wishes to player 2 pot raise: $36
call, then they will need to make up the player 3 call: $22
difference of $54 in order to equalise new pot: $58
their bet.
When entering into a multi-table tournament you are really
going in for the long-haul. These types of tournaments can
taken a lot of hours and sometimes days to get through, but
As the name suggests there are a number of tables that
are playing poker simultaneously. An increase in tables
means an increase of players and a five table tournament
can start with around 50 players.
When a player gets knocked out they are removed from
the game and all the players are then shuffled around and
re-distributed in order to ensure an equal number of players
per table, until there is only one table left – The Final Table.
There are regular breaks so you don't need to sit on the
loo when playing online!
The main part of your strategy is to play good solid poker,
especially during the early stages of the game. Remember,
that you are in this for the long-haul and your chips need to
last. Play a tight game with strong hands, minimise bluffing
and don't get coaxed into playing all-in.
Having said that, if you do pick up a cracking hand, then
turn up your aggression and play that hand strongly, but
don't overplay it and if it is not playing the way you had
hoped, don't be afraid to let the hand go.
Don't be tempted to raise too much before the flop, if you
have top pocket cards. Doing this may lead to other players
folding leading to a small pot. Play your hand in order to
make the best from it, build up the pot ready to take it all.
Keep a check on your position, as always, and don't play
weak hands in early position. Keep to the basics and play
them solid and it will reward you. Save your more advanced
tactics until the later rounds and the final table.
However, aggression can be used strategically if the
situation demands it, such as when you have a good hand in
early position and you want to push it. Don't be afraid of
raising early on and if the flop improves an already strong
hand, then play it to the end and pick up the pot.
Don't forget that as you progress through the game the
blinds will get bigger, so don't get caught out with a small
chip stack. The bigger you can get your chips to grow the
better your position will be in later rounds.
The same strategies that you used to play Sit & Go's will
be useful here, so use those and you won't go too wrong.
Above all enjoy yourself and don't get worried if you get
kicked out or your game takes a tumble. As long as you
haven't bet your house, kids and dog, it will all build on your
experience for the next tournament.
he human body is a marvellous and versatile piece of
biological engineering capable of performing the most
accurate and precise delicate movements similar to
that which a watchmaker or jeweller would need to make, to
lifting an outrageous amount of weight like a world class
power lifter.
As you will be aware, our brain controls our bodies and is
not only responsible for controlling each of the 640 or so
skeletal muscles that allow us to move around and perform
our daily activities, but also controls the operation and
function of each and every one of your organs, including
your heart.
The subject of tells is a large and complex subject. It is
impossible to cover body-language as it relates to poker, in-
depth in this book, but to give you a good grounding in what
tells are and how they work, we can give you some
guidelines in what to look for and hopefully exploit to your
As you will probably be able to realise, there are an
inexhaustible number of tells that can potentially be used
during the course of a poker game. There are though, some
more common ones that will get you started in identifying
what your opponents are really up to.
As well as tells that can be seen when playing face to
face, there are also tells that can be used to identify what
your opponent is doing when playing online, when you are
unable to actually physically watch your opponents during
the game.
More commonly seen with beginners and not really
avoidable, the nervousness and excitement of holding a big
hand increases adrenalin and increases heart rate. This
results in hands that tremble while handling chips or cards.
The only way around this automatic response is to get used
to these types of situations. The more you are exposed to
them, the steadier you will become.
If your opponent quickly glances at their chips on the flop, it
is a sure indication that they have just made a big hand. By
quickly glancing at their chips they are usually seeing
whether they have ample chips to bet.
If a player shows a disinterest in the hand that they are
playing, but remains to have an interest in the pot, then it is
highly likely that they have a strong hand and are trying to
detract from it.
In this instance, it is also likely that the head will be
turned more than the body and that their body will remain
square-on to the table, whilst their head will be looking
Aside from the unconscious tells, there are also tells that
players can play consciously. Here are some of the most
common ones.
strong one.
This is one of the most common ways that players try to
deceive. If they hold a poor hand they may play aggressive,
in order to get their opponents to fold. When they hold a
good hand, they may play as if they are doubtful that they
will win in order to get their opponents to raise, re-raise and
fill up the pot ready for the taking.
Other players will expect you to act in a similar way and
you may be tempted. But if you do exactly the opposite and
play a strong game when you have a strong hand and vice-
versa, then you will probably increase your chances in
winning the pot as your opponent may think that you are
playing strong with a weak hand.
Conversely, if your opponent starts being nice, chatty and
friendly towards you after they have bet, the chances are
that they are bluffing.
Every online poker room has a set number of seconds that
each player has to respond before they are declared either
all-in or folded. Although it is sometimes possible that a
player's actions will almost always be slow if they have a
88 | T ELLS
Online casinos have a Chat Box function that allows you to
chat with your opponents and just like in a physical casino, a
player who has got a lot to say for themselves creates an
obvious tell.
If a chatty player suddenly shuts-up, it is likely that that
are playing a strong hand and needs to concentrate. They
are concentrating on the game.
If your opponents betting starts to become antagonistic,
it may be because they are bluffing and hoping that their
show of over-confidence will end in them bluffing you off the
Watch the chat box for players who are steaming or on
tilt. A whining player or one who uses a lot of abusive
language is probably emotionally unable to play good poker
until he or she calms down. Don't get involved in their
issues and just concentrate on playing good poker and
winning their chips.
be and if they are not patient enough to wait on the big blind
to get around to them, it could be that they will not be very
patient about waiting on good starting hands. Expect a
player who acts in this way to be a loose player.
The opposite holds true for players who do wait on the
big blind and can be either patient or cheap. Both are pretty
good qualities to have if you are playing poker online.
Cheap players, even when they are not especially skilled will
tend to wait on better hands since they are less likely to
want to throw away their bets.
Once familiar with the basics, you can learn some advanced
stuff. There are entire books that have been written on tells
specifically for poker and these are well worth studying.
Additionally, keep an eye on your opponent when playing
face-to-face, and learn to recognise certain actions and
behaviours. A persons behaviour is always specific to them
and is triggered by certain things that they react to. Learn
to spot these signs early on in the game and you will be
T ELLS | 91
Sensory Awareness trains you to become extremely
sensitive to what happens in our subjects body that you can
see when observing them, when they react to certain
stimuli. By training yourself to see these usually invisible
unconscious reactions, you can ascertain what is going on in
the minds of the person to which you are observing.
For example, if somebody is attracted towards you, it is
likely that their skin colour will darken as their face flushes,
the size of their lips will increase and their pupils will dilate.
Similarly, if somebody holds a good hand in poker, they are
likely to produce a similar reaction.
We have already mentioned in the chapter on Tells, that
an increase in heart rate can be noticed by the increase in
92 | T ELLS
pulsating in the vein that runs up the side of the neck, just
below the ear. Again using this in poker allows you to see
whether your opponent is getting excited and therefore may
hold a good hand.
The way that our eyes move when we are talking to
somebody is not random. It is a sequence of patterns that
we use unconsciously in order to access information in our
Depending on the situation and questions that we ask of
another, we can get an idea for what they are thinking by
determining where they are accessing their information
Used in poker, we may be able to determine our
opponents thought processes as they relate to the hands
that they hold.
Note: Golden Palace does not accept players from North America
94 | T ELLS
11 Going Forward
o now that you have learnt to play Texas Hold 'em
both face-to-face with your friends and family and
online, where do you go from here and how do you
go about increasing your knowledge and success in poker?
Let's explore some of the ways in which you can learn to
play a better game, increase your chances of winning and
become a poker expert.
Friday night is finally here and you've had a rubbish week at
work, but the weekend has arrived. You stand up from
behind your desk, wish your work colleagues a 'Good
Weekend' and head home. After a shower and a change of
clothes, you head to the pizza shop to pick up a couple of
large ones with 'the lot' on the top, pick up some beers and
head round to Jimmy's. The last Friday of each month is
poker night and all of your friends will be there. First it's
drinks and a chat over pizza and then the real fun starts.
There's nothing better than getting together with a bunch
of friends and family to play poker at home. The times are
almost gone when the family sits around the table to play
Trivial Pursuit and more and more people are being drawn
into less social interests.
Jimmy has his own poker table and at the end of every
month his friends and family get together to play Poker,
catch up with each other and have a great time.
One of the best ways, in my opinion, is to play poker online.
The variety of games and the large scale of buy-in amounts
now makes it affordable for everyone. Most of the time it's
cheaper to stay at home and play poker all evening than it is
to go out for the night on the tiles.
For the beginner, playing poker online can be a daunting
concept, but it's an excellent place to cement your
understanding and increase both your skill and knowledge.
It is very straight forward and you don't even have to play,
as you can sit and watch others as they battle it out at the
table. You can even play for free using 'play money' that
you are given when you sign-up for your poker account.
As far as the first one goes, this book will give you the
basics. Once you understand these, set yourself up an
account with an online casino or poker room and play some
of the low-level Sit & Go tournaments, with the betting
structure as low as $0.015-$0.020 you can play literally for
pocket-change. There is no reason not too.
As your experience and skill increases, your online
account will get bigger and you can enter the higher-priced
You can then go to your friends next poker night and
clean up!
Part of the 888 group of online gaming solutions, Pacific
Poker offers a wide variety of games that will have you
playing non-stop.
With the ability to create private online tournaments to
Stunning 3D graphics and limitless character configuration
makes this the most advanced poker room on the internet.
Play at different locations, take control of your emotions and
spot your opponents tells using PKR's “Emote Control
Technology”. Play for free in daily Freerolls or maybe enter
yourself in a $100,000 tournament.
Wherever your mood takes you, PKR is definitely worth a
look and will satisfy not only absolute beginners, but even
the most poker-hungry professionals.
Go to Website: PKR
Not as crowded as some of the other more popular poker
rooms, littlewoods poker offers a surprisingly full
environment to play in while you build up your poker skills.
Hang out at the Poker Lounge where you can brush up on
your skills at the Poker School, watch Poker-related videos,
read the Blog, or learn how to shuffle with poker chips! You
will be pleasantly surprised.
By far one of the longest standing online casino's around,
the Golden Palace offers a wealth of casino and poker
games. Offering some of the highest sign-up bonuses on
the internet today and now with the introduction of their
own poker rooms, it is well worth checking out.
Note: Golden Palace does not accept players from North America.
Awarded the “Poker Operator of the Year” award by
eGaming, Party Poker is fast becoming on of the most
popular on-line poker rooms around.
With it's many tournaments and challenges there is
always a game going on. Why not become part of the Party
Poker world?
The art of bluffing could fill a book in itself and it is definitely
an art-form.
Bluffing in poker is a way of acting that makes your
opponent think one thing, when the opposite is usually true.
Bluffing comes into it's own more in no-limit games or
when some players have large chip stacks that you want to
get your hands on, or perhaps you want to try to get them
to fold. It's a risky game to play and it has it's place.
When you hold a poor hand but bet as if you have top
pair, then this is bluffing. Be careful that your bluff is not
called and make sure that your body language does not give
you away.
Learning how to bluff can increase your game and
sometimes get you out of a sticky situation. But use with
Odds come into play more when you have a drawing hand
and you need to know whether the pot odds are better than
the odds of making your hand.
In order to calculate the odds, you will need to determine
the number of outs you have in making your hand. Say, for
example, you hold A-K and the flop and the turn have
produced 2-5-7-9 and you are sure that your opponent holds
top pair. You have 6 outs in this situation; 3 for the
remaining three Aces and 3 for the remaining three Kings.
There are 6 cards that you can see, which leaves 46
cards unknown to you. Out of these 46 cards, 6 of them
(the outs) will give you a winning hand and the remaining 40
will not.
This gives you 40:6 odds on making your hand. This
breaks down further to around 6.6:1 (40 divided by 6).
12 Hold 'em Terminology
The term used when a player bets all of their chips on their hand when
playing no-limit hold 'em.
This is an additional forced bet to the blinds that comes into play at the later
stages of a tournament and is payable by all players. It is usually set to a
small percentage (¼ or slightly less) of the small blind.
Forced bets that are paid every hand to ensure that there is money in the pot
to win. In tournaments the blinds rise steadily throughout the game thereby
promoting game play, as large blind amounts lost, can contribute to a large
portion of a players chips. There are two blind payments, the small blind and
the big blind. The small blind is paid by the player to the immediate left of
the dealer and the big blind is paid by the person immediately to the left of
the small blind. The amount to be paid when paying a blind, is determined by
the game limits set by the table stakes.
Playing as if you have a good hand by betting and raising, when in actuality
the player possible has the worst hand at the table. This is done in an
attempt to get other players to fold.
Another name for all, or some, of the community cards.
The name given to the last person in a tournament to be knocked out and not
have a claim on the prize money.
A physical marker that is placed on the table in front of a player to mark them
as the effective dealer. The button moves one position left in a clockwise
direction each hand. The two players positioned to the left of this marker are
responsible for paying the small and big blinds.
The amount that is required to be paid for a place in a tournament. Normally,
the buy-in amount for each player collectively becomes the prize pool.
The action of matching a previous players bet.
The action by which you withhold from placing a bet. This is only possible
when there is no previous bet on the table and is no longer and available
option once a bet has been placed, after which the only remaining options are
call, raise or fold.
The five cards that are dealt face-up on the table and are available to all
players. These cards are made up of the flop, the turn and the river.
Another name used to identify the last community card to be dealt. Also
known as the river.
The first three community cards that are available to the players, which are
dealt after completion of the first betting round.
The term given to a poker hand where all five cards are of the same suit.
There are two other types of flush, the straight flush and the royal flush. A
straight flush is where all the cards are of the same suit and run in sequence
and a royal flush is where all the cards are of the same suit, run in sequence
and contain the and ace, the three court cards and a 9 and 10.
The action of forfeiting your cards stating that you do not wish to play your
hand or have any claim in the pot. A player would return their cards face-
down to the dealer. Also known as pass or mucking in.
Another name used to identify the fourth community card to be dealt. Also
known as the turn.
A poker hand that consists of three cards of the same value, together with a
Used to refer to the number of players in a game of poker. A ten-handed
game will consist of ten players, whereas a six-handed game consists only of
six players.
A term used when there are only two players left in the game, playing one-
The two cards that are initially dealt to each player at the start of each hand.
Also known as pocket cards.
The card that is responsible for breaking a tie at the showdown. If the
remaining players both hold the same hand, such as J-J, then the player with
the highest unmatched card becomes the winner. If player1 held J-J-5 and
player2 held J-J-6, then player2 would win as their 6 kicker beats player1's 5.
Another term used to describe the action of forfeiting your cards stating that
you do not wish to play your hand or have any claim in the pot. A player
would return their cards face-down to the dealer. Also known as pass or fold.
A tournament where there are too many players to sit around one table and
so are split between several. As players get knocked out of the game, the
remaining players are shuffled around to evenly distribute players at each
table. When enough players are knocked out that the remaining players can
play at one table, this is usually referred to as the final table.
A game of Texas Hold 'em poker where there are no limits to the bet or raise
that can be placed.
When a player reacts emotionally to an event at the poker table and their play
deteriorates due to this.
The number of cards that are potentially remaining in the deck that will allow
a player to make a winning poker hand.
The two cards that are initially dealt to each player at the start of each hand.
Also known as hole cards.
Used when a player receives a matching pair in their two pocket cards dealt
by the dealer.
The term used when a player holds two ace's as their pocket cards.
The total number of chips available to all players to win in any given hand.
The pot consists of the blinds, ante's and all bets placed by the players during
the hand.
Refers to a betting structure whereby players are able to bet up to the
amount held in the pot.
Increasing the bet by betting more than was bet by the previous player. A
raise has to be at least double of the initial bet.
The act of raising a previously raised bet – raising the raise.
The last community card to be dealt. Also known as fifth street.
A flush where all the cards are of the same suit, run in sequence and contain
an ace, the three court cards and a 9 and 10. This is the highest hand in
A three of a kind that is made up of two of the players hole cards and one of
the community cards.
Takes place after the final betting round. All player show their hand and
determine who holds the best hand and wins the pot.
When a player goes all-in and there are players left who still have chips, this
is another pot is created for the remaining players. The player who went all-
in does not have any claim on the side pot. There can be more than one side
pot in each hand.
Otherwise known as a Sit & Go, the single-table tournament is where only one
table is used and typically six to ten players and is similar to playing the final
table in a multi-table tournament.
Also known as a single-table tournament. See single-table tournaments
The 6th highest ranking poker hand where all five cards are in sequence but
not necessarily of the same suit.
The four types of symbol shown on a playing card. There are four suits to a
deck of cards; heart, diamonds, clubs and spades.
Trips, or Triplets, are when a player holds three cards of the same value. Also
known as three of a kind.
The fourth community card to be dealt. Also known as fourth street.
When a player places a bet when they think that they hold the best hand in
an attempt to take more chips from their opponent.