Polyurethane Grouting Technologies: Jan Bodi, Zoltan Bodi, Jiri Scucka and Petr Martinec
Polyurethane Grouting Technologies: Jan Bodi, Zoltan Bodi, Jiri Scucka and Petr Martinec
Polyurethane Grouting Technologies: Jan Bodi, Zoltan Bodi, Jiri Scucka and Petr Martinec
1. Introduction
Grouting with polyurethane [PU] resins represents an effective method of improvement of
mechanical and sealing properties of soil and rock environment and constructions. The
principle of grouting technologies is injection of liquid grouting material into the rock
environment or construction under pressure. During the grouting process, fissures and
pores are filled with the grouting material, which subsequently hardens and connects the
disintegrated parts of the rock mass or grains of loose material. Polyurethane grouting
technologies started to be used in the 80s of the 20th century in the mining industry. In the
last recent years, PU grouting technologies spread significantly from the mining
applications to civil engineering and geotechnics. The application possibilities have a rising
tendency and new possibilities occur. Currently, grouting technologies are used mainly in
the following fields:
308 Polyurethane
micropiling of foundations
stabilization of landslides
Civil engineering
sealing of joints
grouting technologies. The findings are based also on development of PU grouting systems
Geopur, Geocream and Supermin from the production of company GME, s.r.o.
react with moisture present in the environment or construction and form an organic resin
(material is on the basis of prepolymer MDI)
310 Polyurethane
Volume weight, 20
C [kg/m3]
Viscosity, 20 C
Foaming factor*
1 - 1,2
1,5 - 2
1000 20
600 20
360 20
290 20
Temperature of the
curing reaction max
do 132
do 132
do 132
do 132
Beginning of foaming
at 20 C [sec]
120 2
120 2
120 2
120 2
Geopur 082/180
Geopur 082/90
Geopur 230
Geopur 240
Viscosity, 20 C
Volume weight, 20
C [kg/m3]
Foaming factor
9 - 11
10 - 15
a 40
180 20
90 20
90 30
35 3
Temperature of the
curing reaction max
do 132
do 132
do 140
do 132
Beginning of foaming
at 20 C [sec]
120 2
120 2
120 12
120 3
Table 1. Technical data of the grouting system Geopur produced by the company GME
3. Grouting equipment
Injection of grouting material into the rock massive is performed by grouting pumps.
Usually piston type pumps with electric or pneumatic drive are used. There are one
component and two component pumps available. An example of a grouting pump is
presented on Fig. 1 below.
Grouting elements are used during the injection of the grouting material into the rock mass.
These are technically designed to transfer the pressure of the grouting material, preventing
back flow of the material out from the borehole. They are usually equipped with a back
valve. According to the method of fastening in the borehole, we distinguish mechanically
fastened once, hydraulically, drilled, pushed in, vibrated or glued. They are called grouting
packers, grouting anchors or bolts, grouting tubes and etc.
4. Grouting technology
Mixing of the PU mixture is made in mixing chamber, which is located behind the pump.
This is located as close as possible to the borehole. Grouting pump sucks both components
of the grouting resin from separate tanks or the components flow in gravitationally. The
pump takes the components in appropriate ratio and delivers them separately to the mixing
chamber. In the mixing chamber, components are mixed and subsequently injected through
the packer into the rock mass. The resin penetrates under the pressure into surrounding
fissures and cavities up to the distance of a few meters from the borehole. As a result sealing
and strengthening of the rock mass or construction is achieved. After finishing of the
grouting, it is necessary to flush the pump, hoses and accessories and clean the equipment.
In case of longer regular use, it is possible to leave the components in the pump and hoses.
The work team is usually formed by a couple of trained workers. Parameters of the grouting
works are recorded during the work like e.g. location of boreholes, grouted quantities,
grouting pressure and temperature.
Injection of material into the rock environment proceeds:
312 Polyurethane
Grouting without reshaping of the rock mass may be of penetration or filling character.
Penetration grouting works are performed in sandy soil or in constructions. Filling grouting
is used in fissured rock and coarse grained soil like sand or gravel.
Water intake Flexural
after 28days strength
[vol. %]
9 - 11
1,5 - 2
1 - 1,2
Table 2. Physical and mechanical parameters of the grouting system Geopur produced by the
company GME
In case of grouting with reshaping of the rock environment a so called claquage occurs,
which is in principle hydraulic fracturing of the rock well known from the oil and gas
exploitation. Due to the high hydraulic pressure of the grouting media in the soil a spatial
net of fissures is formed, which are subsequently filled with the grouting media. The length
and width of fissures depends on the pressure of grouted resin, velocity of penetration and
quantity of the grouting resin. Compacting grouting belongs among the grouting methods
considered as reshaping the rock mass as well.
Volume weight of the grouting material increases from the front of the grouted structure
towards the packer. In case of the PUR resins, when the pump is stopped, so called
autogrouting continues, which is induced by the reaction of the material and formed CO2,
which induces pressure of 0,1 to 0,3 MPa. In case the grouting process stops before full
saturation of the environment by the grouting media, the saturation continues due to the
pressure formed by CO2 until finishing of the chemical reaction. In case, that the fissure had
been already filled, the pressure is higher than the pressure of CO2 and bubbles are not
formed - CO2 remains dissolved in the grouting media and has minimal volume. The texture
of the material is in this case compact. Formation of the bubble structure depends therefore
on the pressure under which the mixture cures. Usually porous structures are formed with
closed or partly closed pores during the grouting.
314 Polyurethane
honeycomb texture I. - rock particle is surrounded by the binder and this has good
adhesion to the rock surface (Fig. 2),
According to ordering of building units
linear parallel
aerial linear parallel
aerial parallel (bedded)
bed type
desk type
According to rock grain size
(fine, medium, coarse)
(fine, medium, coarse)
stone type
boulder type
According to quantity of
contact type
coating type
According to relative
grain size
evenly grained
unevenly grained
According to angularity of
clastic particles
angular psamitic
sub angular psamitic
sub oval psamitic
oval psamitic
perfectly oval psamitic
According to distribution
and morphology of
According to size of pores in
bubble pores in the
rock or binder
316 Polyurethane
Figure 2. Honeycomb texture I. (PUR is surrounding the rock particle and sticks well to the rock surface).
honeycomb texture II. - rock particle is surrounded by the binder, but the binder sticks
only partly to the rock surface (Fig. 3),
honeycomb texture III. - rock particle is surrounded by the binder, but the binder does
not stick to the rock surface and is separated from the rock by a gap; free particle may
be taken out from the tissue of the plastic binder (Fig. 4),
doughy texture - the binder looks like pastry pushed into the gaps between the grains
of the aggregate, it does not fill fully the gaps between the grains and does not stick
completely to the grains (Fig. 5),
Figure 3. Honeycomb texture II. (PUR is surrounding the rock particles, but sticks only partly to their
Figure 4. Honeycomb texture III. (free rock particle can be taken out of the PUR-binder tissue").
Figure 5. Doughy texture - OMR-binder has a character of dough pushed into gaps between the
conglomerate grains, it does not fill fully the voids and does not stick fully to the grains.
stringer texture - a net of fissures (usually in all directions), not formed due to the
grouting, spreads through the rock (masonry) and is filled with the binder (Fig. 6),
claquage texture - a net of fissures, which was formed due to the grouting, spreads
through the rock (masonry) and is filled by the binder (Fig. 7),
diffusive texture - the rock is penetrated by the binder "in diffusive way" in pores (Fig. 8),
barrier texture - binder fills only the interconnected cavities and gaps between the grains,
it does not penetrate through the barriers formed by the present fine-grained soil (Fig. 9).
Figure 6. Stringer texture - a net of fissures (usually in all directions), not formed due to the grouting,
spreads through the rock (masonry) and is filled with the binder.
Figure 7. Claquage texture fine-grained soil fractured hydraulically with claquage fissure, which is
filled with PUR-binder.
318 Polyurethane
Figure 8. Diffusive porous zonal texture of geocomposite (crushed brick + PUR). A border formed by
penetration of the binder into the pores of the brick fragments is visible on the bigger grain edges.
Smaller brick fragments are fully penetrated by the binder.
Figure 9. Barrier texture the binder fills the interconnected cavities between the grains, it does not
penetrate through the barriers formed by the basic mass.
basal structure rock particles are distributed in the abundant binder, particles are
porous structure binding material fills the pores and voids in between the grains,
grains are in contact with each other,
contact structure binding material is present only in places of grain contact,
coating structure small amount of binder creates coating around the clastic grains.
type PUR 1 binder is compact, vitreous, bubble pores occur only sporadically or are
not present at all (Fig. 10a),
type PUR 2 isolated spherical or ellipsoidal bubble pores of similar size are suspended
within the vitreous binder, bubbles have smooth walls, no collapsed walls occur (Fig.
type PUR 3 partly collapsed bubble pores are suspended within isles of vitreous
compact binder, bubbles are in contact, walls are of peel or shell character (Fig. 10c),
type PUR 4 collapsed bubble pores with thin walls are in contact with each other and
deform themselves, walls are of peel to honeycomb character. Vitreous compact binder
is missing or is sporadic (Fig. 10d).
In case of organic-mineral resins, out of which mainly non foaming types are used in the
geotechnics, the structure of the hardened resin has different character. The character
strongly depends on the intensity and time of mixing of the input components. In case of
good mixing, isolated or touching, regular spherical, white drops of polysilicious acid gel
are densely distributed within the plastic mass. Irregularly distributed spherical or less
regular pores of various sizes are also present in the structure (type OMR 1, Fig. 11a). In
case of insufficient mixing time and intensity, an inhomogeneous mass is formed containing
mineral part, which is irregularly distributed within the plastic mass (type OMR 2, Fig. 11b).
Figure 10. Basic types of plastic binder structure with pores in PUR-geocomposites: (a) type PUR 1, (b)
type PUR 2, c) type PUR 3, d) type PUR 4.
320 Polyurethane
Figure 11. Basic types of plastic binder structure in OMR-geocomposites: (a) type OMR 1, (b) type
OMR 2.
by pouring and free foaming the simplest method, PUR-mixture is hand mixed with
grouted material (sand, gravel, rock debris and others) and is poured into forms of
required shape, in which it freely foams. Final shape of the testing specimen is adjusted
by cutting off of overfoamed part of the sample (over the volume of the form) (Fig. 12a).
by grouting into pressure tank testing samples of required dimensions and shape are
drilled or cut from the formed geocomposite (Fig. 12b,d).
by in situ test grouting PU mixture is grouted into the rock environment in situ, testing
samples of required dimensions and shape are drilled or cut from the formed
geocomposite, which is excavated after the test grouting (Fig. 12e).
from real geotechnical projects during performance of grouting works in practice, test
grouting is undertaken with subsequent sample collection of the grouted rock mass or
construction, in some cases also control samples are collected in order to judge the
quality and effectiveness of the performed works (Fig. 12c).
The choice of shape and size of the testing specimens is determined by the properties of
particular geocomposite type. It depends mainly on the dimensions, shape and textural
homogeneity of available geocomposite and also on the possibilities of cutting and
machining with cutting or drilling tools. A high-speed abrasive water jet can be well used
for cutting of large geocomposite samples (Hlavacek et al., 2009). For shaping of test
samples, laboratory drilling machine with diamond bit and diamond saw are used.
mechanics and building material mechanics, are applied for the testing (e.g. ISRM
Commision , 1978), and these are adjusted to specific properties of the geocomposites.
Figure 12. Testing specimens of geocomposites prepared by various methods: a) hand mixed mixture
of sand + PUR poured into cylinder form with subsequent adjustment of frontal surfaces, b) sand
grouted with PUR in pressure tank cut out specimen of a prism shape of 50mm50mm100mm
dimensions after uniaxial compressive strength test, c) cylinder shape specimen made from control core
drilling, originating from grouted concrete foundation of high voltage pole, d) cube-shaped specimen
coal parts grouted with PU in pressure tank, e) beam type specimen of 40mm40mm160mm
dimensions during flexural strength test (specimen made of real sample of sand grouted with PUR)
322 Polyurethane
was dug out for laboratory testing purposes (Fig. 13a). Cross cutting of the geocomposite
body showed macroscopically visible zonal heterogeneity of the material (Fig. 13b).
Using the methods of image analysis, it was found out, that the degree of foaming of
PUR binder increases with the increasing distance from the grouting tube, and that the
volume ratio of PUR binder in the geocomposite ranges from 40 to 45% in the various
parts of the geocomposite body. Various consistencies of the binder and variable portion
of coarse grained breccia grains were identified in the body of the geocomposite. Due to
this heterogeneity, the compressive strength values tested on cube-shaped specimens cut
from the geocomposite material ranged in relatively wide interval from 5 to 30 MPa
(average 12 MPa) and the deformation modulus ranged in interval from 100 to 2000 MPa
(average 700 MPa).
Figure 13. Monolithic geocomposite body formed by GEOPUR grouting into saturated sand and shale
sandy breccia (a) and a cross through the geocomposite zonal heterogeneity of the material is visible
Figure 14. Sample of model geocomposite (PUR+basalt aggregate) prepared in laboratory by grouting
into pressure tank.
Figure 15. Different types of textures of laboratory prepared model geocomposite formed due to
different moisture level of the grouted material (PUR+basalt aggregate): a) dry aggregate, b) saturated
324 Polyurethane
The ratio of rock grains to the PU binder, distribution of grains, grain size and the
possibility of formation of porous foamed material have significant influence to the
values of parameters of physical-mechanical properties of the geocomposite. These
factors are always very variable at in situ conditions and depend on the bedding
conditions of the rock (local porosity, structure, permeability, moisture and etc.). It is
therefore necessary to take into consideration during the laboratory testing mainly the
parameters of samples of lower volume weight.
Samples of lower volume weight contain greater portion of foamed plastic binder. This
results in decrease of velocity of longitudinal ultrasound waves spreading through the
material and decrease of deformation modulus (higher plasticity).
Greater portion of rock grains (higher volume weight) positively influences the strength
of the geocomposite. Compressive and tensile strengths increase with increasing
volume weight.
Geocomposite deforms within the elastic phase mainly in longitudinal direction,
transverse deformations are small. This is indicated also by small values of Poisson's
ratio. It is caused probably by high porosity of the binder, which is predominantly
elastically deformed in the direction of loading force. High values of tensile strength are
probably also result of this.
stabilization of the fill material behind the current wall by grouting technology from
static and safety reasons in order to enable performance of the follow up reconstruction
anchoring of steel concrete pole prefabricates of the newly built retaining wall.
Technology of pressure grouting was used in order to stabilize soil and fill potential cavities
behind the retaining wall. Double component PU resin Geopur 082/90 was used as a
grouting medium. Grouting works were performed through drilled or hammered in
perforated steel grouting tubes of 16/22 mm diameter. Drillings were drilled approximately
perpendicularly to the wall, to the depth of 2 to 3 m in a periodic grid. In total, an area of the
wall of approx. 1500 m2 was stabilized, total of approx. 10 000 m of grouting rods were
drilled, and a total of approx. 46900 kg of Geopur grouting resin was consumed.
326 Polyurethane
Drilling of the anchors was made in places of openings of the anchored concrete poles (Figs
17, 19). Self drilling R type rock bolts were used. The length of the anchors was 8 to 10 m,
according to the particular geological conditions at the place of the installed anchor (always
to reach at least 2 m of stiff rock environment). After drilling in of the anchor rods, pressure
grouting was performed through the installed anchor (AR32N) using two component PU
resin Geopur 082/600. The length of the grouted anchor root was approx. 3 to 6 m and
approx. 50-60 kg of grouting resin was applied into each anchor.
In total 276 anchors were installed of total length of 1896 m. The consumption of grouting
resins Geopur reached approx. 13 200 kg.
Grouting works were launched at 7.00 AM. After preparation of the technical equipment,
grouting tubes were pushed in. Pushing in of the 1st tube was followed by immediate start
of the grouting works. In total, 9 grouting tubes were made. Grouting was done stepwise.
Complete stopping of water seepages was reached at 5 PM. In total, 600 kg of Geopur
082/350 PU resin material was used.
Figure 21. Grouting material in the surrounding of the water-gate (photo from the control excavation
after 10 years)
After 10 years (in February 2011) the river basin authority decided to check the lifetime of
the grouting material and its sealing function. An excavation was made down to the
concrete construction of the dam. Grouting material was observed on the contact with the
concrete structure and in the surrounding (Fig. 21). The material looked undamaged and
fulfilled the sealing purpose. It was solid and dry. The efficiency of the performed PU
pressure grouting was proved.
328 Polyurethane
Geopur was used. Grouting was performed in total of 275 boreholes. The efficiency of the
grouting works was proved by monitoring of the groundwater table level.
330 Polyurethane
The proposed technology was based on grouting of overlaying rocks ahead of the workingface by PU grouting system Geopur to the distance of 3 m. In the given geological
conditions the technology proved to be a safe and economic solution. The use of PU
grouting resin system Geopur enabled to perform the whole cycle of grouting works in 4
hours. Proposed technology did not require equipment of great size. Borings for grouting
were drilled using a light hand drilling equipment; grouting works were performed using
transportable pumps. 9-12 grouting tubes were used per one section (3 m), in accordance
with local geological conditions. Distance between the grouting tubes was 0,3 m at the face
and 0,4 m at the sides of the tunnel. Minimal compressive strength of the formed geocomposite reached in the upper part of the profile 4-6 MPa and 2-4 MPa on the sides. The
strength of the rock was reached in 20 min after grouting works.
7.6. Repair of cracks in the concrete of highway bridge (Belotin, Czech Republic)
During the construction of the highway near Belotin, bridge beams were damaged probably
due to the frosty weather. Cracks of up to 11 m length formed at the construction. It was
necessary to reconnect the cracks using a reinforced grouting technology.
Boreholes of 14 mm diameter were drilled into the concrete beam along the cracks,
diagonally across the crack. Steel bars of 10 mm diameter were inserted into the drillings
and subsequently the drillings were grouted with Geopur PU resin (Figs 27,28)
332 Polyurethane
with axis pressure of 7,9 tons. Despite everyday maintenance, signs of damage occurred and
repair works were launched.
A new method of repair of the concrete sleepers was proposed based on anchoring and use
of PU resin. The performance of the works concurrently led also to stopping of water
inflows from the subsoil of the railway. Concrete sleepers were stabilized and anchored
without the necessity to replace them (Figs 31,32).
Grouting works were performed between 2005 and 2006, mainly during night time and
without necessity of putting the metro out of operation. Total of 2842 anchors were made of
the following parameters: length of the anchor 500 mm, diameter of the anchor 18 mm,
diameter of borehole 25 mm, grouting material Supermin with reaction start of 2 minutes.
Further, total of 2430 grouting boreholes were drilled of the following parameters: borehole
diameter 14 mm, length up to 1 m, length of inserted steel bars up to 600 mm, diameter of
the bars 8 mm, grouting material Geopur 082/1000 with reaction time 2 minutes.
In addition, water infiltration from below of the railway was stopped in a total length of 58
m of the metro tunnel using material Geopur 082/350.
334 Polyurethane
Applied methods proved to be very effective and did not disturb the regular operation of
the metro line.
8. Conclusion
PU grouting is performed in order to achieve improvement of physical and mechanical
properties of the rock, soil, or building material in the construction. It requires experience
and complex knowledge from various fields like geology, hydrogeology, structural geology,
rock and soil mechanics, geotechnics, mining, underground constructions, construction of
foundations, structural stability, defects of constructions and their repair, chemistry of the
grouting material, grouting technique (pumps, packers) and etc. Grouting technologies
represent an effective technology of solving of various kinds of problems in mining,
building industry and geotechnics practice.
Author details
Jan Bodi and Zoltan Bodi
GME, s.r.o., Ostrava, Czech Republic
Jiri Scucka and Petr Martinec
Institute of Geonics AS CR, Institute of Clean Technologies for Mining and Utilization of Raw
Materials for Energy Use, Ostrava, Czech Republic
This work presents also information and data gathered during a Research project Vzkum
a vvoj novch chemickch injektnch materil pro zlepen vlastnost hornin, zemin a
stavebnch konstrukc v inenrskm stavitelstv a stavebnictv 2005-2007 Research and
development of new chemical grouting systems for improvement of rock, soil and
constructions at civil engineering and building industry, solved by the companies SG
Geotechnika, a.s., Prague and GME Consult, Ostrava. The project was supported by the
Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Czech Republic under the programme Impuls no.
In addition this work contains also data gathered within the project of The Institute of clean
technologies for mining and utilization of raw materials for energy use, reg. no.
CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0082 supported by Research and Development for Innovations
Operational Programme financed by Structural Founds of Europe Union and from the
means of state budget of the Czech Republic.
9. References
Aldorf, J., Vymazal, J. (1996) Contribution to study of stress and strain properties of sand
reinforced using grouts on the basis of PU and acrylate resins. Proceedings of conference
336 Polyurethane
Scucka, J., Soucek, K. (2007). Architecture and Properties of Geocomposite Materials with
Polyurethane Binders, Institute of Geonics of ASCR, ISBN 978-80-86407-15-9, Ostrava (in
Trade mark GEOPUR, no. 148 179, 1999 Czech Republic, Arrangement et Protocole de Madrid
no. 864 266 EU, GEOPUR, no. M0002030 , 2000 Hungary