AEG0014E ARM Corporate Glossary

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ARM Glossary

Copyright 2010-2012 ARM. All rights reserved.

AEG0014E (ID051812)

ARM Glossary
Copyright 2010-2012 ARM. All rights reserved.
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Change history




26 March 2010


New document.

27 September 2010


Second revision. Updated with new terms for the ARM architectures.

27 January 2011


Third revision. Updated with new terms for DS-5.

24 August 2011


Fourth revision. Updated by enhancements and closed defects.

17 May 2012


Fifth revision. Updated by enhancements and closed defects.

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ARM Glossary

Chapter 1

Using the ARM Glossary


Appendix A



Copyright 2010-2012 ARM. All rights reserved.



Chapter 1
Using the ARM Glossary

This glossary is a collection of ARM-specific terminology from individual product

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This glossary describes some of the technical terms used in ARM documentation.

See Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture (AAPCS).


The ARMv8 32-bit execution state, that uses 32-bit general purpose registers, and a 32-bit
program counter (PC), stack pointer (SP), and link register (LR). AArch32 execution state
provides a choice of two instruction sets, A32 and T32.
Operation in AArch32 state is compatible with ARMv7-A operation.
See also AArch64, A32, T32.


The ARMv8 64-bit execution state, that uses 64-bit general purpose registers, and a 64-bit
program counter (PC), stack pointer (SP), and exception link registers (ELR). AArch64
execution state provides a single instruction set, A64.
See also AArch32, A64.


The instruction set used by an ARMv8 processor that is in AArch32 execution state. A32 is a
fixed-width instruction set that uses 32-bit instruction encoding. It is compatible with the
ARMv7 ARM instruction set.
See also AArch32, T32.


The instruction set used by an ARMv8 processor that is in AArch64 execution state. A64 is a
fixed-width instruction set that uses 32-bit instruction encoding.
See also AArch64, A32, T32.



See Application Binary Interface for the ARM Architecture (ABI).

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Aborts occur when an illegal memory access causes an exception. The external memory system,
or the hardware that manages the memory, can generate an abort. The hardware that generates
the abort might be a Memory Management Unit (MMU) or a Memory Protection Unit (MPU).
See also External Abort, Data Abort and Prefetch Abort.

Abort model

Describes what happens to the processor state when a Data abort exception occurs. Different
abort models behave differently with regard to load and store instructions that specify base
register writeback.

Adaptive clocking

A technique where the debug interface hardware sends out a clock signal and then waits for the
returned clock before generating the next clock pulse. This technique enables the run control
unit in the debug hardware to adapt to differing signal drive capabilities and differing cable

Addressing mode

A method of generating the memory address that a load or store instruction uses.
The addressing modes mechanism can generate values for data-processing instructions to use as

Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI)

An AMBA bus protocol that supports:

separate phases for address or control and data

unaligned data transfers using byte strobes

burst-based transactions with only start address issued

separate read and write data channels

issuing multiple outstanding addresses

out-of-order transaction completion

addition of register stages to provide timing closure.

The AXI protocol includes optional signaling extensions for low-power operation.
See also AXI Coherency Extensions (ACE).
Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB)

An AMBA bus protocol supporting pipelined operation, with the address and data phases
occurring during different clock periods. This means the address phase of a transfer can occur
during the data phase of the previous transfer. AHB provides a subset of the functionality of the
AMBA AXI protocol.
See also Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) and AHB-Lite.
Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA)

The AMBA family of protocol specifications is the ARM open standard for on-chip buses.
AMBA provides solutions for the interconnection and management of the functional blocks that
make up a System-on-Chip (SoC). Applications include the development of embedded systems
with one or more processors or signal processors and multiple peripherals.
Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB)

An AMBA bus protocol for ancillary or general-purpose peripherals such as timers, interrupt
controllers, UARTs, and I/O ports. It connects to the main system bus through a
system-to-peripheral bus bridge that helps reduce system power consumption.
Advanced SIMD


An extension to the ARM architecture that provides Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
operations on a bank of extension registers. If a floating-point extension is also implemented,
the two extensions share a common extension register bank. The Advanced SIMD extension
implements NEON technology, and is sometimes called NEON.

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Advanced Trace Bus (ATB)

A bus used by trace devices to share CoreSight capture resources.


See ARM Embedded Linux (AEL).


See Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB).

AHB Access Port (AHB-AP)

An optional component of the DAP that provides an AHB interface to a SoC.

CoreSight supports access to a system bus infrastructure using the AHB Access Port (AHB-AP)
in the Debug Access Port (DAP). The AHB-AP provides an AHB master port for direct access
to system memory. Other bus protocols can use AHB bridges to map transactions. For example,
you can use AHB to AXI bridges to provide AHB access to an AXI bus matrix.
See also Debug Access Port (DAP).
AHB Trace Macrocell (HTM)

A trace source that makes bus information visible. This information cannot be inferred from the
processor using just a trace macrocell. HTM trace can provide:

An understanding of multi-layer bus utilization.

Software debug. For example, visibility of access to memory areas and data accesses.

Bus event detection for trace trigger or filters, and for bus profiling.
See also Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB).

See AHB Access Port (AHB-AP).


A subset of the full AMBA AHB protocol specification. It provides all of the basic functions
required by the majority of AMBA AHB slave and master designs, particularly when used with
a multi-layer AMBA interconnect.


A data item stored at an address that is divisible by the number of bytes that defines its data size
is said to be aligned. Aligned doublewords, words, and halfwords have addresses that are
divisible by eight, four, and two respectively. An aligned access is one where the address of the
access is aligned to the size of each element of the access.


See Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA).


See Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB).

APB Access Port (APB-AP)

An optional component of the Debug Access Point (DAP) that provides an APB interface to a
SoC, usually to its main functional buses.

See APB Access Port (APB-AP).

Application Binary Interface for the ARM Architecture (ABI)

A collection of specifications, some open and some specific to the ARM architecture, that
regulate the inter-operation of binary code in a range of execution environments for ARM
processors. The base standard specifies those aspects of code generation that must conform to a
standard that supports inter-operation. It is aimed at authors and vendors of C and C++
compilers, linkers, and runtime libraries.
ARM Compiler for DS-5

ARM Compiler for DS-5 is a suite of tools, together with supporting documentation and
examples, that you can use to write and build applications for the ARM family of processors.
ARM Compiler for DS-5 supersedes RealView Compilation Tools.
See also armar, armasm, armcc, fromelf.


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ARM Embedded Linux (AEL)

A version of embedded Linux OS ported to the ARM architecture.

ARM instruction

A word that specifies an operation for a processor in ARM state. ARM instructions must be

ARM profiler

A plug-in to the ARM Workbench Integrated Development Environment that provides

non-intrusive analysis of embedded software over time, on targets running at frequencies which
are typically as high as 250MHz. Targets can be Real-Time System Models (RTSMs) and
hardware targets.
See also RealView Development Suite (RVDS).

ARM state

In ARM state the processor executes the ARM instruction set.

See also ARM instruction.

ARM TrustZone technology

The hardware and software that enable the integration of enhanced security features throughout
a SoC. On an ARM processor, the Security Extensions implement the TrustZone hardware.
See also TrustZone Software.
ARM Workbench IDE (AWIDE)

ARM Workbench IDE is based around the Eclipse IDE, and provides additional features to
support the ARM development tools provided in RVDS.
See also RealView Development Suite (RVDS).

The ARM librarian which enables you to create libraries of files, such as object files.
See also Development Studio 5 (DS-5) and RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT).


The ARM assembler. This converts ARM assembly language into machine code.
See also Development Studio 5 (DS-5) and RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT).


The ARM compiler for C and C++ code.

See also Development Studio 5 (DS-5) and RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT).


Describes actions that appear to happen as a single operation. In the ARM architecture,
atomicity refers to either single-copy atomicity or multi-copy atomicity. The ARM Architecture
Reference Manual defines these forms of atomicity.


A power routing scheme, also referred to as Over The Cell.

See also Over The Cell (OTC).


See Advanced Trace Bus (ATB).

ATB bridge

A synchronous ATB bridge provides a register slice that helps timing closure by adding a
pipeline stage. It also provides a unidirectional link between two synchronous ATB domains.
An asynchronous ATB bridge provides a unidirectional link between two ATB domains with
asynchronous clocks. It supports connection of components with ATB ports in different clock
See also Advanced Trace Bus (ATB).



See Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG).

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Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG)

The process of using a specialized software tool to automatically generate manufacturing test
vectors for an ASIC design.

See ARM Workbench IDE (AWIDE).


See Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI).

AXI Coherency Extensions (ACE)

The AXI Coherency Extensions (ACE) provide additional channels and signaling to an AXI
interface to support system level cache coherency.

The process of applying timing characteristics from the implementation process onto a model.

Banked registers

A register that has multiple instances. A property of the state of the device determines which
instance is in use. For example the processor mode or security state might determine which
instance is in use.

Base Platform Application Binary Interface (BPABI)

The base standard for the interface between executable files, such as dynamic shared objects and
DLLs, and the systems that execute them.
Base porting layer

A platform-dependent base driver software component that communicates with the Mali GPU.
For example, the base porting layer controls the Mali GPU registers. You implement, or port,
the base porting layer onto different target platforms.

Base register

A register specified by a load or store instruction that is used as the base value for the address
calculation for the instruction. Depending on the instruction, an offset can be added to or
subtracted from the base register value to form the virtual address that is sent to memory.

Base register writeback

Writing back a modified value to the base register used in an address calculation.
Base Standard Application Binary Interface (BSABI)

See Application Binary Interface for the ARM Architecture (ABI).

BCD file

See Board and Chip Definition (BCD) file.


Alternative term for an individual transfer within a burst. For example, an INCR4 burst
comprises four beats.
See also Burst.


In the context of the ARM architecture, big-endian is defined as the memory organization in

a byte or halfword at a word-aligned address is the most significant byte or halfword at

that address

a byte at a halfword-aligned address is the most significant byte in the halfword at that

See also Little-endian.

Board and Chip Definition (BCD) file

In the context of RealView Debugger, a BCD file enables you to define the memory map and
memory-mapped registers for a target development board or processor. ARM provides various
BCD files with RVDS for ARM development boards.
See also Board file and Debug configuration.


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Board file

A debugger uses this term to refer to the top-level configuration file, normally called
rvdebug.brd, that references one or more other configuration files. A board file contains:

the Debug Configuration (connection-level) settings

references to the Debug Interface configuration file that identifies the targets on the
development platform

references to any Board and Chip Definition (BCD) files assigned to a Debug

See also Board and Chip Definition (BCD) file and Debug configuration.

If a floating-point extension receives an instruction that it cannot process, it bounces the

instruction. Bouncing the instruction causes an Undefined Instruction exception on the ARM
processor. The extension can also use the bounce mechanism to handle some exceptions. The
Undefined Instruction exception handler calls floating-point support code to respond to the
See also Trigger instruction and Exceptional state.

Boundary scan chain

A boundary scan chain is made up of serially-connected devices that implement boundary scan
technology using a standard JTAG TAP interface. Each device contains at least one TAP
controller containing shift registers that form the chain, connected between TDI and TDO,
through which test data is shifted. A processor can contain several shift registers, enabling you
to access selected parts of the device.


See Base Platform Application Binary Interface (BPABI).

Branch folding

A technique where, on the prediction of a branch, the target instructions are completely removed
from the instruction stream presented to the execution pipeline. Branch folding can significantly
improve the performance of branches, and take the CPI for branches below one.

Branch phantom

Branch target instructions speculatively executed, in parallel with the main instruction stream,
as a result of branch folding.

Branch prediction

The selection of a future execution path for instruction fetch. For example, after a branch
instruction, the processor can choose to speculatively fetch either the instruction following the
branch or the instruction at the branch target.
See also Prefetching.


A debug event triggered by the execution of a particular instruction. It is specified by one or both
of the address of the instruction and the state of the processor when the instruction is executed.
See also Watchpoint.

Breakpoint unit

In the context of an ARM debugger, a unit in a Chained breakpoint that combines with other
breakpoint units to create a complex hardware breakpoint.
In an M-profile processor, a hardware debug component that can be part of the Flash Patch and
Breakpoint unit.
See also Hardware breakpoint and Chained breakpoint.


See Application Binary Interface for the ARM Architecture (ABI).


A group of transfers that form a single transaction. With AMBA protocols, only the first transfer
of the burst includes address information, and the transfer type determines the addresses used
for subsequent transfers.
See also Beat.


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Byte lane strobe

A signal that determines which byte lanes are active, or valid, in a data transfer. Each bit of this
signal corresponds to eight bits of the data bus.

Byte swizzling

Re-arranging the order of bytes in a word or halfword.


In a byte-invariant system, the address of each byte of memory remains unchanged when
switching between little-endian and big-endian operation. When a data item larger than a byte
is loaded from or stored to memory, the bytes making up that data item are arranged into the
correct order depending on the endianness of the memory access.
The ARM architecture supports byte-invariant systems in ARMv6 and later versions.
See also Word-invariant.


The debug control and inspection API to a fast model.

Canonical Frame Address (CFA)

In Debug With Arbitrary Record Format (DWARF), this is an address on the stack specifying
where the call frame of an interrupted function is located.
Captive thread

Captive threads are all threads that can be brought under the control of RVDS. Special threads,
called non-captive threads, are essential to the operation of Running System Debug (RSD) and
so are not under debugger control.
See also Running System Debug (RSD).

Cast out

See Victim.


See Canonical Frame Address (CFA).

Chained breakpoint

In the context of an ARM debugger, a complex breakpoint that comprises multiple hardware
breakpoint units.
See also Breakpoint unit and Conditional breakpoint.

Chained tracepoint

In the context of an ARM debugger, a complex tracepoint that comprises multiple tracepoint
See also Tracepoint unit and Tracepoint.


Designates a cell that includes timing data.


A cache line that has not been modified while it is in the cache is said to be clean. To clean a
cache is to write dirty cache entries into main memory.
See also Dirty.

Clock gating

Gating a clock signal for a macrocell or functional block with a control signal and using the
modified clock that results to control the operating state of the macrocell or block.

Clocks Per Instruction (CPI)

See Cycles Per Instruction (CPI).


In the context of an ARM debugger, a scripting language provided for compatibility with other
If you are writing new scripts, ARM recommends that you use the GNU Debugger (GDB)
scripting commands because these offer more functionality in the ARM Debuggers.



See Memory coherency.

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Cold reset

Also known as power-on reset. Starting the processor by turning power on. Turning power off
and then back on again clears main memory and many internal settings. Some program failures
can lock up the processor and require a cold reset to restart the system. In other cases, only a
warm reset is required.
See also Warm reset.

Communications channel

The hardware used for communicating between the software running on the processor, and an
external host, using the debug interface. When this communication is for debug purposes, it is
called the Debug Communications Channel (DCC).
See also Debug Communications Channel (DCC).
Condition flags

The N, Z, C, and V bits of a Program Status Register (PSR).

See also Conditional execution, Current Program Status Register (CPSR), and Saved Program
Status Register (SPSR).

Condensed Reference Format (CRF)

An ARM proprietary file format for specifying test vectors. Typically, ARM supplies a script to
convert CRF format to Verilog Reference Format (VRF).
Condition code field

A four-bit field in an ARM instruction that specifies the condition under which the instruction
See also Conditional execution and Condition flags.

Conditional breakpoint

A breakpoint that has one or more condition qualifiers assigned. The breakpoint is activated
when all assigned conditions are met, and either stops or continues execution depending on the
action qualifiers that are assigned. The condition normally references the values of program
variables that are in scope at the breakpoint location.
See also Chained breakpoint and Software breakpoint.
Conditional execution

When a conditional instruction starts executing, if the condition flags indicate that the required
condition is TRUE, the instruction executes normally. Otherwise, the instruction does nothing.

Context synchronization operation

A context synchronization operation is one of:

the execution of an ISB instruction

the taking of an exception

the return from an exception.

The architecture requires a context synchronization operation to guarantee visibility of any
change to a system control register.
Context switch

The saving and restoring of computational state when switching between different threads or


A processor, or conceptual processor, that supplements the main processor to carry out
additional functions. The ARM architecture defines an interface to up to 16 coprocessors,
CP0-CP15. Coprocessors CP8-CP15 are reserved for use by ARM and:


CP15 instructions access the System Control processor

CP14 instructions access control registers for debug, trace, and execution environment

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Core module

CP10 and CP11 instruction space is for floating-point and Advanced SIMD instructions
if supported.

In the context of an ARM Integrator development board, an add-on development board that
contains an ARM processor and local memory. Core modules can run standalone, or can be
stacked onto Integrator development boards.
See also Integrator.

Core register

The ARM core registers comprise:

13 general-purpose registers, R0 to R12, that software can use for processing

SP, the Stack Pointer, that can also be referred to as R13

LR, the Link Register, that can also be referred to as R14

PC, the Program Counter, that can also be referred to as R15.

In some situations, software can use SP, LR, and PC for processing. The instruction descriptions
include any constraints on the use of SP, LR, and PC.

Core reset

See Warm reset.


ARM on-chip debug and trace components, that provide the infrastructure for monitoring,
tracing, and debugging a complete system on chip.
See also CoreSight ECT and CoreSight ETM.

CoreSight ECT

See Embedded Cross Trigger (ECT).

CoreSight ETB

See Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB).

CoreSight ETM

See Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM).


Cycles or clocks per instruction.

See also Cycles Per Instruction (CPI).


See Current Program Status Register (CPSR).


See Condensed Reference Format (CRF).

Cross Trigger Interface (CTI)

Part of an Embedded Cross Trigger (ECT) device. In an ECT, the CTI provides the interface
between a processor or ETM and the CTM.
Cross Trigger Matrix (CTM)

In an ECT device, the CTM combines the trigger requests generated by CTIs and broadcasts
them to all CTIs as channel triggers.

See Cross Trigger Interface (CTI).


See Cross Trigger Matrix (CTM).

Current Program Status Register (CPSR)

The register that holds the current processor status.

See also Program Status Register (PSR) and Saved Program Status Register (SPSR).
Cycles Per Instruction (CPI)

A measure of the number of computer instructions that can be performed in one clock cycle. It
is also called clocks per instruction. You can use this value to compare the performance of
different processors that implement the same instruction set. The lower the value, the better the


See Debug Agent.

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See Debug Access Port (DAP).

Data Abort

An indication from a memory system to the processor of an attempt to access an illegal data
memory location.
See also Abort, External Abort and Prefetch Abort.

Data breakpoint

A hardware breakpoint that activates when an access to a specified location meets a set of
specified conditions. The conditions can include a check for a specific data value being accessed
at the given location.
See also Chained breakpoint and Conditional breakpoint.

Data Timing Module (DTM)

In the context of physical IP, a data timing module that synchronizes incoming and outgoing
data. The DTM is a component of PHY to include I/Os and PLL.
Data-active write transaction

A transaction that has completed the address transfer or leading write data transfer, but has not
completed all of its data transfers.

See Debug Test Access Port (DBGTAP).


See Debug Communications Channel (DCC).

Debug Access Port (DAP)

A block that acts as a master on a system bus and provides access to the bus from an external
Debug Agent

In RealView Debugger, the Debug Agent provides target-side support for Running System
Debug (RSD). The Debug Agent can be a thread or be built into the RTOS. The Debug Agent
and RealView Debugger communicate with each other using the DCC. This passes data between
the debugger and the target using a hardware debug interface, without stopping the program or
entering debug state.
See also Running System Debug (RSD) and Debug Communications Channel (DCC).

Debug Communications Channel (DCC)

A channel that an ARM debugger uses to transfer data to or from debug logic in the target. It
can do this without stopping the program flow or entering Debug state, but can also use the DCC
while the target is in Debug state. The channel is part of the debug register interface of the target.
Debug configuration

In the context of an ARM debugger, a debug configuration defines a debugging environment for
the development platform that is accessed through a particular Debug Interface. Multiple debug
configurations can be created for a debug interface, each providing a separate debugging
environment to different development platforms, or different debugging environments to the
same development platform.
All debug configurations are stored in the main debugger board file. Each configuration might
reference one or more BCD files.
See also Board file and Target.

Debug illusion


The view of the software being debugged that a debugger presents to its user. The features of
the debug illusion include:

Mapping between assembler code and source code, including displaying assembler and
source code simultaneously if required.

Support for source-level stepping and breakpoints.

Visibility of the source-level function call stack, even when called functions are generated

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Debug interface

Display of variable values and structure field values, even when these values migrate
between various locations. This includes displaying registers and the stack.

In the context of RealView Debugger, the Debug interface identifies the targets on your
development platform, and provides the mechanism that enables RealView Debugger to
communicate with those targets. The Debug interface corresponds directly to a piece of
hardware or a software simulator.
See also Debug configuration and Target.

Debug Test Access Port (DBGTAP)

A debug control and data interface based on IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Test Access Port (TAP). The
interface has four or five signals.

A debugging system that includes a program, used to detect, locate, and correct software faults,
together with custom hardware that supports software debugging.

Default NaN mode

In floating-point operation, a mode in which all operations that result in a NaN return the default
NaN, regardless of the cause of the NaN result. This mode is compliant with the IEEE 754
standard but implies that all information contained in any input NaNs to an operation is lost.
See also NaN.

Denormalized value

See Subnormal value.

Design Simulation Model (DSM)

A functional simulation model of the device derived from the Register Transfer Level (RTL) but
that does not reveal its internal structure. The DSM does not model any features added during
synthesis such as internal scan chains.
Development platform

Contains the components, either hardware or simulated, that you use to develop your
application. It can include:

a development board, such as an Integrator/CP


one or more processors that implement an ARM processor architecture

CoreSight components

one or more Digital Signal Processors (DSPs).

See also CoreSight.


In the context of an ARM debugger, a component on a target containing the application that you
want to debug.
See also Target.

Development Studio 5 (DS-5)

The suite of software development tools, together with supporting documentation and
examples, that enable you to write and debug applications for the ARM family of processors.
DS-5 supersedes RealView Development Suite.
See also RealView Development Suite (RVDS).
Device Validation Suite (DVS)

Use this set of tests to check the functionality of a device against that defined in the Technical
Reference Manual.
Direct-mapped cache


A one-way set-associative cache. Each cache set consists of a single cache line, so cache look-up
selects and checks a single cache line.

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A line in a write-back cache that has been modified while it is in the cache. Typically, a cache
line is marked as dirty by setting the dirty bit to 1.
See also Clean.


See Do-Not-Modify (DNM).

Do-Not-Modify (DNM)

A value that must not be altered by software. DNM fields read as UNKNOWN values, and must
only be written with the value read from the same field on the same processor.


A 64-bit data item. Doublewords are normally at least word-aligned in ARM systems.


A data item having a memory address that is divisible by eight.

Draw mode

In the context of graphics processing, one of the different ways to specify the primitives to draw.
These different ways are called draw modes. The primitives can be specified individually or as
a connected strip or fan. They can also be either:

non-indexed, meaning that vertices are passed in a vertex array and processed in order

indexed, meaning that vertices are passed as indices into a vertex array.

DS-5 Debugger

An ARM software development tool that enables you to make use of a debug agent to examine
and control the execution of software running on a debug target. It is fully integrated into Eclipse
for DS-5.
See also Eclipse for DS-5.


See Design Simulation Model (DSM).


See Data Timing Module (DTM).


See Device Validation Suite (DVS).


A Z-testing scheme that performs the actual Z-test before texturing or fragment shading when
it is safe to do so. This increases the performance of the Mali GPU and reduces the required

Eclipse for DS-5

Eclipse for DS-5 is based around the Eclipse IDE, and provides additional features to support
the ARM development tools provided in DS-5.
See also Development Studio 5 (DS-5).


See Embedded Cross Trigger (ECT).


See Embedded-System Graphics Library (EGL).

Embedded assembler

Embedded assembler is assembler code that is included in a C or C++ file, and is separate from
other C or C++ functions.

Embedded Cross Trigger (ECT)

A modular system that supports the interaction and synchronization of multiple triggering
events with an SoC. It comprises:

Cross Trigger Interface (CTI)

Cross Trigger Matrix (CTM).

Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB)

A Logic block that extends the information capture functionality of a trace macrocell.
Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM)

A hardware macrocell that, when connected to a processor, outputs trace information on a trace
port. The ETM provides processor driven trace through a trace port compliant to the ATB
protocol. An ETM always supports instruction trace, and might support data trace.


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EmbeddedICE logic

An on-chip logic block that provides TAP-based debug support for an ARM processor. It is
accessed through the DAP on the ARM processor.


Hardware provided by an ARM processor to aid debugging in real-time.

Embedded-System Graphics Library (EGL)

A standardized set of functions that communicate between graphics software, such as OpenGL
ES or OpenVG drivers, and the platform-specific windowing system that displays the image.

In the context of target connection hardware, an emulator provides an interface to the pins of a
real processor. It emulates the pins to the external world, and enables you to control or
manipulate signals on those pins.


The scheme that determines the order of successive bytes of a data word when it is stored in
See also Big-endian and Little-endian.


See OpenGL ES Shading Language (ESSL).

ESSL compiler

The compiler that translates shaders written in ESSL, into binary code for the shader units in the
Mali GPU. There are two versions of the ESSL compiler:

the on-target compiler

the offline compiler.


See Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB).


See Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM).


See Extended Target Visibility (ETV).


In an ARM trace macrocell:


An observable condition that a trace macrocell can use to control aspects of a



A boolean combination of simple events that a trace macrocell can use to control
aspects of a trace.


A mechanism to handle a fault, error event, or external notification. For example, exceptions
handle external interrupts and undefined instructions.

Exception vector

A fixed address that contains the address of the first instruction of the corresponding exception

Exceptional state

In floating-point operation, if the floating-point coprocessor detects an exceptional condition,

the VFP extension sets the FPEXC bit and loads a copy of the exceptional instruction to the
FPINST register. When in the exceptional state, the issue of a trigger instruction to the
floating-point extension causes a bounce.
See also Bounce and Trigger instruction.

Execution vehicle

A part of the debug target interface that processes requests from the client tools to the target.
See also Debug interface.

Execution view

The address of regions and sections after the image is loaded into memory and started execution.
See also Scatter-loading and Load view.

Explicit access


A read from memory, or a write to memory, generated by a load or store instruction executed by
the processor. Reads and writes generated by hardware translation table accesses are not explicit

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Extended Target Visibility (ETV)

Extended Target Visibility enables RealView Debugger to access features of the underlying
target such as, for example, chip-level information provided by the hardware manufacturer or
SoC designer.
eXtensible Verification Component (XVC)

A model that provides system or device stimulus and monitor responses.

See also XVC Test Scenario Manager.
External Abort

An abort generated by the external memory system.

See also Abort and Data Abort.

Fast Context Switch Extension (FCSE)

An extension to the ARM architecture that modifies the behavior of the memory system. It
enables multiple programs running on the processor to use identical address ranges, while
ensuring that the addresses they present to the rest of the memory system differ.
From ARMv6, ARM deprecates use of the FCSE. The FCSE is optional in ARMv7, and
obsolete from the ARMv7 Multiprocessing Extensions.
Fast Models from ARM

Instruction-accurate models that enable you to perform early software development on ARM
systems. You can use the models, together with ARM Profiler and an ARM debugger, to
optimize and debug your applications early in the development cycle.
See also ARM profiler and DS-5 Debugger.

An abort generated by the memory system, for example by the Memory Management Unit
(MMU) or Memory Protection Unit (MPU).


See Fast Context Switch Extension (FCSE).


FIQ interrupt. nFIQ is one of two interrupt signals on many ARM processors.
See also IRQ.

Fixed-function pipeline

In the context of graphics processors, a process that uses standard functions to draw graphics on
fixed-function graphics processors, such as the Mali-55 GPU. The fixed-function pipeline is a
requirement of OpenGL ES 1.1.
Flash Patch and Breakpoint unit (FPB)

In an ARM M-profile processor, an FPB can:

remap sections of ROM, typically Flash memory, to regions of RAM

set breakpoints on code in ROM.

It can be used for debug, and to provide a code or data patch to an application that requires field
updates to a product ROM.
Flat address mapping

A memory system where the physical address for every access is equal to its virtual address.

Flush-to-zero mode

In floating-point operation, a special processing mode that optimizes the performance of some
floating-point algorithms by replacing the denormalized operands and intermediate results with
zeros, without significantly affecting the accuracy of their final results.


In an ETB or TPIU, an internal input block that embeds the trace source ID in the data to create
a single trace stream.


See Flash Patch and Breakpoint unit (FPB).


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In the context of graphics processors, a fragment consists of all data, such as depth, stencil,
texture, and color information, required to generate a pixel in the framebuffer. A pixel is usually
composed of several fragments.

Fragment processor

A programmable processor that performs rendering operations to produce a final image for
display. The fragment processor receives completed vertex data from the vertex processor and
then runs fragment shader programs.
The fragment processor was originally known as a pixel processor.

Fragment shader

A program running on the fragment processor that calculates the color and other characteristics
of each fragment.


The ARM image conversion utility. This accepts ELF format input files and converts them to a
variety of output formats. fromelf can also generate text information about the input image, such
as code and data size.
See also RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT).

Fully-associative cache

A cache that has only one cache set, that consists of the entire cache.
See also Direct-mapped cache.

A POP that includes components for an ARM MALI Graphics Processor.

See also POP.

General-purpose register

See Core register.


See Graphics Processor Unit (GPU).

Graphics application

A custom program that executes in the Mali graphics system and displays content in a
framebuffer for transfer to a display.

Graphics driver

A software library implementing OpenGL ES or OpenVG, using graphics accelerator hardware.

See also OpenGL ES driver and OpenVG driver.

Graphics Processor Unit (GPU)

A hardware accelerator for graphics systems using OpenGL ES and OpenVG. The Mali-200,
Mali-300, and Mali-400 MP GPUs comprise of a vertex processor and one or more fragment
processors. Mali-T600 series GPUs consist of one or more shader cores that can execute vertex
or fragment shaders.
Half-rate clocking

In an ARM trace macrocell, dividing the trace clock by two so that the TPA can sample trace
data signals on both the rising and falling edges of the trace clock. The primary purpose of
half-rate clocking is to reduce the signal transition rate on the trace clock of an ASIC for very
high-speed systems.


A 16-bit data item. Halfwords are normally halfword-aligned in ARM systems.


A data item having a memory address that is divisible by 2.

Halted System Debug (HSD)

Means that a target can only be debugged when it is not running. With the target stopped,
RealView Debugger presents OS awareness information by reading and interpreting target
See also Running System Debug (RSD).


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Halting debug-mode

In ARM A-profile and R-profile processors, one of two mutually exclusive debug modes. In
Halting debug-mode, processor execution halts when a breakpoint or watchpoint is
encountered. You can use the debug interface to examine and alter all processor state,
coprocessor state, memory, input and output locations.
See also Monitor debug-mode.

Hardware breakpoint

A breakpoint that is implemented using non-intrusive hardware. Hardware breakpoints are the
only method of halting execution on a specific instruction when the instruction is located in
Read Only Memory (ROM) or Flash.
See also Chained breakpoint and Data breakpoint.

High registers

Core registers R8-R12, SP, LR, and PC. Some Thumb instructions cannot access these
See also Core register.

High vectors

One of two possible locations for exception vectors. The high vector address range is near the
top of the address space, rather than at the bottom.

Hint instruction

A hint instruction provides information that the hardware can take advantage of.

Hit-Under-Miss (HUM)

A buffer that enables a cache access to hit, even though there has been a data miss in the cache.


A computer that provides data and other services to another computer. Especially, a computer
providing debugging services to a target being debugged.


See Halted System Debug (HSD).


See AHB Trace Macrocell (HTM).


See Hit-Under-Miss (HUM).

ICE Extension Unit

A hardware extension to the EmbeddedICE logic that provides more breakpoint units.

IEEE 1149.1

The IEEE Standard that defines TAP. Commonly referred to as JTAG.

See IEEE Std 1149.1-1990 IEEE Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture
specification available from the IEEE Standards Association,


An abbreviation for Ignore, when describing the behavior of a register or memory access.

Illegal instruction

See Undefined.

Immediate values

Values that are encoded directly in the instruction and used as numeric data when the instruction
is executed. Many ARM and Thumb instructions can be used with an immediate argument.


Behavior that is not defined by the architecture, but is defined and documented by individual
When IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED appears in body text, it is always in SMALL CAPITALS.

Behavior that is not architecturally defined, and might not be documented by an individual
implementation. Used when there are a number of implementation options available and the
option chosen does not affect software compatibility.
When IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFIC appears in body text, it is always in SMALL CAPITALS.


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Imprecise tracing

In an ARM trace macrocell, a filtering configuration where instruction or data tracing can start
or finish earlier or later than expected. Most imprecise cases cause tracing to start or finish later
than expected.
For example, if TraceEnable logic is configured to use a counter so that tracing begins after the
fourth write to a location in memory, the instruction that caused the fourth write is not traced,
although subsequent instructions are. This is because the use of a counter in the TraceEnable
configuration always results in imprecise tracing.

In-Circuit Emulator

A device enabling access to and modification of the signals of a circuit while that circuit is

Index register

A register specified in some load or store instructions. The value of this register is used as an
offset to be added to or subtracted from the base register value to form the virtual address that
is sent to memory. Some instruction forms permit the index register value to be shifted before
the addition or subtraction.

Input section

Contains code or initialized data or describes a fragment of memory that must be set to zero
before the application starts.

Instruction breakpoint

A location in the image containing an instruction that, if executed, activates a breakpoint. The
breakpoint activation can be delayed by assigning condition qualifiers, and subsequent
execution of the image is determined by any actions assigned to the breakpoint.
See also Conditional breakpoint and Software breakpoint.

Instruction Set System Model (ISSM)

In the context of RVDS, a set of models that simulate the ARM Cortex family of processors.
These models are provided with RVDS.
See also Real Time System Model (RTSM) and Simulator.
Instruction Synchronization Barrier (ISB)

An operation to ensure that any instruction that comes after the ISB operation is fetched only
after the ISB has completed.
Instrumentation trace

A component for debugging real-time systems through a simple memory-mapped trace

interface. It providing printf style debugging.


A range of ARM hardware development platforms. Core modules are available that contain the
processor and local memory.
See also Core module.

Intelligent Energy Manager

An energy manager solution consisting of both software and hardware components that function
together to prolong battery life in an ARM processor based device.
Intermediate Physical Address (IPA)

In an implementation of virtualization, the address to which a Guest OS maps a virtual address.

See also Virtual Address (VA) and Physical Address (PA).
Intermediate result

In floating-point operation, an internal format used to store the result of a calculation before
rounding. This format can have a larger exponent field and fraction field than the destination

Internal scan chain

A series of registers connected together to form a path through a device, used during production
testing to import test patterns into internal nodes of the device and export the resulting values.


A method of working that permits branches between software using the ARM and Thumb
instruction sets.


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Marking a cache line as being not valid. This must be done whenever the line does not contain
a valid cache entry. For example, after a cache flush all lines are invalid.


See Intermediate Physical Address (IPA).


IRQ interrupt. nIRQ is one of two interrupt signals on many ARM processors.
See also FIQ.


See Instruction Synchronization Barrier (ISB).

IT block

A block of up to four instructions following a Thumb If Then (IT) instruction. Each instruction
in the block is conditional. The condition for each instruction is either the same as or the inverse
of the condition specified by the IT instruction.

Jazelle architecture

The Jazelle architecture extends the processor architecture to support operation of a Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) that provides direct execution of some Java bytecodes.

Jazelle DBX

An ARM technology for direct bytecode execution of Java bytecodes in hardware.

Jazelle Runtime Compilation Target (RCT)

On an ARM processor, A modification of the Thumb instruction set to make it a better target for
code generated at runtime. This is also called the Thumb Execution Environment (ThumbEE).
See also ThumbEE instruction.
Jazelle state

In Jazelle state the processor executes Java bytecodes as part of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
See also ARM state and Thumb state.

Jazelle Technology Enabling Kit (JTEK)

A kit containing source code for integration with a Java Virtual Machine to enable Jazelle DBX
on an ARM-based host platform.
Job object

In the context of graphics processing, a Mali job system component that provides jobs with
required content for Mali GPU execution.

Job system back-end

In the context of graphics processing, a job system component that shares some priority
handling, but mainly requests jobs from queues and sends job requests to the Mali GPU.


See Joint Test Action Group (JTAG).

Joint Test Action Group (JTAG)

An IEEE group focussed on silicon chip testing methods. Many debug and programming tools
use a Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface port to communicate with processors.
See IEEE Std 1149.1-1990 IEEE Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture
specification available from the IEEE Standards Association,
JTAG Access Port (JTAG-AP)

An optional component of the DAP that provides debugger access to on-chip scan chains.
JTAG interface unit

In the context of ARM RealView tools, a protocol converter that converts low-level commands
from RVDS debuggers into JTAG signals to the processor, for example to the EmbeddedICE
logic and the ETM.
See also Development Studio 5 (DS-5) and RealView ICE.


See JTAG Access Port (JTAG-AP).


See Debug Access Port (DAP).


See Jazelle Technology Enabling Kit (JTEK).


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K Virtual Machine (KVM)

A small implementation of a Java Virtual Machine. It was originally derived from the Sun
Spotless Virtual Machine.

See K Virtual Machine (KVM).


In the context of the ARM architecture, little-endian is defined as the memory organization in
which the most significant byte of a word is at a higher address than the least significant byte.
See also Big-endian.

Load view

The address of regions and sections when the image has been loaded into memory but has not
yet started execution.
See also Execution view and Scatter-loading.

Load/store architecture

A processor architecture where data-processing operations only operate on register contents, not
directly on memory contents. The ARM architecture is a Load/Store architecture.
Mali DDK

A set of drivers, typically for AEL or Android, that enable communication with the Mali GPU.
These drivers are available as normal or instrumented versions.

Mali MMU

A full-featured Memory Management Unit (MMU) that is present on Mali GPUs.

Memory coherency

A memory system is coherent if the value read by a data read or instruction fetch is always the
value that was most recently written to that location. Memory coherency is difficult when the
memory system includes multiple possible physical locations, such as main memory and at least
one of a write buffer or one or more caches.

Memory hint

See Hint instruction.

Memory Management Unit (MMU)

Provides detailed control of the memory system. Most of the control uses translation tables that
are held in memory.
Memory Protection Unit (MPU)

A hardware unit that controls a limited number of protection regions in memory.


See Memory Management Unit (MMU).

Model manager

A software control manager that handles the event transactions between the model and

Modified Virtual Address (MVA)

The address produced by the FCSE that is sent to the rest of the memory system to be used in
place of the normal virtual address.
If the FCSE is absent or disabled, the MVA and the Virtual Address (VA) have the same value.
From ARMv6, ARM deprecates any use of the FCSE. The FCSE is optional in the unextended
ARMv7 architecture, and obsolete from the introduction of the Multiprocessing Extensions.
See also Fast Context Switch Extension (FCSE).
Monitor debug-mode

In ARM A-profile and R-profile processors, one of two mutually exclusive debug modes. In
Monitor debug-mode, a debug event generates a debug exception, that is taken as a Prefetch
Abort or Data Abort exception. Breakpoints and watchpoints are examples of debug events.
See also Halting debug-mode.



An integrated Symmetric Multiprocessor System (SMP) or Asymmetric Multiprocessor System

(AMP) with multiple processors in a single device.

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See Memory Protection Unit (MPU).


A JTAG-based tool for debugging embedded systems.

Multi-layer interconnect

An interconnect scheme similar to a cross-bar switch. Each master on the interconnect has a
direct link to each slave that is not shared with other masters. This means each master can
process transfers in parallel with other masters. Contention in a multi-layer interconnect only
occurs at a payload destination, typically a slave.
Multi-master AHB

Typically a shared, not multi-layer, AHB interconnect scheme. More than one master connects
to a single AMBA AHB link. In this case, the bus is implemented with a set of full AMBA AHB
master interfaces. Masters that use the AMBA AHB-Lite protocol must connect through a
wrapper to supply full AMBA AHB master signals to support multi-master operation.


See Modified Virtual Address (MVA).


Not a number. In floating-point operation, NaNs are special floating-point values that can be
used when neither a numeric value nor an infinity is appropriate. NaNs can be either:

quiet NaNs that propagate through most floating-point operations

signaling NaNs that cause Invalid Operation floating-point exceptions.

For more information, see the IEEE 754 standard.


The Advanced SIMD Extension implements this technology.

See also Advanced SIMD.

Normal and Secure Worlds

In software descriptions of ARM processor operation, effectively two virtual processors that run
on a single physical processor. The Secure World processes operations that are security-critical,
and passes non security-critical operations to the Normal World.
See also Secure monitor.
Normal World

See Normal and Secure Worlds.


Abbreviation of System Reset. The electronic signal that causes the target system other than the
TAP controller to be reset. This signal is known as nSYSRST in some documentation.
See also nTRST and Joint Test Action Group (JTAG).


Abbreviation of TAP Reset. The electronic signal that causes the target system TAP controller
to be reset. This signal is known as nICERST in some documentation.
See also nSRST and Joint Test Action Group (JTAG).

Offline Compiler

A command line tool that translates vertex shaders and fragment shaders written in the ESSL
into binary vertex shaders and binary fragment shaders that you can link and run on the Mali

Offset addressing

Addressing where the memory address is formed by adding an offset to, or subtracting an offset
from, a base register value.

On-target compiler

A component of the Mali GPU OpenGL ES 2.0 driver that translates shader source files
provided by the graphics application, into binary shader code, at runtime.

OpenGL ES driver

Part of a driver stack that translates OpenGL ES API commands into data and instructions for
the Mali GPU. Only the device driver controls the Mali GPU directly.


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OpenGL ES Shading Language (ESSL)

A programming language used to create custom shader programs that can be used in a
programmable pipeline, on the Mali GPU. You can also use pre-defined library shaders, written
in ESSL.
OpenVG driver

Part of a driver stack that translates OpenVG API commands into data and instructions for the
Mali GPU. Only the device driver controls the Mali GPU directly.


OS-awareness is a feature provided by RealView Debugger that enables you to:

debug applications running on an embedded OS development platform, such as a

Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)

present thread information and scope some debugging operations to specific threads.


See Over The Cell (OTC).

Output section

A contiguous sequence of input sections that have the same RO, RW, or ZI attributes. The
sections are grouped together in larger fragments called regions. The regions are grouped
together into the final executable image.
See also Region.

Over The Cell (OTC)

A power routing scheme, also referred to as ArtiGrid.

See also ArtiGrid.


See Physical Address (PA).


See PreCompiled Header (PCH).


The number of cycles in which no useful Execute stage pipeline activity can occur because an
instruction flow is different from that assumed or predicted.

Physical Address (PA)

The address that identifies a location in physical memory.


See Platform Independent Storage Module (PISMO).

Platform Independent Storage Module (PISMO)

Memory specification for plug-in memory modules.


A performance optimization package for the implementation of an ARM processor using ARM
Artisan optimized logic and memory physical IP.
See also G-POP.

Power Management Module (PMM)

In the context of graphics processors, a software routine that tracks the hardware blocks which
can be enabled or disabled to reduce power. The PMM can control a specialized hardware unit,
or a third-party power-management device, to power up or down each processor separately.
Power-on reset

See Cold reset.

PreCompiled Header (PCH)

A header file that is precompiled. This avoids the compiler having to compile the file each time
it is included by source files.
Prefetch Abort

An indication from the internal or external memory system to the processor that an instruction
has been fetched from an illegal memory location. An exception is taken only if the processor
attempts to execute the instruction. No exception is taken if the processor does not execute an
instruction prefetched from a faulting memory location.
See also Data Abort and Abort.


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The process of fetching instructions from memory before the instructions that precede them
have finished executing. Prefetching an instruction does not mean that the instruction must be


In the context of graphics processors, a basic element that the Mali GPU uses, with other
primitives, to generate images.
See also Vertex.

Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture (AAPCS)

Defines how registers and the stack are used for subroutine calls.

In the context of RealView Trace, the accumulation of statistics during execution of a program
to measure performance or to determine critical areas of code.

Program Counter (PC)

In an ARM processor, core register R15.

Program Flow Trace (PFT)

The Program Flow Trace (PFT) architecture assumes that any trace decompressor has a copy of
the program being traced, and generally outputs only enough trace for the decompressor to
reconstruct the program flow. However, its trace output also enables a decompressor to
reconstruct the program flow when it does not have a copy of parts of the program, for example
because the program uses self-modifying code.
A Program Flow Trace Macrocell (PTM) implements the Program Flow Trace architecture.
Program Status Register (PSR)

Holds processor status and control information. The Current Program Status Register (CPSR)
is the active PSR that affects processor operation. The Saved Program Status Register (SPSR)
is a copy of the CPSR saved by the hardware.
Programming Language Interface (PLI)

For Verilog simulators, an interface by which foreign code can be included in a simulation.
Foreign code is code written in a different language.
Project template

A collection of configuration files for specific target development platforms. These templates
enable you to create a target-specific development project in the ARM Workbench IDE.
See also ARM Workbench IDE (AWIDE) and RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT).

Protection region

A memory region whose position, size, and other properties are defined by the Memory
Protection Unit registers.

Protection Unit (PU)

See Memory Protection Unit (MPU).


See Program Status Register (PSR).


A 128-bit data item. Quadwords are normally at least word-aligned in ARM systems.


A data item having a memory address that is divisible by 16.


See Read-As-One (RAO).


Read-As-One, Should-Be-One-or-Preserved on writes.

Hardware must implement the field as Read-as-One, and must ignore writes to the field.
Software can rely on the field reading as all 1s, but must use an SBOP policy to write to the field.
This description can apply to a single bit that reads as 1, or to a field that reads as all 1s.
See also Read-As-One (RAO), Should-Be-One-or-Preserved (SBOP).


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Read-As-One, Writes Ignored.

Hardware must implement the field as Read-as-One, and must ignore writes to the field.
Software can rely on the field reading as all 1s, and on writes being ignored.

This description can apply to a single bit that reads as 1, or to a field that reads as all 1s.
See also Read-As-One (RAO).

See Read-As-Zero (RAZ).


Read-As-Zero, Should-Be-Zero-or-Preserved on writes.

Hardware must implement the field as Read-as-Zero, and must ignore writes to the field.
Software can rely on the field reading as all 0s, but must use an SBZP policy to write to the field.
This description can apply to a single bit that reads as 0, or to a field that reads as all 0s.
See also Read-As-Zero (RAZ), Should-Be-Zero-or-Preserved (SBZP).


Read-As-One, Writes Ignored.

Hardware must implement the field as Read-as-Zero, and must ignore writes to the field.

Software can rely on the field reading as all 0s, and on writes being ignored.
This description can apply to a single bit that reads as 0, or to a field that reads as all 0s.
See also Read-As-Zero (RAZ).

A memory operation that has the semantics of a load. See the ARM Architecture Reference
Manual for more information.

Read-As-One (RAO)

Hardware must implement the field as reading as all 1s.

Software can rely on the field reading as all 1s.
This description can apply to a single bit that reads as 1, or to a field that reads as all 1s.

Read-As-Zero (RAZ)

Hardware must implement the field as reading as all 0s.

Software can rely on the field reading as all 0s.
This description can apply to a single bit that reads as 0, or to a field that reads as all 0s.

Read, modify, write

In a read, modify, write sequence, a value is read to a general-purpose register, the relevant fields
updated in that register, and the new value written back.

Read-Only Position Independent (ROPI)

In the context of the ARM architecture, code or read-only data that can be placed at any address.
Real Time System Model (RTSM)

A software model of a development system, for example, the Emulation Baseboard. The model
can run applications at almost full speed. This enables applications and operating systems to be
written and debugged without a requirement for actual hardware.
RealView Development Suite (RVDS)

The suite of software development tools, together with supporting documentation and
examples, that enable you to write and debug applications for the ARM family of processors.
See also ARM Compiler for DS-5, ARM profiler, Eclipse for DS-5, Development Studio 5
(DS-5), RealView ICE, and RealView Trace and RealView Trace 2.


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Read Write Position Independent (RWPI)

In the context of the ARM architecture, read-write code or data that can be placed at any address.

A small program that, when integrated into your target application or Real-Time Operating
System (RTOS), enables you to observe and debug your target while parts of your application
continue to run.

RealView Instruction Set Simulator (RVISS)

One of the ARM simulators supplied with RVDS. RVISS is a collection of programs that
simulate the instruction sets and architecture of various ARM processors. This provides
instruction-accurate simulation and enables ARM and Thumb executable programs to be run on
non-native hardware. RVISS provides modules that model:

the ARM processor

the memory used by the processor.

There are alternative predefined models for each of these parts. However, you can create your
own models if a supplied model does not meet your requirements.
See also Instruction Set System Model (ISSM) and Real Time System Model (RTSM).
RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT)

A suite of tools that, together with supporting documentation and examples, enables you to write
and build applications for the ARM family of processors.
See also armcc and armasm.
RealView Debugger

An ARM debugger that enables you to examine and control the execution of software running
on a debug target. RealView Debugger is supplied as part of RVDS in both Windows and Red
Hat Linux versions.

RealView Debugger Trace

Part of RVDS that extends the debugging capability with the addition of real-time program and
data tracing. It is available from the RealView Debugger Code window.
See also RealView Debugger Trace and RealView ICE.
RealView Development Suite (RVDS)

The suite of software development applications, together with supporting documentation and
examples, that enable you to write and debug applications for ARM processors. RVDS
supersedes ARM Developer Suite.
RealView ICE

An ARM JTAG interface unit for debugging embedded processor cores that uses a DBGTAP or
Serial Wire interface.

RealView Trace and RealView Trace 2

Work in conjunction with RealView ICE to provide real-time trace functionality for software
running in System-on-Chip devices with deeply embedded ARM processors. RealView Trace 2
also supports data streaming directly to ARM Profiler, providing real-time hardware platform
See also RealView Debugger Trace and RealView ICE.

In an image, a region is a contiguous sequence of one to three output sections (RO, RW, and ZI).
A region typically maps onto a physical memory device, such as ROM, RAM, or peripherals.
See also Root region.



Changing the address of physical memory or devices after an application has started executing.
This might be done to permit RAM to replace ROM when the initialization has completed.

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In an ARM trace macrocell, enables two trace sinks to be wired together and to operate
independently on the same incoming trace stream. The input trace stream is output onto two
independent ATB ports.


Unless otherwise stated in the architecture or product documentation, reserved:

instruction and 32-bit system control register encodings are UNPREDICTABLE

64-bit system control register encodings are Undefined

register bit fields are UNK/SBZP.

Root region

In an image, regions having the same load and execution address. A non-root region is a region
that must be copied from its load address to its execution address.
See also Region.


See Read-Only Position Independent (ROPI).

Round to Nearest (RN) mode

In floating-point operation, the rounded result is the nearest representable number to the
un-rounded result.
See also Rounding mode and Rounding error.
Round towards Minus infinity (RM) mode

In floating-point operation, the rounded result is the nearest representable number that is less
than or equal to the exact result.
See also Rounding mode and Rounding error.
Round towards Plus infinity (RP) mode

In floating-point operation, the rounded result is the nearest representable number that is greater
than or equal to the exact result.
See also Rounding mode and Rounding error.
Round towards Zero (RZ) mode

In floating-point operation, results are rounded to the nearest representable number that is no
greater in magnitude than the un-rounded result. This rounding mode discards any bits to the
right of the significand, and therefore always rounds down. It is used by the C, C++, and Java
languages in integer conversions.
See also Rounding mode and Rounding error.
Rounding error

Is defined to be the value of the rounded result of an arithmetic operation minus the exact result
of the operation.
See also Rounding mode.

Rounding mode

In floating-point operation, specifies how the exact result of a floating-point operation is

rounded to a value that is representable in the destination format.
See also Round to Nearest (RN) mode, Round towards Minus infinity (RM) mode, Round
towards Plus infinity (RP) mode and Round towards Zero (RZ) mode.


See Running System Debug (RSD).


See Real Time System Model (RTSM).


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Running System Debug (RSD)

Means that a target can be debugged while it is running. RSD gives access to the application
using a Debug Agent (DA) that resides on the target. The Debug Agent is scheduled with other
tasks in the system.
See also Halted System Debug (HSD) and Debug Agent.

See RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT).


See RealView Development Suite (RVDS).


See RealView ICE.


See Read Write Position Independent (RWPI).

Saved Program Status Register (SPSR)

A register used to save the CPSR value on taking an exception.


See Should-Be-One (SBO).


See Should-Be-One-or-Preserved (SBOP).


See Should-Be-Zero (SBZ).


See Should-Be-Zero-or-Preserved (SBZP).


Assigning the address and grouping of code and data sections individually rather than using
single large blocks.


See Standard Delay Format (SDF).


In the context of applications targeted at processors that implement the ARM architecture, a
block of software or data for an image.
In the context of an MMU when using the short-descriptor table format, a 1MB region of virtual
address space that a translation table descriptor assigns to a 1MB block of physical address or
intermediate physical address space.
See also Input section and Output section.

Secure monitor

In software descriptions, the module that switches the ARM processor between Normal World
and Secure World execution environments. The Secure monitor is transparent to TrustZone
Software developers.

Secure World

See Normal and Secure Worlds.

Stack Pointer (SP)

ARM core register R13.

Security hole

A mechanism that bypasses system protection.


A mechanism to communicate Input/Output (I/O) requests from application code to a host

workstation running a debugger. For example, you can use semihosting to enable functions in
the C library, such as printf() and scanf(), to use the screen and keyboard on the host
workstation instead of having a screen and keyboard on the target system.

Serial Wire Debug (SWD)

A debug implementation that uses a serial connection between the SoC and a debugger. This
connection normally requires a bidirectional data signal and a separate clock signal, rather than
the four to six signals required for a JTAG connection.
Serial Wire Debug Port (SWDP)

The interface for Serial Wire Debug.


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Shared layer

In general, contains functions used by more than one Mali GPU driver. It contains math
functions, texture processing and list utilities.

Should-Be-One (SBO)

Hardware must ignore writes to the field.

Software should write the field as all 1s. If software writes a value that is not all 1s, it must
expect an UNPREDICTABLE result.
This description can apply to a single bit that should be written as 1, or to a field that should be
written as all 1s.

Should-Be-One-or-Preserved (SBOP)

The Large Physical Address Extension modifies the definition of SBOP for register bits that are
reallocated by the extension, and as a result are SBOP in some but not all contexts. For more
information see the ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition. The
generic definition of SBOP given here applies only to bits that are not affected by this
Hardware must ignore writes to the field.
If software has read the field since the processor implementing the field was last reset and
initialized, it should preserve the value of the field by writing the value that it previously read
from the field. Otherwise, it should write the field as all 1s.
If software writes a value to the field that is not a value previously read for the field and is not
all 1s, it must expect an UNPREDICTABLE result.
This description can apply to a single bit that should be written as its preserved value or as 1, or
to a field that should be written as its preserved value or as all 1s.
See also Should-Be-Zero-or-Preserved (SBZP) and Should-Be-One (SBO).
Should-Be-Zero (SBZ)

Hardware must ignore writes to the field.

Software should write the field as all 0s. If software writes a value that is not all 0s, it must
expect an UNPREDICTABLE result.
This description can apply to a single bit that should be written as 0, or to a field that should be
written as all 0s.

Should-Be-Zero-or-Preserved (SBZP)

The Large Physical Address Extension modifies the definition of SBZP for register bits that are
reallocated by the extension, and as a result are SBZP in some but not all contexts. For more
information see the ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition. The
generic definition of SBZP given here applies only to bits that are not affected by this
Hardware must ignore writes to the field.
If software has read the field since the processor implementing the field was last reset and
initialized, it must preserve the value of the field by writing the value that it previously read from
the field. Otherwise, it must write the field as all 0s.
If software writes a value to the field that is not a value previously read for the field and is not
all 0s, it must expect an UNPREDICTABLE result.
This description can apply to a single bit that should be written as its preserved value or as 0, or
to a field that should be written as its preserved value or as all 0s.
See also Should-Be-One-or-Preserved (SBOP) and Should-Be-Zero (SBZ).


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Signaling NaN

In floating-point operation, the floating-point coprocessor causes an Invalid Operation

exception whenever any floating-point operation receives a signaling NaN as an operand. You
can use signaling NaNs in debugging, to track down some uses of uninitialized variables.

Sign-Off Model (SOM)

An opaque, compiled simulation model generated from a technology-specific netlist of an ARM

processor, derived after gate level synthesis and timing annotation, that you can use in
back-annotated gate-level simulations to prove the function and timing behavior of the device.
A SOM provides accurate timing simulation of a SoC, and supports simulation using production
test vectors from the Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) tool. It only supports
back-annotation using SDF files. The SOM includes timing information but provides slower
simulation than a DSM.


See Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD).

Simple tracepoint

A type of tracepoint that enables you to set trigger points, trace start and end points, or trace
ranges for memory and data accesses.
See also Tracepoint.


In the context of the ARM tools, a simulator executes non-native instructions in software,
simulating a core.
See also Real Time System Model (RTSM) and Instruction Set System Model (ISSM).

Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD)

From ARM v6, the ARM instruction sets include SIMD instructions. These comprise:

Instructions that perform parallel operations on the bytes or halfwords of the ARM core

Instructions that perform vector operations. That is, they perform parallel operations on
vectors held in multiword registers.

Different versions of the ARM architecture support and recommend different instructions for
vector operations. See the appropriate version of the ARM Architecture Reference Manual for
more information.
Software breakpoint

A breakpoint that is implemented by replacing an instruction in memory with one that causes
the processor to take an exception. Because instruction memory must be altered, software
breakpoints cannot be used where instructions are stored in read-only memory.
See also Instruction breakpoint and Data breakpoint.


See Sign-Off Model (SOM).


Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis. An accurate transistor-level electronic

circuit simulation tool that can predict how an equivalent real circuit behaves for given circuit


See Saved Program Status Register (SPSR).

Standard Delay Format (SDF)

A file format that contains timing information to the level of individual bits of buses and is used
in SDF back-annotation. An SDF file can be generated in a number of ways, but most commonly
from a delay calculator.
Subnormal value


In the IEEE 754 standard format for single-precision and double-precision operands, a
subnormal value has a zero exponent and a nonzero fraction field. The IEEE 754 standard
requires that the generation and manipulation of subnormal operands be performed with the
same precision as normal operands.

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Plus or minus 0 have zero exponent fields, but are not subnormals because there is no loss of
Supervisor Call (SVC)

An instruction that causes the processor to take a Supervisor Call exception.

Used by the ARM standard C library to handle semihosting. This was previously called
SoftWare Interrupt (SWI).

Support code

In a floating-point implementation, system software that complements the hardware VFP

implementation. The support code can provide a library of routines that perform operations
beyond the scope of the hardware. The support code includes a set of exception handlers to
process exceptional conditions in compliance with the IEEE 754 standard.


See Supervisor Call (SVC).


See Serial Wire Debug (SWD).


See Serial Wire Debug Port (SWDP).


See Supervisor Call (SVC).

Synchronization primitive

An instruction that is used to ensure memory synchronization, for example LDREX or STREX. See
the ARM Architecture Reference Manual for more information.
System Control Space

On Cortex-M series processors, a memory-mapped region from 0xE000E000 to 0xE000EFFF that

provides system control and configuration registers, including control of the Nested Vectored
Interrupt Controller (NVIC) and debug functions.

TAP Controller

Logic on a device that enables access to some or all of that device for test purposes. The circuit
functionality is defined in IEEE1149.1.
See also Joint Test Action Group (JTAG).


In the context of an ARM debugger, the part of your development platform to which the
debugger can connect, and on which debugging operations can be performed. A target can be:

A runnable target, such as a processor that implements the ARM architecture. When
connected to a runnable target, you can perform execution-related debugging operations
on that target, such as stepping and tracing.

A non-runnable CoreSight component. CoreSight components provide a system wide

solution to real-time debug and trace.

See also Debug interface.

Target Vehicle

Target vehicles provide RVDS with a standard interface to disparate targets so that the debugger
can connect easily to new target types without having to make changes to the debugger core
software. The interface can be a hardware or software interface.
See also RealView ICE and Real Time System Model (RTSM).


See Trace Capture Device (TCD).


See Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM).


The electronic clock signal that times data on the TAP data lines TMS, TDI, and TDO.
See also Test Data Input (TDI) and Test Data Output (TDO).


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Test Access Port (TAP)

The collection of four mandatory and one optional terminals that form the input/output and
control interface to a JTAG boundary-scan architecture. The mandatory terminals are TDI,
TDO, TMS, and TCK. The optional terminal is nTRST. This signal is mandatory in ARM
processors because it is used to reset the debug logic.
See also Joint Test Action Group (JTAG), TAP Controller, TCK, Test Data Input (TDI), Test
Data Output (TDO), and TMS.
Test Data Input (TDI)

Test Data Input (TDI) is the electronic signal input to a TAP controller from the data source
(upstream). Usually this is seen connecting the RealView ICE run control unit to the first TAP
See also Joint Test Action Group (JTAG), RealView ICE, and TAP Controller.

Test Data Output (TDO)

Test Data Output (TDO) is the electronic signal output from a TAP controller to the downstream
data sink. Usually this connects the last TAP controller to the RealView ICE run control unit.
See also Joint Test Action Group (JTAG), RealView ICE, and TAP Controller.
Texture Descriptor

Data structure used by the Mali GPU to describe one texture map.

Thumb instruction

One or two halfwords that specify an operation for a processor in Thumb state to perform.
Thumb instructions must be halfword-aligned.
See also Thumb state and ThumbEE state.


The technology, introduced in ARMv6T2, that extends the Thumb instruction set to a
variable-length instructions set that includes both 16-bit and 32-bit instructions.
See also Thumb instruction and ThumbEE instruction.

Thumb state

In Thumb state the processor executes the Thumb instruction set.

See also ARM state, Jazelle state, and ThumbEE state.

ThumbEE instruction

One or two halfwords that specify an operation for a processor in ThumbEE state to perform.
Thumb-EE is the Thumb Execution Environment and the ThumbEE instruction set is based on
the Thumb instruction set, with some changes and additions to make it a better target for
dynamically generated code, that is, code compiled on the device either shortly before or during
See also ARM instruction and Thumb instruction.

ThumbEE state

In ThumbEE state the processor executes the ThumbEE instruction set.

See also ARM state, Thumb state, and Jazelle state.

Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM)

An area of low latency memory that provides predictable instruction execution or data load
timing, for cases where deterministic performance is required. TCMs are suited to holding:

critical routines such as for interrupt handling

scratchpad data

data types whose locality is not suited to caching

critical data structures, such as interrupt stacks.

Tile buffer

A memory buffer inside the GPU that holds the framebuffer contents for the tile that is currently
being rendered. The tile buffer can be accessed without using the memory bus.


See Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB).


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TLB lockdown

Prevents specific translation table walk results being removed from the TLB. This ensures that
accesses to the associated memory areas never cause a translation table walk.


Test Mode Select.


See Trace Port Analyzer (TPA).


See Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU).

Trace Capture Device (TCD)

A generic term to describe Trace Port Analyzers, logic analyzers, and on-chip trace buffers.
Trace driver

A remote debug interface target that controls a piece of trace hardware. That is, the trigger
macrocell, trace macrocell, and trace capture tool.

Trace funnel

In an ARM trace macrocell, a device that combines multiple trace sources onto a single bus.
See also AHB Trace Macrocell (HTM) and CoreSight.

Trace hardware

A term for a device that contains an ARM trace macrocell.

Trace port

A port on a device, such as a processor or ASIC, used to output trace information.

Trace Port Analyzer (TPA)

A hardware device that captures trace information output on a trace port. This can be a low-cost
product designed specifically for trace acquisition, or a logic analyzer.
Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU)

Drains trace data and acts as a bridge between the on-chip trace data and the data stream
captured by a TPA.

A tracepoint can be set on a line of source code, a line of assembly code, or a memory address.
In an ARM debugger, you can set a variety of tracepoints to determine exactly what program
information is traced.
See also Chained tracepoint and Tracepoint unit.

Tracepoint unit

In the context of an ARM debugger, a unit within a Chained tracepoint that combines with other
tracepoint units to create a complex tracepoint.
See also Chained tracepoint and Tracepoint.

Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)

A memory structure containing the results of translation table walks. TLBs help to reduce the
average cost of memory accesses.
Translation table

A table, held in memory, that contains descriptors that define the properties of regions of

Translation table walk

A full translation table lookup. It is performed automatically by hardware.

Trap enable bits

In a floating-point coprocessor, determines whether trapped or untrapped exception handling is

selected. If trapped exception handling is selected, the way it is carried out is IMPLEMENTATION

Triangle setup unit

A component of a fragment processor. The triangle setup unit prepares primitives for rendering
by calculating the data required to rasterize and shade the primitive.


In the context of tracing, a trigger is an event that instructs the debugger to stop collecting trace
and display the trace information around the trigger position, without halting the processor. The
exact information that is displayed depends on the position of the trigger within the buffer.
See also Bounce.


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Trigger instruction

A floating-point instruction that causes a bounce when it is issued.

See also Bounce.

TrustZone Software

A secure software framework that uses the ARM architecture Security Extensions.


An instruction set that can be used by an ARMv8 processor that is in AArch32 execution state.
T32 is a variable-length instruction set that uses both 16-bit and 32-bit instruction encodings. It
is compatible with the ARMv7 Thumb instruction set.
See also AArch32, A32.


See Unified Memory Provider (UMP).


An unaligned access is an access where the address of the access is not aligned to the size of the
elements of the access.

Unconditional breakpoint

A breakpoint that does not have a conditional qualifier assigned. The breakpoint activates
immediately it is hit, but subsequent image execution is determined by any actions assigned to
the breakpoint.
See also Conditional breakpoint and Hardware breakpoint.

Indicates an instruction that is not architecturally defined. It generates an Undefined Instruction

exception. See the ARM Architecture Reference Manual for more information.

Unified Assembler Language (UAL)

A common assembler language for the ARM and Thumb instruction sets in ARMv7, or the A32
and T32 instruction sets in ARMv8.
See the appropriate ARM Architecture Reference Manual for more information.
Unified Memory Provider (UMP)

Provides a safe way to share memory across processes, drivers and hardware components,
possibly using an MMU or MPU for memory protection. The Mali driver stack uses the UMP
API for certain optional functionality.

An abbreviation indicating that software must treat a field as containing an UNKNOWN value.
In any implementation, the bit must read as 0, or all 0s for a bit field. Software must not rely on
the field reading as zero.
See also UNKNOWN.


Hardware must implement the field as Read-As-One, and must ignore writes to the field.
Software must not rely on the field reading as all 1s, and except for writing back to the register
it must treat the value as if it is UNKNOWN. Software must use an SBOP policy to write to the
This description can apply to a single bit that should be written as its preserved value or as 1, or to a field
that should be written as its preserved value or as all 1s.

See also Read-As-One (RAO), Should-Be-One-or-Preserved (SBOP), UNKNOWN.


Hardware must implement the field as Read-As-Zero, and must ignore writes to the field.
Software must not rely on the field reading as all 0s, and except for writing back to the register
it must treat the value as if it is UNKNOWN. Software must use an SBZP policy to write to the


Copyright 2010-2012 ARM. All rights reserved.




This description can apply to a single bit that should be written as its preserved value or as 0, or to a field
that should be written as its preserved value or as all 0s.

See also Read-As-Zero (RAZ), Should-Be-Zero-or-Preserved (SBZP), UNKNOWN.


An UNKNOWN value does not contain valid data, and can vary from moment to moment,
instruction to instruction, and implementation to implementation. An UNKNOWN value must not
be a security hole or documented or promoted as having a defined value or effect.
When UNKNOWN appears in body text, it is always in SMALL CAPITALS.




For an ARM trace macrocell, means that the behavior of the macrocell cannot be relied on. Such
conditions have not been validated. When applied to the programming of an event resource,
only the output of that event resource is UNPREDICTABLE. UNPREDICTABLE behavior can affect
the behavior of the entire system, because the trace macrocell can cause the processor to enter
debug state, and external outputs can be used for other purposes.
For a processor means the behavior cannot be relied on. UNPREDICTABLE behavior must not
represent a security hole. UNPREDICTABLE behavior must not hang the processor, or any parts of
the system.
When UNPREDICTABLE appears in body text, it is always in SMALL CAPITALS.


See Virtual Address (VA).


Video Direct Memory Access. The VDMA transfers data in a burst efficient way to and from
system memory.


Using multiword registers to hold multiple values of the same type for SIMD processing. For
example, software might use doubleword registers to hold four 16-bit unsigned integers.
Vectorization also describes the process of adapting software to use SIMD processing.
Vector operations are provided by:

The VFP instructions in ARMv6.

The Advanced SIMD extension in ARMv7.


A small block of code used with subroutine calls when there is a requirement to change
processor state or branch to an address that cannot be reached in the current processor state.


A set of data defining the properties of one point of a primitive. For example, a point primitive,
an endpoint of a line primitive, or a corner of a triangle primitive.

Vertex attributes

The data provided by the application, to define a vertex.

Vertex loader

A component of the vertex processor that loads vertex attributes from memory and inputs them
to the vertex shader unit.

Vertex processor

A programmable processor that executes vertex shaders with typical transform and lightning
calculations, and generates lists of primitives for a fragment processor to draw.
The vertex processor was originally known as a geometry processor.

Vertex shader

A program running on a vertex processor or shader core, that calculates the position and other
characteristics, such as color and texture coordinates, for each vertex.

Vertex shader unit

A programmable component of the vertex processor that runs vertex shaders.


A coprocessor extension to the ARM architecture that provides floating-point arithmetic. For
ARMv7, more accurately described as the Floating-Point Extension.


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A cache line, selected to be discarded to make room for a replacement cache line that is required
because of a cache miss. How the victim is selected for eviction is processor-specific. A victim
is also known as a cast out.

Virtual Address (VA)

An address used in an instruction as a data or instruction address. The PC, LR, and SP always
hold virtual addresses. For a Protected Memory System Architecture (PMSA) implementation,
the virtual address is identical to the physical address.

Warm reset

Also known as a core reset. Initializes most of the processor functionality, excluding the debug
controller and debug logic. This type of reset is useful if you are using the debugging features
of a processor.
See also Cold reset.


In an ARM debugger, a watch is a variable or expression that you require the debugger to
display at every step or breakpoint so that you can see how its value changes.


A debug event triggered by an access to memory, specified in terms of the address of the
location in memory being accessed.
In DS-5, this is a hardware breakpoint.
See also Breakpoint.


A 32-bit data item. Words are normally word-aligned in ARM systems.


A data item having a memory address that is divisible by four.


In a word-invariant system, the address of each byte of memory changes when switching
between little-endian and big-endian operation, in such a way that the byte with address A in
one endianness has address A EOR 3 in the other endianness. As a result, each aligned word of
memory always consists of the same four bytes of memory in the same order, regardless of
endianness. The change of endianness occurs because of the change to the byte addresses, not
because the bytes are rearranged.
The ARM architecture supports word-invariant systems in ARMv3 and later versions. When
word-invariant support is selected, the behavior of load or store instructions with unaligned
addresses is instruction-specific, and is in general not the expected behavior for an unaligned
access. ARM strongly recommends that word-invariant systems use the endianness that
produces the required byte addresses at all times, apart possibly from very early in their reset
handlers before they have set up the endianness, and that this early part of the reset handler uses
only aligned word memory accesses.
See also Byte-invariant.


Operations that have the semantics of a store. See the ARM Architecture Reference Manual for
more information.

Write completion

The memory system indicates to the processor that a write is complete at a point in the
transaction where the memory system can guarantee that the write is observable by all
processors in the system.
In addition, for Strongly-ordered memory, a write to a memory-mapped peripheral is complete
when it reaches that memory-mapped peripheral and therefore can trigger any side effects
caused by the memory-mapped peripheral. Write completion is not required to ensure that all
side effects are globally visible, although some peripherals might define this as a required
property of completed writes.

Write interleave capability

The number of data-active write transactions for which the interface can transmit data. This is
counted from the earliest transaction.


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Write interleave depth

The number of data-active write transactions for which the interface can receive data.


See XVC Test Scenario Manager.


See eXtensible Verification Component (XVC).

XVC Test Scenario Manager

This coordinates the operation of multiple XVCs.

See also eXtensible Verification Component (XVC).


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Appendix A

This appendix describes the technical changes from the previous issue, Issue D, of this book.
Table A-1 Summary of changes














Explicit access


















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Table A-1 Summary of changes (continued)




Read-As-One (RAO)


Read-As-Zero (RAZ)


Should-Be-One (SBO)


Should-Be-One-or-Preserved (SBOP)


Should-Be-Zero (SBZ)


Should-Be-Zero-or-Preserved (SBZP)








Copyright 2010-2012 ARM. All rights reserved.



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