Electric Field Distribution in A Reverse-Biased P-N Junction

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Electric Field Distribution

in a Reverse-Biased p-n Junction

Kirk T. McDonald
Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
(November 17, 2012)


This problem is motivated by the use of crystals as detectors of energetic charged particles
that pass completely through the crystal, leaving a trail of electron-ion pairs. Although
the crystals are nominally insulators, the electrons so liberated are in the conduction band
and can be separated from the ion by a DC electric eld, resulting in a signal pulse on
the electrodes plated onto opposite faces of the crystal.1,2,3 However, recombination of
the drifting electrons at impurity sites is an issue, and it was eventually realized that the
high purities of germanium and silicon required for successful transistors are also good for
crystalline particle detectors.4 In addition, p-n diode junctions proved to be suitable for
particle detectors [10].
A typical silicon p-n junction is illustrated below, in which a potential dierence V
0.8 V develops across the junction in the absence of an external bias voltage,5 due to the
layers of (space) charge, a few m thick. The p-side of the junction is doped with a bulk
number density Np (or Na ) of atoms (such as boron) with 3 valence electrons (compared to 4
for Si), called acceptors in that these atoms can accept electrons from neighboring atoms, the
motion of which electrons in one direction corresponds to a current of (electrically positive)
holes in the other. The n-side is doped with number density Nn (or Nd ) of atoms with 5
valence electrons (such as phosphorus), called donors.6 A electron current can ow from the
n-side to the p-side only if an external (forward) bias voltage Vp Vn > V is applied, and
no (signicant) electron current ows from the p-side to the n-side for any applied voltage
less than this. The p-n junction acts as a diode/rectifier.
Doped silicon has free charge carriers, predominantly holes in p-doping and predominantly electrons in n-doping. As such, the can be no electric eld inside the doped silicon
Crystals with metallic electrodes are metal-semiconductor junctions, rst investigated by Braun in 1874
[1]. Popular interest in such junctions arose in 1906 following the discovery that a metal-carborundum
junction rectier could be used to detect radio signals in what is now call a crystal radio set [2, 3].
The metal-semiconductor junctions are often called Schottky (barrier) diodes [4], although the full
theory of their operation is due to Bethe [5].
The earliest attempt at detection of an electrical signal due to () particles in a crystal appears to have
been in 1906 by a student of R
ontgen [6]. The rst successful detection may have been by van Heerden in
1946 [7]. Some of the rapid development thereafter in the late 1940s can be traced in [8].
Not all energy deposited in the crystal by energetic charged particles is goes into creation of electronion pairs. Some energy goes into the emission of optical photons, which can be detected externally if the
crystal is transparent. The development of purer material for the semiconductor industry also led to new
developments in crystal scintillators [9].
V is necessarily less than the gap of 1.17 V (at room temperature) between the valence and
conduction bands in Si. Thermal excitations result in a nonzero charge densities on either side of the junction,
whose associated electric eld leads to the potential dierence V , as rst well-discussed by Shockely [11].
Doped silicon is electrically neutral when subject to zero external potential dierence.

under reverse bias, unless all of the free charge carriers have been removed, and the silicon
is said to be depleted.

Charge is conserved during the depletion process, and the semiconductor remains electrically neutral as a whole. The depletion region has a bulk electric charge (space charge)
density related doping density by7

depletion region =

eNp = eNa (p-side),

eNn = eNd



where e > 0 is the magnitude of the charge of an electron. Overall electrical neutrality
implies that


dVol +


dVol = 0.


Note that the depletion process can continue (with increased reverse-bias voltage) only so
far as to fully deplete either the p-side or the n-side, depending on which side has the fewer
total dopant atoms.
When a p-n junction is used as a detector of charged particles (or of photons) the junction
is reverse biased such that ionization electrons (photoelectrons) drift toward the external
contact on the n-side.8 To maximum the volume over which ionization electrons can be
quickly collected, it is desirable that the semiconductor be as fully depleted as possible.9

The density of charge carriers drops to zero over distances of order 1 m at the edges of the depletion
region, as governed by thermal eects.
In the language of particle detectors the n-side contact is called the anode, but in the language of
semiconductor diodes (which must be forward biased to conduct) it is called the cathode.
The highest electric elds, which occur close to the p-n junction may be sucient that the drifting

What is the minimum reverse-bias voltage for maximal depletion, and what is the electric
eld prole E(x) for larger or smaller bias voltages?


We consider only 1-dimensional (x) dependence to the doping densities, and take coordinate
x to run from the p-side to the n-side, with the n-side contact at potential V > 0 and the
p-side contact at ground.10 In this convention the internal electric eld is negative.
The one-dimensional electric eld inside the device obeys Poissons equation,
where K is the (relative) dielectric constant (K = 11.67 for silicon).11 The semiconductor
extends from x1 to x2 , with the p-n junction at x0 . The depletion region extends from xp to
xn where x1 xp < x0 and x0 < xn x2 . Integrating eq. (3) once, noting that the electric
eld is zero outside the depletion region, we obtain

E(x) =

x (x )
xp K0

(x1 < x < xp),

dx (xp < x < xn ),


(xn < x < x2 ).

Integrating eq. (4) over the whole device, and integrating by parts, we nd

= V (x2 ) V (x0) = V (x2) =





E(x) dx =

dx +
dx =
xp K0
noting that charge conservation implies that
= xn


(x) dx = 0.








For a specied reverse-bias voltage V , eqs. (5)-(6) determine the edges xp and xn of the
depletion region, after which the internal electric-eld distribution can be computed using
eq. (4).
The highest voltage for which this model can apply is such that either xp = x0 or xn = x2.
In practice, breakdown of the semiconductor under the high internal electric eld occurs as
voltages lower than this maximum, and we thereby avoid having to x to model to apply at
higher voltages. For p-n junctions used as particle detectors, with relatively thick depletion
layers, the breakdown mechanism is Townsend avalanches (which avalanches are desirable if
they dont lead to breakdown).
ionization electrons initiate Townsend avalanches. In this case it would be desirable to deplete the p-side of
the junction as fully as possible.
Particle detectors are typically operated with the n-side contact at ground and the p-side contact at
negative voltage.
The relative dielectric constant is aected by the doping density N , but this eect is signicant only
for N > 1017/cm3 [12].


Constant Doping Densities

In the idealized case of constant doping densities, Np = Nd and Nn = Nd , eqs. (4)-(6) can
be evaluated analytically.
Take the p-n junction to be at x0 = 0. Then, eq. (6) tells us that
xp Np = xn Nn ,


(x2 Np + x2n Nn ).
2K0 p


and eq. (5) becomes

V =

Hence, the depletion edges are given by

2K0 V
xp =
e Np (Np + Nn )

xn =

2K0 V
e Nn (Np + Nn )


the width w of the depletion region is

w = xn xp =

2K0 V Np Nn
e Np + Nn


The electric-eld prole is triangular, with nonzero, negative values between xp and xn . The
peak (negative) electric eld is at the p-n junction, where
Nn xn
|Emax | =

2V Np Nn
eK0 Np + Nn


Junction Capacitance

As the reverse-bias voltage is raised from 0 to V , electric charge,

Q = eNn xn A = eNpxp A,


ows through the external circuit as the charge carriers are swept out of the enlarging
depletion region (leaving total charge Q in the n- and p-sides of the depletion region). The
bias voltage (8) can also be written as
V =

Q(xn xp )

K0 A
K0 A


where the junction capacitance,




is the same as that of a parallel-plate capacitor of width equal to the depletion width w
(even though the charge Q does not reside on the edge surfaces of the depletion region but
within its volume).

If the bias voltage is applied through a series resistor R, the time constant for changes in
the bias voltage is RCjunction, provided this is longer than relevant time scales for the required
motion of charge carriers. Drift velocities of electrons and holes in silicon are summarized
in the gures below (from [13]), and are much higher than those of conduction electrons in
metals. As is the case for metallic conduction, the eective transport of a single charge is
governed by the speed of light, and not by the charges drift velocity, and in practice the
charging time constant is determined by the junction capacitance (14).

Likewise, when the device is used as a detector of energetic charged particles, which
create a trail of electron-hole pairs inside the semiconductor along the path of the penetrating
particles, separation of the electron-hole pairs by the internal electric eld of the depletion
region leads to induced electric
charge on the metallic contacts to the semiconductor device

on time scales of order Kd/c. Currents in the external circuit, with series resistance R,
associated with these induced charges have a rise time limited by RCjunction.


Spatially Varying Doping Densities

Junction Capacitance and Detector Signal Capacitance

When doping densities Np and Nn are functions of spatial coordinate x there is in general
no closed-form expression for the dependence of the depletion width, w = xn xp, on bias
voltage V . However, from eq. (5) we see that a change V in the bias voltage results in a
ow of charge Q (xn )A dxn = (xp)A dxp o of the device as related by

Q(xn xp)
xn (xn ) dxn xp(xp ) dxp

K0 A


Hence, the junction capacitance, Cjunction = K0 A/w, again governs the time constant for
changes in the bias voltage. And again, the time constant for rapid changes in the terminal

voltage of the semiconductor device associated with separation of electron-hole pairs created
by energetic, penetrating particles is also related to the junction capacitance.

Example: an Avalanche Photodiode

As an example of a p-n junction in which the doping densities vary with position we consider
the 8 8 mm2 avalanche photodiode described in [14]. The junction is 300 m thick, with
60 m of deep-diused p-doping on a substrate with uniform n-doping. The doping densities
are illustrated on the left gure below.

The interior electric eld is estimated via the simplied model of eq. (4) by beginning
the integration at xp = 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 m, leading to the electric-eld
distributions shown in the right gure above. The reverse-bias voltage across the junction
is obtained by integration of the electric eld. Because of very large p-doping density near
x = 60 m, moving the p-side depletion edge to slightly less than 50 m results in the
n-side becoming completely depleted, at around 5000 V bias voltage. In practice, internal
breakdown limits the voltage in this device to about 1900 V (and the peak electric eld
magnitude to 2 105 V/cm).

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