5054 w02 Er

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FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... 1
PHYSICS............................................................................................................................. 2
GCE Ordinary Level ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Paper 5054/01 Multiple Choice ..................................................................................................................... 2
Paper 5054/02 Structured and Free Response............................................................................................. 4
Paper 5054/03 Practical Test ........................................................................................................................ 7
Paper 5054/04 Alternative to Practical .......................................................................................................... 9

This booklet contains reports written by Examiners on the work of candidates in certain papers. Its contents
are primarily for the information of the subject teachers concerned.


GCE Ordinary Level

Paper 5054/01
Multiple Choice





















General comments
The mean score this year was 23.9 out of 40 (60%) and the standard deviation was 18%. The general
standard of performance across the Paper was uniform, showing that all sections of the syllabus had been
well prepared. Questions 4 and 5 were found to be easy to answer correctly.
Comments on specific questions
Question 1
As usual this was intended as a simple, introductory question to help settle the candidates. So it proved,
with 75% of the candidates answering correctly. Response B attracted some attention, presumably from
candidates who did not notice the 0.5 mm marking.


Question 2
Very few candidates felt that the mass of a body would change during acceleration, but all other responses
attracted a sizeable number of candidates.
Question 5
Candidates found this very easy with only one in ten not being able to calculate the density.
Question 7
Several of the better candidates chose option B. Perhaps they thought that to have the same magnitude as
one of the components, the resultant must be that component, and so was not possible.
Question 9
The key (A) was selected by a slight majority, but response D proved almost as attractive and was selected
by almost as many candidates.
Question 13
Surprisingly candidates found this difficult with some evidence of guessing. Perhaps this was because the
graph showed a cooling situation rather than the more usual case of heating a solid.
Question 14
Response C proved even more attractive than the key B.
Question 20
Another question where the statistics seem to suggest guessing was taking place. Responses B, C and D
being popular answers with C (slightly) more popular than the key D.
Questions 22 and 28
Both these questions proved rather easy, with most candidates selecting the key, other responses each
attracting only a few candidates.
Question 29
A lot of candidates chose options A and C, suggesting that they think that there is no current in the neutral
Question 32
Nearly everyone decided that the commutator would reverse the current only once or twice per revolution,
with only one third of these making the wrong selection.
Question 37
This proved an easy question with nearly 80% selecting the correct answer. A pleasing response for a
question on radioactive emissions.
Questions 39 and 40
Again a good and pleasing response to questions on this area of study.


Paper 5054/02
Structured and Free Response

General comments
This was the first November examination where the subject content of the syllabus contained learning
outcomes. Only a few parts of some questions were entirely new, and even then it was intended that
candidates who had studied the main ideas of Physics would be able to see the relevance of those ideas to
the question that had been set. For example, in Question 1 which tested the effect of friction on the motion
of a vehicle and in Question 5 (b) where candidates could apply simple ideas about like and unlike charges
to explain the working of an electrostatic precipitator.
There were some excellent performances where candidates had clearly learnt the relevant areas of Physics
well, but there were also a much larger number of poor performances where candidates had clearly not had
enough practice in the application of physical concepts and principles. It is the intention of the syllabus to
promote the understanding and application of physical concepts and principles. Candidates need to learn
how to apply the simple principles to new applications. The Examiners were disappointed by the
performance in the first part of each question in Section B. Each of these questions had an element of free
response where candidates had to explain energy changes, explain how pressure is transferred through a
hydraulic system or how sound travels through the air. There were many possible approaches to each of
these questions, but too often candidates did not write any sensible Physics in their answers.
The Examiners reported that the general standard of the written English was good and that most scripts were
completely understandable.
Answers should be quoted to the same number of significant figures as given in the question. It is not the
intention to penalise the wrong use of significant figures to any great extent; only in Question 2 (b) was there
a possible mark lost for quoting too many figures and in Question 11 (b) where some candidates quoted
answers to a very large number of significant figures. It is very important that units are given, where
appropriate, to every numerical answer and it is advisable that candidates should give formulae when
answering numerical questions.
It has been stated in previous reports that some candidates are not using the lined pages at the end of the
Question Paper for their answers to Section B. Some Centres are still supplying each candidate with a
large answer booklet before the examination starts, which, even though unused, is still attached to the
Question Paper. Candidates should be encouraged to use the lined pages and only ask for additional
sheets when the lined pages are full.
The time available for the examination appeared to be adequate for most candidates. A few candidates
attempted to answer three questions in Section B, and, in general, their last answer appeared to be rushed
and scored significantly lower marks. Some weaker candidates only attempted part answers in Section B.
Comments on specific questions
Section A
Question 1
Candidates were usually able to produce sensible graphs, which showed that the car started at 18m/s,
continued at that speed for 0.6s and then slowed uniformly to rest at 3.6s. In part (b) there are many factors
that increase braking distance, e.g. poor tyres, a slippery or wet road, applying the brakes with a weak force.
Many candidates failed to state factors that would increase the braking distance and merely gave factors that
affected or even decreased the distance. These candidates were given credit if they gave two factors.
Answer: (a)(ii) 10.8m.


Question 2
Most candidates mentioned that total internal reflection occurs at Q, since the angle of incidence is greater
than the critical angle. Some answers were unclear particularly when candidates compared an angle with
the critical angle. In (a)(ii) reference to the increased speed of light as it emerges from the glass fibre was
the best explanation for the change in direction, but other answers were accepted in which simply the
concept of refraction was mentioned as there was a change in medium from glass to air. Many candidates
knew and applied the formula for refractive index and used the equation successfully, but other candidates
were confused by the fact that light travels from glass to air and produced an answer of 9.9. The answers
to (c) were disappointing. It was hoped that candidates would mention that optical fibres are able to carry
more telephone conversations than a copper wire, or that attenuation of the signal is lower or that optical
fibres are more secure from interference or tapping. Many candidates suggested that the speed of the wave
travelling along the fibre was faster and thus the signals arrive sooner. This was not accepted, although the
Examiners did accept that data can be sent at a faster rate along an optical fibre.
Answer: (b) 23.
Question 3
Most candidates correctly gave radio waves in (a)(i). Full marks in (ii) were awarded either for using the
formula v=f and stating that speed is constant for all electromagnetic waves, or by realising that, with a
constant speed, an increased wavelength must increase the time for one oscillation. Only good candidates
stated the need for constant velocity in their answers to this question. In part (b) only simple answers were
required, showing that candidates realised that high buildings reflect or obstruct waves and that radio waves
decrease in strength or spread out or even that a booster station can increase the strength of the signal
received. Some candidates produced confused ideas, which included microwaves experiencing interference
from other types of waves, sound messages dying away, or a repeater station sending out a signal if the first
one was lost.
Question 4
Parts (a), (b) and (c) produced some good answers. Part (d), in contrast, revealed many confused ideas. It
was hoped that candidates would realise that there is a larger current in the wires to the heater and that
thicker wires lose less heat or are less likely to melt. Answers sometimes mistakenly referred to the wires of
the heater itself rather than those supplying it, or suggested that the thickness of the wire is due to an extra
earth wire within the insulated cover of the cable; the explanation frequently referring to avoidance of electric
shock. The fact that thicker wires become less heated was missed by weaker candidates though statements
that the thicker wire has lower resistance or that there is a larger current in the heater, or the wires to it,
gained one mark.
Answers: (a) 2.0 kWh, 0.2 kWh, 0.9 kWh, 1.2 kWh, 3.0 kWh; (c) 6357.8.
Question 5
Correct answers in (a)(i) were very common and included explanations that density decreases or
explanations of the formation of a convection current. There were some weaker statements that the gas
becomes lighter or that the molecules themselves expand, rather than there being an increased distance
between them. In (ii) the Examiners were pleased to find many good explanations that clearly stated that
energy is passed on from molecule to molecule as the particles vibrate. This was given full marks as were
explanations that involved the movement of free electrons. Weaker answers tried to explain how conduction
occurs within the gas or water and often failed to score. Sensible and reasoned explanations in (b) used the
simple principles of electrostatics in a new situation. Most candidates realised that negatively charged dust
particles were attracted to the positive plates. Many answers correctly suggested that the particles became
charged negatively as they passed through the fine wires, and this was sufficient.
Question 6
Most candidates in (a) recognised that nitrogen is liquid at the temperature stated. Definitions in (b) were
usually adequate. Answers to the unusual question in (c) showed good sense by using the equations for
specific latent heat and specific heat capacity and either leaving a term for m in the equations or by merely
making the calculation for 1g. The Examiners were generally pleased with the quality of the argument
produced in the space available.


Question 7
The majority of candidates realised that the average speed of the molecules is greater at a higher
temperature. The question explains that the gas in the syringe occupies a greater volume at higher
temperature and so many candidates correctly stated that the distance between molecules has also
increased. However it was rare for candidates to score full marks in this question as they did not realise that
the pressure of the gas is the same at the higher temperature (since the piston moves without friction and the
pressure inside and outside must be atmospheric pressure). The last part produced, understandably, the
fewest correct answers. Since the pressure is the same at the higher temperature and the molecules are
hitting the sides with a greater speed there must be fewer collisions per second to produce the same
Question 8
Most candidates plotted the correct points in (a)(i), but a considerable number then drew a straight line and
failed to earn full marks in this part. Candidates should realise that the instruction in the question to draw a
line may require that a straight line or a curved line is to be drawn. The line drawn in (ii) needed to drop from
x, the given point, to somewhere between 12 and 18 small squares. It was not intended that candidates
calculate the number of atoms after less than a half life. Almost all candidates gave the correct answer for
(b)(i). However correct answers to (ii) were far less common. Candidates who showed working were often
awarded one mark because it was clear that they had calculated two half lives, even though it was not
converted to an actual time interval. Calculation of the time taken for a reduction from 4000 counts per
minute to 10 counts per minute was rare but was also awarded some credit.
Answers: (b)(i) 40, (ii) 10 years.
Section B
Question 9
The answers to (a) were disappointing. Candidates were able to score almost full marks either by describing
what happens inside the Sun or the processes by which winds are created on the Earth. The fusion of
hydrogen nuclei in the Sun to create helium and energy with the emission of light or infra-red or radiation and
its subsequent absorption would have been sufficient for full marks, as would have been the absorption of
light from the Sun and a detailed explanation of convection currents being formed since some areas of the
Earth absorb more radiation than others. The calculations in (b)(i) produced better answers and it was
encouraging to see the correct formulae given at the start of an answer. (b)(ii) required a simple statement
that potential energy changes to kinetic energy. Many candidates added extra energy changes. These were
accepted as long as they were reasonable, but often the kinetic energy was changed into potential energy
again or was changed to heat and then to sound. In these cases candidates did not earn full marks.
Answers: (b) 16J, 167J, 9.6%.
Question 10
The Examiners were disappointed by the level of understanding shown regarding hydraulic systems. In (a)
only simple explanations were required, such that piston P causes a pressure in the oil which acts on piston
Q and creates a force on that piston. In the process oil moves to the slave cylinder, keeping valve B open
and valve A shut. Part (b) allowed candidates to apply the formula for pressure and in (ii) to state that the
pressure in the slave cylinder is the same as in the master cylinder. The formula for pressure was generally
well known. Candidates were able to use even an incorrect value for the pressure in (ii) to earn full marks in
(iii). Calculation of the volume of oil in (c)(i) was a simple task of multiplying an area by a distance but it was
not always answered correctly.
Most candidates realised that valve A opens in (d) and valve B shuts but it was a common misconception
that piston Q returns to its original position, even though candidates realised that valve B was closed. Many
candidates appreciated the need for the fluid to be incompressible in (e), although incorrect attempts
frequently were related to density references.
Answers: (b)(i) 15 (N/cm2), (ii) 15 (N/cm2), (iii) 6000N; (c)(i) 100 cm3, (ii) 0.25 cm.


Question 11
In (a) many candidates recognised that a vibration was involved in the transmission of sound but often stated
wrongly that sound particles rather than the correct statement that air or, even better, air molecules vibrate,
passing their energy or vibration on from one molecule to the next. Many answers stated that sound is a
longitudinal wave and that compressions and rarefactions are involved, and these ideas were credited. In
(a)(ii) most candidates stated that the sound is quieter at microphone 2 because the sound has further to
travel but answers which explained that the air absorbs the sound or that the sound spreads out were far
The points plotted for the graph in (b) were sometimes incorrect, with candidates often failing to draw the
time axis correctly or using extremely awkward scales which caused candidates to plot their points
inaccurately. In general candidates should be taught to draw graphs using the recommendations given in
the Practical Assessment section of the syllabus, and 2 cm on the graph paper representing 1, 2 or 5 units of
the variable (or 10, 20, 50 etc.). Most candidates knew the formula that allowed them to calculate speed
from distance and time but sometimes failed to use the graph (as the question required), and merely used
two points from the table. This was accepted where the points were on or very close to the line, but is
preferable to draw a reasonable sized triangle on the graph to show how the gradient is calculated. The time
delay in (c) was sometimes given as 8.0ms, but whatever value was given, full marks were awarded in (ii) if
the candidate successfully used the speed calculated from the graph. The major cause of error was a failure
to convert the time interval into seconds before calculating the distance. Candidates were usually able to
make at least one sensible comment in (d), for example that multiple reflections from the walls cause
confusion, that the time taken is too short to measure accurately or that the reaction time of the observer will
cause a large error. In (e), candidates needed to know that sound travels faster in water than in air. Many
candidates failed to answer the question fully by not specifying that the time taken would be shorter as a
Answer: (c)(i) 5.0ms.

Paper 5054/03
Practical Test

General comments
The Paper was of a comparable standard to previous years and there was no real evidence that candidates
had either significantly improved or significantly declined in standard.
Comments on specific questions
Question 1
The majority of candidates recorded, to the nearest mm, the position of the centre of mass of the rule and the
scale readings on the rule. Better candidates recorded how they had made measurements to the centre of
the 100 g mass. In these cases the position of the centre of the 100 g mass was recorded and this was
subtracted from the position of the knife-edge in order to find the distance x.
Examiners allowed error carried forward to the calculation of the mass of the rule; provided candidates
obtained a reasonably sensible value for M and quoted an appropriate unit, the calculation mark was
Values of l, w and t were generally recorded correctly, although Examiners did not allow l = 1 m because this
was only quoting the length to one significant figure. Perhaps rather generously l = 100 cm was allowed.
Most candidates obtained a reasonable value for the density of the material of the rule.


Question 2
Temperatures and volumes were generally recorded correctly. Better candidates interpolated between the
divisions on the thermometer in order to record the temperatures to better than 1C.
Most candidates determined a correct mass of 80 g for the water and a mass of about 15 g for the melted
ice. Significant errors included a water mass of 95 g (final mass of water rather than initial) or an ice mass of
95 g (initial mass of water not subtracted from final mass).
Since the correct calculation of L included a unit, a number of candidates lost the mark immediately because
they quoted the unit for specific heat capacity rather than specific latent heat.
The majority of candidates scored a mark for precautions because of the large number of possible
Question 3
A number of candidates did not know the correct circuit symbol for a light dependent resistor. Popular
alternatives included the symbol for a variable resistor, the symbol for a thermistor, or an LDR symbol either
with arrows pointing away from the resistor or more than two arrows pointing towards the resistor.
When the LDR was open to light, Examiners expected the potential difference across the resistor to be
greater than the potential difference across the LDR and the sum of the p.d.s to be equal to the supply p.d.
Most candidates obtained results such as described above. In some cases Supervisors reported that
different LDRs were used and the Supervisors reported that different results were obtained. When this was
done Examiners were able to take account of the unexpected results. When the LDR was covered it was
expected that the p.d. across the LDR would be greater than the p.d. across the resistor and that the sum of
the p.d.s would be equal to the supply p.d. Good candidates obtained this result and where Supervisors
reported difficulties, this was taken account of in the marking.
In the last part of the question, there were two possible answers that candidates could use;

The p.d. across the resistor had decreased indicating that the current in the circuit had decreased
which indicates that the LDR resistance had increased.


The p.d. across the LDR had increased indicating that it had a greater share of the voltage and
therefore a greater resistance.

These points were only made by the top grade candidates.

Question 4
The majority of candidates had the glass block in the correct position, drew a normal at the point of incidence
and marked the correct angle of incidence. A small number of candidates measured the angle of incidence
from the surface of the block rather than the normal. Most candidates had correct incident and emergent
rays but only the better candidates used the widest possible spacing for the optical pins in order to gain the
most accurate result possible.
Most candidates obtained an angle of refraction of between 23 and 27 when the angle of incidence was
40. A correct value for the sine of 40 was also determined, although the weaker candidates gave values
such as 0.642, which has been incorrectly rounded and 0.6428, which is an inappropriate number of
significant figures. Only the best candidates used a range of values for the angle of incidence that was
greater than or equal to 50. The last mark for the quality of all 5 results was scored by about half the
candidates. A common mistake amongst weaker candidates was to measure the angle of emergence rather
than the angle of refraction.
Graph work produced the usual spread of marks with the best candidates scoring the maximum 4 marks and
weaker candidates scoring zero. Mistakes included, plotting the graph the wrong way round (sin r against
sin i), choosing a scale which was difficult to follow, misplotting points and drawing a line which was either
too thick or not the best fit line to the points.
The gradient calculation also produced the usual spread of marks. Good candidates correctly read the sides
of a large triangle in order to produce a value for the gradient that was in the range 1.45 to 1.55. Mistakes
included using a small triangle, misreading the sides of the triangle, and not producing a gradient in the
correct range either because of poor results or because the line drawn on the grid was a poor fit to the
experimental data.


Paper 5054/04
Alternative to Practical

General comments
This Paper was designed to examine the candidates understanding of the practice and techniques of
experimental work associated with the Physics syllabus. The preparation for this Paper should be a well
designed laboratory course covering most of the topics within the syllabus. Candidates should have
hands-on experience with appropriate equipment.
Most candidates gave an answer to each section of each question, there was no evidence that there was
any shortage of time. The answers were written in very clear English and well presented. The standard of
the material in the answers was very variable. The comments in the next section will give specific examples
on common weak responses.
An important general point is that the candidates should follow the instructions contained in the question.
For example in Question 1 (b) candidates were asked to Draw on Fig 1.2 and to Show your arithmetical
working. In Question 5 there were instructions about the best straight line and marking the graph for the
gradient calculation. Such instructions are designed to help the candidates carry out their tasks and present
them so that they can be understood and followed by another person. Many candidates failed to take note of
such instructions.
Comments on specific questions
Question 1
In some situations, when only a rule is used as the measuring apparatus to determine a length, the
measurement is unreliable. This question was about using a set-square and the rule MR to obtain accurate
measurements, of object distance u and image distance v, avoiding parallax errors.

The Examiners expected an answer in words or on a diagram that positioned the set-square
correctly and used two settings for u or v.
A large number of candidates correctly drew a diagram showing one side of the right angle of the
set-square alongside the rule with the other side alongside one item of the optical apparatus.
Some diagrams had carelessly drawn set-squares having a wrong orientation, for example showing
the hypotenuse along the side of the rule. In some, the set-squares were shown being used as
though the vertical setting of the optical items were being checked.


Most candidates correctly gave the answer parallax error, but there were a considerable number
of wrong answers, for example, one of these was zero error.
Many candidates did not appear to have a set-square, some of these candidates improvised using
a rule. The advice to Draw on Fig. 1.2 and to Show your arithmetical working was ignored by a
large number of candidates. Some diagrams showed the hypotenuse of a set used as a rule; this
was placed alongside the scale MR. Using the scale MR and a set-square, the Examiners
expected to see a mark on MR at the points 20 mm and 134 mm. By subtraction the distance
AB = 114 mm. (The calibration of the scale on MR is smaller than on a mm rule, measured directly
with a rule the distance AB = 115 mm.) Common errors were: writing 130.4 mm for 134 mm and
10.9 mm for 19 mm; wrong or no unit for the distance. Marks were awarded for: - two points on
the scale MR or two lines perpendicular to the scale MR; - a correct record of the MR scale for
these two points or where the lines meet the scale: - and a correct subtraction with unit.


Question 2

It is interesting to note that many candidates expected all the ice to remain frozen for the duration
of the experiment, that is 100 minutes. Very few drew attention to this length of time, however
most responded to the advice about temperatures and mass of ice melted. Correct information
was extracted from the table and this information was sensibly applied. A large number used the
numerical information about the amount of ice melted i.e., 70 g and 81 g, respectively in A and B.
Some gave this information in the form of more ice melted in B. A very common misconception
was that the ice inside a container melted because heat had been transferred from the ice to the
laboratory surrounding the containers.


The idea that the initial mass of ice was a possible variable in the experiment was well understood.
Most candidates were able to explain that the amount of ice melted would depend upon how much
ice was present at the beginning of the experiment.


Deep-freeze was often confused with physical depth. Very few candidates realised that a
deep-freeze had a device (the refrigeration unit) to maintain the very low temperature. The
lagging stops the cold escaping was a very common theme given in wrong answers.

Question 3

If N oscillations take a total time t then each oscillation has a time period of T= t/N. Those
candidates who were familiar with this statement about oscillations were able to give an answer
applicable to the oscillating rule. There were however many candidates who were careless about
their terminology for example, confusing oscillation with oscillations, confusing t with T and
confusing (t1 + t2 + t3)/3 with t/N. The three marks for this section were awarded for the three points
contained in the statement about N, t and T above. (Candidates who only discussed determining
the time for one oscillation did not lose 3 marks.) This part was about the periodic time T. Many
candidates spent time considering L, this was wasted effort. Many candidates tried to determine
T = 0.61sec from one oscillation. The Examiners had hoped that by giving T = 0.61sec, the
candidates would not have made this suggestion. (Trying to stop and start a stopwatch in such a
short interval of time would be a good introductory practical exercise to the procedure of measuring
the periodic time of an oscillation.)


There are many good reasons why the fiducial mark was in the position shown in Fig. 3.1. Some of
these are: the position marks the start and end of one oscillation, it is the equilibrium position for
the rule, the rule is moving with maximum speed as it passes the position, when oscillating the rule
always passes this position. When given by a candidate any of the above reasons was awarded
the mark for this section. To support the rule was a common wrong answer.


The Examiners expected answers, which proposed determining t by: using at least N = 20;
repeating the experiment and then calculating the average of the two values for t (or t/N). Similar
procedures were, in fact, suggested by a large number of the candidates. However there were
many candidates who were not clear about what they were averaging (see above at (a)).

Question 4

Despite the reference to a series circuit, in part (i) of the question, a large number of the
candidates use the formula for the resultant of parallel resistors to determine the combined
resistance of the resistor R and the wire AB. The value of the required resistance was 12W.


The required graph line lies above the line drawn already shown on Fig. 4.2. Because the
resistance of the wire is proportional to its length x, the voltmeter reading V, increases as the
resistance of the wire between A and J increases. The graph shows that the larger the value of x
the larger is the value of V. The contact resistance between the jockey and the wire effectively
increases the length of wire in the circuit. Hence, compared with a clean jockey, when a dirty
jockey is used, all values of V are larger for each value of x. Although a sizeable minority drew
lines above that already shown most candidates drew a line below the line shown.


A wide variety of ideas were suggested, these even included using ultrasound. Not many of the
candidates suggested the more realistic use of some form of abrasive paper.



Very well answered with K the correct and very popular choice. However many struggled to put
over their reason when they clearly knew which one to choose. A reasonable number realised the
significance of the largest experimental value for V (= 1.02 V) in relation to the full scale deflection
of each meter. The Examiners are pleased to report that some candidates discussed ideas related
to the deflection per volt (FSD/60 mm/V). For K the deflection per volt 40 mm/V; for M the value
was 4 mm/V; so K is 10 times more sensitive than M. Indeed sensitivity was a well used word.
There is much to learn about this topic with much to clarify; e.g. full scale deflection, range and
scale. There were some strange answers relating the 60 mm length of each scale to a length of
wire on the graph. Another was to choose meter M (15 V FSD) because the total resistance from
part (a) was 12 W. These answers were widely used.

Question 5

Most candidates scored well on this part of the question. The graph axes were well prepared with
axes: that used the advised origin; that were of the correct orientation (i.e. y against x); labelled by
name or symbol and with unit; that used a scale which could not be doubled. Apart from the point
(56,390) the graph point plotting was very accurate, better than to the nearest half small square of
the graph grid in most cases. The quality of graph line drawing was very variable. Far too many
candidates ignored the instruction to draw the best straight line through the points. Point-to-point
line drawing was not accepted. Where there is scatter of the points the straight line should be
drawn so that some of the points are on either side of the line. Some lines were not drawn so as to
cover the full range of the plotted points. Ideally the straight line should be extended to occupy the
whole graph page (see the comments at (b)).


Most candidates used gradient triangles that were larger than half of the line. The size of the
triangle should be made as large as possible. The accuracy of the measurements of the lengths
(in units of the scale) of the sides of the triangle is increased by using a large triangle. Two points
of the gradient triangle must lie on the graph line. The co-ordinates of the three points of the
triangle should be recorded somewhere on the graph. Some candidates ignored the scale of the
graph and counted graph grid squares when trying to calculate the gradient. A large number of the
candidates chose very good gradient triangles but incorrectly gave the gradient as Dx/Dy.


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