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World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7 (6): 692-698, 2011

ISSN 1817-3047
IDOSI Publications, 2011

Effects of Different Hydroponics Systems and Growing Media on the Vegetative

Growth, Yield and Cut Flower Quality of Gypsophila (Gypsophila paniculata L.)
Paul K. Wahome, Tajudeen O. Oseni, Michael T. Masarirambi and Victor D. Shongwe
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Luyengo Campus,
University of Swaziland, P.O. Luyengo M205, Swaziland
Abstract: Horticultural production in most parts of the tropics is extremely difficult due to high rate of infection
by the soil-borne diseases. At the moment, utilization of hydroponics systems for the commercial production
of crops is very limited. This study, therefore, attempted to investigate the potential of growing gypsophila
using different hydroponics systems. The experiments were laid out in a split-plot design. Three hydroponics
systems were used as the main plots, i.e. elevated tray, ground lay bed and bag culture systems. The sub-plots
were allocated to three different aggregate/medium components, i.e., sawdust, river sand and vermiculite.
Throughout the production period, plants grown using river sand had the lowest plant height. The highest
plant height (52.9 cm) was obtained from plants grown in vermiculite at 12 weeks after transplanting (WAT).
Plant height of gypsophila plants grown using sawdust at 12 WAT was almost double that of those grown
using sand. There was a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in number of shoots/plant in gypsophila grown in sand
medium in all three hydroponics systems. The highest number of shoots/plant was obtained from plants grown
in sawdust in all hydroponics systems. The highest cut flower stem length (67.0 cm) was obtained from plants
grown in sawdust in the bag culture hydroponics system, while the lowest cut flower stem length (25.0 cm) was
observed in plants grown in sand in the elevated tray hydroponics system. The highest number of
branches/plant was generally observed in plants grown in the bag culture hydroponics system when compared
to the elevated tray and ground lay bed hydroponics systems. For the hydroponics culture of gypsophila,
sawdust should be used as growing medium. To induce highest vegetative growth, flower yield and quality,
the plants should be grown using bag culture hydroponics system.
Key words: Gypsophila



Vegetative growth


Cut flower yield

Cut flower quality

floriculture trade is one of the most rapidly expanding and

dynamic global enterprise. Flower plants provide better
income from a unit area with higher profitability as
compared to fruits and vegetables. Floriculture has
become a money-spinner for most Third World countries
like Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania among
others [2]. Apart from domestic use, which is usually
limited, many kinds of flowers and ornamental plants are
grown for export by the various developed and
developing countries. Increased awareness about
ornamental plants can encourage many innovative and
progressive growers and entrepreneurs to take up their
cultivation as a commercial enterprise. Concerted efforts
towards adoption, cultivation and marketing of
indigenous ornamental plants can boost exports.

Gypsophila belongs to the Caryophyllaceae Family.

The genus Gypsophila contains about 125 species of
annual, biennial and perennial plants. They originated
from Turkey, Ukraine and Iran [1]. The species
Gypsophila paniculata is grown worldwide as a
commercial filler cut flower, bedding plant or as potted
plant. It has low nutrient requirement. Fertiliser application
in field production is rarely necessary. It is relatively salt
stress resistant. It can be used for fresh or dried flower
The growing of ornamental plants has expanded the
horizon from being mere objects of hobbyists, to products
of lucrative business. In the present-day world,

Corresponding Author: Dr. Paul K. Wahome, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Luyengo Campus,
University of Swaziland. P.O. Luyengo M205, Swaziland. E-mail: wahome@uniswa.sz.


World J. Agric. Sci., 7 (6): 692-698, 2011

Hydroponics is the growing of plants without soil [3].

It can also be defined as the science of growing plants
using a solution of suitable nutrients instead of soil [4].
This can either be through the use of non-soil growing
medium or no growing medium at all. The plants thrive on
the nutrient-water solution alone. The growing medium, if
any, is totally inert and merely acts as a support for the
plants and their root systems, while the nutrient solution
passes freely [5].
The earliest recordings of hydroponics in use were in
the Hanging Gardens of Babylon where plants were
grown in a steady stream of water [6]. Hydroponics has
been used for over a century as a research technique, but
not until 1929 were experiments conducted solely to
determine its feasibility for growing commercial crops [7].
With the first successful application of hydroponics
techniques in the 1930s, the stage was set for a paradigm
shift in crop production from conventional cultivation in
soil to soilless cultivation [8]. The first crops to be
commercially grown in hydroponics included tomato and
pepper. Nowadays, virtually any plant can be grown
hydroponically, but some will do better than others.
Hydroponics growing is ideal for fruit vegetables like
tomato, cucumber and pepper; leafy vegetables like
lettuce and herbs; as well as ornamental plants [6].
During World War II, the US army used hydroponics
to grow fresh tomato and lettuce for troops stationed on
infertile lands on the Pacific Islands [6, 9]. By the 1950s,
there were viable commercial farms operating in USA,
Britain, Africa and Asia [6]. In 1981, rockwool was used in
Australia for the hydroponics culture of cut flowers [6].
Hydroponics technology can be used to generate food
crops from almost anywhere, including the Artic, city
roof-tops, barren deserts sand, space stations and where
land is very expensive [9].
Although hydroponics is possible for most plant
species, a limiting factor is the amount of physical support
required. There are several different types of hydroponics
system, but all share the same basic method of supplying
the plants with nutrients and water. Hydroponics is
perhaps the most intensive method of crop production in
todays agricultural industry [10]. It uses advanced
technology, is highly productive, conserves water and
land, protects the environment and is often capital
intensive. Since regulating the aerial and root environment
is a major concern in such agricultural systems,
production takes place inside enclosures that give control
of air and root temperature, light, water, plant nutrition
and protection against adverse climatic conditions.

Hydroponics offers opportunities to provide optimal

conditions for plant growth and therefore, higher yields
can be obtained using it compared to open field
production [11]. It offers a means of control over soilborne diseases and pests, which is especially desirable in
the tropics where the life cycles of these organisms
continue uninterrupted and so do the threat of infestation.
Thus, the costly and time-consuming tasks of soil
sterilisation, soil amelioration etc. can be avoided with
hydroponics cultivation [11-13].
Under hydroponics, some plants can be grown closer
together than in the field because roots are directly fed;
thereby increasing yields per unit area and multiple
cropping can be practised. Plants grow faster because
they get all the nutrients they need in the proper amounts
and proportions. In soil, plants develop a large root
system to enable them search for nutrients and water.
In hydroponics, nutrients and water are provided directly
to the roots. This enables the plants to achieve higher
growth of the shoot system, producing more vegetation,
larger fruits, flowers and other edible parts. In addition to
conserving space, hydroponics almost eliminates weed
and soil-pest problems [7]. Plants in hydroponics grow up
to two times faster with higher yields than with
conventional soil farming methods due to high oxygen
levels to the root system, optimum pH levels for increased
nutrient and water uptake and optimum balanced and high
grade nutrient solutions [7, 14-15].
In rapidly changing world of hydroponics
technology, yields higher than never realised before are
possible. Consistent efforts have been made to develop
simple, labour- and cost-efficient hydroponics systems
[16]. Hydroponics growing systems have been developed
to get higher yield and quality, to preserve water and land,
to save labour and to protect the environment through
reduced use of pesticides. Important advantages of
hydroponics culture, especially the closed systems, are
the excess nutrient solution is recovered, management
and reduction of waste material, less pollution of ground
and surface water, a more efficient use of water and
fertilisers, the buffer capacity for making mistakes and
lower costs [17].
Growing plants in soil is unpredictable due to
changing temperatures, moisture holding capacity,
availability of nutrients, root aeration, disease and pest
problems [6, 18-20]. Hydroponics alleviates some of these
problems of nature while giving the farmer precise control
of the plants and, often, the environment in which
they grow. Melgarejo et al. [21] showed that hydroponics

World J. Agric. Sci., 7 (6): 692-698, 2011

culture of Fig (Ficuscarica L.) resulted in higher

profitability when compared to conventional farming.
They obtained an 18-fold increase in fig fruit yield
compared to traditional farming. In addition, they
observed a 90% reduction in water use by applying
hydroponics culture. Correa et al. [22] reported a higher
tuber yield in potato grown in hydroponics when
compared to conventional system. They attributed the
higher tuber yield to uninterrupted and optimal nutrient
and water supply in hydroponics culture. In addition to
the higher nutrient availability in hydroponics systems, it
is also possible to monitor and control solution pH and
electrical conductivity (EC).
Hydroponics growing systems have been developed
to get higher yield and quality, to preserve water and land,
to save labour and to protect the environment [17]. Yields
with hydroponics have averaged around 20 to 25% higher
than in conventional cultivation [8]. Hydroponics and
greenhouse yields are commonly five times the field yield
for a two crop per year field harvest and 10 times the field
yield for a one crop per year field harvest [9, 23]. In
addition, since hydroponics plants have access to
unlimited nutrition and water, they can grow up to 10
times faster and healthier than soil grown ones [24].
Growth rate of tomatoes in hydroponics culture is 30-50%
faster than a soil grown plant, under the same conditions
and the yield is also higher [9].
Hydroponics systems include aggregate culture
system, where solid, inert materials such as peat,
vermiculite, or a combination of both, coconut coir,
sawdust, sand, gravel, rockwool, diahydro, expanded clay,
perlite, brick shards and polystyrene or marbles supports
the plant roots may be used [4, 7, 15, 25]; aeroponics;
Nutrient Flow Technique (NFT); bag culture system etc.

Table 1: Description of the treatments

Treatment code
Type of treatment
Elevated tray system + sawdust
Elevated tray system + sand
Elevated tray system + vermiculite
Ground lay bed system + sawdust
Ground lay bed system + sand
Ground lay bed system + vermiculite
Bag culture system + sawdust
Bag culture system + sand
Bag culture system + vermiculite

sawdust, river sand and vermiculite. The description of

the treatments is shown in Table 1.
The sand and gravel was first sieved to ensure
uniformity of the aggregates. The treatments were
replicated four times. A total of 36 plots were used in this
investigation. Four tables for the elevated tray, four beds
for the ground lay and four rows for the bag systems were
used (main plots). Each table or bed was applied with river
sand, sawdust and vermiculite (sub-plots). Each bed or
table was divided into two plots (replications).
Plant Materials: Gypsophila seeds were obtained from
Carters Garden Centre, Mbabane, Swaziland. The seeds
were germinated in seed trays in the greenhouse using
compost and transplanted five weeks after germination.
At transplanting, compost around the roots of the
seedlings was gently removed using running tap water.
The seedlings were transplanted to the different
treatments as described in Table 1. After transplanting,
the plants were supplied with the nutrient solution.
During the culture of gypsophila plants, insect pests were
controlled by use of dimethoate and fungal diseases by
use of bravo.
Preparation of Nutrient Solution: The nutrient solutions
were prepared using calcium nitrate fertiliser, Omnia,
Nutriology, Republic of South Africa (RSA) (155 g/kg N
and 195 g/kg Ca) and Hydrogro, water soluble
hydroponics fertiliser mix, Ocean, Muldersdrift, RSA
(Total N 64 g/kg [NH4-N 10 g/kg, NO3-N 54 g/kg], P 45
g/kg, K 239 g/kg, Mg 31 g/kg, S 59 g/kg, Cl 15 g/kg, Fe
1,680 mg/kg, Mn 400 mg/kg, B 500 mg/kg, Cu 30 mg/kg
and Mo 50 mg/kg). The calcium nitrate was used between
Monday and Wednesday and Hydrogro used for the rest
of the week. The concentration of both fertilisers was 1.0
mS/cm for the first one month and then increased to 2.0
mS/cm thereafter. The same concentration of nutrients
was used in all the systems. The nutrient solution was
maintained at the pH range of 6.57.0. Potassium
hydroxide was used to raise the pH of the nutrient
solution if lower than the optimal pH range, while
phosphoric acid was used for reducing it, if higher.


Experimental Site: The investigations were carried out in
the greenhouse of the Horticulture Department, Faculty of
Agriculture, Luyengo Campus of the University of
Swaziland. The site is located at Luyengo, Manzini Region
in the Middleveld agro-ecological zone. Luyengo is 26
34 S and 31 12 E. The average altitude of this area is 750
m above sea level. The mean annual precipitation is 980
mm with most of the rain falling between October and
March [26-27].
Experimental Design: The experiment was laid out in a
split-plot design. Three hydroponics systems were used
as the main plots, i.e. elevated tray, ground lay bed and
bag culture systems. The sub-plots were allocated to
three different aggregates/ medium components, i.e.,

World J. Agric. Sci., 7 (6): 692-698, 2011

Table 2: Effects of different hydroponics systems and growing media on the plant height of gypsophila
Weeks after transplanting
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hydroponics system
Growing media
Elevated tray
Ground lay
16. 4a
Bag culture
Means followed by same letter along columns for each hydroponics system not significantly different at5% level. Mean separation by DNMRT

Data Collection: A random sample of five plants

per plot (replicate) was used for data collection.
The data collection was non-destructive, and the
same plants were used throughout the duration of
the experiments. The data collected included: plant
height and
parameters were
after every two
weeks between two and 12 WAT. Flower harvesting
was performed when all the buds were opened,
i.e., 13 WAT. Quality of the cut flowers was determined
by the length of the flower stem and number of

In the ground lay bed hydroponics system,

gypsophila plants grown using vermiculite had the
highest plant height from 2 to 12 WAT (Table 2). The
lowest plant height during the same period was recorded
in plants grown using river sand. There was no significant
(P < 0.05) difference in plant height in plants grown under
the different growing media at all stages of determination.
The highest plant height (32.4 cm) was obtained from
plants grown using vermiculite at 12 WAT and the lowest
(28.4 cm) from those grown using sand.
In the bag culture hydroponics system, the highest
plant height of gypsophila was observed in plants grown
using vermiculite from 6 to 12 WAT (Table 2). From 2 to
12 WAT, the lowest plant height was obtained from
plants grown using sand (Table 2). However, there was no
significant (P < 0.05) different in plant height at the
different stages of determination in plants grown under
different growing media. The highest plant height (52.9
cm) was obtained from plants grown in vermiculite at 12
WAT and the lowest (45.7 cm) from those grown using
sand. Plants grown in bag culture hydroponics system
exhibited higher plant height when compared to elevated
tray and ground lay bed hydroponics systems (Table 2).
Correa et al. [23] reported a higher tuber yield in
potato grown in hydroponics when compared to
conventional system. They attributed the higher tuber
yield to uninterrupted and optimal nutrient and water
supply in hydroponics culture. The higher plant height
obtained from gypsophila grown using sawdust and
vermiculite in this investigation could be attributed
probably to better physical environment in terms of
aeration and nutrient holding capacity, which probably
enhanced root and shoot growth. Growing media
containing organic matter like coco peat can stimulate root
growth and provide high water holding capacity, which
provide a buffer in high temperatures and crop load
demand without compromising air supply [29]. The high
plant height observed in gypsophila grown using
sawdust when compared to sand under all hydroponics
systems in this investigation can also be attributed to the
same attributes.

Data Analysis: Data collected were subjected to analysis

of variance (ANOVA) using the Statistical Programme for
the Social Sciences (SPSS). Mean separation was
performed using the Duncans New Multiple Range Test
(DNMRT) at 5% level of significance [28]. Interaction
between hydroponics systems and different aggregates
used was statistically determined using the SPSS
Plant Height: Between 2 and 8 WAT in the elevated tray
system, gypsophila plants grown using vermiculite had
higher plant height when compared to those grown in
sawdust and river sand (Table 2). Throughout the
production period, plants grown using river sand
had the lowest plant height (Table 2). There was
no significant (P < 0.05) difference in plant height
of plants grown under different media up to 4
WAT. The highest plant height (39.4 cm) was obtained
from plant grown using sawdust at 12 WAT. The
lowest plant height (20.8 cm) was obtained from
plants grown using river sand (Table 2). Plant
height of plants grown using sawdust at 12 WAT
was almost double that of those grown using sand.
From 2 to 12 WAT, plant height increased more than three
fold in plants grown using sawdust but less than double
in those grown using sand.

World J. Agric. Sci., 7 (6): 692-698, 2011

Table 3: Effects of different hydroponics systems and growing media on the number of shoots/plants of gypsophila.
Hydroponics system

Growing media

Elevated tray


Ground lay

Bag culture

Number of shoots/plant

Cut flower stem length

Number of branches/flower



Means followed by same letter along columns for each hydroponics system not significantly different at 5% level. Mean separation by DNMRT

Number of Shoots/Plant: There was a significant

(P < 0.05) reduction in number of shoots/plant in
gypsophila grown in sand in all three hydroponics
systems (Table 3). However, there was no significant
(P < 0.05) difference in number of shoots/plant between
the plants grown in sawdust and vermiculite in all
hydroponics systems (Table 3). The highest number of
shoots/plant was obtained from gypsophila grown in
sawdust in all hydroponics systems. There was a
more than 20% reduction in number of shoots/plant
between gypsophila grown in sawdust and those
grown in sand. The difference in number of
shoots/plant between plants grown in sawdust and
vermiculite in elevated tray and bag culture hydroponics
systems was only 0.1 cm. Gypsophila grown in bag
culture hydroponics system had generally higher number
of shoots/plant while the lowest number of shoots/plant
was observed in plants grown in ground lay bed
hydroponics system (Table 3).
High water holding capacity induced higher
vegetative growth in hydroponics culture of ornamental
plants like Oriental hybrid lily (Liliumasiatic) [30].
Tageteserecta, Salvia splendens, Scaevolaaemula and
Verbena hybrida [31]. The higher number of shoots/plant
observed in gypsophila grown using sawdust and
vermiculite in this investigation could probably be
attributed to higher vegetative growth as a result of high
water holding capacity.

stem length (25.0 cm) was observed in plants grown in

sand in the elevated tray hydroponics system. In the
ground lay and bag culture hydroponics systems, the
highest cut flower stem length was obtained from plants
grown using sawdust. Growing gypsophila in sand in all
hydroponics systems resulted in more than 30% reduction
in cut flower stem length. The difference in cut flower
stem length in gypsophila grown using sawdust and
vermiculite in the bag culture hydroponics system was
just 5.8 cm.
Schnitzler et al. [16] observed better plant growth,
fruit yield and quality in bell pepper (Capsicum annuum
L.) grown in wood fibre substrate. The higher cut flower
stem length observed in gypsophila grown using sawdust
and vermiculite in this study could probably be attributed
to their higher nutrient holding capacity as compared to
sand. Inden and Torres [17] reported that utilisation of
rockwool and perlite in hydroponics culture results in
higher yields as compared to other inert materials.
Although sand is cheap and easily available, it is heavy
and does not drain well [4]. This reduced drainage in sand
probably caused the significant reduction in cut flower
stem length when compared to plants grown in sawdust
and vermiculite.
High quality cut flowers of oriental hybrid lily were
obtained in solid medium hydroponics system when
compared to mist culture system [30]. They observed that
broken chaff substrate, which had high water absorption
and water holding capacity induced higher quality lily cut
flowers as compared with chaff, hydro-ball or carbonised
chaff substrate. Hsu et al. [32] grew Oncidium orchids in
rockwool, sphagnum peat moss and mixed medium
containing crushed stone, bark and charcoal. They found
that pseudobulbs mass, root activity, cut flower quality
(flower length, floret number) and number of shoots were
higher in rockwool compared to other media. A similar
significant (P < 0.05) difference was observed in cut flower
stem length in gypsophila grown using different
aggregates in this investigation.

Cut Flower Stem Length: There was a significant

(P < 0.05) reduction in cut flower stem length in
gypsophila grown in sand in all hydroponics
systems when compared to sawdust and vermiculite
(Table 3). There was no significant (P < 0.05) difference in
cut flower stem length between the plants grown in
sawdust and vermiculite in all hydroponics systems
(Table 3). The highest cut flower stem length (67.0 cm)
was obtained from plants grown in sawdust in the bag
culture hydroponics system, while the lowest cut flower

World J. Agric. Sci., 7 (6): 692-698, 2011

Number of Branches/Flower: There was a significant

(P < 0.05) reduction in number of branches/flower in
gypsophila grown in sand when compared to those grown
in sawdust and vermiculite in all hydroponics systems
(Table 3). However, there was no significant (P < 0.05)
difference in number of branches/flower between the
plants grown in sawdust and vermiculite in all
hydroponics systems (Table 3). The highest number of
branches/flower (36.1) was obtained from plants grown
using vermiculite in the bag culture hydroponics system,
while the lowest number of branches/flower (7.7) from
those grown in sand in the elevated tray hydroponics
system (Table 3). The highest number of branches/plant
was generally observed in plants grown in the bag culture
hydroponics system when compared to the elevated tray
and ground lay bed hydroponics systems (Table 3). There
was up to 62% reduction in number of branches/flower in
plants grown using sand when compared to other
growing media. However, the difference in number of
branches/flower between plants grown in sawdust and
vermiculite in bag culture hydroponics systems was just
High number of branches/flower of gypsophila
grown using sawdust and vermiculite could probably be
due to higher water holding and nutrient holding
capacities of the medium as compared to sand. Hsu et al.
[32] observed a higher flower stem length and
number of flowers per stem in Oncidium orchids
(Oncidiumaltissimum) grown using rockwool when
compared to peat moss, crushed stone, bark and charcoal.
Inden and Torres [17] reported that utilisation of rockwool
and perlite in hydroponics culture of tomato results in
higher yields as compared to other inert materials.
The highest vegetative growth of gypsophila in
terms of plant height was obtained from plants grown
using vermiculite in ground lay and bag culture
hydroponics systems. However, the highest number of
shoots/plant was observed in plants grown using
sawdust under all hydroponics systems. The lowest plant
height and number of shoots/plant were obtained from
plants grown using sand under all hydroponics systems.
The highest plant height and number of shoots/plant
were observed in plants grown under bag culture
hydroponics system when compared to the elevated
tray and ground lay bed hydroponics systems. The
highest quality cut flowers in terms of stem length and
number of branches/flower were obtained from plants

grown using sawdust and under bag culture hydroponics

system. For the hydroponics culture of gypsophila,
sawdust should be used as growing medium. To induce
highest vegetative growth, flower yield and quality, the
plants should be grown using bag culture hydroponics
The researchers are indebted to the University of
Swaziland Research Board for financially supporting this
research project.

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