Wants vs. Needs
Wants vs. Needs
Wants vs. Needs
Grade 1
~ 5 NEED/WANT Signs
Wrap up the activity with some quiet time for the students to
reflect on what they have learned in their journals. Have them
draw images of needs and wants that they have learned about
in the lesson.
If your students cannot read strongly then use images with the
words but once they are able to read use only words. This will
help with associating words with images and also letter
recognition. Also make sure you are reading each object out
loud so students not only can hear the word if they cannot see
but also to help with pronunciation.
Have students draw wants and needs in their journal. Evaluate
their understanding by what they represented in their drawings.
Base the learning assessment on what images they drew and
Wants vs. Needs
whether or not the images fit the definitions given in the lesson.
Other Resources
-Definitions of needs and
Social Studies Grade 1:
1.4.1 recognize that all people have needs and
recognize that all people have similar needs
give examples of how wants vary from person
to person due to a variety of factors
-demonstrate age-appropriate actions that show
respect for other peoples needs and wants
Language Arts Grade 1:
2.1 sustain one-to-one conversations and
contribute to small- and large-group
2.2 use intonation, facial expressions, and
gestures to communicate ideas and feelings
2.3 respond to and give instructions or
directions that include two or three
2.4 engage in informal oral presentations and
respond to a variety of oral presentations and
other texts
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