Canada Food Guide Lesson Plan
Canada Food Guide Lesson Plan
Canada Food Guide Lesson Plan
Life Science
Growth and
Canada Food Guide
Estimated Lesson
!" #$ %inutes
"(dentif) food grou*s in Canada+s Food Guide
and determine what categories foods ma)
belong to
",istinguish between health) and non"health)
food items
",iscuss and share res*ectfull)
"E-*ress and e-*lain o*inions
"Following instructions and directions. as/ing
for clarification when needed
0elated SC&s:
1$2"! (dentif) the basic food grou* and
describe actions and decisions that su**ort a
health) lifest)le
Language Arts
131 ,escribe. share. and discuss thoughts.
feelings. and e-*eriences and consider others+
132 As/ and res*ond to 4uestions to clarif)
information and to e-*lore *ossibilities or
solutions to *roblems
132 E-*ress and e-*lain o*inions and res*ond
to the 4uestions and reactions of others
231 5artici*ate in con'ersation. small"grou*
and whole"grou* discussion. understanding
when to s*ea/ and when to listen
232 Gi'e and follow instructions and res*ond to
4uestions and directions
231 Use basic courtesies and con'entions in
grou* wor/ and co"o*erati'e *la)
23! E-amine Canada+s food guide and
demonstrate an understanding that foods within
each of the four food grou*s *ro'ide different
nutrients that hel* us grow. de'elo*. learn.
*la). be acti'e. and /ee* health)
(ntroduction 6!"10 minutes7:
(ntroduce the idea of health) eating and
lifest)le b) reading The Berenstain Bears and
Too Much Junk Food
"8oo/ Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk
,iscussion 610-15 Minutes7:
",iscuss with students health) 's3 unhealth)
"%a/e lists of foods that belong to each grou*
"(ntroduce the idea of Canada+s Food Guide
and hel* students to de'elo* ideas of what each
categor) is and what foods belong to those
categories using a *oster si9ed diagram
"Chart 5a*er
"Canada Food Guide 5oster 60esource:
Acti'it) 620-30 Minutes7: %aterials:
"(n grou*s 6"! students *er grou*7. ha'e
students create their own *oster di'ided u* into
each food grou*
",istribute a lunch bag to each grou*
containing a 'ariet) of health) and unhealth)
food o*tions
";a'e students *lace each of the food items
into an a**ro*riate food grou* on their Food
Guide *oster
"8ristol 8oard
"%ar/ers:Colored 5encils:Cra)ons
"Construction 5a*er
"Lunch 8ags
"<arious food item cut"outs 6health) and non"
Closure 610-15 Minutes7:
;a'e each grou* share the contents of their
lunch bag and where the) decided it belonged
on the Food Guide3
,iscuss that some items ma) fit in a
number of categories
,iscuss that some ma) not clearl) fit in
an) categor)
Encourage students to e-*lain their
5otential 5roducti'e >uestions:
"?hat are some health) foods@
"?hat are some unhealth) foods@
"?hat are some wa)s we might grou* health)
"?hat sorts of things might belong to each
"?hat are some foods that might not belong in
an) of the food grou*s@
"?hat does it mean to ha'e a health) lifest)le@
"?hat are some other things. besides eating
health) foods. that we can do to ha'e a health)
";ow do these foods go together@
"Can )ou e-*lain wh) )ou grou*ed these foods
"?hat do )ou thin/ is the reason for se*arating
foods into the four grou*s@
"?hat do )ou thin/ would be an e-am*le of a
well balanced lunch@
"?hat do )ou notice about the foods that do
not fit into the four main grou*s@
SASE Connections:
"%a/ing health) food choices both at home
and at the su*ermar/et
"Choosing snac/s which *ro'ide a balanced
"0eading food labels and ma/ing decisions
about nutrition 'alue
"Understanding through using the Canada Food
Guide the im*ortance of a balanced diet for
health) growth and lifest)le
"Understanding that some foods are healthier
than others
"8e aware of an) and all food related
sensiti'ities within the class and school if using
actual food instead of cutouts
",e*ending on the needs of the classroom it
ma) be a good idea to ma/e s*ecific grou*s for
students to ensure a good mi- of students that
can wor/ together well and hel* each other
"See chec/list attached. ma/e jot notes or
chec/ off items throughout discussion and
grou* wor/
?hat+s =e-t@
"Future lessons on what else contributes to a
health) lifest)le 6ie3 5ro*er slee*. e-ercise.
health) relationshi*s7
"Future lessons on reading food labels. natural
food 'ersus *re*ac/aged. organic foods. and
local foods
"%a/ing a health) snac/ in the classroom
Assessment Chec/list:
Students Able to discuss
food grou*s
Can determine
health) 's
unhealth) foods
,iscusses and
health) choices
and actions
5artici*ates in
con'ersation and
sharing ideas and
o*inions with
directions and
as/s for
Student A
Student 8
Student C