Video Streaming: Challenges To Innovation
Video Streaming: Challenges To Innovation
Video Streaming: Challenges To Innovation
With the tremendous use of internet throughout the whole
world, multimedia services provided are widely increased. And
it will again increase in future. Transmission of Multimedia
over the internet require the quality in all respect .But till
wireless channels are more unreliable as compared to wired
channels & bandwidth of these wireless channels changes
with time. Due to different types of receivers, it is also difficult
to obtain efficiency for video multicast. This paper discusses
the sender-to-receiver Quality of Service provisioning for
scalable video streaming traffic delivery over existing method.
The Prototype architecture is proposed & validated which
explores the joint use of packet prioritization and scalable
video coding (SVC) together with the appropriate mapping of
UMTS traffic classes to the Different traffic classes. We
develop an analytical model to determine tradeoffs between
network parameters using CSMA MAC protocol. On top of the
analytical model, we use an optimization approach for
determining the optimal number of APs in a cluster and the
optimal separation distances between APs. Several approaches
have been proposed in order to address the end-to-end QoS
both from the network perspective, like UMTS QoS traffic
classes, and from the application perspective, like scalable
video coding and packetized prioritization mechanisms. This
paper is to find the end-to-end QoS problem of scalable video
streaming traffic delivery. We develop an frequency planning
to improve the capacity of network and by eight unique video
sequences and two scalable encoders, demonstrates the
quality gains of scalable video coding(SVC).
Real-time video transmission is largely achieved through
applications that impose an end-to-end delay constraint on
the video stream. Those real-time applications include
conversational applications such as videoconferencing,
distance learning, and video phony. Such applications
usually have strict end-to end delay constraint, less than
200 milliseconds. Real-time applications may also include
streaming applications. Those applications allow the start
of video playback before the whole video stream has been
transmitted with an initial setup time usually of a few
seconds. All those applications require real-time playback.
That is, once the playback starts, it must be continuous
without interruption. Real-time video applications have
gained increased popularity since the introduction of the
first commercial products for Internet video streaming in
1995. As wireless networks are quickly becoming an
important component of the modern communications
Source-Adaptive Multilayered Multicast
Algorithms for Real-Time Video Distribution
Multilayered encoding, however, is not sufficient to
provide high video quality and high network utilization.
Adaptive techniques capable of adjusting the rates of video
layers are required to maximize video quality and network
utilization. We propose a class of algorithms known as
algorithms. SAMM algorithms exhibit good performance
in terms of good put, video quality and scalability while
requiring only a minor amount of buffer allocation[7].
This paper also introduces a network architecture defining
the source, receiver and network functions necessary to
support SAMM algorithms. This architecture includes
feedback mergers, which consolidate the contents of
feedback packets as they return to the source. Feedback
mergers are used to prevent feedback implosion, a
scalability problem that occurs as an increasing number of
receivers return congestion feedback to a single source.
This architecture also requires that routers implement
some form of priority packet discarding, to ensure that, in
case of congestion, packets from less important video
layers are discarded before packets from more important
layers. In order to prevent SAMM video flows from
negatively impacting the performance of other adaptive
flows in the network, routers must also isolate flows based
on service class. If this extraneous traffic shares first-infirst-out (FIFO) queues with competing traffic that is
adaptive (e.g., TCP flows), then the adaptive flows may
experience an unfair degree of discarding or delay within
the network. Receiver-driven algorithms do not share this
deficiency with sender-driven algorithms, because they
send each layer of video in a different flow and allow for
the pruning of flows that have no downstream receivers.
One way to correct this deficiency of the sender-driven
algorithms is to isolate video traffic from other traffic.
An adaptive modulation method for multicast
communications of hierarchical data in wireless
This paper propose a new adaptive modulation method for
multicast communications. The method separates data
into hierarchical layers according to its importance, and
transmits the layers of data in the same frame
adaptively[8]. The number of slots for each physical layer
mode is optimized, and a simple closed form solution is
obtained. The relative size of each layer within a frame
and the data rates the layers are sent are chosen to
maximize the total sum of data rates for a given outage
probability. The first criterion is the sum of data rates that
are successfully detected at the receiver. The perceived
quality of hierarchical multimedia is proportional to the
number of successfully received layers by each user. Thus,
the sum of data rates can be considered as the sum of
perceived quality of the multicast service. The second
criterion is the outage probability, which is the probability
that a receiver cannot receive the base layer at a required
BER. A low outage probability ensures a high availability,
which is of particular interest to the service providers. It
separates a set of data into several hierarchical layers
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2.1 Cross-Layer Resource Allocation
We can address the above challenges by enforcing error
control, especially through unequal error protection (UEP)
for video packets that are usually of different importance.
Error control techniques, in general, include error resilient
source coding, forward error correction (FEC),
retransmission, power control, network QoS support, and
error concealment. To maximize the error control
efficiency, limited network resources should be optimally
allocated to video packets which typically requires crosslayer design. The traditional layered protocol stack, where
various protocol layers can only communicate with each
other in a restricted manner, has proved to be inefficient
and inflexible in adapting to the constantly changing
network conditions. For the best end-to-end performance,
multiple protocol layers should be jointly designed and
should be able to react to the channel conditions in order
to make the end-system network-adaptive. In addition,
conventional video communication systems have focused
on video compression, namely, rate-distortion optimized
source coding, without considering other layers. While
these algorithms can produce significant improvements in
source-coding performance, they are inadequate for video
communications over hostile channels. This is because
Shannon's separation theorem, that source coding and
channel coding can be separately designed without any
loss of optimality, does not apply to general time-varying
channels, or to systems with a complexity or delay
constraint. Therefore, recent video coding research has
been focused on the investigation of joint design of endsystem source coding with manipulations in other layers,
such as channel coding, power adaptation in wireless
networks, and QoS support from the network (e.g.,
differentiated services networks and integrated services
networks). One of the main characteristics of video is that
different portions of the bit stream have different
importance in their contribution to the quality of the
reconstructed video. For example, in an MPEG video bit
stream, I (Intra) frames are more important than P
(Predictive) and B (Bi-directional predictive) frames. If
the bit stream is partitioned into packets, Intra-coded
packets are usually more important than Inter-coded
packets. If error concealment is used, the packets that are
hard to conceal are usually more important than easily
concealable ones. In the scalable video bit sstream, the
base layer is more important than the enhancement layer.
Flow Diagram:
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QOS constraints
Real-time video transmission typically has requirements
on quality of service (QoS). However, wireless channels
are unreliable and the channel bandwidth varies with
time, which may cause severe degradation to video
quality. In addition, for video multicast, the heterogeneity
of receivers makes it difficult to achieve efficiency and
2.2.2 System Requirement
Hardware Requirement(Minimum):
Pentium IV 2.7 GHz
250Gb Hard Disk
Software Requirement:
Operating System : Windows XP or win7
Tool : Matlab Version : r2013a
From the above proposed method, we will get a best
quality video in following way:
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This technique is useful in live video streaming
applications like video conferencing (i.e. skype
application), to watch video on youtube etc. It can be used
in live traffic monitoring system ,web cam chatting,
CCTV for security. Like this, Now a days many more
applications are used where live video streaming is
required. In this applications, we can use this technique to
improve video quality with performance of application.
Future scope : At Live Video Streaming: This technique
is also very useful where we want to make an artificial
intelligent robot. As we know, In a future, we can use an
automatic robots for many uses of human being. We can
use them for war, we can use them to work in very
hygienic conditions like as worker in dangerous mines,
we can use them for automatically find a suspect & to kill
them(i.e. terrorist) etc. So in these fields of work, we can
add artificial intelligence technique in them but to find a
target & identify it automatically ; we have to load the
image/video from robots front view through the camera
situated in robots eyes, scan that image/video
automatically, identify fixed target & then shoot it. All
this activity should be happen in a fraction of second. In
this mission/activity of robot, video recording , video
storage, live video streaming to server from where robot is
going to operate or where members of that particular
mission are locate, is first and very important task. So,
this technique will be useful in such respect. It is an one
example. This technique has many more real time uses.
In this paper, We have investigated various factors
affecting live video streaming. These are external &
internal noise, SNR, BER, signal behavior, frequency,
quality etc. We have investigated challenges in real time
video transmission & checked for its solutions like cross
layer resource allocation, Layered Resource Allocation,
Source-Adaptive Multilayered Multicast Algorithms, An
communications. For the scalability with the QoS
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Raviraj Mete received the B.E in
Information Technology from shivaji
university, Maharashtra (2011) &
pursuing ME in computer science at
solapur university, Maharashtra(2015).
Assistant Professor at shri vithal college
of engineering, pandharpur, MH(India).
Ashok Korke
received the B.E in
computer science from solapur university,
Maharashtra & MTech in computer from
walchand college of engineering, sangli,
Maharashtra. Assistant professor at shri
vithal college of engineering, pandharpur, MH(India).
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