National Longitudinal Study Criminal-Justice and School Sanctions Against Nonheterosexual Youth: A

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Criminal-Justice and School Sanctions Against Nonheterosexual Youth: A

National Longitudinal Study

Kathryn E. W. Himmelstein and Hannah Brckner
Pediatrics; originally published online December 6, 2010;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2009-2306

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Criminal-Justice and School Sanctions Against Nonheterosexual Youth: A

National Longitudinal Study
Kathryn E. W. Himmelstein and Hannah Brckner
Pediatrics; originally published online December 6, 2010;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2009-2306
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PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

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Criminal-Justice and School Sanctions Against

Nonheterosexual Youth: A National Longitudinal Study
AUTHORS: Kathryn E. W. Himmelstein, BA,a and Hannah
Brckner, PhDb

Program in Ethics, Politics, and Economics and bCenter for

Research on Inequalities and the Life Course, Yale University,
New Haven, Connecticut
population-based studies, youth risk behaviors, sexual
Add HealthNational Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
LGBlesbian, gay, or bisexual
ORodds ratio

WHATS KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Nonheterosexual youth are

vulnerable to a variety of health risks. In addition, anecdotal
reports have suggested that they may be overrepresented among
adolescents who have received a variety of institutional
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: This is the rst study to use a
nationally representative, population-based sample to document
that nonheterosexual youth, particularly girls, have greater odds
than their peers of experiencing school and criminal-justice
Accepted for publication Sep 13, 2010
Address correspondence to Kathryn E. W. Himmelstein, BA, 570
Vanderbilt Ave, Apt 3L, Brooklyn, NY 11238. E-mail: kathryn.
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright 2011 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
no nancial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

OBJECTIVE: Nonheterosexual adolescents are vulnerable to health
risks including addiction, bullying, and familial abuse. We examined
whether they also suffer disproportionate school and criminal-justice
METHODS: The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health followed a nationally representative sample of adolescents who were in
grades 7 through 12 in 1994 1995. Data from the 1994 1995 survey
and the 20012002 follow-up were analyzed. Three measures were
used to assess nonheterosexuality: same-sex attraction, same-sex romantic relationships, and lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) selfidentication. Six outcomes were assessed: school expulsion; police
stops; juvenile arrest; juvenile conviction; adult arrest; and adult conviction. Multivariate analyses controlled for adolescents sociodemographics and behaviors, including illegal conduct.
RESULTS: Nonheterosexuality consistently predicted a higher risk for
sanctions. For example, in multivariate analyses, nonheterosexual adolescents had greater odds of being stopped by the police (odds ratio:
1.38 [P .0001] for same-sex attraction and 1.53 [P .0001] for LGB
self-identication). Similar trends were observed for school expulsion,
juvenile arrest and conviction, and adult conviction. Nonheterosexual
girls were at particularly high risk.
CONCLUSIONS: Nonheterosexual youth suffer disproportionate educational and criminal-justice punishments that are not explained
by greater engagement in illegal or transgressive behaviors. Understanding and addressing these disparities might reduce school
expulsions, arrests, and incarceration and their dire social and
health consequences. Pediatrics 2011;127:4957

PEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 1, January 2011


Nonheterosexual adolescents often

face discrimination. At home, some
nonheterosexual adolescents experience verbal and physical abuse; 26%
of nonheterosexual children leave
their families because of conicts
over sexual orientation, and many
become homeless.1,2 Thirty percent
suffer family violence after coming
out.1 Harassment by peers is also

To our knowledge, no previous studies

have examined whether nonheterosexual youth are overrepresented
among those who have received
school and criminal-justice sanctions
nationally. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent
Health (Add Health), we examined this
question after controlling for transgressive and illegal behaviors.

It is not surprising that nonheterosexual adolescents experience high

rates of depression and suicide.3,9,1113 In addition, they are
more likely than other adolescents to
engage in high-risk sexual and
substance-use behaviors, to carry
weapons (often as a precaution
against assault), and to engage in
petty survival crimes because of homelessness.2,3,5,11,1419 These activities
place nonheterosexual adolescents at
risk for school and criminal-justice
sanctions. Nonheterosexual youth also
are more likely than their peers to be
referred to courts by their families
through PINS (Person in Need of Supervision) or CHINS (Child in Need of Supervision) petitions.8 In addition, consensual same-sex sexual acts more
often trigger punishments than equivalent opposite-sex behaviors.8,19,20 Indeed, until the Supreme Courts 2003
ruling in Lawrence et al v Texas,20
states could legally prosecute samesex couples for consensual sexual
acts. Anecdotal reports5,21 have suggested that nonheterosexual girls may
be particularly overrepresented in
the juvenile-justice system. Scholars
have suggested that the overrepresentation of nonheterosexual girls may relate to the historical role of the
juvenile-justice system in policing
girls sexuality,22 as well as a heightened juvenile-justice system and media opprobrium directed at girls with
aggressive or masculine gender




Study Design and Sample

Add Health, conducted by the Carolina Population Center, consists of
repeated surveys of a nationally representative sample of youth who
were in grades 7 through 12 during
the 1994 1995 school year. The sampling frame was school based; all
students who were listed on selected
school rosters were eligible, and
there was oversampling of some
groups. In total, 20 747 adolescents
participated in the wave 1 in-home
interviews. Special techniques, including the use of individual headsets and direct entry of answers into
laptop computers, were developed to
elicit sensitive information. In 1996,
Add Health wave 2 resurveyed 14 738
wave 1 participants.
Wave 3 of Add Health, conducted in
20012002 when the respondents
were aged 18 to 26 years, included
15 170 wave 1 respondents. In addition
to questions originally asked during
wave 1, wave 3 respondents were
asked about their criminal-justice contacts. Wave 3 excluded subjects who
were outside the United States, but efforts were made to recontact incarcerated subjects. Our analysis included
15 170 people who participated in both
waves 1 and 3.24 Sensitivity analyses
were performed only using data on adolescents who participated in waves 1
through 3. Yale Universitys institutional
review board approved this research.

Measures: Predictor Variables

Researchers commonly recognize attraction, behavior, and identity as 3
components of sexual orientation and
have noted the importance of examining all 3 of them.25,26 Attraction consists
of desires and fantasies; behavior consists of sexual activities that involve
physical contact and sexual arousal;
and identity involves the labels and
meanings that individuals attach to
their own sexualities.27
The Add Health surveys included questions that assess all 3 components. In
all waves participants were asked,
Have you ever had a romantic attraction to a male? and Have you ever had
a romantic attraction to a female? Respondents who reported an attraction
to a person of their own gender in either wave were considered to have experienced same-sex attraction. In addition, participants in all 3 waves were
asked to describe their romantic and
sexual relationships, including their
partners genders. Respondents who
listed a same-sex relationship in either
study wave were considered to have
had a same-sex relationship. In wave
3 only, respondents were asked,
Choose the description that best ts
how you think about yourself (response options: 100% heterosexual
[straight], mostly heterosexual
[straight] but somewhat attracted to
people of your own gender, bisexual
that is, attracted to men and women
equally, mostly homosexual [gay] but
somewhat attracted to people of the
opposite gender, 100% homosexual
[gay], and not sexually attracted to either males or females [the few adolescents who selected this last option
were excluded]). For the main analyses, sample-size considerations dictated that self-identication be
specied dichotomously as 100% heterosexual versus other than 100% heterosexual. In this article we refer to all
youth in the latter category as lesbian,


gay, or bisexual (LGB). The broader

term nonheterosexual is used to indicate any youth who self-identied as
LGB or who afrmed a same-sex attraction or relationship.
The variety of answers given to these
questions illustrates the complexity
and uidity of adolescents sexual orientations.28 Of Add Health respondents
who indicated same-sex attraction in
wave 1, only 27% reported such attraction in wave 3. In wave 1, only 9% of
respondents who indicated a same-sex
attraction reported a same-sex relationship. In addition, 28% of respondents who experienced a same-sex relationship self-identied as entirely
heterosexual. For this analysis, each
component (attraction, relationship,
and self-identication) was modeled
separately. In addition, supplemental
bivariate models were created to examine adolescents who might be
questioning, as dened by selfreporting same-sex attraction while
self-identifying as 100% heterosexual.
With other supplemental bivariate
models we examined each selfidentication category separately.
Transgressive Behavior and Other
Control Variables

haviors such as running away, lying to

parents about whereabouts, shoplifting, getting drunk, grafti-writing, vandalism, and public rowdiness. The resulting index ranged from 0 to 21. A
second index, moderate transgressions, was based on responses to 5
questions regarding stealing objects
worth less or more than $50, selling
drugs, driving a car without the owners permission, and burglary. The resulting index ranged from 0 to 15. A
nal index, violent behavior, summed
responses regarding physical ghting,
injuring someone, using or threatening someone with a weapon, and participating in a group ght. The resulting index ranged from 0 to 12. In total, 9
transgressive-behavior indices were
created, 3 for each study wave. The
main models included only wave 1 indices to minimize endogeneity (ie, the tendency of sanctions to worsen an adolescents behavior); sensitivity analyses
included all 9 indices in the models.
In addition to behavior, models controlled for age, gender, self-identied
race/ethnicity (white, black, Latino,
and other) and family socioeconomic
status, as modeled by a 10-level composite index based on income, occupation, and parental education.29

Because nonheterosexual adolescents

engage in high rates of some transgressive behaviors, and each instance
of such behaviors represents an exposure to the risk of sanction, control for
these behaviors was necessary to elucidate the impact of sexual orientation,
per se. Add Health asked questions
about behaviors in the following form:
In the past 12 months, how often did
you X? Responses were coded as 0 for
never, 1 for 1 to 2 times, 2 for 3 to 4
times, and 3 for 5 or more times.

Outcomes: Institutional Sanctions

For the current analysis, 3 indices

were created to summarize transgressive behaviors. One index, minor
transgressions, summed responses
to questions regarding low-risk misbe-

6. ever convicted (or pled guilty) in

adult court.

PEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 1, January 2011

Add Health included detailed questions

about school expulsions and criminaljustice contacts, which were summarized into 6 outcomes:
1. ever expelled from school;
2. ever stopped by police;
3. ever arrested before the age of 18;
4. ever convicted (or pled guilty) in juvenile court;
5. ever arrested after turning 18; and

Although Add Health attempted to locate wave 1 participants who were incarcerated during wave 3, it seems

likely (on the basis of the low reported

incarceration rate) that incarcerated
youth were undersampled.30 Table 1
summarizes all variables modeled.
Statistical Analysis
Stata/SE 10 for Windows, was used for
all analyses.31 Bivariate relationships
between the 3 measures of nonheterosexuality (attraction, relationship, and
LGB self-identication) and the 6 institutional sanctions were examined by
using 2 tests.
Eighteen sets of logistic regression
models were constructed to examine
the relationships between each of the
3 measures of nonheterosexuality and
each of the 6 sanctions while controlling for sociodemographic factors and
misbehaviors. Each set of models was
constructed rst for the entire sample
and then according to gender. Separate models were not constructed for
race or socioeconomic status subgroups because of sample size. All
analyses were corrected for sampling
probabilities and clustering. Because
of multiple testing, ndings with P values between .05 and .001 are described as showing a trend and should
be interpreted cautiously; only ndings with a P value of .001 were
deemed statistically signicant. Results for cells that contained fewer
than 10 respondents are not reported.

Of 15 170 respondents who provided
data for both the wave 1 and 3 surveys,
13.4% of male and 17.1% of female respondents reported same-sex attraction, 4.8% of male and 6.2% of female
respondents reported same-sex relationships, and 5.6% of male and 14.5%
of female respondents self-identied
as LGB (ie, other than 100% heterosexual). Male subjects were more likely to
respond that they were either 100%
homosexual or 100% heterosexual,

TABLE 1 Descriptive Statistics for Analysis Variables

Outcome Variable (Sanction)


Mean SD
or % (SE)a

Ever expelled from school

Ever stopped or detained by the police
Ever arrested before the age of 18
Ever convicted (or pled guilty) in juvenile court
Ever arrested after the age of 18
Ever convicted (or pled guilty) in adult court
Independent variables (indicators of
Reported same-sex attraction
Reported same-sex relationship
Self-identied as LGB (anything other than 100%
Control variables
Gender (female)
Age at wave 3, y
Asian American
Other race (other than white)
Family SES (10-level ordinal variable)
Minor transgression (22-level ordinal variable)
Moderate transgression (16-level ordinal variable)
Violent behavior (13-level ordinal variable)


15 155
15 011
15 145
15 154
15 159
15 152

7.3 (0.21)
19.4 (0.32)
4.4 (0.17)
2.0 (0.11)
2.1 (0.12)
4.8 (0.17)


15 170
13 877
15 057

15.4 (0.29)
5.9 (0.20)
9.9 (0.25)


15 170
15 170
15 159
15 159
15 159
15 170
15 170
13 587
15 028
15 037

52.8 (0.40)
21.96 1.774
21.5 (0.33)
16.1 (0.30)
7.0 (0.21)
1.9 (0.11)
5.916 2.528
2.953 3.166
0.757 1.698
0.996 1.740

Mean SD and % (SE) are for wave 3 respondents.

whereas female subjects more often

self-identied in middle categories.
Transgressive behavior was common
among all respondents; 76% reported
minor transgressions, 30% reported
moderate transgressions, and 41% reported violent behavior. Nonheterosexual adolescents engaged in more
minor and moderate transgressions
but not violence. Adolescents who
were attracted to the same sex averaged 3.60 on the minor-transgression
scale (vs 2.84 for other adolescents;
P .0001), 1.03 on the moderatetransgression scale (vs 0.71 for other
adolescents; P .0001), and 1.08 on
the violence scale (vs 0.98 for other adolescents; P .11). Respondents who
were involved in same-sex relationships tended to report more minor
transgressions (scaled score: 3.72 vs
3.14 for other adolescents; P .004)
but not more moderate transgressions (1.03 vs 0.83; P .07) or violent
behavior (1.19 vs 1.10; P .06). Respondents who self-identied as LGB
averaged higher on the minor52


transgression scale (3.71 vs 2.84 for

their peers; P .0001) and on the
moderate-transgression scale (1.00 vs
0.70; P .0001) but showed a trend
toward less violence (0.85 vs 1.00; P
.02). Supplemental models of misbehaviors according to detailed selfidentication category appear in Appendix 1. As seen in previous studies,32
male adolescents exhibited more
transgressive behaviors than female
adolescents (details available from the
Bivariate Results
Table 2 presents bivariate relationships between the 3 nonheterosexuality indicators and the 6 sanctions.
Youth who indicated same-sex attraction or relationships showed a trend
toward greater sanctions in 12 of 36
comparisons. In contrast, sanction
rates among self-identied LGB youth
differed according to gender. Only selfidentied LGB female subjects consistently experienced signicantly more
sanctions, and LGB male subjects

showed a trend toward lower rates

of school expulsion.
Using supplemental bivariate analyses
we explored alternative specications
of the self-identication variable. First,
each detailed self-identication category was analyzed and gave varying results for different sanctions (Appendix
2). Then, the denition of LGB was iteratively expanded from 100% homosexual by adding each of the 3 middle categories between 100% homosexual
and 100% heterosexual (data not
shown). The trend of these iterative
analyses was consistent: LGB identity
predicted greater sanctions relative to
100% heterosexual in all 4 of the valid
models (P .05). Finally, to explore
questioning, data from adolescents
who reported a same-sex attraction
but self-identied as 100% heterosexual were analyzed (Appendix 3);
these youth seemed to be at elevated
risk of all sanctions except adult
arrest. Because of the sample size,
neither multivariate nor genderstratied models were possible for
alternate specications of the selfidentication variable.
Multivariate Results
The association between nonheterosexuality and elevated risk of sanctions persisted in the multivariate
models (Table 3). In all 18 primary
models, the odds ratio (OR) for each
indicator of nonheterosexuality (attraction, relationship, and selfidentication) exceeded 1.0, although many of these ORs were
Both same-sex attraction and LGB
self-identication were signicantly
associated with police stops,
whereas same-sex relationship
showed a similar trend. In addition,
youth who experienced same-sex attraction showed a trend toward
more school expulsion and adult convictions (OR: 1.4).


TABLE 2 Nonheterosexuality and Institutional Sanctions: Bivariate Analysis

Same-Sex Attraction

Expulsion from school

Stopped by police
Arrested before the age of 18
Juvenile conviction
Arrested after the age of 18
Adult conviction

Same-Sex Relationship

Nonheterosexual Self-identication

Same-Sex Attraction
(N 2336), % (P)a

Never Experienced
Same-Sex Attraction
(N 12 863), %

Reported SameSex Relationship

(N 820), % (P)a

Did Not Report

(N 13 057), %

Identied as LGB
(Other Than 100%
(N 1491), % (P)a

Identied as
100% Heterosexual
(N 13 490), %

9.7 (.005)b
5.8 (.009)b
14.7 (.01)b
24.7 (.0001)b
16.2 (.0001)b
35.9 (.003)b
6.3 (.09)
3.2 (.003)b
10.3 (.20)
2.9 (.25)
0.9 (.08)
5.4 (.17)
3.0 (.51)
1.1 (.015)b
5.4 (.58)
6.7 (.032)b
3.4 (.0001)b
11.0 (.10)


9.6 (.25)
4.6 (.66)
15.9 (.12)
26.2 (.018)b
14.1 (.15)
41.6 (.004)b
7.0 (.12)
3.1 (.08)
11.9 (.16)
3.2 (.37)
1.0 (.12)
5.9 (.38)
2.9 (.91)
0.2 (.46)
6.1 (.52)
7.3 (.20)
2.5 (.40)
13.3 (.13)


5.2 (.01)b
4.7 (.24)
6.7 (.04)b
23.5 (.06)
19.5 (.0001)b
33.5 (.33)
5.2 (.94)
4.1 (.0001)b
8.0 (.78)
2.4 (.85)
1.3 (.0004)b
5.3 (.46)
2.1 (.29)
1.5 (.0001)b
3.5 (.38)
5.3 (.84)
4.3 (.0001)b
8.1 (.56)


Numbers in parentheses represent the P value compared with heterosexual youth, dened by the absence of the given indicator of nonheterosexual status.
P .05.

TABLE 3 Multivariate ORs for Institutional Sanctions Associated With Nonheterosexual Status
Same-Sex Attraction,
OR (P)

Expulsion from school

Stopped by police
Arrested before the age of 18
Juvenile conviction
Arrested after the age of 18
Adult conviction

Same-Sex Relationship,
OR (P)

LGB Self-identication,
OR (P)

OR (P)

OR (P)

OR (P)

1.41 (.02)a
1.59 (.04)a
1.29 (.16)
1.38 (.0001)a
1.39 (.02)a
1.33 (.007)a
1.36 (.10)
1.64 (.20)
1.23 (.34)
1.41 (.20)
1.72 (.36)
1.36 (.27)
1.25 (.38)
2.49 (.16)
1.08 (.79)
1.42 (.01)a
1.80 (.03)a
1.29 (.12)

12 801a
12 689a
12 793
12 800
12 805
12 796a

1.34 (.18)
1.20 (.53)
1.40 (.22)
1.33 (.03)a
1.07 (.76)
1.51 (.02)a
1.36 (.17)
1.48 (.35)
1.31 (.32)
1.31 (.40)
1.74 (.32)
1.24 (.57)
1.10 (.79)
0.43 (.42)
1.18 (.68)
1.43 (.10)
1.12 (.81)
1.50 (.12)

11 739
11 638a
11 730
11 737
11 741
11 734

0.96 (.81)
1.18 (.28)
0.67 (.21)
1.53 (.0001)a
1.78 (.0001)a
1.22 (.20)
1.60 (.02)a
2.48 (.003)a
1.10 (.77)
1.90 (.02)a
3.05 (.02)a
1.65 (.20)
1.44 (.20)
4.34 (.007)a
0.81 (.64)
1.41 (.03)a
2.26 (.003)a
0.96 (.86)

12 635
12 538a
12 625a
12 632a
12 637
12 629a

Data were controlled for age, race, behavior, and socioeconomic status.
a P .05.

Self-identication as LGB showed a

trend toward higher odds of all sanctions except school expulsion and
adult arrest. This result was surprising, because of the 3 nonheterosexuality indicators, LGB self-identication
showed the weakest bivariate relationPEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 1, January 2011

ship with sanctions. The stronger

multivariate association may have
emerged because of control for violent
As in the bivariate models, there were
some gender differences. Nonhetero-

sexuality showed a trend toward

higher odds of sanctions in 8 of 18
stratied models for female subjects
but in only 2 of 18 for male subjects.
The association between same-sex attraction and sanctions seemed stronger for female subjects (ORs often

approached 2.0). The association between same-sex relationships and

sanctions did not vary according to
gender. Self-identication as LGB
showed the same gendered association with sanctions as those in the bivariate models. Female subjects, but
not male subjects, who self-identied
as LGB had very high odds of experiencing most sanctions.

These ndings suggest that nonheterosexual adolescents, particularly girls,
suffer punishments by school and
criminal-justice authorities that are
disproportionate to their rates of
transgressive behavior. Although the
results of some small surveys and ethnographic studies have suggested
an overrepresentation of nonheterosexual adolescents among those who
received various sanctions,1,5,8,13,19,21
ours is the rst documentation of this
phenomenon in a nationally representative, population-based sample.
Overall, nonheterosexual adolescents
had between 1.25 and 3 times greater
odds than their heterosexual peers of
experiencing sanction, depending on
the indicator of nonheterosexuality
and the sanction examined. This elevated risk was present for boys and
girls who indicated same-sex attraction and same-sex relationships and
for girls who self-identied as LGB,
even after controlling for nonheterosexual youths greater engagement in
minor and moderate transgressive behaviors (nonheterosexual youth do not
engage in more violent behaviors than
their peers).
As in other studies,33 self-identication
patterns differed according to gender;
more male subjects identied as 100%
heterosexual or 100% homosexual,
whereas more female subjects selected middle categories. The response patterns of female study participants were concordant with


Diamonds34,35 ndings that many

young womens sexualities are uid
and not amenable to rigid classication. The current analysis revealed
additional gender differences in
sanction disparities; nonheterosexual girls were at particularly high
risk. In addition, it seems that youth
who question their sexuality may be
at especially high risk for sanctions,
although sample-size limitations
precluded detailed exploration of
this hypothesis.
There are several potential explanations for our ndings. Institutional
decision-makers may focus on nonheterosexual youth for punishment for
sexual or other behaviors or be less
likely to consider mitigating factors
such as immaturity or self-defense. Indeed, teachers often overlook harassment of nonheterosexual students by
their peers, and youth who report such
abuse are frequently ignored or
blamed for their victimization.3,6,10 In
addition, nonheterosexual youth sometimes encounter homophobia in health
care and child welfare systems.1,36,37
Thus, nonheterosexual youth who are
harassed or engage in risky behaviors
may nd that instead of support, therapy, or services, their behaviors elicit
Alternatively, unmeasured confounders, such as misbehaviors not captured in Add Health, might drive the observed associations. Of particular
concern are youth who might report
nonheterosexuality as part of a broad
pattern of deant behavior. Although
possible, such confounding seems unlikely. Multivariate models controlled
for a variety of transgressive behaviors, including those in which nonheterosexual youth tend to engage. Moreover, in sensitivity analyses that
included additional behavior controls
constructed from waves 2 and 3, ORs
closely resembled those in the principal analyses, although missing data

reduced the sample size by 27%, which

precluded subgroup analysis (results
available from the authors).
Residual confounding according to behavior might occur if nonheterosexual
respondents were more reluctant
than others to report transgressive
behaviors. However, because nonheterosexuality was determined according to self-report, youth who selfidentied as nonheterosexual were, by
denition, willing to report at least
some sensitive personal information.
A similar willingness among other respondents cannot be assumed. Although incarceration might be thought
to encourage same-sex sexual behavior, incarceration was much too rare
in the sample to explain the results.
The broad denition of nonheterosexuality captured adolescents who selfidentied as heterosexual but experienced occasional same-sex attraction
or relationships. Arguably, however,
this makes the ndings stronger because of the suggestion that mere exploration of nonheterosexuality, regardless of self-identication, places
youth at risk for sanctions.
The fact that nonheterosexual youth
are more likely than other adolescents
to run away from home2 suggests that
they may be overrepresented among
the 5577 subjects lost from the sample
between waves 1 and 3. If runaway
youth are more likely to experience
sanctions, the lost subjects may have
made the conclusions of this analysis
overly conservative. College attendance is another possible confounder;
some, but not all, reports have suggested that low education attainment
is associated with heterosexuality.38
However, Add Healths methods make
it unlikely that college students would
be selectively lost to follow-up.
A nal limitation is the distortion that
may have resulted from multiple testing. However, the number of ORs with a
P value of .05 was high (8 of 18 for


the overall population), and many

ndings were signicant at P .001
or greater. In addition, although the
overall sample size was large
(100 000 person-years of observation), the relatively small numbers of
respondents who experienced sanctions and indicated nonheterosexuality limited the study power.
Sample-size limitations also precluded the analysis of racial subgroups; nonwhite adolescents represent an important group for future
study, given their overrepresentation among those receiving
Add Health lacks reliable information
about gender identity. The wave 3 survey included questions from the Bem
Sex-Role Inventory, which was designed to elicit gender identity by asking respondents to afrm statements
such as I love children. Unfortunately, the Bem Inventory correlates
poorly with gender self-identication40
and, hence, was not analyzed. Because
many nonheterosexual people are
gender-nonconforming,41 however, the
results of this study suggest that nonnormative gender identity might contribute to sanction disparities. Indeed,

results of qualitative studies have suggested that transgendered individuals

are at particular risk of discrimination
and victimization within the school and
criminal-justice systems.19,21

Our ndings indicate that nonheterosexual adolescents suffer disproportionate punishments by schools and
the criminal-justice system, which implicates not only schools, police, and
courts but also other youth-serving
health and welfare systems that often
fail to meet the needs of nonheterosexual adolescents. Thus, our results
suggest an urgent need for all childserving professionals to reect on
strategies to reduce the criminalization of nonheterosexual youth as they
navigate adolescence in an often hostile society.

This research used data from Add
Health, a program project directed
by Kathleen Mullan Harris and designed by J. Richard Udry, Peter S.
Bearman, and Kathleen Mullan Harris at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill and funded by Eunice
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of

Child Health and Human Development grant P01-HD31921, with cooperative funding from 23 other federal
agencies and foundations. Special
acknowledgment is due to Ronald R.
Rindfuss and Barbara Entwisle for
assistance in the original design. Information on how to obtain the Add
Health data les is available on the
Add Health Web site (www.cpc.unc.
edu/addhealth). No direct support
was received from grant P01HD31921 for this analysis.
Avery Irons (director of youth justice
programs for the Childrens Defense
Fund-NY) provided invaluable assistance and encouragement throughout
this research. Ms Himmelstein carried
out this research while an undergraduate student in the Program in Ethics,
Politics and Economics at Yale College.
She is currently serving as a mathematics teacher in the New York City
public schools. Dr Brckner is professor of Sociology and co-director of the
Center for Research on Inequalities
and the Life Course at Yale University.
She oversaw the initial project and
performed additional analysis requested during the peer-review

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APPENDIX 1 Mean Behavior Scores According to Detailed Self-identication Category

100% Homosexual
(N 131)

Mostly Homosexual
(N 96)

(N 245)

Mostly Heterosexual
(N 1019)

100% Heterosexual
(N 13 490)






Minor transgressive behavior

Moderate transgressive behavior
Violent behavior

APPENDIX 2 Institutional Sanctions According to Detailed Self-identication Category: Bivariate Analysis

100% Homosexual
(N 131), %

Mostly Homosexual
(N 96), %

(N 245), %

Mostly Heterosexual
(N 1019), %

100% Heterosexual
(N 13 490), %






Expulsion from school

Police stop
Under-18 arrest
Juvenile conviction
Over-18 arrest
Adult conviction




APPENDIX 3 Institutional Sanctions for Questioning Youth: Bivariate Analysis

Expulsion from school

Police stop
Under-18 arrest
Juvenile conviction
Over-18 arrest
Adult conviction

Questioning Adolescents: Reported Same-Sex Attraction

in Any Study Wave, but Self-identied as 100%
Heterosexual (N 1133), % (P)

All Other Adolescents

(N 13 048), %

12.3 (.0001)a
26.2 (.0009)a
7.5 (.02)a
3.6 (.03)a
3.7 (.15)
7.7 (.02)a


P .05.

PEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 1, January 2011


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