Report On English Carnival
Report On English Carnival
Report On English Carnival
Car Wash
This activity was handling by J unit which were J4, J5, J6
and J7. It was held at 13 th and 14th of July 2011. There were four
sections. First section washed the floor mate. Second section
Public Speaking
Public speaking was joined by Institut Pendidikan Guru Ipoh
students especially J, K and L units. Every unit was compulsory to
send at least two representatives for each class.
Jumble Sales
A jumble sale was held to raise fund for the carnival.
Opening Ceremony
The guest of honour was arrived at 9.00 oclock in the
morning. There was speech before the opening ceremony. Deputy
Director, Tn. Hj. Mat Akhir bin Hj. Abdullah and Mr. Muhammad
Yusni bin Junos, The Head of English Department were cut the
ribbon to symbolize the opening ceremony.
Speakers Corner
The topic for the speaker corner was, If you meet Prime
Minister, what are you want to talk about. This topic was presented
by Nadiah Shukri from K10.
There were 9 topics which handle by 9 units. The first topic
was Earth Paradise by K19. Second was Music by K14. Right
next to K14 is K18 and K17. The topic for K18 booth was Festival
and the topic for K17 was Food Around The World.
The fifth booth is about Teaching English as a Second
Language programmed. Computer Mediated Communication by
K13 was the sixth booth. Next to this booth was Macbeth Dungeon
by K10 and K11. Then, there were quizzes and story telling booth
which handle by L3.
Self Access Learning booth was handle by J4. There were
Giant books and chain story. The last two booths were done by J4
and K13 which was puzzle games and more information about
Computer Mediated Communication.
There were books, containers, clothes and many more sales
were held during the carnival.
All and all the carnival was successful. This is because it manages
to encourage the student to speak English during the carnival. Further
more, this carnival also provide many new informations. Besides, there
were several activities that held during the carnival can be used during
teaching and learning programs.
The conclusion is, this activity was successful in achieving it goal. Based on this
carnival we can see the team work among the unit to make sure this carnival is
going well. Hopefully there will be more activities like this held in the future.
Reported by,
Institut Pendidikan Guru Ipoh Campus.