Soal MCQ 10 April 2014
Soal MCQ 10 April 2014
Soal MCQ 10 April 2014
50 70 indicates :
Mild retardation
Moderate retardation
Severe retardation
Profound retardation
No retardation
d. Coartasio aorta
e. ToF
8. Select the most appropriate oncological diagnosis from the list of options
to explain the following scenario. A young children with fever and a mass
in the femur is coted and a diagnosis of malignancy is made. This
frecuency is 30 times more common in white children compare to black
a. Ewing syndrome
b. Hepatocarcinoma
c. Neuroblastoma
d. Teratoma
e. Willms Tumor
9. Which of the following milk contains the least fat?
a. Human milk
b. Goat milk
c. Buffalo milk
d. Cow milk
e. Horse milk
10. The infant was born after difficult forceps delivery and head appeared to
be swollen in the right parieto-occipitalis jaundice developed after 24
hours. The hemoglobin is 12 g/dl. ... is indirect hiperbilirubinemia. What is
the working diagnose of this case ?
a. Breast milk jaundice
b. Cephalhematom
c. Galactosemia
d. Preterm birth
e. Sepsis
12. Wanita, 14 tahun dengan mild sore throat, demam low grade
makulopapular difus. Setelah 24 jam mural bengkak pergelangan tangan,
maka merah pembesaran nnll cervic posterior & occipital. Setelah 4 hari
rash vanished.
a. Rubella
b. Rubeola
c. Roseola
d. Eritema infeksiosum
e. Eritema multiforme
A 3 month old boy infants developed otitis media for which he was
given a course of cotrimoxazole, a few days later, he developed extensive
peeling of the skin. There were no mucosal lesion and the baby was not
toxic. The most likely diagnosed is
a. Toxic epidermal necrolysis
b. Staphylococcal skin scalp syndrome
c. Steven jonhson syndrome
d. Infant pemphigus
e. Herpes zoster
16. Examination of the CSF of a 8 years old febrile child, with intermitten
stupor shows the following :
WBC all limfosit, gram -, protein 150 g/dL, glukosa 15 g/dL. Diagnosis?
a. Tuberosclerosis
b. Meningitis TB
c. Stroke
d. Acute . Meningitis
e. Cerebellum.
18. Terapi yang diperlukan pada bayi yg lahir dari ibu dengan hepatitis B
a. Immunoglobulin dan vaksinasi
19. Bayi 10 bulan, awalnya normal, tiba-tiba distress on his crib, genitalia
eksterna normal, hiperpigmentasi (+), GDS 30 mg%. Diagnosa...?
a. defisiensi 21 hidroksilase
b. Hiperinsulin
c. Familial glucocorticoid
d. Cushing
e. defisiensi growth hormone
33. IQ adalah
e. vitamin D
40. Anak duduk dengan dukungan minimal, bisa menjangkau barang
barang di sekitarnya pada usia berapa?
a. 3 bulan
41. Cara untuk mencegah malnutrisi protein pada anak <3 tahun
Supply makanan
b. Early
c. Pengobatan anemia dan pneumonia
d. Mengawasi defisiensi mikronutrien
45. 8 months infant have recurrent diarrhea. The volume of stool was
explosive. Etiology?
a. Chronic ulserative
b. Chronic disease
d. Lactose intolerance
46. Perioral rash pigmentation of skin creases and neuritis is seen in
deficiency of ...
a. Zinc
b. Copper
c. Magnesium
d. Biotin
e. Cuprum
A 2,5 years old with intermittent blood stools, occurs during day and
half at night. Apepite normal.
a. Chronic enteritis
b. Rotavirus enteritis
c. Salmonella enteritis
d. Food allergy
e. ..
58. Anak usia 4 bulan datang dengan atopic eczema berat. Keluhan : diare
dengan BB tidak naik. Laboratorium: eosinofilia. Diagnosis...?
a. Cows milk allergy
b. Lactose intolerance
c. Irritable bowel syndrome
59. A 6 years old boy has acute onset flaccid paralysis simetric, it begin in
lower leg and trunk, intinya menjalar ke arm (he) CSF high protein but
not pleocytosis, what is the diagnose?
a. SGB
b. Juvenile multipelsclerosis
c. Chronic fatigue
d. Myopati
e. DMD
60. Seorang anak perempuan 1 tahun dengan riwayat 3 bulan muntah,
failure to thrive, mildly acidotic
a. Policystic
b. Pielonefritis
c. Renal Calculi
d. Renal Tubular Acidosis
e. SLE
61. Anak usia 16 tahun nyeri kepala dan muntah, 2 hari demam dengan
nonblanching rash
a non .... rash ....
a. cerebral tumor
b. cluster headache
c. extradural hematom
d. meningitis
e. migraine
62. For .... children with lower limb weakness .... most likely
Diagnosis : a 4 years old boy is brought to clinic, his mother who feel he
losses weak legs and finding climbing the stairs are difficult. He walk
independent 20 minutes , last received speech therapy. A mild speech
delayed on examination, his lower limb reflex are normal. His muscle are
well developed distally although weak on proximal.
a. SGB
63. The most common cause of chronic glomerular disease is ...
a. IgA nefropati
b. SLE
c. Glomerulonefritis
d. HSP
e. Reiter syndrome
64. For each patient below, choose : baby 2 minggu mikrosefal,kejang dan
a. CMV
b. Hepatitis B
c. Rubella
d. Herpeks Simpleks
e. Toxoplasmosis
65. Select the most appropriated diagnosis from the list of options that would
best explain the following case : A 1 year old girl with 3 months history of
vomiting is investigated for failure thrive. She is found to be mildly
acidotic :
a. SHU
b. HSP
c. Renal Tubular Acidosis
d. Renal Vein Thrombosis
e. SLE
66. Anak 7 th dirujuk dokter umum dengan ARF (Acute Renal Failure). Gejala :
Bloody diarrhea, dengan cairan membaik
a. Epstein Barr Virus
b. E. coli
c. Pseudomonas
e. RSV
67. Seorang anak perempuan dengan bengkak pada
proteinuria dan darah samar. Jawaban yang benar :
b. HUS
c. Nephrotic syndrome
d. Policystic kidney
e. SLE
f. Chronic renal failure
68. Seorang anak dengan riwayat ISK, sehingga anak menjadi nyeri ketok di
a. HUS
b. Pielonefritis
c. HSP
76. For each patient below, choose the most probable diagnosis from the list
of option ....
A 1 year old baby boy is wheezy coughing, cyanosed & breathless with
intercostal recession.
a. Bronchiolitis
b. Croup
c. Diphteri
d. Epiglotitis
e. Pneumonia
77. Platelet dysfunction in infant
a. Amlodine
b. Chloramphenicol
c. Aspirin
d. Sulfazolin
e. Warfarin
78. Anak perempuan, 13 tahun, menometroragi, Von Willebrand disease
a. PTT , PT N
b. PT , PTT N
c. PTT , PT
d. TT
e. Jumlah trombosit
80. Antracycline untuk kardiotoksisitas
a. Actinomycin D
b. Asparaginase
c. Doxorubicine
d. Metotrexate
e. Vincristine
81. Can follow ingestion of dust containing dried fecal maternal
a. Adenovirus
b. E. coli
c. Hepatitis A
d. Norwalk virus
e. Rotavirus