Acupuncture in Patients With Osteoarthritis of The Knee: A Randomised Trial

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Acupuncture in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee:

a randomised trial
C Witt, B Brinkhaus, S Jena, K Linde, A Streng, S Wagenpfeil, J Hummelsberger, H U Walther, D Melchart, S N Willich

Lancet 2005; 366: 13643
See Comment page 100
Institute of Social Medicine,
Epidemiology, and Health
Economics (C Witt MD,
B Brinkhaus MD, S Jena MSc,
Prof S N Willich MD) and Centre
for Musculoskeletal Surgery
(H U Walther MD), Charit
University Medical Centre,
Berlin, Germany; Centre for
Complementary Medicine
Research, Department of
Internal Medicine II (K Linde MD,
A Streng PhD, D Melchart MD)
and Institute of Medical
Statistics and Epidemiology
(S Wagenpfeil PhD), Technische
Universitt Mnchen, Munich,
Germany; Division of
Complementary Medicine,
Department of Internal
Medicine, University Hospital
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
(D Melchart MD); and
International Society for
Chinese Medicine, Societas
Medicinae Sinensis, Munich,
Germany (J Hummelsberger MD)
Correspondence to:
Dr Claudia Witt, Institute of
Social Medicine, Epidemiology,
and Health Economics, Charit
University Medical Centre,
10098 Berlin, Germany

Background Acupuncture is widely used by patients with chronic pain although there is little evidence of its
effectiveness. We investigated the efcacy of acupuncture compared with minimal acupuncture and with no
acupuncture in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
Methods Patients with chronic osteoarthritis of the knee (Kellgren grade 2) were randomly assigned to
acupuncture (n=150), minimal acupuncture (supercial needling at non-acupuncture points; n=76), or a waiting list
control (n=74). Specialised physicians, in 28 outpatient centres, administered acupuncture and minimal
acupuncture in 12 sessions over 8 weeks. Patients completed standard questionnaires at baseline and after 8 weeks,
26 weeks, and 52 weeks. The primary outcome was the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis
(WOMAC) index at the end of week 8 (adjusted for baseline score). All main analyses were by intention to treat.
Results 294 patients were enrolled from March 6, 2002, to January 17, 2003; eight patients were lost to follow-up after
randomisation, but were included in the nal analysis. The mean baseline-adjusted WOMAC index at week 8 was
269 (SE 14) in the acupuncture group, 358 (19) in the minimal acupuncture group, and 496 (20) in the waiting
list group (treatment difference acupuncture vs minimal acupuncture 88, [95% CI 135 to 42], p=00002;
acupuncture vs waiting list 227 [275 to 179], p00001). After 52 weeks the difference between the
acupuncture and minimal acupuncture groups was no longer signicant (p=008).
Interpretation After 8 weeks of treatment, pain and joint function are improved more with acupuncture than with
minimal acupuncture or no acupuncture in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. However, this benet decreases
over time.

Osteoarthritis most frequently affects the knee joint.1
Anti-inammatory drugs used to treat the symptoms of
this disorder are associated with various side-effects.2
Furthermore, for patients for whom these drugs do not
lead to an adequate response, replacement surgery is
often recommended.3 Patients with chronic pain are
increasingly using acupuncture for pain relief.4 There is
some evidence that acupuncture can be effective in
treating pain and dysfunction in patients with
osteoarthritis of the knee. In a systematic review
including seven randomised controlled trials with a total
of 393 patients, acupuncture was more effective than
sham acupuncture in reducing pain, whereas for joint
function the results were inconclusive.5 These previous
studies, however, were based on small sample sizes and
the follow-up period was never longer than 3 months.
We aimed to investigate the efcacy of acupuncture
compared with minimal acupuncture and with no
acupuncture in patients with pain and dysfunction due
to osteoarthritis of the knee.

Patients were included in our study if they were aged
5075 years, had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis
according to the American College of Rheumatology
criteria, had documented radiological alterations in the

knee joint of grade 2 or more according to KellgrenLawrence criteria,6,7 had an average pain intensity of 40 or
more on a 100 mm visual analogue scale in the 7 days
before baseline assessment, and if they gave written
informed consent. The exclusion criteria were one or
more of the following: pain in the knee caused by
inammatory, malignant, or autoimmune disease; or
other reasons for pain in the knee, such as serious
valgus-defective or varus-defective position. Patients
were also excluded if they had had knee surgery,
arthroscopy of the affected knee in the past year,
chondroprotective or intra-articular injection in the past
4 months, systemic corticoid treatment or beginning of a
new treatment for osteoarthritis in the past 4 weeks, local
antiphlogistic treatment, acupuncture treatment during
the past 12 months, or physiotherapy or other treatments
for osteoarthritis knee pain (with the exception of nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs) during the previous
4 weeks. Additional exclusion criteria were application
for pension or disability benets, serious acute or
chronic organic disease or mental disorder, pregnancy or
breastfeeding, and blood coagulation disorders or
coagulation-inhibiting medication other than aspirin.
Most participants were recruited through reports in local
newspapers; a few patients spontaneously contacted trial
centres. All study participants provided written informed
consent and were insured according to the German law
for medical products. Vol 366 July 9, 2005


Figure 1 shows the study design. Patients were
randomly assigned to a treatment group stratied by
centre in a 2: 1: 1 ratio (acupuncture: minimal
acupuncture: waiting list) with a centralised telephone
randomisation procedure (random list generated with
Samp Size 20). The 2: 1: 1 ratio was used to help with
recruitment and increase the compliance of trial
physicians. Minimal acupuncture served as a sham
intervention; the additional no acupuncture waiting list
control was included since minimal acupuncture might
not be a physiologically inert placebo. Patients in the
acupuncture and minimal acupuncture groups were
unaware of their treatment allocation. The total followup study period per patient was 52 weeks. The study was
undertaken according to common guidelines for clinical
trials (Declaration of Helsinki, ICH-GCP including
certication by an external audit). The study protocol
was approved by the appropriate ethics review boards
and has been described in detail elsewhere.8
Study interventions were developed in a consensus
process with acupuncture experts and societies, and
provided by physicians who were trained (at least 140 h)
and experienced in acupuncture. Both the acupuncture
and minimal acupuncture treatments consisted of
12 sessions of 30 min duration, administered over
8 weeks (usually two sessions per week for the rst
4 weeks, followed by one session per week in the
remaining 4 weeks). For patients with bilateral
osteoarthritis in the acupuncture and the minimal
acupuncture groups, both knees were needled with at
least eight out of ten proposed points (at least 16 needles
altogether), whereas for patients with unilateral
osteoarthritis, the physician was able to choose
unilateral or bilateral acupuncture. For unilateral
acupuncture, the treatment had to be done with at least
eight needles. Patients in the waiting list group did not
receive acupuncture treatment for a period of 8 weeks,
after which time they then also received acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatment was semi-standardised: all
patients were treated with a selection of local and distant
points chosen by the acupuncturists according to the
principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Additional
points included body acupuncture points, ear acupuncture
points, and trigger points. Patients were treated by use of
at least six local acupuncture points from the following
selection:9 stomach 34, 35, 36; spleen 9, 10; bladder 40;
kidney 10; gall bladder 33, 34; liver 8; extraordinary points
Heding, Xiyan. Additionally, physicians selected and
needled at least two distant points from the following
selection: spleen 4, 5, 6; stomach 6; bladder 20, 57, 58, 60,
62; kidney 3. Sterile disposable one-time needles had to be
used, but physicians were able to choose the needle length
and diameter. Physicians were instructed to achieve de qi
(an irradiating feeling deemed to indicate effective
needling) if possible, and needles were stimulated
manually at least once during each session. Vol 366 July 9, 2005

Minimal acupuncture treatment entailed supercial

insertion of ne needles (2040 mm in length) at
predened, distant non-acupuncture points.8 These nonacupuncture points were not in the area of the knee, and
the selection of at least eight out of ten points was left to
the physicians discretion. Physicians were instructed to
avoid manual stimulation of the needles and provocation
of de qi in the minimal acupuncture treatment. In
investigator meetings, all acupuncturists received
training in the application of minimal acupuncture,
which included a videotape and a brochure showing
detailed information about the procedure.
Patients in the waiting list group did not receive
acupuncture treatment for 8 weeks after randomisation;
from week 9 they received 12 sessions of the
acupuncture treatment described above. In all treatment
groups, patients were allowed to treat osteoarthritis knee
pain with oral non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs if
necessary. The use of other pain treatments, such as
drugs acting through the central nervous system, or
corticosteroids, was not allowed.
Patients were informed about acupuncture and
minimal acupuncture in the study as follows: In this
study, different types of acupuncture will be compared.
One type is similar to the acupuncture treatment used in
China. The other type does not follow these principles,
but has also been associated with positive outcomes in
clinical studies.
All patients completed standard questionnaires at
baseline, and after 8 weeks, 26 weeks, and 52 weeks. The
rst questionnaire was distributed to the patients by the
study physician and completed before the start of
treatment (baseline). Patients sent their completed
questionnaires to the study ofce in sealed envelopes.
Follow-up questionnaires were sent to all patients by the
study ofce. The primary outcome measure was the
Western Ontario and McMasters Universities
Osteoarthritis Index.10,11 In cases of bilateral
osteoarthritis, the knee dened at baseline as most


12 sessions


Minimal acupuncture
12 sessions

12 sessions

Waiting list control (no









Medical status
Treatment documentation



Figure 1: Study design



painful was the one assessed throughout the entire

study. Furthermore, the patient questionnaire included
a modied version of the German Society for the Study
of Pain survey,12 which uses the German version of the
pain disability index;13 a scale for assessing emotional
aspects of pain (Schmerzempndungs-Skala [SES]);14 the
depression scale (Allgemeine Depressionsskala [ADS]);15
1100 patients assessed
for eligibility
620 not interested after
receipt of information
or obvious violation of
selection criteria
480 referred to
180 violation of selection

Statistical analysis

300 randomised

150 allocated
1 without baseline
and acupuncture
3 lost to follow-up
after randomisation

76 allocated minimal
1 without baseline
and acupuncture
2 lost to follow-up
after randomisation

74 allocated
waiting list

4 without baseline
3 lost to follow-up
after randomisation

146 followed up at
8 weeks

73 followed up at
8 weeks

146 followed up at
26 weeks

73 followed up at
26 weeks

67 followed up at
8 weeks

2 lost to follow-up
after week 26
146 followed up at
52 weeks

149 in ITT population (all included

in sensitivity analysis with
missing values replaced)
1 without baseline and
4 lost to follow-up/
missing MOM data
145 in main ITT efficacy analysis
10 violation of
treatment protocol
14 other protocol
121 in PP analysis

71 followed up at
52 weeks

75 in ITT population (all included

in sensitivity analysis with
missing values replaced)
1 without baseline and
2 lost to follow-up/
missing MOM data
73 in main ITT efficacy analysis
12 violation of
treatment protocol
7 other protocol
54 in PP analysis

70 in ITT population (all included

in sensitivity analysis with
missing values replaced)
4 without baseline

3 lost to follow-up/
missing MOM data
67 in main ITT efficacy analysis
9 violation of
treatment protocol
9 other protocol
49 in PP analysis

Figure 2: Trial ow chart

ITT=intention to treat, FU=follow-up, MOM=main outcome measure, PP=per protocol.


and the German version of the SF-3616 (MOS36-item

short form quality-of-life questionnaire) to assess healthrelated quality of life. Additionally, several questions on
sociodemographic characteristics, numerical rating
scales for pain intensity, questions about workdays lost,
and global assessments were asked. The number of days
with pain and medication were documented in a diary by
the patients.
Blinding to treatment and the credibility of the
treatment method were assessed by the patients with a
credibility questionnaire17 after the third acupuncture
session. At the end of the study, patients were asked
whether they thought they had received acupuncture
following the principles of Chinese medicine or the
other type of acupuncture. Physicians documented
medical history, acupuncture treatment, serious adverse
events, and side-effects for each session. Patients also
reported side-effects at the end of week 8.

Conrmatory tests of the primary outcome measure

(WOMAC index at the end of week 8) and all main
analyses (with SPSS 115) were based on the intentionto-treat population and used all available data.
Sensitivity analyses were done for the primary
outcome measure by replacing missing data with
multiple imputations and last value carried forward by
use of SOLAS 30 (Statistical Solutions, Cork, Ireland).
For multiple imputation, the propensity score method
was used with the main outcome as variable to impute.
Five imputed datasets were generated in addition to
the last value carried forward. An analysis of
covariance,18 with the main outcome WOMAC score at
the end of week 8 as the dependent variable and
baseline WOMAC score and treatment group as
independent variables, was undertaken as primary
analysis to account for potential baseline differences.
Resulting baseline-adjusted treatment effects are given
together with 95% CI and corresponding p values as
well as means and standard errors (SE) of the primary
outcome for each treatment group. The same analysis
was done for all secondary parameters at the end of
week 8.
The study was powered to detect a change of eight
score points on the WOMAC Index19 between the
acupuncture and minimal acupuncture groups with
80% power on the basis of a SD of 17 score points and a
two-sided signicance level of 5%. Exploratory analyses
(two-sided t tests and 2 tests for pairwise comparisons
of groups without adjustment for multiple testing) were
done for follow-up measurements. Because the waiting
list group could not be compared directly with the two
other groups after 26 weeks and 52 weeks, all
subsequent data from this group were only analysed
descriptively. Additionally, a per protocol analysis was
done including only patients with no major protocol
violations by the end of week 8. Vol 366 July 9, 2005


Age (years)
Body-mass index
10 years of school
Kellgren criteria
Kellgren 0
Kellgren 1
Kellgren 2
Kellgren 3
Kellgren 4
Duration of disease (years)
Days per month with pain
Osteoarthritis bilateral
Previous treatment
Pharmaceutical intervention
(past 6 months)
Physiotherapy (past 6 months)
Previous acupuncture treatment
Average pain (VAS)
Disability (PDI)
Physical health (SF-36)*
Mental health (SF-36)*
Pain affective (SES, t standard scores)
Pain sensoric (SES, t standard scores)
Depression (ADS, t standard scores)

Total (n=294)

Acupuncture (n=149)

Minimal acupuncture (n=75)

Waiting list (n=70)

195 (66%)
99 (34%)
640 (65)
290 (50)
43 (16%)

105 (70%)
44 (30%)
645 (64)
295 (48)
16 (11%)

49 (65%)
26 (35%)
634 (66)
288 (46)
11 (17%)

41 (59%)
29 (41%)
636 (67)
283 (589)
16 (24%)

1 (03%)
15 (5%)
121 (41%)
120 (41%)
37 (13%)
92 (79)
262 (65)
224 (76%)

6 (4%)
52 (35%)
66 (44%)
25 (17%)
91 (85)
262 (65)
110 (74%)

5 (7%)
29 (39%)
32 (43%)
9 (12%)
99 (76)
266 (64)
58 (77%)

1 (1%)
4 (6%)
40 (57%)
22 (31%)
3 (4%)
88 (68)
257 (68)
56 (80%)

97 (33%)

43 (29%)

27 (36%)

27 (39%)

45 (15%)
23 (8%)
653 (145)
514 (187)
280 (132)
297 (77)
513 (120)
489 (91)
527 (99)
512 (94)

22 (15%)
14 (9%)
649 (142)
508 (188)
279 (142)
300 (74)
518 (121)
488 (93)
524 (95)
512 (100)

7 (9%)
5 (7%)
685 (144)
525 (186)
278 (132)
292 (82)
511 (116)
492 (87)
541 (108)
513 (79)

16 (23%)
4 (6%)
628 (150)
516 (188)
283 (113)
298 (79)
506 (121)
488 (93)
520 (100)
512 (94)

Data are number (%) or mean (SD). WOMAC=questionnaire for assessing pain, function and stiffness due to osteoarthritis (Western Ontario and McMasters Universities Osteoarthritis
Index); VAS=visual analogue scale; PDI=pain disability index; SF-36=MOS 36-item short-form quality-of-life questionnaire; SES=questionnaire for assessing the emotional aspects of pain
(Schmerzempndungsskala); ADS=depression scale (Allgemeine Depressionsskala). *Higher values indicate better status.

Table 1: Baseline characteristics of intention-to-treat population

The trial was initiated after a request from German

health authorities (Federal Committee of Physicians and
Social Health Insurance Companies, German Federal
Social Insurance Authority) and sponsored by German
Social Health Insurance Companies. The health
authorities had requested a randomised trial that
included a sham control and a follow-up period of at
least 6 months. All other decisions on study design, data
collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and writing
of the report were the complete responsibility of the
researchers. The corresponding author had full access to


Credibility after third session

Improvement expected
Recommendation to others
Treatment logical
Effective also for other diseases

52 (11)
55 (10)
50 (13)
56 (09)

51 (09)
56 (07)
48 (13)
57 (06)

Guess at end of week 52

Chinese acupuncture
The other type of acupuncture
Dont know

96 (66%)
9 (6%)
41 (28%)

40 (56%)
4 (6%)
27 (38%)


Between March 6, 2002, and January 17, 2003, about
1100 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee applied to


Minimal acupuncture
Waiting list



Rating scale based on 0=minimum and 6=maximum agreement; data are number (%)
or mean (SD).

Table 2: Treatment credibility after the third treatment session and

assessment of blinding Vol 366 July 9, 2005

all the data in the study and had nal responsibility for
the decision to submit for publication.

WOMAC index

Role of the funding source






Minimal acupuncture 75
Waiting list


Figure 3: Development of the mean WOMAC Index in the three treatment groups
Vertical bars represent standard errors.




WOMAC at baseline


Minimal acupuncture






























10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Waiting list



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

WOMAC at week 8

WOMAC at week 8

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
WOMAC at week 8

Figure 4: Scatter plots of the WOMAC index at baseline and at week 8

Solid lines represent parallel linear regression and dotted lines represent analysis of covariance (45 line). Patients on the 45 line have no change in WOMAC score,
whereas those above and below indicate better and worse condition, respectively.

participate in the study. Figure 2 shows the trial prole.

Of 300 patients randomised six were excluded from the
intention-to-treat population because no baseline data
were available, and they did not receive the study
intervention. All the remaining 294 patients treated in a
total of 28 outpatient centres were included in the
intention-to-treat population. Three patients in the
acupuncture group (one planned operation, one car
accident, one reason unclear) and three in the minimal
acupuncture group (one moved to another town, two
reason unclear) stopped the acupuncture treatment
prematurely. After 8 weeks, data for the main efcacy
analysis were available for 285 (97%) patients. The perprotocol analysis included 224 patients.
All patients had previously been treated with
analgesics. 95 (32%) had received acupuncture in the
past (8% for osteoarthritis) and 261 (88%) patients
expected a substantial improvement from acupuncture
Primary outcome
WOMAC Stiffness
WOMAC Physical function
Disability (PDI)
Physical health (SF36)
Mental health (SF36)
Pain affective (SES, t standard scores)
Pain sensoric (SES, t standard scores)
Depression (ADS, t standard scores)
Days with limited function
Days with pain in week 8 (diary)
Days with medication in weeks 58 (diary)

Acupuncture mean (SE) Minimal acupuncture

mean (SE)

Waiting list
mean (SE)

treatment. Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of

patients in the three study groups.
Patients in the acupuncture group were treated with a
mean of 17 (SD 8) needles and patients in the minimal
acupuncture group with a mean of 12 (3) needles. The
average duration of sessions was about 30 min in both
groups. All patients in the acupuncture group were
treated at local and distant points; additional points were
used in 609 (35%) treatment sessions and trigger points
in 246 (14%) treatment sessions. After three treatment
sessions, patients rated the credibility of acupuncture
and minimal acupuncture much the same and as very
high, and at the end of the study most patients believed
that they had received acupuncture following the
principles of Chinese medicine (table 2).
Figure 3 shows the development of the mean WOMAC
index score. The mean baseline-adjusted WOMAC index
at the end of week 8 was 269 (SE 14) in the
Acupuncture vs minimal
acupuncture* (95%CI)

Acupuncture vs
waiting list * (95%CI)


227 (275 to 179)

205 (255 to 155)
223 (289 to 157)
234 (284 to 184)
110 (141 to 79)
44 (23 to 65)
29 (06 to 53)
35 (58 to 12)
25 (50 to 01)
15 (41 to 11)
111 (163 to 58)


21 (28 to 14)
13 (30 to 03)


269 (14)
244 (14)
327 (19)
270 (14)
164 (09)
362 (06)
536 (07)
424 (07)
473 (07)
479 (08)
163 (15)

358 (19)
332 (20)
423 (27)
358 (20)
222 (12)
331 (08)
519 (10)
441 (09)
481 (10)
483 (11)
213 (21)

496 (20)
449 (21)
550 (28)
504 (21)
274 (13)
318 (09)
507 (10)
459 (10)
498 (10)
494 (11)
274 (22)

88 (135 to 42)
88 (137 to 39)
96 (160 to 32)
89 (137 to 40)
58 (88 to 28)
31 (11 to 51)
17 (06 to 40)
17 (39 to 05)
08 (32 to 16)
05 (31 to 21)
49 (101 to 02)

44 (02)
45 (05)

53 (03)
46 (06)

64 (03)
58 (07)

10 (16 to 03)
01 (16 to 15)


WOMAC=questionnaire for assessing pain, function, and stiffness due to osteoarthritis (Western Ontario and McMasters Universities Osteoarthritis Index); PDI=pain disability index; SF-36=MOS 36-item short-form quality-oflife questionnaire; SES=questionnaire for assessing the emotional aspects of pain (Schmerzempndungsskala); ADS=depression scale (Allgemeine Depressionsskala). *Mean baseline-adjusted treatment difference between
groups. Higher values indicate better status

Table 3: Primary and secondary outcomes at the end of week 8

140 Vol 366 July 9, 2005


At 26 weeks

WOMAC Stiffness
WOMAC Physical function
Disability (PDI)
Physical health (SF36)
Mental health (SF36)
Pain affective (SES, t standard scores)
Pain sensoric (SES, t standard scores)
Depression (ADS, t standard scores)
Days with limited function

At 52 weeks

mean (SD)

Minimal acupuncture
mean (SD)

Acupuncture vs minimal
acupuncture* (95%CI)

mean (SD)

Minimal acupuncture Acupuncture vs minimal

mean (SD)
acupuncture* (95%CI)

304 (213)
289 (227)
347 (253)
304 (214)
186 (130)
351 (88)
526 (115)
413 (93)
460 (92)
482 (99)
418 (456)

363 (223)
338 (223)
403 (261)
365 (232)
228 (153)
330 (100)
517 (112)
434 (94)
480 (93)
487 (93)
611 (617)

58 (120 to 03)
48 (112 to 16)
56 (128 to 17)
62 (124 to 01)
42 (83 to 00)
21 (05 to 48)
09 (23 to 42)
21 (48 to 06)
20 (46 to 06)
05 (36 to 25)
194 (355 to 32)


327 (224)
300 (235)
374 (252)
330 (230)
200 (140)
350 (100)
529 (110)
425 (102)
477 (113)
486 (102)
411 (565)

384 (226)
335 (213)
471 (280)
389 (238)
236 (150)
328 (95)
511 (117)
441 (104)
484 (105)
498 (101)
678 (717)


57 (121 to 07)
35 (100 to 30)
97 (171 to 22)
59 (125 to 07)
36 (77 to 05)
22 (06 to 51)
19 (13 to 51)
16 (46 to 14)
07 (39 to 24)
12 (43 to 18)
267 (460 to 75)

WOMAC=Western Ontario and McMasters Universities Osteoarthritis Index; PDI=pain disability index; SF-36=MOS 36-item short-form quality-of-life questionnaire; SES=Schmerzempndungsskala; ADS=Allgemeine
Depressionsskala. *Mean difference between groups; minor discrepancies between differences calculated from group means presented in the table are due to rounding. Higher values indicate better status.

Table 4: Secondary outcomes after 26 weeks and 52 weeks

acupuncture group compared with 358 (19) in the

minimal acupuncture group and 496 (20) in the
waiting list group (treatment difference: acupuncture vs
minimal acupuncture 88 [95% CI 135 to 42],
p=00002; acupuncture vs waiting list 227 [275 to
179], p00001). Figure 4 shows the treatment effect
for individual patients categorised with respect to
treatment group. The results were very similar if
missing values were replaced and if baseline values were
entered in the analysis of covariance as covariates.
Additionally, the per-protocol analysis showed closely
similar results.
Patients who received acupuncture had signicantly
better results for almost all secondary outcome measures
than did those in the minimal acupuncture and waiting
list groups. The proportion of responders (patients with a
decrease of at least 50% in their WOMAC index score)
was 52% in the acupuncture group compared with 28%
in the minimal acupuncture group and 3% in the waiting
list group (all patients with no data were counted as nonresponders). On all WOMAC subscales (pain, stiffness,
and physical function), the acupuncture group showed
signicant improvements compared with the minimal
acupuncture and the waiting list groups (table 3). When
weeks 1 and 8 were compared, the mean number of days
per week with intake of analgesics decreased in the
acupuncture group (from 14 [22] to 09 [20]) and in
the minimal acupuncture group (from 15 [26] to 11
[23]), whereas in the waiting list control group this
number remained closely similar (18 [23] vs 19 [26]).
Additionally, the percentage of patients using analgesics
in the acupuncture and minimal acupuncture groups
decreased between weeks 1 and 8 (from 42% to 22% and
from 38% to 23%, respectively), whereas in the waiting
list group there was only a small change (from 52% to
45%). The improvements recorded after 8 weeks in the
acupuncture and minimal acupuncture groups persisted
during the follow-up period, although the differences Vol 366 July 9, 2005

between the groups were no longer signicant after 26 or

52 weeks (p=0063 and 0080 from exploratory analyses;
table 4). The patients in the waiting list group who
received acupuncture between weeks 9 and 16 showed
improvements after treatment that were similar to those
reported in the original acupuncture group (WOMAC
index decreased from 516 [188] to 316 [206]).
During the 26 weeks after randomisation, a total of
nine serious adverse events (three acupuncture, two
minimal acupuncture, four waiting list) were
documented. One patient from the minimal
acupuncture group died from myocardial infarction. All
cases were admitted to hospital and regarded as
unrelated to the study condition or the intervention.
24 side-effects were reported by 20 (14%) patients in the
acupuncture group (18 small haematoma or bleeding
and six other side-effects, such as needling pain), and
16 side-effects by 13 (18%) patients (p=0410) in the
minimal acupuncture group (nine small haematoma or
bleeding, one case of local inammation at the needling
site, and six other side-effects).

In this study, patients with osteoarthritis of the knee
who received acupuncture had signicantly less pain
and better function after 8 weeks than did patients who
received minimal acupuncture or no acupuncture. After
26 and 52 weeks, exploratory analysis indicated that the
differences between acupuncture and minimal
acupuncture were no longer signicant.
The present study is, to date, one of the largest and
most rigorous trials of the efcacy of acupuncture
available. Its strengths include a prepublished protocol,8
interventions based on expert consensus by qualied
and experienced medical acupuncturists, assessment of
the credibility of interventions, outcome measurements
as recommended in guidelines for trials on
osteoarthritis,20,21 and very high follow-up rates. One


potential limitation of the study is that participants were

recruited primarily through newspaper articles and
might not be representative of all patients with
osteoarthritis of the knee. Also, due to the nature of the
intervention, it was not possible to blind acupuncturists
to treatment. However, the primary outcome measure
and all secondary outcome measures were assessed by
the patients themselves. Acupuncture and minimal
acupuncture are not strictly indistinguishable. One
could, therefore, argue that our results might have been
biased by a lack of sufcient blinding. Although this bias
cannot be ruled out, a major bias seems unlikely to us
for two reasons. First, patients were informed in a
manner suggesting that two different types of
acupuncture treatment were compared, not mentioning
terms such as placebo or sham. Similar strategies of
informed consent have been used in most previous
acupuncture trials.22 Second, both acupuncture and
minimal acupuncture were thought to be highly credible
and most patients believed that they had received the
Chinese acupuncture.
Compared with both waiting list control and minimal
acupuncture, the effect of acupuncture on the WOMAC
scale after 8 weeks is clinically important.22 Signicant
differences were also evident for secondary outcomes.
The differences between the acupuncture and the
minimal acupuncture groups can probably not be
explained by the intake of analgesics, which was much the
same in both groups. Days with intake of analgesics did
not differ between the acupuncture and minimal
acupuncture groups, but differences cannot be ruled out
completely because only days with intake of analgesics
and not the exact number of pills or the dosage of
analgesics was assessed. Exploratory analysis at 26 and 52
weeks follow-up indicated that differences between
acupuncture and minimal acupuncture were no longer
signicant. Because the waiting list patients received
acupuncture after 8 weeks, whether the benet of
acupuncture over no treatment is still clinically relevant in
the long term is difcult to assess. In any case, our results
suggest that a single course of acupuncture treatment has
only limited long-term point-specic effects.
In this study, the side-effects of acupuncture were of
only minor severity. Several large surveys have also
provided evidence that acupuncture is a relatively safe
treatment.2325 Non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs,
which are the most common pharmaceutical treatment
in patients with osteoarthritis, are well known for
producing severe side-effects, such as gastrointestinal
bleeding, causing many deaths.2 A reduction in the use
of non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs might be a
potential secondary benet of acupuncture treatment.
Our results lend support to the ndings of three
previous smaller trials that compared acupuncture with
a no-treatment control, two of which were
randomised26,27 and one was not.28 Four published trials
have compared acupuncture and sham acupuncture

interventions.2932 In three of these trials,3032 pain

improved signicantly after treatment with acupuncture
compared with sham acupuncture, whereas only one
trial32 reported a difference for function. In the trial that
showed no difference between acupuncture and sham
acupuncture,29 acupuncture treatment was administered
over a short period (three times a week for 3 weeks). One
method of sham acupuncture is the minimum sham
method (supercial needling at distant non-acupuncture
points), which tries to keep to a minimum the nonspecic needling effects.33 In our study, and in both trials
with positive results, sham acupuncture was
administered as minimum sham. In the third trial with
neutral results, sham acupuncture was administered
supercially, but near to the real acupuncture points.
This procedure could have produced more analgesic
effects than the method used in the other trials. The
differences in ndings with respect to function might be
due to low statistical power in the early trials, use of
different measurement instruments, or the possibility
that our form of acupuncture treatment (using more
local acupuncture points) was more effective in
improving physical function in patients with
osteoarthritis of the knee.
Most previous studies have included only a short-term
follow-up. Only in the study by Molsberger and
colleagues30 was follow-up assessed at 3 months, yielding
results that were similar to those immediately after
treatment completion. However, in our study the
outcome differences between acupuncture and minimal
acupuncture treatment decreased during the 12-month
follow-up period.
In conclusion, acupuncture treatment had signicant
and clinically relevant short-term effects when
compared to minimal acupuncture or no acupuncture
treatment in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. We
now need to assess the long-term effects of
acupuncture, both in comparison to sham interventions
and to standard treatment.
All authors participated in developing the study design and protocol and
in revising the manuscript. Specic tasks and responsibilities were:
general trial coordination (C Witt, B Brinkhaus; A Streng, K Linde),
monitoring coordination (C Witt, B Brinkhaus), statistical analysis and
expertise (S Jena, S Wagenpfeil), orthopaedic expertise (H U Walther),
acupuncture interventions (J Hummelsberger), general medical and
scientic responsibility (S N Willich, D Melchart), randomisation centre
(S Wagenpfeil).
Participating trial centres
Hospital outpatient units: Centre for Complementary Medicine Research,
Department Internal Medicine II, Technische Universitt Mnchen,
Munich (A Eustachi, N Gerling, J J Kleber); Department
Complementary Medicine and Integrative Medicine, KnappschaftsKrankenhaus Essen (G Dobos, A Fchsel, I Garus, C Niggemeier,
T Rampp, L Tan); Hospital for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ktzting
(S Hager, U Hager, S Ma, Y Tian); Institute for Physiotherapy,
University Hospital of the Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena
(C Uhlemann, B Bocker); St Hedwigs-Hospital, Centre for Traditional
Chinese Medicine and Integrative Medicine, Berlin (G Gunia, A Krten,
A-C Brackmann, S Grbe). Vol 366 July 9, 2005


Private practices: C Amman, Berlin; M Angermeier, Bergen; C Azcona,

Hattingen; J Bachmann, Hattingen; A Behrendt, Potsdam; K Beyer,
Dobra; R Birnbaum, Bergisch Gladbach; B Brinkhaus, Berlin; S Bcker,
Berlin; H Daute, Ldenscheid; C Dhn, Vetschau; A Ghazi-Idrissi,
Walluf; P He, Mnchen; C-H Hempen, Mnchen; M Hermans,
Euskirchen; C Herrmann, Marktoberdorf; J Hummelsberger, Mnchen;
C Huyer, Marktoberdorf; A Jung, Berlin; J Kleinhenz, Walluf; S Kokott,
Cottbus; A-M Kronseder, Mnchen; I Kuleschowa, Berlin; H Leonhardy,
Mnchen; B Linder, Berlin; A Mietzner, Berlin; R Ngel, Mnchen;
L Schimmel, Bamberg; B Schlaak, Berlin; E Spntrup, Walluf;
U Stiegler, Berlin; Yanping Wu, Berlin, M Wenzel, Bamberg.
Randomisation centres: Institute for Medical Statistics and Epidemiology,
Technische Universitt Mnchen, Munich (K Klein, A Bockelbrink,
J Geiger, K Zick, P Hanel, H Baurecht, J Bertram, R Hollweck, P Lewin).
Study activities at the Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and
Health Economics, Berlin were funded by the following social health
insurance funds: Techniker Krankenkasse, BKK Aktir,
Betriebskrankenkasse der Allianz Gesellschaften, Bertelsmann BKK,
Bosch BKK, BKK BMW, DaimlerChrysler BKK, BKK Deutsche Bank,
Ford Betriebskrankenkasse, BKK Hoechst, Hypo Vereinsbank
Betriebskrankenkasse, Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse,
Handelskrankenkasse, Innungskrankenkasse Hamburg. Study activities
at the Centre for Complementary Medicine Research, Munich were
funded by the following social health insurance funds: Deutsche
Angestellten-Krankenkasse; Barmer Ersatzkasse; Kaufmnnische
Krankenkasse; Hamburg-Mnchener Krankenkasse; Hanseatische
Krankenkasse; Gmnder Ersatzkasse; HZK Krankenkasse fr Bau- und
Holzberufe; Brhler Ersatzkasse; Krankenkasse Eintracht
Heusenstamm; and Buchdrucker Krankenkasse.
Conict of interest statement
We declare that we have no conict of interest.
We would like to thank D Irnich, Department of Anaesthesiology,
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, and M Hammes, Department
of Neurology, Technische Universitt, Munich for developing the
acupuncture treatment protocols together with J Hummelsberger, and
for their input at various levels of the protocol development; and
K Wegscheider, Institute of Statistics and Econometrics, University of
Hamburg, and A Neiss, Institute of Medical Statistics and
Epidemiology, Technische Universitt, Munich for statistical advice.
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