Engleza Pentru Nivel Intermediar - Lectia 11-12

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in primul exercitiu din aceasla leqic yom recapitula 0 parte a vocahularului care se rcfera in special
1a vremc.

A. Completati propozitiile in limba engleza ell unul din cuvintele de mai jos:

I. cold 2. sky 3. cloud 4. fog

5. wind 6. heat 7. temperature 8. weather-forecast

9. shawl 10. coal 11. boots

Nll port niciodata astfel de bocanci. - I never wear such >00015.

Care a fosl cea mai ridicata temperatura - What was loday's highest >tclllperalure?
a zilei de azi?

Nu a fost nlei un nor pc cer. - There wasn't a >cloud in the sky.

Vantul i-a luat palaria. ~ The >wind blew her hat off.

Prognoza mcteo este dcstul de exacta. - The >wcather-forecasl is rather reliable.

Ccrul era in intregime albastru. ~ The >sky was completely blue.

Pune-li fularuJ acesta injurul gfilului. - Put this >~hawl around your neck.

Cel rnai frig a fost in fcbruarie. - The >cold was worst in February.

Pe caldura asta nu pOli purta haina de tricot. - You can't wear ajersey in this >heat.

imbraca haina inaintc de a ie~i. - Put your >coat before you go out.

eeaia a fosl atat de deasa, incat - The> fog was so bad that we lost
ne-am ratlicit. our way.

B. Completa\i propoziiiile in limba engleza:

Cei mai multi oameni se simt mai bine - Most people feel better
intr-o zi insorita. on a >sLlnny day.

Dimineala sufla un vant putcrnic. - A strong wind >ble~ in the moming.

eerul innoral ma Iacea sa fiu posomorat. - The >cloudy sky made me feel gloomy.

Vremea a fost orib~a in ultima vreme. - The weather has been >awful recently.

Sa conduci cu aten\ie cand e ceala. - Drive carefully in >foggy weather.

Biroul nostru este intr-o cUidire joasa. - Our office is in a >Iow building.

Copiii se joaca afara. - The children arc playing >outslde.

Am dicit intr-o zi cu vant (puternic). - [ caught a cold on a >\\ indy day.

9.3.-9.10. c. Sa rcpellllll acum protlumele nehotarate, Completali cu cle propozilii1e in Iimbl ~Ieza:

~ Am cumpar3t ni!:Ole legume de la - We bought > ~ome vegetables at

magazinul de legume ~i fruete. the greengrocer's.

Nu mai eSle limp (dcloc). There isn't >anytime left.

Sa inlrehdm pc cinev3 unde se afla asia. - Let's ask >som~bodywhereIt is.

Ai vazul pe cineva 3colo? - Old you see >anybodythere?

Nu-m! gasesc nitateri pantofii. - My shoes are> I 're to be found.

Sun! gala sa merg oriunde rna trimili. - I am prepared to go > .... lereyou send me.

Trebuie sa fie pc aici pc undev3. - It must be > . here

L-am vaZUI punand ceva in careaua tao - We saw him putting>

In your coffee.

Nu este nlmeni acasa. - There is >nol,.o,h at home

Ea nu are nimic de imbricat la nutlli. - She hasn't got >a.lylhln to wear

at the wedding.

Nu va veni nici 0 ploaie in scara asIa. - There will not be >any rain tonight.

Unii oameni cred ca au - >Somc. people think they are

intoldeauna drept3tc. always fight.

Este cmeva dispus sa raca asIa? - Is> wllhng (0 do II?

A SOS1l vreo veste piina acum? - Is there> nev. s yet?

TrebUlC sa 51: rata ceva. > , has to be done.

S-a fural ceva? - Has >an) Ihm!! been stolen?

Nu I-a vaZUI tlimeni? - Hasn', >anybody seen it?

S-a intiimplat ulldeva in Franta. - It happened >~ornewhere in France.

Mi·a ecrul cateva !tgari. He asked me for >,ome cigarettes.

Nimeni nu ne-3 putU! da infonnatiile. - >Nobody could gIve the informatIOn.

Esle u~or; oricine poate face asta. - It is easy; >an can do it.

E cineva care vrea sa te vada. - There is > who wants to see you.

POli sa iei orice cane vrei. - You can take> book you want

Cuvllltele noi din llccstc doua lcc\ii sunt mai ales din domeniul radioului
~l al televiziunii_ Sa inva\am substantivele noi, clllndu·le atent CU voce

programme > lpnlugrEm} - program, emlSlunc

stalion > [ste/sanJ - stallc, post (de radio,

de televiziune)

announcer >[anllun~a'J - cramll:

screen >[slrinJ - ecran

loudspeaker >[Iaud....plla) - difuzor, megafon

>[~tJ - set; aparat

amplifier > (Emphfaia'J - amphficator

telecast > (trhka.sl] - transmlsie, emisiune

de telcviziunc

mterference > l Ulta'fiaransJ -lnterferenla, parazi!i,


receplion - recep!le

. .
- lmaglne

remOle control >(rirnaul kanlniulJ -Ielccomanda

Sa repetam acum aceste cuvinte in alta ordine:

reception >frisep~anJ rccepl ie

,,' >[setJ - set; aparat

announcer > l anaunsa'J - crallllC

remote control >(rimaut Llntrllulj -telccomandii

screen >[skri.nJ - ecran

station >[stetsanJ -stalic, post (de radio,

de televiziunc)

picture >r pil.ha' 1 - IInagme

telecast >fl('hka,stJ transmlsie, cmisiune

de Iclevlziune

loudspeaker >[1I1Udspll.d') dlfuzor, megafon

programme >lpraugl[mJ program. emlSlune

amplifier >1 Emphfaia'J arnpllficator

inlerference >( mta-Il.ltaru;J lnterfercnla, parazi!i.


Vom folosi cuvintele noi intr-un dialog. Personajele acestui dialog se intalnesc inU-CIlI magazin de
aparate radio ~i TV. Cit iIi-I cu aten!lc.


Chris: Hi Laural Are you doing your shopping here?

Laura: Oh, hi Chris! Yes. I'm going to buy a new television set with a large screen. And you?

Chris: I need to buy a new amplifier and two loudspeakers.

Laura: So let's have a look around together.

Chris: Good. Hmm, this set has a poor reception. I can't hear what the announcer is saying.

Laura: Ves, there is some interference.

Chris: Look, this one has a nice picture.

Laura: Vou're right. Does it have a remote control?

Chris: I'm sure it does. Oh, there's a telecast from yesterday's match.

Laura: And here I can watch my favourite programme on our local station.

Chris: But I'm afraid we're here to buy something and not to watch TV.

Exersali acum prollulllia ficcarci propozilii din acest dialog, inva\iind traducerea acestuia in Iimba

Hi, Laura! Are you doing >[ha! lora a' IU, dU:Il1I~) io:' ~ Buna, Laura! Aid iIi fad
your shopping here'! ~Opll1l~J Ilia' I cumpiiraturile?

Dh, hi Chris! Yes, I'm going >[ ,IU hai kfl~ les ;lIm £.;1U10 11J - A, buna, Chris! Da, am de gand
to buy a new television set tu hal i\ IIIU' lele... ljn "el sa cumpar un televizor llOU,
with a large screen. And you? ~iT' a la' tdJ skn:n Fnd iU"J cu eeran mare. Dar tu?

I need to buy a new amplifier >[3i l1l:d tu bal a niu: Emplifitlil' - Trebuie sa cumpar un amplilicator
and two loudspeakers. End tll. laudspl,ka'i'J llOU ~i doua difuzoare.

So let's have a look around >[~au ICh hEv a luk ilr:tlmd - Atunci, hai sa aruncam 0 privire
together. tugeD/a'l impreuna.

Good. HI11111, this set has >[gud mm I)'IS :-et hFz - Bine. Hm, lelevizorul
poor reception. pua'risl"psn] acesta are 0 receptie slaba.

I can't hear what the >[ II; ka:nl hia' Uot D'l - Nu aud ee spune crainica.
. .
announcer IS saymg. l.In3UnSa' ii' "C/l1I~11

Yes, there is some > {ic~. lYe,,' iL sam - Da, sunt ni~te parazi\i.
intereference. mIa' Ii arlin"J

Look, this one has > (Iuk IYI.~ Pan hEl - Uite, acesta are 0
a nice pIcture. lIll31S pikt"a'J imagine buna.

You're right. Docs it have > [IU:' ralt daz hEv
1\ II. - Al ureptale. Are
a remote control? rimilut kanln,ulj telecomanda?

I'm !>ure it does. > [aim sua' it daz] - Sunt sigur ca are.

Oh, here's a telecast from > (au hla'z 1IIelika:~1 from - A, iata 0 Iransmisie a
yesterday's match. ie~ta'cleiL mEt~j meciului de ieri.

And here J can watch > tEnd hla' ai kEn u{l\~ - [ar aici pot urmfiri
my favourite programme lllai feivarit praugrEm emisiunea mea preferata
on our local station. on aua' liiukal stei~n] pe postu1 nostru local.

But I'm afraid we're here > Ibat aim iifrl'ld "i:' hi,e - Dar rna tcm ca am venit
to buy something and IU bai samT'm'JlI End aici sa cumparam ccva,
not to walch TV. nOI tu "ot$l1:\ i:j nu sa ne uitam 1a tclevizor.

Completali propoziliile in limba engleza cu noile cuvinte, excrsilld ~i pronunlia lor:

Bruiajul cste din ce in ce mai putemic. - The >!ntc:reti:rence is getting worse and worse.

Recep\ia s-a imbunaliitit mult de anullrccut. - >Reccptlon has improved a lot since last year.

Amplificalorul face sunctul mai putemic. - An >amplific:r makes the sound louder.

Acest aparat de radio este unu1 ieftin. - This radio >set is a cheap one.

Era 0 emisiunc de muzier, de doua ore. - There was a two-hour music >programme.

Ti-ar placea sa fii erainie? - would you like to be an announcer?

Cate difuzoarc ai in sufragcrie? - How many >loudspeakers have you gOI

in your living-room?

Unde ai pus teleeomanda? - Where have you pUI the >remOle control?

Emisiunea de televiziune a fost unnarita. - The >telecast was watched by

de milioane de oameni. millions of people.

Ceva nu este in regula; ecranul - There is something wrong; the >Screen

ramane intuneeat. remains dark.

Receplionam 0 imagine foarte slaba. - We are receiving a very poor >pIcture.

Postul acela lransmite ~tiri din ora in ora. - That >Stillion gives news every hour.

lata un nou grup de cuvinte. Citili-le cu atenlie ~i cu voce lare:

clear >[kha'J - clar, curat

to amplify > [tu EmplLfill] - a amp Ii fica

bright >[braitJ - luminos, stralucilor

to dub >[tudab] - a dubla, a sincroniza

portable >[1'0 'Iabl] - portabil

10 announce > l tu anauns1 - a anunla, a prezenta

Ii ve > [lai\'J - (transmisiune) in dl!«t

to tune in to > Itu tlu:n In tuJ - a prinde, a comUla pe (un post)

sensitlve (to) > [senzui\' (tu)] - sensibil (Ia); de precizle

to televise > [IU telivalZ] - a leleviza, a transmite

la lelevizor

distorted > [dlsto:'lld] - deformal, distorsionat

to switch over to - a schimba canalul, a lrece pc

informed > [info: 'md) - mfonnat. la curent

10 request a cere, a solicita

Acum va rugam sa citiJI cu atcnjie propoziJiile in care am folosit cU\'l11tele noi:

Let·s switch over 10 > {lcts s a~ a'ill - Hal sa lrecem pe alt poSL
anolher Slalion. anaPa. 'el n)

The picture is distorted > ['Yi plkl$3 LZ d· 10 lid - Imagmea este defonnat!
by interference. b Inti faa 11.'» de parazili.

Is the picture always > Lplkt a

II 0: elZ - Imaginea este intotdeauna
this clear? ;,l.UKla, a~a de clara?

The sound is amplified > D a aund lZ [mphfaid - Sunclul eSle prea mult
too much by these tu Tlal~ bill O'I,Z amplifical de aceste
loudspeakers. laudspJ.!ta z) difuzoare.

WilIlheir arrival > "II D7e1r aralval - Sosirea lor va fi lransmisa

be televised? bl: telivalzd) la televizor?

A sensitive SCi can receive > {II <;tnZl1lv set kl:.n n I v - Un aparat de precizie poale
many stations. mem stel~nz] recep\iona mulle posturi.

I think the picture is > [a' T'ln',lk D' a rJkl~a .z - Cred ca acum imaginca cstc
too bright now. tu: brait nau] prea luminoasa.

Many foreign films are dubbed > (meni form filmz a jabd - Mulle filme striiine SUn! dub late
for television. fo'teli\lJnl pentru telcviziune.

We have tuned in to an > r ,hE.. lIU'ld

nhlan - Am prins un post aUSlnac.
Austrian stalion. oslnan 5tct~nl

There will be a live lelecast > [D 7 ear ~Il bl • la/\< teli"a t - Va fi transmisiune direct!
of the malch. ov IYa mEt 1 a meclUlui.

She announces all the > [ ~l, anaull.'itz 0:10'1 - Ea anunta toale emisiurule
evening programmes. b·nm(,1 rraugrEmz] de seara.

I shall take my > [al al te/k mal - imi voi lua aparatul de radio
ponable radio set wilh me. po labl reJdlau set -IT' m ) portabil cu mine.

Radio and television keep > [rcldiiltl End tthvlJn ki:p - Posturile de radio ~i teJeviziune
you informed. IU: mfo: 'mc.l} Ie infonneaza (tc tin la cureo!).

What have you requested? - Ce ai ecru!?

Folosi!i noile cuvinte, completand etl ell' propozitiile de mai jos. Nu uitati sa cxcrsa\i ~i pronun~ia:

Aces! aparat de radio fiU este de mare precizie. - This radio set is not very >:;cnsitillc.

A fost lelevizat de la inceput pana la srar~it. - [\ was >televised from beginning to end.

Vor fi amplificati 'ii parazilii? - Will the interference be >amplified too?

lmaginea nu poale fi IacuUi mai clara? - Can't the picture be made any >clearer?

Fa\a lui era schimonosilil de frica. - His face was >dlstorted with fcar.

Nu mai schimba tot timpul posturile. - Don', >SWitch over 10 another station
all the time.

Esle una dintre cele mai stnllucitoare stele ~ It is one of the >brightest stars we know.
pe care Ie ~lim.

Ma bucur ca filmul acesta nu a fast dublal. - I'm glad this film has nOl been >dubbed.

Aces! aparat portabil nu este prea greu? - Isn'tlhis >ponable set too heavy?

HOIararea a fast anunlala in ziua urmaloare. - The decision was >awlOunced the next day.

Aeeasta este 0 emisiune (transmisa) in direct? - Is this a >live programme?

Ei comuta adesea pc acest post. - They often >tune In to this station.

Va solicitam sa livrati - We >request you to deliver

curiind amplificatoarele. the amplifiers soon.

De obicei sunt bine infonna\i. ~ They are usually wcll- >lllformed.

PrOl1l1mele neIJolural all e.sle.folosit:

CD I. CII I'a{oal"e slibstall/il'tlta, pentm lucruri ~'i persoalle. Anmci cund :,"e referii la lucrl/ri, este de
obicei /lrmat de 111I atribUI sail de 0 prupozi!ie arribuliwi, dc exempll/:

We were all present al the wedding. - Eram eu to\ii prezen\i la nunta.

When all were the~e, - Ciind tali till fost prczenli,

the meeting started. ~edin\a a inccput.

They know all about it. - Ei ~tiu totul despre asta.

That was all thaI was left there. - Asta era tOl ce ramasese aeolo.

2. ell wt!oorc II(ljeclil'o!ii. delermillljnil sub.l'1amive c:ore tlemllnesc persoon~ SllU obieelt!.
de excmplu:

All people need food. - TOli oamenii au ncvoie de mi~_

All planes have to be repaired regularly. - Toate 3vioanele trebuie reparalc penodic.

AIWlel cand Sf! refcra 10 lllemri, pronulllele '1feholtirar all poore opdreo co flume predico#v (parte a

CD predicorului). "efiilld /lrmal de /liei un atriblll sail propo:llle Olribulil'li.-

Is thIS really all? - ASia e tot. intr-adevir?

Yes, this is all. - Da, asia e lOt.

Daca all se refera 13 persoane sau lucnIri care a1catulcsc un grup, atunci
el este unnat de articolul hotar:it the, de exemplu:

Allihe members oflhe trade - TOll membOi slOdlcatulul \'oiau

unton wanted 10 strike. sa mIre in gre,a

CD All este. de asemenea. folosa co odrerb de compororlc:

I. illuintea grllpuilli "the" + comparatll'ul WillI adjecti" sou at/llerh. dt' exemplu:

That made the SlIuatlOn Asta facta situalia cu atat

all the more dangerous. mal penculoasa.

2. illoilltea /lfllll adjectlv sau adl'erb. de exemplu'

She is all excile-d. ESle foane bucuroas3.

He was all alone. Era complet singur.

CD All eJ'refolosir i"rr·o expresiefoarte

all right

- in ordine, in regula, binc


CD ill limba ellglc:::ii exisrri dOUfi cuvime care corespulld termelllllui romtil/esc "jiectll'(! ": e,'cry ,~i each [t:~l

PrOllllmele $I' adjeetil'lll IIehofiiriil each .~efolose.~c alll"d clillt! /I(! re(erml la doi/tlouii s(m ma; fIlulri
membri SOli clemente di,Ifl"Ii11 allllmit gmp de perSO(lIIe sUll/lIcrllr; Each c.flefolosit ill dOl/ii ca=un":

/ co prom/me ill gmpl/I each of - 'pecare dimre ", de exemplr/

Each oflhem had something different - Flecare dmtre ei avea altceva

to say. de spus.

Each of their cars has its own Fiecare dill ma~inile lor are propnul
parking place. loe de parcare.

2. ca adjecriv prollommal, de exempt,,:

Each child was given an apple. Flecarui copil i s·a dal un mar.

Each door oflhe house: Fiecare u~a a easel

\\"as closely watched. era supravegheata indeaproape.
Prol1l1mele nehotliriit every are door va/oore adjectivolit (illso!e$te sub:iftmtive) ~i Sf! rej'erli 10 mai

CD IIIU/l de do; membl'i sail elemente ole III/ui grllp de perSO(llle sau IlIcrlll'i, de exemplu:

They visit us every week. Ei ne vizitcaza in fiecare saptamana.

[very pilot has to have excellent eyesight. Fiecare pilot/toli pilo!ii trebuie
sii aiba vederea excelentii..

in uhimul exerciiiu din aceasla leclie veli veri fica daca ali asimilat noile reguli gramaticale. Traduce\i
urmatoarele propozilii in limba engleza:

TOli studenlii au venit la intrunire. > All the studenls came 10 the mcetil1~.

TOli profesorii vor primi 0 marire de salariu. > \11 ll:achers \\ til gel a ralsc.

AsIa fiU e tot. > Thai IS not all

in fiecare vara ei merg la munlC. > En:ry SUlTllller they go In thl: mountams

Fiecare dintre noi a primil 0 scrisoarc. > E<lch (l[ ll~ ha~ recel\'ed a leiter.

Mi-ar placea sa veniti cu totii. > I'd Ilh }OU alll\) come.

Dacn ne ajllli, lreaba va fi terminata > If you hl:lp U~, the \\-ork wLlJ be fimshed
cu atat mai cud.nd. all the soulier

Ea a dat cale 0 cane fiecarui baia\. > She t!ave a hook 10 each hoy.

Fiecarui copil ii place sa primeasca darllri.

Noi am inteles lOt ce spunea el. > \\'l: um.lerstoud all he saul

Urmaloarea parte a [celiei incepe eu 0 recapitulaTe a vocabularului:

A ComplcI31i propoziliile in limba cngleza eu unnatoarele cuvinte:

1. tram 2. bank 3. flowers 4 stamps

5. calendar 6. tickets 7. tram SlOpS 8. bus slap

9. novels 10. secretary II. telephone 12. purse

Sora la tot mai vrea sa fie secretara? - Does your siSler still want to be a >-.. e Ir~?

Sunt ilu5tr3\ii frumoase in aces! calendar. - There are bcautiful pictures in this >calcnl ar.

[SIC depane de UTmalOarea - [s it far to the nearest

static de autobuz? >l\L1S hlp?

Erau mul!i bani in po~cta ta? - Was there much money in your >PUI '1

Mii voi duce la banca pcnlru un imprumuL - I'll go 10 the >hank for a loan.

Ea nu cile~te aproape deloc ramane. - She hardly ever reads >novel ...

Ai bilcte la meciul de maine? - Have you got the >l1ckct~ for

tomorrow's match?

Tramvaiul a ajuns eu intiirziere - The tram was late 3t all

in toatc sta\iile. the >tram ~\lIr~.

FIorile aceslea miros superb. - These >!10\\cf", smcll beautiful.

El va cumpara timbre de 1<1 pO~UL - 1·le is going to buy >~tamr~ at Ihe post-office.

Vrci, Ie rag. sa raspunzi til la tclcron? - Will you pleasc answer Ihe >tclcflhl ne?

Ea imotdeauna se duce la birou - She always goes to the office

eu tramvaiul. by>trnm.

B. Completali propozilii[e in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:

De unde iei autobuzul? - Where do you >~ct on the bus?

A spus ca este foarte obosit. - He >saldhe was very tired.

Ei locuiesc liinga brutarie. - They live >nc\1 wthe baker's.

Cobor [a unniitoarca sIalic. - I'm >gcttlll!:, 011 at the next stop.

Pana aCUln am vandut 0 SUla de bi[cte. - We have sold one hundred tickets> II fa.

incearca sa vii devreme. - Try to be here >early:

Niciodata nu rna due [a eulcare - I never go to bed this> late

atat de tar.du.

Ai vorbit pana acum Cll doctorul? - Have you tal~ep to the doctor> cf!

9.1.0-9.13. c. Sii lie inloarccm In recapitularea pronumclor ~i adjective lor nchotarate. T raduceli unnatoarele

propoz1lii in limba engleza, acordand 0 aten\ie dC05Cbitli folosiril pronumelor:

POli cumpara orice, daca nu CSIC > YllU l;3n bu~ an.. . thll1!-! If It IS llilt
prea scump. tll e PCllSJ\ e

L·a~ vrea pc eel ro~u. daca > I (lUll.! like: to ha\C the red one If
IIU va supal'31i. you don I mmd

Ce scaun pol sa iau? Pc eel din col!. > \\ 31 chal~ can I ~ke') The one 111 the comer.

Nu 1m nicl un artlcol din lana? > Don't they tock any woolen ones"

Celt man dureaz3 mai mult. > The bl, ones asllonger.

Nu trchUle sa imprumute cartea aceasta. > He ~n I ha.... 10 borrow IhlS book

o 3re pe a lUI. lie bas til own.

Sora mea a maneal un mar, > ty 'I ler ale an apple

Jar eu am mancat Irel. and I lIe three

Daea ma~lOa mea IIU eSlc inci reparali, > 11 ny ar asn I been repaired yet,
o VOl imprumut3 pe a t3lei. I ]I borrow my tather's

Nu in\e1egem de ce toata lumea > We dt>Tl ~ndcrsland \10 h.... e\ crybody

Ie prefera pe aceSlea. "Ire CIS he$C

I. plae copacii ~i i-aT placea sa aiba > lie likes tree and \\ouid lo\e tn have
c31iva in gradma lui. me In lus garden
Prima ~edmla a fosl eea mai scurta. > The fl mcellnl:"8s Ihe shone!>\.

Vern da aceste infonn31ii oricui. > \\e J;116111 gl\(, thl~ II1foml"'II~)n t~) anyone

Pc cele goale po\i sa Ie arunci. > lOU can thro'" the empty lliles a\\a~

Uncle plante cresc oriunde.

Acest radio este unul portabil. > Thl!> radiO I!> II p~)t1able one

Cele mai mari mere nu sun! > TIle biggeslllpple!> BTC not
intotdeauna cele mai bune. ah\ays the l;lc!>t

Le putem proba pc acestea? > Can we tl) these on'!

Aceasta nu este bicicleta mea; > Thl IS not my bll:ycle;

este a fratelui meu, It'S my brother·....

E$ti Slgur ea nu ai uitat niei una? > ,\re \I'U un: \~IU ha\cn'[ forgonen any

lata substantivele noi din aceastA I~etie. Cititi-I~ atent. cu voce tar~:

vl~wer >l ;u a'l telespectator

channel >lt~[nIJ - canal

picture-tube >lpikl~a' tlU hI -tub cmescop

componenl >(~amr~unantJ - (piesa) componenta

contrast >' ., '1 - contrast

switch >' - intrerupalOr. comutator

request programme > n~ e I plllugrEm] - emiSlune cu €kdicapi


luner > [tluna J - receptor (13 radio, TV)

subtitles > 5abllllllzl - sublitrare

hSlener > i na] - ascultalor (radio)

broadcast >[bro d"a SIJ - emlSlune

volume >[IUIIUIIl] - vol urn, sunel

button > batnJ - buton: nasture

Penlru a Ie invata mal bme. sa repetam aceste cuvinle in aha orthnr:

tuner >llllllla'l - receptor (Ia radIo, TV)

component > Il..ampliunanlJ - (piesi) componenl!

button >(batn] - bulon; naslure

hstener > Ii na J - ascultator (radio)

volume >(\>olium! - volum, sunel

requesl programme > [flk~esl pnaugrEm] - elllisiune cu dcdicalii


plcture.lube > (piktsa' tlu:b J -Iub einescop

SWlich >ts~Il~1 - intrerupalor. comulator

vIewer >[\/u a'l - telespectator

contraSI >[~ontra,st] - contrast

channel > "EnIJ - canal

broadcast >lbro.uka.:r.IJ - emlSlUne

subtllies >f abl3H17j - 5ublilrare

Acum sa sludlcm exemple de propozi!ii in care am folosil noile cuvinte;

There will be a request > lI'e<l' 'II hi II T1"'t t - Asta seara la ora noui va fi
programme at nine lonight. prau rlm Lt nam tunart] un program de dedicatli muzicale.

My luner is out of order. > milltlU:lll' l.t aut ilV a 'da - Rcceptorul mcu de radio
este defect.

There is a weekly > D'ta IZ 3 I:kh - Exista 0 emisiune saptamanali

broadcast in English. bra db t in I ,11 in limba engleza.

After the programme >[a fU'IYa,ll8ugsUn ~ Dupa elOlsiune ascultatorii

hsteners were invited to Ii oa Z a m\ al\ld IU au fost invlta\1 sa telefoneze
telephone the radiO. tchfaun 0 a frtdlaLIJ la radio.

I can't understand > (at ~a -nt aOlJ;t ~llnd - Nu pot inJelege filme in
Gennan films without dlll'man Illmz ~ID nut limba germana rani.
sublitles. ~ablaltllJ subtitrare.

The picture-tube is still good > tD';l pl"t~<l'

IHI h II Iii - Tubul cinescop estc inca bun
after eight years. l!ud a flu cilIa II] dupa opt ani.

Where are these components > "coa a IYl z Io.amraunanb - Unde sunt fabricate aceste
made? meldj piese?

They switched over to > D s",t 1 :I\lvl tu - Ei au schimbat canalul.

another channd. BralY", t,lnal J

This volume is sufficient > 0 ..aund \ ollum IZ - Acest volum este suficlent
for our living-room. afll'Olnt fo aua'lhml 'lru:m] pentru sufrageria noastrn.

What is this bUllon for? > I( ( } I '-'.tan fo J - Pentru ce este acest buton?

There is too much > 0' Col' 12 tu mat~ - Acum contrastul eSle
contrasl now. kor:lm ~l nauJ prca mare.

With this switch you can >{IDDIS II /u kFn - De In acesl comutalor poti
lurn il on and off. a: lion I lJ 011 sa-I inchizi ~l sa-I deschizi.

Twenly million viewers > flue-nil mlhiln \llu_a, - Douazeci de milioanc

watched the programme. "Ol~t Ua prJ.u~rFm] de lelcspectatori au urmarit

in exercitiul urmalor veli veri fica daci deja ali invilat substantivele noi. Comp1c1ali cu cle propozi!ii1e
in limba englczi:

Mie imi place sa ascult muzici la \/olumul acesta,

dar pirintilor met, nu.
- I like listening to music at this >'.
but my parents don 'I.
De ce nu este subtitral acest film? - Why doesn't this film ha\e >. ,
Comutatorul acesta nu funqioncaza hine. - This> ch doesn't work well.

Cate butoane are aparatul acesta! - How many >~l there are on this sel!

Pe ce canal ai schimbat? - What >..:hilnncl have you switched to?

1;1 intotdeauna comula pc emisiunea - He always tunes in to the >f ue
cu dcdicalii, programme.

Data. ai tiru1 acesta de receptor, iIi lrebuie - !fyou have this kmd of >lu • you need
UII amphficawf. an amplifier.

TelespecI3torii nu-~i puteau crcde ochilor. - The >.... c.... ers cQuldn', behe.. e theIr eyes.

Sunt mal mul!i ascultatori cu fiecare saplamana. - There are more >11- Icnco> every y,cek.

Emisiunea asIa va fi !mUla minte ThiS >hroadcasl will be rcmem~red

multa vreme. for a long lime.

Tubul ClnCSCOP estc, in eea rnai mare parte, A :>fIIC1UIl:-IUbe consists largely of glass.
dm stieHl..

Piesele pentru tclevizoare sunt greu - >C(lmrnnc:nts for televisIon sets are hard
de gasit. to find.

La acest apar:lI \ech. contrastul esle slab. - There 15 little xnntnl Ion thiS old set.

Vom invala acum alte caleva cuvinte nOl, cltmdu-Ie alent. cu \oce lare:

® 10 be addicted 10 >(tu bl Jii ld - a fi dependent de

10 wear OUI >11U ~a aut] - a (se) uta, a (se) epUlla.

a (se) consuma

convement >Ikan\i mantI - convenabil, comod

to control > (tu kal1lraulJ - a controla, a line sub control

accesible > [akshlblJ - acccslbil, dlsponibll

to turn up >[IU la."n apJ - a man

to turn down >{tu ta.'n daun] - a lmc~ora

critical > lkrillklj - critic; prctcn\ios, sclectiv

to interrupt > (tu lntarapt] - a intrcrupe

commercial > (kamii f~alJ - comcrcial

to broadcast >[tubrodka:st] - a trllnsmitc (la radio)

Vcrbul "to broadcast" este neregulat ~i are unn:Hoarelc fonne:

broadcast broadcast >[bro,dka. tJ broadcast >[ bro dka.slJ

Verbul "to wear out" eSle neregulal ~i are unnatoarele fonne:

wear out wore out >f~o' aut] worn out

Vom folosi acum cuvintele noi intr-un dialog, pc care il veIl citi cu atel1\ie, cu voce tare:


Chris: Are you satisfied with your new TV set?

Laura: Oh yes, it's great! The only problem is that my children are more and more addicted to

Chris: Yes, I know It's hard to control what they watch now wtlen there are so many commercial
stations and programmes.

Laura: My son can just watch whatever is broadcast for hours! I often have to interrupt him and
make him do something different.

Chris: My son is just like yours, but my daughter has become more critical about the programmes
she watches. My TV set is out of order now and I'm glad that my children have a break from
watching TV.

laura: What kind of TV set do you have?

Chris: It's a small portable one but very convenient.

laura: What's wrong with it?

Chris: The picture-tube has worn out and I can't turn the volume up and down.

Laura: Do you think it can be repaired?

Chris: Well, it will probably be cheaper to buy a new TV sel. Components are easily accessible but

Va prezentam acum fiecare propozitie din acest dialog, cu pronun!ia corecta ~I lraducerea in limba

Are you satisfied with > [a: iu. liElisfaid ~10 - E~limullumit de
your new TV sct? io:' niu: Il:\;i: sel] noul tau televizor?

Oh yes, it's great! > [au ICS lIS t:rclt] - A, da, este excelent!

The only problem is > [0'; aunll problllll1 iz - Singura problema cste ca,
that my children are O'EI mal tsildran a:' copiii mei devin dependenli
more and more addicted mo:' End mo" adlkuu din ce in ce mai mult
to television. to tt'livljn] de tcleviziune.

Yes, I know. > [ie,a/lUu} - Oa, ~tiu.

It's hard 10 conlrol whal > [Its ba 'd III kanlniul u(ll - Este greu sa al sub control ceen ce
Ihey walch now when Ihere o el '<,)t~ nau -en O'l:a' pri\'esc 1:1, acum cand
are so many commercial a: sau mt'llt kama' I sun! atalea POSluri Si
Slatlons and programmes. 1('1 nz End plllugrEmzJ emisiuni comerciale.

My son can just walch > [mal !'Onn L.en dJUI Cob - Fiul meu ar pflvi orice
whatever is broadcasl
. . -
emlSlune. are In ~Ir.
Ole\ 3' bro dlt.a· 1
for hours! fo: aua'zJ

Ioflen have 10 interrupt > lai ofn hh lu ml<trall' - Adesea trebuie sa·1 intrerup
him and make him do him End m~'ll htln du ~i sa-l pun
somelhing different. samT In l j dlfrantJ sa faca allceva.
My son is just like yours, > l mal san Ii: djast laik /0:'7
bilt mai do:tlirhEz bll..am
- Fiul meu este euct'" reI.
bUI my daughter has become dar flica mea a de\euIt mai
more critical about rno:' kritlkl itballl pretcntioasa in ~ pn'~le
the programmes she watches. D'a praugrEm.l ~I YOtSI7] programde pe ~ le unnare~le.

My TV set is out of order > [Illai II. vi: aul <1\ o:'da'
SCi 17 - Telcvizorul meu esxe strical,
now and I'm glad that nau End :um glEd D'Et ~i rna bucur ca acum
my children have a break mal t~ild~n hEv <I ore,k copiii mei au lual 0 pauza ~i
from watching TV from YOlsinll1 tnti:] nu se mai uita la le1evizor.

What kind of TV sel do > [~ot kaind <IV tLvi: sel du, - Ce fel de televizor ai?
you have'? iu: hEvl

It's a small ponable one but > tlls a smo:1 po:rtilbl Y an bal - Esle unul mic, pOllabil, dar
very convenIent. ven kanvi:nIant] foane convenabil.

What's wrong with it? - Cc (defeC!iune) are?

The picture-tube has worn > [DIn piktsa' tiu.b hEz 0 n - Tubul cinescop s-a uzat Jiii
out and I can't tum the aut End 31 ka:nt la.'n D/a nu rnai pot da sonorul
volume up and down. valium ap End duun] mai tare sau mai incet.

Do you think il can be >[du' iu: T 1111i1k it kEn bl' - Crezi ca poate fi reparat?
repaired? ripea:rdJ

Well, it will probably be > [~el it probahli hI'

~il - Ei bine, probabil va fi rnai
cheaper to buy a new TV set. 1.~I,pa:rtu: biil amu: II \i: sct] ieftin sa cllmp5r unul nOll .

Components are easily > [kampaunams a" i:zlll - Piesele se gasesc u~or,
accessible but expensive. akseslbl bOlt ikspensiv] dar sunl scumpe.

Va pute!i aminli toate cuvintele noi? Veri fica\i-va completand spaiiile libere din propoziliile in limba

Nu eSle aproape niciodata multumit, - He is hardly ever content

fiindca cstc atat de pretentios in lOale. because he's so :>critIcal of everything,

Nll ma intrerupe a~a de des! - Don't :::1ntcrrupl me so often!

Acele regiuni tropicale nu sunl - Those tropical regions arc nOI

foane accesibile, easily >acccssible,

De obicei, intai se uzcazl11ubul cinescop. - The picture lube usually >wean; out first.

Care este cea mai convenabila ora pentru tine? - What is the most >convenient time for you?

Nu putem tine vremea sub control. - We cannot :>control the weather.

Da lTIuzica mai incet! - >Tum the music >down!

Unii oameni sunt dependenli de cafca. - Some people are >addicted 10 coffee.

Posturile comerciale au mai mulli bani, - :>Commercial stauons have more money.

Cmd a fast acea emisiune difuzata prima oara? - When was thai programme >broad..:a,t first?

Poti sa dai din nou sonorul rnai tare - You can >turn the volume >up again
dupa ce pIce cu. when I leave.

Vom invlI!a aCUlll C,ilCV3 r~guli gramalicalc privind pronumele ~i adJectivclr: nchotarate every,
('illler, bOlh.lIcith('l',

Alljectil'lllllehoUlriit en'ry I!""e (olosil ell slIhsfllllt,,'e ab:l1Tacte eu .'leI/sill tic "/U(I ( ••• posihli) "/

CD "lOale (... pot/hill') ", de c\'cmplll"

There is rHr) chance thai there will be SUn! toate ~nsele sa Ii.: OlransmlSlune
a li\e telecast. dlrccta.

They resemble each other In e"l'ry respect. - Ei scam':ma unul eu altul in toalc pm'lOtele.

I had ('very reason to be dissapoint<::d - A\"cam 103tC molude sa fiu dezamagll.

We helped him In ('\,(Of)' \\3Y. - L-am 3Julat in to:I1C relun1c.

Pmllume/e either se re{eni ;/Ifoldeallll(lllllll1{/ (Will') dill dOl/(I persoani! .l'ou/llcl'lIri ~'ipo(/(efifolusit

CD mar ('II I'll/Ollre .\'lIb~·rallli\,{11ii ctir \<:i ell vuloare adjectil·(I/li. Either s/! {radllc/!
"jiccare/oricarc (dill cci doikelc dowl) ", de (,.I"e/llp/u:
ill /imbfll'OlI/(i,/{i prill

There are two good films on television: - Sum doua filme bUlle la tcle\ 17.0r;
eilher of lhem \\ ill be ""onh .....atching. fiecarc dintre de menta \azul.

Eilher parcnl can lake Ihe child Oricare dintre parinli poate duel.' copilul
10 school. la ~coala_

Cars \\ere parked on either side of ,he street. Ma~lnile crau parcale IX Hecare pane a straZll.

Of these Ino Icle\ ISlon sets. either is excellent, Dmtre accste doua telnizoare. fiee .. rc eSle
but one has a larger screen e'\edent. dar unul are ecranul mal mare.

Prollllllle/e ~'I /1tljt!Ct/l'lI/ bol It [bauT'J eSI/!f%.w alii/lei c(im/ln'lII .HI accelitlUllII (apfll/ £'(1 referim


ill aceea,~1 II/tislln; ,I'; f(llfll Ilicru/o persoami. ,\I /(1 (/111I1/(llfll, de exempt,,:

You think I saw only one of litem, - Crc7i ca I-am vazul numai pc ullul dilllre ei,
but I ~aw bOlh. dar i·;I1TI vazut pc ul11andoi.

Ill.' has two sislers. BOlh live - El are doull surori. Am:indoua 10CUlCSC
111 Bucharl:st. in Bucure~ti.

Hc lost bolh Ic£s In the accident. EI .!iI-a pierdut ambele plclOare in accident.

CD BOlh scfolose,wt!, dt! aSCmCIIC(I, adl'erbwl, ill e.']}I1!SW bOlh..and - '"arut ...elll ;~/ ". "$I ... ,~, '", /Ieexempfu:

BOlh my~ and my brolher "ere firt'd, - Atal fralele meu cat $i eu am fost cOllcedlali.

I have 10 buy bolll eggs and cheese. - TrebUie sa CUlllpar ~I oua ~I branza

Pl'onume/e ~'i adjecrivul IIehouiriit neither, care este corespondenlul'ui either in propo=l/iile nega-

CD tive, sefolose$le intotdearmu ciind este vorba despre dOlla persoane sau lucruri. Poat~ftfolosit olat
ell valoare suhslantivalii, cat $; ell valoare adjectivolii. Cit sensul de "nid unlll (dintrr)~

lata caleva exemple:

Neither parent knew where - Nici unul dintre parinli BU ~Iia

the child was. unde cstc copilul.

1 asked two colleagues of mine, but neither - Am intrebat doi colegi dc-ai mei, darnici unul
could tell me. BU a putu! sa-mi spuna.

Neither poate fi folosi! la inceputul unei propozitii in care extindem
negatia din propozi,ia precedenUi asupra altui subjec!. tn aces! caz,
predicatuJ sta in fata subiectului, de exemplu:

His car is not fast. - Ma~ina lui nu este rapida.

Neither- is mine. Nici a mea.

You are not happy; - Nu e~ti multumit;

neither- am I. mCI eu.

They didn't remember. - Ei nu ~i-au amintit.

Neither- did we. Nici noi.

In a doua propozitie se repcta forma verbului auxiliar sau modal din

prima propozitie. Accentul cade pe ultimul substantiv sau pronume.

Am ajuns la ultimul exerci\iu din aceasta lectie, in care vom recapitula toate problemele de gramatica
prezentate. Traduceli in limba engleza:

Toate emisiunile sunt in limba romana. > All broadcasts 8rc m Romanian.

Toate casele de pe strada noaslra au gradini. > All the houses in our street have gardens.

Ei au venit tali cu trenul. > They have all come by tram.

Toate piesele din acest aparat sunt olandeze. > All the components in thIs set are Dutch.

Era cu atat mai fericita pentru ca ~i piirin\ii ei > She was alllhe happier because her parents
erau acolo. were there 100.

A fast cu totul nea~teptat pentm noi. > It was all unexpected to us.

Fiecare dintre aceste ma~ini are radio. > Each of Ihe~e cars has a radio.

Fiecare dintre ei a fast comerciant > Each of them has been a shopkeeper
multa vreme. for a long tIme.

Fiecare fereastrii avea 0 perdea alba. > Each wmdow had a white curtain

Ei au primit cate doua bilete fiecare. > They each got lwO tlckels.

A fost prezentla fiecare ~edin\a. > He wal'. present at every meeting

Fiecare meserie trebuie inviitata. > Each trade has to be learnt.

Ea avea toate motivele sa fie suparat1i. > She had every reason to be angry.

EI este mul\umit in toate privintele. > He IS content 1lI every respect.

Fieeare dintre cele doua amplificatoare > Either of the two 81l1pllfic:rs
poate fi Colosit la receplOrultau. can be used with your tuner.

Ei au luat loc de ambele piifli ale mesei. > They took seats al every side of the table.

Ambii frati erau tlimplari. > Both l'orothers ~ere carpenters.

Erau atat amabili, cat ~i rabdatori. > They were both kind and patient.

Aparatullui de radio nu este portabil. Nici al roeu. > fii~ radIO IS not portahk 1\'either IS mine:.

Nu-mi placea nici unul dintre cele doua difuzoare. > Illked neither of the twO loudspeakers.

La srar~itul lec\iei vom face un exercitiu de pronuntie. Cititi eu voce tare urmatoarele seturi de
cuvinte care conlin sunete identice:

[ u'1 [leJ [ oj [oj

tune wear request informed

you the...e reception .11

blue where ,,' dawn

grew pair b." call

now hair sensitive caught

, 11

11.1. Pronurnclc ~i adjcctivul nchotar.it all sunt folosltc penln! pcrsoanc ~I lurTuri:

We were all present at the wedding. - Am fost cu tOli, prezen\i la nunta

A11 people need food. - Toota lumen arc nCVOlC de mineaR.

Is Ih15 really all? - ChlaT asIa cste tolu1?

All planes have to be repaired regularly. - TO:lle avio:mele IrebUlc reparate periodic.

11.2. All the cste folosil penlru persooncle sau lucrunle dmtr-un :mumil grup:

All the members of Ihc trade union - TOIl membTli smdlcatulul

were there. crau acolo.

Allthc ships In the harbour are damaged. - Toate navele dm port sunt avariate.

11.3. All ponle fi foloSI! ~i ea adverb de comparallc:

lie was all alone. - Era absolul singur.

11.4. Pronumele $i adjeclIVul neholar:it cach se rcfcra In dou~ sau Inai mulle clemente, mcmbri
sau indlvlzl dintr-un anum it grup de lucruri sau pcrso:me:

Each of them had something to say. - Fiecare dintre ei avea ceva de spus.

Each child was given an apple. - Fiecarui copli is-a dat un mar.

11.5. Prollurncle nehotarat every insote~te intotdeauna un substantiv eSle vorba dcspre mai
mult de doi mcmbri sau clemente ale unui grup nelimitat de persoane sau lucruri:

They visit us every week. - Ei ne viziteazll in lieenre saptamiina.

11.6. E,rery se folose~te inaintea substantive lor abstracte cu sl.:nsul de "to\i/toate":

We helped him in every way. - L-am ajutat in toate felurile.

11.7. Pronumcle either eSle folosit cu refenre 1a doua persoanc sau lucruri:

bther of these two can be used. - Oricare dintre acestea doua poate fi folosit3.

Cars were parked on either side - Erau pareate ma~illl pc fiecare parte
of the street. a strazii.

11.8. Folosirea pronumelui both:

Both of you will get a raise. - Amimdoi veti primi 0 marire de salariu.

11.9. Both ca adverb in expresia both ... and:

I have to buy both eggs and cheese. - Trebuie sa cumpar ~i ouii ~i branza.

11.10. Adjectivul nehotanit neither estc folosit cu referire la doua persoane sau lucruri:

Neither parent knew where - Nici unul dintre parinti nu ~tja unde
the child was. este copilul.

11.11. Neither in propozitii contrase, pcntru a extinde 0 ncgatie din propozitia preccdenta asupra
altui subiect:

His car is not fast. Neither is mine. - Ma~ina lui nu este rapida. Nici a mea.


A. Traduceli unnatoarele propozitii in limba romana:

I. Here are two books. You can lake either.

2. Each passenger's luggage was checked.

3. That's all the better for our business.

4. All the stations interrupted their broadcasts to bring the news of his death.

5. We are disappointed in every respect.

6. There are fields on either side of the country road.

8. Traduccli urmlitoarelc propozilii in limba engleza:

I. Ai tot dreptul sa fii surprins.

2. Nici unul diotrc eei doi oameni nu s·au rnai inlOrs vreodata.

3. Alai Ann, Cal ~i Dan plead; maine in Anglia.

4. Fiecare dintrc noi vrea sa iIi dea lie (ablaut

5. Tu nu ai vazut acesl program. Nici d.

6. Toole aparatele de radio din aces! magazin sun! de cea mai buna calitate.

C. Completall propoziliile in Iimba englezli eu eel rnai polnvit dintre cuvintele de rnai jos:

each, both, neither, either, all.

I. . the amplifier and the loudspeaker were very expensive.

2. He is not satisfied with his wages and am I.

3. . worker has been promised a raise.

4. . the tickets have been sold.

5. I have two radio sets; you can borrow orthem.


La incepulul acestei lectii vom rccapitula vocabularul deja cunoscut. Estc vorba mai ales de dispozitive
$i aparatc de uz casnic.

A. CompJetali fiecare propozilie in limba engJeza cu unu! din cuvintele de mai jos:

I. floor 2. carpet 3. curtains 4. ceiling

5. fireplace 6. wall-paper 7. socket 8. pictures

9. floor-lamp 10. annchair II. sellee

Lampa aeeasta nu da destula lumina. - This> doesn't give enough light.

Lasi-l pc lalal tau sa sIca in foloHu. - Let your father sit in the> ".
Trebuie sa zugmvim ta...aou!' - We have to paint the>

Ardem daar Icmne in $cmineul nostru. - We bum only wood in our>

Canapeaua este suficienl de lala - The > is wide enough

penlrU uel persoane. for three persons.

Pc tali perclii erau tablouri scumpe. - There were expensive> on all

the walls.

Tapelul acesta va intuneca - This> \, will make the room

prea mult camera. too dark.

in camera aceasta exista doar 0 priza? - Is there only one> in this room?

Pune covorul acela in mijlocul camerei. - Put that> in the middle of the room.

Pe podea erau doua pisici. - There were two cats on the >

AjuhHna sa pun perdelele. - Help me to hang the> ,

B. ~i in exerci!iul unnator va Irebui sa completati propoziliile in limba engleza cu cuvintele

care lipsesc:

Am auzit avioanele zburind - We heard the planes flying>

deasupra ora~ului. the town.

De unde au venit ei? - Where have they come> .?

Lasa-mll sa stau lang! fereastra. - Lei me sit> h the window.

Blicania cSle peste drum. - The grocer's is> the street.

Nu malum (gunoiul) sub covor! - Don'l sweep it > the carpet!

16.1.-16.2. c. in aces! cltercitlU de gramalica "om fecapilula fonnarea Propozilulor afinnallve, imerogali\lc
17.1.-17.4. ~i negati1lc 13 diferite Iimpuri. Completall propozilide in IImba engleza cu fanna coreeta
a verbului:
Ei Ie a.(ileapI3. - They >an: waiting for you.
20.4.-20.7. Magazinul nu eSlc deschis astazi. - The shop >IS nOI opened today.
22.1.-22.8. \
Sunt surprins ca cl nu eSle aieL - I >am surprised he is not here.
26.1.-26.2. Ai de gand 51-i 3Juti? - >Are you gOing to help them?
Acum ea cslc In .(icdinlil. - She >15 at the meeting now.

Nu am intaniat prea mult, nU-l a~? - We >an= 001100 late, >are we?

EI are Irei copii. - He >has three children.

~j-au uitat c3rtile? - >Havc lhey forgonen their books?

Ai dreplulla aSia. - You>ha\earighlloit.

Aparatul acesla 3fC difuzoare mario - This SCI >has big loudspeakers.

Ea ~tie unde este (asta)? - > Du..:s she know where it is?

Facem asta in fiecare zi. - We >do that every day.

Ei fac tot ce este necesar. - They >docverything thai is necessary.

Ellucreaza aid!' - > Dots he work here?

l~i pot aminti? - >Can they remember?

Va fi greu? - >Wtll it be difficult?

Au anunlat (asIa)? - >Ha\ethey announced it?

Nu pOli a~lepla pana maine? - >Can't you wail till tomorrow?

Nu I-ai vazut pc baiat? - >Ila en'tyou seen the boy')

Nu emit (transmit) in limba engleza? - > Don't they broadcast In English?

Nu s-au uzal?

Ei trebuie sa plateascii.? Da, trebuie, - Must they pay? Yes, they>

Le dubleaza vrcodata? Nu (nu Ie dubleaza). - Do they ever dub it? No, they> O)'L

Ai cerut asta? Da (am cerut). - Have you requested It? Yes, J >

Nu pOli sa 0 Iii sub conlrol. - You >can'tcontrol it.

Ei nu imrerup des lucrul. - They >dl,n·lOften interrupt work.

Nu i-am vazut de sapl.amani. - We >ha\cn'ISeen Ihem for weeks,

Nu pot promilc nimic. - I >con'tpromisc anything.

Ei nu sunt inca la birou , - They> aren't at the office yet.

Nu vom pleca illamle de (ora) ~ase. - We >shall not leave before six,

lata substantivele noi din aeeaSla Jeqie, Citi\i-Ie alent eu vuce lare:

cassette recorder > [kaset rikO"'da'J - cascIo ron

recording - inrcgislrare

record > (rel..o.'d] - disc

lurntable > (Ia.' nlelbl] - platan (de pateron,

de pick-up)

long-playing record > (10: n L I pleml'l re"-o:'d) - disc LP

casselle > lka~el] -casela

video tape > (\ic.hau lelp] - casela video

record player > (rel..o:'d plela: r ] - pIck-up •

cassette holder > {ka,et hiulda. 1 - supan pentru casele:


signature > [signlt~a:' I - setnnatura

Sa repetam acum aceSle cuvinte ill alta ordme:

record player > (reko.'d piela.') - pick-up

cassclle recorder > I ka!>t:1 nko 'da'} -casctofon

long-playmg record > [10. nl plem l • 1 reko:'d] - disc LP

turntable > [Ii nlclblJ - plalan (de patefon,

de pick-up)

cassette - caseta

signature - sernll,i.lura

video tape >[vidmu lelp} - easel:; video

record > [rcko:fdJ - disc

casselle holder > [kaset hiiuJda:'] - supon pcntru easetc;


recording >[nko"dm l.'] - inregislrarc

Acum traduceti in limba romana propozi{iile in care am folosit substantivele noi:

I always use Ine same >[lll o:l~eu lU:l O'a elln - Folosesc inlotdeauna aceea~i
video tape. \ itJLau te/pl caseta video.

Have you gal a cassetle > [hE II.- gOI • lIsel - Ai casetofon?
recorder? nko. tUJ

He has made a recording > hi h~J11ejd nko dm' - A ficul a inregistrare a

of his binhday party. a hll tla: T:tdei pa:nll petrecerii zilei sale de n~tere.

Does the turntable tum > daz D'" Ii 'ntdbl ta n - Platanul se rote~te
at the right speed? Et D'a 1311 "'pI df la viteza corecta?

Put your signature here, please. >(pUl;O igmt a, nla. ph - Va rog sa semnati aici.

How many minules of music >lhau mem miml~ ()\ IIlJU.I'lk. - Cite minute de muzica
can you put on Ihat cassette? LEn iu' put on 0'(-1 ka~et] incap pc caseta aceea?

My record player is out >[mai reko"d pIela:' Jl nut - Pick-up - ul meu cste defect.
of order. BV 0 'dOl']

The casselte holder is >lD'a ka el hauh.la'il - SupoTtul penlru casete este

empty now. empll nau] acum gal.

They have gal many > 0 Ihb gut mem - Ei au multe discuri LP.
long-playing records. It ,n' plem Jln~ko 'dz)

He wants 10 sell all his >(111 InT tu 10-1 hll - EI vrea sa-~i vanda loate
records. reke 'dz discurile.

ESle randul dumneavoastri sa lucrati cu vocabularul nou invatat. Completali spaliile din propozitiile
in limba englezl:

Casetofonul meu face - My >ca~:.ctlt reLorder makes

inregistrari excelenle. excellent recordings.

Poti sa descifrezi semnlilura asta? - Can you read this >SIgnature?

Putem asculla inregislrarea mai larziu. - We can listen to the >rccordmg later.

Ce ai pus acum pe platan? - Whal have you pul on Ihe >turntable now?

Azi am de gand sa imprumul 0 caseti video. - I am going to borrow a x Ideo rf' loday.

Pick-up - ul acesla are difuzoare incorporate. - This >record play .~ has ils own

Pune 0 alta caseta, vrei? - PUI another >ea et in, will you?

Cum pot sa SCOI casela din careas!? - How can 1 get the cassette oul of
the >ea tf' h I ?

Damenii cumpara din ce in ce mai pUline - People buy fewer and fewer
discuri LP. >i lavi records.

Discurile acestea vechi se sparg u~or. - These old :::>u. rd break easily.



lata ultimul grup de cuvinte noi din accasta lcqie. Citili-le atent, eu voce tare:

forward > fo ~a'dJ - inainte, in fali

to push >[luru~1 - a impinge, a apasa

backwards > bEk ua'dlJ - inapoi, in spate

to wind > 'lmd] - a se risuci, a se invirti; a derula

illegible > [lledJabl] - indescifrabil

old-fashioned > [auldfE~andl - demodat, de mod! veche

to sign >[lu,am] - a scrona

to eject > [tu ldJektJ - a seDate, a aruncs, a da afara

topical > llapll.;'!) - actual, de actualitate

captivating > lkEptlvc/lLn 4ll j - captivanl, pasionan!

to record > [tu nko 'd) - a inregislra

10 tape > [tu Ie/pI - a inregistra (pc banda)

to erase > (IU lrelz) - a J;terge

Verbul "to wind" esIc neregu1a1lii are urmatoarele forme:

wind - wound >{"""dJ - wound >( 3umJj

Fili atenti la intrebuinjare3 noilor cuvinle in propozitii. Cititi unnatoarele exemple cu voce tare:

Use this button to eject > [lll"7 D'IS baln IU IdJckt - Pentru a scoate afam suportul
the cassette holder. O'a kastt hauh.la'J pentru casete, folositi acest buton.

The tape is moving > [lYa telpll mu Vln l ,) - Acurn banda se mi~cn inainte.
forward now. 10 'ua'd naul

What button do I have to push? > ~Ol batn du al hEv tu PU-lo) - Pe ce buton trebuie sa apls?

He watched a captivaling > [hi "'{Jill a kEpllvenm' I - EI a llnnarit 0 emisiune

programme lasl night praugrl:m la'51 nBlt] captivanti aseara.

Topical programmes > (topdi.! rnllllgrf.mz - Programele de acrualitati

keep yOll infonned. kl.p ;u: mfo 'rnd) te {in la curent (cu evenimentele).

Are you going 10 record > la' III gaUlO II tu nko:'d - Ai de gand 51 inregistrezi
(tape) this programme? lteip) D"I priugrLmJ acest program?

They have an old-fashIOned set. > r lYel hb an auld fE:--and ~elJ - Au un aparat dcmodal.

Will you sign thai paper? >[ II/u: &am O'Et rt'pa'] - Vel scmna actu! acela?

He looked backwards. >[hl lu_kt bEk ua'dl.] - El a privit inapol.

Winding the tape 10 its > {~amdm(~1 0 a \tlP tu II!. - Durcaza doar un minut
beginmng lakes only a minute hlI;inlq,' 1ell.s aunh a rnlOlI] sa derulezi easela pana la inccput

ThaI signature is illegible. >[O'EI igmts3 IL Ilc<hahlJ - Semn.illura aceca estc

Indesel frabl):'.

You can crase it if you want to. > [IU: kl:.n lreiz 11 If IU: Uonl tu] - POli sa 0 ~Icrgi dacii. vrei.

in unnalorul excrclllU \'3 IrchUl sa complelali spa{iile liberc dm propozltiile in limba engleza:

Sunt suparat pentru eli rni-ai ~l~rs - [ am angry bec;lUSc you have >erased
c3mccul prcferat. my favourite song.

Deruleaza caseta pana 101 srar~lt, Ie rog. - >\l, d Ihe tape 10 liS end. please.

Te ui!! des la prognllnele de aelUahta!l? - Do you often wateh >f:0pKal programmes?

Cc ai scris tu estc indcscifrabil. - What you have wrincn is >lllcglble.

A inregistrat·o eand a fosl dlfuzata - He >n:c lrded (taped) It when it was

pnma oara. first broadcast.

VCZI, banda se ml~ca inapol. - You can sec the lape is moving >bad.."ard

intili scoli supoftul casctcI, - First >eject the cassellI.' holder.

apO! SCOII casela. then lake the cassette out.

iciodalii. S nu semnezi \ reun act - Ne\cr ><. gn a paper when

atunei cand nu ~Iil cc conIine. you don', know liS contents.

Este 0 cane fascinantii. despre - This is a >capllv;'lttng book about

acest subiec!. this subject.

Am fost implns spre 1Il1rare - I was :>pu~hed towards the entrance

de al!ii. by other people.

III place lamra asta dcmodata':' - Do you like this >old-fashh'lled lamp?

Solda!li inaintau incet. - The soldiers walked slowly >forv..ard.

Pronumele none{ nan J 5e refero la IIIUI nl/l!l de dOl/(i persount! sail Im:rllri. ill pmpo:itii de lIct'st tip.
CD "crhul ('.~It! laplural $1 ('SIC lafurma a(jr",UfII'(I. de exclllplu:

None of those mcn were carrying suitcases. - Nici unul dinlre acei oamem nu 3\ea valiza.

None of the radios are cheap. - r\ici unul dmlrc acesle aparate de radiO
nu eSlc left in

CD None se poafe refer; fa III/ suhstallfiv mell/iona! (Interim:
subs/amil'u/ui, de exemplll:
I" (Ices! caz. 111I mai eSle necesol'o I'epetarea

You want to borrow some sugar from me, Vrei sa imprumuli ni~te zahar de la mine,
but I have lIone. dar fiU am nid un pic (deloe).

He wants some tickets? There are none left. Vrea ni~te bilele? Nu a mai ramas niei unul.

None /matefi 1010si1 ca adwrb de compal"U/ie, i"aime de too $; If/aimea grupului "the" + comparativill

CD lIlIlIi adjectil' Sl1ll adl'erb. De obieei. nonc too Sf! tradllce prill "lilt prea", ior none the prill
"clIllimic mal ".

lata caleva cxcmple de propozitii:

The food in this rcslaumnl is none - Mancarea din acesl restaurant fiU es\c
too good. prea buna.

She earns 1I0nc too much. - Nu cii~tiga prea multo

My car is nOlle the worse than his. - Ma$ina mea nu esle cu nimic mai prejos
dedil a lui.
NOlle se pottle f%si ~'i ill WII/citoorea expresie:

CD II is nOlle of )'our business. - Nu este Ireaba ta; nu te prive$te.

/:'"'\])resio nothing IIlllch estefo!osif(J c%el'io! ill sellsul de "nu (J cille ~tie ce" e mare !UC1'lI ". de



There is nothing much I can tell you. - NU-li pot spune cine ~tie ceo

There was nothing much we could do. - Nu putcam face marc lucru.

/'", n proPOZltl1
. .. eu sub·lect ncdellnlt,
' . 10 " oS1ln
. pronume ,e persona , one atuncl. "
n-="""""J dnd ne referim la oamcni, pcrsoane. De obicei, corespondentlll in limba
~ romana estc [onn;.) de persoana a doua singular a pronumelui personal
("tu"), cu vuloare gencriea:

One oOen hears about - Auzi adesea despre

such things, 3stfel de lucruri.

One cannot always avoid it. - Nu po\i 5.'\ evili asta intotdeaunll.

One has to do what one - Trcbuie sa faei ceea ce promili.

has promised to do.

Relineli ca prollumele one este unnal intotdeauna de un verb 1'1 persoana

, a treia singular.

One este de ascmcileu f%sit ;'1 propozi!ii slibordol/ale inlrodllse de "who/tll(ll" sail ill cOllstruc,ii
ilifinilil'(lle. ill limbu roll/filla, corespOIulellwl !II; ar ji expresia "11111/1 dill Ire aceia carc ... "/"11/1(1

CD tlimre acelea care,., ".

lata ~i catcva cxcmple:

He is not one who forgets names easily. - Nll eSle unul dintre acei<l care uiui. u~or numele.

He is one who thinks he can say • - EI este unul din aceia care crcd cil. pot spune
everything. Orlce.
He is not onc to support you. - Nu este unul din acela care Ie suslin.

in exerci\iul unnator veti verifiea in ce masurll ali invatat noile reguli gramaticale. Traductli
unnaloarele propozilil in limba engleza:

lei unul dintrc noi nu I-a semuat vrcodata. > "lone of u.<; has e",er ". ned It

EI \,ola sa cumpere ni~le discuri LP. > He wanted 10 bu~ wme long-pla)'mg records
dar nu mai erau deloc. bUI there were none

Speram sa-i intalnim pe c:iliva dintre ei, > \\le hllptd to me.:t some of them.
dar niei unul nu era acola. bUI none \\ as the~_

Nu eSle prea preten\ios la alegerea hainelor. > lie IS none 100 cnticallll choosIng hIS clothes.

Nu Ii s-a spus mare lucru dcsprc > The)' wcrc told nothIng much about
piesele componclltc. components.

intiii trebuie 53 treci pc la vam!. > One ha$ to go through CUS10111S fi"t
Nu sum dintre aceia care se entuziasmeaza u~or. > I'm not one to get exclled easIly.

Verbele oux;liart! PO! fi folos,,#! mdependem in limbo ellglco (de exemplI/ fo be, to ha\'c ,ti altele).
SQII por intra rn alctitllit1!a formelor campl/se de rimpun. diate::o posh'u, forme intel'Ogat;\'e sau
/legatil'e. de exempll/:

He is reading a nc\\'spapcr. - EI clle~ae un ziar.

Did she pass that exam? - Ea a luat examenul acela?

We shall not finish work. - Nu ne vom tennina trcaba.

It was broadcast this morning. - A fos! difuzat azi diminca\l.

The)' havc brought it with them. - Au adus-o cu ei.

What do ),ou think of it? - Ce crezi despre asta?

in propo:l!ii de aces! rip, al'em 111I pred;caf complex. format din allXUiar ~i verbul de cOlljl/gat.

in propozi,,-Ue iI/limbo engle:ii, l'erbele modale (un. must) trebl/;e folosi!e imprelll/ii cu alre verbe.

CD pentnl Q forma un prediCtlt cOlI/plet, de exemplu:

You can finish it in time. - POli tennina la timp.

He must leave early. - Trebuie sa piece devremc.

Existn un singur caz in care verbul de conjugal nu urmenzi'l. obligaloriu
dupa auxiliar sau modal, ~i anume atune! cand vcrbul de conjugal este
prccizat fie in propozilia precedenta, fic in propozilia unntltoare, de

They can and must do it. - Ei pot ~i trebuie sa raea aSia.

He has not lold me yet, but he will. - inca nu mi-a spus, dar 0 va face.

You think we haven't worked - Crezi ea noi nu muncim din

hard, but we have. greu, dar a$8 este.

Forma de mjiniti\' a \'erbuilli de conjuga, precedur de 111I w!rb modal sail Qllxiliar nil este ,-mati/if de
prepo=i{ia to $i 1111 acceptci "id 0 terminatie, de exemplu:

She can go if she wants to. Poate merge daca "rea.

Will they help us? Ei ne vor ajula?

He would leave first. Ar pleea primu\.

Sa folosim acum verbele modale in propozltli simple.

lerhlll can exprimii eapaelfolea, posibiliwlea sau pennisimJea, co de e.xemplu:

He can sing well. - EI ~tie sa canle bLOC.

It can happen any moment. - Se poate inlampla ill orice moment.

Wood can be used for that. - Lemnul poale fi folosit pentru aceasta.

You can have one of lhem. - J>Oli lua una dinIre elc.

How can you refuse 10 do Ihat? Cum pOli refuza sf! faci asia?

Such jobs can be boring. Astfel de slujbc pot fi pliClisitoare.

CD Can poate.fif%sil ~'i ell w.rbe ca to see, to hear: eOIJstnlC(ill 1'(1 {Illea I'a/oaretl pre:elltllilli eOlltinllll,
il1ll"ltClil accsle \Ierbe nil admit oceasltifomu!:

[ can see them coming here. Ii vad vcnind aieL

[ can hcar some noise. Aud OI~te zgomote.

Dllpii cum deja $tili. verbll/ could este eehl\'olelltullui can ;11 prupo:i(ii la WI limp Irecul sail in

CD propo:i(ll eomliliol/ale. Dar can I/U are limpu/l'litor $; nici /lU formea:t! timpur; compuse. ill astfel
de Ctl:lI,., sefolose$te UII aJt verb ell sens asemiiniilor:

\0 be able 10 > (tu bl- elbl uJ - a pUlea, a Ii eapabil sa

To be able 10 pootefi folosilia toate timpurile, dq; Ia pre:enllli simpIII $; trecuwI simplll sefolosesc
(ormeIe can $1 could, fi!tld mai seurle. Atl/llci cand folosim constrUC/1lI to be able to /0 rrecUlul
Slillplll, se accenil/ea:a ideeo cil ct!Va deja a fast reaiJ:at.

Sli analizam folosiTea construqiei to be able lola diferite timpuri:

I was glad thai I was able to get away. - Eram bucuros eli am reu~it sa plee.

I haven't been able 10 read that book. - Nu am putul sli cilese cartea aceea.

We shall be able to repair it ourselves. - 0 \10m putea Tepara noi in~iJle.

Constmc/ia could ha\"c + parlidpiu trecut estefolosita pefllnt 0 #!.xprimu ideea eel ce\'Q cot? ar ji
CD foslla 10SI posihil In (recut nu a Ul'Ut loe in reali/ale, de exemptu:

They could have seen it if they - AT fi putUI sa 0 vada dacii

had arrived earlier. ar fi ajuns mai dcvreme.

I could h:we told you jfwe had met - Ti-a~ fi putul spune, dacli nc-am fi intalnit.

AiD cum probabil (I{i obserl'lll, COIIstrilcrill aceasra Sf!foJose~'e de cell! mai llllilte ori iii propo=itii
SIIbordollale condirionale de lipullrei.

...~~~/ Penlru a exprima pennisiunea. se folose~le unnitoarea construqie:

IBi3 to be allowed to itul:'ll a1:uJtu) - a avea voie, a pulea

Exemple de propoziiii:

LaSI week she was allowed - SapIa mana trecUla a avut voie
to stay Oul late. sa stea arari pini taniu.

\Ve were allowed to go to - in searn aeeea am avut vOle

the cinema that night. sa mergem la film.

CD Pf!11/n1 0 exprima permisiwlea in I'Qrbireo indirecta. ef!1 lila; uQf!sea Sf! folost!~/e could'

Mother said that we could play outside. - Mama a spus ea ne putemJuca afari.

Sa rezolv3m un ultim exerci\iu de gramatiei din 3ceasti parte a leqiei, pentru care este ne\Ole de
mare aten\ie. Trndueeli in limba engleza unnatoarele Propozilii:

Poate sa faca aSia, dar nu ~tiu dad. 0 va face. >Ih c d, It. bl don't lnow f

POli ~i trebuie si ne spui. >You can and must tell us

Vei merge acolo singur? >Will you go therc alone)

Po\i sa a la~i aiei dad. vrei. >y u c: lea\e II hc~ fyou want

Unde ai unnirit programul? >\\ heft. did .. eu "'iuch the P''''IIl'''''':::

Au livrat deja marfa? >i 1.1\ c they ddt\ efcd th~ mCll:hand

~tii ee inseamna asia? >Do \ U lno'W \\hat this III an'.. .

Totul eSle plitit. ma; has b«n r.lld for

Cilatoreau eu trenul. >Thc er.: Il':welhng b~ tram

Ei au promis sa scrie scrisori, dar pana acum > They promIsed to write letters but so filr
. ..
nu llU scns mCI una. they h:lve \\·otten 1I0ne.

Nu ~tiu cum te poate ajuta :leest lucru. > 1 dl'n't know how thaI can help you.

Trebuie sa plalc~ti inainte de (data de) paisprezece. > You must pay before the fourteenth,

A avut voie sa-~i ia intai carlile. > lie was allowed to get his books tirst.

Profesorul ne-a spus cil in ziua aceea > The teacher saId th:lt we could
putcam plcca devreme. leave earlier that day.

Ea ar fi putut prinde Ircoul daea > Shc could hav~ caughl the tram If
s-ar fi grabi\. she had humed

Eram bucuro~i ca am putut sa oe aparam. > \Ve were glad wc had heen able to defend

Vom putea sa ne intoarccm la limp? > Shall we be able to return III tllne?

Este mie, dar cu nimic mai ienin. > It's small, bUl110nC the chearer

Croeodi!i? Nu am vazul nici unu!. > Crocodiles? We saw nonc.

Intr-o aSlfcl de situa\ie trebuie sa alegi. > One has to cho(lsC 1O such a sItuatIon

Este unul dintre aceia care nu pot aseulta niciodata. > lie IS onc who can never listen.

Nu este mare [ueru; nu simi nimic. > It's nothl11g much: I don't feci a thlllg.

Ne vom fixa in memorie anumite clemente din vocabularul nou inva\at, tradud'ind in limba engleza
unnatoarele propozi\ii. Ele akatuiese un scun dialog:

Laura: Este ceva in neregula cu > Something Is wrong with my

casetofonul meu. cassette recorder.

Chris: Nu mai merge deloc? > Doesn't it work at all?

Laura: A, nul Inca mai pot asculta casete ~i > Oh, no! I can stililislen 10 cassettes and
lnregistra muzica. dar nu pot sa derulez record music, but I can't wind
caseta inapoi. the cassettes backwards

Chris: Da-mi sa vad. Este un aparat > Let me seo. II's quite an old-fashioned
destul de vechi, nu-i a~a? recorder, isn't it?

Laura: Pai, il am de 15 ani. Apasa butanul acesta > Well, I've had it for 15 years Push this
cand vrei sa opre~ti caseta sau sa scoti button when you want to slop
suportul pentru casete, the cassette or to eject the cassette holder.

Chris: Acum porne~le ~i... banda > Now start and . the tape isn't
nu se mi~ca Ina'nte! moving forward I

Laura: Ma tem ca este timpul sa cumpar > I'm afraid It'S high time I bought
un casetafon nou, modern. a new modern cassette recorder

Citili aculn cu voce lare urmatoarele setun de cuvinte, care conlin suncle idcntice:

leI} .J "I J
tape signature wind eject

erase video sign record

turnlable ill bright casselle

able bring live illegible

page switch kind request

, 12 - PARTEA A DaUA

in accasta parte a lcclici vorn rccapitula loate problemele de gramaticii prezenlate in celc doua lectii.
Traduce!l in limba cngleza urmatoarcle propozi!ii:

AsIa era lot ce a putu! el sa vada. > Thm W:lS all h~ wa~ able 10 ~ee

Vrei sa spui ea asIa eSlc lol? > Do you mean lhl~ l~ alP

TOli oamenii de pc strada s-au uitat la !loi. > All the people 111 the ~treel looked at us

ESle eu atal mai risenn! iarna. > II's a11llt.: nl.J,.ll:r In lhe Wllller.

Fiecare dintre accste aparale are telccomanda. > Fach of these M~ts has remote conln1!.

Fiecare casa de pc strada aceea a fost afcctata. > rvcry house In Ihi~ lolreet \\,15 damaged.

Is-au oferillOale posibilitii!ile > lie ".I!'; gl\l:n evcry 0rrortunJly

Sii-~l retraga banii la limp. \0 wilhdnm 1m. lllilney in lime,

Vel plerde bani in orieare din (cele doua) cazuri. > You l\l1ll~hC Illom:y 11\ e.lcn C;JSC,

Nu pot sa aleg eu adevarat intre acestea doua, > 1 Clll1't rCilllv dlOSC bdwc.:n thc!>e two.
ap ea Ie voi lua pe arnandoua, so nltnh both of them.

A prim it a rcdueere (de pre\) atat la stalie > lie ~Ul a dIS(;OUm un hoth the tullcr
Cat -5i la ampJificator. and amplifier,

Au trecut doua ma~ini, dar nici una nu era > Two cars p,ls~cd. but neither I~a!'>
a tatalui meu. my father's.

Fiulmeu nu era aeolo. Nici al lui. > f\.ty son \\-as nOI lhcn: "clther 1\ as IllS.

Nlcl unul dintre ei nu era nou. > Nonc of them \V,L" ncw

Salanultau nu este prea mare. > Your ",agcs nn: not !O.l high.

Ce puteai face de unul singur in acel caz? > Whal could one do alone III lhat elise?

Nu eSle unul dintre aceia care se piling mult. > He l.~ no! one to complalll much.

Maine nu va fi nici 0 emisiune. > There \\ III be no broadcnsl tllrnorrow.

Credeam cli munee~te, dar nu era a~a. > I thought he wa~ wnrkmg, but he \\a~n'l.

Cuvintele ei pot insemna oriee. > Hl"f words can mcan nn~th1ng.

Nu pOli fi serios tot timpul. > You can', be Sl'f!nus ailihe tune.

Ne-am putut intoaree eu un autobuz mai taniu. > We were able 10 n:tunt by <l Inter bus.

Nu era sigur daeii va fi in stare > Ik w<lsn't sure If he .... ould be <lblc
sa eancureze. 10 compete

Ai fi putut sa-l vinzi daca ai fi incercat > You could havc sold Illt'y<l!J had Incd
rnai mult. harder.

El a spus ca pulem chcltui banii . > He .:ud .... c could ~rcnli the money.

Au aVUl voie sf! sica 0 saptamana. > Ihcy ,"ere allo\\cd to stay for a week.

in aceSI ultim exereiliu complela1.i spatiile lib;re din propoziliile de mai jos:

TOli oamenii au nevoie de somn. - > \ II people necd sleep.

A spus eli asta era 101. - He said il was >.IIl.

Toale aparatele din acesl magazin se pol plati - >Al .., sets in Ihis shop can be paId for
in rale. In Instalments.

in spalele fiecarei case era un ~pron. - There was a shed behind >t: house

in fiecare joi este alt film. - There is another film >c t Thursday.

Au toate motivele sA fie bueuro~i. - > They have >c\ crv reason 10 be glad.

Ni~te vaei pa~teau pe fiecare pane - Some cows were grazing on >c sIde
a ~an\ului. of the ditch.

Poftim inca doua scrisori. La amandoua trcbuic - Here are two more lellers. >1 ha\e to
sa se raspundc'l ast3zi. be answered today.

ESlc alat periculos, cal ~i dificil. - It is >bllth dangerous and ddficulL

Am probal doua perechi, dar niei 0 pereehe - I tried two pairs, but >:1
nu s·a polrivit. fitted.

Eu nu am vazut emisiunea aeeasta. Nici el. - I haven't seen this programme> bash<.

Nici unul dinlre ace~ti oameni nu ~tie - > pntof these people knows
cum funqioneaza acest eeas. how it works.

Aparatul cel vechi nu este cu nimic mai prejos - The old set is >:"l , the worse than
decat acesla. this one.

Nu pOli sa impiediei asia imotdeauna. ->( cannot always prevent It

Nu este u~or sa Irnle~tl cu cincva care - >f) ~ who always complains IS nOl cas)
se plange intotdeauna. to live with.

Vor pleca in cuni-nd? - >Arc they leaving soon?

Eu nu ~tiu sa piclez, dar ea ~tie. - I can't paint, but she can.

Ai repaml ma~ina de spalal? - >Ha... C' you repaired the washing macluM'?

Ei iIi pot spune mai multe despre asia. - They >un tell you more aboul It

Am pulu! sa facem rost de ultimele bilete. - We >."'e,c ahk 10 get the last uc\';ets

Ea nu a putul face toatA Ireaba. - She >I1d"n· ~en abl IQ do all the w

A~ pulea sa merg acolo dad a~ avea bani. - I x, uld go there if I had Ihe moncy

A spus ca nu pot pleea inca. - He said I x' .uld nOlleave yet.

A avut voie sa pastreze restul. - She >.\ allll\\ed to keep the resL



12.1. None ca pronume nehalaml ~i CD. adverb:

None of the radios are cheap. - Nici unul dintre aparntelede radio nu esle ieflin.

He wants tickets? There are none left. - Vrea bilete? u a mai ramas nici unul.

We noliced it nonc 100 soon. - Am observal asta nu prea curand.

My car is none the worse than his. - M,*ina mea nu este ell nimic mai prejos
decal a lui.

12.2. Nothing lIluch ca adverb. avand sensul de "nu e cine ~tie ce", "nu e marc IUCTU" in vorbirea

There was nothing much we could do. - Nu puteam face absolut nimic.

12.3. One ca sublect nedefinll, cand estc Yorba despre oameni:

One cannol always aVOid it. - Nu PQ!i sa evi!i asia inloldeauna.

12.4. "One" in propoZ1tll 3tributlvc ~i construc1ii infinitlvale descrie un 3numlt fel de persoana:

She is nol onc \\ho forgets names easily. - Nu esle una din acelea can:: uil3 u~r numele.

12.5. Verbele auxlhare ~I modale trebuie sa fie unnale de aile verbe penlru a fonna predicale

We have brought it with us. - Am adus asIa cu noi.

12.6. Un verb auxiliar sau modal poale Ii folosil independent daca se refen'i la un verb men\ionat
inainte sau dupa cl:

lie has nOI laid me yet, but he will. - inca nu mi-a spus, dar 0 va face.

12.7. Verbul modal can expnma capacitatea. posiblillalea sau pennisiunea:

He can sing well. - EI ~tle sa cante bine.

Wood can be used for Ihat. - lemnul poate fi folosil penlru aSIa.

You can have one of them. - Po!i lua una din cle.

12.8. Construelia to be able to sc folosc$tc in speeiill pentru a realiza timpurilc eompuse ale
verbului can:

I haven'l been ilble 10 read it yet. inca flU am putUI sa 0 citesc.

12.9. Could have + panicipiul trecul:

They could have seen it if they - Ar fi putut sa 0 vada daca

had arrived earher. ar fi ajuns mai devreme.

12.10. Conslruqia 10 be allowed 10 exprima pemllslUnea:

We were allowed to go to the cinema - In seam aceea am avul vOle sa mCTgem

Ihal night. la film.

12.1 J. renlru a exprima pennisiunea in vorbirea indireclli., eel mai adesea se folose$le could:

Mother said we could play outside. - Mama a spus ea ne putem juca afm.


A Traduceli umlaloare!e propozi\ii in [imba ramana:

I. I feel none the better after sleeping so long.

2. One who doesn't like other people cannOllike himself.

3. I haven't been able to find this street,

4. She says she has paid, bUI she hasn'\.

5. J could have heard it if [ had turned on my radio earlier.

6. None oflhe witnesses knew which direction he had come from.

B. Traduce!i umlatoarele propoziiii in limba engleza:

I. Trcbuie sa munce~ti ea sa traie~ti.

2. POli sa Ie duei, daca Ie intorci inainte de (ora) unsprezece.

3. Ei :>i-au vfmdut casetofonul.

4. Tata a spus eil ne mai putcm juca 0 jumatate de ora.

5. Vom putea ob!inc informaliilc neccsare.

Ce ascunzi la spate? •

C. Alcgc!i sinonimul coreet (cuvi'intul ell accJa~i sens) sau definitia corecHi a unnatoarelor cuvintc:

I "Illcgible"means: 4. "A turntable" means:

a) very ill a) a pan ofa radio set

b) difficult or not possible to read b) apartofaTVset

c) out of order c) a part of a record player

2. "To record" means: 5. 'To request" means:

a) to tape a) to ask (for)

b) to write b) to repeat

c) to report c) to refuse

3. "Captivating" means:

a) catching

b) continuous

c) excitin..g


accessible > [akse-sibIJ - accesibil, disponibll

amplifier > [EmphfaJal - amplificator

10 amplify > (IU Emplii.tl] - a amplifica

to announce > [10 an.un!> J - a anun\a, a prezenla

announcer > [anaunsa' J - cram Ie

backwards > l bEk Uil1tJl:J - inapoi, in spate

to be able to > [tubl:C/bltuJ - a pUlea, a fi capabi! sa

to be addicted (to) > l tu hi: adll..lld (tul) - a fi dependent de

to be allowed 10 > [tll hi: ill.ud IU) - a avea voie, a putea

bolh > bau"PJ - amiindoi, amandoua. 3mbu,


bright > [bmit} - Iuminos, stralucllor

broadcaSl > (bro:dka stJ - emisiune radiofonrca

to broadcast > [IU bnnlka:sl] - a trans mite

broadcast > [bro'dklUl] - fanna a II-a ~i a 1I1-a a \crbului

"to broadcast"

bullon > Ibam) - bUlon; nasture

caplivallng > [LEpu elflO'] - captivant, pasionant

casselte > lka~elJ - caseta.

cassette holder > [lB.ethaull1a J - suport penlru casete; carasi

cassette recorder > [kasel nLo·'lIa'J - casetofon

chance > [t~En~l - ~ansa, ocazie

channel > ll~EnlJ - canal

clear > I "ha'] - clar, curnt

commercial > kama l'alJ - comercial

componenl > lkampaunant) - componenta, parte, pit-sa

contrast > ~ontra: I) - contrast

to control > [lU kantraul] - a conlrola, a line sub control

convenient > {I..al\\ i manti - convenabil; comod

critical > I kritlklJ - critic; pretentios, selectlv

distorted > [dlstO·1tldJ - deronnal, distorSlonat

to dub > [lUdabJ - a dubla, a sincroniza

each > [l.l$] - fiecare (din)

either > [1:IYa'][aID'il'] - fiecare din cei doj/cele doua

to eject > [tu idJ{'ktJ - a scoate, a arunca, a da afam

to erase > [tu IreizJ - a 'jterge

forward > I fo:"'a'd] - inainte, in fata

illegible > (ill'dJabl] - indescifrabil

Informed > [info: 'md) - informal, la curent cu

Interference > [lnta'lbransJ - interferenla, paraziti, bruiaj

to Inlerrupt > [IU tntarapt] - a intrerupe

listener > [lisna'] - ascultator (radio)

h\e > [lal\J - (despre tran.fmisillm) in direct

long-playmg record > llO: n"l plem' 'reko.'dl - disc LP

loudspeaker > [laud~pd,;a 1 - difuzor, megafon

neither > [ni:D a J [laID'a') - nicl unul din cei doilnici una din
cde doua

none > lnan] - nlci unul, nici una

old-fashioned > I auldt"l:~anJl - demodat, de morla veche

picture > I piktOfa'l - Imagine; lablou

picture tube > [pikha'tlU:bl - cmescop

portable > lpo:',ahl] - portabil

programme > lrdiugrbn] - program, emlSlune

to push > ttupu~] - a impinge, a apasa

reception > l ri~cp~alll - receplie

record > [rC'ko:'dl - disc; record

10 record > l tu nko"dJ - a inregislra

recording > lnko"dln l ' I ) - inregistrare

record player > Ireko:'d plela:'j - pick-up

remote control > (rimaut kanlraulJ - lelecomanda

to request > ftu nk e~IJ - a cere, a prelinde

request programme > Ink~e,-I pfiiugrEm] - emisiune cu dedic3lii (muzicale)

respect > ( m.pekt) - privin!a; punct de vedere; respect

screen > lslm:nl - eeran

sensitive (to) > lsrnl.ltl\l (IU)] - senslbil (la); de precizie

set > ["etJ - sel; aparat

to sign > [tu sam] - a semna

signature > "Igmt,d"] - semniHura

station > [stel~nJ - sta\ll:, post (de radiO,

de feleviziune)

subtitles > t sabtattl7J - subtilrare

switch > ( s"it~J - intrerupator, comutator

to switch over to >(IU\lt iluva'tu) - a schimba canalul, a trtt'e pe

to tape > ftu telp] - a inregistnt

telecast > (t('l1ka:5tl - transmisie, emisiune

de televiziune

to televise > (IU tell\wz] - a leleviza. a lransmlte la televizor

topical > [ loplkl} - actual, de actualitate

tuner > (tlunil' I - antena, receptor la radiO. TV

to tune in 10 > (IU lIu.n In lU) - a prinde (un post)

to turn down > [Ill t<l'n daun] - a Imq;ora

turntable > [Ii- f nlethl] - platan (de patefon, pick-up)

to tum up > (tu t;)-'n ap) - a man

video tape > ( \-idl3u 1t~IP ] - easeHi video

viewer > l \ iu:a'] - telespectalor

\-olume > l \ol/Um) - volum, sunet

to wear out > (IU "e ;jf aut] - a uza, a epUlza, a eonsuma

to wind > [IU ~all1d J - a se rl\suci, a se invarll; a derula

wore oul > [" 0 ' autl - forma a II-a a verbului

"to wear out"

worn out > '''o'n aU11 - fonna a Ill-a a verhulUl

"to wear OUI"

wound > {" aun dl - forma a II-a ~i a III-a a \mulul

"to wind"


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