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A payments system is the set of instruments, procedures and rules used by financial
institutions to transfer funds among themselves, either on their own behalf or that of their
customers.1 An efficient and well functioning payment system infrastructure is essential in
safeguarding financial stability and promoting economic activities in an economy. It reduces
financial risks by increasing the reliability and speedy settlement of transactions, while also
facilitating the effective implementation of monetary policy by strengthening its
transmission mechanism. Central banks, in their capacity as custodians of the payment
system infrastructure, thus have strong incentives to establish and ensure their smooth
The payment system infrastructure in Pakistan has gradually evolved from the traditional
cash and paper-based modes of payments to a network of more sophisticated,
technologically driven systems (Box 8.1). Although cash continues to be the dominant mode
of settlement of payments, especially in rural areas, non-cash modes of payment have
evolved and are increasing in volume over time. Until the late 90s, these instruments were
mostly paper-based with cheques being the most significant payment instrument for interbank as well as customer transactions, in addition to other instruments such as Pay Orders,
Demand Drafts etc. However, substantial investment by the banking sector in IT
infrastructure in recent years has gradually reduced the reliance on paper-based modes for
settling payments. Specifically, electronic banking (e-banking) has gained popularity as the
preferred retail payment instrument during the last decade, and is being used for a variety of
transactions such as fund transfers, payments at merchant sites as well as utility bill
payments etc. Similarly, implementation of the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system by
the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has facilitated automation of large value transactions (interbank fund transfers as well as securities settlement), which previously relied primarily on
traditional inter-bank multilateral clearing (on end of day basis) and carried the element of
settlement risk due to the potential of delayed final settlement of transactions.
SBP is the primary payment system authority in the country, and is responsible for the
design, oversight as well as regulation of the large-value payment system in Pakistan, as well
as its interface with NIFT etc. SBP launched the RTGS for large value transactions by the
name of the Pakistan Real Time Interbank Settlement Mechanism (PRISM) in July 2008,2
and is also actively involved in the monitoring and regulation of the retail payment system in
the country, issuing guidelines from time to time. SBPs oversight of Payment Systems is
governed by the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956, and the Payment Systems and Electronic
Fund Transfer (PSEFT) Act, 2007.3
This chapter reviews the developments in Payment System transactions during FY10.
Section 8.1 gives details of developments in the Retail Payment System, while section 8.2
focuses on large value payment system developments with a special focus on PRISM. Section
8.3 concludes the chapter.
8.1 Retail Payment System
The Retail Payment System (RPS) in Pakistan has undergone notable changes in recent years
due to the growing role of electronic or e-banking as a mode of payment, especially for low
value transactions. Although the currency in circulation to deposit ratio increased during
FY10 and cash continues to be the preferred mode of payment (especially for individuals and
As defined by Bank of Canada.
Details in Chapter 10, FSR 2008-09.
3 Details in Chapter 12, FSR 2007-08.

Financial Stability Review 2009-10

billion Rupees



















Within non-cash transactions, the number

of electronic transactions increased YoY by
22.9 percent during FY10 to 196.3 million,
while over the same period paper-based
transactions registered a marginal increase
of 2.2 percent to 342.6 million. The impact
of these differences in growth rates is
clearly visible from the increasing share of


in rural areas), the number of retail transactions (paper-based and electronic) increased to
538.9 million in FY10, compared to 495.1 million in FY09 (Figure 8.1). In tandem with the
number of transactions, the value of transactions also increased to Rs 161.1 trillion during
FY10, as against Rs 155.4 trillion during FY09. These developments are an encouraging sign
for the progress of an efficient payment system, as non-cash (paper-based and electronic)
retail transactions are less costly and quicker to process as compared to cash-based
transactions. Cash transactions require manual counting, verification of notes and storage
arrangements, which increases the transaction time and cost. Additionally, deterioration in
the law and order situation has increased the risk of theft/looting of currency notes.
However, despite these risks, cash transactions are preferred by people due to a number of
reasons including lack of customer
awareness, limited access to other means of
Figure 8.1: Retail Transactions Trends
Transacted Amount
No. of Transactions(RHS)
payments due to low financial penetration,
issues related to tax evasion, preference to
avoid documentation of transactions etc.

Source: Payment System Department, SBP

Box 8.1: Payment System Network in Pakistan

Payment system transactions in Pakistan are mainly dominated by: (1) direct inter-bank fund transfers, (2)
cheque clearing for inter-bank settlement and (3) securities settlement (government as well as corporate). These
transactions are handled by three types of different systems in place which together form the payment systems
infrastructure. These are (1) Pakistan Real-Time Interbank Settlement System (PRISM), (2) National Institutional
Facilitation Technologies (NIFT) and (3) Central Depository System (CDS).
Direct inter-bank fund transfers and government securities settlement are executed through banks cash and
securities settlement accounts with SBP and have been entirely transferred to PRISM. These are reviewed in
detail in section 8.2.
Cheque clearing for inter-bank settlement has been entrusted to NIFT which is a semi-automated clearing house.
It was established in 1995 as a consortium of 6 commercial banks1 and a private sector firm and offers same-day
clearing (express2 hours clearing service), inter-city clearing, and inter-branch and inter-bank clearing services.
As of October 2010,2 NIFT is operating with 20 data centers which provide services to 5,571 branches (i.e. over
90 percent of on-line branches) of 40 commercial banks in 20 major cities and adjoining 164 industrial and
commercial towns. Importantly, NIFT is being used for cheque clearing for inter-bank settlement on centralized
and consolidated basis, and has remained instrumental in ensuring same day settlement of critical payments
across the country.
Corporate securities settlement in Pakistan is carried out through the Central Depository System (CDS) which is
operated by the Central Depository Company (CDC), and maintains accounts of both its members and their
customers in book entry form. This book entry system ensures dematerialization of securities abolishing the
need for physical exchange of paper based securities. CDS is used to settle almost all the transactions carried out
in the stock exchanges for both equity as well as bonds. Importantly, clearing of these transactions is done
through the fully automated electronic system namely National Clearing and Settlement System (NCSS) which is
operated by the National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited (NCCPL), the only clearing company for
corporate securities in Pakistan.3 NCCPL sends the shares settlement instructions to CDC (after calculating the
net obligations of its members), and settlement instructions for the cash leg to the settlement banks. 4
1 These

are: Habib Bank Limited, MCB Bank Limited, National Bank of Pakistan, United Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited, and
First Women Bank Limited.
2 Source: NIFT website.
3 It replaced the individual clearing houses of three stock exchanges since 2001, with a view to centralize the clearing and
settlement of corporate securities.
4 These are designated as settlement banks by NCSS. Currently there are 14 settlement banks for corporate securities clearing.


Payment and Settlement System











as percent of total
















Source: Payment System Department, SBP

Figure 8.4: Average Size of Transaction









8.1.1 Paper-based Transactions

Cheques remain the most popular paperbased
withdrawals, funds transfer and clearing,
while other instruments include pay orders,
demand drafts and telegraphic transfers.
instruments indicates that cheques written
for cash withdrawals accounted for 46.0
transactions in FY10 (Figure 8.5), and that
all cheque-based transactions (withdrawals,
transfer and clearing) accounted for nearly
93.3 percent of all paper-based transactions.
In terms of the amount, the value of these
transactions at Rs 125.7 trillion (8.7 times
the GDP for FY10) was around 87.0 percent
of the total value of paper-based
transactions during the year. These
statistics highlight the importance of paper-

Figure 8.3: Share of Paper Based Transactions in

Total Value of Non-Cash Transactions


The rest of this section reviews the

composition of paper-based and e-banking
services offered by the banking sector.


Source: Payment System Department, SBP


Despite these developments, the non-cash

means of payment is still dominated by
paper-based transactions which constituted
63.6 percent of the total transactions during
FY10, though its importance is gradually
declining. Notably, the value of paper-based
transactions accounts for around 89.2
percent of the total amount of non-cash
transactions (Figure 8.3). This relatively
higher share of paper-based transactions in
the total value compared to its share in the
total number of transactions indicates that
paper-based transactions are of a larger
transactions. The
size of
transactions also highlights this fact (Figure
8.4), at more than 4 times the average size
of an electronic transaction. These trends
suggest that the electronic means of
payments are primarily used by individuals,
while paper-based transactions are the
preferred modes of payment for businesses.

Figure 8.2: Share of Electronic Transactions

'000' Rupees

electronic transactions in the total number

of transactions (Figure 8.2), which is
primarily attributed to the improving
infrastructure of e-banking, SBPs efforts to
create an enabling policy environment, and
launch of innovative products by banks.

Source: Payment System Department, SBP

Figure 8.5: Composition of Paper Based Transactions

Cash Cheques


Transfer - Cheques

Clearing - Cheques 17%



47% 46%

Source Payment System Department, SBP


Financial Stability Review 2009-10

based instruments in the functioning of payment systems.

Figure 8.6: Quarterly Trends in Electronic Transactions


No. in million




8.1.2 E-banking Activities

E-banking has grown tremendously in
recent years. Considerable improvement in
the e-banking infrastructure and activities
during FY10 is a continuation of recent
trends. The quarterly number of electronic
transactions reached 53.4 million by Q4FY10 as compared to 28.0 million in Q4FY07, almost doubling in the last three years
(Figure 8.6). This clearly reflects the
increasing use of e-banking services in the
payment system infrastructure. This is an
encouraging development as e-banking
facilities provide a viable solution for
expanding the outreach of financial services
to remote areas.

Source: Payment System Department, SBP

Figure 8.7: Components of Electronic Transactions by



The composition of electronic transactions
indicates that ATM-based transactions
account for over 50.0 percent of total
electronic transactions, and that the share of
these transactions is gradually increasing
over time (Figure 8.7). This rise is
attributable to both the increasing number
of ATM card holders and the number of
financial services offered through ATMs.
Real Time Online Banking (RTOB)
Source: Payment System Department, SBP
transactions are the second largest
component of electronic transactions, with a
share of 30.9 percent in FY10. Transactions at POS terminals/machines account for nearly
8.0 percent of total electronic transactions, while transactions through internet, mobile
banking and call centers constitute only 2.2 percent of financial transactions.

Real Time Online Banking

Banks in Pakistan have made consistent Table 8.1: Trends in Real Time On-line Banking
efforts since the early 1990s to automate a
FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10
4,179 5,282 6,040 6,671
number of banking services to improve their No. of On line Braches
30,731 36,855 47,279 60,615
operational efficiency and provide real time No. of Transactions '000'
10,090 13,317 13,538 16,202
online banking services to their customers. Transactions 'bln. Rs'
However, the real impetus to these activities Avg. Size of Trans. '000 Rs' 328.3 361.3 286.3 267.3
came in the recent past (2004 onwards) Avg. Transactions/day 000 84.2 101.0 129.5 166.1
during which period the banking sector Source: Payment System Department, SBP
witnessed unprecedented growth in line
with the boom in economic activities. Notably, the number of online branches, a prerequisite
for RTOB, reached 6,671 by end-FY10 as against only 322 at end-FY00 and 1,738 at endFY04.
As of end-FY10, the number of online branches constituted 73.3 percent of total bank
branches. All these branches offer RTOB facilities including cash withdrawals, deposits and
funds transfer. Recent data on RTOB indicates that the number of transactions has witnessed
a YoY increase of 28.2 percent during FY10 to reach 60.3 million (Table 8.1). The value of
these transactions was Rs 16.2 trillion, which is 19.7 percent higher than their value in the

Payment and Settlement System

previous year. The accelerated improvement in volume in comparison to value of

transactions has resulted in a decline in average size of transactions to Rs 268,053 in FY10 as
against Rs 286,343 in the previous year. Despite this decline, the relatively large size of an
average RTOB transaction indicates that this facility is primarily used by the corporate
ATMs offer a wide range of round the clock Table 8.2: Trends in ATM Transactions
retail banking facilities across the country.
FY07 FY08
cash No. of ATMs
2,293 3,121
withdrawals, bill payments, fund transfers, No. of Transactions '000'
51,511 67,912
payment of utility bills, cash deposits, Transactions 'bln. Rs'
316.2 4,53.0
balance inquiry, cheque book request, mini Avg. Size of Trans. Rs
6139 6670
account statements etc. Table 8.2 shows Avg. Transactions/day '000' 141.1 186.1
that the number of ATMs operating in the Source: Payment System Department, SBP
country increased by 466 during FY10 (to
reach 4,465), which is slightly lower than the increase of 476 ATMs during FY09.





91,126 115,677






Concurrent to these developments, the number of ATM transactions has also risen from 91.1
million in FY09 to 115.7 million in FY10. On average, each ATM executed 74 transactions in a
day during FY10, compared to 71 for FY09. The average value per ATM transaction has also
gradually increased to Rs 7,816 as against Rs 7,328 in FY09. This increase is attributable to
both the provision of funds transfer facilities by using ATMs and increased cash
requirements due to the persistently high level of inflation.
The composition of ATM transactions reveals that ATMs are primarily used for cash
withdrawals and account-related information transactions, as the share of other services
including funds transfer, cash deposits and utility bills payment was only 3.0 percent in the
total number of transactions. Specifically, funds transfer transactions conducted through
ATMs were only 2.9 million during FY10 with an average value of Rs 55,045. However, YoY
growth of 39 percent in these transactions during FY10, with the already impressive rise of
139 percent in FY09, is an indication of the increasing reliance on ATMs for this facility.
Cash deposit facility through ATMs has yet to take off in a real sense as this facility is not
available on all the ATMs. Only a few banks offer this facility by using an envelope or
single/bunch note-acceptor mechanism. The activities on this front indicate that only 28,270
cash deposit transactions worth Rs 273.4 million were executed during FY10. In terms of the
total volume of ATM transactions, these constitute just 0.02 percent. The use of this facility is
expected to rise at a gradual pace as customers are generally reluctant to use it due to lack of
technical know-how and fear of losing money due to machine errors.
The use of ATMs for the payment of utility bills is also a relatively new facility, but it has
witnessed significant surge during the past year. A total of 140,097 bill payment transactions
were made during FY10, up from 44,087 in FY09. The value of these transactions was Rs
205.9 million, indicating an average size of Rs 1,470. However, the use of this facility is
expected to increase as each household has to pay at least three utility bills during a month.
Point of Sales (POS) Transactions
E-banking facilities help in executing payments at different merchant locations across the
country. As of end-June FY10, 52,049 POS machines/terminals were operating throughout
the country. The number of credit and debit cards utilized for POS transactions over the
same period was 1.7 million4 and 8.1 million respectively. The number of transactions

This also includes 1,239 shariah-compliant credit cards.


Financial Stability Review 2009-10

executed on POS terminals decreased YoY by 14.3 percent during FY10 to 15.6 million, while
the value of these transactions decreased YoY by 15.1 percent to Rs 75.7 billion in FY10
(Table 8.3).
Other Channels of E-Transactions
Table 8.3: Trends in POS Transactions
In addition to the facilities reviewed above,
FY07 FY08 FY09
the banking sector also offers phone No. of Transactions in '000'
15,589 17,485 18,280
banking, internet banking, mobile banking Amt. of Transactions 'bln Rs'
and internet merchant banking facilities. The Avg. Size of Trans. Rs'
3,447 3,937 4,901
use of all these facilities is still limited as the Avg. Transactions Per day'000' 42.7 47.9 50.1
cumulative number of such transactions was Source: Payment System Department, SBP
only 2.2 percent of total electronic
transactions in FY10. Some of the developments in these modes of transactions are:


Internet banking facilitates payments and electronic fund transfer facilities. This facility
is primarily available for intra-bank account to account transfer of funds. The data for
the last quarter of FY10 indicates that 0.9 million transactions worth Rs 35.1 billion were
executed using this channel.

A few banks are also offering financial services through the Call Center/Interactive Voice
Response mechanism. Banks executed 0.23 million such transactions during Q4-FY10,
with a value of only Rs 1.7 billion.

Some of the banks in Pakistan are offering limited mobile banking facilities including
payment through mobile phones, account to account funds transfers and utility bills
payments. Banks executed 371,050 such transactions during FY10, worth Rs 1.8 billion.

Banks also facilitate customers to open internet merchant accounts as part of the
Internet Merchant Banking facility. There were only 20 internet merchant accounts as of
end-FY10, which are used by the services sector and NGOs. In FY10, the banking sector
executed 39,660 transactions through this channel, worth Rs 354.9 million.

Cross Border E-banking Transactions

E-banking offers cross-border transaction facilities to customers through ATMs, POS
terminals and Internet banking. POS terminals have a dominant share of these transactions.
Specifically, the rupee value of POS transactions was 52.1 percent of inward remittances
(inflow of money) through the e-banking channel and 75.9 percent of outward remittances
(outflow of money) in FY10. In absolute terms, the inflow of money on account of crossborder e-banking transactions was Rs 29.0 billion in FY10 as against an outflow of Rs 16.6
Internet transactions also include purchase of goods and services from foreign/local internet
merchants. Inflow of money on these transactions was only Rs 0.3 billion during FY10
compared to outflow of Rs 1.7 billion. Finally, the inflow of money on ATM transactions was
Rs 13.6 billion during FY10 against outflow of Rs 2.2 billion.
Although the share of these transactions is minuscule in the total value of electronic
transactions, cross-border transactions are likely to increase as trade activities are expected
to strengthen given that the prospects for global economic revival are encouraging.
While the increasing number of e-banking activities helps in improving the operational
efficiency of the banking system and extending outreach of banking services to remote areas,
these activities add another dimension to the risk profile of the banking sector. Specifically,
the expanding use of e-banking services increases banks reliance on third-party information
services providers, which can significantly impact information security risk. It may be noted

Payment and Settlement System

that the specific nature of information security risks varies according to the nature of
transaction. There is a lower probability of risk from informational transactions (like balance
inquiry, mini statement, request for cheque book etc), while the risk can be relatively higher
for transactional services. Notably, information security risk also varies according to the
delivery channel used, given that it has a higher probability of occurrence in internet banking
as compared to transactions conducted through different kinds of cards. In case of internet
banking, the network is universally accessible and banks are exposed to viruses, hackers,
insider attacks, data theft, data destruction etc. The high speed of technological change also
tends to increase such risks.
Besides adding new risks, the increasing number of e-banking activities also intensifies the
degree of traditional risks faced by banks. The use of e-banking tends to impact banks
liquidity risk by potentially increasing the volatility in banks assets and deposits. Similarly,
poorly executed e-banking activities can add to reputational risk. Being cognizant of all these
issues, both the SBP and the banks have strived to minimize risks related to e-banking
services. Moreover, the government has promulgated the Payment Systems and Electronic
Funds Transfer Act, 2007 to provide legal backing to e-banking services. As mentioned
earlier, SBP has also issued operational guidelines for ATMs and credit card business in
Pakistan. These guidelines set forth the minimum operational standards and help in
managing risks related to e-banking services.
8.2 Large Value Payment System in Pakistan: Modalities and Operations of PRISM
A large value payment system is generally associated with payment activity for high-value
and critical transactions, and primarily deals with inter-bank fund transfers, third-party
payments by banks on behalf of major corporate clients as well as securities settlement. The
significance of transactions being settled through large value payment system can be gauged
from the fact that the average value per transaction settled in PRISM under this category
amounted to Rs 248.1 million as against the average amount per retail transaction at Rs
299,000 in FY10.
In general, a large value payment system can either work on a Real Time Gross Settlement
(RTGS) basis or a Deferred Net Settlement (DNS) basis. RTGS is a gross settlement system in
which both the processing and final settlement of funds transfer instructions takes place
continuously (i.e. in real time). This mechanism is in contrast to the DNS, where the
settlement of payment obligations takes place on net, end-of-day settlement basis. RTGS
systems are being adopted by a significant number of economies due to their contribution in
limiting settlement and systemic risks in the financial sector payment processes (Box 8.2).
However, adopting RTGS has its downside given its increased reliance on liquidity since the
settlement of payments on gross basis implies that banks might need substantial balances in
their settlement accounts. Also, real time settlement implies that banks might be in need of
funds at any point during the entire day. This entails some further arrangements on the part
of the payment system authority to address liquidity shortages, which are more an
externality of the newly adopted system rather than an indication of the actual liquidity
situation in the market. Not only do such arrangements have a bearing on the smooth
functioning of the RTGS, but also go a long way in ensuring the stability of the financial sector
by instilling confidence in the banking system. In case of Pakistan, SBP has issued detailed
PRISM Operating Rules5 to streamline the use of the system.
PRISM is owned and operated by State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), which governs its operational
as well as regulatory aspects. Its implementation is being carried out in a phased manner, to

RTGS Circular No. RTGS/54/82 (7) dated March 9, 2009.


Financial Stability Review 2009-10

Box 8.2: Transition to RTGS
Historically, inter-bank transactions were settled using Deferred Net Settlement Systems (DNS). These systems
generally worked on end of day settlement basis, where payment obligations of financial institutions were netted
against each other and the balance was exchanged on bilateral or multilateral basis. DNS had the advantage of
less reliance on available liquidity, and as a rule of thumb, needed $1 to settle $100 of gross payments, thereby
economizing the use of banks settlement balances. But due to the inherent risks in this form of settlement and
the associated credit risk, the system was not very reliable. As financial innovation and increased economic
activity lead to a surge in the number as well as the value of transactions, there was a proportionate increase in
the risks involved. This resulted in a shift towards real time gross settlement systems (RTGS) where transactions
are settled as and when they arise, thereby curtailing the element of settlement risk. Transactions executed in
RTGS are final and irrevocable, and hence if a financial institution defaults on its obligations later during the day,
those who have received payments from that bank will remain unaffected. This implies that systemic risk is
eliminated due to finality of settlement balances shifted.
Developments in the field of IT have facilitated a feasible transition to RTGS. Initially the pace of implementation
of RTGS was very slow, with the number of central banks using RTGS increasing from 3 in 1985 to 15 in 1995.
Pioneering central banks were Federal Reserve Bank, Danish National Bank, Dutch Central Bank and the Riks
Bank (Sweden). In the 1990s, mostly industrialized countries adopted the system. Since then however, RTGS has
become the preferred mode of settling payments for central banks all over the world. According to a World Bank
survey on payment system practices conducted in 2008, 112 out of 142 central banks surveyed had adopted
RTGS as a large value settlement system by March 2008.
Source: Bech and Hobijn,(2007) & World Bank, (2008).

ensure smooth transition for the participants to the new system and to allow SBP to: (1)
carefully monitor the situation for any potential problems, and (2) provide necessary
support to the users, in case some problem arises. In the initial phase, the inter-bank fund
transfer facility was made operational on July 1, 2008 whereas the online securities
settlement facility for Government Securities was added on in August 2008. As the system
stabilized, SBP introduced additional features such as the Intra-day Liquidity Facility6 (ILF),
SBPs internal transactions7 (export refinance settlement, auction/OMOs settlements, foreign
exchange transactions etc.), clearing batches received from NIFT and access to stock
exchange members through their settlement banks. In general, the system continues to
evolve over time to make use of all the facilities inbuilt in the main RTGS application (Box
This section reviews the operational performance of PRISM in settlement of large value
transactions during FY10, besides exploring the impact of PRISM implementation on banks
liquidity needs and relevant policy actions taken by SBP.
8.2.1 Major Operations of PRISM
Since its launch in July 2008, PRISM has been used extensively and has processed 530,056
transactions amounting to more than Rs 135 trillion, as of end-FY10 (Figure 8.8a). During
FY10, the system settled 293,644 transactions against 236,412 transactions during FY09,
exhibiting an increase of 24.2 percent. The total amount settled through PRISM also
increased by 17.1 percent to Rs 72.8 trillion, up from Rs 62.2 trillion in the previous year.
Importantly, the volume as well as value of transactions executed in the first two years,
points to the scope as well as the significance of a large value payment system in the
economy. For FY10 specifically, the amount settled through PRISM was 5.7 percent of the
GDP. Average daily volume of transactions stood at 965 approximately, with daily average
settled amount at Rs 239 billion approximately (Figure 8.8b).

As discussed in section 10.2, Chapter 10,Payment and Settlement System, Financial Stability Review 2008-09.
are currently being executed fully through RTGS.

7 These


Payment and Settlement System

Box 8.3: Operational Features of PRISM
Since its inception in July 2008, PRISM has evolved into the core component of the large value payment system
infrastructure in the country. However, PRISM in its current form is not solely a large value payment system
since there is no minimum threshold for the amount of transactions being settled through the system. Following
are some of the modalities of PRISM.

Types of Participants
All the financial institutions with access to PRISM are Direct Participants on mandatory basis, while those
who do not have a settlement account with SBP can use the facility by becoming sub-participants of a
specific Direct Participant (by designating any Direct Participant as their settlement agent). Further,
participants who have a settlement account with SBP but do not have access to PRISM can become Indirect
Participants whereby their transactions are executed and settled through the Service Bureau(a facility set
up at SBP premises with a view to execute transactions on participants behalf) as per their instructions.
Currently there are 42 direct participants of PRISM which include all the commercial banks, 4
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs),1 and 1 microfinance bank.2
RTGS Applications
Participants can execute their transactions using two applications which are: (i) RTS/X for cash
transactions (also called cash module) and (ii) Depo/X for securities transactions (also called CD-Holdings
module of PRISM).
Nature of Transactions
Although the system was created for large value transfers, currently no minimum threshold level has been
set for the value of payment obligations to be settled. In future however, when participants will be allowed
to execute transactions on behalf of their customers, the volume of transactions may require a minimum
Priority Setting
Participants can assign different priority levels to their transactions based on the criticality of transaction.
Payments due to SBP, for clearing purposes or DvP transactions, are assigned priority levels from 1 to 9
while transactions by participants can be assigned priority levels from 10 to 99, and the latter can also be
reprioritized by the participant which initiated the transaction. Transactions with SBP are given due
weightage in the system and participants cannot change the priority level for transactions with SBP.
Queue Management
In case of insufficient funds, the system holds the transactions in a queue until requisite funds become
available from some other source. These transactions are released from the queue on the availability of
funds on a First in First out (FIFO) basis, within assigned priorities. Participants can manage their fund
transfer queues by reprioritizing the execution of their transactions depending upon availability of funds
and criticality of transactions.
Gridlock3 Resolution
Since transactions in real time and gross basis are not synchronized, with payments of one bank being
receipts of another, the system can potentially experience gridlocks in case of insufficient funds in the
payers account at any point in time, as queues get piled up in a significant amount. These gridlocks can be
resolved by applying the in-built gridlock resolution mechanism, which has the ability to offset or reprioritize the queued transactions. It works by pooling the pending payments together in a central
processor, and looks for set of payments which could be settled simultaneously (essentially the idea
behind this is netting of the mutual obligations) and settles them as soon as they appear. Gridlock
resolution mechanism, can be activated (manually or automatically) by setting a number of parameters
like value, volume etc of payments in queue. For PRISM, the gridlock resolution mechanism is being used
manually whereby SBP has the authority to apply this mechanism if it feels the need.
Finality and Irrevocability of Transactions and Settlements
Transactions in PRISM are deemed final and irrevocable once the system has executed both legs of
transactions (which are done simultaneously), and payer and payee have received debit and credit
confirmation respectively. Finality of payments settled in PRISM are protected under the Payment Systems
& Electronic Funds Transfer Act, 2007.4 Hence, the participating financial institutions are themselves
responsible to ensure that all transactions being processed through the system are legitimate, and SBP
under no circumstances would amend any transactions on behalf of participants.
Message Flow Design
PRISM employs the V design of message flow, whereby the central bank settles the transaction after
receiving full details from the paying bank. Receiving bank gets the confirmation only after the payment
has been settled (Figure 1). This implies that the bank receiving payment will only be able to utilize its
funds once the transaction is settled, thereby reducing the liquidity risk associated with advance use of
receivable funds.


Financial Stability Review 2009-10

SBP is using both wired as well as wireless
media of communication to connect the
participants with each other and SBP.
Confidential nature of information calls for use
of state of the art cryptographic facilities in the
system as well as message validation
Service Bureau
SBP has also set up a service bureau which can
be used by PRISM participants in case they
experience any issue with using the network
or the RTGS application. Currently this facility
is working under operational guidance from
the main RTGS setup, but in future it will be
operationally segregated from the RTGS office.

Figure 1: V Design of Message Flow Structure

Sending Bank

Receiving Bank

1 Payment Instructions

2 Payment Settlement

Central Bank

Pak Kuwait Investment Company, Pak Oman Investment Co., Pak Libya Investment Co., and Saudi Pak. Industrial &
Agricultural Investment Co.
2 Tameer Microfinance Bank.
3 A situation that can arise in a funds or securities transfer system in which the failure of some transfer instructions to be
executed (because the necessary funds or securities balances are unavailable) prevents a substantial number of other
instructions from other participants from being executed: BIS CPSS, 2003.














billion Rupees

trillion Rupees



Source: Payment System Department, SBP










number in '000'



Figure 8.8b: Average Daily Transactions in PRISM


Figure 8.8a: PRISM Activities


PRISM has been designed to handle all large-value payments as well as transactions related
to settlement of government securities. The payment component of PRISM settles payments
for the purpose of inter-bank fund transfers, the cash leg of securities market transactions,
and net settlement positions of cheque clearing. The second component of PRISM is a
securities settlement system for government securities transactions resulting from
sale/purchase of MTBs and PIBs in the primary and the secondary market. Since end-FY10,
the NCCPL has been allowed to use the system for settlement of its final balances through
fund transfers between accounts of different members of Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE)
through their settlement banks, using the cash module of PRISM. Thus, in general, the
operations of the system can be categorized into following four areas:


Payment and Settlement System

Retail Cheque clearing/ Settlement of Multilateral Net Settlement Batches (MNSBs)

received from NIFT
Initially, the banks Settlement Accounts (also known as Current Accounts) with SBP were
netted out at 16 locations by employing SBP BSC services. With the initiation of NIFT
services, the netting process transformed into a more efficient and automated mechanism,
employing equipment like the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) Reader/Sorter etc.
for image-based processing of cheques. This facilitated the shift to cheque truncation8
whereby physical movement of cheques is not needed, reducing substantially the time
needed for clearing. Nonetheless, the clearing process was still not centralized and
consolidated which was a prerequisite for smooth functioning of RTGS since it would ensure
timely completion of banks settlements. Hence in 2007,9 NIFT clearing operations were
changed from decentralized processing to centralized multilateral netting on a countrywide
Under the new arrangements, instead of providing individual netted amount at each SBP
branch, NIFT Karachi office was authorized to collect and consolidate data from all NIFT
automated centers (20 local offices and the Karachi office) and provide country-wide net
position to SBP BSC Karachi, in the form of Multilateral Net Settlement Batches (MNSBs) for
final settlement. With the inception of RTGS, the settlement of these clearing batches was
transferred to the system. At present, PRISM settles three clearing batches (Normal, Intercity, Same day) and one Return Batch (Same day Returns). These clearing batches are
processed within designated timings imposed by SBP from time to time,10 and participants
are required to comply with the operating rules of PRISM during the process. Specifically, to
execute the clearing within the designated timings, participants with net debit balance and
insufficient funds are required to obtain funding immediately. They can also avail the
automatic intra-day liquidity facility (ILF) from SBP in case of non-availability of funds
(discussed in section 8.2.2). Therefore, clearing is assigned the highest priority in the queue
for ILF.
The System settled 51,736 clearing
transactions amounting to Rs 11.6 trillion
during FY10, which was 20.8 percent higher
in volume and 11.4 percent higher in value
against FY09. These figures suggest that
Retail Cheque Clearing constitutes less than
one- fifth of the transactions being settled in
PRISM (Table 8.4).

Table 8.4: Composition of Settlement in PRISM

percent share in total
Volume of
Value of
Transactions Transactions
FY09 FY10 FY09 FY10
Securities Settlement





Inter-bank Fund Transfer(IFT)





Retail Cheque Clearing Batches





Source: PSD SBP

Inter-bank Funds Transfer (IFT)

Instructions for inter-bank fund transfer can be initiated by SBP as well as participants, and
in case of insufficient balance in payers account, the transactions are placed in a queue
according to their designated priority level, as discussed above. Notably, the payment
instructions are executed according to their priority level but at a given priority, transactions
are settled on FIFO basis. Transactions with SBP are treated as critical and any participant
whose fund transfer to SBP remains unsettled after the designated time can be penalized.

Cheque truncation is a mechanism of cheque clearing where cheques are presented to the paying bank in electronic or image
form, thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of cheques. The process has reduced the inter-city clearing time
9 SBP Circular No. RTGS/ 248 /65-2007 dated July 24th, 2007.
10 Currently, settlement of Normal Clearing is executed from 9:00 to 9:30 am, Intercity Clearing from 10:45 to 11:15 am, Sameday clearing during 12:00 to 12:30pm and Returns Batch from 2:30 to 3:00 pm. Source: PSD-RTGS Circular No. 185/ 82(7)-2009
dated September 18, 2009.


Financial Stability Review 2009-10

During FY10, the system settled Rs 24.98 trillion on account of IFT, which is 1.67 percent
lower than the amount settled during FY09. Volume of transactions settled however
increased by 27.8 percent and the system settled 188,706 transactions in FY10 against
147,646 transactions in FY09. This implies that on average, the amount per transaction
settled for the purpose of IFT, was lower in FY10 at Rs 132 million in FY10 as against Rs 172
million in the previous year. IFTs are the most significant component of transactions being
settled in PRISM on the basis of volume, at 64.2 percent of the total transactions settled in
FY10 (Table 8.4). Once a threshold for the value of transactions is put into place, there will
be a subsequent impact on the volume of these transactions.
Government Securities Transactions
PRISM operating rules direct the participants to maintain a Depository (Depo) account with
SBP which is further divided into two categories for operational reasons. Firstly, the Own
account which is used for settlement of securities owned by participants themselves and
secondly, the Investment Portfolio Securities (IPS) account which is used to hold and transfer
securities on behalf of their customers. Hence, PRISM participants can carry out securities
transactions on their own account as well as on behalf of their customers. Moreover, these
accounts can also be used for securities transactions with SBP and hence the system
facilitates the conduct of SBP market operations as well as government securities auctions.11
Furthermore, the system can execute transactions on both Delivery versus Payment12 (DvP)
as well as Delivery versus Free13 (DvF) basis, as called for by the participants. In both cases it
serves to reduce the asynchronous settlement risk in securities transactions by carrying out
both legs of the transaction simultaneously.
Securities transactions amount is the largest component of transacted amount in the system
and accounts for nearly half of the amount settled so far in PRISM (Table 8.4). However on
the basis of volume, these transactions are only one-fifth of the total transactions. During
FY10, the system settled Rs 32.6 trillion on account of 53,202 securities transactions, with
average amount per transaction at about Rs 680 million.
Funds Settlement Facility for NCCPL
As detailed in Box 8.1, NCCPL is responsible for final settlement of corporate securities
transactions by sending final positions (on net basis) of its customers to CDC (for securities
leg of transactions) and settlement banks (for cash leg of transactions). This final settlement
of funds through settlement banks, whereby accounts of members in surplus balance are
credited while those with negative balance are debited, has been shifted to the system w.e.f.
June 30 FY10,14 and is executed via PRISM participants.
8.2.2 Liquidity Management and RTGS/PRISM
RTGS worldwide is in general a large value payment system mechanism, which implies that
the scale as well as criticality of transactions being executed is quite high. In addition to this,
as discussed above, the transactions being settled are asynchronous with payment of one
bank becoming receipts of the other and hence liquidity strain faced by one bank can have a
domino impact on others in the system. Although the queuing mechanism in RTGS can
counter the problem to a great extent, still the system can potentially experience gridlocks
when payment instructions are piled up due to a system-wide impact of shortfall of funds

The securities settlement application, Depo/X, includes an auction plug-in module for managing government securities
12 Defined by BIS CPSS, 2003 as a mechanism in an exchange-for-value settlement system that ensures that the final transfer of
one asset occurs if and only if the final transfer of (an) other asset(s) occurs.
13 Used for simultaneous exchange of securities, since no cash is involved.
14 Since this facility was initiated only recently, no data for this category of settlement is available so far.


Payment and Settlement System

with some of the banks. To avoid these gridlocks, central banks all over the world generally
provide intra-day liquidity facility to the participating banks (Box 8.4).
Provision of explicit intra-day credit is also
well founded on the grounds that holding
extra reserves for intra-day payment
opportunity cost for banks and hence could
result in reluctance on their part to settle
transactions immediately, with a preference
to wait for incoming funds. 15 Such an
occurrence can undermine the optimal use of
RTGS and can also intensify gridlocks in the

Box 8.4: Types of intra-day credit facilities and

case of Pakistan
Modalities for provision of intra-day liquidity differ at
different central banks in the world. Generally the
policy tools used to rationalize the use of intra-day
credit can be categorized into three groups namely: (i)
quantity limits being used in Switzerland and Japan,
(ii) collateralized credit being provided in Germany,
Netherlands, Sweden, France, and United Kingdom and
(iii) priced credit being employed by the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York.
Some countries also apply a mix of above three tools to
optimize their use. The decision to adopt the type of
intra-day credit facility depends on the structure of the
financial sector in the country, the central banks
approach to liquidity risk management, available
technologies as well as the cost of the collateral. In case
of Pakistan, recent developments in financial markets
in the form of higher government borrowing from
scheduled banks and resultantly higher availability of
collateral in the form of eligible government securities
has facilitated the intra-day credit policy and SBP is
providing free, and unlimited intra-day credit against
100 percent collateral (for details see section 8.2.2).

Banks generally fulfil their intra-day need for

funds through the inter-bank market,
resorting to the central bank as a last option.
However, if the intra-day loans are not
settled on the same day and the intra-day
credit spills into the overnight market, it
could affect the overnight interest rates with
the potential of diluting the central banks
monetary policy actions. This spill-over is
clearly more likely in case of inter-bank
Furfine and Stehm (1998) and IMF( 1998).
market transactions for intra-day credit,
since central banks do not have full control over the inter-bank market to ensure same day
settlement of the intra-day loans between banks. However, the central bank can prevent
these transactions from taking place at all.

Studies16 suggest that central bank facilities for intra-day credit on easy terms can serve this
purpose, by incentivising banks to avail credit from the central bank during the day.
Therefore, it is suggested that central banks should intervene in the intra-day market by
providing necessary liquidity without any cost, but at the same time ensure that the intraday loans are not converted into overnight credit. The latter can be addressed by enforcing
same day settlement of the loan. Besides, fully collateralizing the loan would ensure that
participants would economize on the use of the facility by ensuring better liquidity
management on their part.
Central Bank Intra-day Credit and Market Liquidity
It has been argued that introduction of the intra-day funds facility could increase the
liquidity in the system, directly by increasing the turnover of reserves held by banks at the
central bank. Hence RTGS has been criticized for not thinking through the implications for
market liquidity with the use of an intra-day credit facility. However, even though an intraday credit facility is not a pre-requisite for the introduction of RTGS, participants can still
issue cheques on their settlement account (with the central bank) even when they do not
have enough balance in these accounts. Hence, they could overdraw their settlement account
during the day with the central bank, without explicitly seeking liquidity.17 This implies that
banks are generally being provided the intra-day liquidity facility implicitly and without any
limits or collateralization. Consequently, the explicit intra-day credit would streamline the
Furfine and Stehm (1998).
Dale & Rossi, 1996 and Vanhoose (1990).
17 Wijesinghe (2007).


Financial Stability Review 2009-10

whole process besides facilitating the functions of RTGS. This practice was also observed in
case of the domestic banking sector before the introduction of real time settlement through
SBP Intra-day Liquidity Facility
Payment system activity in general is associated with need for market liquidity which (as
mentioned above) further intensifies with the introduction of RTGS. To ensure financial
sector stability, SBP proactively manages the liquidity position in the inter-bank market, in
line with its monetary policy stance, while also managing the governments borrowing needs
which are met either by the central bank or through scheduled banks. Often these conflicting
goals could have far reaching consequences. The relatively higher need for liquidity as an
externality of RTGS/PRISM can thus add to the problem, more so in a monetary tightening
phase. But a carefully designed liquidity facility, with minimum implications for market
liquidity as well as monetary policy, has kept this externality for PRISM in check.
In addition to the monitoring, regulation and processing of payments, SBP provides an
unlimited intra-day credit facility namely intra-day liquidity facility (ILF) to banks on fully
collateralized basis without charging any price.18 The facility has been designed carefully to
prevent any indirect implications for SBPs monetary policy implementation as discussed
above. Specifically, since the collateral arrangement for the ILF entails commercial banks to
enter into a same day repurchase agreement with SBP, the funds availed do not spill into the
overnight market. At the operational level, SBP gives special emphasis on carrying out the
buyback on same day basis, and buyback is currently being initiated by SBP on FIFO basis.
Hence, ILF is provided for a very short time even within a given day, with the objective of
avoiding gridlocks and does not create any impact on the liquidity position in the market. All
the transactions so far have been completed on same day basis and no spill-over to overnight
credit has occurred. PRISM also has the provision to automatically carry out the buy-back of
securities at the end of the day in case any ILF transaction remains unsettled (not bought
back), subject to availability of sufficient funds in participants settlement account. In case of
insufficient funds, SBP can impose a penalty on the participants, and can even redeem the
securities placed as collateral.
Eligible securities for pledging purpose are MTBs and PIBs. Moreover, the facility is provided
only against free19 securities and SBP validates the securities before holding these as pledges.
The facility is provided for three sets of operations, namely: (1) clearing (this receives top
priority in the queue for ILF), (2) inter-bank transactions where securities are netted and (3)
maturity of government securities auctions, OMO injections and discounting.
Request for ILF is initiated by the participants themselves and they also provide details of
the securities to be pledged, which are verified using the Securities module. Upon successful
verification, the system blocks these securities and the cash-leg of the transaction is carried
out. Currently the face value of the securities being pledged is treated as the loan amount to
be disbursed but in future, the system has the provision for applying a haircut20 to the actual
value of securities. Haircut application is soon expected to become operational, as a market
risk reduction mechanism. Participants availing the facility will have to return the amount of
loan actually disbursed (not the value of the security pledged) and hence the loan would still
Intra-day funds facility with fee is being used by Federal Reserve Bank. As suggested by Vanhoose (1990), explicit or implicit
pricing of intra-day funds facility could affect the volatility of 24 hour or longer term interest rates, which could act counter to
the monetary policy stance of the central bank.
19 Currently participants give the details of the securities to be pledged which are then validated by viewing the respective
participants Depo account. Going forward, matching of securities to the requested ILF amount as well as validation of securities
will be an automated process carried out by the system.
20 As per BIS CPSS, 2003, haircut is the difference between the market value of a security and its collateral value. Haircuts are
taken by a lender of funds in order to protect the lender, should the need arise to liquidate the collateral, from losses owing to
declines in the market value of the security.


Payment and Settlement System

be free of cost. Upon completion of the cash leg of the transaction, participants receive credit
confirmation while SBP receives debit confirmation. Once the securities are delivered to the
SBP ILF account with the securities module, the transactions stands complete. The buy-back
of this transaction is recorded as the value date (same day). Figure 8.9 gives a synopsis of
monthly ILF utilization since the start of the facility in January 2009.

billion Rupees


















billion Rupees

8.2.3 Major Sources of Intra-day Liquidity Pressure: Role of Policy Actions

Market liquidity strains are likely to show in
Figure 8.9: Monthly ILF Utilization
ILF utilization as evident from Figure 8.10.
Clearly, ILF utilization in Q2 and Q3-FY10
reflected the strained market liquidity
position prevalent at that time. In particular,
net contraction in net foreign assets (NFA)
of the banking sector coupled with a rise in
the demand for private sector credit, lower
retirement of loans for commodity
operations and loans to PSEs resulted in
pressure on liquidity during these quarters.
Despite improved deposit generation, bank
liquidity in general remained stressed
which is evident by the low level of excess
Source: Payment System Department, SBP
cash reserves held by banks at SBP, as well
as the overnight rates which remained close
Figure 8.10: Bank Liquidity and ILF Utilization
to the SBP reverse repo rate. This prompted
ILF amount availed(RHS)
ON WA rate(average)
SBP to intervene in the market by injecting
SBP reverse repo rate
Rs 1,596.4 billion and Rs 1,141.1 billion in
Excess CRR
Q2-FY10 and Q3-FY10 respectively. This
stress was despite lower government
borrowing through T-bills in comparison to
preceding quarters. Data shows that overall
liquidity stress did trickle into intra-day
liquidity management which resulted in
higher utilization of ILF.

As discussed in section 8.2.1, on the basis of

Source: SBP
value, government securities settlements
are the most significant component of transactions settled through PRISM. This implies that
government securities transactions involve far more market liquidity than inter-bank
transactions, which points to the significance of these transactions. Hence the systems
liquidity requirement will definitely change with increase in these transactions and if the
banking sector is already under liquidity stress, some spill over of these pressures is
expected to be seen in ILF usage. This implies that SBP policy actions as well as government
securities auctions could have possible externalities for the functioning of PRISM in form of
intra-day liquidity stresses.
Moreover, this phenomenon has also been observed in context of queue management in the
system, where generally the settlement dates for SBP OMOs maturities as well as
government auctions coincide with piling up of a relatively higher number of queues.
Generally it has been observed that on the weekly settlement days of auctions and OMO
maturities, number of queues at peak times is around 50-70 percent higher, in comparison to
normal days. Despite this pressure on the system, management of intra-day liquidity through
ILF has ensured smooth functioning of PRISM during the past two years.


Financial Stability Review 2009-10

8.2.4 Future Initiatives

PRISM has been operational for over two years and now handles a wide variety of
transactions. Going forward, the implementation of the features detailed below will enhance
the capacity of the system.

Automated REPO ILF Operation: Going forward, the system will introduce automatic
generation of ILF requests whereby PRISM will itself generate requests for ILF, sensing
the needs of the distressed participants (using the built-in liquidity parameters set). Not
only will the system generate liquidity requests but the securities to be pledged will also
be matched automatically to the liquidity requirement.

Automated ILF Buyback Operation: Similarly, Buyback ILF operations will be automated
and at a designated time in the day, all the transactions in ILF will be reversed

Conversion of ILF operations to Discount Window operations: The system also has
provision for the participants to make a request for conversion of ILF to discount
window (DW) facility, but this aspect has not become operational in PRISM.

Application of Haircut: As mentioned above, application of haircut on the face value of

securities while providing ILF is a market risk reduction mechanism. This feature will be
introduced soon and will also be an automated procedure (system will apply the
assigned haircut, for example 5 percent, and disburse the remaining amount as loan).

Cross Border Settlement: PRISM Message structure is SWIFT compliant and therefore
PRISM can be integrated with the Cross Border Settlement System if required.

8.3 Conclusion
Payment systems have evolved tremendously during the past few decades, with the
increasing sophistication of modes of payment settlements, and have come a long way from
the traditional paper-based modes, with evolution of electronic payment instruments on the
back of modern technological advancements. In Pakistan, the development of electronic
banking has been a major milestone in transforming the retail payments landscape in the
country. Launch of PRISM in 2008 was then the next necessary step in making the large
value payment mechanism centralised and fully mechanised resulting in minimum reliance
on the traditional cheque clearing process for inter-bank transactions. During FY10, the
payment system activity kept its upward trend with both retail as well as large value
transactions exhibiting stellar growth.


Payment and Settlement System

Bank of International Settlement Committee on Payment and Settlement System (2001),
Core Principles for Systematically Important Systems, January 2009.
Bank of International Settlement Committee on Payment and Settlement System (2003), A
Glossary of terms used in Payment and Settlement Systems, March 2003.
Bech, M. L. and Hobijn, B. (2007), Technology Diffusion within Central Banking: The Case of
Real-Time Gross Settlement, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report No.
Dale, S. and Rossi, M. (1996), A Market for Intra-day Funds: Does it have implications for
Monetary Policy?, Bank of England Working Paper Series No. 46.
Furfine, C.H. and Stehm, J.(1998), Analyzing Alternative Intra-day Credit Policies in RealTime Gross Settlement Systems, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 30, No.
4, pp. 832-848.
IMF (1998), Payment Systems, Monetary Policy and the Role of the Central Bank, IMF
Publication Services, Washington D.C.
PRISM operating rules available at
VanHoose, D. (1990), Bank Behaviour, Interest Rate Determination and Monetary Policy in a
Financial System with an Intra-day Federal Funds Market, Journal of Banking and
Finance Vol. 15 pp.343-365.
Wijesinghe, D.S. (2007), Intra-day Liquidity Facility. Does it have an impact on Monetary
Policy? Bank of Sri Lanka Staff Studies Volume 37 Numbers 1& 2 2007, pp.1-17.
World Bank Group (2008), Payment Systems Worldwide: A Snapshot (Outcomes of the
Global Payment Systems Survey 2008).


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