Chaos Warbands 2013
Chaos Warbands 2013
Chaos Warbands 2013
These rules suggestions are put together and shared online purely for the enjoyment of gaming with
Chaos Warbands within the Warhammer World. No ownership is claimed by the author upon these rules
and no claim is made to any original ideas.
All trademarks and copyrights are solely the property of Games Workshop.
You may upgrade up to three models from your
Warband to Aspiring Champions. These models
then become potentially mighty warriors, who
are themselves taking their first steps on the
path to damnation.
As appropriate for such potentially mighty
warriors, each Aspiring Champion may choose
a Gift or Attribute using the following rules:
Now that you have chosen your Champion and
his Aspiring Champions, and they are all
equipped to seek glory in the eyes of their
patron Gods, note that all remaining models in
your Warband are known as 'Followers'.
2 3:
Juggernaut of Khorne.
Palanquin of Nurgle.
Steed of Slaanesh.
Disc of Tzeentch.
Daemonic Mount.
Note: The majority of the above advancements are stat increases, but
this is deliberate. You are encouraged to use your imagination in
explaining the stat increase. For example, a Champion may gain +1
initiative due to being gifted with extra eyes, or +1 attack as a result
of growing extra limbs.
I could present you with D100 tables of finely detailed mutations,
gifts and attributes, all of which would give an in game bonus that
would boil down to a stat increase or similar.
Surely then, it makes more sense to let the dice Gods decide the
increase, but to let the players decide the nature of the Gift.
But making a player pay points for such an upgrade forces him to
actively make the decision to purchase a replacement, rather than
promote an existing follower and save the points to spend on an
In the case of a high Leadership follower being promoted for free,
well, you tell a Chaos Knight that he is being overlooked for
promotion in favour of a lowly Marauder!
The following rules are applied to all games
Every Man for Himself: Each model is treated
as an individual unit in all respects:
Movement: There must be a few alterations to In the Fight: Buildings are treated as
Marching and Charging:
impassable terrain.
Below are some suggested scenarios based upon
the most common types of battle fought between
Warbands in the Northern Wastes.
Players should feel free to create their own
scenarios and mess around with deployment
rules and win conditions.
SCENARIO 1: Clash Of Warbands:
When two rival Warbands meet in the Wastes,
bloodshed ensues.
The Champions will charge into the opposition,
careless of their followers survival, wishing only
to vanquish their foe, reap souls for their God,
capture enemies for slavery or sacrifice, or to
conquer all and increase their own followers
Table Halves.
Table Quarters.
The Battlefield: The battlefield is a 4'x4' table. This Attribute remains lost until his Warband
Terrain should be generous and of mixed type. can attack the other Warbands Monolith and
Players may place terrain using whatever desecrate it.
method they agree.
If the Aspiring Champion did not survive in the
Deployment Zones: See Scenario 1 for full post game sequence, the Champions Standard
Attribute is still lost and must be won back as
details of the suggested deployment types:
described above before the Attribute can be
Table Halves.
given to another Aspiring Champion.
Table Quarters.
Finally, if there is no clear winner when the time
limit is reached, refer to Victory Points below.
Deployment: Players may deploy their Victory Points: All models are worth VP's as
Warband all at once, or may alternate by placing detailed in Scenario 1.
1 model each until all models in their Warband
SCENARIO 4: Monster Hunting:
are deployed.
From the mountains of Norsca, through the
Roll a D6:
wilds of the Troll Country, into the depths of the
1 3: Players deploy their Warband all at Shadowlands, further beyond into the Northern
Wastes, and onwards into the Realm Of Chaos
itself, the Northlands are home to many and
in the Monsters deployment area to represent its they Flee off the table, they will stop at the table
edge and automatically rally.
Deployment Zones: There are three suggested Victory Conditions: If the Warband routs and
deployment zone types for this battle:
flees the table, that player automatically loses
and the Monster is declared victorious,
Table Halves.
bellowing its rage to the dark skies.
Table Quarters.
If the Monster is slain, the Warband has won
and the Champion gains much glory in the eyes
of his followers for such a feat of arms.
See Scenario 1 for full details.
After both games have been played, with each
Warband having had its chance to hunt a mighty
Deployment: The Monster should be deployed beast, decide the winning Warband:
in secret, somewhere within its lair.
To do this the Monster player should place 3
If one Warband failed to slay the
markers in his deployment zone, and make a
Monster and the other Warband
note of which one marks the location of the
succeeded in bringing down their prey,
Monster. The other two markers are false trails.
that Warband is the winner.
If it is the Monster then the model that rival Warbands will gather and their
triggered the marker to be revealed must Champions issue and accept challenges, or
take an Initiative test:
where slavers will meet to test the mettle of
captives, seeking only the worthiest to keep and
If this test is passed, the Warbands trade, those found unworthy offered up in
hunters have worked well and
sacrifice to the Dark Gods.
found their prey. The Warbands
Such sites often take the form of a stone circle
turn continues.
or an excavated pit, sometimes the top of the
green rock.
Frequent showers of meteors rain shards of
Wyrdling Rock to the earth in the Shadowlands,
and many are the twisted purposes to which this
substance of pure Chaos can be used.
The Skaven race seem addicted to it, using it for
every imaginable purpose, even as sustenance,
whilst the Dawi Zhar make great use in their
fell, daemon possessed forges where they
manufacture the arms and armour of the
Whatever the result, that is how many of The Battlefield: The battlefield is a 4'x4' table.
the losers followers leave his Warband and Terrain should be generous and of mixed type.
Players may place terrain using whatever
join that of the victor.
If the Warband they are joining is Shard markers on the table (for a total of 7).
dedicated to the same God, or the Markers may not be placed within 6'' of a
Champion is unmarked, they keep deployment zone or within 3'' of another marker
their Mark.
or the table edge.
If the Warband they are joining is Both players roll a D6, the high roller places the
first marker. Both players then take turn to place
dedicated to a God that is
incompatible with their Mark (for the next marker until all 7 are down.
example, a Slaaneshi model joining Markers may be placed in terrain features, but
a Khornate Warband), then the not on top of impassable terrain!
Mark is removed.
Deployment Zones: See Scenario 1 for full
Game Length: The game lasts until the half SCENARIO 7: The Plain Of Bones
hour time limit is reached, or until one Warband At the top of the World, far beyond the
routs, whichever comes first.
Shadowlands, deep inside the Realm Of Chaos,
lies the Plain Of Bones.
Victory Conditions: If one players Warband An accursed place where the Champions of
routs and flees the table, that player Chaos are drawn to do battle against the
automatically loses and the other is declared greatest of their contemporaries.
In the centre of the plain lies a settlement, a
damned place where the occupants live in terror
Additionally, the primary objective is to collect and insanity, their dwelling places fortified
for trade more Warpstone Shard markers than bulwarks as much under the ground as above.
your opponent:
By night these damned souls lock the heavy
oaken doors and shutter the windows, huddling
If a model carrying a marker is killed in their sustenance. Daily they drag the corpses
combat then the model that inflicted the outwards towards the edge of the plain, so that
final wound collects the marker.
it continually expands.
At the end of the game the Warband in By night the Champions and their Warband do
possession of the most Warpstone Shard battle, drawn from their camps towards the
markers is the winner.
settlement in the centre of the plain. They care
not for those whose sleep they disturb, they care
If both Warbands possess the same number of only that here are the mightiest of Champions,
Warpstone Shard markers then refer to Victory and that to walk away from the plain victorious
Points below.
means to become a true Chosen of the Gods...
Victory Points: All models are worth VP's as
Note: This is a 4 player scenario.
detailed in Scenario 1.
The Battlefield: The battlefield is a 4'x4' table.
Post Game: During the post game sequence, Terrain should be sparse everywhere but the
Warpstone Shard markers may be traded for centre, where a settlement should be placed,
ideally covering a circular area with a diameter
and passes
a Rout test (if they fail, you
win, and VP's don't matter!).
Seize Ground: You score additional
Victory Points for every one of your
non-fleeing models in an opponents
Deployment Zone at the end of the
game. Each model earns VP's equal to
its points cost, as detailed above. So
the 8 point Marauder used as an example
above would earn you 8VP's for being
alive and not fleeing in your opponents
deployment zone when the time limit is
Below are some extra rules, ideas and notes that
haven't been included above because they either
didn't fit or didn't occur to me until now and I
don't fancy finding a place for them!
Either way, they might provide some food for
thought and, as with this entire document
nothing is set in stone. Try it, see what does or
does not work for you, and make changes, and
if anything included below works, then that just
proves how full of marvellous ideas I am!
1: Army Books:
This document deliberately focuses on the
Warriors Of Chaos and the Beasts of Chaos
Army Books, and introduces the Daemons Of
Chaos Army Book to allow as allies at a later
Victory Points: All models are worth VP's as This is done because Warriors and/or Beasts
detailed in Scenario 1.
with maybe a couple of Daemons feels right for
the setting, and because these are the three most
readily available from Games Workshop as
2: Slave Warriors:
The Northmen are great takers of slaves, and the
novel Riders Of The Dead does a wonderful job
of telling the story of one such slave taken after
battle and forced to fight for the entertainment
of his captors, later used as a pit fighting slave
to settle matters of pride and honour between
Champions, and later still accepting of his fate
and being worked upon by the subtle wiles of
Tzeetch, becoming a mighty Champion himself,
whom rises to lead the warband.
There is no reason why Warbands should not be
permitted to take such slaves in the form of
allies chosen from almost any and every Army
Book presently available.
I would suggest that certain unit types work
best; Empire Greatswords, Dwarf Ironbreakers,
and so on. Troops of a type very different to the
majority of those available but that also
represent worthy slaves.
Rolling a Double 6 on the Eye Of The Characters, and to ditch followers which may or
Gods Table in the post game sequence can may not be working out very well!
happen at any time. If the opponent feels
The best way to do this is to simply decide
that the Champion hasn't earned the
honour of Daemonhood he may speak up. which Aspiring Champion takes command and
When he does so he, his opponent, and which one(s) leave. Then decide which
any other players present should review followers follow him and which follow another.
the Champions career and decide if he is It is strongly recommended though that if two
(of the possible 3 remember) of the Aspiring
Champions leave then 2 thirds of the followers
8: Game Balance?:
It is entirely possible that a game of Chaos
Warbands could be an extremely unbalanced
affair, with a relatively fresh faced, starting
Warband facing the vastly superior numbers of a
mighty Champion.
For the most part this should not matter, there is
much glory to be found when taking on a
mighty foe. But to some players and in some
games where the rift is so great it will matter.
The following rules suggest a simple way to
rebalance the scales somewhat:
These rules suggestions are put together and shared online purely for the enjoyment of gaming with
Chaos Warbands within the Warhammer World. No ownership is claimed by the author upon these rules
and no claim is made to any original ideas.
All trademarks and copyrights are solely the property of Games Workshop.
North of the Empire, north of Kislev, onwards through the Troll Country, skirting the edges of the
great oblast, past the glacial northern borders of Norsca, a traveller will enter the Shadowlands, the
home of the Northmen, where the nomadic Kurgan and Hung hunt and forage and war, where the great
dark domains of the Dawi Zhar belch infernal smoke into the daemon haunted skies: the land of the
Ruinous Powers.
North still lies the Realm Of Chaos, that great twisted land where nature itself is warped and all the
physical rules of reality are contorted to breaking point and beyond.
This is where the Champions come. Followed by their loyal Warbands those who would seek out the
Gods and their blessings make their pilgrimage of endless battle and brutal death. They come in their
droves seeking death or glory in the name of their Gods, hoping and believing that they will have the
mettle to become a true chosen one of the Ruinous Powers, the gift of immortality theirs and power
unimagined at their fingertips to wield on battlefields in realms beyond imagining.
Those that don't, the vast majority, are cursed to become mindless and mutated spawn, their physical
forms altered beyond endurance and their flesh forever flowing and changing, like hot candle wax,
their sanity blasted and burnt away.
Or else to become just another collection of bleached bones littering the Plain Of Skulls, the eternal
battlefield where all Champions must come in time...
This is where the Chaos Warbands roam.