Selenium Essentials - Sample Chapter

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In this package, you will find:

The author biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 1 'The Selenium IDE'
A synopsis of the books content
More information on Selenium Essentials

About the Author

Prashanth Sams is a test automation engineer contributing to the IT
industry since 2011. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in information
technology from Anna University and lives in Chennai, India, with his
family. He started his career as a human resource executive. Later, he
worked at an HR outsourcing (US recruiting) company that operates
in Chennai.
He is very passionate about test automation and has chosen to be a
professional software engineer. He is an active blogger and a moderator
for, a blog about Selenium,
and is a great supporter of the Selenium Community, responding diligently
to questions and answers over professional networks. He loves emerging
technologies with soft skills development and spends 14 to 16 hours a day
on them. In a short span of time, he has gained rich experience in various
projects, handling different automation tools. Prashanth's Twitter handle
is @prashanthsams.

Selenium Essentials
Selenium WebDriver is an open source software-testing tool used to automate
web-based applications that is platform independent and that can be accessed
by any popular programming languages. It's been about a decade since Jason
Huggins started the Selenium project in 2004 at Thoughtworks. Later, in 2008,
Simon Stewart combined his work on WebDriver with Selenium to give a new
birth to Selenium WebDriver. Today, Selenium WebDriver is the most widely
used web-automation tool around the world.
This book provides guidance that will help readers grasp Selenium WebDriver
concepts fast. You will learn about the advanced features of the Selenium IDE
and Selenium Builder, followed by cross-browser tests, methods of Selenium
WebDriver, best practices involved, and extensive ideas to create a
Selenium framework.

What This Book Covers

Chapter 1, The Selenium IDE, provides intense ideas to practice recordand-playback IDEs such as the Selenium IDE and Selenium Builder.
Chapter 2, Selenium WebDriver Cross-browser Tests, helps you to do
efficient compatibility tests. Here, we will also learn about how to run
tests in the cloud.
Chapter 3, Selenium WebDriver Functions, delivers all the
functions of Selenium WebDriver in detail with examples on each.
Chapter 4, Selenium WebDriver Best Practices, explains how
to manage Selenium automation tasks with dissimilar techniques.
Chapter 5, Selenium WebDriver Frameworks, guides you to customize
and build any kind of automation framework using Selenium WebDriver.

Chapter 1

The Selenium IDE

The Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is an open source
record-and-playback tool for generating Selenium scripts, which is integrated
with the Firefox web browser as an extension. It is a renowned web-based UI test
automation tool that extracts any kind of locator from the web page. The locators can
be either attribute-based or structure-based, and include ID, name, link, XPath, CSS,
and DOM. The IDE has the entire Selenium Core, which allows the users to record,
playback, edit, and debug tests manually in a browser. The user actions in the web
page can be recorded and exported in any of the most popular languages, such as
Java, C#, Ruby, and Python.
Selenium Builder is an alternative open source tool for the Selenium IDE to record
and playback web applications. It is an extension of the Firefox web browser, which
is similar to the Selenium IDE, but, it has some unique features that the Selenium IDE
doesn't support. Selenium Builder is a standard tool from Sauce Labs that runs tests on
Sauce Cloud from the Selenium Builder interface itself.
In this chapter, we will learn about:

Selenium IDE's record and playback abilities

Selenium IDE functions

Selenium IDE Data Driven tests

Selenium IDE JavaScript functions

Selenium Builder record and playback

Selenium Builder Data Driven tests

Selenium Builder on cloud


The Selenium IDE

The Selenium IDE is a Firefox extension to record and playback web-based

applications. However, it does more than what a record-and-playback tool would
do. Breakpoints allow the users to debug IDE commands step by step on runtime.
The IDE has three different types of panes, namely the left pane, test case pane,
and log / reference / UI-element / rollup pane.
Launch the Selenium IDE from the Firefox Tools menu, Tools | Selenium IDE.
The IDE can also be opened using the Ctrl + Shift + S shortcut or by clicking
on the Selenium icon in the top-right corner of the Firefox web browser. The
Selenium icon is shown in the following screenshot:

A new, untitled test case will be created in Left Pane after launching the Selenium
IDE. To start with a new test case, choose New Test Case from the File menu,
that is, File | New Test Case, or make use of Ctrl + N, the Windows shortcut.
To start recording test scripts, click on the round, red icon from the playback control
toolbar. By default, the record button will be active and the test scripts are recorded
in Selenese, a domain-specific language that is similar to the HTML format.
The playback control toolbar is shown in the following screenshot:

The Fast-Slow
slider adjusts the test speed execution; the Play All
button lets you run entire test cases as a test suite, where a test suite is a collection
of test cases; and the Play
button helps you to run the current test case. The
Pause/Resume button pauses test execution for a while and allows the user to
resume tests at their convenience.
The Test Case pane displays all the recorded steps with Command, Target, and
Value. The Command column instructs the IDE about what to do. It comes with
three different aspects, which are:





Chapter 1

The Selenium IDE has a list of built-in commands that let you drive tests as expected.
Adding user-defined commands to the Selenium IDE is quite feasible by extending
the external JavaScript methods. A command can be any one of the preceding
three types. In the IDE, these commands are easily editable and replaceable with
alternative commands while generating scripts.
Action commands manipulate the application state through some kind of actions,
can be either action or actionAndWait. Action commands that end with the suffix
AndWait allow the page to load fully before starting to execute the next command.
A few of the Action command examples are open, type, typeAndWait, select,
selectAndWait, check, checkAndWait, click, and clickAndWait.
Accessors detect the application state and store results in a variable; store, storeText,
and storeValue are the commands that are used to store values. For example, in the
following screenshot, search is a variable and prashanth sams is the search keyword.
Later on, the stored value is retrieved and is used as a parameter for an action,
${search}. The discussion in this paragraph is encapsulated in this screenshot:

Assertions verify the application state by validating the expected result. It is

available in three different modes, namely, assert, verify, and waitFor. Assert fails
and aborts the test execution upon failure, verify fails and continues the test execution
upon failure, and waitFor waits for a specific condition to occur and fails upon
timeout. By default, the timeout is set to 30,000 milliseconds, 30 seconds. In the
Selenium IDE, the timeout can be manually configured using the Options menu.
The Target field directs the IDE to locate elements, and the general syntax for
Target is as follows:
locatorType = argument

An example for Target is as follows:



The Selenium IDE

The Log / Reference / UI-Element / Rollup pane is displayed at the bottom of the
IDE. This is shown in the following screenshot:

This pane allows the user to see the log information, command reference, UI-Element,
and Rollup, among others. On installing the Neustar plugin to the Selenium IDE, a
separate tab called Neustar Script Uploader will be shown along with the other tabs.
Neustar WPM (formerly called Browsermob) is a web performance management tool
for web page monitoring and load testing.
The log captures all the IDE test execution steps one by one and is mainly used for
debugging purposes. The Debug menu in the bottom pane contains a list of options,
namely Info, Debug, Warn, and Error. It lets you filter the explicit status, warning,
and error messages, and certainly reduces the verbosity level.


Chapter 1

The Reference tab gives a detailed explanation of the IDE commands upon clicking
on each row from the Test Case pane. In the case of user-defined commands,
the Reference tab will not include any information. Rollup executes a group of
commands in one step; it is reusable and can be used any number of times within
the test case. Refer to Help | UI-Element Documentation for more details about
UI-Element and Rollup.
While recording test scripts, the Selenium IDE provides UI-based options for
every mouse right-click on elements on a browser web page. To achieve this,
right-click on the web page and hover the mouse over Show All Available
Commands. The following screenshot is the result of this action:

WebDriver playback
The WebDriver playback feature in Selenium IDE lets you run tests in any one of
the most popular web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, HtmlUnit, Internet Explorer, and
Opera. By default, the WebDriver playback feature is turned off and is inactive. To run
Selenium IDE scripts through WebDriver, turn on the WebDriver playback settings.


The Selenium IDE

Launch the Selenium IDE and choose Selenium IDE Options from the Options menu.
Switch to the WebDriver tab and select the Enable WebDriver checkbox. Now, restart
the Selenium IDE to enable the WebDriver playback feature. However, on changing
the browser name, restarting the IDE is not necessary. The idea discussed in these two
paragraphs is shown in the following screenshot:

Prerequisites for the WebDriver playback feature

The following are the prerequisites that need to be fulfilled to enable the WebDriver
playback feature:

Download the latest Selenium Server standalone library (JAR) file

Install Java to start the Selenium Server

Download the latest drivers for popular browsers (chromedriver,

IEDriver, and so on)

Selenium Server can be initialized manually from the terminal or Command Prompt.
Open the terminal or Command Prompt, locate the Selenium Server JAR file, and
run the command using the following syntax:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-<version-number>.jar

Now you can run the command:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar


Chapter 1

Click on the Selenium IDE Play

button to drive tests through WebDriver.
To run tests in the Chrome web browser, replace the text firefox with chrome
under the Selenium IDE options, as shown in the following screenshot:

By default, it is essential to set the ChromeDriver path in your working machine.

Download the latest ChromeDriver extension from http://chromedriver.
Follow these configuration steps to set the ChromeDriver extension path for
different platforms.
On Windows:
1. Double-click and open the My Computer window.
2. Right-click anywhere on the window and select Properties.
3. Click on Advanced System settings.
4. Click on Environment Variables from System Properties.
5. Under System variables, select the variable named Path and click on
the Edit button.
6. Now, extract the downloaded ChromeDriver package and copy the
location path.
7. Paste the extracted location in Path (under System variables) and
click on OK.
On Linux:
Open the terminal and run the following command:
$ wget
$ Unzip
$ cp chromedriver /usr/local/bin
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/chromedriver


The Selenium IDE

On Mac:
1. Unzip/extract the zipped package (
2. Copy and paste ChromeDriver to /usr/bin.
3. It will prompt you to enter the admin password; enter it to set the path.

Locator prioritization
Prioritization lets you prioritize locators while recording scripts. In general, this
feature helps the user by giving high priority to generate scripts with respect to
the user's preferred locators. For example, by changing the csslocator order from
the fifth to the first position, the further elements generated on the Selenium IDE's
target will be in CSS, that is, the locatorType will be set to CSS by default.
An example of this is CSS = argument.
Launch the Selenium IDE, choose Options... from the Options menu, and switch
to the Locator Builders tab. The left-hand pane will be mounted with a list of
available locator builders, such as, ui, id, link, name, css, dom:name, xpath:link,
xpath:img, xpath:attributes, xpath:idRelative, xpath:href, dom:index,
and xpath:position. The list of available locator builders is shown in the
following screenshot:


Chapter 1

Drag and drop locator builders on the left-hand side to change their order. Finally,
click on the OK button, and restart the Selenium IDE for the changes to take effect.
To reset the default settings of the Selenium IDE, click on the Reset option found in
the bottom-left corner of the Selenium IDE options window pane.

Avoiding Selenium export

Exporting test cases each and every time can bother the user. The Selenium IDE
provides an excellent feature to avoid such exporting trouble by using a quick solution.
In general, clicking on the Source toggle button under the Test Case pane displays the
current test case in the Selenese language. The Selenium IDE transforms the existing
Selenese language into a user-preferred script format, such as, Java/JUnit4/WebDriver.
Launch the Selenium IDE and choose Options... from the Options menu. Make
sure that the option Enable experimental features is selected and click on the OK
button. Click on the Format option in the Options menu and select the preferred
combination format.
For example, you can select the Java/JUnit4/WebDriver option, as shown in the
following screenshot.
Finally, restart the Selenium IDE for the changes to take effect. In the Selenium
IDE, there is no support for exporting the test cases in TestNG with the WebDriver
(Java/TestNG/WebDriver) combination format.


The Selenium IDE

The tab will automatically switch to the Source view on disabling the Table toggle
button, as shown in the following screenshot:

The Selenium IDE clipboard

Copying snippets through Clipboard Format is one of the quickest ways to obtain
instantly generated scripts. Here, a snippet may contain one or two lines of code.
The following screenshot displays different types of export formats available under
the Clipboard Format option:

Launch the Selenium IDE, hover your mouse over the Clipboard Format option
from the Options menu, and select the preferred combination format.

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Chapter 1

An example of a combination format is Java/JUnit 4/WebDriver. In general,

the HTML snippet is set as default. The following screenshot shows a row being
copied from the Test Case pane:

Copy the following row from the Test Case pane (as shown in the preceding
screenshot) and paste it as a code snippet:

Data Driven tests

Parameterization is a part of the Data Driven technique for retrieving values from
an external data source as input. In general, the Data Driven tests are used to verify
the actual and expected values from an external data source. The Selenium IDE plays
a major role in parameterization, as it operates with different sets of permutations
and combinations. Let's see how we can use a JavaScript file as a data source for
Data Driven tests. The following is the JavaScript syntax for parameterization:
varname = "value"

For example, create a JavaScript (.js) file (Datasource.js) that includes the
following keywords:
Search1 = "PrashanthSams"
Search2 = "Selenium Essentials"

[ 11 ]

The Selenium IDE

Launch the Selenium IDE and choose Options from the Option menu,
Option | Options.... Now, browse through Selenium IDE extensions and select
the .js file created earlier (Datasource.js), as shown in the following screenshot:

Finally, restart the Selenium IDE to effect the changes. Initialize, store, and fetch
values from the .js file one by one using the storeEval command, as follows:

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Chapter 1

Here, Search1 and Search2 are the two variables that retrieve the respective
keywords from the JavaScript file. These values are again stored in the new variables,
GoogleSearch1 and GoogleSearch2, as shown in the preceding screenshot.

User-defined JavaScript methods

The IDE actions, accessors, and assertions can be user-defined and customized.
To achieve this, the user is supposed to add JavaScript methods to the Selenium
object prototype and the PageBot object prototype. In general, the Selenium IDE
verifies the user-defined JavaScript methods on launching the IDE. Selenium Core
extensions (user-extensions.js) in Options... give support to upload the
user-defined JavaScript files.
Let's discuss this with an example that involves step-by-step instructions, as follows:
1. Refer to the Google site
seleniumworks/selenium-ide-data-driven to download the following
JavaScript files:




2. Launch the Selenium IDE and choose Options from the Option menu,
Option | Options.... Now, navigate to Selenium Core extensions and
upload the JavaScript files (user-extensions.js, goto_sel_ide.js and
datadriven.js), as shown in the following screenshot. Finally, restart the
Selenium IDE for the changes to take effect.

[ 13 ]

The Selenium IDE

3. In the Selenium IDE, the XML file is used as a data source to store values,
whereas Datadriven.js is designed to support the XML file format.
Here is the syntax for XML file formatted data source:
<test varname="value" />
<test varname="value" />
<test varname="value" />

Create an XML file with the extension .xml (data.xml). Here, varname is
the variable name, and value refers to the keyword under the <test> tag.
Let's create an XML file with the .xml extension (data.xml). For example,
refer to the following code snippet:
<test phrase="selenium essentials" />
<test phrase="" />
<test phrase="prashanthsams" />

4. Take a look at these details: loadTestData is a user-defined command that

fetches the XML data source, while and endWhile do looping, whereas
nextTestData checks for the data from the next row in the data source.
The user can add any number of JavaScript methods. The following
screenshot shows this step in detail:

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Chapter 1

Selenium IDE JavaScript functions

In addition to user-defined JavaScript commands introduced through
user-extensions.js, the Selenium IDE allows the user to create JavaScript
queries or functions directly in the Target field. For example, let's run a Google
search by getting a random number between 1 and 100, as follows:

The following HTML source tags let you convert the steps into runnable test scripts:
<td>javascript{'Random number ' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);}

[ 15 ]

The Selenium IDE

Simple JavaScript execution

The predefined Selenium IDE JavaScript command runScript is a very powerful
command that lets the user execute simple JavaScript functions directly from the
IDE, for example, javascript{alert("Hello!")}.
Let's see how we can disable an active textbox and enable an inactive textbox using
the following code snippet:
document.getElementsByName('****')[0].setAttribute('disabled', '')

Mouse scroll
The scroll event is currently unavailable in the Selenium IDE. However, the
user-extensions.js file includes a JavaScript method that lets you scroll the
mouse through the web page.
Refer to the Google site
selenium-ide-tricks to download user-extensions.js. This user extension
file includes IDE commands like while, endWhile, gotoIf, gotoLabel, and push.
Increase the value to 10 based upon the vertical length of the web page, as shown
in the following screenshot:

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Chapter 1

Parameterization using arrays

The Selenium IDE command storeEval is used to store values in a variable while
running scripts, whereas storedVars is a JavaScript associate array with string
indexes containing variables. In the following example, storeEval reserves the list
of rivers in an array, and getEval is a command for initiating and incrementing the
values. Some of the commands used in this section are purely user-defined, such as
while, endWhile, and so on. Here, the endWhile command is used to break the loop
once the value inside the array reaches the maximum limit. The following screenshot
gives us a clear idea of what is being discussed here:

Let's see another example of advanced parameterization concepts using the Selenium
IDE. Refer to the Google site
selenium-ide-tricks to download the user-extensions.js
file. The following screenshot captures the essence of this discussion:

[ 17 ]

The Selenium IDE

In this example, the values are pushed into the array manually, and it does a Google
search one by one.

Selenium Builder
Selenium Builder is a record-and-playback tool similar to the Selenium IDE and is an
extension of the Firefox web browser. It has some unique features that the Selenium
IDE doesn't support, for example GitHub integration to export and commit test
suites/cases in GitHub and TestingBot integration to run tests in the cloud. It also
provides more language support than the Selenium IDE, including for languages
such as JSON, Java/TestNG, NodeJS WD, NodeJS Mocha, and NodeJS Protractor.
Selenium Builder is expected to be the future of the Selenium IDE, with advanced
features. Here's a screenshot of Selenium Builder:

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Chapter 1

Recording and playback

Upon confirmation of the addition of the Selenium Builder extension into the Firefox
browser, open the web page that is being tested (such as There are
a number of ways to open Selenium Builder, such as:

Right-click on the web page and select Launch Selenium Builder.

Choose Selenium Builder from the Tools menu, that is, Tools | Web
Developer | Launch Selenium Builder

Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl + Alt + B shortcut keys

Selenium Builder is supposed to have an option Selenium 2 to record WebDriver

test scripts. The user can easily identify the page being actively recorded, as it has
a green-colored tab, as shown in the following screenshot:

Selenium Builder allows you to have control over the web app to start recording test
scripts. It allows the users to verify their tests using a button, Record a verification.
Clicking on the verification button highlights the text to be verified all over the page
on mouseover. The mouseover function is an excellent feature of Selenium Builder
that helps the user to add mouse hover functionality whenever needed. Select the
Record mouseovers checkbox to record mouseover actions. The following screenshot
shows this functionality:

Stop recording the scripts and export (File | Export) the tests in the preferred
combination format.

[ 19 ]

The Selenium IDE

Data Driven tests

In general, Selenium Builder is capable of importing test scripts saved by the
Selenium IDE, since both the IDEs' native format is Selenese. Exporting Selenium
scripts in the Java/TestNG/WebDriver format, which avoids all the extra human
effort when working with TestNG, is feasible in Selenium Builder. TestNG is one of
the most popular unit testing frameworks and is similar to JUnit for Java bindings.
Despite the fact that Selenium Builder is a record-and-playback tool, it allows users
to perform basic Data Driven tests by receiving input from the data source. The
values can also be stored temporarily in Selenium Builder using the Manual Entry
option (Data | Manual Entry). To do so, create a variable and assign the value, as
shown in the following screenshot:

Selenium Builder comprises higher-level support for Data Driven testing that lets
you drive tests using the JSON, XML, and CSV file formats. CSV file formats can
be used to fetch data files with large volumes. Let's see some of the file formats
involving Data Driven tests.

Testing using a JSON file

The following is the syntax for a JSON file formatted data source:
{ "varname": "value", "varname": "value", ... },
{ "varname": "value", "varname": "value", ... },

[ 20 ]

Chapter 1

For example, create a JSON file with the .json extension (data.xml). Here, foo is
the variable name, whereas value is defined with the keywords prashanth and
sams, as follows:
[ {"foo": "prashanth"}, {"foo": "sams"}]

To address the values stored in a JSON file, it is recommended to call the variables,
for example, ${foo}, in the pre-recorded steps, as shown in the preceding screenshot.

Testing using an XML file

The following is the syntax for an XML file formatted data source:
<testvarname="value" />
<testvarname="value" />
<testvarname="value" />

For example, create an XML file with the .xml extension (data.xml). Here, search is
the variable name, and value refers to the keyword under the <test> tag, as shown
in the following code snippet:
<test search="selenium essentials" />
<test search="prashanthsams" />

[ 21 ]

The Selenium IDE

<test search="seleniumworks" />

Selenium Builder on the cloud

Selenium Builder allows users to run cross-browser tests on the cloud directly from
the IDE interface. To integrate Selenium Builder with Sauce and enable export and
playback scripts on Sauce OnDemand, it's necessary to install the Selenium Builder
Sauce plugin first. Launch Selenium Builder, click on Manage plugins, and install
the Sauce for Selenium Builder plugin. Also, users should create a Sauce account
before running cloud-based Selenium tests. For further details on Selenium Builder
on the cloud, refer to The following screenshot shows us
the Plugins page:

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Chapter 1

Obtain the Sauce access key after logging in to your Sauce account as a real user
or by clicking look up access key in Selenium Builder. The access key is unique for
each user.

Choose Run on Sauce OnDemand from the Run menu. Make sure that Sauce Settings
is furnished before running the test cases. All you need to do is enter the Sauce
Username, Sauce Access Key, Browser, and OS versions. Finally, log in to Sauce and
verify the test results. The tests are recorded in video and images for user preview.

In this chapter, you learned about the Selenium IDE functions, along with Selenium
Builder, and observed how to handle the Selenium IDE to automate simple tests.
In the next chapter, we will discuss advanced compatibility-testing techniques using
Selenium WebDriver. It lets you drive tests on different browsers.

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Get more information Selenium Essentials

Where to buy this book

You can buy Selenium Essentials from the Packt Publishing website.
Alternatively, you can buy the book from Amazon,, Computer Manuals and most internet
book retailers.
Click here for ordering and shipping details.

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