Basic Quantum Mechanical Concepts
Basic Quantum Mechanical Concepts
Basic Quantum Mechanical Concepts
1. Introduction 885
2. Operational approach 887
3. Classical probabilities 888
3.1 Preparation of a classical state; 3.2 Measurement of a classical state; 3.3 Analogue of a mixed state and the
marginals; 3.4 Moments and probabilities
4. Quantum probabilities 889
4.1 Classical steps in quantum models; 4.2 A complete set of operators and the measurement of the wave function;
4.3 Quantum moments; 4.4 SchroÈdinger and Heisenberg representations; 4.5 Quantum problem of moments;
4.6 Nonclassical light; 4.7 Projection postulate and the wave function reduction; 4.8 Partial wave function reduction;
4.9 Wigner correlation functions; 4.10 Mixed states
5. Two-level systems 899
5.1 q-bits; 5.2 An example of quantum state preparation; 5.3 Polarization of light; 5.4 Measurement of photon
polarization; 5.5 Correlated photons; 5.6 Negative and complex `probabilities'; 5.7 Bell's paradox for the Stokes
parameters; 5.8 Greenberger ± Horne ± Zeilinger paradox for the Stokes parameters; 5.9 `Teleportation' of photon
6. A particle in one dimension 910
6.1 Coordinate or momentum measurement; 6.2 Time-of-flight experiment; 6.3 The uncertainty relation and
experiment; 6.4 Wigner's distribution; 6.5 Model of alpha-decay; 6.6 Modulation of the wave function; 6.7. Quantum
magnetometers and the Aharonov ± Bohm paradox
7. Conclusions 917
8. Appendices 919
I. Eigenvectors of the Stokes operators and the Greenberger ± Horne ± Zeilinger paradox; II. On the theory of `quantum
References 921
Abstract. The physical meaning of the basic quantum mechan- Theoretical cognition is speculative when it
ical concepts (such as the wave function, reduction, state pre- relates to an object or certain conceptions of
paration and measurement, the projection postulate, and the an object which is not given and cannot be
uncertainty principle) is clarified using realistic experimental discovered by means of experience.
I Kant ``Critique of Pure Reason''
procedures and employing classical analogies whenever possi-
ble. Photon polarization measurement and particle coordinate
1. Introduction
and momentum measurement are considered as examples, as
also are Einstein ± Podolsky ± Rosen correlations, Aharonov ± About a hundred years ago, the Planck formula for thermal
Bohm effects, quantum teleportation, etc. Various nonclassi- radiation opened the list of victories of quantum physics. In
cality criteria of quantum models, including photon antibunch- all known experiments, excellent agreement is observed
ing and the violation of the Bell inequality, are discussed. between the predictions of the quantum theory and the
corresponding experimental data. Paraphrasing the famous
words of Wigner, one can speak of `the inconceivable
efficiency of the quantum formalism'.
Unfortunately, the efficiency of the formalism is accom-
panied by difficulties in its interpretation, which have not yet
been overcome. In particular, there is still no common
viewpoint on the sense of the wave function (WF). Another
D N Klyshko M V Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics
Department, Vorob'evy Gory, 119899 Moscow, Russia important notion of quantum mechanics, the WF reduction,
Tel. (7-095) 939 11 04 is also uncertain. Two basic types of understanding can be
E-mail: distinguished among a variety of viewpoints. A group of
physicists following Bohr considers the WF to be a property
Received 17 February 1998 of each isolated quantum system such as, for instance, a single
Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 168 (9) 975 ± 1015 (1998)
electron (the orthodox, or Copenhagen, interpretation). The
Translated by M V Chekhova; edited by L V Semenova
other group, following Einstein, assumes that the WF
describes an ensemble of similar systems (the statistical, or
886 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
should still avoid redundant notions like immediate reduc- standard deviation or the uncertainty, characterizes deviations
tion, nonlocality (Section 5.7), teleportation (Section 5.9) at from the mean value, i.e., fluctuations. For instance, for a
least in order not to promote pseudosciences. On the other regular die, hni 3:5 and Dn 1:7, while for state (3.1.1),
hand, operational definitions for the main terms form the hni 5:85 and Dn 0:73. Having the full set of moments, one
basis of any physical theory. They are especially important for can, in principle, reconstruct the state, i.e., the probabilities.
teaching quantum physics. (In quantum models, this is not always true, see Sections 4.5,
5.6 ± 5.8, 6.4.)
Any possible state of the die can be depicted as a point in
3. Classical probabilities
the six-dimensional space of states. The frame of reference for
In this section, we consider classical analogues of some this space should be given by the axes pn or cn pn . In the
notions and procedures of quantum physics. Using simple last case, the depicting point belongs, due to the normal-
classical models, we try to present a clear interpretation of the ization condition, to the multi-dimensional sphere S 5 , and the
notion of a quantum state (pure and mixed) and of its state vector can be written as C fcn g (for comparison with
preparation and measurement. We also prove the following the Poincare sphere S2, see Sections 5.3, 5.4).
two statements that also seem to be valid in the quantum case. Now let N 2. One can imagine a coin made of
(1) Ascribing a set of probabilities (which will be called `a magnetized iron. Due to the magnetic field of the Earth, the
state', in analogy with the quantum notation) to an individual probabilities of the heads, p , or tails, pÿ 1 ÿ p , depend
system with random properties has clear operational sense in on the value and direction of magnetization. Each individual
some ideal cases. coin can be characterized by a state C
p ; pÿ .
(2) There is no principal, qualitative difference between a
single trial and an arbitrarily large finite number of uniform 3.2 Measurement of a classical state
trials; in both cases, the experiment does not give reliable For a state C, which is prepared by means of a certain
result. procedure and therefore known, one can predict the out-
comes of individual trials. However, these predictions only
3.1 Preparation of a classical state relate to probabilities, with the exception for the case where
Throwing an ordinary die, one can get one of six possible one of the components of C equals 1. One can pose the inverse
outcomes, or elementary events: the figure on the upper side problem of measuring the state C.
may be n 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; or 6. (Here we mean a `fair', i.e., Clearly, it is impossible to measure C for a given coin in a
sufficiently random throwing of dice with unpredictable single trial. (Speaking of a trial, we mean a `fair' throw of the
results). Let the set of these six possibilities be called the coin with the initial toss being sufficiently chaotic.) For
space of elementary events. This space consists of discrete instance, `tails' can correspond to any initial state except
numbered points n 1; . . . ; N
N 6. To each one of these C1
0; 1, where the index of C denotes the number of trials
events, we ascribe, from some physical or other considera- M. One should either throw one and the same coin many
tions, some probability pn . Next, we assume Kolmogorov's P times or make a large number of identically prepared coins, a
axioms of non-negativity, pn 5 0, normalization, pn 1, uniform ensemble. If the coins remain the same, are not
and additivity (see, for instance, Ref. [8]). The set of damaged in the course of trials, then all these ways to
probabilities will be called the state of this individual die and measure the state are equivalent (the probability model is
denoted as C
p1 ; p2 ; p3 ; p4 ; p5 ; p6 fpn g. If the die is ergodic).
made of homogeneous material and has ideal symmetry, it is From the viewpoint of measurement, the only way to
natural to assume all probabilities to be equal, pn 1=6. define the probability is to connect it with the rate of
However, in the general case this is not correct. One can corresponding outcome. Throwing a coin 10 times and
prepare a die with shifted center of mass or some more discovering `heads' each time, one can state, with a certain
complicated model like a roulette wheel that has, for instance, extent of confidence, that C C10
1; 0. However, it is
possible that the next 90 trials the coin will show `tails'. This
0:01; 0:01; 0:01; 0:01; 0:01; 0:95 :
time, we will be more or less confident that C
Clearly, each die or each roulette wheel can be characterized C100
0:1; 0:9, Ð and still we can be mistaken, since the
by a certain state C, i.e., by six numbers that contain complete actual state might be, say, C
0:5; 0:5. This example of
probability information about this die and about its asym- exclusive bad luck shows that an actual (prepared) state C
metry. The state (the set of probabilities) of this die is cannot be measured with full reliability. One can only hope
determined by its form, construction, the position of its that as M increases, the probability of a large mistake falls
center of mass, and other physical parameters. This state and CM approaches the actual value C. In other words,
practically does not vary with time. (Hence, according to our relative rates of different outcomes almost always manifest
definition, the state of the die does not contain information regularity for increasing M.
about the throwing procedure; the results of throwing are Hence, for the case of known ideal preparation procedure,
supposed to be almost completely random and unpredict- the state C (the set of probabilities) can be associated with the
able.) chosen individual object. Here the state is understood as the
The state is often characterized by the set of moments information about the object allowing the prediction of the
fmk g, i.e., numbers generated by the state according to the probabilities of different events. At the same time, for the case
rule of known measurement results, the state can be only
X associated with an ensemble of similarly prepared objects,
mk hn k i n k pn : always with some finite reliability. There is no principal
difference between a single trial and a number of trials: the
Combining the first and the second moments, we obtain the results of experiments are always probabilistic. Similar
variance hn2 i ÿ hni2 Dn2 . Its square root, Dn, called the conclusions can be made in the quantum case.
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 889
Kolmogorovianness of the quantum theory; in the general There are well-known examples of macroscopic quantum
case, it corresponds to the absence of a priori values of the phenomena, such as the effects of superfluidity, superconduc-
observables, see Sections 4.5, 5.5 ± 5.8, 6.4. For instance, one tivity, and the Josephson effect. The wave packet of an
can measure (or calculate using c) coordinate and momen- electron can occupy macroscopic volume, and an electron
tum distributions for a particle at some time moment, but manifests itself as a `point-like' particle only when it is
their joint distribution cannot be measured. Reconstruction registered, see Section 6.1. In modern optical experiments,
of the joint distribution from the marginals is ambiguous and the coherence lengths of the fields sometimes exceed several
sometimes leads to negative probabilities. Therefore, it is kilometers. In such cases, it is quite sufficient to use a
natural to assume that a particle has no a priori coordinates phenomenological description with a small number of
and momenta. parameters and the single-mode approximation for the field,
It is also important that classical models have no concept with the atom variables excluded by introducing the linear
of complex probability amplitudes and hence, do not describe and nonlinear susceptibilities of matter w
n , n 1; 2; . . . , and
quantum interference and complex vector spaces of states. so on. For instance, with the help of the quadratic non-
There is no classical analogue of non-commuting variables, linearity w
2 , it is convenient to describe the preparation of
which do not admit joint probability distributions. `two-photon' or `squeezed' light by means of coherent
Quantum physics presents extremely special procedures nonelastic scattering of ordinary light in transparent piezo-
for preparation and observation. From the operational electric crystals (the effect of parametric scattering, or
viewpoint, a pure state c0 is a detailed coded description of spontaneous parametric down-conversion).
an ideal preparation procedure (history) for a given indivi- Apparently, all sufficiently cooled and isolated objects
dual quantum object. However, one can use or check the can be and should be described by phenomenological
information contained in the WF only under the condition quantum equations ignoring the `frozen' degrees of freedom.
that there exist several objects prepared similarly. It is only in
some special cases that knowing the state of a single particle, 4.1 Classical stages in quantum models
one can make (almost) unambiguous predictions concerning Several crucial problems can be pointed out in the quantum
the result of a single trial (see the example in Section 6.6). measurement theory. First, this is the fundamental problem
Almost all real experiments result in the preparation of mixed of unifying quantum and classical physics, the development
states where additional classical uncertainty is present in the of a universal approach to the description of a quantum
parameters of the pure states. For instance, the coherent state object and the preparation and measurement devices. This
of the field prepared with the help of an ideal laser has a global task is still unsolved. Probably, it cannot be treated in
random phase. the framework of the standard quantum formalism and
An interesting question is: ``in what cases is the quantum requires the creation of some metatheory. Recently, a
theory really necessary?'' It is often supposed that the number of interesting dynamical models have been devel-
quantum theory is necessary for describing microscopic oped describing reduction and measurement of the WF (for
objects, in contrast to macroscopic ones. However, in some recent results and references, see Refs [13, 16, 17]). However,
cases, macroscopic objects also require a quantum theoretical these models are so far not connected with real experiments,
description. For instance, recent experiments on Bose and we will not touch upon this problem. Another important
condensation involve hundreds of thousands of atoms group of problems includes the development, in the frame-
(lithium, sodium, or rubidium) [9 ± 12]. The atoms are stored work of the standard quantum theory, of the optimal
in a magnetooptical trap and cooled, using laser radiation and methods of precise measurements for various applications
other methods, to 10ÿ6 ÿ10ÿ7 K. At the same time, the and methods of suppressing quantum noise [18, 19].
motion of the centers of mass for all atoms is described by a Formally, quantum theoretical description operates only
joint WF. This WF describes the collective localization of with the WF C of an isolated system that should include both
atoms in a small spatial domain at the center of the trap. Note the subsystem under study and the preparation and measure-
that here, one can ignore the `frozen' degrees of freedom ment devices interacting with it. In some considerations, the
relating to atom electrons and the internal structure of the isolated system also includes the experimenters, their brains,
nuclei, nucleons, and quarks. This illustrates the idea of a or even the whole Universe. In this sense, a purely quantum
phenomenological approach in quantum physics and, more model is a thing in itself; it leaves no space for an external
generally, the idea of reductionism, a hierarchic description of observer. Predictions of such models cannot be tested, and
reality. therefore, as Bohr has mentioned, one has to use hybrid
At present, considerable interest is also attracted to models including both quantum and classical components.
experiments on the interference of composite particles such In order to compare theoretical results with experiment,
as atoms and molecules. The interference is determined by the one should somehow, taking into account additional con-
de Broglie wavelength of such particles, l h=Mv (see Refs siderations, restrict the number of degrees of freedom. A
[13, 14]). For instance, the interference pattern observed for correspondence should be postulated between the symbols of
sodium molecules Na2 has an oscillation period half that of the quantum formalism describing the system and the
sodium atoms [15]. Here again the effect is described by a WF parameters of real classical devices used for preparation and
relating to the center of mass of the molecule, although the measurement. The terms `observable' and `operator' are
actual sizes of the particles can be much larger than l. usually identified; however, for any quantum model, compar-
Recently, interference of this type was observed between two ison with experiment requires setting certain boundaries
groups of Bose-condensed atoms, each group containing 106 between the quantum system and the classical environment.
atoms [12]. This experiment proves that both groups can be In the chain of interacting subsystems described by the
described in terms of a two-component WF containing some operators B1 ; B2 ; . . . ; some operator Bm (or set of operators
phase difference. [In this connection, the concept of an atom Bm ; Bm0 ; . . .) should be chosen as `the most observable' (the
laser has been suggested (see Ref. [12]).] readout observable). It is assumed that the `measurement'
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 891
subsystem interacting with Bm manifests classical properties; `output', where one chooses the operator Bm , which influ-
it has many degrees of freedom and a continuous spectrum ences the classical measurement device. Between the input
(an open system). For a particular model of measurement, and the output, the system develops by itself, and its WF
calculation with the help of the SchroÈdinger equation allows evolves according to the SchroÈdinger equation: c0 ! ct .
the readout observable to be changed, Bm ! Bmÿ1 . In the case [Here, classical fields should be taken into account (see
of a formal consideration, the choice of the readout Fig. 1).] By choosing c0 and Bm , we exclude the operators of
observable is not unique, and the boundary between the two the preparation and measurement devices, respectively. If the
worlds can be set arbitrarily (see Ref. [2]). But formal models preparation of the WF is described in the framework of the
of this kind, as we have already mentioned, do not admit classical theory, one can consider the ground (bottom) state
quantitative comparison with real experiments, and there- c00 , which is achieved due to relaxation or cooling, and to
fore, for comparison with the experiment one should still describe its transformation c00 ! c0 by including the
choose some readout observable Bm . classical field in the Hamiltonian (see the example in Section
At the next stage, the Born postulate should be included in 5.2). A bright example are the experiments on the Bose
the consideration. This postulate sets a relation between the condensation of atoms in traps [9 ± 12] where a localized WF
probabilities of observable events p
bm and the WF and is prepared by means of cooling and applying classical fields.
therefore, `legalizes' stochasticity in quantum models (see The effect of various filters, such as diaphragms, magnetic
Section 4.7). This `measurement' postulate is so far the only filters, monochromators, etc., is also described classically. As
`bridge' connecting the mathematical formalism and the a rule, it can be included into the preparation or measurement
experimental results. stages. (Still, it is reasonable to distinguish between these
In most modern experiments, the observed `elementary' procedures.) In quantum optics, spectral filters, beam
quantum events are photocurrent pulses at the output of the splitters, polarizers, lenses, etc. are described in terms of
detector, a droplet appearing in the Wilson chamber, etc. The classical phenomenological Green's functions, which trans-
`invisible' world of individual quantum objects seems to form the state of the field (in the SchroÈdinger approach) or
reveal itself only by means of such `clicks'. Observing such field operators (in the Heisenberg approach) [21]. One can
an event, one can assign some a priori coordinates to the also point out various modulators, which change the WF of a
particle that caused the `click'. The particle is `localized' in a prepared system via time-dependent classical fields (see
certain space ± time domain, which is determined by the Section 6.6). For instance, in a detector of gravity waves, the
classical dimensions of the detecting device. These dimen- WF of a quantum object (a macroscopic oscillator) is
sions are measured by usual methods, with the help of rulers modulated by an alternating gravitational field [19]. In the
and clocks. description of parametric scattering, the laser (`pump') field
In the well-known model of photodetection suggested by modulating the dielectric function of the crystal can be
Glauber [20], the observable event is defined as the transition considered as classical. At the same time, the effect of the
of one of the atoms of the detector from the ground state jgi pump transforms the scattered field from the vacuum state
into the excited state jei. This event corresponds to the into a superposition of Fock states with even photon
projection operator jeihej Bm , which plays the role of the numbers: jc00 i j0i ! jc0 i c0 j0i c2 j2i c4 j4i . . .
readout observable. Due to the amplification in the detector, Note that in the general case, filtration and modulation are
the event is supposed to manifest itself as a macroscopic described by a nonunitary transformation converting the
current pulse at the output of the detector. In order to system into a mixed state [21].
describe fast detection, one assumes that the spectrum of the Let us consider once more how the measurement
atoms constituting the detector is sufficiently broad. (Prob- procedure is described in the framework of the standard
ably, it is necessary to use the assumption about the relaxation quantum formalism (for more detail, see Refs [18, 19]).
of the density matrix off-diagonal elements.) Calculating the There exist models of direct and indirect quantum measure-
evolution of the system `field+atoms' via the SchroÈdinger ment [5, 18, 19]. In the first case, the consideration includes a
equation, one can show that the statistics of the photocurrent single quantum object A, which is characterized by the WF
pulses i
t are determined by the correlation functions of the c
a. (For simplicity, we assert that the state is pure and that
free field E
r; t. Further, one can assume the field E
r1 ; t1 at its WF has a single argument.) In order to describe the
the center of the detector to be the readout observable instead interaction with the external world, some operator A is
of jeihej. Here
r1 ; t1 are the classical coordinates in space ± assumed to be the observable. The experimental 2 data are
time, and they are measured using rulers and clocks. The compared with the distribution p
a c
a or with its
coordinate r1 of the center of mass of the detected atom and moments ha k i.
the time moment of the pulse t1 are supposed to be c-numbers. In the models of indirect measurement, in addition to the
Similarly, in the model of a particle counter (see Section object under study, one introduces at least one more `sample
6.1), the role of the readout observable is played by the body' B interacting with A and acting as an interface between
potential of the interaction between the detector and the A and the macroscopic world. One considers the WF c
a; b
particle, V
R ÿ r1 , which depends on the coordinate opera- of the system A B, and the correlation between a and b
tor for the particle R. However, note that for justifying some resulting from the interaction of A with B is calculated using
choice of Bm , one should use some particular model of the the SchroÈdinger equation. This time, the role of the `readout
detector. Certainly, the adequacy of the model should be observable' is played by the operator B relating to B. As a
tested experimentally. result of this
2 one gets a joint probability distribution
Actually, when describing dynamical experiments (see p
a; b c
a; b . The correlation between a and b is
Fig. 1), one should use the `semiclassical' approach consist- described by the function p
a; b and allows one to learn
ing of two stages. In other words, two boundaries should be about b from the analysis of a. After classical summation over
set: at the `input', where one determines the initial state of the the probabilities of non-observable
P events, one obtains the
quantum system c0 in terms of the classical forces, and at the marginal distribution p
b a p
a; b, which can be mea-
892 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
sured experimentally and contains information about p
a. A c
x exp
ik1 x. For the case of operators with discrete
description of quantum correlations can be found in Section spectra, a state is fixed by specifying the quantum numbers that
4.8. enumerate the eigenstates and the eigenvalues. It is known
The operators A and B can relate to different degrees of that the states of an electron in a hydrogen atom are
freedom for one and the same object. For example, in the conveniently described using spherical coordinates,
Stern ± Gerlach experiment (see Fig. 1), A Mx and B X c c
r; y; f, and the quantum numbers n, l, m, s, which
are operators of angular momentum projection and trans- determine the eigenvalues of the energy, angular momentum,
verse coordinate for a single particle; these operators become its projection, and the spin projection.
correlated if the particle moves in inhomogeneous magnetic Consider now the measurement of a state. Repeated
field [22]. As a result, from the transverse coordinate of the measurement of the coordinate by means of an ideal detector
particle, x1 , which is directly observable, for instance, as a gives the WF's absolute value (the envelope) c
x (see
spot on the film, one can obtain the spin projection Section 6.1). At the same time, the phase of the WF
mx mx
x1 onto the transverse direction for the chosen f
x arg c
x cannot be observed directly; therefore,
particle. This projection is obtained indirectly, by means of a such an experiment does not provide a complete measure-
theoretical model that describes the influence of the inhomo- ment of the WF, in spite of the fact that X forms a complete
geneous magnetic field on the WF evolution for a spin set. For complete determination of the WF, additional
particle. The density of spots on the film (Fig. 1) gives a two- measurements are required, such as, for instance, measure-
peak distribution p
x containing information about p
mx . ment of the WF envelope in the momentum representation,
One can consider a chain of interacting objects A; B1 ; c
k (Section 6.1). In real experiments, a state is measured in
B2 ; . . . ; Bm , which are described by the operators A; B1 ; a set of experiments where different combinations of X and K
B2 ; . . . ; Bm . The quantum formalism allows calculation of are measured [23 ± 27, 99].
the total WF c
a; b1 ; b2 ; . . . ; bm and the joint probability It is often mentioned that the phase of the WF has no
distribution: physical sense, is not observable. Here one means the
2 constant global phase f0 , which does not depend on the
a; b1 ; b2 ; . . . ; bm c
a; b1 ; b2 ; . . . ; bm : coordinate. At the same time, the local phase f
x has a
considerable effect on the observed function c
k. Obser-
The last operator in the chain, Bm , is declared to be the vable effects caused by the time dependence of the WF phase
observable. After that, one applies the classical probability f
t are discussed in Section 6.6.
theory. The marginal distribution p
a; bm is obtained by Thus, one should distinguish between specifying the WF
summing the elementary distribution p
a; b1 ; b2 ; . . . ; bm in theory, where it is introduced as an eigenfunction for some
with respect to the `redundant' variables b1 ; b2 ; . . . ; bmÿ1 . In complete set of operators such as, for instance, X or K, and
the Heisenberg representation, the `output' operators B
t are measuring it in experiment where one has to study, for
expressed via the `input' ones, B
t0 . Using the relation instance, both coordinate and momentum distributions, i.e.,
between them, one can easily calculate the transformation of to deal with more than one complete set. Thus, a complete set
correlation functions due to the interaction. of operators is incomplete from the viewpoint of measure-
Note that the interaction between quantum subsystems, ment.
which is described by the SchroÈdinger equation in the Another example: for fixing the polarization of a photon,
framework of the standard quantum formalism and causes it is sufficient to state, for instance, that it has right circular
correlations between the subsystems, should be distinguished polarization. In this case, the field has fixed angular
from the `real' measurement process. In the description of real momentum m. But in order to check this statement, it is not
measurement, it is necessary to consider the interaction enough to measure m. Such an experiment should consist of
between classical and quantum systems, which is not several series of measurements for non-commuting observa-
included in the standard formalism. bles (the Stokes parameters) (see Section 5.4).
At present, various methods of preparation and recon-
4.2 A complete set of operators and the measurement of struction of the states of optical fields, atoms, and molecules
the wave function are attracting considerable attention [23 ± 34].
Consider free one-dimensional motion of a nonrelativistic
spinless particle. Its observable statistical properties at a fixed 4.3 Quantum moments
time moment are fully described by the state vector jci in In the classical probability theory, the moments of a random
some representation.
For instance, in the coordinate repre- variable A are defined via the probability distribution
sentation, xjc c
x. In other words, a single coordinate function p
a: mn hAn i da p
aan (the integrals are
operator X forms a complete set of operators that is necessary supposed to converge for all n 0; 1; . . .). For a discrete
for specifying the state. The same relates to the momentum hK random variable, the integral is replaced by the sum (see
(sometimes we put h 1), and a state can
be given
by the state Sections 3.1, 3.4). In the case of several random variables
vector in the momentum representation kjc c
k, i.e., by A; B; . . ., the moments are given by multi-dimensional
the Fourier transform of c
x. At the same time, the energy integrals
operator H K 2 =2m does not form a complete set, since it
leaves uncertainty in the sign of the momentum. In other mnm... hAn B m . . .i . . .
da db . . . p
a; b; . . .
a n bm . . . :
words, the energy levels are doubly degenerate, and a
complete set can be formed by H and by the operator of the
momentum sign. In quantum theory, the moments are defined not via the
In order to specify a state, it is sufficient to give distribution function p
a; b; . . . but via the WF,
eigenvalues for all the operators forming a complete set. For
instance, the information k k1 fully determines the WF: mnm... hAn B m . . .i cjAn B m . . . jc :
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 893
It is essential that moments composed from non-commut- Hence, the observable variance of the energy is determined by
ing operators depend on the ordering of the operators. the non-ordered moment
Consider two non-commuting Hermitian operators,
hDN 2 i hNi h: DN 2:i :
A; B 6 0. A question arises: ``which moments composed
from A and B manifest themselves in an experiment?'' Here the term hNi, which is typical for the variance of a
Even if we add the requirement that the moments should Poissonian random process, describes quantum fluctuations
ÿ real, there
ÿ still remain
many possibilities: for the energy measurement. They manifest themselves in
hABi hBAi =2, hABi ÿ hBAi =2i, hABAi, hBABi, and so experiment in the form of shot (or photon) noise [36].
on. The answer depends on the particular experimental device Normally ordered variance h: DN 2:i, also called the excess
and on the parameters measured in the experiment. This noise, describes the deviation of the variance from the
problem is especially interesting in the case where non- Poissonian level. For the cases of Fock, coherent, and
commuting observables are measured at various time chaotic states, the variance hDN 2 i is equal to 0, hNi, and
moments (see below). So far, we assume for simplicity that hNi2 hNi, respectively. At hDN 2 i < hNi, the statistics are
all operators relate to the same moment. called sub-Poissonian, and at hDN 2 i > hNi, super-Poissonian.
As an example, consider quantum-optical experiments (One also uses the terms antibunching and bunching, respec-
where one measures the energy of the field. Sometimes, it is tively.) Note that for sub-Poissonian states of the field, the
possible to take into account only a single mode of the field. In excess noise h: DN 2:i is negative. Distinguishing between the
this case, the field has the same description as a harmonic quantum noise and the excess fluctuations has an operational
oscillator, and the energy operator has the form sense: the quantum noise has a `white' spectrum, while the
X; P
P 2 o2 X 2 =2, where o is the mode frequency. spectrum of excess noise is determined by the dynamics of the
It is convenient to pass from the operators X, P to the radiation source [36].
operators a, ay , which are called photon creation and Normally ordered moments are also convenient for the
annihilation operators. (Here we use the traditional notation description of optical elements with linear absorption. Let Z
in small letters.) By definition, be the transmission coefficient of such an element, then the
moments at its input and output are connected by the simple
oX iP ; ay
oX ÿ iP : relation:
h: N k:iout Z k h: N k:iin :
From X; P ih, we find a; ay 1 and obtain several
equivalent forms for the Hamiltonian: For example, putting k 1 and 2 here, we find
1 1 hDN 2 iout
1 ÿ ZhNiout Z2 hDN 2 iin :
a; ay ho ay a ho aay ÿ
2 2
This formula describes the `poissonization' of intensity
y 1 y 1 fluctuations as a result of absorption: at Z ! 0, there is only
ho a a a b aa ÿ ;
2 2 Poissonian noise at the output, regardless of the fluctuations
at the input. Assuming Z in Eqn (4.3.7) to be the quantum
where a is an arbitrary number and b 1 ÿ a. efficiency of a photon counter, we obtain the relation between
From the models of photodetection, it follows that in the the statistics of photons and photocounts.
first approximation, the probability of energy transfer from From these examples, it is obvious that the choice of
the field to a detecting atom in the ground state is determined ordering of the operators in quantum moments depends on
not by the whole energy operator but only by its normally the particular measurement procedure, which is to be
ordered part, H ÿ ho=2 hoay a. (This probability also described by these moments. This fact becomes essential for
depends on the antinormally ordered operator of the the description of time-of-flight experiments with high time
detector DDy , where D is the positive-frequency part of the resolution (see Sections 4.9 and 6.2).
atom dipole moment [35].) In other words, the probability of
stimulated one-photon `up' transition for the atom is 4.4 SchroÈdinger and Heisenberg representations
determined, in the linear approximation, by the photon Let us consider moments as functions of time. The dynamics
number operator N ay a. Choosing N as the observable of a quantum system can be described by means of two
operator ensures that the term ho=2 gives no contribution to mathematically equivalent methods called the SchroÈdinger
the excitation probability for the atom. Similarly, the and the Heisenberg representations. The solution to the
probability of a k-photon `up' transition for an atom is nonstationary SchroÈdinger equation i
hqc=qt Hc, with the
determined by the operator energy operator H independent of time, can be represented as
t U
0. Here we introduced the evolution operator
ay k a k N
N ÿ 1 . . .
N ÿ k 1 : N k : :
4:3:4 U
t exp
h. According to the Born postulate, the
mean value
of some observable
A at the moment t has
Here colons denote normal ordering, :
ay ak :
ay k a k . the form A
t c
t c
t jAjU
0 .
At the same time, for a correct description of the Let us introduce the operator A in the Heisenberg
observable fluctuations of energy near its average value, one representation, A
t, then themean value can
should use the non-ordered operator H 2
hoN2 , which also be written as A
t c
0 . In the case of
2 2 2 2
contains the term X P P X and is proportional to the two commuting operators measured simultaneously, we also
operator have two equivalent calculation algorithms:
N 2 ay aay a ay ay aa ay a : N 2 : N :
4:3:5 A
t c
t c
0 :
894 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
However, multitemporal moments (correlation functions) solutions. One can say that quantum probability models are
are defined only in the Heisenberg representation. For in the general case non-Kolmogorovian [38]. The absence of a
example, a correlation function of two observables has the non-negative joint distribution for non-commuting observa-
form bles can be naturally interpreted as the impossibility of these
observables having a priori values. In other words, it is not
t 0 c
t 0 jc
0 :
4:4:2 reasonable to suppose that each particle `actually' has some
fixed coordinate and momentum before the measurement but
In order to calculate this function in terms of the SchroÈdinger our rough devices spoil everything and do not allow their
parameters for t 6 t 0 , one needs additionally the evolution simultaneous observation.
operator, In some models, the incompatibility of classical and
quantum viewpoints can be demonstrated experimentally.
t 0 c
t ÿ t 0 Bjc
t 0 :
4:4:3 Bell's inequalities [39, 40] and the Kochen ± Specker theorem
[41] relate to such models. As a rule, such models include
In some simple cases, operators in the Heisenberg several observables with discrete spectra (for example, spin
representation depend on time in the same way as classical projections or photon numbers in different modes). Non-
variables. For instance, for a free nonrelativistic particle, commuting variables are measured in different trials. Such
H P 2 =2m and X; P i h; it follows that X
t experiments with polarization-correlated photon pairs and
P=mt, P
t P. In addition, the Heisenberg represen- triples will be considered in Sections 5.7, 5.8.
tation admits an explicitly covariant formulation of the In several experiments, mostly optical, predictions of
theory [2]. quantum models for the moments have been confirmed and
In quantum optics, calculations are usually more simple in violation of the Bell classical inequalities has been demon-
the Heisenberg representation, where the field operators E
t, strated. However, there still remain `loopholes' in the
t in linear problems depend on time in the same way as interpretation of experimental results. These `loopholes'
classical fields. This allows one to exploit useful classical initiate further theoretical and experimental research in this
analogues and to use classical Green's functions for the direction [42].
description of optical elements, such as diaphragms, lenses, The statement about the incompatibility of certain
mirrors, etc. As a result, the quantum description of the field classical and quantum probability models is sometimes
evolution in a linear optical tract, including the relation called Bell's theorem or Bell's paradox. It is commonly
between the observable correlation functions at the input supposed that Bell's paradox demonstrates `quantum non-
and at the output, coincides with the classical description. The locality', since one usually speaks about the correlation
only difference is contained in the procedure of averaging between events separated by spacelike intervals (photo-
with respect to the initial state, which can be quantum or counts in two remote detectors). However, the term quantum
classical [37]. nonlocality, which implies some mysterious, telepathy-like
For our consideration, it is essential that the evolution of a connection between remote devices, cannot be considered
system can be equivalently described both in terms of varying helpful for the solution of Bell's paradox.
operators A
t and in terms of varying WF c
t. Therefore, It seems more consistent to assume that the quantum
the evident representation of a quantum object in terms of mechanics is non-Kolmogorovian: it admits the absence of
some propagating `field' c
t accompanying it or as a vector joint distributions and a priori values for non-commuting
in the configuration space is not the only one possible. Here observables [38]. For example, the quantum theory allows
again we have a senseless question: ``what actually does take calculation of moments of the form hxpi; however, in the
place there, is it the WF or the operators that vary?'' Note that general case, there exists no corresponding joint non-negative
possible observable manifestations of the projection postu- distribution w
x; p. Therefore, there is no sense in introdu-
late and the WF reduction should be described in the cing a priori values for non-commuting observables. The
Heisenberg representation [see Wigner's formula (4.9.1)]. absence of elementary probabilities in combination with the
existence of marginal probabilities and moments (i.e., the
4.5 Quantum problem of moments absence of the solution to the problem of moments) can be
In Section 3.4, we obtained a formula that expressed the considered as a characteristic feature of a non-Kolmogor-
probabilities via the moments and imposed certain restric- ovian probability model. Such a classification gives a general
tions on the moments (see Fig. 2). In the case of approach to various `nonclassical' effects and quantum
continuous variables, this inverse problem in mathematics paradoxes [38].
is called the problem of moments. A well-known example
of a restriction imposed on the moments due to the non- 4.6 Nonclassical light
of probability is the Cauchy ± Schwarz inequality Bell's inequalities and other similar constructions are in fact
h fgi2 4 h f f ihg gi. restrictions (similar to the Cauchy ± Schwarz inequality)
For a set of quantum moments m, it is natural to pose the imposed on the moments by the non-negativity of the joint
problem of constructing the corresponding probability distribution. In other words, they follow from rather general
distribution p. But in the case of non-commuting operators, mathematical considerations. In quantum optics, there exists
this procedure, first, is ambiguous and second, gives functions another model, which is less general but also demonstrates
taking negative or complex values. Such functions are called that classical probability concepts cannot be applied to
quasi-probabilities or quasi-distributions. Well-known exam- electromagnetic waves. This model is based on the well-
ples are the Wigner function W
x; p (Section 6.4) and the known Mandel formula, which gives a relation between
Glauber ± Sudarshan function P
a (a is the complex ampli- measured probabilities of photocounts and the Glauber ±
tude of oscillations in a single mode, see Section 4.6). Thus, Sudarshan quasi-distribution P
a. The function P
a plays
the quantum problem of moments in some cases has no the role of a classical distribution function for the complex
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 895
amplitude of a monochromatic field a x ip; there is a one- Further, it follows from Eqn (4.6.1) that the factorial
to-one correspondence between this function and the WF of moments of photocounts
the field. However, for all pure states except the coherent one,
a takes negative values or is irregular [43]. For instance, Gk m
m ÿ 1 . . .
m ÿ k 1
for the Fock n-photon states, P
a is given by a combination
of nth-order derivatives of the d-function. Such states of the are given by the relation
field are called nonclassical.
For nonclassical fields, observable values like moments Gk dI p
kTIk ;
and probabilities of photocounts do not satisfy certain
restrictions that follow from the non-negativity of P
a i.e., Gk are proportional to ordinary moments for the intensity
[44, 45]. Similar nonclassical optical effects have been hI k i. Hence, we obtain another set of nonclassicality criteria
observed in numerous experiments. This confirms the for the light [45],
adequacy of simple phenomenological models in quantum
optics and shows that the concept of a probability distribu- Gk2 4 Gkÿ1 Gk1
k 1; 2; . . . :
tion cannot be applied to a wave amplitude. As the most well-
known and important example, one can mention the effect of In particular, putting k 1, we obtain G12 4 G2 , or
photon antibunching, which consists in the decrease of hDm2 i 5 hmi. Thus, the sub-Poissonian statistics of photo-
photocurrent fluctuations below the shot-noise (photon) counts contradicts the semiclassical theory. Note that the
level [46, 47]. This level is called the standard quantum limit criteria of nonclassicality (4.6.2), (4.6.3) have a clear geo-
[18, 19]. Another `nonclassical' optical effect, two-photon metric interpretation: for example, ln
Gk plotted versus k,
interference, can be classified as intensity interference with according to inequality (4.6.3), has a concave form [44]. There
the visibility exceeding 50% (see Section 5.5 and Ref. [37]). also exist other observable criteria of light `nonclassicality'
Such a high visibility also contradicts the description of a light [44, 45].
field in terms of a non-negative regular distribution. Hence, the semiclassical Mandel formula (4.6.1) for the
The concept of nonclassical light is closely connected with statistics of photocounts gives several observable criteria of
the attempts to describe photodetection within the frame- nonclassicality for the light. Nonclassical light cannot be
work of the semiclassical theory of radiation, in which the field considered as a variety of waves whose random intensities
is described classically and the substance, which interacts with obey some non-negative distribution P
I. The observable
the field, is considered as quantum. Let monochromatic light criteria of nonclassicality are directly related to the well-
with fixed intensity I (an ideal laser in the classical approx- known mathematical problem of moments.
imation) be incident on a detector . It is natural to assume that Let us trace once again the initial controversies between
the excitation probability dp1 for any atom of the detector quantum and semiclassical descriptions of photodetection. In
photocathode during a small time interval dt is independent quantum models, the energy transfer from an excited system
of time and proportional to I: dp1 =dt kI. (The factor k to a nonexcited one is determined by normally ordered
characterizes the quantum efficiency of the detector.) This moments relating to the first system (or by antinormally
model adds stochasticity to the dynamical theory: any ordered moments relating to the second system). Normally
number of pulses m
m 0; 1; 2; . . . can appear during ordered moments are not `true' moments of some non-
some finite time T, and the probability of this event is given negative distribution; therefore, in contrast to ordinary
by the Poisson distribution, pm
I m m exp
ÿm=m!, moments, they do not obey general relations like the
m kTI. Cauchy ± Schwarz inequality. It is this difference that allows
Let us take into account that the intensity of light can be one to point out a class of states that have no classical
stochastic. Let T be much less than the characteristic time of analogues.
intensity variation. Additional averaging of pm
I with
respect to the intensity distribution p
I results in the Mandel 4.7 Projection postulate and the wave function reduction
formula: One should distinguish between the two meanings associated
with the terms projection postulate and reduction. They are
1 1 connected, respectively, with the postulates of Born (1926)
pm dI p
kTIm exp
ÿkTI :
m! 0 and Dirac (1930).
(1) The Born postulate. In order to calculate the
In the quantum theory, one can obtain a similar expression, probability of observing a certain eigenvalue a1 of an
with the only difference that the function p
I is expressed in operator A at the moment t1 , one should find the projection
terms of the Glauber ± Sudarshan function, p
I / P
jaj, of the vector c
t1 on the vector ha1 j and take the square of
where jaj2 I, and can therefore take negative values. its absolute value,
It follows from Eqn (4.6.1) that m!pm can be considered as
moments of some distribution p
I exp
ÿkTI. The condition p
a1 ; t1 a1 c
t1 a1 ; t1 c0
I 5 0 leads to certain restrictions on the set of probabilities
c0 P
a1 ; t1 c0 :
fpm g [44]. For example,
mp2m 4
m 1pmÿ1 pm1
m 1; 2; . . . :
4:6:2 The last two equalities were obtained using the Heisenberg
representation. Here P
a; t ja; tiha; tj is the projection
This inequality is violated for some states of the field. In operator (projector), ja; ti U y
tjai is an eigenvector of
particular, for the case of `two-photon light' consisting of the operator A
t, U exp
ÿiHt=h is the evolution opera-
photon pairs and for 100% efficiency of the detector, tor, and H is time-independent Hamiltonian. The Born
p1 p3 0, p2 6 0, so that Eqn (4.6.2) is violated for m 2. postulate in the Heisenberg representation is also valid for
896 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
the case where several commuting operators are measured multi-dimensional space of states. As a rule, an explicit
simultaneously at arbitrary time moments, qualitative description of quantum correlation effects such
as the Einstein ± Podolsky ± Rosen (EPR) paradox or `quan-
a; t; b; t2 c0 P
a; t1 P
b; t2 c0 tum teleportation' (see below) is based on this idea. However,
postulate (4.7.2) is actually not necessary; it is never used for
c0 P
b; t2 P
a; t1 c0 :
the quantitative description of observable effects (for excep-
Symmetric correlation functions of this kind can be called tions, see Sections 4.9, 6.2). In some papers, the concept of
Born correlation functions. In contrast to Wigner correlation reduction and its necessity is considered to be doubtful [50 ±
functions, they do not depend on the sign of t1 ÿ t2 (see 54]. For example, according to Ref. [53], p. 351, ``... Von
Section 4.9). Neumann's projection rule is to be considered as purely
Thus, Eqns (4.7.1) give an algorithm for the comparison mathematical and no physical meaning should be ascribed
between theory and experiment but does not tell us what to it.'' In Ref. [2], on p. 294, it is noted that the projection
happens to a quantum object as a result of its interaction with postulate is not needed if one sets a careful distinction
the measurement devices. One can imagine that as soon as a between the preparation and measurement procedures.
particle is registered at a point r1 , its WF `collapses' from the In accordance with Eqn (4.7.2), it is often stated that a
whole space to this point. However, this picture has no measurement is at the same time the preparation of a new WF
operational sense unless one can repeat the experiment with (see, for instance, Refs [2, 3, 18, 19]). However, in real
the same particle, see below. Here, the idea of a collapse is an quantum experiments, completely different procedures are
interpretation of the quantum formalism. It is an attempt to used for the preparation of a WF and for its measurement (see
describe the events that `actually' take place in the system. examples in Sections 5 and 6). It is reasonable to distinguish
(2) The Dirac, or projection, postulate (also ascribed to between measurement and filtering (using a screen with a
von Neumann) states that registering avalue a1 results in the pinhole or a polaroid). Filters allow some measurement only
reduction: the WF of the system c
t1 is projected onto the with the help of a detector (see Fig. 1). Here detection is
vector ja1 i, understood as an evidence of the particle existence, such as a
click in a Geiger counter or a track in Wilson's chamber [55].
t1 ! c
t1 0 P
a1 ; t1 jc i / ja1 ; t1 i
tions exist in classical models, Section 5.5; a working setup of transformation of the possible into the real, and it is one of
this kind is used for teaching students in one of the the most difficult problems in the quantum measurement
laboratories of the Department of Physics in Moscow State theory. As a result, the WF of the whole system factors, and
University [56]. This paradox of a `superluminal telegraph' is the system again becomes independent of the device, so that
often resolved with the help of the operational approach: if they can be considered separately. It is commonly assumed
one considers the actual experimental procedure, it becomes that such reasoning justifies the Dirac postulate (4.7.2), i.e.,
clear that observation of the correlation requires a normal proves that the WF reduction exists as a result of measure-
classical information channel introduced between the obser- ment.
vers [56, 57].
It is natural to generalize Eqn (4.8.1) in the form 4.9 Wigner correlation functions
X Consider the case where the observable Heisenberg
jci cmn jam ; bn i :
4:8:3 in Eqn (4.7.1b) do not commute, P
t1 ; P
t2 6 0. One can
easily see that in this case, the standard algorithms of the
Hence, we obtain the joint distribution quantum theory are not valid for calculating
t1 ; t2 p
a; t1 ; b; t2 . The point is that the operator
am ; bn jcmn j2 :
4:8:4 P1
t1 P2
2 is not Hermitian
and the Born correlation
t1 P2
t2 c0 contains an imaginary term,
One can also define the conditional probability to discover equal to c0 P1
t1 ; P2
t2 c0 =2i, and therefore cannot be
the observable A to be equal to am provided that B is equal to used for calculating p
t1 ; t2 . The standard formula for the
bn , transition probability based on the Born postulate is also
useless since it operates with a single time moment t, which is a
am ; bn jcmn j2 parameter of the WF ct , and it cannot give the two-time
am jbn X :
bn jckn j2 function p
t1 ; t2 . We also recall that the `pure' quantum
k dynamics, similarly to the classical dynamics, is invariant with
respect to the sign of t1 ÿ t2 . It does not reflect causality and
For instance, for the state (4.8.1), we obtain p
bn 1=2, and irreversibility, which should be introduced additionally, by
it follows from (4.8.2), (4.8.5) that p
am jbn dmn , i.e., the setting the rules of going around the poles and taking into
conditional probabilities for entangled states are equal to 1 account dissipation.
or 0. This is another feature of full (ideal) correlation. In order to improve this situation, let us start from the
The verbal description of this correlation, ``if I observed Dirac projection postulate (4.7.2), i.e., let us assume that the
B b1 , then I know immediately that A a1 '' is often first (in time) measurement of the observable P
a; t1 causes
understood as a proof of the `nonlocality' of quantum the reduction
phenomena. (Another proof can be found in Section 6.7.)
t1 ! c 0
t1 P
a1 ; t1 jc i :
However, such a correlation is also possible in classical 0
models. An even more delicate property of EPR correla-
tions, their controllability, is not a specific feature of quantum Hence,
0 the second measurement device `sees' a changed WF
models [56]. (The EPR correlations can be controlled, that is, c
t1 , and the averaging of P
b; t2 in the Born postulate
they depend on the parameters of measurement devices in A should be done with respect to this new WF. Thus, using first
and B, such as the orientations of the polaroids, Section 5.5.) Eqn (4.7.2) and then (4.7.1), we obtain the Wigner formula
Principal differences between quantum and classical correla- for the joint distribution of two variables [3],
tions can be observed only in special cases, see Sections 4.5,
5.5 ± 5.8. p
a; t1 ; b; t2 c 0
t1 P
b; t2 c 0
Consider once again the description of measurement and
reduction according to the common viewpoint (see Ref. [2] c0 P
a; t1 P
b; t2 P
a; t1 c0 :
and Section 4.1). An entangled state of the form (4.8.3)
appears as a result of the interaction between any two It is supposed that t0 < t1 < t2 , i.e., a `time arrow' is
initially independent quantum systems, A and B. Suppose introduced. This correlation function is asymmetric with
that A is the observed system and B is a macroscopic respect to the sign of t1 ÿ t2 ; such functions can be called
measurement device, which is also described by the quantum Wigner correlation functions. Sometimes, equations like Eqn
theory. Let A be the operator of the measured quantum value (4.9.1a) require additional summation over the non-observa-
and B correspond to the macroscopic observed value, such as ble variables. Evidently, Eqn (4.9.1a) can be generalized to the
the position of a voltmeter pointer. In addition, let cmn dmn , case where an arbitrary number of operators P1 ; . . . ; Pm are
then Eqn (4.8.3) describes a one-to-one EPR correlation observed in a sequence [3],
between the observed value and the measured one. How-
ever, in each separate trial, the pointer shows at a fixed value p
t1 ; . . . ; tm c0 P1 . . . Pmÿ1 Pm Pmÿ1 . . . P1 c0
(let us denote it by the subscript 1). Therefore, we have to
m 1; 2; . . . ; t0 < t1 < t2 . . . < tm :
postulate the following transformation [for comparison, see
Eqn (4.7.2)]: From the operational viewpoint, this formula can be
X compared with experiment only as a whole, the reduction
jci cmm jam ; bm i ! c11 ja1 ; b1 i c11 ja1 i
jb1 i ; itself cannot be observed. Therefore Eqn (4.9.1b) can be
assumed as the basic measurement postulate. In fact, it is a
i.e., all coefficients cmm except one for some unknown reason generalization of the Born postulate (4.7.1) to the measure-
turn to zero. The coefficient c11 should turn to unity due to the ment of non-commuting operators. If all operators in Eqn
normalization of the new WF. This stage can be called (4.9.1b) commute, then, due to the property Pm2 Pm , this
898 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
formula coincides with Born's definition (4.7.1b) of multi- p1 ; p2 ; . . . pj ; . . . of preparing the system in different pure
time correlation functions hc0 jP1 . . . Pm jc0 i. states from the set c1 ; c2 ; . . . cj ; . . . (This set is not necessarily
For a mixed initial state described by the density operator complete or orthogonal.) For comparison with experiment,
r0 , Eqn (4.9.1b) takes the form quantum moments and distributions obtained for all cj
should be additionally averaged with respect to the classical
t1 ; . . . ; tm Sp
Pm . . . P1 r0 P1 . . . Pm distribution pj . As a result, we obtain a combination of
t0 < t1 < t2 < . . . < tm :
4:9:2 classical and quantum P probability models with double
stochasticity: hAi pj hcj jAjcj i. For instance, it seems
Although the concept of reduction is quite convenient for reasonable to assume that a macroscopic source of particles
the verbal description of certain experiments, there is no sense heated to temperature T emits particles in pure states jvj i with
in the question: ``whether reduction actually takes place or definite momenta mvj ; the corresponding probabilities pj are
not?'' (Of course, the appearance of new facts may change this given by the Maxwell distribution with temperature T.
situation.) For clarity, one can admit that a track in the ItP is convenient to introduce the density operator
Wilson chamber appears due to a chain of reductions: each r pP j jcj ihcj j. Let jni be some complete set of vectors,
`seeding' atom starting a droplet of water prepares a new WF i.e., I jnihnj, Pthen we can define the density matrix in the
for the next atom. In such a model, each droplet should n-basis, rmn P j pj hmjcj ihcj jni. The mean value can be
correspond to a pair of projectors Pk in Eqn (4.9.1b). It written as hAi mn rmn Anm . In the invariant form (regard-
should be stressed, however, that this is nothing but a possible less of the basis), hAi Sp
rA, where Sp denotes the sum of
interpretation. Actually, the concept of reduction is not diagonal elements. If the initial set fcj g forms a complete
necessary for the quantitative description of a track (see the orthogonal basis, the density matrix in this basis has a
calculation based on the Born postulate in Ref. [55]). The diagonal form: rjj 0 pj djj 0 . In the particular case of a pure
same relates to the most part of observed quantum effects, state, jci jki, the density operator has the form r jkihkj,
including the EPR effects and quantum teleportation and the density matrix has a single nonzero element equal to
(Sections 4.8, 5.5 ± 5.9). All of them are actually described by 1: rmn dmk dnk . In this case, r2 r. P
Born's correlations. Additional classical averaging of pj hcj jAjcj i can be
Still, the projection postulate in the form (4.9.1) seems to performed at the very end of the calculation; however,
be indeed necessary for the quantitative description of some classical stochasticity is usually introduced at the beginning.
narrow class of experiments [58]. (Here we mean practical Then the state of the system is understood as an element in the
calculations that can be compared with experiment, in corresponding extended space of states, i.e., a set of
contrast to the abstract models of the quantum measurement Hermitian non-negative normalized matrices rmn . Such
theory or speculations about the WF of the whole setup or the states are called mixed states. The time dependence of the
whole Universe.) Such experiments should satisfy three density operator can be obtained by replacing the basis jn; t0 i
conditions: each trial contains measurements of two or more by jn; ti. Taking into account the SchroÈdinger equation, we
operators in sequence; these operators do not commute for come to the von Neumann equation:
some t1 and t2 in the Heisenberg representation; and the
measurements are carried out with sufficiently fine time drt
h H; rt :
resolution. The last condition is not satisfied for the case of dt
the Wilson chamber. The second condition is not satisfied in Let us mention another model where the notions of a
EPR experiments and experiments on quantum teleportation, mixed state and the density matrix r are very helpful. Let a
therefore, one does not need reduction for their description, system described by two independent operators A and B be in
and the observed effects can be explained in terms of ordinary an arbitrary pure state c
a; b ha; bjci, r jcihcj. Here
correlation functions. Examples of using the Wigner formula ja; bi jaijbi is the directÿ product of two vector spaces where
will be given in Sections 6.2 and 6.3. A and B are defined A; B 0 . Suppose that we are
Thus, one should distinguish between two types of interested only in the operator B or in its functions f
correlation effects, depending on whether the corresponding One
that the `marginal'
Heisenberg operators A
t and B
t 0 commute or not. In the f
c f
B c can be represented as f
first case, one can use standard (`Born') symmetrical correla- Sp rb f
B . This is done by introducing the following
tion functions definition for the density operator rb , which relates only to
the system B:
t 0 B
t 0 A
t ;
4:9:3 X
rb Spa frg hajcihcjai :
while in the second case, the time sequence of measurements is
essential, and the `Wigner' correlation functions of the form The operator rb is defined only in the space of the operator B;
unnecessary variables a are excluded beforehand. (This
t 0 A
t y
t 0 ÿ t B
t 0 A
t 0 y
t ÿ t 0 definition is analogous to the definition of marginal prob-
4:9:4 abilities in probability theory, Section 3.3.) In the general
case, the operator rb is not diagonal.
should be used. These correlation functions can be interpreted As a rule, the second definition of the density operator is
in terms of reduction. used in cases where the operators A and B relate to two
different objects, for instance, to interacting subsystems in the
4.10 Mixed states models of measurement or to correlated particles in EPR
As a rule, a system cannot be prepared in a pure state, i.e., in a experiments. In the general case, the state of the whole system
state described by some WF c0 . In each trial, different WFs c is not factorable [see Eqn (4.8.1)], and each separate system
are prepared, and one can only give probabilities cannot be described by an individual WF; a correlation
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 899
between the observable parameters of the two systems can frequency coincide with the Bohr frequency
exist even for a large distance between them. oe
Ee ÿ Eg = h of the transition between the ground state
jgi and one of the excited states jei. According to semiclassical
theory, a laser pulse drives the atom into the state
5. Two-level systems jci ajgi bjei, where the coefficients a, b are determined
by the phase of optical oscillations and the `square' of the
5.1 q-bits laser pulse, i.e., the product of the amplitude E0 and the
Sometimes, the interaction of an atom with resonant duration t. This method is used in modern experiments [61].
monochromatic radiation can be described taking into Thus, at t0 0, an atom is prepared in a given quantum
account only two nondegenerate energy levels of the atom. state, similarly to a coin or a die (Section 3.1). Further, this
In this case, an arbitrary state of the atom can be represented state varies in time in accordance with the SchroÈdinger
as a combination of two base vectors: jci ajgi bjei, equation,
where the letters g and e relate to the ground and excited
states, respectively. Hence, an arbitrary state of a two-level jct i ajgi bjei exp
ÿioe t :
atom is given by a pair of complex numbers
a; b. Taking into
account the normalization jaj2 jbj2 1 and ignoring the Because of the inevitable fluctuations of the laser amplitude
common phase of a and b, we obtain that a state is given by and phase, in a series of repeated measurements the state of
two real parameters. For instance, these may be the spherical the ensemble of atoms should be considered as a mixed state.
y; f of a point on the Bloch sphere (see, for Note that no properties of the quantum object are
instance, Ref. [35]). The polarization state of a classical measured in the course of this procedure. In other words,
monochromatic wave or of a photon can be analogously preparation does not necessarily coincide with measurement,
depicted on the Poincare sphere. A single-mode polarized field as it is traditionally supposed [2, 3, 18, 19]. It is essential here
in a cavity interacting with a two-level atom [59 ± 62] can exist that the laser field, which plays the role of a given external
in a superposition of vacuum and single-photon states. This force, is described classically, and the atom is supposed to be
means that the space of states for the cavity has the same prepared in the ground state jgi due to relaxation. Similarly to
structure, jci aj0i bj1i. Analogous geometry is typical the measurement stage, the preparation stage should be
for the space of spin states for a particle with spin 1=2. In described after introducing a physically reasonable bound-
terms of group theory, such a space is called SU(2) space. ary between the classical and quantum worlds. A lot of
During the last few years, considerable interest has been successful previous experiments make one confident that
attracted to the idea of quantum computers (see Refs [13, 17, this heuristic model is correct.
59, 60]), where electronic cells with a dichotomous spectrum Up to now, we have neglected the interaction of the atom
of states
0; 1 could be replaced by systems described by with nonexcited (vacuum) modes of the field. This assertion
vectors in SU(2) space (correlated two-level atoms, photons). holds true only at sufficiently short time intervals. Taking into
All cells of the computer should be in a joint pure entangled account the interaction between the atom and the vacuum
state C. Such a device is supposed to increase drastically the field modes, one comes to the spontaneous emission of a
computing rate for some classes of problems. The informa- photon (more accurately, an exponential wave packet with
tion contained in the numbers
a; b or
y; f is called a q-bit. central frequency oe and duration te 1=wge , which is
If an atom interacts with a single-mode field in a cavity, an determined by the probability of spontaneous transition per
inverse exchange of q-bits can take place: unit time, wge ). The point on the Bloch sphere, which depicts
ÿ ÿ the state of the atom, spirals from the north pole to the south
jCi ajgi bjei j0i ! jC 0 i jgi aj0i bj1i :
5:1:1 pole [35]. In a time much larger than te , the atom, with high
probability, gets to the south pole, into the ground state, while
This process, as well as further transfer of a q-bit from the the field gets into the one-photon state j1i. Thus, the model
field to the second atom, has been recently observed in suggests an example where both the atom and the field are
Ref. [61]. Moreover, an entangled EPR state of two atoms prepared in a definite state.
has been prepared using the interaction between the atoms via One can see that modern equipment provides rather
the field [61]: reliable methods for preparing given states of atoms and
ÿ ÿ fields. This possibility of `WF engineering' is widely used for
je1 ; 0i jg1 ; 1i jg2 i je1 ; g2 i je2 ; g1 i j0i the experimental verification of many interesting effects in the
je1 ; g2 ; 0i ! p ! p :
2 2 interaction of a field with matter predicted by the quantum
5:1:2 theory [13, 14, 62]. As we have already mentioned, this
technique also attracts attention in connection with the idea
In the process of quantum teleportation (Section 5.9), a q-bit is of quantum computing.
irreversibly transferred from one photon to another.
5.3 Polarization of light
5.2 An example of quantum state preparation Let us recall the classical description of polarization (see
With the help of modern laboratory equipment, a single atom Ref. [63]). The field of a plane quasi-monochromatic wave in
can be confined in a limited spatial domain (magneto-optical vacuum can be represented as
trap) and cooled to superlow temperatures of about 10ÿ7 K.
In this case, one knows for sure that the atom gets into the E
z; t 2 Re E0 exp
ikz ÿ iot ;
ground state jgi. Let a short laser pulse with definite
amplitude and duration t (a p-pulse, see Ref. [35]) be incident where the complex vector E0 xEx yEy gives the intensity
on the atom at time t0 ÿt. Intense laser radiation to a good and polarization properties of the wave; and Ex and Ey are
approximation can be considered as classical. Let the laser projections of the field onto the directions x; y. For an ideal
900 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
An obvious classical counterpart of such a state is a single- help of Eqn (5.4.1), we obtain
photon wave packet, that is, a quasi-monochromatic field with
the spectrum f
k, which is localized in space and time [37]. hS0 i 1 ;
However, for simplicity, here we speak about photons and use hS1 i jaj2 ÿ jbj2 cos y ;
the single-mode description.
hS2 i 2 Re
a b sin y cos f ;
As was shown for the example in Section 5.2, modern laser
technique permits rather reliable preparation of the field in a hS3 i 2 Im
a b sin y sin f
one-photon state, i.e, generation of a single photon with a
fixed polarization. In the general case, this state is given by the [for
ÿ comparison, see Eqn (5.3.2)]. Now, hSi
vector hS1 i; hS2 i; hS3 i is a unit vector: hS1 i2 hS2 i2 hS3 i2
hSi0 1. Hence, P 1, and a one-photon single-mode field
jci ajxi bjyi aj1; 0i bj0; 1i :
5:4:1 in a pure state is completely polarized, like a classical
monochromatic field. Note that hSk i2 6 hSk2 i 1 and
Here, jaj2 jbj2 1, and jxi j1; 0i j1ix
j0iy denotes hS12 i hS22 i hS32 i 3. The Stokes vector of a photon hSi
the state with a single photon polarized along the x direction. can be depicted as a point on the Poincare sphere. Like the
The second mode y is in the vacuum state. The state jci, up to polarization vector e
a; b, it characterizes the degree of
the phase, can be described by two real parameters y, f, which polarization of the photon. In other words, hSk i characterizes
are the spherical coordinates of the point on the Poincare correlations between the properties of the field in two modes.
sphere [for comparison, see Eqn (5.3.3)], Therefore, Sk can be called correlation operators.
Using retardation plates, one can change the polarization
y y parameters and turn the initial photon with fixed polarization
a cos ; b exp if sin
2 2 (5.4.1) into a photon with any given polarization: linear,
y 0 ÿ p ; f 0 ÿ 2p :
5:4:2 circular, or elliptic. Such transformations can be conveniently
described in terms of the Jones matrices T acting on a two-
The parameters a, b and y, f play the same role pas
in the case dimensional polarization vector e
a; b [see Eqn (5.3.5)].
of a classical polarized wave. For a b 1= 2, the photon Consider the operators Sk acting on the vector (5.4.1).
is polarized pat an angle 45 to the x axis, and for With the help of Eqns (5.4.3), we obtain
a ib 1= 2, it has right circular polarization.
Let the photon be polarized linearly in the plane
x; y at S0 jci ajxi bjyi ; S1 jci ajxi ÿ bjyi ;
the angle y=2 to the x axis, i.e., a cos y, b sin y. (This can
also be written as jci jyi.) Let the photon be detected by an S2 jci bjxi ajyi ; S0 jci ÿibjxi iajyi :
ideal photon counter with 100% quantum efficiency regard-
less of the photon polarization. Then a current pulse (a It follows that the action of the operators Sk on the state
photocount) appears at the output of the detector with vector of a photon, jci, is equivalent to the action of the 2 2
probability equal to unity. There is no stochasticity here, the Pauli matrices on the photon polarization vector, e, so that
probability of photon detection is p 1. (Here we pay no S1 sz , S2 sx , S3 sy . In experiments, such transforma-
attention to the stochasticity at the moment t1 of appearance tions can be performed using retardation plates. This
of the photocurrent pulse; it is only essential that the pulse demonstrates that observables in physics have a dual
appears within the wave packet duration.) character: they describe both the values being measured and
Stochasticity appears only in the case where some the transformations of the states.
polarizing device is inserted before the detector. This can be, The state of a one-photon field can be measured in three
for instance, a polarizing beam splitter (see Fig. 3). Let the stages described above: for w 0, for w 45 , and inserting
prism axis be directed along x
w 0, and the two output an additional quarter-wave plate. In these stages, the
beams of the prism be fed into a pair of ideal detectors operators S1 , S2 , and S3 are measured in turn. Therefore,
(photon counters). Then the counters `click' with probabil- the operators Sk can be considered as observables. Their
ities p1 cos2 y and p2 sin2 y. (This is analogous to the eigenvalues are sk 1. In each trial, it is assumed that a
space of states for a magnetized coin, see Section 3.1.) Each `click' in the upper or lower detector indicates that ski 1 or
trial results in only a single photocount observed in one of the ÿ1. (For comparison, one can recall the classical case where sk
two detectors. Rotation of the prism by the angle w y=2 are determined by the photocurrent differences Di and have
restores the regularity, p1 1, p2 0. Note that the angle y continuous spectrum.) Naturally, the Nicol prism and the
can be determined from the measured dependencies pn
w retardation plates are described classically. It is also assumed,
with a certain ambiguity, and it is necessary to repeat the according to the model of photodetection, that the prob-
measurement for a different position of the prism. ability of a photocount is proportional to hcja 0y a 0 jci, where
To consider a more general case, let us define the Stokes the operators a 0y , a 0 relate to the field on the detector. In a
operators in terms of photon creation and annihilation large number of trials N, one can measure the mean value of
operators ay , a in two polarization modes, by analogy with one of the P Stokes parameters for the state c:
Eqn (5.3.1): hSk i N ÿ1 ski . Further, with the help of Eqns (5.4.2) one
can determine the parameters of the state a, b [or, equiva-
S0 ayx ax ayy ay ; S1 ayx ax ÿ ayy ay ; lently, the components of the photon polarization vector
y y e
a; b]. With a proper choice of retardation plates, one
ax ay ÿ ax ay
S2 ayx ay ax ayy ; S3 :
5:4:3 can measure the projection of the Stokes vector hS ni on any
i given direction n with respect to the Poincare sphere [63].
Note that the operators S1 , S2 , S3 do not commute, for Measurements according to the scheme shown in Fig. 3
instance, S1 ; S2 2iS3 . Performing the averaging with the enable one to find out whether the initial state of the field is a
902 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
one-photon state or not. In the first case, each trial gives there is hidden polarization
P4 1. In addition, the state
exactly one photocount registered by one of the two detectors. j1; 1i is polarization-squeezed [63, 64].
(For simplicity, the detectors are assumed to be ideal.)
Note that it is better to consider the polaroid (the Nicol 5.5 Correlated photons
prism) inserted into the path of the photon as a filter and not Consider two light beams A and B, each one containing a
as a detector. To measure the photon polarization, the single photon. The beams can differ in frequency and/or
polaroid (the Nicol prism) should be completed by a detector directions. In the general case, the state
Pof such a four-mode
in combination with a retardation plate, and the procedure field can be represented as jci i;j cij jAi; Bji, see for
should be repeated many times for different positions of the comparison Eqn (4.7.5). Here the subscripts i; j x; y denote
polaroid and the plate. With no detector inserted, the polarization, jAi; Bji jaiAi
j1iBj is the state with one
polaroid only prepares photons with certain polarization photon in the mode Ai and one photon in the mode Bj. If
and uncertain time of birth t0 . Formally, the action of a two or more coefficients cij are nonzero, the WF does not
polaroid (unlike the Nicol prism) is described as a nonunitary factor
c 6 cA cB and no WF exists for a single photon. In
transformation of the WF or the field operators [21]. This other words, the separate photons do not have definite
transformation leads to additional stochasticity, and the polarization but there is a correlation in their polarizations.
photons at the output of a polaroid should be described in Nonfactorable states of this kind, also called entangled states,
terms of mixed states. demonstrate the EPR ± Bohm paradox [22, 38 ± 40, 56].
Thus, once again a certain state c [or polarization vector Let, for instance,
a; b] determined by the preparation devices is ascribed
to an individual quantum object (the field in a given trial). jAx; Byi ÿ jAy; Bxi
jci p :
Again, in order to check this information, one needs a large 2
number of repeated measurements, see Section 3.2. In other
words, one cannot measure the a priori polarization of a given In a moreÿ detailed notation, this
p state can be represented in
photon, since a photocount in the detector with, say, x- the form j10; 01i ÿ j01; 10i = 2.
polarization can be caused by a photon with any kind of Consider the experimental scheme in Fig. 4. Unlike the
polarization [with the exception for the set e
0; 1 with zero scheme in Fig. 3, it includes an additional detector for the
measure]. Even if a measurement does not destroy the photon measurement of the Stokes parameters and a two-photon
(this could be done using non-destructive measurements source. This scheme allows one to measure the Stokes
suggested by V B Braginsky with collaborators [19]), it parameters SZk for two photons (Z A; B; k 0ÿ3). From
would vary the initial polarization, according to the Wigner Eqn (5.5.1), it follows that hSZ0 i 1, hSZk i 0, PZ 0, i.e.,
formula (4.9.1). Thus, repeated measurements of a single the photons are completely depolarized, and in each beam,
photon polarization are useless. repeated trials give photocounts randomly in one of the two
Recently, this feature of quantum measurements found a detectors, no matter what polarization transformers TA and
surprising application in cryptography where it can be used to TB are installed before the polarization prisms.
discover `eavesdroppers' [16, 17, 65 ± 69]. In quantum crypto- At the same time, from Eqn (5.5.1) it follows that
graphy, one sends coded messages using polarization mod- SAk SBk jci ÿjci, i.e., jci is an eigenvector for all three
ulation of very weak (better, single-photon) light flashes. One products of operators SAk SBk . Hence,
can also use frequency modulation and take advantage of the
impossibility of measuring the a priori `color of a photon', i.e., hSAk SBk i ÿ1
k 1; 2; 3 :
the spectrum of a one-photon wave packet [69].
The properties of photon polarization demonstrate that The form of Eqn (5.5.1) and the property (5.5.2) are invariant
quantum probability models have a specific feature (are `non- in anyÿ basis; for instance, p in a circular basis,
Kolmogorovian'). Namely, there are no elementary joint jci jA ; B ÿ i ÿ jAÿ ; B i = 2. According to Eqn (5.5.2),
probabilities for non-commuting variables, while there exist
marginal probabilities (see Sections 5.6 ± 5.8).
Analyzing photon polarization, we observe another
principal feature of quantum stochasticity: it depends on A
the parameters of the measurement devices and vanishes
for some particular cases. In the case of linear polariza- S
tion, this occurs if the axis of the polarizing prism is
parallel to the initial polarization of the photon, w y=2.
This means that the system (the optical field) is prepared
in the eigenstate jxi of the operator under measurement.
In terms of projecting operators, in this case, one measures B
the operator jcihcj.
Let us briefly consider the polarization of two-photon
states jci2 , which are generated in the process of parametric
scattering [70]. In the general case, jci2 aj2; 0i Figure 4. Schematic plot of an experiment demonstrating the absence of a
bj1; 1i gj0; 2i, where jaj2 jbj2 jgj2 1. Now, the polar- priori polarization for single photons. The source S sends pairs of
ization vector e
a; b; g has three components and the polarization-correlated photons to two detecting devices, A and B. In
projective space is a sphere S3 in four-dimensional space. each trial, one of the two detectors in each device gives a photocount with
equal probabilities. Photocounts in the two devices manifest a certain
One can also define the fourth-order Stokes parameters and
correlation. This correlation cannot be quantitatively described in terms of
the degree of polarization P4 characterizing this state [63]. For classical probability models.
b 1, the field is nonpolarized in the usual sense
P2 0 but
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 903
there is complete (anti)correlation: if some component of the is complete `anticorrelation' of random polarizations. Thus,
Stokes vector is measured in both beams, i.e., the polarization we obtained a classical analogue for the property (5.5.2) of the
transformers are identical, TA = TB, then sAk ÿsBk . For state (5.5.1). (Here, instead of averaging over jci, we used
instance, if observer A measures SA1 and obtains sA1 1, classical time or ensemble averaging.)
i.e., a photocount occurs in the upper detector in Fig. 3, then However, this classical statistical model with the a priori
observer B surely obtains sB1 ÿ1. Opposite detectors, the photon polarization is inconsistent with quantitative predic-
upper one in A and the lower one in B, and vice versa, always tions of the quantum theory and with interference experi-
`click' simultaneously, regardless of the basis where the ments. Consider a simplified version of the scheme in Fig. 4,
Stokes vector is defined. In other words, the corresponding where polarization prisms are replaced by polaroids (analy-
conditional probabilities are equal to unity (see Section 4.8). zers) completely absorbing light with a certain polarization.
It is often supposed that this correlation demonstrates The photons are registered by two detectors with polaroids at
`action at a distance' or `nonlocality' in quantum phenomena. their inputs. Both polaroids are oriented at the same angle
According to the hypothesis of partial reduction (Section 4.8) wA wB w to the x axis. From
eA eB 0, it follows that
and the concept `measurement is preparation', if a photon is each time, only one of the detectors `clicks', A or B, i.e., the
registered by detector A, which measures the x-polarization, probability of a photocount coincidence pAB
wA ; wB
then the state of the field (5.5.1) is projected onto the vector pAB
w hmA mB i is equal to zero for any w. (The parameter
hAxj, so that photon B is instantaneously put into a state with m is set to unity if a photocount occurs and zero if there is no
a certain polarization jByi. At the same time, if detector A photocount.)
measures right circular polarization, then photonÿB instanta- At the same time, a complete absence of coincidences
neously gets
i.e., the vector jci jA ; B ÿ iÿ contradicts the classical principles. Indeed, let, for instance,
jAÿ ; B i = 2 is projected onto hA j. We stress that this is wA wB 0, then, from time to time, photons with polariza-
nothing but an explicit interpretation of the property (5.5.2), tions yA =2 45 and yB =2 ÿ45 should both pass
which can be neither verified nor disproved experimentally. through the polaroids. This paradox can be considered as a
Note that in order to observe the correlation, one needs an consequence of our assertion that each photon has a priori
additional information channel between A and B, therefore, polarization; as a result, the probability of a photon passing
the correlation cannot be used for information exchange. through a polaroid obeys the classical Malus law p
Now, let observer A measure S1 and B measure ÿ S2 . cos2
yA =2 ÿ w. 2
According p to Eqn (I.1), SA1 SB2 jci jAx; Bxi Now let wB ÿ wA f. From hmA mB i hwA ; wB jci and
jAy; Byi = 2. This vector is orthogonal to jci, therefore, jwi cos w jxi sin w jyi, it follows that in the state (5.5.1),
hSA1 SB2 i 0. There is no correlation in the signals from the hmA mB i
1=2 sin2 f
1 ÿ cos 2f. This is an exam-
detectors; the upper and lower detectors in Fig. 4 `click' ple of polarization two-photon interference with the visibility
independently. Similarly, hSA2 SB1 i 0. Thus, both obser- V equal to 100%. In particular, for f 0 we obtain
vers can control the correlation if they independently change hmA mB i 0, i.e., coincidences are completely absent.
the parameters of TA and TB. This result seems at first sight On the other hand, analogous classical models for
unusual: how can rotation of a plate at point A influence the intensity interference lead to a photocurrent correlation of
signal at point B? the form hiA iB i 1 ÿ Vclas cos 2f, where jVclas j 4 1=2. The
However, classical models can give qualitatively similar point is that the interference visibility V is determined by the
controlled correlations. The difference between classical and relation between the moments Gxx , Gyy , and Gxy at the input
quantum analogues is only quantitative [56]. Recall that the of the interferometer [37]. In the classical theory,
classical description of a nonpolarized wave (Section 5.3) Gxx ha 2 a2 i, Gyy hb 2 b2 i, Gxy ha ab bi, and the exis-
implies that the wave can be considered as completely tence of the joint probability distribution for the field
polarized over short time intervals. At short intervals, the amplitudes a, b leads to the Cauchy ± Schwarz inequality
Stokes vector S
t has
directions, and it is time
Gxy 2 4 Gxx Gxy limiting the maximal visibility Vclas . In the
averaging that makes S
t 0. Let us consider for clarity quantum case, one should operate with the normally ordered
that both photons in Fig. 4 are emitted with certain moments Gxx hcjay ay aajci, Gxy hcjay by abjci, which
polarizations, described by the Stokes vectors SZ or by the cannot be put into correspondence with some joint prob-
polarization vectors eZ , and these polarizations change ability distribution. In particular, for the state (5.5.1), the
chaotically from trial to trial. Since, in accordance with Eqn corresponding inequality for quantum moments is violated,
(5.5.2), all three components of the Stokes vector have Gxy 1 and Gxx Gxy 0. In this case, one speaks of
opposite signs for the beams A and B, the two Stokes vectors nonclassical light (Section 4.6). Thus, the paradox of
are oppositely directed, SA ÿSB , and the polarization coincidence suppression, similarly to many other quantum
vectors are orthogonal,
eA eB 0. The two depicting paradoxes, is caused by the absence of joint probabilities for
points on the Poincare sphere are placed oppositely, i.e., if non-commuting operators.
the A photon is x-polarized, then the B photon is y-polarized, In Section 5.4, we came to the conclusion that a single
and so on. photon can be considered as having a certain polarization,
Radiation with similar properties can be obtained by i.e., for the case of pure one-photon state preparation, the
means of two ideal lasers A and B generating polarized concept of a priori polarization has an operational sense
beams with equal intensities. Both beams pass through (although it is impossible to measure the polarization of a
polarization transformers, which are controlled by a com- single photon). For the experiment with two polarization-
mon random number generator, in a way that provides correlated photons, this is not so. Here, only the whole two-
orthogonality: eB
t ? eC
t. As a result, the points depicting wave field is in the pure state (5.5.1); the polarization of
polarization cover the whole Poincare sphere; any polariza- a single wave is described in terms of a mixed state (of
tion of the beams A or B has equal probability, but the Stokes the second type, see Section 4.10). In each beam, all
vectors for A and B are oppositely directed, SA ÿSB . There three observable Stokes parameters are equal to zero,
904 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
hSZ1 i hSZ2 i hSZ3 i 0, i.e., the radiation is completely For instance, the source can send the command
ÿ. This
depolarized. In the case of a ordinary mixed one-photon state, command makes a type-1 detector (measuring S1 ) to give a
this could be explained by random variations of the polariza- green flash, and a type-2 detector (measuring S2 ), a red flash.
tion parameters from trial to trial; however, a 100% visibility A series of signals is a sequence of commands of the form
of the interference pattern contradicts this explanation. Here,
ÿ, or
ÿÿ. For a stationary source, these
the concept of a priori polarizations of two photons has no commands should occur with certain probabilities p
s1 ; s2
sense. (for comparison, see the model with two coins in Section 3.4).
One can also prepare photon pairs correlated in frequency Both variables, s1 and s2 , have certain values 1 or ÿ1 no
and wavefront structure [57, 71, 72]. In this case, it makes no matter whether they are observed or not.
sense to speak about the a priori spatiotemporal form of the However, this joint distribution cannot be measured: in
wave packets corresponding to separate photons. Thus, an each trial, only a single polarization transformer is inserted
evident concept of a photon as a `real' wave packet with a before the detector, and one of the two commands is ignored.
certain form and polarization contradicts the quantum theory If the signals were not single-photon ones, they could be
in the case of `nonclassical' light. `cloned', i.e., divided between two channels and measured by
two independent setups. It is also impossible to perform
5.6 Negative and complex `probabilities' repeated measurements on a single photon: according to the
Let us return to Fig. 3. Let the input field be periodically projection postulate (4.7.2) or the Wigner formula (4.9.1), the
prepared in some one-photon state. The prism is oriented at first measurement changes the state of the field, so that one
the angle w 0 to the x axis, i.e., one measures the first Stokes cannot observe the a priori values s1 and s2 in a single trial.
parameter S1 . In each trial, there is a `click' in the upper or Similarly, the spin projections sk of a single particle cannot be
lower detector. Let the random variable S1 take the value measured simultaneously.
s1 1 for a `click' in the upper detector and the value Thus, with the help of an experiment with two types of
s1 ÿ1 for a `click' in the lower one. One can imagine a detectors, one can formally introduce the concept of a
colored lamp that is governed by the output pulses of the nonmeasurable joint distribution p
s1 ; s2 for two random
detectors and flashes green at s1 1 and red at s1 ÿ1. Let variables S1 , S2 observed in turn. This corresponds to the
us forget about the photons and polarizations and try to make common classical viewpoint, which implies that all observa-
a phenomenological description of the events. The detector is ble properties of objects exist a priori, i.e., before the
considered as a `black box' with an input aperture and a lamp. measurement.
A sender generates a sequence of signals with stationary It is also impossible to calculate four probabilities p
s1 ; s2
statistics characterized by some probability p1
s1 . For a set in the framework of the quantum theory: there is no
of trials, the result can be written as a sequence of bits of the appropriate algorithm for such a calculation. The operators
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ . . .. From this sequence, one can S1 and S2 do not commute; hence, they have no common
determine the probabilities p1
1, p1
ÿ1 1 ÿ p1
1 and eigenstates and the Born postulate (4.7.1) is not valid.
the Stokes parameter hS1 i p1
1ÿ p1
ÿ1 2p1
1 ÿ 1. However, one can first calculate the averaged products of
According to the theories of hidden variables, there is no non-commuting operators (quantum moments) and then
actual stochasticity in reality. Therefore, each signal contains express the probabilities in terms of moments using the
information about the forthcoming value of s1 and about the algorithms of classical probability theory [38, 56]. It should
detector that should `click' in this trial. Similarly, the be noted that the product of two non-commuting Hermitian
trajectory of a Brownian particle is considered as pre-defined operators is non-Hermitian; therefore, the moments and the
by the initial conditions and the dynamic equations of motion `probabilities' calculated via the moments can take complex
for separate molecules. Since the variables are `hidden', we values.
only can introduce some probability p1
s1 , which `actually' This procedure can be illustrated by a simple example. Let
results from averaging over a variety of hidden variables. the field be prepared in a one-photon state with arbitrary
[One can also assume the hidden variables to be random, then polarization, jci ajxi bjyi. Suppose that in each trial, a
s1 plays the role of a marginal distribution given by photon has a priori components of the Stokes vector s1 , s2 ,
summation over the multi-dimensional distributions for the equal to 1 or ÿ1. Let us introduce two random variables S1 ,
hidden variables [38].] Thus, we suppose that the signals have S2 taking these values with some probabilities p
s1 ; s2 . In the
some a priori property S1 , which randomly varies from trial to classical theory, elementary probabilities are related to the
trial. Let us call this assumption the postulate of a priori moments by Eqn (3.4.3), which leads to the constraint (3.4.4).
existing observables. In particular, the following inequality should be satisfied:
Let us now rotate the prism in Fig. 3 by 45 , i.e., let us
measure S2 . A set of trials gives a new distribution p2
s2 , hS1 S2 i 5 hS1 i hS2 i ÿ 1 :
which, evidently, also characterizes the signals sent to the
detector. Indeed, the parameters of the sending device did not Using (I.1), we find the nonzero moments in the state jci:
vary while we rotated the prism. (In principle, the prism can
be rotated after the signal leaves the sender. This is the well- hS2 S3 i hS3 S2 i hS1 S2 S3 i hS1 S3 S2 i ihS1 i ;
known method of delayed choice suggested by Wheeler.) hS3 S1 i hS1 S3 i hS2 S3 S1 i hS2 S1 S3 i ihS2 i ;
From the viewpoint of hidden variables theory, the signals
have at least two a priori properties S1 and S2 . These hS1 S2 i hS2 S1 i hS3 S1 S2 i hS3 S2 S1 i ihS3 i :
properties determine which detector `clicks' in each of the
two options in Fig. 3. (Each polarization transformer should Here, the Stokes parameters hSk i are defined in Eqn (5.3.4) in
be characterized by its own random value but for our terms of a, b. For instance, let f 0, y 45 (the light is
purposes, two variables are enough.) The signals should an angle 22:5 to the x axis). Then
polarized linearlypat
carry information about the outcome of any possible trial. hS1 i hS2 i 1= 2, hS1 S2 i hS3 i 0 (see Fig. 2). As a
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 905
result, inequality (5.6.1) is not satisfied and the probability However, one cannot confirm this conclusion experimen-
ÿ1; ÿ1,paccording
to Eqn (3.4.3), is negative, p
ÿ1; ÿ1 tally since non-Hermitian operators are non-observable. In
1 ÿ 2 ÿ0:1. the forthcoming sections, it will be shown that for 4-mode and
In the general case, a question arises: ``which sequence of 6-mode models, a similar controversy between the classical
operators in quantum moments gives a proper correspon- concepts and the quantum theory can be formulated in terms
dence with the classical theory?'' According to Eqn (5.6.2), of Hermitian operators and observable moments.
the symmetrized expression turns to zero,
5.7 Bell's paradox for the Stokes parameters
1ÿ ÿ
With the help of the experimental setup shown in Fig. 4,
hS1 S2 i hS2 S1 i Re hS1 S2 i 0 :
2 violation of the famous Bell inequality [38 ± 40, 42] can be
demonstrated. The source simultaneously sends photons to
The normally ordered moment h: S1 S2 :i hS1 S2 i ÿ ihS3 i is two remote detectors A and B. At each trial, the field is
also equal to zero. As a result, Eqn (3.4.3) takes the form prepared in the two-photon state (5.5.1), so that there exists a
1ÿ correlation between the properties of the photons from each
s1 ; s2 1 s1 hS1 i s2 hS2 i :
5:6:3 pair [see Eqn (5.5.2)].
Let the detector A measure either A SA1
w 0 or
Then the probability of the event
s1 s2 ÿ1 in the state A 0 SA2
w 45 , and the detector B either B
jci should be 2 ÿ1=2
w 22:5 or B 0 2 ÿ1=2
SB1 ÿ SB2
w ÿ22:5 . Four series of experiments are carried out,
each one containing N trials. In each trial, one measures one
ÿ1; ÿ1 1 ÿ hS1 i ÿ hS2 i
4 of the four pairs
A; B,
A 0 ; B,
A; B 0 , and
A 0 ; B 0 . Each
1 trial yields a pair of numbers
ai ; bi , where ai ; bi 1. From
1 ÿ cos y ÿ sin y cos f :
5:6:4 the 4N numbers obtained in this experiment, one calculates
the following N numbers:
This expression takes negative values for certain types of 1 0 0 0 0
photon polarization; therefore, it cannot be considered as a fi
ai bi aNi bNi a2Ni b2Ni ÿ a3Ni b3Ni :
If we choose the antisymmetrized expression Further, one finds the arithmetic mean,
hS1 S2 i ÿ hS2 S1 i ÿ X
Im hS1 S2 i hS3 i ; hF iN N ÿ1 fi :
Eqn (3.4.3) takes the form The measurement procedure and a computer simulation of it
are described in detail in Ref. [56]; real optical experiments are
described and analysed in Ref. [42].
s1 ; s2 1 s1 hS1 i s2 hS2 i s1 s2 hS3 i :
4 For N ! 1, one can assume hF iN ! hF i, where
This expression also takes negative values for some polariza- F
AB A 0 B AB 0 ÿ A 0 B 0
tions. Generalization of this result to the case of two or more
photons belonging to several beams gives a general approach 1
B B 0 A 0
B ÿ B 0
and a `minimal solution' to certain paradoxes known in 2
quantum optics [38]. 2 ÿ1=2
SA1 SB1 SA2 SB2 ;
According to this example, it makes no sense to suppose
that in each trial, a one-photon field contains information and the angular brackets denote averaging either with respect
about the outcomes of any possible experiments of measuring to the WF (5.5.1) or with respect to some classical set of
its polarization, and about the detector in Fig. 3 that would probabilities p
a; b; a 0 ; b 0 .
`click' in this trial. Such a viewpoint contradicts the quantum In the quantum case, from Eqns (5.5.2) and (5.7.2) it
theory since it leads to negative probabilities. In the general follows directly that
case, quantum moments do not correspond to any elementary 1 p
probability distribution; in this sense, they are not `proper' hF iquant hcjAB A 0 B AB 0 ÿ A 0 B 0 jci ÿ 2 :
moments and the model is non-Kolmogorovian. Recall that
the operator S1 has the sense of the photon number difference Note that in the quantum theory, hcjF jci does not
and the operator S2 , for the case of one-photon states, correspond to the standard definition of an observable mean
corresponds to the cosine of the phase difference for the value given by the Born postulate (4.7.1), since the operator F
amplitudes of fields in polarization modes. Therefore, these contains non-commuting variables that can be only measured
properties of the fields cannot be assumed to have a priori in different trials.
values. If the state of a photon is given
ÿ by the polarization
According to the classical hypothesis of hidden variables,
a; b or by the Stokes vector hS1 i; hS2 i; hS3 i , i.e., the it is assumed that there exist 2 4 16 elementary probabilities
preparation procedure is known, this does not mean that one p
a; b; a 0 ; b 0 determined by the properties of the light source.
knows the properties of the photon. It is only possible to The mean value of a random variable F can be expressed in
predict the statistics of future experiments with a large terms of the elementary probabilities as
number of identically prepared photons. These statistics X
cannot be described in terms of joint probabilities p
s1 ; s2 hF iclas p
a; b; a 0 ; b 0 f
a; b; a 0 ; b 0 :
or p
s1 ; s2 ; s3 . a; b; a 0 ; b 0 1
906 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
in the framework of the classical probability model, with the between the observables, and that is why no angular brackets
properties of the signals existing a priori. According to this are used in Eqns (5.8.2). Second, instead of the violation of a
model, there exist six random dichotomous variables A, A 0 , classical inequality, here we obtain violation of a classical
B, B 0 , C, C 0 , which take the values a; a 0 ; b; b 0 ; c; c 0 1. The equality.
symbol h. . .i denotes classical averaging with respect to some Formally, the GHZ paradox can also be defined as a
six-dimensional probability distribution p
a; b; c; a 0 ; b 0 ; c 0 . violation of the classical restriction for the moments (5.7.6),
In each trial, the source sends full information, i.e., a set of fmin 4 hF iclas 4 fmax
six numbers 1. All six variables a; b; c; a 0 ; b 0 ; c 0 have some
definite values 1 or ÿ1 no matter whether they are observed F F1 F2 F3 F4 AB 0 C 0 A 0 BC 0 A 0 B 0 C ABC :
or not. At each trial, these six numbers should satisfy the
quantum prediction of full correlation between the observed The classical model is based on commutative algebra, so that
triples. (Indeed, one can choose the position of the prism F
ABCA 0 B 0 C 0 2 1, i.e., the classical variable F takes the
while the signal is on its way to the detector.) only value fmin fmax f0 1 and hF iclas F 1. On the
Thus, according to the theory of hidden variables, the other hand, according to Eqn (I.3), the mean value for the
information sent by the light source should satisfy four corresponding quantum operator F in the state (5.8.1) is
requirements (5.8.2) imposed by the quantum model, though hF iquant hcjF jci ÿ1 6 f0 . (For more detail, see Ref.
each one of the numbers a 0 ; b; c; . . . takes values with equal [38].)
probabilities. One can easily see that Eqns (5.8.2) are
inconsistent. Let, for instance, the signal be 5.9 `Teleportation' of photon polarization
a; b; c; a 0 ; b 0 ; c 0
ÿ ÿ ÿ , then the first three equal- A surprising possibility of copying the quantum state of an
ities in Eqns (5.8.2) are satisfied while the last is not. individual system and passing it to another system, iso-
Moreover, no combination of the six signs can satisfy all morphic to the first, has been discovered by Bennett et al.
four observed correlations (5.8.2). This fact becomes clear if [75]. In contrast to the reversible exchange of q-bits (5.1.1),
one multiplies the right-hand parts and the left-hand parts of here the initial system influences the final one by means of a
all the equalities in Eqns (5.8.2). The product of the left-hand classical control channel. In fact, the `quantum teleportation'
parts contains all multipliers twice: suggested in Ref. [75] is a method of preparing an individual
a 0 bcab 0 cabc 0 a 0 b 0 c 0
abca 0 b 0 c 0 2 1 :
5:8:3 quantum system in a given state. It is essential that the
information about the state to be prepared exists in the
At the same time, the product of the right-hand parts gives quantum form, i.e., it is encoded in the state of another
1 ÿ1. To solve this paradox 1 ÿ1, it is system. This means that the copying does not reveal all the
sufficient to assume that the Stokes parameters SZ1 and SZ2 information about the system; otherwise, some part of the
have no a priori values, no matter whether they are observed information would be lost. (Recall that one cannot measure
or not, and to take into account that all four equalities (5.8.2) the polarization of a photon.) Therefore, only some part of
are tested in different trials (with different positions of the the information is transformed into the classical data
polarizing prisms). consisting of observable macroscopic events. The idea
As a result, the distribution p
a; b; c; a 0 ; b 0 ; c 0 also has no suggested in Ref. [75] was further developed in Refs [76 ± 81].
sense. In the classical model, 26 64 numbers The first experiments in this direction are described in Refs
a; b; c; a 0 ; b 0 ; c 0 form the set of elementary probabilities; [80, 81].
all lower-dimensional marginal probabilities p
a, To explain the effect of polarization copying, let us
a; b 0 ; . . . , are obtained from the elementary probabilities consider a simplified and idealized scheme of the experiment
by means of summation. Hence, if we assume that performed in Ref. [80] (Fig. 5). In three quasi-monochromatic
a; b; c; a 0 ; b 0 ; c 0 do not exist, then all marginal probabil- light beams A, B, and C that are fed to the input of the optical
ities are undefined. However, all one-dimensional probabil- system, photons (denoted by circles) appear simultaneously,
ities like p
a do have physical sense since they can be in `triples'. The photons to be copied (A) are fully polarized.
measured directly. Hence, the above-considered experiment The photons B and C are depolarized but there is an ideal
cannot be described in terms of the Kolmogorov model: one correlation between their polarizations (Section 5.5). The
can measure marginal probabilities and the corresponding beams A and B are mixed by the nonpolarizing beamsplitter
moments while the initial six-dimensional elementary prob- BS with transmission 50%, therefore all three beams become
ability distribution has no sense. In other words, the quantum polarization correlated. This correlation is analysed by means
moments hS1A S1B S1C i, hS1A S2B S2C i; . . . are not `true' of two polarization transformers TA, TC, the polarizing prism
moments of some non-negative distribution; the problem of PC in the C beam, three photon counters DZ , and the
moments has no solution, and the model is `non-Kolmogor- coincidence circuit CC.
ovian'. A formal calculation of p
a; b; c; a 0 ; b 0 ; c 0 via the In fact, this scheme is a modification of the polarization
quantum moments using the standard classical algorithm is intensity interferometer operating in the photon counting
ambiguous and leads to negative probabilities, which have no regime. (For comparison, see the description of two-photon
operational sense (see Section 5.6 and Refs [38, 56]). interferometry, Section 5.5.) In the experiment [80], the rate of
Note that quite a different reasoning is commonly used for triple coincidences N was studied as a function of TA and TC,
solving paradoxes of this kind. It is believed that such and the time delay t in one of the three channels. (The
paradoxes prove the existence of `quantum nonlocality': for interference visibility decreases with the increase of t, as
instance, one assumes that the position of the prism at point A usual.)
influences the values measured by the detectors B and C (see The three-photon interference observed for the scheme in
Section 5.7). Fig. 5 manifests a remarkable feature: the rate of triple
Two interesting features distinguish the GHZ paradox coincidences N depends similarly on the orientations of TA
from Bell's paradox. First, here one observes a full correlation and TC, as if both transformers were placed one after another
908 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
Comparison between Eqns (5.9.3) and (5.9.1) shows that in There are two possible interpretations for the effect
the chosen subset of events, the field in the C beam has the considered here.
same polarization properties as the initial A-photon. The (1) The effect of three-photon interference and teleporta-
state of the A-photon (its polarization vector) seems to be tion is usually considered in terms of WF partial reduction:
transferred from the A beam to the C beam, eA ! eC . The simultaneous `clicks' in two detectors DA and DB cause the
action of the transformer TC on the chosen subset of events reduction of the three-photon state into a one-photon one,
can be described in terms of the effective function (5.9.3) jc 0 iABC ! jciC . The field or the detectors in the C beam
assuming that TC transforms the vectors jCji [see Eqn (II.9)]. instantaneously know this due to some superluminal interac-
The same `teleportation' takes place for another 1=8 of the tion [80]; therefore, the effect is believed to be evidence for
trials, where photons A and B are registered by the detectors `quantum nonlocality'. It is supposed that the mathematical
Ax and By [see Eqn (II.8a)]. The total share of `good' events procedure of projecting jc 0 i onto hAy; Axj in Eqn (5.9.3)
can be increased to 1=2 if a controlled polarization transfor- following from the Born postulate corresponds to some real
mer TC0 is inserted into the beam C [75]. This element should event caused by detecting photons at points DAy and DBx .
provide the transformation b ! ÿb [described by the Pauli The necessity for a gate or a coincidence circuit is ignored.
matrix sx , see Eqn (5.4.5)] if there are `clicks' in the detectors However, if a coincidence circuit is used, the detectors in
DAx and DAy or DBx and DBy . Now only for one half of all the beams A, B, and C are equivalent: one can assume that the
events, where two photons get into a single output mode Ax, reduction occurs first in the detectors DCj (in the absence of
Ay, Bx, or By, there is no `polarization copying'. the modulators M and TC0 ). At present, the hypothesis of
This experiment can be also described in the Heisenberg instantaneous reduction is confirmed neither theoretically
representation: p 0klm m 0klm hcjNk0 Nl0 Nm0 jci (see Appendix nor experimentally. It is hardly consistent with the special
II). The optical scheme including the beamsplitter and the relativity theory, since the detectors can be placed at any
polarization transformers is described by a transformationP distance. In Appendix II, it is shown that the copying effect is
matrix (the spectral Green's function), ak ! ak0 Gkm am . fully described in terms of a standard formalism with Born's
The optical scheme transforms the input moments, which can correlation functions (4.7.1b). In other words, the idea that
be written as m ! m 0 G 6 m. The matrix Gkm coincides with the effect is caused by instantaneous reduction is redundant; it
the corresponding matrix in the classical theory; therefore, is nothing more than a possible interpretation.
transformation of the field statistics m ! m 0 is described in the (2) In the framework of the `minimal' interpretation, the
quantum theory the same way as in the classical theory. The effect can be considered as a manifestation of the specific
only difference between the quantum and classical descrip- correlation between the three light beams. Certainly, all
tions is contained in the relative values of the input moments observable events do not violate the special relativity theory.
m. This leads to the limited visibility of two-beam intensity One can assume the information
a; bA to be carried from the
interference in the classical case, V < 50% (see Section 5.5 input of the optical scheme to its output either by the WF of
and Ref. [37]). the field (c ! c 0 , the SchroÈdinger representation) or by the
The original paper by Bennett et al. [75] was entitled field operators (a ! a 0 , the Heisenberg representation),
``Teleportation of an unknown quantum state via dual classic similarly to the case of a single polarized photon. If the
and EPR channels''. In the formalism used in Ref. [75], Bell modulators TC0 and M are not used, then the time sequence
states similar to Eqn (5.9.2) were chosen as base vectors. Such for the three detectors is not essential, since the detectors are
an approach ignores the cases where two photons get into a separated by spacelike intervals (see Section 4.8). There is no
single detector; it is not taken into account that a nonunitary reason for selecting two stages in a triple photocount
operation is necessary for excluding these cases. It is stressed occurring in the three detectors (first, two photocounts
in the paper that the initial state is not measured but the cause the WF reduction, and then the new WF influences
information about the state is split into two parts, the the third detector). Neither the consistent theory nor the
quantum one and the classical one. In the optical case experiment confirms this interpretation. Instead of introdu-
(Fig. 5), the classical part includes the signal that controls cing ad hoc `nonlocality', it is more consistent to assume that
the transformer TC0 in case of certain events; the quantum part the quantum theory is non-Kolmogorovian and to neglect the
includes the photon C. The information sender is tradition- existence of a priori values (see Sections 4.5, 5.6 ± 5.8). If
ally called Alice. In addition to the input A photons, Alice has modulators are used, one can speak of the preparation of a
a source of EPR-correlated photons B and C, the beamsplitter photon state in the C beam.
BS and the detectors at the output of the beamsplitter. To In its simplest version, the effect of polarization copying,
Bob, who operates the transformer TC0 , Alice sends the eA ! eC , has a clear (but not strict) explanation (see Fig. 5). It
photon C (using the quantum channel) and classical signals follows from two well-known effects: the intensity antic-
with commands to set TC0 1 or TC0 sx . Photon C, which orrelation in the output beams of the beamsplitter, A0 and
gets the state of photon A as a result of reduction and the B 0 , and the polarization anticorrelation for the photons in the
action of TC0 , is sent further by Bob. initial beams, B and C (Section 5.5). Assume for simplicity
If it were not for the `bad' events where two photons are that all three photons A, B, and C have some a priori
fed to the same detector, the limiting efficiency of the scheme polarizations eZ and the corresponding Stokes vectors SZ .
would be 100%. (This situation is specific for the optical case; These polarizations vary randomly from trial to trial.
for fermions, such `bad events' are forbidden by the Pauli Property (5.5.2) can be understood as an anticorrelation
principle.) The idea of `teleporting' the state of a two-level between the directions of the Stokes vectors, SA ÿSB , or
system can be generalized to the case of more complicated orthogonality of the polarization vectors, eB ? eC (see
systems [60, 75 ± 79]. One can `move' information from the Section 5.5). Let us choose a basis with ex eA and assume
field to atoms and back, see Eqns (5.1.1), (5.1.2). One can that according to Eqn (5.9.2), there exist only two events with
expect that these possibilities will find applications in equal probabilities: either eB ex and eC ey or eB ey and
quantum computing and quantum cryptography. eC ex . In the first case, where eB eA , one should observe
910 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
an anticorrelation between the photocounts in DA and DB, As another example, one can consider a short field pulse
since both photons should get into the same detector, either with E 1 keV applied to a metal. This pulse causes cold
into DA or into DB. (This is the so-called effect of two-photon emission of electrons with relatively well-defined energies.
interference or intensity anticorrelation at the output of a Additional filtering in space and velocity allows one to
beamsplitter, see Ref. [37].) Hence, if `clicks' are observed in prepare free particles in sufficiently well-defined (but mixed)
both detectors DA and DB, then the second case takes place, states.
i.e., eC ex eA (see the bold lines in Fig. 5).
Using this explanation, one can suggest a similar classical 6.1 Coordinate or momentum measurement
method of copying polarization from one light beam to How does one actually observe signals from the microworld
another without measuring this polarization. Consider three in a laboratory? For detecting single particles, one uses
ideal lasers A, B, C generating polarized light beams, so that scintillators, photosensitive films, Wilson chambers, Geiger
beams A and B have equal intensities I0 and frequencies o0 . counters, ionization detectors of atoms, photomultipliers
The beams B and C are transmitted through polarization (PMTs) and similar devices. Probably, a common feature of
transformers controlled by a common random number all these devices is the transfer of an energy quantum from the
generator in such a way that the orthogonality condition particle to the atoms of the detector and further amplifica-
t ? eC
t is always satisfied (see Section 5.5). As a result, tion, an `explosive' process leading to a macroscopic event [4],
all polarizations of the beams B and C have equal probabil- which can be the appearance of a droplet in a super-cooled
ities but their Stokes vectors have opposite directions, vapor due to the thermodynamic instability or the appearance
SB ÿSC . of an electron avalanche in a PMT due to the accelerating
Further, let the beams A and B be mixed at a beamsplitter field. It seems reasonable to place the border between the
and the intensities IA0
t and IB0
t in the output beams A0 and quantum and classical parts of the setup (Section 4.1) after
B 0 be measured by two analogue detectors. Because of the some `seeding' atom in the detector and to consider the energy
fluctuations of the vector eB
t, there are also fluctuations in of this atom as the `readout observable'. In this approach, the
the intensities IA0
t and IB0
t. These fluctuations are antic- macroscopic event registered in the experiment is supposed to
orrelated, since the total intensity is preserved, be caused by the excitation or ionization of one of the atoms
t IB0
t 2I0 . At the moments when IA
t is equal to of the detector. The well-known Glauber model for the
t, to a given accuracy DI=I0 , there is no interference of the optical photons detection [20], which is successfully used in
beams at the input of the beamsplitter, and this means that quantum optics, is also based on this scheme.
their polarizations are orthogonal, eA ? eB . In this case, Some devices detect only the space coordinate r1 or a
eB ? eC also, so that eA eC . At such time moments, the sequence of coordinates (a track) for macroscopic objects,
gate blocking the C beam is automatically opened. As a result, such as droplets, silver particles, and so on. Devices with fine
we obtain light pulses with random intervals and random time resolution generate short electric pulses and this way fix
durations but with the frequency oC and polarization eA . the moment t1 of detecting a particle. Thus, one can state that
A principal drawback of this model distinguishing it from only some events
r1 ; t1 in space ± time are actually regis-
the quantum one is the limited accuracy of copying, which is tered. These events are measured using macroscopic rulers
inversely proportional to DI and to the relative time of gate and clocks and assumed to be the coordinates of the particle
opening (the efficiency). In the quantum case, an ideal setup under study. (Of course, any measurement of continuous
provides exact copying. parameters has restricted `laboratory' accuracy, which should
be distinguished from the principal quantum uncertainty.)
Further, using these coordinates, one determines (indirectly,
6. A particle in one dimension
from theoretical considerations) other parameters of the
In Section 5.2, we considered a trapped atom and showed how particle, such as the energy, momentum, spin, etc. (see the
its internal degrees of freedom can be prepared in a given state scheme in Fig. 1).
by means of cooling and a resonant laser pulse. For an atom Following Glauber, let us consider the model of detecting
cooled in a trap, its external (kinetic) degrees of freedom are a charged particle, for instance, an electron. Let a massive
also prepared in a definite (ground) stationary state detecting atom be placed at a fixed point x1 . Due to the large
r ÿ r0 , with the shape and the length of the packet a0 mass of the detecting atom, the coordinate of its center of
being determined by the trap potential V
r ÿ r0 . Here r0 is mass x1 can be considered as a c-number. Suppose that the
the classical coordinate of the trap center. Switching off the particle is prepared in some pure state hxjc0 i c
x; t0 ,
trapping potential at the moment t0 , one prepares the free where t0 is the time moment of preparation. The detecting
particle in the state c
r; t0 c0
r ÿ r0 with some localized atom is in the ground state jgi, and the state of the whole
form of the packet, with known moment of preparation t0 , system (particle atom) has a factored form, jC0 i jc0 ijgi.
and localization domain r0 a0 . The state is no more In each trial, time is measured with respect to a new moment
stationary and the packet starts to `diffuse'. The mean energy t0 0. As the `readout observable' (see Section 4.1), we
E and the momentum of the particle are equal to zero but they choose the operator of projection on the excited state of the
can be increased using classical fields (gravitational, electric, detecting atom, P1
e jeihej. According to the Born
or optical fields). We stress once more that in this process, no postulate (4.7.1), this Heisenberg operator averaged with
measurement is performed on the quantum system: the respect to the initial WF gives the probability of the event
particle (or its WF) is influenced but its back action on the `the atom at point x1 at time t1 is in the excited state':
measurement devices is not observed. An experimenter
measures (via comparison with references) only numerical p1
e; t1 C0 P1
e; t1 C0 :
values of the classical parameters r0 , t0 , V
r ÿ r0 for the
preparation device. This function can easily be calculated in the first order of
the perturbation theory with respect to the interaction energy
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 911
for the particle and the atom, V1 (for more detail, see Ref. (Here t is the time constant of the detector, which is assumed
[58]). Further, suppose there are many levels (or many atoms) to be zero in our model.) This procedure relates the
with different transition frequencies oe . We integrate the mathematical symbols X
t or c
x; t to our `actual' space ±
probability p1
e; t1 over the transition frequency oe under time
x1 ; t1 , which is measured by means of rulers and clocks.
the assumption that the frequency band Doe is infinitely Consider now the simplest model of measuring the
broad. This classical procedure of probability summation distribution of the longitudinal momentum for a charged
describes a broad-band detector with infinitely fast response particle, p mv hk. Let a domain with constant magnetic
and indirectly takes into account relaxation processes. field H0 be placed before the detector. In this domain, the
It is convenient to introduce the differential probability of trajectory of the particle is bent: the particle moves along a
the detector excitation per unit time (the transition rate), circle with radius r cp=eH0 . Measuring the transverse
w dp=dt. The excitation rate for a detector at point x1 coordinate of the particle, one finds r and calculates p and
passed by a particle takes the form k p=h. Repeated many times, this experiment allows one to
measure the distribution w
k, the mean value k0 , and the
x1 ; t1 Z1 c0 V12
X; t1 c0 uncertainty Dk. Under the assertion that the measurement is
accurate, one can assume the projector Pk jkihkj to be the
Z1 dx c
x; t1 V1
x :
6:1:2 readout observable. Then, from the2Born postulate,
2 one
obtains w
k hc0 jPk jc0 i hkjc0 i c
k; t0 . Since
free motion conserves momentum, the vectors jki have only
Here Z1 is the detector efficiency, V1
x is the potential of the phase variations, and the moment of measurement is not
interaction between the particle and the atom. This potential essential.
has either a maximum or a minimum at point x x1 and
plays the role of the `instrumental function' determining the 6.2 Time-of-flight experiment
inaccuracy of the measurement Dx a1 , where a1 is the width There exists another method of velocity measurement, with a
of V1
x. high-energy particle passing by two fast detectors in sequence,
Note that Eqn (6.1.2) could be obtained at once from the for instance, two Geiger counters (Fig. 6a). Only trials where
formula w hc0 jP1 jc0 i [see Eqn (6.1.1)] by choosing the both detectors `click' are taken into account (the coincidence
integral method). As a result, one can measure the joint distribution
for two events, p12 p
x1 ; t1 ; x2 ; t2 (Fig. 6b). This is the
p scheme of the time-of-flight experiment, which is widely used
P1 Z1 dx V1
xjxihxj ;
for measuring velocities of particles. The distance between the
detectors, x2 ÿ x1 L, divided by the time delay between the
i.e., a weighted sum of elementary projectors jxihxj, as the two pulses, t2 ÿ t1 T, gives the a priori group velocity of the
`readout observable'. However, this choice has to be verified, particle wave packet v0 L=T. (The energy loss in the first
which is done by means of the present calculation. detector is not taken into account.) Let the particle be
For a1 5 a0 , where a0 is the width of the initial packet prepared each time in a pure state with the momentum
x; t0 , one can assume V12
x d
x ÿ x1 , with all unessen- sufficiently well-defined, so that it is described by a long
tial constants included into the efficiency Z1 , so that Eqn wave packet. As a result, one observes fluctuations in the
(6.1.2) takes the form detection moments t1 , t2 , with respect to some preparation
2 moment t0 0, and in the time delay T. Repeating the
x1 ; t1 Z1 c
x1 ; t1 :
6:1:3 procedure many times, one can measure the distribution p12 .
As it is shown in Section 4.9, standard algorithms of the
We see that the WF absolute value jcj (the envelope of the quantum theory cannot be used for calculating p12 . The point
wave packet) can be measured, i.e., it is an operationaly- is that the Heisenberg operators P1
t1 and P2
t2 , which
defined parameter. describe the responses from the detectors at time moments t1
Expression (6.1.3) resembles the Born postulate stating and t2 , do not commute, since the detectors interact with the
the probability meaning of the WF. However, in our case, it particle. The only way to calculate the probability p12 in the
follows from Eqn (6.1.1), and the arguments x1 ; t1 play the case of a time-of-flight experiment seems to be to use the
role of directly measurable classical parameters of the Wigner formula (4.9.1). In addition, one should assume the
quantum theory. Let us stress that t1 t10 ÿ t0 is an argu- time moments tn in Eqn (4.9.1) to be random. (In the quantum
ment of the distribution function, which is obtained by measurement theory, it is supposed that the moments of
processing experimental data. It is not an arbitrary measure- measurement are arbitrarily chosen by the experimenter and
ment time chosen by an experimenter, as is usually supposed that the reduction takes place at these moments.)
in the quantum measurement theory. In the ith trial, the The differential probability (transition rate) w12
moment ti of a pulse appearing at the output of the detector is q2 p12 =qt1 qt2 can be calculated using the above-described
unpredictable up to the duration of the particle wave packet, model of a broad-band detector in the second order
Dt0 a0 =v0 . perturbation theory [58] [for comparison, see Eqn (6.1.2)],
In a real experiment, the operator of the particle
coordinate X cannot be measured directly, and the position w12 Z1 Z2 c0 V1
X; t1 V22
X; t2 V1
X; t1 c0 :
of the particle is always identified with the classical coordi-
nate x1 of a massive fixed detector (a microcrystal in a Here Vn are the potentials of the interaction between the
photosensitive film, a water droplet in a super-cooled vapor, particle and the detectors, and Zn are the detector efficiencies.
etc.), up to some uncertainty a1 . When an excited atom is Since only coincident counts are registered, the parameter
registered, it is natural to conclude that the passing particle characterizing the interaction of the particle with the
has the coordinate x1 a1 at the moment of the pulse t1 t. detectors, Zn Vn , can be considered as small.
912 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
city, let t1 t0 and Z 1. Using Eqn (4.9.1), we find the The distribution function has the form
coincidence probability as a function of the parameters x1 and
k of the devices, w
x; p; t d
x ÿ xt d
p ÿ pt :
x1 ; k hc0 jP1 P2 P1 jc0 i The evolution of the state in time is given by the Hamilton
2 equations
2pÿ1 dx V1
x exp
ÿikx :
dH dH p2
x_ ; p_ ÿ ; H V
x :
Again, this result can be understood as a manifestation of the dp dx 2m
back action. Indeed, the interaction of the particle with the
first detector is taken into account by multiplying its initial In the absence of external forces, the potential V
x 0, so
WF by the interaction potential, that
potential A
r given by the relation rot A
r B
r. This with an interesting paradox. The Lorenz force acting on the
definition is ambiguous: all potentials of the form A and electron at a point rC is determined by the field B
rC ;
A0 A grad w, where w
r is an arbitrary scalar field, give therefore, it is commonly supposed that only B is a `real'
the same magnetic field B
r and therefore, are indistinguish- field, while the potential A is an auxiliary mathematical
able. notion. But in the case considered here, B
rC 0, so one
Assume that the field A
r does not vary much within the has to accept `nonlocality' or `action at a distance', since the
cross section of the electron WF in each arm of the static field B0 inside the solenoid somehow influences the
interferometer. Then it follows from the SchroÈdinger equa- electron `at a distance'. Expressing B0 via the current I0 , one
tion with the Hamiltonian
P ÿ eA=c2 =2m that each compo- can speak about the `action at a distance' of this current. This
nent of the WF has a phase shift given by the line integral: conclusion can be avoided if the potential A
rC is claimed to
be a `real' field, but this potential is defined at each point rC
fn A
r dr ;
6:7:1 with a certain ambiguity. Both alternatives contradict the
hc Cn traditional viewpoint. Note that the condition B
rC 0 is
actually not necessary for formulating the paradox, since in
where Cn is the path along the electron trajectory in the nth the general case, the integral formula (6.7.2) also describes the
arm of the interferometer between the input and the output global, i.e., nonlocal, action of the field B
beamsplitters. (As in geometric optics, the trajectory is On the other hand, the term `action' implies a dynamic
understood as the path along a bounded beam.) Hence, the effect, i.e., variation of the observed phase difference Df as a
phase difference between the WF components at the output result of the current DI variation. Clearly, any change in the
beamsplitter is WF phase (the phase modulation, see the previous section)
would be delayed in time, in accordance with the solution to
e e e
f f1 ÿ f 2 A
rC drC B dS FS : the Maxwell equations for the classical field of a given source.
hc C
hc S
hc No instant `action at a distance' would be observed.
6:7:2 Probably, it is more consistent to consider the field source,
such as, for instance, a heavy particle with a dipole magnetic
(Note that the result is independent of w.) This value is moment, as a quantum system. In this case, we are dealing
observable since it determines the probabilities p1;2 for the with the interaction between two quantum systems and no
electron to be discovered in the two output beams of the question arises whether it is the field or the potential which is
interferometer, see the previous section. Here C C1 ÿ C2 is `real'.
a closed contour coinciding with the electron trajectory in This reasoning demonstrates that the question of which is
both arms of the interferometer, S is the surface bounded by `more real', B
rC or A
rC , makes no sense from the
this contour, and FS is the magnetic flux through this surface. operational viewpoint. It relates to the group of `what-
Thus, an interferometer can be used to measure magnetic actually-goes-on-there' questions. One can only state that
fluxes. A similar principle is used in Josephson-transition the formalism based on the potential Am instead of the fields
magnetometers [95]. This demonstrates how a classical Fmn is usually more compact and symmetric for solving
variable can be measured by means of a quantum effect. relativistic problems. In the electrodynamics calibration
(Such devices are used in quantum metrology.) theory, it is namely the potential that plays the most
It is typical for this effect that f depends only on the important role, and its existence is supposed to follow from
integral (global) parameter, FS , which is determined by the the charge conservation law.
contour C and the field. The electron velocity does not play
any role but different paths can lead to equal phase
7. Conclusions
differences. For this reason, such effects are called topologi-
cal, or geometrical. In this paper, we tried to find out the operational meaning of
According to Eqn (6.7.1), the phase shift is not defined for the basic terms used in nonrelativistic quantum physics. Our
an open contour, since the potential A is ambiguous. Still, one consideration was based on the techniques applied in
can define the phase f
r; r0 at each point r of some trajectory laboratories and on the observable experimental data. Of
with respect to the phase at a fixed point r0 . This can be done course, the situation may drastically change with time; for
by closing the trajectory from r to r0 along a curve orthogonal instance, some new metatheory may appear, bringing
to A
r at each point, i.e., a curve belonging to an together quantum and classical physics, or new experimental
equipotential surface of A
r. In accordance with Eqn facts may be obtained. The essence of quantum notions was
(6.7.1), this closure does not influence the phase. The also clarified by means of comparison with the closest explicit
obtained `moving' phase is additive, f
r2 ; r0 f
r2 ; r1 models based on classical stochasticity.
r1 ; r0 . For the case of several sources of field, this notion Our attention was mostly drawn to the central object in
has interesting topological properties. quantum physics, to the WF. We found reasons for ascribing
The Aharonov ± Bohm effect (see Refs [13, 95 ± 98]) is a definite WF c to a particle or to any other individual
observed in the case where the magnetic field is equal to zero quantum object prepared in the course of an ideal preparation
along the whole electron trajectory. (More precisely, it is procedure. This position agrees with the orthodox viewpoint.
equal to zero in the whole domain where the WF of the It was shown that the notion of a pure state of a given
particles have noticeable values.) According to Eqn (6.7.2), individual system has a strict operational meaning, since it is
the phase difference can be nonzero in this case if B
rC 0, determined by the preparation procedure. Knowing the state
but at the same time, FS 6 0. These conditions can be of a system, one can calculate the probabilities of possible
satisfied using magnetic screening, a thoroidal magnet or a observations.
long solenoid placed between the arms of the interferometer. However, to convincingly check the information con-
Interpretation of the Aharonov ± Bohm effect is connected tained in the symbol c, one needs a set of identically prepared
918 D N Klyshko Physics ± Uspekhi 41 (9)
systems. This conclusion agrees with the ensemble viewpoint. paper [100] entitled ``Operational interpretation of nonrelati-
Thus, two basic approaches to the WF, the orthodox and the vistic quantum mechanics'' writes that ``although some
ensemble approach, correspond to two different experimental authors confuse preparation and measurement of a state,
procedures, to preparation and to measurement. This fact these notions are essentially different, both physically and
removes the seeming contradiction between the two logically.''
approaches. Both approaches have operational verifications, At present, probably, all known experiments can be
each its own. described using the standard algorithms of the quantum
At the same time, there is no principal difference between theory and the Born postulate (4.7.1). According to this
a single trial and an arbitrarily large finite number of trials. As postulate, the value to be compared with experiment is the
a result of some measurement, one can ascribe the WF to a projection of the state of the system onto some vector, which
single system or to, say, a hundred identically prepared is determined by the experimental procedure. Then Dirac's
systems (Section 3.2). In both cases, the theory gives only statement (4.7.2) that the measurement creates a new WF is
probability predictions, with the only exception for the case not necessary. As far as we know, at present there exist no
where the system is prepared in an eigenstate of an observed experimental facts that could confirm or disprove the
operator. Even for the case of a single measurement, knowing reduction hypothesis and various models of the measure-
the preparation procedure for the WF of some individual ment process. Despite all efforts, they remain completely
system, one has certain a priori information about the isolated from experiment. Again and again, new results
outcome of the future experiment. For instance, after a two- confirm only the adequacy of the quantum formalism
slit screen, a given particle `almost for sure' will not get into (provided that the model is chosen correctly) and the Born
`sufficiently close' vicinity of the WF knot. On the other hand, postulate. It is remarkable that the projection postulate
even a hundred measurements of the particle coordinate (4.7.2), in contrast to Born's postulate (4.7.1), seems never
giving the statistical mean hxi100
1 0:1 cm, do not be used in quantitative descriptions of real experiments. Like
guarantee that the true mean value hcjxjci is not 2 cm. the notion of partial reduction (Section 4.8), it is only used in
For a classical mixture of pure states (Sections 3.3 and qualitative speculations.
4.10), the ensemble meaning is implied at the very stage of Thus, the notion of WF reduction at the moment of
preparation. If the preparation conditions are not known, measurement is so far redundant, it is only convenient for
then the question of whether an individual particle (for an obvious interpretation of the observed effects. It is an
instance, from cosmic rays) possesses a WF is a rhetorical explanation of `what actually goes on', i.e., it relates to the
one. This question has no operational sense, and the answer is fourth component of the quantum physics, to its interpreta-
chosen according to one's taste. tion (Section 2). The choice of interpretation is a matter of
Modern techniques suggest surprising possibilities for taste. (This is the difference between an interpretation and a
preparing atoms in given states c, and for controlling and theory.) Note, however, that describing quantum correlation
monitoring these states (bright recent results can be found in effects in terms of reduction and using the terminology
[99]). The `reality' of an individual WF seems to be clearly related to it (nonlocality, teleportation), one comes to
demonstrated in Section 6.6 using a realistic experiment with (pseudo)paradoxes like a superluminal telegraph. This fills
phase modulation of a particle in a two-beam interferometer. physics with an unnecessary atmosphere of mystery and
On the other hand, dynamic experiments of this kind can also provides grounds for various pseudosciences. It seems useful
be described in the framework of the Heisenberg representa- to return, from time to time, back to the beginning and to try
tion (Section 4.4), with the time dependence included into the to build the axiomatic structure within the given branch of
coordinate operator X
t instead of the WF. In this case, it physics, distinguishing between the necessary and redundant
makes no sense to imagine a moving particle as a (complex) notions with the help of an operational approach.
wave packet c
x; t changing its shape in the course of On the other hand, it is not reasonable to reject convenient
propagation. but not strictly defined notions; it is better to clarify their
Another group of problems discussed in the paper relates status. The obviousness of reduction and other model notions
to nonclassical effects (Sections 4.5, 4.6, 5.6 ± 5.8, 6.4). of physics promotes the planning of new experiments, the
Comparing the predictions of certain quantum and classical development of intuition, and the discovery of new effects. It
probability models, one comes to paradoxes demonstrating is worth mentioning the positive role of the alchemists' ideas,
that these models are incompatible. These paradoxes are Faraday's lines, various models of the ether, Dirac's concept
commonly solved with the help of the term `quantum of positrons as `holes' in a sea of particles with negative energy
nonlocality'. However, a more conservative viewpoint is or their definition as electrons moving backward in time,
possible admitting that the quantum theory is `non-Kolmo- given by Wheeler and Feynman. Several times in history,
gorovian' and it makes no sense to ascribe a priori values to `metaphysics' has turned into `physics' (atoms, antiparticles,
non-commuting variables. In this approach, several features quarks). It is possible that reduction will manifest itself in
of quantum probability models can easily be obtained. Recall future experiments (with timelike-separated events).
that `nonlocally controlled' EPR correlations have rather In Section 6.1, we presented a simple model for the
close classical analogues [56] and the contradiction between measurement of a particle's longitudinal coordinate. This
classical and quantum predictions is only quantitative. model allows one to set a relation between the parameters of
Considerable attention was also paid to one of the most the measurement devices x1 , t1 , directly measurable by means
contradictory notions in quantum physics, WF reduction as a of rulers and clocks, and the basic construction of the
result of measurement. In real experiments, the measurement quantum formalism, the function c
x; t.
procedure is never used for the preparation of a quantum In Sections 4.9 and 6.2, we tried to prove the statement
state. The preparation and measurement procedures are that the reduction postulate in the form of the Wigner
essentially different, in spite of the common viewpoint dating formula (4.9.1) is actually necessary only for describing a
from the thirties. One of the few `dissidents', W Lamb, in his narrow group of correlation experiments like time-of-flight
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 919
experiments, where one measures two or more operators that Thus, experiments where the Nicol prisms have wA
do not commute due to the interaction. If such experiments wB wC 0 must give an ideal correlation between the
were carried out, they would probably provide direct evidence photocounts observed in the three detectors, s1A s1B s1C
for the fact that the Wigner formula gives a correct hS1A S1B S1C i 1. Similarly, for wA 0 and wB wC 45 ,
description of repeated measurements. From the operational ideal anticorrelation must be observed, hS1A S2B S2C i ÿ1.
viewpoint, the Wigner formula (4.9.1) obtained by combining This result leads to the GHZ paradox (see Section 5.8).
the Born postulate (4.7.1) with the Dirac postulate (4.7.2) can
be considered as the basic measurement postulate of the Appendix II. To the theory of `quantum teleportation'
quantum theory, a generalization of the Born postulate. In The effect of the beamsplitter BS and the transformer TC in
our opinion, it is essential that according to the Wigner Fig. 5 can be described in the Heisenberg representation by
formula in one of its modifications (Section 6.2), `reduction' the following unitary transformations [see Eqn (5.4.5)]:
occurs not at one of the numerous moments ti when a particle
is registered by the first detector but at some abstract moment aj bj
aj0 p ; cx0 tC cx rC cy ;
t1 . This parameter is the argument of the distribution function 2
obtained by statistical averaging of a large series of measure-
ÿaj bj
ments, see Fig. 6. bj0 p ; cy0 ÿrC cx tC cy :
Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to P V Elyutin for
constant interest, numerous discussions, and valuable com- Here a, b, c are photon creation operators for the beams A, B,
ments throughout the work over this subject, to C, j x; y, and jtC j2 jrC j2 1. These relations define the
Yu I Vorontsov for constructive criticism, to A I Lipkin for 6 6 transformation matrix Gmn for the whole optical system.
fruitful discussions concerning the role of models in physics, The matrix Gmn relates the output operators to the input ones
and also to the anonymous reviewer for several critical and hence, allows one to express the statistics of the output
remarks which were taken into account. field in terms of the input statistics, which are given by the WF
The present work was supported in part by the Russian jci of the initial field.
Foundation for Basic Research (grant numbers 96-02-16334- According to the Born postulate (4.7.1), the probabilities
a, 96-15-96673) and the state program ``Fundamental p 0 jq 0 j2 (below, the primes of p and q are omitted) of
Metrology''. discovering the given numbers of photons in six output
modes are determined by the projections of jci on the
corresponding Fock states,
8. Appendices
h0ja10 n1 . . . a60 n6 jci
n1 ; . . . ; n6 hn1 ; . . . ; n6 jci p :
Appendix I. Eigenvectors of the Stokes operators and the n1 ! . . . n6 !
Greenberger ± Horne ± Zeilinger paradox
For the description of photon polarization, two bases are Note that in the case of one-photon states, the probabilities
convenient: the one formed by the eigenvectors jxi, jyi of the coincide with the corresponding moments,
ÿ 1 operator
S and
p the one formed by the eigenvectors ji 0 0 0
jxi ijyi = 2 of the S3 operator. According to Eqn (5.4.3), p
110010 m
Ax; Ay; Cx hcjNAx NAy NCx jci :
S1 jxi jxi ; S1 jyi ÿjyi ; S1 ji ji ; (The modes are numbered in the following order: Ax, Ay, Bx,
S2 jxi jyi ; S2 jyi jxi ; S2 ji iji ; By, Cx, Cy.)
Substitution of Eqns (II.1) into (II.2) gives the probabil-
S3 jxi ijyi ; S3 jyi ÿijxi ; S3 ji ji :
ities of all observable events. For instance, the probability
Let the incident field be prepared in the three-photon state amplitude of detecting three photons in the output modes Ax,
By, Cx is
jiA jiB jiC jÿiA jÿiB jÿiC
jci p ;
2 q
Ax; By; Cx h0jax0 by0 cx0 jci
In this case, there is no teleportation effect (no dependence on According to Eqns (II.7a) or (II.8a), the transformer TC acts
tC ). Hence, such outcomes should be excluded using a on the four events p
Ax; By; and p
Ay; Bx; (which take
coincidence circuit or a gate. place in 25% of all trials) in the same way as if it were placed in
Let us specify the input state. Let beam A at the input of the system. The joint action of TA and
TC on these events is described by the product of the Jones
jci jciA jciBC ;
II:6a matrices TC TA ; varying TC , one can measure a, b. From the
operational viewpoint, this is the essence of the observed
jciA ajAxi bjAyi ;
II:6b effect.
For another four events, p
Ax; Ay; and p
Bx; By; ,
1 ÿ
jciBC p jBx; Cyi ÿ jBy; Cxi :
II:6c the dependence on TA and TC can be made the same. For this
2 purpose, after such an event occurs, one should perform, in
accordance with Eqns (II.8b), the additional unitary trans-
Here jAxi j10 i is the state with a single x-polarized formation TC0 sz , which changes the sign of b before TC
photon in mode A, jBx; Cyi j 1001i is the state with a [75].
single photon in each of the modes Bx, Cy, and so on. The At the same time, 8 events (II.8c) where two photons are
state jciBC has p the
necessary properties bx cy jciBC fed to the same detector manifest no `teleportation' effect.
ÿby cx jciBC j0i= 2 and bx cx jciBC by by jciBC 0, (Such events occur in 50% of all trials.) They can be excluded
which provide the transition from Eqn (II.4) to (II.5). by means of an optical gate (Fig. 5). In this case, the C beam is
In the case (II.6), using Eqn (II.4) and analogous completely polarized, PC 1.
relations, we find Summing all probabilities of the form p
; ; Cx, we find
1 the marginal
P probability of detecting a Cx-photon,
Ay; Bx; Cx ÿq
Ax; By; Cx p
tC a rC b;
II:7a p
Cx p
; ; Cx hNCx 0
i 1=2. Similarly, p
8 P
Cy hNCy i 1=2 i.e., C-photons stay completely
1 depolarized, as one should expect. Thus, the transformers TA
Ax; Ay; Cx ÿq
Bx; By; Cx p
ÿtC a rC b;
8 and TC have no influence on the unconditional counts of both
detectors DCj in beam C.
rC a
2Ax; Cx ÿq
2Bx; Cx ;
II:7c Let us find the degree of polarization for beam C in the
2 presence of the controlled transformer TC0 but without the
tC b gate excluding the events (II.8c). According to (II.8), taking
2By; Cx ÿq
2Ay; Cx :
2 the inverse sign of b in (II.8b), we find the Stokes parameters
for beam C: S0C 1, S1C 0, S2C Re
a b
1=2S2A ,
Here j2Axi is the state with two x-polarized photons in beam S3C Im
a b
1=2S3A . As a result, the degree of polar-
A. The amplitudes of the form q
; ; Cy can be found by ization PC for beam C is PC
1=2 sin
yA , where
replacing t ! ÿr, r ! t, then, p
; ; Cx p
; ; Cy 1; yA arctan jb=aj is the polar angle for the point mapping
the amplitudes q
Ax; Bx; and q
Ay; By; equal zero. As a the state of photon A on the Poincare sphere [see Eqns
result, the probabilities of all 16 observable events are (5.4.2)]. For instance, for linear polarization of A-photons,
PC 1=2, and for circular polarization, PC 0. Thus, a
Ax; By; Cx p
Ay; Bx; Cx controlled unitary transformation TC0 equal to 1 or sx is not
1 sufficient for exact copying of the A-photon polarization. A
jtC aj2 jrC bj2 2 Re
tC rC a b ; gate is needed even in the case where all detectors and other
elements are ideal.
Ax; By; Cy p
Ay; Bx; Cy Let us briefly consider the same calculation in the
SchroÈdinger representation. Vector transformations equiva-
1 lent to (II.1) are given by the matrices T ,
jrC aj2 jtC bj2 ÿ 2 Re
tC rC a b ;
jAj0 i ÿ jBj0 i
Ax; Ay; Cx p
Bx; By; Cx jAj i p ; jCx i tC jCx0 i ÿ rC jCy0 i ;
jtC aj2 jrC bj2 ÿ 2 Re
tC rC a b ; jAj0 i jBj0 i
8 jBj i p ; jCy i rC jCx0 i tC jCy0 i :
Ax; Ay; Cy p
Bx; By; Cy
Here primed letters denote output modes. Substituting these
expressions into Eqns (II.6), we obtain the WF of the field at
jrC aj2 jtC bj2 2 Re
tC rC a b ;
8 the output of the scheme, jc 0 i. Let, for simplicity, TC 1,
September, 1998 Basic quantum mechanical concepts from the operational viewpoint 921
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